Japanese Instapot Recipe | Nikujaga (Meat & Potatoes)

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oh it looks like the rice is done the rice is always first because we have chef could I hear how you doing I know she's good so today we're gonna be using our instapure this is an import from the United States a couple of years ago we got this from as a present from our friend katayama who sent this from America but you can get these now I Costco in Japan they're about a hundred dollars or so and we didn't use it for the longest time and now we're using it quite a bit and today what are we making could I actually she's gonna be doing more of the making I'll be doing a lot of the filming and a lot of the eating so let's start off here chef Kenai what do we got in the kitchen what are some of those I do the ingredients all right so what vegetables do we need for nikah jaga oh this is called nikujaga just let me give you a quick very quick introduction nikujaga literally means nikka meat jaga potato so it's the medium potatoes dish of Japan it is the like I don't know one of the staples of cuisine here cuz it's just so simple to make but it tastes so good as well especially when you have rice on it and it's a dish that if you are learning Japanese cuisine you've got to know this one you got to know this one when can I knows this one down yeah but we're gonna be doing with the insta pot which is way better okay so of course we're gonna need how many potatoes sweet potatoes sweet potatoes alright and to audience okay - oh that's one onion cut in half right yes so one full a hint okay there's one another onion here so two onions and three potatoes it's actually half because we had onions 1/2 onion oh we didn't have enough yeah I ate that sorry on the guacamole onion yeah onion in Cal long collect one carrot very good and you've chopped that up here yeah excellent and what's this over here the keenest eye out yeah it kind of like snap beans inside yeah like it gives a good color to it actually I cut can you eat it like that sono mama datte top it on normally we heat it up yeah so each other cut off the ends you throw with the string yeah drink eat it okay like I'm not gonna help you out there okay so what else do you hear what else what else do we got here there's and okay here's the cognac good she got that key she'd of tacky kind of a noodle noodle for ammonia konyaku is gelatinous potato and this is a potato that is they usually come in blocks but you can fat it in this in this form in a supermarket okay oh you boiled it already okay so boil the konyaku for about a minute yeah a canoe key do you can you use any corn younggu or only this konyaku for nikah doggone it noodle style is better because none day because it looks better presentation my mom teach this style so oh this is mom's recipe yeah normally mmm I don't know some people doesn't use it some people use it yes yeah so we got three potatoes 2 onions 1 carrot this many snap peas which is about 60 grams maybe it's not a lot about 88 snap peas not that many and some meat ok is this pork do you always use pork with your mom used pork so we got to go with mom's recipe you can substitute beef as well or can do you have to use niku you you kind of do because it's nikujaga it's you know meat and potatoes at the recipe if you don't use pork or meat it's it's called just jaga it's just basically a potato any style right yes so we're gonna be doing it in an instant how long does it take okay go ahead and cut them going and cut this and I'll kind of talk a little bit about cuisine as well as get the drinks ready because you're joining us for dinner everybody you're not just here to learn how to make it you're here to have some fun and spend some time in a really small kitchen because we just got this refrigerator what do you think is it it's just kind it is kind of overpoweringly big in the side of the kitchen which is crazy yeah there's a bread maker here Bakery home bread maker then this thing is a Panasonic and Panasonic is actually the company that came up with with Home Bakery bread makers so they're the ones who started that technology so long ago so that's the one that I'd typically buy and because we're shut-in I ordered on Amazon some of these chickpeas to make my own hummus and stuff so we have kind of a little pantry now that we didn't have before flour for the bread maker so we're probably gonna be okay for the next two weeks with this stuff hummus wise probably be good for the next two months yeah how do you cut the potatoes here do you cut them they're kind of big yeah half half and then half again and you get these these blocks here these are new onions right what they know new Joey more it's kind of soft right I wanted about the inside of this pot yeah the instant pot cooks this extremely fast typically an ample cacao Institute's governor so they look down about Nicosia LSP I check they'd they say it's four minutes for me and if we don't use insta pot it's going to fat that number twenty to twenty minutes so the insta pot cuts it down to just a percentage a fraction 1/3 or 1/4 of the time this is awesome you know why cuz my stomach is making sounds I don't know how good the microphone is on this iPhone but it's completely making sounds that are if I stuck this phone in my stomach you'd be like an ASMR type of a stream but not the way that we hope because vimana get that cutting sound and stuff alright then what the final ingredient how much meat is is NaN gramma gray okay that's it that's like you have a 150 grams of meat or so the thing with Japanese cuisine is that meat is never really the main part of the of the recipe meat is typically in Japanese cuisine traditionally it's a it's not it's kind of an accent it's used to bring up to add flavor but not the main course of it we're in America I want my burger and steak but in Japan it's changing a little bit but the culture is that in cuisine meat is added to add flavor so people don't eat a lot of meat here like beef and pork and chicken but because maybe because of me we might add a little bit more meat hahahaha this is the American side coming through Eugene writes in here goal that's right Eugene thank you so much for that we are getting closer to the goal because