Japanese Freeze-dried Meals | Chicken Katsu Oyakudon & Edamame Soup

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greetings everybody welcome to a Japanese freeze-dried meal episode this is a lineup of amazing foods from a mano-a-mano foods but today it is all about the chicken katsu or yaku don't look how delicious this looks and then over here we have edamame soup really good edamame is so healthy but does it taste good as a freeze-dried porridge potage and does this look good does it taste good with rice we're gonna be trying this as a no yoko Dolan or dome bootie so stay tuned because cone is holding the lights right here we can we can turn off the mood lights here okay the opening is over it's time time for lunch it's good to see everybody welcome back so welcome to the kitchen which is a very small Japanese kitchen this is Kenai and this is me we are going to be having lunch which is an unusual one I'm not somebody who eats a lot of freeze-dried foods I'm not eat up a night to shore hmm yeah I'm not a big fan of instant ramen either it's kind of high in sodium not the best healthiest food for you but maybe this is okay let's see how it goes Kenai is gonna be our chef in the kitchen today yeah I'm pretty excited about this so let's start off with the soup first maybe don't still soda don't you guys yeah let's boil some water not sorry oh it's not yeah yes sister chicken cuts it Wow you also can put on lights but you can just eat like this oh so oh wow so the directions say oh this one is for dumb buddy this is mobile NASA this is spicy eggplant on a bed of rice with some of the mini mob will not wait so the meat is already in there everything is yes all together because it's like this is like the stuff that the astronauts would eat 120 milliliters of hot water into a bowl and wait about 30 seconds it says and so you can eat it like this you don't have to put it on rice is that what you're saying yes on rice oh but I want it on rice is that wrong of me all right let's put it in put it in the bowl wait which bowl we're gonna use this one or this one buddy ball I bought this a long time ago look at the pattern it's so pretty did you buy a fritter boshy that's gonna bust you Chiba and D actually the expiration date on these is surprisingly shorter than you thought you thought it would be this one expires next one yeah May 2020 it's so light it's how is this me being soup this is lighter than it feels like a sheet of paper hold a second you can carry tofu well then you're the sound of it it's very edamame Papa yeah listen to it dropping the ball I think you can hear the sound of it it's just kind of crispy light and a mommy soup oh it's certain to come together look at this that's awesome how much water 120 milliliters sir I think that's less than a cup of water mix it so mix it up hmm they should have alphabet soup I want to see all the ABCs in their alphabet edamame soup katakana hey Tom thanks a lot Tom Burns in the house you are arguably the premier chronicler of urban living in Japan you and wonderful kanae-chan keep many self-imposed CV 19 anchor I previous company thank you thanks for the comments I appreciate that this is a Tomomi yeah I actually have another one and I'm thinking about putting this in the daimyo packages for May if you're a patreon supporter I might put one or one or two of these in here it's interesting you can eat the Japanese food and it transports pretty well this one chicken katsu and Amato foods is interesting they have these as limited-edition goods meaning they only make a limited run of them they sell them out and then you'll find something new now this one and we're gonna try to do next week so if you're interested in freeze-dried foods definitely subscribe we're gonna be doing more of these this is a nebby tempeh shrimp tempura nabe yaki udon which is not grilled in a in a pot in a pot you don't with shrimp tempura and I again it expired in like last month but we're on the fringe it's still good this is gonna be opened up and met in next week we're gonna do this one part of our stay at home cooking episodes who done with tempura shrimp Jim tempura Jim a shrimp nice freeze-dried this is these are freeze-dried not frozen freeze-dried meaning there's so light I'm really curious to open this one up if you guys want us a hit up let's even get the 250 likes community go to work Brainerd Walker's in the house that chicken katsu doesn't look really good I do you think it's what do you guys think do you think it's gonna look as good as the picture I get a feeling that it never does but this actually looks pretty similar I don't know this cost about two dollars and fifty cents I think neko neko in Grandia go good yeah yeah thanks for that Brendon all right looks good you want a truck should we try it yeah who try I guess you should try it first and then if it's good let's move on and make this part of a meal set at the end I want to show you something really beautiful