Jaws (1975) KILL COUNT

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You've got city hands, Mr. Janisse...been countin' kills all your life.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sgt_asshole πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I highly recommend you watch Cinefix compare the book to the movie. The book is way different than you might think.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FriskeyVsWorld πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love it when James loves the movie he’s covering, he gets so into it and it’s just amazing!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/karma_isnt_real666 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

James u forgot one more kill Your beard because u shaved it off

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YOUREABOT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn I was really hoping there wouldn't be a Dull Machete for this one, especially because he acknowledges all the kills are so well done for the film.

To this day, Nightmare 5 the only kill count to not get a full machete, which is pretty surprising.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TylerJohnson10946 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have a soft spot for the Jaws series so I've really been looking forward to these kill counts. The first one is an absolute classic. The second is surprisingly decent, with a couple kills every bit as intense as the original film. The third is just pure camp. The fourth...eh....it deserves the ribbing it will surely get.

I loved watching this kill count and James' enthusiasm for it. This was another great episode!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xander6981 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I need to work on my stream helper sheet and add the Jaws movies for the3 countries I usually take care of. Sorry I have been behind. It is on Netflix though for many regions.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Khalbrae πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

My favorite film

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/XxNathanSmithxX πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the kill cow where we tally up the victims in all our favorite horror movies I'm James Agee nice and today we're looking at Steven Spielberg's jaws released in 1975 jaws is very likely the most influential movie that'll ever be covered on the kill couch sure alien basically created the sci-fi horror sub-genre and Jurassic Park was the biggest movie ever for a few years but it's hard to name a movie that upended the entire film industry more than jaws directed by Steven Spielberg when he was only 27 years old jaws was pretty much the first summer blockbuster like ever and because of its success becoming the first movie to ever make a hundred million dollars at the box office it forever changed the way movies were made and released throughout the month of July I'll be covering the original and unrivaled jaws and its sequels of diminishing returns from the rinse and repeat jaws 2 - the sea world set jaws 3d all the way to the soapy family melodrama jaws The Revenge I've gotta be honest if I've ever seen a franchise that didn't need to exist its jaws with the first movie such an open-and-shut classic it's baffling to me that they bothered to make any more and it's even more surprising that they all continued to follow the Brody family it'll be a lot of fun to tear those lesser movies apart over the next few weeks but right now it's time for us to pay our respects to the original based on the best-selling first-time novel by Peter Benchley jaws depicts a tiny New England Island tormented by a killer shark named Bruce he's not actually named Bruce in the movie that was more of an on-set nickname courtesy of Spielberg Stephen named him that after his lawyer and he did so because the onset shark was a pain in the ass they actually had several different sharks constructed for the film from fins on boards to half sharks to a 12-ton hydraulic full shark which I called the great white turd the Sharks were constructed by a team led by Bob Matty who had made the giant squid in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea but due to the novel success the studio rushed production and didn't give Matty the time he needed to perfect his creations the mechanical problems from the various sharks cost an already arduous film shoot extra time and money everything that could go with a shark went wrong with the various sharks in fact production took a grueling seven months from start to finish proving Richard Dreyfuss his original assessment pretty accurate this sounds like it's gonna be a great movie I'd rather watch this movie than shoot it because it's gonna be a bitch to shoot I don't think anyone would say that all the problems weren't worth it though considering the impact that Jaws continues to have on popular culture to this very day well the movies killcount match its massive influence let's find out and get to the