we have an insta pot so that means we don't have to wait that look that far Deb SF for some money towards the next delivery order left from Canada that's coming later this week by the way we're gonna think of something good for lunch we're looking for Caixa Quixote maybe order some complete Chi Seki cuisine because we got some super chats in the pizza we want to put that towards getting something that is unique and we're gonna try some some new foods for delivery better of course safe because overdo it and Linda monetha thank you so much thanks for keeping us entertained belated Happy Anniversary ah you remember thank you it's never belated if it's in within like two weeks of it so very very much appreciated we were married on 2018 April 21st which is yeah about ten ten days ago was the anniversary so thank you so much for remembering but we had I bought I bought can i sum Yamagata Wagyu from the butcher shop and they gave us a pretty generous amount and we cooked that outside of the balcony where we're not supposed to do that so I shouldn't even be admitting it you're not allowed to cook with with cook on the balcony because this smell could go into the balconies of the neighbors and then then their laundry is gonna smell like yakiniku but most most people would have brought in their laundry at that time of night so we figured it would be okay once a year maybe it's this is these are special circumstances so our neighbors are a little bit more forgiving perhaps all right that's the whole set here yeah all right oh so what do you have no sir no what is this here we have we forgot about these meeting Japanese sake I got a very funny story to tell you about the dishes cost osteocytes right yet somebody's got a membership this is Sachi used for cooking now when I first started I tried to make nikujaga 20-some years ago and there's the dashi that we've introduced that before I can is very particular she wants us to see all the ingredients there it is that's that's a beautiful beautiful thumbnail right there with the insta pod in the background Thanks now I I didn't have sake for mine I made Mickey J go 23 years ago when I first came to Japan because it's quite an easy recipe to make you just have to have these ingredients but I didn't have the sake so you know what I would you know what I used I used Hoshino come by which is a premium sell okay which is like I know it's like seventy dollars a bottle I have this $70 bottle of pushing will come by and I use that as a sake and it was and I said I really like sake so I improvised the recipe and added more because I thought that was good I was in my 20s it it was stronger but cooking sake is is more than enough you just want to get the essence of the sake and there's no alcohol like the alcohol how do I say like not gonna do sure like it it will die away yeah there's no alcohol in it after it's been cooked second so meat most of the sake minimizes the smell of the meat and fish it kind of neutralizes odors and and brings out maybe the vegetables I know that nicka jog is a little bit salty what is this here meeting meeting I have never really used this before was this from rice right this has alcohol in it this is horn meeting horn meaning real maybe on main boom boom lunch ah and show you that's soy sauce there and this is the konyaku as no the dashi the dashi soup that you use here she likes this kind here okay so this is how long does it take to make the dashi five minutes and this dashi goes in here yes Oh 100 milliliters that's about 3/4 of a cup maybe right and then it all goes and you just throw it at me it's the bottom push a button it makes it this is so exciting it's just an instant pot you push a button and it done if we've known about how great the instant pot was we would have been cooking even more with this like 2 years ago instant pot can change your life yeah all right yeah let's get the instant pot ready it's plugged in alright because this is an import let me show people this one here because this is an import as the DA she is she's making the dashi here American plugs have this this thing here I don't know if this is dangerous to touch it this is just for grounding I believe but we've put it here I'm sure someone's gonna yell at me and tell me I'm doing something stupidly but we've been cooking like this was it sticking out just Japanese ones don't have that third prong in the outlets but you can get converters and stuff like that get this away from the boiling water yeah the voltage in Japan is 100 and in America it's 110 so there's 10 difference however all the products work perfectly on a hundred it's just the outlets are different here yeah makes that sound no matter what country you're in hmm nice and clean your this is I think the third or fourth mission for you today Nikko jaga and there's actually Japanese cooked youtubers that are making out of insta pot as well so there's tons of recipes we just don't know about there's lots of recipes we just don't know about Paul Anthony's here my wife Joanne is amazing in the kitchen shout out to Joanne Joanne consider very good chef on the other side of this Justin miners here lots of love from Texas y'all are the coolest thank you I think we can make some you know Peter told me that we can also make some good chili in here so there's a lot of things in lasagna as well and cheesecake like did the problem with with lasagna is I can't get the that the pasta for it the proper pasta to use in there we can't find it in the Japanese supermarkets all right this looks like it's done so you is this the recipe told you to put the onions first yeah all right how did your mother do it though did she put the onions first no I don't think it's gonna change the flavor I should put the meat first yeah it's the pot you need strategy in insta strategy so first the onions then the carrots then the potatoes once again we use 2 onions 1 carrot 3 potatoes and they're about medium size potatoes if you're looking at American sized ones then we have here cognac ooh what's this konnyaku called shiitake which is a kind of noodle looking konyaku which is really good if you're if you need if you can't eat gluten then you can eat this stuff because I've seen ramen made out of that you can make ramen