Akihabara Vending Machine Shack of Horror | What’s New in 2022

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how you doing everybody we are in Akihabara that is PVG behind me and greetings a few years ago we went to the vending machine house of horror this Akihabara vending machine House of Horrors yes and it's right over there it is right over there and you can see over my shoulder that the Sega number two building is not there anymore so we're gonna go see if it's still there I'm not sure that if the vending machine House of fours is there oh I'm pretty sure it's there John I'm pretty sure will I see some spooky looking oh that's true you can see it from here I thought it was further in there no but look at that big telephone number on there do not call it whatever you do no I think it's if you want to like rent it or buy the building to destroy it why wouldn't you yeah perfect it's a perfect set for a horror film Alexander says Hey PBG hey Alex welcome for those who don't know I do have this month's postcard this is the oh there's a trying that's the kahin tohoku line you sure positive all right all right it's heading towards uh homia which is the train you catch or you go to omia before you get the shinkansen to smarty pants where did that's right well to yeah you can't as we're there as well but Sendai yeah this is once this month's uh patreon postcard it is the you body melon auction and these are available until the end of the month order yours today that's the next video I'm just about to upload that you body that's in Hokkaido that's right it was the only town to go uh bankrupt wow it in the Nazis the 2000s and they had a really tough time but they're back it's the town is doing a lot better there's the yamanote line in the distance we're going to be going over now across the street that's the only way to get to the vending machine House of Horrors um what was that motorcycle that is a Yamaha I think that was he no was that was that a haunted 900 I didn't catch the one you're getting that's the uh I'm getting the trace with Yamaha yeah I got the Honda 400x shout out to Teresa in The Dakotas thank you so much for uh helping helping us as much as you can to set up some sort of uh relationship with the motorcycle Community this is the pond yeah nice nice thanks so much appreciate it she's doing her best she's doing her best I appreciate that very much um this light is long I wonder what they're gonna put inside there can maybe the only in Japan office in that whole building well what are you going to have on each floor a dedicated team of editing professionals to get the shows out once once a day maybe I don't know I don't think I could do better than Sega so I'm not sure so it says tenant they're looking for tenants yeah that's true you'll be really cool is if you could set it up set up your office on one of those escalators there so you have a window view that would be pretty angled angled window view um you wrote the rocky habit I did anything change down to Avenue did anything change yeah any buildings gone out of business or something like that I was too busy keeping my eyes on the road John it's true I haven't been down here in a long time so we're due to go this direction maybe sometime really soon every time I go though it's it's a sad story because something's another yeah yeah there's another building another uh I would not be surprised if something in these shops under the tracks has has closed yeah there's almost there's so much less foot traffic now than there was uh two years ago that building's pretty cool that was the old station this is one of the biggest stations in Tokyo in its day back in the Meiji period like uh uh so I don't know when was that 1930s or something they closed it monse station is what it was now there's no monse station this is monse Bridge I've seen pictures of it historical pictures it'd look really beautiful yeah well you can see where that's just been cut off right it's and it's ended it right there Mansi Bashi station right which is right on the bridge this is a very prominent bridge but now it's uh it still kind of is but it gets lost in in what is Akihabara now back then Akihabara wasn't really a great City I just mentioned that in my live stream about how you know when we first came back here or came here 23 24 years ago it was pretty dirty right yeah it was a it was a grungy neighborhood and they've really they've really uh gone through a lot of gentrification lots of uh made cafes have helped and akb48 all of these these uh girl bands girl groups and stuff it's brought in tons of people and they've really cleaned it up not to mention on all electronic shops tons of money yeah I can go over the history of that what's cool is showed up who there's 23 words in the city of Tokyo Choda is maybe the most Central I live in Chua which is a neighboring one they have restrooms right here on the street and they're usable that's what's crazy they're clean yeah and Dugan thank you and WRX trivia was in the house this is the manse Bashi Bridge and I like the fact that Tokyo shows some of the history check this out this has a very remarkable um brick look to the old it's very similar to The Tokens station yeah and uh that's what monse bridge looked like it was really open that's what what's remarkable about it now we're kind of closing with the with the buildings they're getting taller and taller but yeah I wish I could I could I could have seen the old manse Bashi station so that it says it was known as The Stone Art structure was known as Megan ebashi spectacles Bridge whoa to Arts bridge where is that yeah these little tidbits of History the city of Tokyo has changed you know quite a bit just like all the cities have but Tokyo in particular some of it out of its control fire bombing of 1945 March 10th for example changed the what the city looked like as well as the Great um Tokyo the earthquake in 1923 I believe really did some damage I still can't believe it's it's here it's here I can't believe it's still here Rob C for some dodgy vending purchases what what makes you think they're going to be dodgy they could be completely new if you look down here this is why I'm surprised Peter half of the buildings on the street have been torn down already you see yeah I don't they're building something there and then there's another white partition they're building something there I don't know what it is but it and there's a uh to hokushinkansen a lot of toes going on here so I'm not sure if this building is going to be here that much longer oh man