for a thumbnail all right let's try go ahead you can you can sip it slowly oh you want should we put pepper in it chewy pepper this is pepper from don't have any pepper this is the Trader Joe's everyday season yeah all right just give a little bit of a good call good call but good call this is from parent pair line pair line I am thank you good call happy Easter everybody yeah [Music] it's good it's taste edamame and potato potato ooh okay some to share that share please for better or for worse in sickness my oh I shouldn't have done that no it's like halfway finished it's like halfway finished now sorry this is really you see the the chunks in there let me get in there that's but chunks of potato and edamame I could yeah chunks of edamame and potato it's really good it's really good edamame is a green bean do you see this it is a green soy bean and it's it's served eaten fresh like this in Japan it's so healthy it's such a great snack brendham sees here thank you food staccato dancin dancin that's a bean right there that's a bean from Europe cool let's try this yaku dawn now this is a chicken katsu yoku Dom I think they're both the expiration date on this is July 2020 yeah and there's the website if you want to take a look at it Amano FD JP they have a shop inside of one of the stations here yeah so this is pretty easy July 2020 so that's a good expiration date let's give this a try boom I hold the camera ship Kenai at hot at work this is the easiest cooking that you've ever had to do I thought that this is gonna be the future who taught okay whoa whoa check that out it's light it is really light it's a it's got a lot of air in there Wow oh it's got like a soy sauce smell to it salty it's very smells good I thought that this is gonna be the future of eating Jenny who watched Back to the Future right then they have like all this all the science fiction movies had like remember aliens and all the deep space movies they had freeze-dried food just add water and and it would become like an amazing meal we're gonna see in about like 30 seconds if this actually comes true this is the future and that's what I love about this this company they actually every time I walk by there's their little booth that they have there's some weird new contraption weird new dish that they've made you ready I'm ready the question is are you ready out there watching we hold on let me get the light get rid of this thing here nice and neat for Tina Pro they do I've seen qiraji this is kind of like Carnegie actually this is a a cut-set I'll come to life come to life we're gonna find out where that chicken is in there 1 2 minutes 120 cups I don't know did you read the label I wasn't looking I was doing Oh OSU the chicken I see the chicken no wait that's okay you don't want to add too much water you don't want to add too much water cut I think we added too much water it much I don't know because it looks watery now I think we just wanted to add enough to bring it out I think we added too much I don't know we're gonna find out I've never done this before but look at the transform it's alive Brendan Brendan Wrightson whoa well kind of you're separating it oh that's too much water yeah we're gonna have to take some water out no use a spoon cuz we don't want to lose the essence okay we got too excited yeah how come Martie asks and measured before pouring question mark probably a good idea Marty that's why we have to in case we mess up there's a backup and we just got too excited what can I say deuk-gu writes in too much water alright as we remove the water and part of the egg chef can I you supposed to know these things it's my fault I should don't waste food yeah you know what no one's gonna be licking that out of the sink okay oh that looks much better there we go that is incredible so it came from what looked like a sponge like a dirty sponge and turned into this dish yeah that's pretty amazing it is appetizing this is something I got to sneak into design your packages oh there's a fourth piece of chicken oh wow what alright let's put this on rice now can we do that yeah alright let's try this is that don't don't boo tea smells so good I'm pretty excited about my deep-fried my freeze-dried meal here right Taylor Mac rates an incredible how the chicken popped it is it just kind of went from a sponge to a meal I did not expect that Thank You Zoey Wow so I guess I've seen the chef's is it is it done enough you think I guess it's we we're gonna find out this is two minutes on there oh so it's done just 30 seconds for this and then you throw that on top of the rice there I think I was gonna try to make this look presentable I've seen the chefs they just kind of dumped it on there like that look at that I did not expect that to come don't forget the eggs that's right Zach dump it on there can I just do it it should go into that that sauce should soak into the water you can I think you're supposed to to just put it on the rice okay no