Jay Larson - Fathers

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about a year and a half ago I was in New York and uh I got a phone call from my brother my brother never calls me he's called me three times in ten years that's just he texts he the text guy so I know something's up so I pick up the phone I go who died and he goes dad and I was like someone's got a flair for the dramatic now my dad left when I was really young and we all stopped communicating with them around the age when I was 12 but then when I got older moved to LA I started like emailing with them so I was the only one with the relationship so my brother called me so I called my wife because things aren't real until I talked to my wife you know it's like that saying you know that's saying I don't know what I think till I hear what I say that's what it is until I tell her and I say get her get her on the phone I'm like so listen I think I'm gonna go home you know because my dad died and she goes and she's she's not a sensitive woman she goes to WHO and she's not doing it intentionally that's just how she reacts and I'm like yeah that's a good point very good point I go but I think I'll just go home and you know I'm gonna call my aunt and who I haven't talked to in 25 years and see if she can call my dad's wife and see if I can just you know go through his stuff cuz I thought that was a normal thing to do like I just you mind if I just peek around a little bit never met you before how are ya all right good and she's like what are you looking for him like I just want to get the end of the story I just want to I want to finish the book you know and she's like all right secretly I was hoping I'd find like a scrapbook of my whole life that he's been watching me forever so I take the train home and the whole time home I'm just thinking about like things I have from my dad I only have like three things one was a silver penny because history note during World War Two they used the copper for bullets and made pennies out of silver he's like I know that so I had this one silver penny and you remember Dylan McKay from nine oh two one oh yeah you thought that guy was intense I gave that penny to my high school girlfriend when she was a freshman I was like take this it's the only thing my dad ever gave me she was like I'm just the freshman I don't know like I was an intense kid and I was going home from my dad passed and it was like close to Father's Day and Father's Day was always weird for me as a kid like I remember in third grade we had to write like Father's Day cards and I was just standing like at my chair staring at this blank paper and everyone's like I love you dad I'm glad we play catch and I'm just like you know what Terrain I don't see him and mrs. Nelson was like Jason can you see me in the hall please and I go out there and she's like I'm so sorry and like married my head in her tits and I was like this is amazing I hope my mom leaves who's like the first time I ever come like what are these things later in life Father's Day became a day that I would like do things by myself I'd build something I go for a hike one year I was building something I went to Home Depot and as I'm leaving this black woman goes have a Happy Father's Day and go no I don't have any kids and she goes yeah I know but you and your dad I know my dad left when I was 2 and she goes and you'll be a better man for it who's like how can you say that to someone only a black woman gets away with that literally she hugged my soul 27 years of therapy wrapped up in one interaction at the Home Depot amazing so I get home I Drive up to see my aunt who I haven't seen in 25 years and I'm like I get to her house and I go hey and she's like hey hey she goes do you want to drink and I'm good and she goes we're drinking jack on the rocks and I go y'all have four of those and she's like so listen I called your dad's wife and she knows you're coming and she said you can go up my dad like had a workshop he was an antique dealer but he made sculptures she's like you can go through his like his workshop and all that kind of stuff and I was like all right cool I talked to her in the night went up and saw my I get to my dad's house and his wife comes the door and she's like and she's like so you know you want to go out and see his stuff it's me I never even like thought what they were thinking that like some kid shows up like hey you don't never met mine fell through my dad's old chip thanks appreciate it where's his sock drawer you have a sock drawer anywhere nearby that's where the good [ __ ] is and like my dad was like a little bit of a weird Duty and all these weird sculptures everywhere you know like he had made all these things out of stone and I'm looking around and I'm standing like in his work room in front of his workbench and I'm sitting there like oh he's stood here like he would make things here his brain would create here you know I'm a creator that's what he would do and this is where he we don't even have a relationship but now I'm standing in his space he's gone but I'm there I'm looking around and there's all these like weird sculptures I'm the youngest of four and I start seeing like four baby doll heads on top of each other I'm like four baby doll heads I wonder if that's us and then I saw another one it was like for little kids lined up and I'm like oh what's that and everywhere I looked there was just fours everything was in four and I look up and