American vs. Canadian Snacks Taste Test

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(rooster crows) (lion roars) (wheel clicking) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. (taps snacks) - Check your voicemail. We've got a voicemail. Let's check it. - [Boy] Please leave a message after the beep. And tag, you're it. I hope I get interviewed in the video one day. Yeet, whoa. (scattered chuckling off camera) - That kinda disintegrated from a message to just like, spouting memes. - It was a list of things to say. Okay, I wanna have the joke about after the beep. - Absolutely. - Then I want a request. Then I wanna make sure I say yeet. (laughing) - Get some memes in there. - That's how I used-- - What do you think? Are they gonna be on the show? - To talk to my girlfriend in middle school. I would write down a list of all the things I was gonna talk to her about and then 90 seconds in I was like the list is over. (Rhett chuckles) Bye. - Wait, I still do that today. - You do? - I 100% still do. I get social anxiety a little bit, believe it or not. So when I go onto a first date or I'm meeting someone for the first time I have in my back pocket, a list of of things I could ask. - You got the mental list. - Write on your hand or something? - No, no, no. They could see that. Come on. - Yeah. That's what I would've done. (Rhett chuckels) (Link stammers) I could count on one hand how many time I've dated. - Same, same. - That's over. - Same. - Oh, well. I've been married almost 20 years. - Can't relate. So, I'm the saddest person here. - Sorry. (men laughing) I'm the saddest person here. - And the most Canadian. So, we've got some some Canadian snacks and their American counterparts. We tried to find things that the American version is not available in Canada and vice versa. And we're gonna try these things and then we're gonna see which one we like better. - Ooh. - Let's start with this. Do you know about this? - You don't know about? I'm actually shocked I thought this was everywhere. - Uh-uh. - Here's the thing. - Never seen this. - I'm not exactly sure how to pronounce it but how my family used to pronounce it and take this in with a grain of salt 'cause this was my immigrant parents pronouncing this from India. We called it Jewie Louie. I'm sure it's not that, though. - Let's go with that, Jewie Louie. - Jewie Louie? (Rhett laughing) - But it's delicious. - What is the real pronunciation? - J-O-S is not Jewie. - I know but my mom would always be, Lilly I bought you Jewie Louies. (men laughing) - Open it. - I refuse to correct her because, you know. - I've never even seen this. - [Stevie] It's actually pronounced Jewie Louie. (Rhett laughs) No it's not, it's not. I was doing that for you. It's just Jos. - Jos Louie? - [Stevie] We think it's Jos. - I don't believe it. - Jos Lewis? - That sounds-- - [Stevie] In French it's-- - Why does it say half in front of it? - [Stevie] Jos Louis. - Good question. They also come in the full circles. - Oh! - And this is the half version. - This is literally a half version. - Yes, it's half version. - It's kinda like a Moon Pie. - Yeah, kind of like that. - Is it red velvet cake on the inside? - Do you guys have Half Moons? You know what that is? It's like the vanilla version of this. - Yes. That's like a Moon Pie. I actually think maybe we should've had Moon Pies here instead of Cup Cakes, but you know what? - We have both of these. I'm pretty sure we have those, too. - You have Hoistess Cayup Cakes? (Lilly and Rhett laugh) - This is gonna blow your mind, though. This is amazing. Are we allowed to eat it? Oh. - Oh yeah. It's got some. Actually you know what? This is more closely related to this than a Moon Pie. Because look at that. A Moon Pie has got an almost crispiness inside, right? - This is my childhood. I used to eat 10 of these while watching Power Rangers. When I was a kid. - Oh yeah? - Yeah. - That's good. - So good. ♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪ (Lilly hums melody) - Before they went into space and stuff you know, there's normal Power Rangers. - Yeah. - Yeah. Normal Power Rangers. It was really good. - We used to have these Cup Cakes at my house at all times. I need to, you know what? - Thank you, here, I'll pass it down. Here's the thing about the Cup Cake. I'm a big fan of these Cup Cakes but I do feel like the icing in the middle is there's a bite that is way too intense. - Right, it's not spread evenly. - You know what I'm saying? The ratio's a little off on that side of the bite. - But look at that little squiggly line on top. - [Lilly] I