JAPAN Street Food $100 CHALLENGE in Asakusa, Tokyo! The best Japanese Street Food in Tokyo!

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one more bite huh welcome to Tokyo Japan today we have come to the epicenter of all things bustling busy and yummy last time I took on the hundred dollar street food challenge in Korea's myung doll market where they were selling cheese covered Lobster for $15 oh yes the cheese they were in Tokyo's Asakusa area we're gonna see if I can spend $100 on Japanese Street food in under one hour I'll take down everything from sweet to savory and learn why the best food is almost always at the end of a long line it's super popular obviously this line is huge so count your pennies and hit the streets today we're eating big in Tokyo Japan [Music] last time you said my whole body is covered but it wasn't it's my whole body covered okay good we've come to our first food destination right behind me they have ice cream with gold on it this is a great way to start we're gonna knock out a big chunk of change let's go [Music] right here on display they have it says gold soft-serve ice cream 1000 yen I have one of these please all the flavor evidently you can choose gold and a flavor at the same time matcha vanilla sesame Marron is that melon is that supposed to be melon I think strawberry and vanilla I'll get this one so she's got a little container of ice cream and she's gonna put it in this machine and then it squeezes out into this beautiful swirl they have many sheets of gold and she is applying it directly to the cone this is some of the most luxurious ice cream I've ever seen aw I got to glisten us thank you we have the most luxurious flavor of all the flavors strawberry and vanilla first bite of the day mmm you can't taste the gold at all it just completely dissolves in your mouth immediately oh it's so thin it just becomes nothing kind of disappears in your mouth in Japan you're not supposed to walk and eat food apparently you remain stationary while you eat it we just got permission to shoot in this general area and they're like you can do whatever you want do not walk and eat mmm it tastes like pretty standard ice cream strawberry vanilla delicious sweet but it happens to have gold on it very nice [Music] what a fun place we just went to in this little dessert shop it's a nice little counter they have a man to the side he is placing inside a type of batter and then bean and then more batter they kind of press and cook this food in this bag right now still like steaming hot you can see it's fogging up inside the bag it's very warm this is called Nene Oh yucky yucky just means maybe you hooked inside of a griddle like takoyaki like the octopus one oh and here it is the first classic shape and look these are pressed in this special shapes I think it's a building thank you uh-huh we're gonna see the bean inside there's gonna be a little bit sweet I believe let's try it out whoa it is hot and sticky mmm the outside is super ready soft and the inside is just so full of bheem steamy sweet bean this is a classic tasty treat you will find this all over the place in Japan it's a must try [Music] today we're kind of trying to stick to foods that you can find on this street anything we can eat standing up there's kind of a big variety but all of them are like little snacky items little cute things and maybe it's a snack for me but it's a whole meal for a family of four here you never know for sure here we have the Ichigo daifuku a nice beautiful pounded rice inside they put in some kind of a sauce and then a strawberry on top they have three flavors they have a custard they have a green tea a smooth sweet red bean jam ooh that's my jam there's a lot of bean in this market or not whatever one of these thank you Wow [Music] here's our lineup for today red bean with a strawberry on top custard green tea I'm gonna take out the straw I'm gonna just mmm good Cheers mmm there's a lot of students in this area the outside has kind of a cornstarch on it and then there's this thick layer of this soft pounded rice cake inside right there and then the powder stays on your face so it looks like you did a bunch of coke mmm super dense cake but the custard is sweet and awesome hold on the Steampunk and find someone else to eat with me this is Mei she's helping us today finding all these fun locations you're going red bean I'm gonna go green teen look at all that D ninis inside let's try it up bean bean they have mixed green team and bean the Chi is making the bean green now that is just a bean that's a smooth bean jam is that your gym okay [Music] right here and I mean you can just read the name for yourself it's right there it's basically kind of a pancake sandwich and they put different assorted items between two tiny pancakes mashed sweet bean paste sweet bean past butter it's not future butter it says rare rare cheesecake it's not like a rare cheese well how rare is it it's more like a melted creamy cheese okay I'll take one strawberry rare cheesecake right here we have our pancakes warming up first ingredient some kind of cream cheese Wow so he's making like a snowball of strawberry paste with a strawberry inside that looks really good a rare cream cheese base putting on the pancake hat squish it down now that actually looks very nice mmm I love the creamy cheesiness but seriously I think this red part also has been and it is a red part with bean they love being here man beans for dessert who knew right now we are in line this place asakusa mentee it's super popular obviously this line is huge but they're moving pretty quick and I think every time they finish in order people just bust through the line like crazy fast so like I'm gonna get my money out to fifty for one I'm just gonna get four okay here we go we're in life hi fork please thank you one two three four okay so fast I'm out of here all right thank you I got four what a treat good boy she yeah nice check it out whoa let's just jump into it oh that is a beauty check it out you could see the steam pouring off of it this minced meat in here the ton of onion flavor