that's right it's supposed to go in the rice yeah that's right an artist at work writes and Ronald I cannot disagree with you it's cool that looks really shockingly good I did not expect that do you think it was real chicken yeah yeah I'm pretty sure but that's not a definitive yes it says real chicken according to the package yeah this is this is a live stream so watch the playback at some interesting questions here so this is the meal right here we're gonna try this let's see if we get the 500 likes community let's gather together if you're just joining us likes is what makes it fuels us besides this food that is really that's 500 likes we're gonna devour this oh look at that Wow I'm turning into Trevor from Ranger oh yeah nice it is really really pretty isn't it I like that the sauce is soaked now we saw it in the bowl it looked kind of watery but now it's soaked into the rice it's gonna be so much better all right let's take it let's put it into this camera here can i I set it up so we can take a picture to remember this moment because I figured I figured that all of you all of you are going to be we're waiting for you to get to give us some likes here so we can continue this livestream as you do we're gonna take a thumbnail for this video to celebrate and in one minute we're gonna try this out here it's pretty good all right you want to hold the soup chicken cops we gotta take a good thumbnail gotta sell the video all right hold it up but you're not faces and then it cannot you have to just yeah that's better right here director director we do a video and then take a screenshot of it I know how cheesy this is look yeah you got to take a good thumbnail you gotta take a good thumbnail we didn't even get the 500 likes ah Shoob ha writes in here to tamil a happy easter to both of you kindly recommend some vegetarian soup they do this is vegetarian this is a tamam a platonic with a little bit of potato we believe in there it is it says in here vegetables are in here all they put chicken extract in there it's important to read the labels yeah chicken soles what about in this miso soup is this vegetarian yeah but they are using fish for dusty ah they use the fish dashi the fish soup stock so it's not 100% yeah I'll tell you what I'm trying to get in contact with this company I'm gonna ask them if they can make some vegan stuff or or if they have an idea they see for Japanese cuisine they always put a little bit of meat in there for flavor they'll put a little bit of yeah this is freeze-dried amazake which is we will try that tomorrow or next week in the livestream we're gonna be doing an abbey dieudonné shrimp this expired last year it's gonna be fine it's freeze-dried how bad can it be if it's expired right I think the expiration date is debatable all right cool let's try this now we gotta try this and see if if it's something that we want to eat in the future could this be a meal could this be something that we we like let me get a picture of this for Instagram right I travel with a light and we when we have to do inst Instagram videos and photos and stuff it's always good to have a light because that's it it's just good to have it that looks beautiful good it's hard to believe that this is freeze-dried I'll put this on Instagram so you guys can take a closer look at um chopsticks oh you have it oh you're gonna let me try oh that's very kind this smells like a meal that came from this smells like a meal that came from a restaurant it really does check it out I can't put the bowl underneath here look at that piece of chicken this is insane this is what chicken I know this looked like a sponge um about three minutes ago and now it looks like a piece of real chicken it is general chicken but it's impressive how it came from from where it was to where it is now freeze-dried food how but how good is it let's give this a try here this is the moment of truth as a man who salata oh yeah codon and katsudon and other food it's be good didn't give us mmm it's good alright it's good but you check out the the meat grade in here that looks like it was freshly caught right it's good but it's not this it's not quite the same alright go ahead and eat it go ahead and eat it I'm gonna get I'm thinking of my this is a mono foods hmm it's not watery because the water has gone the soup has gone into the rice which makes the rice even more flavorful it's really good but it looks edible Chris Hanson writes in here you got that right but um it's not it's not tofu now this was real chicken don't get don't get don't get us wrong this is real chicken it was just freeze-dried and if you're just joining us look back and you'll see it look like a sponge but the meat is not the same juiciness I guess I don't know at all it's more soft its softer so after than that fresh chicken yeah but when I eat it it's chicken everything tastes like chicken now right yeah so it's defined its different but it tastes good well as we say in in