do appreciate that. - Y'all don't have that. I don't see a squiggly line. - Typical American behavior. - On Jewie Louies. - (laughing) Jewie Louies. - [Stevie] Were you allowed to have them whenever you wanted? Like, they were in your house and then you'd just-- - Oh yeah, I was a latchkey kid. I'd go home from school and eat whatever. Bagel Bites, Jewie Louies. - [Stevie] (groans) Bagel bites. - Yeah. - The only thing, the only place my mom drew a line was on sugary cereal for some reason. - Mm-hm. - You could inject sugar directly into your veins but you couldn't have like, you know. Frosted Mini-Wheats. - Which do you think is better? They're both pretty great. - Yeah, the cream inside of the Jewie Louie is more marshmallowy. - Mm-hm. - I think one has a distinctly better taste both in cake and chocolate. - I think so as well. - It's Jewie Louie, you guys. - Thank you! That's what I think as well. - It tastes better than Hostess, I'm sorry. - This tastes like straight, just sweet sugar. This has another flavor, a richness to it. - Yeah, it does taste better. - I'm not gonna argue with that. And I like the form factor. - Canadians win this round. - Whoo hoo! - This is gonna be a difficult, bless you. This is gonna be a difficult one though. Flamin' Hot Cheetos, which Chase told us that they are only in Canada in sporadic segments of time. - Who controls that? Like, press the button, now they get Cheetos. - You Canadians, you can't handle the spice for too long. It's like whoa, whoa, whoa! Guys, this is getting a little too out of control. Tamp it down. And then it comes back. - If I had to generally say, I do think Canadians probably handle more spice than Americans. And I speak as someone from Toronto, actually. Let me clarify. Toronto we have a melting pot of all types of foods. - You're right. - We have all these spices from all over the world. - You're right. - A lot of them are really intense. - Versus Hawkins Cheezies. - Not gonna lie, never seen those. - [Link] You've never seen these? - No, I've never seen those. What part of Canada is this from? They seem very solid. - Look at that. - There're a lot of them. That's a huge Cheeto. - What in the world happened? - I'll pour these out here. - That's a big Cheeto. - We wouldn't let this happen in America. - You're not gonna find any Cheeto. Those are longer and more slender. - But, those aren't spicy. - Nope. - Oh, interesting. Okay, here we go. - I've only been in Toronto once. I loved it. The food was great. - Toronto is great. - Really good food. - Toronto's the best. - Ooh, that is a little. That a little spicy, a little spice there. - I like that, I started with the Canadian one. - I mean, the apples to apples would be normal Cheetos, which you have in Canada. - Dare I say those are too cheesy? - Yeah, they are a little. - Is that possible? - I didn't think so, but I think those are too cheesy. - I just like a hot Cheeto. - That's not possible. - I also feel like the cheese tastes a little like feet. It's like a feet cheese, you know? It's not a-- - It definitely smells footy. - Mm-hmm. - But it tastes great. - Your spice tolerance is pretty impressive, actually. You're just going for them. - I like these a lot. - Yeah. - You haven't even tasted this, man. - I also prefer the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. - That's just facts, no printer though. The Canadian side of Niagara Falls is better. You guys, I didn't even know you had a side. (men laugh) - We gotta a side. - Do you though? - It's very commercialized. - What does your side look like? I've never been. - Like casinos, I think. - It looks like-- - Museums. - A good view of the other side, which is better. You know what I'm saying? It's like, I should be over there. That's what you think when you're on the American side of Niagara Falls. I'm going-- - This is a no brainer. - I'm going with Hot Cheetos. - I'm going with Hot Cheetos. - I like these better. - Really? - Yeah, this is my vote but I'm the odd man out. - Wow. I guess Amurica won that one. - Yup. - 'Murica. - These are better than normal Cheetos 'cause they're cheesier and footier. - But, two out of three. So now we're one to one. Canada's got one, America's got one. - Remember the comment I made about spices. I retract that, I'm a pansy, I'm dying. - Let's go with another chip. - Ooh, you know what will save me? - Get a little of that. - Gooey Louie. - We've got the Canadian ketchup chip. (Lilly applauds) - I'm gonna go out on a limb and say before I even see the second chips I don't know if you can beat a ketchup chip. - And here's