coming through them to bits Avery nice and crispy on the outside the inside moist and juicy mmm number one the steam pouring out the juicy meat it's so greasy the grease of the meat inside just like coats your lips okay last night mmm turn all the time finish chewing swallow now [Music] we've come to our next street food destination and finally something a little bit more savory they have a few different kinds a couple that are really popular can I pick it up uh yeah oh she's gonna go thank you I think I just ordered this on accident I'm gonna also get one of these please oh so she's making it fresh and she dips it into kind of a sweet sauce okay perfect we have dinner we have dessert in a way the pounded rice with some soy sauce on tops and seaweed on top of that let's try it out whoa mmm it is like so thick it's not solid but it's very thick and gummy mmm oh it tastes good that's just some funky interesting flavors but super salty savory soy sauce sea flavor BAM dessert I suspect that inside of here there might be some more red bean let's find out wah wah sweet on the outside but it's kind of a tangy savory sweetness is that also made from there's something inside of there nobody warned me about what was inside let me see if I can show you oh my god I knew it it's been people here love bean they got me on that one that was sneaky we've had a lot of bean today I'm probably gonna pay for it later or whoever's around me [Music] if you want to go anywhere good you're gonna have to wait in line there's like 50 people behind me we've got some melon hands pun melon pond meet you i won with ya oh it's already whipped just like that odd I got the ones I'm us thank you [Music] first thing we're gonna do an epic whipped cream reveal let's look inside this bad boy it is bursting with huh today what what is that what happened to the back of the bun that's like I mentioned if you got a hamburger and they only put meat in the front and the back was like oh well good luck at least half of this is gonna be awesome we're gonna find out right now mmm all the flavors of Japan no melanin flavor whatsoever wonderful crispy crunchy kind of texture and to make caramelized - I believe they put something kind of sweet on top mmm premium soft doughy bread on the inside but really the best part is how crispy all these edges are we can even like use it like a chips and salsa oh the best part by far do we spend a hundred bucks yet huh yep all right let's keep going [Music] after I'm done eating no walking and eating guys [Music] here right next to the market hello sir can you talk I need to right here we just saw him make this awesome dessert and they make it into a Katonah it's called katana Akashi have you ever had a katana as a serving size one katana please we have this dessert he just made this is basically a puffed rice and then he just dumped a bunch of molasses I believe on top mixed it all up he flattened it out into a perfect rectangle he cut piece by piece perfectly measuring each one so they're all the same length fake density let's try it out mmm was she wonderful texture little sweet but not over sweet by one a katana hmm one katana [Music] we have a whole katana of food right here with a handle made out of a box the katana goes inside I think I saw him lose respect for me when I was like I must have it in katana form he was like dude you too and [Music] all right we have a whole katana of food let's try it out Oh jubler punching but st. yummy kind of toasted caramelized flavor on there sweet not too sweet but men this is the type of sort I could fall on any day of the week don't walk we've come here I'm excited to meet you ah I'm really good on a little skewer see since it has soy sauce and sugar on it yeah can I have five [Music] we are here right now with our rice cracker with two authentically dressed people where are you from right now it's the time we're just gonna go for it I guess mmm I think it's like um something to do with mochi and me it's like baked on a stick it's really good a little bit trust me you're authentic something authentic human I'm not Japanese why would anyone assume they are authentic Japanese it cause of all your dress that's right it is super crispy on the outside inside it's a little gummy and it's like they've soaked the mochi this little rice cake in soy sauce I think before even grilling it so as a strong kind of sweet sticky salty soy sauce flavor to it would you agree with all of them great if you guys are doing great one more bite huh it hurts the weather's never put on a corset and then go on a food binge it just does not work at all guys what a day it's been a day full of sweet snacks and plenty of street food here in this one particular area of Tokyo I learned a lot today one Tokyo at least in this particular area doesn't have a huge robust diversity of street food everything we found today was kind of snacky deserting like little one bite or two biter things secondly we went from something sour almost like 10 bucks to some things that were like almost $1 so good price range there a lot of stuff you can try out if you want your food to be a little cheaper don't put gold on it for you guys if you are planning to go to Vietnam I highly recommend a company called one trip one trip is the highest rated tour company in Vietnam doing tours from north to south in all major cities including hanoi 'no chang Danang ym and Saigon you can experience food tours adventure tours and more to learn more about one trip check out the links in the description down below I will see you next time a piece cordially nice you [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 4,815,256
Rating: 4.9033666 out of 5
Keywords: japan street food, tokyo street food, best street food japan, best street food tokyo, asakusa, asakusa food, what to do tokyo, what to do asakusa, japanese food, japan street food tour, japan food tour, where to eat tokyo, best ever food review show, sonny side, banadana man, bandana food
Id: An6cuIMTgxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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