I saw a sign it said tomorrow and I was like tomorrow you'll call your son then I see a baseball with four heads I'm like oh again maybe that's us and I'm looking at it and I thought back to when I was nine I had to get a jockstrap and there was no dad around so I wanted my mom and my mom was sitting there with like this guy that worked there and she looks me she goes what size are you and if I had known I would have been like average but I didn't so we bought a large which was way too big we got home and my mother goes why don't you try it on and like I didn't know anything so I went upstairs and I came down in just a jockstrap and it's my mom my Nana or my sister like in the kitchen like is this room like a dad would take you out back and hit you a couple ground it's like is it pinching does it pinch all right no my mother walked over to it and knocked on it to make sure it worked she goes all that'll be fine I'm like I'll never wear that again Thanks so I'm sitting there in the kitchen looking at that sculpture thinking of that being like dude you could have just come to a game you psychopath you didn't need to make some damn sculpture then I couldn't take it anymore I look at the woman I'm like I got a I can't take this and I walked into the living room I start looking around and there's a bunch of penises penis sculptures everywhere I'm like oh he was in the big dicks too and my dad's wife comes out and she's like you know it's nice that you came and I'm glad you could find some stuff and I go you don't think he was tormented and she's like no I don't think so I go there's a penis with a fishhook through it you don't think that's anything oh really every day or be like what the [ __ ] is that that would have been the only thing I was thinking and she's like no I just never really you know and like I was so close to asking like did he did he talk up on me did he have anything like just waiting for her to be like well he didn't have this scrapbook of all your stuff and all your accomplishments but all she said was she goes you know he had his own apartment cuz he didn't like living here cuz of my son and I go oh really and she's like yeah do you want to go look at it I'm like yeah of course so I go to his apartment which is in an old school house and he lives downstairs and some other guy lived upstairs and I go to open the door and I do and the only sound is a fish tank in the corner of the room that's one quarter full and it's just like the filter is going and I was like how long ago did he die like keep the fish tank going it was two days but it looked like it'd been four months with the condition of the fish tank it was just like books over here on silver coins and like all antique books and the place looked decrepit like like he was living in squalor No then I went into the living room and I was like just looking like maybe there's some maybe there's a picture of me somewhere is there anything here for me nothing I go into this other room where he packed up and shipped his antiques and then I went into his bedroom and they were like the EMT rippings from where like he had died and I went and stood where he died I'm like maybe I'll have a release and let go here so I just stood there I'm like wow this is where he died didn't feel a thing look over on the bureau see four little statues of kids on my Jesus Christ guy unbelievable did you die looking looking at those I just kept looking for that release like something to show me that he cared about me or us and there was nothing there you know there's just nothing so I went back to my aunt gave her the key flew back to LA and two months later my wife and I and our son my wife is pregnant with our daughter we were coming back to that same area for a vacation and I said to her I'm like hey when we get here I want to take you to the antique store my dad worked and meet the people that he worked with and she's like okay so we get there and my son finds some toys and starts playing with the toys and I'm like I'm not buying this toy and I go up to the front like oh hey the owners here like I go to pay for it and she's like no they're not and I was like okay I'm like just this and I look over and there's a memorial of my dad - pictures of my dad and I grab one and I start walking over my son and I don't know what's going through her head she's like what's this guy who takes a memorial you're not supposed to touch memorials so I take it and my son's down playing with the toys and I just show him the picture and immediately he starts laughing hysterically like my job is to make people laugh and the one time he's ever seen my dad he starts laughing and I start bawling my eyes out and I pick him up and my wife starts hugging me and she's bawling her eyes out and I'm thinking to myself for the first time in my life I didn't feel like the gut kid who didn't have a dad I was the dad to this boy in that girl and I felt so amazing and I felt so loved and I looked over her shoulder at the woman working there and she's just staring as like who the [ __ ] are these [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jay Larson
Views: 96,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jay Larson, Jason, Thruline, Comedian, Comedy, Video, podcast, personality, talk show, internet, radio, audio, Special, Me Being Me, stand-up, stand up
Id: FPi38RxKRfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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