the thing, when people-- - Here are the second chips though. Wavy Ranch. That's something. (Rhett laughs) - It is. - I think I like this better. - I feel like when people they've never tried a ketchup chip they have a very harsh opinion about it before trying it. Because it sounds like it would be gross. But they're actually amazing. - If I remember correctly-- - They're so good. - They're very tangy. - So good. I wouldn't say they taste like ketchup. - Not really. - But they're just great. - It looks like a plum. - I don't why America has chosen to reject these. I mean-- - Why? - We put ketchup on everything. Why not chips? - Plum color. It's very, very tangy. - It's like a choice they've made. - Did you say plum colored? - Plum colored. - Plum? - That's an interesting choice. I mean, you're not wrong, but. That word in particular is. - You think this is plum? - You been playing with crayons? - Yeah, that's plum colored y'all. - You been spending a lot of time in a Crayola box. - I would not call that red, I would call that purple. Plum. - Must've been a rich kid with a 64 pack, that's all I know. (group chuckles) 'Cause to me, you know what this is? Red. - That's not red. - Let's try these crazy Wavy Ranch chips. - Look, this is right here. This color right here is red. This is plum. - When you have the eight pack it's all red. (men laugh) It's all read. - That's right. - All right, so. Let's give these a chance now. - How do we feel remember back in the day Lay's used to only be not with the wave. And then they got Wavy and it was a big deal. - Yeah, the waves are a little scary. - Why is it such a? - It's structurally sound. It's more dipable. It's to compete with the Ruffle. - Mm, mm-hm, mm. - There's no contest here, guys. - Is this, I don't even remember what the flavor was. I can't even. - Ranch. - I mean, I will say in defense of America I don't know why we determined that this is the counter part to ketchup chips. - Yeah. - That seemed a little random but this kinda felt-- - Because they don't have these in Canada. - Oh. - So we're like, you can only get on in one place that's how they choose. - We don't have ranch in Canada? - You don't have this. - They don't have waves. - You don't have this Lay's-- - No waves in Canada. - Wavy Ranch. - Here's the thing, y'all in America also just got all-dressed chips recently. You know what all-dressed chips are? - I've heard of them. I actually haven't tasted them. - In Canada that's like the best flavor but just recently, I moved here four years ago and I think one and a half years ago I went to the grocery store and I was like, all-dressed is a thing now? That is the greatest contribution Canda has ever made. - [Stevie] What is it? - All dressed? - All-dressed. It's a whole bunch of flavors combined and it's this indescribable result that's just a party in your mouth. - Hm. - It's like very salad dressing. - [Stevie] Oh, I have the list of flavors now. - Ranch, barbecue sauce. - [Stevie] It is Barbecue, ketchup, sour cream and onion and salt and vinegar. That's what all-dress is. - All in one? - It sound gross but it's so good. - I'm on board for that. - All in one flavor? - Mm-hm. All-dressed. - It's like the flavor powder of all those mixed into one thing. - All right, so for this what are we voting for? It sounds like ketchup. - Ketchup. - Ketchup. No brainer. - I agree, it packs a punch. - Canada two, America one. And this is the last round? - [Man] Yeah. - Okay, so American can only tie. - Oh, uh-oh, here we go. See, this is gonna be tough. - And if America doesn't tie Link and I are moving to Canda. - Yay! - Reese's Crispy Crunchy, which I've never had. - Never had that either. - It's like a Fast Break, but crunchy on the outside? Because there's peanuts on the outside versus Coffee Crisp. - Before we dive in, can I just say something? 'Cause I have very strong feelings about this. My favorite chocolate in the world is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, the cups. And I am just not a fan, please let me know if you agree of the variations they've made of this chocolate because it throws the ratio off. The cup has the perfect amount of peanut butter and chocolate. We got the sticks, we got the bars we got the eggs, we got the pumpkins. - You don't even like the eggs? - No. No, no, no. - Let's look at that ratio. You make an excellent point. - I don't even like the king size version of the cup. Or the mini. - Link got Beyond King Size. There's a size that's this big. It's like a joke size. - No. - Have you seen those? - I've not seen it. - [Stevie] It's