from that right I've seen konyaku ramen it's actually pretty good I know we just took it out you know isn't there anything that's never gonna be perfect do your best that's going Saudi it's still kind of frozen but in the pot we'll take care of it it's all good all right these next steps I'm really curious about putting in meat and vegetables anybody can do that but we're not done yet now comes some of the other steps here this is like this is the part yeah this is it it's such a unique consistency it's it's a gelatinous potato is what is it takes like the they boil these potatoes and get this this goo out of it and then they make konnyaku and it's it has no flavor whatsoever but it takes the flavor of what it's in and it adds to it it adds a great consistency kind of a springy rubbery consistency to it I love konnyaku it's a diet miraculous diet food I guess all right what do we got here oh so you get the recipe here for instapass she's she's cheating that's all right I do that too it's different because so this is take your mom never had an insta pot so technically is slightly different than theirs so can i takes notes on everything that she tries to cook and she's always innovating my notes are all in my head I'd do things by approximation yeah it's true no when I make pizza dough I know exactly what to do I do by feeling I can do it by feeling the great thing about that is it never tastes the same each time it's so it's somewhat different sometimes you're better than others and then sometimes we'll discover that I did something really good and I'll completely forget what I did to make it that good and then the next time I do it it goes back to what it was before so these are so miraculous ideas come and they go I'm not married to them because I don't write it down it's slightly dear that's all right the taste is still Niko jaga that's the most important of this time oh there's gonna be a second time did she just she just said there's gonna be a sequel how exciting part two all right do you throw the teabag away the dashi bag I already told her not to use my metallic things with tough one pants but okay all right say yeah yeah all right go ahead do it put the dashi in there I can smell the dashi that's so easy so just throw that in there 200 200 milliliters that's a little bit more than a cup 200 milliliters Sato Sato ease call is sugar in Japanese so we have some organic sugar from Costco how many 1 tablespoon 2 tablespoons of sugar so I'm like it's sweet if you like sweet nikujaga can you put 3 maybe really you put honey in there honey show you show you is soy sauce soy sauce it's dark 3 tablespoons 3 tablespoons of soy sauce 2 tablespoons of sugar and salt no no salt okay you said that like and like I said something like completely off the wall no no salt now I want to add salt is because 1 spoon of sake 1 spoon of sake that's where my recipe went wrong I put in like like an int I like it like a cup of it well I thought I said this is really good sake and that'll make really good nikujaga and 1/2 so 1 tablespoon of sake 1 tablespoon of meeting both these are alcoholic products and Japan can I bought two big ones at Costco we got and the cover that's it yeah well are there any other secret ingredients we can add in and like avocado or something no don't do it you just don't try to improvise the recipe pepper do you need pepper no whoa did you what about these can I so don't put in avocados and the snow piece Nikolay thank you so much for reminding me to bring that up so we put these after yes it's good to know Greenpeace yeah Greenpeace green peas or Greenpeace Greenpeace are the people who go after whaling ships they Ram him the Greenpeace okay yeah so no Greenpeace just green peas it's different it's no snow peas you can see them okay all right let's show in the buttons here don't let him go mushy according to Mir don't let it go mushy this isn't English - so kanai's we had to study the english translations to these things so four minutes yeah are you gonna go five minutes no no slow pressure and time time yeah you're gonna go five what do you do well five minutes okay you're gonna go against the recipe that's awesome that's what I do last time I try to fool me a thing you said it it's not cooked oh yeah it was a little bit the potatoes are a little bit hard okay they do alright just let's do it I won't it'll be my fault that I'll I'll take the blame that's it it's pressure go go go go it takes five minutes is this supposed to be up like that I don't know okay just don't touch it it's gonna explode for five minutes just blows my mind I know spooky bond it's crazy right so this would normally take twenty minutes but in with this it takes four to five minutes depending on if you like your potatoes soft or not Taylor rates in here shoutout from mi which is Michigan thanks for keeping the streams going it's fun to see what's been up to LPT if you hear if you sear the meat on on saute setting it'll dig deglaze while pressure cooks and adds more flavor Taylor is good I think so Taylor's got some pretty good Taylor let's let's keep in touch sure I think we got some some good tips here I think so I don't I don't know I don't do we push start there's no start button says it automatic last time I use delay start oh so is it working I guess it's on I don't know the vent has to be closed venting ceiling I think okay push the start button is there Start button there's no start button well how do you know it just keep warm so it's not it's not going yeah so you want to start it I don't know what to do just put the lid start and then yeah okay give it time okay the pressure has to build up before it starts cooking according to John all right we have it's on in capital letters okay we have the rationals the vessels are here once again this is the first time doing a live stream with insta pod Japanese cooking beginners but you know what this YouTube whether you believe it or not is a social media and we had help from some friends that are watching thank you very much so it won't be long now in the meantime Kenai is going to dance for us in a very tight space no no okay she's not gonna do I don't know I just said that get you in trouble everybody's from last night I don't know who was there