kills the movie begins at a beach blanket party where spit is swapped and joints are passed one sandy beach babe Chrissy Watkins makes eyes at a guy named Tommy and entices him to follow her for a midnight skinny-dipping or a sunrise skinny-dipping yeah hey get that Magic Hour lighting for your naked Bob's yeah Chrissy winds up in the water by herself after Tommy Tucker's out and there's not a single person watching this video who doesn't know what happens next down from below and unseen shark approaches in an unforgettable point of view shot and starts to tug Chrissy below the surface despite the urban legend actress and stunt performer Susan Backlund II was not actually injured during her iconic thrashing so no her screams and cries of it hurts aren't a result of actual broken bones or anything she was just reacting with legit surprise as they tugged her back and forth with the pulley system she was rigged up too after 45 seconds of struggling Chrissy has pulled beneath the surface capping off this opening sequence with cinemas most iconic kill since psycho shower scene Jaws a shark tastic tale takes place on Amity Island a fictional new island town in Long Island New York that was played by real-life Island Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts Martha's Vineyard lends the movie a perfect small-town flavor and its selection as a shooting location by production designer Joe Alves cannot be overlooked Chrissy's crab infested corpse is found on the beach by police chief Martin Brody who sombrely removes his glasses and types up Christie's cause of death as sister sister shark attack chief Brody played by Roy Scheider is new to Amity having just moved here with his wife Ellen and their two sons Michael and Shaw and he's still seen as an outsider by the island's small-town populace maybe they'll like you a bit more if you keep working on the local accent Brodie in the end not too fast I'm DK you'll get it because of the shark attack Brody wants to close down the beaches but amedy a tiny tourist town is gearing up for its annual fourth of July celebration so mayor Larry Vaughn and some other town leaders including a guy named meadows played by the film's co-writer carl gottlieb Corner Brody on a ferry during a real fun long one take and tell him hey newbie don't fuck with the program Amity is a summer town we need summer dollars the mayor even gets the town doctor to tell Brody to reclassify Chrissy's death as the result of a boating accident after all there's no proof of any shark and the mere mention of one could ruin their economy yo yo shark we've got a panic on our hands on the 4th of July so Brodie is forced to stay quiet and let the awesome editing do the talking as he sits on the beach and vigilantly watches everyone who might be putting themselves in danger how about that is that a Sharky boy brodester yeah it's just an old dude in a swimming cap get a hold of yourself man this whole scene is a masterpiece and editing and sound design and was often shown in my film classes as an example of how to build suspense it all pays off when the shark returns for real and more point of view shots accompanied by John Williams's oscar-winning shark theme [Music] Bruce's second victim is a young boy named Alex Kentner who explodes into a fountain of blood that gives police chief Brody a bad case of the Vertigo's ha ha and all those kids are swimming around in Alex's blood water dick everyone else in the water retreats back to land leaving Alex's mom mrs. Kettner to discover by deduction that it was her son who bit the big one or I guess got bit by the big one at a town meeting Brody once again says that they need to close the beaches causing a ruckus among the town folk whose livelihoods depend on summer dollars they're clamouring is only broken up by esteemed British actor Robert Shaw making on Carlos killing entrance this near-mythical man is Quint the sea captain II a sea captain who's ever helm - in he offers his services to hunt down and kill the shark but only for a considerable fee that he refuses to split $10,000 for me by myself so that you get the head the tail the whole damn thing instead of hiring crazy pants Quint and paying him that blood-red grant money Mayer mustard suit makes it compromise to shut down the beaches for only 24 hours in the meantime Alex Skinner's mom has put out a three thousand dollar bounty on that shark's head which means all sorts of wacky characters are gonna be trying to get them shark bucks like these two dudes who use a dinner roast to try to snare the Beast only to end up destroying the doctor standing on or all these out-of-towners the next day who are so excited to catch that fish they're overloading boats and tossing dynamite into the water they're even taking dogs out with them whoever heard of a shark hunting dog I'd tell you in the it's too this confusion oceanographer Matt Hooper played by Richard Dreyfuss arrives to give Brody consultation regarding shark manners one look at Chrissy walkins his arm and Hooper knows this wasn't a boating accident it was a shark