Thailand same same but different it's a it's a saying now the question can I you are on interstellar or some or on that alien spaceship I should pick a spaceship that had a happy ending would you eat this food a 2001 Space Oddity no that ship didn't have a happy ending any space ship in any movie have a happy ending would you eat this on a spaceship and be happy would you say this is like you're in a deep sleep for one year you come out and you're craving and oyakodon is this good enough it's good it's good enough if you went to a restaurant how much would you pay for this that's the question Space Camp had a happy ending yeah five hundred yen you would pick no way really so this I think is cost about three dollars 20 cents does freeze-dried it does have an expiration date which is about six months about 350 for this the rice you have to pay for that but you you don't have to actually eat this with the rice you have a choice to eat this as is just in a bowl right just put water and eat it but dump if you're eating on rice as a dumb Bodi it's I I think it's it's priced right actually I pay about $3 for this I wouldn't pay more because cuz you can get fresh if if the worst of the worst and no more restaurants are available on the last surviving person and I found amount of foods I would be extremely happy alright but because there's restaurants selling this on like every corner of Tokyo yeah it's not quite I don't know it's I would pay you can get a katsudon at at Fuji and what is it - your son arrested on Fuji yeah fujiyoshi I forget the name of the restaurant she got she got the restaurant it's a chain like a McDonald's of Japanese food company hunky day ticket to cut day its own restaurant and I'm an auntie Fuji but you saw about yeah I mean I didn't get lose you so but you can get this for about 500 yen with a soba soup on the side yeah make her brain work great sit Muji Silva right dice que dice que York way rates in it I used to go to food you serve all the time how would I forget that they have an amazing 500 yen lunch of katsudon and soba set and it's it's hard to price that and then say that this is worth 350 yen I think maybe that's right that's spot-on really interesting yeah it had a dream it does yeah it's a dream come true but this edamame porridge Wow that's really good don't kid yourself ah this mobile now really hmm should we eat that now or do you want to wait I don't know I don't know we didn't even get to 500 likes oh forget on that Megan anymore this one's noodles yes what oh it is this is a noodle soup with matsutake what is that mushroom there no Michael oh yeah a little nah Michael yeah we didn't get to 500 likes so we're gonna be ending this but I'll tell you this is pretty interesting concept Kimiko so there's no chemicals this is from a mono foods for those I think it was Kevin who asked how are you doing coming you should make you should make some food for Kuma's kitchen freeze-dried chefs day off this one we're gonna be eating next week either somewhere in the middle of the week like Tuesday Wednesday Thursday this is a shrimp tempura grilled dieudonné Bowl nabe yaki yeah and it expired last month but it's still good we're gonna the bowl is in here all you gotta do is add water all you do is add water I got this from amount of foods as well they have a shop near Tokyo Station that I've gone to before I got a point card and if I buy more they give me a free one every 21 I buy 20 of them I buy or something yeah I will be putting Amano Foods in the daimyo package for next month hopefully the mail still working yeah you'll still get enough rice here so I guess we could eat some more lunch yeah actually the rice goes into our rice into our bread maker down there yeah that is Gamal dansk on the floor that's game we'll dance you don't ask questions we put rice in the bread maker by Panasonic and we can make mochi bread which is really good so if you never have to waste any rice again yeah final thoughts can i what did you think [Music] I like this idea idea we have many many many kinds of variety then if you working up office so it's good for lunch yeah so many Japanese hurry mumbling oh bento lunch box what they going out but if you don't have a time you just can't go in there then put water from office then you can eat yeah it makes it pretty simple mmm to make a meal the eye and the thing I like about these is it's so light it's crucial it weighs almost nothing when you take the water out of something it gets really really light it's amazing how much of the weight is actually water weight but with this foods what they've done with it they've made it like I could I could put in like like a meal and it weighs how much does this weigh hold on a second check this house we got a scale right no I have I have the chicken here ready 62 grams you know how light that is this is half of the weight of an iphone all right that's half the weight of an iPhone and the edamame 20 grams that's