midnight camping all right so what do you want to drink here we have here this is from a singapore meetup I believe this is who do we get this from we got this from a from a viewer this is non-alcoholic sparkling wine that looks like something we can eat can I make Cerrone jam by the way there's some blueberry jam I forgot my apron maybe for a good reason I don't know well if I were the apron that means I gotta fetch the food in that that could go wrong so did you I guess just tons on sea sparkling water or just you want coconut water something's moving right it's low-pressure yeah something's moving are you gonna make miso soup Oh Oh miso soup this is bonus we're gonna get a bonus item miso soup miso soup all right so my job traditionally is to to do the to wash the dishes I'm really good at washing the dishes I'm not taking you in this room better close it yeah I'm really good at washing the dishes I cook but I I always say I'll do it in five minutes and then five minutes later she's started cooking already and then I kind of don't I better take more of initiative and do more cooking so here we go for the bonus the miso soup can I tell us a little bit about your miso soup so what is this not make off oh that's so weird mushrooms I saw last night during the midnight snack miso soup is very easy okay this is another staple all right I like nameko but I wouldn't eat it for midnight snack now these are getting used [Music] yeah Washtenaw Michael nah man cool none dishonor you don't why are they like yellow like they've been sitting in curry I don't know when I came to Japan I didn't I didn't realize how many varieties of mushrooms that they were here I just freaked out because there's there's so many kinds of mushrooms I don't at the supermarket I said I just want mushrooms you know like the white little ones that are in Super Mario Brothers or than with the brown tops I've seen those but here they have like an oaky and my pack a and there's all these kinds of mushrooms and it took me several years before I got acquainted with all of them and I felt comfortable eating them it's like what is this this is because we all know that mushrooms can be poisonous and for most Americans we have just like a few kinds of mushrooms but shiitake has been one that's been gradually coming into we didn't I know I never had a shiitake it when I was growing up never all right this is tofu all right well cut like minecraft tofu you set medium pressure and that thing on the top has to be pushed to the back and ten minutes the metal pin will pop up no I don't understand I think so how come the time doesn't say four minutes I guess it doesn't it says keep warm I don't know so it you feel it that's why it's warm because it's next to this it's like oh it's getting warmer well that's because this is burning up here I don't I don't feel something I don't know four minutes starts counting down once it reaches optimum yeah so don't worry all right I hear something oh you're tapping on it don't do that all right it's building up pressure I feel it sounds like a like a gas event there's something going on inside there I was you know what as you do put a GoPro in there and then see what happens put a little light and a GoPro and see how pressure affects the GoPro no don't do that I don't know I'm new to the world of pressure cooking I'm but I'm not new to the world of pressure alright should we try some Amisha while this is waiting this is 2019 and 2018 and 2019 right okay it's two years old and one years old who made sure this is alcohol that you can make in your own house and a lot of people Japanese families will do that and this this takes a year to make it but we leave it there for a year and it just sits there and getting tastier and tastier next I should put it to the next level put these into like cedar barrels put them underneath the sink for another ten years and see what happens to that flavor in there okay so now you're gonna add the miso last all right so now the tofu see this is just boiling water right now - Vaughn is in the house can we have more kanai's cooking show yeah you know kanai's cookie show needs a music and an opening and she needs to go hey guys like violin girl chica hey guys how you doing welcome back I'm boiling chica bilingual girl she's just a wife I think a thousand people disagree with you that are watching like just arrived just more than just a wife cook master like I tried to stay out of the way you just go like this against the wall I'm all open up a beer and a wine and just sit there and go what's this and just start eating things never mind that it's cooked or not the idea is to get in the way create havoc create stress the best thing I can do is to help and go completely wrong and you'll never be asked to help again but if you refuse to help and really it well I think it doesn't it starts a timer once the it reaches pressure I don't know I thought this live stream would be done in ten minutes yeah but I don't know what happened it hasn't reached oh it's hot on top tonight yeah yeah it's working just give it time and then the timer starts once it's at pressure I just say it like that yeah I think that comes from Ace Ventura pet detective right you don't know what it's like to be under pressure yeah field goal kicker had to be there so the nameko mushrooms will boil in water yeah Tristan writes in here what's your option on cats and her on cats you and her oh no see look Tristan we can't have a cat she has a cat allergy so when she when we go and meet with the cat just take medicine so she doesn't have she's gonna go and have the asthma from the cat hair so we can't have cats and most dogs but him hamsters are okay so we can have have hamsters and hamsters yeah she likes animals we'd have a penguin they're hairless but penguins don't always cooperate they're cute you know at aquariums and stuff but I can't see a penguin traveling around the floor here this is just a big a mess we have a little refrigerator here where he can go inside the freezer section chill out inside the frosting yeah I'm a hamster whisperer I'm really good at training the hamsters I get them when they're like two weeks old and they learn the ways and you can train a hamster believe it or not you have