somebody called he had this poor tiger shark is a victim of that speedboat Posse and the whole town is eager to celebrate its capture as a vanquishing of their aquatic evils even if they've never heard of a tiger shark before oh what a tiger shark oh what a tot you know what never mind Hooper measures the tiger sharks feeding hole and determines that the bite radius on this animal was different than the wounds on the victim whew mayor Mick sharp suit don't like that kind of talk and neither does Alex Kittner 'he's mother just kidding she's not slapping Brody overbite radii she's mad at him because he knew about Christie's death but didn't close the beach before her son got killed the encounter leaves Brody wracked with guilt with nothing able to cheer him up except maybe his youngest son Shawn imitating his every move in a cute and classic scene that they came up with on the spot it's friggin adorable and would probably cheer any parent top shark tough guilt or not Hooper stops by the Brody house and after stealing Brody's uneaten plate and getting the police chief drunk with a whole bunch of wine the two of them spark a bromance that I absolutely love they drunkenly head down to the docks and cut open the tiger shark a wood to see if the kitten or boy's body is inside but instead all they find is what is that milk no no milk and fish I guess and a license plate yolk Tiger Shaw you've been swimming with expired tags with no boy body in their possession they know there's another really big shark out there so these drunk asses take Hooper's boat out to find it right then and there the boats loaded with shark tracking technology all of which Hooper says he paid for himself kidding no you rich yeah they tracked down a beat-up boat that Brody recognizes is owned by local fisherman Ben Gardner a hell of a minor character who we saw earlier when Hooper first arrived hello hello back then Gardner was played by Martha vineyard local and actual grizzled fisherman Craig Kingsbury he improvised a lot of his own dialogue and his peculiar turns a phrase sometimes wound up in the script as part of quints dialogue in fact it was mr. Kingsbury who provided the famous line blue gills and Tommy Cod's I like gluing down the foundation bluegill Tommy Koch now Hooper may not know Craig Kingsbury or he even been gardener for that matter but he does know he's got to check out this bow hall he swims down there and finds a hole in the hall with a tooth to boot oh and a masterful jump scare thanks to Ben Gardner's dead phrase this corpse reveal is one of my favorite jump scares in all of horror and I love the story behind it too during an otherwise successful test screening of the movie this moment didn't get as big a reaction as Spielberg had hoped for the studio thought it was fine and told them to let it go but Spielberg spent $3,000 of his own money to reshoot the scare in a swimming pool back in Los Angeles then he and his editors the legendary Verna fields who won an Oscar for her work on jaws cut a ton of different versions until they found the most effective possible timing for the scare that kind of dedication is what makes Steven Spielberg Steven Spielberg Brody and Hooper once again tell the mayor that he needs to close the beaches on account of a great white killing machine in their waters and once again mayor negligence tells them that they're Outsiders who don't understand the islands economy he'd rather Brody go after the town's street artists who have been vandalizing the town's only billboard with Sunday newspaper comic quality graffiti and that is not a compliment oh well maybe the fourth of July crowd won't be too bad this oh no that's so many people there's people everywhere oh god what are we gonna do with all these no what the fuck dude stop that's too many people for shark town USA yeah a manie's Beach gets nasty packed but with shark team six out on the water and in the air people are reluctant to actually go swimming probably doesn't help that there's a live report about the recent shark attacks done by a newscaster played by the author of the Jaws novel and co-writer of the film Peter Benchley eventually the mayor convinces one of his compatriots into making the water looks safe by going for a swim geez dude you can risk your life for dear mayor all you want but you don't have to drag your kids into the shark water too the plan worse and everyone succumbs to peer pressure and gets in the water as well except for Brody son Mike who he restricts to the offshoot pond I know but just do it for the old man the people on the playa all splash around basically ringing the dinner bell for old Brucie and when a fin appears behind some of the swimmers a shark panic breaks out that causes kids to cry and dudes to get trampled hard to believe that all this chaos was caused by a couple of little shit birds with way to Pro a prank budget I'll tell you what though the water around them probably just got a whole lot warmer well they presumably arrest these kids someone sees a real shark headed through the channel into the estuary