called Beyond King Size? - Beyond King Size and you eat it like a pie. - I guarantee that's only in America. - You cut it. - [Stevie] Can I say that this Reese's conversation actually was a very big theme for the crew during our Halloween candy tournament this year? Somehow I got blamed for not allowing more Reese's on the board. - Yeah, because it was your fault, Stevie. - There was a whole conversation about how not all Reese's things taste the same. - You see, nope. You see, what we've done here is we put peanuts on the outside. We've thrown off the ratio. It's madness, it's mayhem. - There's peanut butter candy crisps on the outside, too. - It's pretty good, though. - I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty good. (Lilly laughs) - It's not as good as a cup but I do like it. - I actually do like the crunch factor. - Yeah. - It's nice. - You know what that crunch is? It's them trying to get in on the Butterfinger thing. - Mm-hm, mm-hm. Which I don't think count as Butterfingers now that I think about it. That's not bad. - Now you've gotta tell us about-- - It's peanut butter toffee and I don't like it. - You gotta sell us on the Coffee Crisp. - Coffee Crisp is exactly what is says it is. It's kind of like a wafery, crunchy bar. Tastes like coffee. I'm not a huge coffee fan so personally I'm on the fence about it but people who like coffee love this. - Okay, all right. - Are you a coffee fan? - I am. - I am. - I don't drink a lot of it, but I like it. Just makes my tummy upset. - Aw. - It's just a wafer in there, guys. - Mm-hm. - [Rhett] Just a wafer. - It smells-- - [Lilly] Should've had this one first before that one. - Just like coffee. - Because now all a taste is Reese's. - You need to swish? - Maybe. What do you think? - That's a thick wafer. - Mm-hm. - You could float yourself across Niagara with this thing. - You've set the stakes very high because the decision then determines where we live. - 100% (crew laughs) - Did you try yet? - It's really good though. Man, that's good. - Wow. (Lilly laughs) - What do you think? - I really like it. - It's chocolatey, it's light. - It's not too overpowering. - It's subtle. - It's got the perfect amount of cafe to it. - It's very subtle, unassuming. Very Canadian. - It's like you've dipped it in coffee and then it's dry. - Mm-hm. - So you don't have to dip it in coffee. - It's not overbearing. It's nice. - This is not an easy choice for me. - Mm-hm. - But I feel like there is a clear winner. If I had to be you know, stuck with one of these in a dark room which is where I eat my candy, in a dark room. (Lilly laughs) - Crying. - My dark candy room. - Crying, shivering, and naked? I've already gone on record-- - Thank you for that visual. - And said, yeah I've walked in on him. (Lilly laughs) - But you didn't see me because it was so dark. - I felt you. (Rhett laughs) - Oh gosh. I don't like the crispy Butterfingeriness. That's an interloping thing. It's trying too hard. I'm voting for the light, delicate coffeeness of this bar. - Well, I'm voting for the Reesie cup, bar. - First of all, that fact that you said Reesie is-- - That's what we say! - Redneck. - No, it's Reese's! What rhymes with pieces? - It's Reecie Cup. - Reecie Piecie. - Reecie Piecie. (crew chuckles) - Madness! It's madness. Okay, I-- - How does your mom say it? (Lilly laughs) - You're the tie breaker, Lilly. If you prefer Coffee Crisp you will honor all of Canada, but then we'll have to move and I really like my house. (crew chuckles) - (sighs) Canada, I guess you're gaining two more residents (Rhett laughs) because-- - There you go. - I'm going with Coffee Crisp. - We're moving to Canada! - Just beacasue-- - Whoo! - I don't like the variations of the original. This is the OG and this is trying way too hard in my opinion. - Okay, there you go. Canada has better candy, well, and chips. Snacks, whatever. Food than America. - Cool to ketchup, would ya? - Nice to catch up with you, too. Thanks for having me. - Yes, it was fun. - I have a sugar high. - [Link] Cyber Monday really means Cyber Mug-day. We're re-releasing some of our classic mugs and a new black Mythical mug. Get 'em while you can at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, gmmore, good mythical more, good mythical summer, American vs. Canadian Snacks Taste Test, lilly singh, a little late with lilly singh, superwoman, super woman, lilly, singh, canadian snacks, ketchup lays, american snacks, chips, international food, taste test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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