to understand that animals if you respect them and treat them as though they're there they're you know smart yeah of steaming they will respond to that so you have to treat trade pets with a lot of respect is it gonna blow how much pressure is it under like I'm kind of scared is this like a ticking you know what I mean Justin writes in I'm sorry it's okay Tristan no worries we're happy that you're here cooking show we don't have any music because this is live Chicago African writes in here John tell Kenai she needs her own YouTube channel can I ever it says get your own YouTube channel I'm not a youtuber I'm just a wife only in Japan wife new channel starting this starting this summer every day you have to have a new apron you can sell aprons merchandise merchandise think about it yeah cooking with Kenai you just take just take Mike Chen's channel only in Japan wife that's hey now I'm liking the valve the valve the value of that I said value because Mika wrote in valve I so missed you guys I'm pretty sure the valve is closed how do we turn the valve should we open it can i when do we open it yeah no it's closed when do we open it really okay before I'm just gonna stream from back here you keep on doing what you do women and children first and the lifeboat I'm just gonna stay behind here that's the insta pot never touch it very hot Thank You Nicole John should pay Kenai money how do you know I don't already do that yeah as the accountant she gets she doesn't get a salary not it's gonna be fine how scared are you how far away are you you can't get any further I don't think it's gonna it's not cooking until the counter is going it's not even cooking can I the counter isn't on stands don't say that because we're we're not it only takes ten seconds to start well if it takes ten seconds starts we've been waiting for like eight minutes for the pressure for the timer to start Tanya says wait Tanya we're getting conflicting we're getting conflicting information from the viewers who are making this harder like so we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna follow Tanya's Tanya Burns is advice she seems to know a little bit more than some of the people who say it's going to blow this isn't this isn't Moby Dick here on the counter there she blows although I do believe that pressure cookers do eventually blow like steam on the top it is very much like a whale it's our silver whale just know it's not done it's on I don't know I don't know you're asking me is there an instruction manual no it was all in English and I can't we can't read English ya know it's not even countdown I don't understand can i I don't know this is mystic this is kanai's cooking show I have no idea when it hits pressure it should be and then the countdowns to five minutes Tudor way while that's happening it's time for me to never touch the pressure cooker it's time for me to get a drink I've done it you said five minutes can I yeah I'm not gonna say it's cone ice fault okay which drink should I get guys now it's up to you here I'm in the refrigerator so I have this this is an Irish beer well we wait for the pressure to build up some Irish beer oh wait that's something beeping it started five minutes we got five minutes of Ric get out of this apartment and lock the door and run down to town yeah yeah I know what you said don't touch it you have to listen to Tonya she knows what she's talking about all right we got it's like yeah I know so in the end it comes out the same as cooking it normally because you get away for the pressure to build it ends up being about the same all right so here's our lineup for me this is smaller can't no it's a small I can't this is what's called a brew dawg indi I don't know what that is it's independent Pale Ale there's an acai he'd official Tokyo sponsor and of the Olympics and then there's a Guinness which is official sponsor of Dublin and many pubs down there so what do you think we got Guinness here and we're off we gotta get us Asahi Asahi Guinness stop wasting electricity hey this is brew dawg brew dawg Guinness Guinness beer Guinness is pure gold Asahi it's it's a it's a it's a close race brew dawg Asahi Guinness Asahi BrewDog I maple see your pain mr. Jimmy saw that sorry it's these choices I don't know what to do Daniel which one is your favorite I don't know not lemon Oh drink all three overtime overtime mix them no okay just get the Guinness I don't know people were telling me to mix them and drink them syrup and do get the lemon I'm under pressure I have a Guinness glass over the years the the old the longer you live over the years you start to get more and more glasses and your glass collection just continues to grow alright this is the one that I snaked from the pub many is it clean let's clean it up alright these have like balls inside I heard oh now you're gonna do the me so okay hold on we got a tip the glass kind of can you tip the glass oh you're doing the me so now I can't do it ah okay tip the class tip the class I think you got to tip the class everybody from Ireland's gonna get really angry at all entire country and I see no it's okay just right there Wow nope don't do that under this you have to be gentle let let them let it fall naturally you've never seen a Guinness before really not too fast it's pretty good pour coffee it tastes like coffee in a way sort of no just joking alright you can go ahead with the miso I'm really sorry so to the miso soup while we have two minutes to go with the other one how much me so do you put in there now the thing yeah I don't like it too salty really like something missiles if I make miso soup my dancer so you don't want to put the miso in like this you have to you don't want to burn the miso so you kind of mix it in from the stern yeah I did to you that that it started me diorama we have this ham dogger Lee oh yeah but I don't use it so how much water did you put in you set two cups [Music] maybe that'll shop but half a meter yeah I mean waiter of water maybe yeah it's just a Joan in my office yeah now we're going to be looking at the countdown there's the aliens okay that's it and that's it it's done it's so simple yeah I was done do it let the steam out I don't want to touch it I don't know do I just do like this is