aka the old lady pond watch out now little boys thankfully for Mike Brody and his Brody bros there's a random dude between them and Bruce and that's who the shark knocks into the water to secure its fourth kill of the film hobo I will know Bruce missed out by not eating that way legs are great deep-sea fried Bruce obviously this is totes bad news for the mayor and Brody drives the point home in no uncertain terms here the mayor of shark City he gets the vulnerable mayor to sign a contract hiring crazy old Quint who is uniquely suited for this job his only form of home decor is shark jaws and guess what the dude eats for dinner shark jaws ooh Brody convinces Quinn's to let Hooper come with them on the hunt even though the shark assassin doesn't trust Hooper city hands or college learning all right hey I don't need this I don't need this working-class ear oh crap with one last hug goodbye to his wife Alan Brody boards Quinn ship the Orca and the three very well defined characters set out to spend the rest of this movie together out on the water most of movies second half is just expertly acted scenes between the three league so it's great to watch even if it doesn't make for a lot of killcount material there are some humorous character moments and some exposition for explosive endings this is the Christian just screw around these tanks and they're gonna blow up but after a few eventless hours at see things on the Orca are getting boring like break out a game of solitaire boring stop playing with yourself Cooper might as well Chum the water and see if it brings anything up Brody like a shot motherfucker and Bruce is a big boy too you're gonna need a bigger potion fun fact that iconic line wasn't written by any of the many screenwriters it was improvised by Roy Scheider also just to show how many problems the mechanical shark gave them beer it is fucking up that classic shot Oh Bruce he's so shady they estimate the great white to be 25 feet long which yeah is at least 25 reasons to break out the collapsible harpoon in an effort to track the Beast Quinta's Hooper tie a barrel to his spear and then fires it into the shark wait I thought the expression was shooting fish in a barrel not shooting fish with a barrel they start to follow the shark in its new yellow barrel towel but Bruce Lee pulls it down underwater with him which leaves Brody calling for quits while an awkward dissolve takes us into the night yeah but we could Radio letting in a bigger boat the fuck was that shows how even a masterpiece of cinema can have the occasional clumsy craftsmanship the boys have a belowdecks slumber party filled with booze and eventual camaraderie that comes from a comparison of their accumulated battlestar sorry Brody appendectomy scars don't count especially not after Quint reveals that he was on the USS Indianapolis a real-life world war two battleships that successfully delivered the atom bomb before getting torpedoed the survivor suffered five days of shark attacks before they were finally rescued the few that were left anyway so evidence Uzi men come out of the sharks took the rest [Music] quints monologue is a classic scene that was put in the script by uncredited contributing screenwriter Howard Sackler and it provides a great reason for why he's so shark obsessed I also love that Richard Dreyfuss didn't even have to act here as he looks in awe at Robert Shaw Robert told that story I couldn't keep my eyes off him as the Sun begins to rise and a familiar yellow barrel approaches the ship the three amigos are so drunk that they're belting out tavern songs together that gives Bruce the perfect opening to start holy shit just tear on this whole ship apart and knocking out the power oh how are they gonna play Nintendo now the shark swims away from them again and in the morning the barrel resurfaces while their Millennium Falcon eing the Orca they tried pulling in the rope to tie it to their ship but that only leads to another shark attack watch it now the admittedly not great looking shark swims around their ship and when it's off the bow Quint shoots it with another harpoon attaching another barrel to it so they can go on another shark chase but I think this shark chase might go a little smoother than their last one judging by John Williams's music here [Music] sure enough they catch up to the shark and Quint harpoons it again and he'll even Brody lands a couple of shots on the fish they're finally able to tie the shark rope to their ship and start to tow the thing in but Bruce is so big the ship can barely hold it and even worse that dumbass looking fish is starting to chew straight through the ropes I don't know that shooting again I guess the shark thrashes around and starts quite the commotion on deck and in no time at all the tours have become the toad as Bruce pulls the ship in the direction he wants to go his tugging floods the Orca in the process so even after Quint cuts the line with a machete the ship is a waterlogged mess it makes slow speed as Quint finally turns it back towards land all while the shark and its barrel