ridiculous so together these these to weigh less than an iPhone 13 grams the pasta 44 to 4 grams this is still like less this is about this that's how much an iPhone weighs about 20 grams that's ridiculous 23 grams I'm amazake 34 grams so altogether it's about 250 grams right there and then this this has the bowl in it but we take the water out it's a hundred and ten grams you take away the bowl and this the food in itself is like it's probably about 80 grams which is ridiculous this is a meal inside here we're gonna eat this next week this is very good for camping but it does break apart but doesn't matter because the water makes it look like this which is incredible and very edible if you're craving Japanese food this is something that you can take home with you and it'll last six months yeah very good thanks so much everybody for watching yeah I saw we got the 500 likes but it's it's time it's it's it's about the time if you just catch us when we call them legs is there anything else that we can try here cuz I know that you might maybe we'll try one more I hate to disappoint hey didn't you point our audience which one dude which one should we try I'm gonna let the Internet's decide all right I'm gonna let döner to decide we got if we can get to all right hey look if I do this I need you guys to come through we can go way better than 600 likes all right I was so so gonna end this because I just did a 90 minute patreon livestream all right I was so gonna end this I'm doing this for you you get guys step up here John stepped up walk John Wakamatsu stay safe thank you so much stay indoors stay safe everybody all right I'm gonna let you decide we have here the Negi soup actually the mobile now so I'm taking it out of the equation here because that's a whole right now we did we already ate this once we need three choices so the miso soup this is a a Negi miso soup this here is salmon and cream pasta and this here is new men which is a noodle soup what do you think here and ones like pasta red bean pasta pasta salmon pasta noodles noodles somebody wrote noodles anything else what's the middle package that's salmon and pasta with is that edamame here yes edamame salmon cream pasta yeah pasta please salmon stay safe everyone somebody said miso soup we got one for the miso soup the race is on it's between the noodles and the salmon now noodles salmon noodles cream pasta I'm I'm with edamame the Beatles ah all right it seems like the pasta wins here I don't know I don't know everyone's rating in pasta I know somebody made me so uh hey we're gonna try this one here because mmm we got somebody just took their like away I saw that I went from 667 to 666 that's awful somebody start liking right now come on okay we get back to 16 so I tell you somebody disliked it because we picked the noodle the pasta yeah all right so we're gonna try this yeah I guess so all right extended bonus time for the people so tell us what vegetables are there's lemon in there interesting this is all freeze-dried into this let's open her up see what we got here that's what these freeze-dried look like oh yeah but you can see in there there's the pasta do you see that all right Samuel rates in here 100 milliliters of water this time can i Samuel is very strict in here yeah use the measuring cup here we got that here that's for the bread maker um it should be okay just put a hundred milliliters in there do it quickly before it melts I don't think it'll melt one one hundred know how good many Caetano 100 we can see NASA food this would be called JAXA food and because JAXA is Japan's space organization's name whoa it's coming apart Chicago Africans got that right let's get the 750 okay don't touch it okay yoku make yeah mix it well that went from like a sponge to this oh there's the vegetables in the middle any beans in there sing my favorite Yankee bean Yankee beans Yankee 60 60 seconds look like this looks like children's food there's something you need looks like baby food yeah thank good all right Zoey's back Thank You Zoey and Jeff egg whites in interesting soup yeah shall we is it ready you still hungry yeah that's true it was that half-eaten coin I know did you only have isn't that just wicked it's the rice though there's some onions in it hmm hmm it's the oyakodon when the sauce gets in there with the rice that's that's that part that I really love with dumb booty when the soup really meshes with the rice there all right let's give this pasta try let's see we get to 750 likes by liking that means you'll probably see more only in Japan go episodes in your playlist - you'll get the notifications better should I get the spoon here it is a commercial for a model for you one of foods not actually it looks like this could be enjoy our lunch with a mono foods just look like an experiment this one looks a little bit like I don't know okay we let's just give it a try stop playing with your food and Japan you know what Jeff Japanese cuisine it's