it gonna burn my hand I never did it before that's it did you open it Oh get away get away use a towel okay Tonya rates no no get a towel flip it towards you mr. Jimmy Vaughn just laughs cancel then release the steam so you can cancel can i yeah cancel and then release the steam with a towel okay I don't know oh yeah how do you know about that let's keep that between us those of you are watching this on this past night don't tell him you think open the valve with the tool of some sort a natural release yeah is anything being released right now is it a read natural release right now yeah you sure yeah Tanya writes in no I'm not gonna open it now Richard okay I'm gonna leave it to you because if I don't if I if I do it and I do something wrong I'm gonna get in trouble and I don't want to get in trouble Jed I have a tripod I can just put the camera down just let her figure it out give her time never pressure the chef let the chef do her job and everything's gonna be okay natural release is slow exactly keep watching Kathy you know yeah yeah so just don't do anything you spoon to quick-release I don't we don't want to do quickly so we want to do natural release so in the end can i this is the same amount of time as if you did it old school it seems like it's more complicated than if we just did it the traditional Japanese way but this time we did with an insta pot so we can say in the title insta pot which is trending always okay somebody Tanya said no no no Tanya said yep yep yeah that means yes yeah so we're good we're on the right course I don't want to do quick releases scary the silver well you don't want to see the power of the silver whale just want to taste the inside alright okay yes it's all right just relax John it's done alright so typically what I do is I take my drink and I run away from her to give her space because she can get really angry I've done she put the water glasses out that's nice is it open a bowl is it open a bowl are you gonna try to do it I sure Tanya says No you can take a towel and just do quick release then and run away michael says no Tanya says no Christian just laughs no we usually speak Japanese actually we're doing it because we have 1200 people watching do this we'll do this in English all right but there's still pressure there's still precious I don't know well they told me to turn it off I wish I wish Katayama was here it's just I can do just a quick release yeah that's what I was saying [Music] cover the valve with a towel then release is it going to No because she said release it and cover the towel over it add the belt it completely came off is that wrong about the plug I did it and covered it with a towel I don't want to break it I'm sorry everything goes wrong with it that's why I stay out of here if I come in the kitchen it's I think it's good now okay I think it's good it's good can I it's good it's open a bowl I don't want to break it here all right can I open it didn't did it end did it end and ended it I did it in I it's done like this success it worked and then she's not angry she's gonna be okay are you angry no the internet wrote that I didn't say it are you gonna close it again you will they play the music I just want to hear the music hold on I can do it let's give me time just said is that closed it looks askew did I break it was it my fault okay all right it's off so it just so you let it settle so let's do the miso soup dumpling got it over two minutes okay so you let the snow peas in there for two minutes and then also kanai's got some rice in here in the rice and see the best thing for me is just to get out this is a the law of diminishing returns is that there's not enough space for two people if I stay here and as much as I want to help I'm just better if I just get out because well you want how am I gonna help you yes you said yeah that's right see it's better keep the vent in the open setting okay is the vent open could I I might yeah so can I put misadventures in the title now that this is completely completely yeah I only scream like a girl if steam is exploding in your in my face if it's anything else but steam that I scream like a man which is no scream at all it's the sound of silence pretty much if that happens I'm pretending like my voice is deeper than it normally is because I just scream like a girl that miso soup looks great to compensate for my girly scream I'm speaking deeper people will forget the scream that had ensued didn't take a minute ago somebody wrote I'm so brave it's nice to be appreciated and typically technically I you know supposed to use metal with Teflon popsicles okay I'm just gonna walk away I told her when you use Teflon don't use metal don't use like a metal spatula I'm Teflon there don't use a fork thank you no nothing nothing is that the soup oh that looks so good I can smell it from here Oh wonderful oh look at the miso soup this almost looks like the like the picture that I put on Instagram of this I don't know okay all right I'm just staying here I'm not gonna do anything I'm not talking about talking at all about you other things this is one of the most stressful life streams I don't know we kind of practiced this we did this before the thumbnail was from the first time we tried it and everything went really well come by everybody yeah seriously though put this pressure cooker thing is scary it is really really scary um now people wrote in here the first couple of times in my freaked you out no one when I hear that buzzing that that okay let's show you this okay when I hear that the music of the pot I used to get really happy now it just gives me stress dandy ding ding ding ding ding a smile can this really be dangerous have people gotten injured from these things in real life it's cooked that's the final product finally good yoga the snow peas are perfectly green they're sweating so that like my grandmother says lighting nice and you can see the meat is cooked the potatoes are cooked wonderful and you can see that beautiful delicious soup that goes along with it I'm so hungry you've got to read the manual David in in all the years that I've known can i she's never once read the manual I bought her an Olympus camera she still to this date has no idea how to operate it how do you use