parade continues to chase after them Quint pushes the ship too hard and blows out its engines leaving them sitting ducks on a boat that barely remembers how to be a boat here's supposed to flow brah with no other options they turn to Hooper shark kage and a plan to poison the shark with a spear when it gets close enough yeah have fun with that Hooper he descends below the surface and gets an immediate visit from the underwater welcome committee comprised entirely of Bruce the shark welcome to the ocean Marlin fracas one of my favorite things I learned researching this movie is that Hooper stunt double for this scene was none other than dick warlock yea man Michael freaking Myers from Halloween to slash that one Android from Halloween 3 slash that nice old man I interviewed once at the Halloween 40 convention I love it Bruce's surprise attack knocks the poison sphere right out of Hooper's hands and down to the ocean floor below the shark then tears the cage open and engages in a tooth and knife fight with Hooper before the oceanographer manages to escape and swim away to safety on the shallow sea bed Bruce gets caught in the cabling for the shark tank and this actually wasn't in the original script you see shark experts Ron and Valerie Taylor shot real shark footage for the movie off the coast of Australia at one point while they were shooting with a thankfully empty shark cage a great white actually got caught him the cabling and thrashed around for a good long while even hitting Ron in the face with its tail although the cage ended up breaking away from the boat the shark was okay in the end and since they had all this crazy footage they figured might as well write it into the movie after tearing the ship up some more shark regroups for another attack and when it does it's a doozy cuz that 25-foot Amity Menace swims right up onto the orcas deck and starts pulling it down underwater Brody and Quinn starts sliding down the deck Titanic style and Quint ends up sliding right into Bruce's mouth his death at the hands of the shark is a messy bloody Mel villian affair and it's one of those moments where it's fun to remember that this movie is PG since the pg-13 rating wasn't introduced until 1984 the orcas had enough of this shit and is calling it a day which is bad news for chief Brody but just fine for Bruce that is until Brody tosses the shark and oxygen tank as a treat and the stupid fish accepts his gift and swims away with it in his mouth and so when Bruce comes back for one last pass Brody climbs the mast of the sinking ship and starts to shoot at the fish he who have one I hit him there chief someone order sushi I know I only put humanoids on the kill count but I made an exception for Cujo so here's another one for Bruce but that's only cuz it's the og jaws them sequel sharks ain't getting shit you hear me with the shark dead Hooper resurfaces and lets Brody know that those rumors of his death were greatly exaggerated quit oh no sorry those rumors were true the Quinton was he's dead the movie ends with the two men paddling back to land and if only the jaws franchise had ended there with though how many people and sharks named Bruce were killed in Jaws let's find out in the numbers [Music] there were six deaths in Jaws as long as you let me flap my own rules and include Bruce among them that means the victims were one part female 4 parts male and one part shark giving us a tiny taste of fish pie with a runtime of 124 minutes we had a kill on average every 20 point 6 7 minutes I'll give the golden chainsaw for coolest kill to Quint honestly every death in this movie is done pretty well but Quinn's takes the gold because all that blood makes it feel so damn horrific doll machete for lamest kill will go to Alex Kentner but only by default it's not Alex's fault that he's up against a severed leg and awesome jump scare an iconic opener and a freakin shark didn't blown the fuck up and that's it jaws came out in 1975 and changed the film industry forever its sequels weren't nearly as successful but we're still gonna look at him starting with jaws 2 next week until then I'm James a Jenice this has been the kill count thanks a lot for watching the jaws kill cam I want to thank some patrons like Kelsey Atwell Robert Reese Casey Gally Zachary Roberts Heather Lovelace and Zach Greeley the more I rewatched and learned about this movie the more it's just so fucking amazing and yes jaws counts as a horror it's a monster shark eaten people what do you want thanks everyone be good people
Channel: Dead Meat
Views: 4,764,580
Rating: 4.9219971 out of 5
Keywords: steven spielberg, peter benchley, richard dreyfuss, robert shaw, lorraine gary, john williams, jaj, films, dead meat, brody, shark attack, james a. janisse, hunt, shark, hooper, horror, jaws, murray hamilton, water, roy scheider, classic, great white, quint, scary, DMKC, kill count, new england, amity island, pine commander boogie, body count, kills, movies, stephen, mayor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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