very much like playing with food really it like any kid whose mother got angry at them and said don't play with your food kid like in the movie Christmas Story do you remember what he makes with his potatoes he should have came to Japan they love to play with their food some of the designs and stuff that to come up with the concepts incredible its food is all about fun in Japan so kids so mother's when you yell at your kids just don't just realize that they might be coming to Japan to become food scientists or something because that's a well-paying job go ahead you go first do it hard oh so they didn't so they use hard pasta in there I guess it would be freeze dry pasta would be hard naturally but interesting hmm this here may be interesting angle of the kitchen we have very little space in Japanese kitchens you know what I mean don't eat it all like six bites all right hmm yeah I think you have to give to give it a little bit more time than usual in order to with what's the word to shim it humidify itself to moistened itself but other than that it's pretty creamy and salty and anything salty is pretty good hmm that's like macaroni and cheese that's like mac and cheese just really good imagine if they had freeze-dried mac and cheese why did I think that that would that they don't do that because then people would not want to pay the same amount of price for that right cuz it doesn't have a volume to it Americans like big volumous things that's what they pay for but if they had freeze-dried mac and cheese and it tasted like this i'm telling you right now you'd be carrying mac and cheese in your pocket you could carry like mac and cheese and go oh look I got my mac and cheese just add water and boom you have a meal in a cup America would go crazy for this why don't they do that why don't they have back and cheese in a cup freeze-dried mac and cheese I got no I got I don't know why they don't do that they make you I guess it's you could do that but it's so much better if it's all just put it in a bowl and it's all just put water and mix it right I don't know it totally should do that tell Amano foods yeah okay I got a lot of ideas you can what can't you freeze dry you know what I mean what can't be freeze-dried that's the question like you can freeze dry just about anything you could freeze dried objects you can and then eat it you freeze dry this spoon I don't know it's pretty interesting what you can freeze dry but I'm pretty curious about the process so it looks like something that I'll be making an episode of them I'm really so I really do appreciate it guys thank you so much we have others true Mentos from Singapore just curious how do you use a jar Oh coconut oil for cooking or straight consumption we have yeah we're Knights I'm using pudding oh that's for her body yeah and for her hair what's it Jing in the kitchen actually we have another coconut oil my daughter's we use for Thai curry she likes to cook Thai curry thanks for the question Cleo this one's for the Thai curry this is the Japanese this one has a J a standard Japan Agricultural organic virgin coconut oil we use that for cooking that's what you give me and it's also a massage oil I hope you enjoyed that that's our lunch this is pretty interesting we're gonna try to backstage is a great soundtrack I'm not sure I missed that one but we're gonna try to eat some of this next week as well so we're gonna the freeze-dried foods will continue we have dr. Dan mob-owned a su which is eggplant and with minced meat in a savory spicy sauce with some vegetables in there and then the main course will be shrimp tempura udon yaki nabe yaki that's gonna be really good this is shrimp tempura in a bowl so that's our main course for the next livestream for this next week sometime so that was a lot of fun and very little mess all you gotta do is throw it away that's good No thank you everybody if you have any questions leave a comment below in the playback do appreciate this definitely subscribe so you get the notification join us live so it's a little bit more fun I can interact with you and keep us honest by putting the pepper in the soup I love that comment and we'll see you again tomorrow in another livestream enjoy the last 20 seconds looking at this bowl of what can I show them a half-eaten yeah that's a mess and what it used to be look at what it used to be oh yeah that was pretty good too that's pretty good too yeah we got a pizza episode coming as well a pizza la bye guys
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 43,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, japanese, japanese food, freeze-dry, freeze dried, amano foods, oyakudon, edamame soup, edamame, soup, meal, pack, japanese freeze dried, instant food, cooking, Japanese kitchen, tokyo, restaurant, cuisine, deep fried, chicken katsu, katsudon, miri meshi
Id: CDU1Ap9E4Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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