them the video mode how do you change that setting that affects the grain oh you mean ISO so I look reading manuals when we bought the Nintendo did she read the manual no she started playing the game after this though tanya was our manual today so big big thumbs up to Tanya for helping us and everybody else our manual is right here because you guys are so this is social media everybody helped safety mechanisms won't let you open so it's pretty safe here Tony writes press buttons first never referenced the manual good it worked for Homer Simpson and his job not that we comparing ourselves to Homer Simpson that would be wrong how you doing so I'm gonna give you a picture now the final product you've all been waiting an hour for this I thought that this livestream literally was gonna be like 15 minutes I thought that I thought like when you push the button like it just it's finished it's like poof but I didn't realize that pressure must build and after the pressure is built what is really good about these instapass is that you don't have to monitor them in fact it's better apparently to walk away from them just in case something does go wrong apparently I don't know all right we got here here's Kenai has brought in dinner look at this oh look at the color I love the color of this I'm glad I picked Guinness coz the black works so well it's it's between two - that's not Guinness over there between two black drink glass things between two ferns Ireland doesn't mix with this so there you go Nick Oh JA got done in one hour which is 30 minutes more than if you'd use not use the insta pot so it's what we learned using the insta pot makes this process twenty to thirty minutes longer but it does look good with the miso soup and the rice rice is a blank canvas it takes the taste of the soup which is naturally salty the meat has all kind of come together with that cognac you put the potatoes and then median and sake in there and the dashi it's gonna be so good this is a slight sweetness to it and we're gonna try this there's kanai's got hers there do you eat with your apron or do you have to take the apron off you take it off oh yeah bring the natto so look I used to live in meet um Mito is the home of fermented soybeans called nacho and I love natto I live for not don't natto is my middle name and you knew I was gonna say that I want you to stay there while I get the light audio good lighting there you go good good lighting so I got this light here I use this as the moon when I'm camping in the living room fermented soybeans you wanna have some fun let's have some fun I know this only took one hour I cannot believe it took an hour to make dinner I'm gonna make natto did you put the soy sauce are you put the soy sauce in here this is not too fermented soybeans you know what's gonna happen you're supposed to do this 100 times [Music] anybody here who wants click the thumbs up button if you want to see me eat this they would get to a thousand yeah a thousand likes I will completely I'm gonna eat it no matter what actually all right can I here's your's where's your rice I'll give you half yeah this is yeah my got the not oh you think that we it'd be so easy to get to a thousand likes when you have something like natto natto people are not that impressed with natto all right I've seen youtubers do not two episodes they never really breakout in my first impression yeah why do people eat this stuff why does it look like this but now you like it why because if you eat something enough times you you can get used to anything you want if you eat something enough times you can fall in love with anything including pizza yeah you think I like pizza the first time I ate that silence okay let's get started here we say this word it's called ëthe atacama sir the docume one Appetit we're well short of the thousand likes to get to to the natto snorting so we're gonna put this aside until we can get more likes let's try the nikujaga no no I like to put a little bit of rice in my oh so you go from miso soup first yeah okay let's try the miso soup follow can i mmm mmm boy she machine at see why she Niko's aha I'm gonna go with this meat here well you guys the community decides to click the like button I'm gonna eat this Nick oh jaga mm-hmm looks great look at this meat is just the meat is really cooked well look at its it's still moist be from from in there and look at the the konyaku here looks like noodles let's try this meat in here that's a big chunk of meat that's a lot of meat oh you're five minutes this is the best way it's the best yeah it's good it's really good good job hats off to the chef typically and we're hat hats over there hats off to the chef see that I put there for the chef about of respect okay let's try the potato this is what we call a new potato chin chin chin jaw gaw hmm Kagoshima yeah dad um pressure cooker the insta pot does a really good job with the potatoes let's try this here Wow it's better than last time hmm it's better than last time you didn't give me any onion oh all right okay can you give me done Yin let's try the cognac ger it does look like noodles hmm I love coin yup good here's oh look at that onion these are new onions oh that's so soft look how delicate these there's a brand new onions from this this month I think of May it's May first something this month it can't be for this month from April yeah let's give this this new onion a try oh wow hmm still retains the taste but putting in sake kind of lessens the flavors of the ingredients a little bit anything that has a harshness to it the sake will mellow it out I guess that's the way to say all right we didn't meet the six hundred likes oh come on look you want to see the natto or not you want to see man eat natto you don't want to see Manny natto we I don't know they come today everyone's a little bit slower most of America is asleep actually just this livestreams more forever people in Europe and in Australia we're doing with the legs here all right natto I love I love the big beans of natto they have many different kinds of natto there's not dough called Hickey Wadi which is cut up natto little pieces I used to like that I like big bean not dough this is big bean not dough you can see you can see here these beans are a little bit bigger hmm um if the not dough is chilled and you mix it up with mustard it doesn't have that armpit smell that's typical if not dough or feet smell just depends on who your friends are and what they smell like but for me I didn't have friends that smelled so I don't have that reference really I just have not dough did I give us number two do you say it did IQ must more than ones do I don't have to say it again I said it and it's over hmm okay take back that it's lucky mas because I've already said it all right bottoms up [Music] now we can't find they're not Oh a lot in supermarket yeah many people bought not all this time because some someone said natto is good for virus good said that I don't know good for your body so somebody said not though somebody said that somebody said that natto is good for the coronavirus on the internet just like a toilet paper and then now natto is not in the supermarket last week when I got when I went to the supermarket so not in the Internet or any er supermarket stuff load so you can buy natto only one pack one pack per person per buy too much not those that you buy it and then you you you come back and then you buy it again that's what I would do that's why that's why I don't shop because I'll just get arrested if I do some social rules but I you know just yeah you don't need like ten packs every day yeah we do it not not every day but almost almost every day almost every day hey Danny's here hey Danny you're joining us for dinner one day in real life looks like delicious keep up keep a portion for me you got it I'll leave you some non toe here on the side so when you do come back and come in in like six months or something when when Japan is open up the country it'll still look like this thank you Thank You Danny thank you so much that's Danny and I often write Danny's a nice guy Danny Danny's in the extra Danny's and it will need Japan episode you can see him on the Montreal Meetup episode of only in Japan when we went up to Montreal yeah yeah it's about one year ago it's nice Danny's up early actually no it's 9 I'll take your questions here for one minute and then we're just gonna eat so if you have a question you better do it now for the chef you don't have to ask me ask the chef here I'm just making sure about football yeah Paul Anthony writes in good to know can I write down her own recipes Haider well Chen for more ingredients and more cooking screens thank you drew way much appreciated Vaughn isn't encouraging you to do more so is uh Chicago African hey thank you so much from Goku 95a yeah the animated emoji popcorn comes out risen I missed some of these because I was running away from the steamer fantasy ecstasy go can I go John and can I so cute love you guys love you too yeah this is to get Kenai a drink to bribe this channel she really does and Oliver Stone looks delicious Marty rates and big thumbs up and then there's Danny thanks guys so there you go it only took 71 minutes [Music] yeah and we will we will be thinking about making more cooking shows well right now we're self isolating just like everybody else and we're trying to make it as much fun as possible so she's bringing you into our house and sharing with you this times is important not just because we have to make a living like everybody knows this is their content but we want it to be fun and if we can add a little bit of something that's you know only in Japan we're gonna do that and we're gonna do it do it right meaning we got a uh part insta pot game so thanks for being patient with us happy May everybody welcome to a new month April's kind of like the last month yeah it's May first here in Japan now it's a 1045 1044 this is a latest dinner that we've ever had it's pretty late so we're gonna need dinner now and encourage us again with that like button to make more cooking content because we'll do better and I think I can I can do karaage right can you do kana get cooking she'll make deep fried chicken Japanese style I'm all over that yeah sounds like a challenge Lycia P give me a country insta pie yeah I used to fall please let me know yeah yes I want to try any kind of insta pot leave it in the comments below yeah leave it in the comments below and we'll read their comments ok it's not in the pot oh really yeah I want to try some mini country mini yeah yeah we'd like to get some recipes from all over the world we're gonna try Indian curry as well as some Italian dishes I did promise one thing I just remembered I I will cook over the next couple of weeks um the mochi pond in the Panasonic rice home bakery the bread maker we put rice the leftover rice in the bread maker and it makes some mochi bread and I'm gonna do that maybe in Astro V because I can it takes like seven hours that there be the longest livestream you just do nothing all right this would be no purpose so I'm gonna do Astro be like and show you how I add rice into the rice cooker and then show you the consistency of the bread and we'll compare that with normal bread it's pretty amazing when you add 150 to 200 grams of rice in it and it makes a thicker heavier bread it's so good so I'll share that with you because that's something that I can cook with not fail badly don't made a wok for today I didn't make waffles I did make waffles yeah we used maple syrup and New Zealand butter which I told you about last night but go and watch the street for less like the midnight snack run in my tent it was really funny and and the one with shiny chance at Sochi from tabi eats love those guys and they're friends of ours and that was a pretty good talk they're doing okay on the other side and we'll keep in touch with all of our other friends and and you as well send leave us a comment and see you probably tomorrow in another livestream everybody should we eat now we eat I don't know what hey bye
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 60,030
Rating: 4.9074283 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, japanese, recipe, instapot, kanae, kanai, cooking, secret, nikujaga, wagyu, dinner, rice, miso soup
Id: 6sIkSg38H7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 52sec (4492 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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