this is creepy did we dare go oh this is It's really messy too what kind of vending machine is this talking about Creepy what is that okay those fingers are kind of big passion I don't know is that gonna be your first purchaser perhaps maybe it doesn't work someone's got to test it out no all right yes yeah yeah sure yeah I know John okay I'm kind of thirsty all right let's move on here let's go for the creepy stuff first which is this way inside of now I spotted something extra creepy already that I want to take a quick look at because I think it might be are you sure because up here is where the all right we'll go here ladies first oh my God are these edible um no they look plastic because you know some of the vending machines have like these tarantulas and things that you can eat and ueno that has one of those yeah they got yeah I why would you wait a second why the heck would somebody want oh yeah I want a tube of a tennis ball tube of bells I can't get I got so many of these I can't get rid of them why would I it's like somebody went through their closet and then packaged it and put it in this vending machine for crap they didn't want anymore for like 13 it's a 1690 Yen ridiculous Bells but is that toothpaste yep that's toothpaste oh my gosh this is gross can you fit in a tube okay here's these are uh rechargeable batteries that makes sense and it's only 130 Yen it says no 1380. oh up there oh you gotta look up there right so they get you with with this this is 130. this is a model train like a little die cast metal model uh train because I believe yellow so that's new there's old Den can next to all of that which makes no sense although it's not supposed to I like how they found a way to fit tubes of potato chips that these are like a chip star is the cheap version of Pringles which is already cheap which means they're probably not going to be good but there you go what the heck is this rainbow colored Bells um okay 990 yen yeah uh katayama says by The Beatles and do what all right you know what I guess we have to find out Jason Wheeler hi from Oklahoma does anyone buy these stuff yeah Peter we will but we have to decide what we're gonna get um the great thing about these machines is they they take notes so but they don't take suica which is a shame if they did they'd have more purchases bread in a can bread in a can look at that baloney that can't be good I'm gonna need a coffee to wash that down you want to do this for breakfast coffee and a penicillin shot to wash it down well isn't that what makes bread rise penicillin or is it look at this pineapple one down here oh that looks like from the 50s good Lord man oh yeah my son's idea was to come here it was mine someone said get the trade for your son he has a train he doesn't need more trains uh now these are I think all of you have seen this but if you haven't I'll just explain really quickly these are um just stories on them they're supposed to make you feel um yeah and buy the package let's see we're not inspirational are you gonna do it yeah I'll uh yeah I can't translate it my eyes cannot see to translate it Peter's gonna Google translate this thing who's buying stories old school nfts that's an interesting way to look at it well hang on what's going on here didn't you download the Japanese Google translate I've got it yeah it's right here yeah yeah so it's so this oh Dan they have the curry they still have the the curry this is uh deer Curry and I think it's bear Curry and all sorts of seal Curry so they still have that crap here sealed Curry like from like yeah well they have them up north in Hokkaido what and then this bear Curry it's spicy I bought that last time but the prices have gone up inflation is certainly hitting this place so that hasn't changed well okay I've scanned it here's the translated text select a text already did so if you look close how do you how do you see all of it you don't know you're it's your phone all right I'll figure it out you keep showing the folks around I'll get this this is going to show you some sad stories that make you cry should I get the bug all right let's get the bug oh my gosh I keep people buying a bug from a vending machine really and no they're not edible who wrote that Paul S bread in a can is a must is it though Paul a must for who you know you know all right all right Peter I only have one yen coins lucky for you I have a coin purse full of coins there you go I got notes what do you need how much um I'm looking for the 40. actually I do have I got thousands here's a five well it's 540 for the beetle there's no there's a you can use a thousand can't hurt to get his or five thank you [Music] I can't believe him I'm gonna get my glasses out and so we can translate this actually it's not me buying it Yama is buying the beetle I think you cut the Yama send it to him yeah actually cut the yeah which one cut the Yamaha the one with the the one that has this front or one has like scorpions of death grip front which one do you like katayama it's up to you because this is coming in your Dino package get my revenge Leo will cry and then I'll put it in your bag your box the right one okay I'll go far right I'll return my cash my indecisiveness has caused several seconds of wasted time okay I got the translation oh Peter no way you get ripped off no are they sold out this is Udi Kitty that's uh sold out this one it should be available oh here comes oh thank goodness these machines are so no it's not getting my change in 10 yens is it it did oh that's awful okay here's your change oh that's my change I'll take it okay here we go so this package right here it's not a complete translation but hold on a second oh my God Peter yeah katayama look at this some dude he duct taped it the top of it it's got rocks in it I'm not sending you rocks in a box each one of these rocks inflates the price of shipping by a hundred Yen or something do you want the rocks is it gravel I don't know ooh there's rocks in there too dude an old newspaper and I guess the bug is real that's a total Creep Show man you don't want that this is like a this is like a curse I don't want to touch it that's a curse man that's like that Tiki Idol from from Brady Bunch no way Megan you get away from me Greg didn't die from what I understand he just disappeared for a while what do you have two glasses on did you buy that no no vending machine um is it real I don't know open it I got only one hand I gotta hold the gimbal all right look if something happens to me before this trip now this is going to happen I have alcohol wipes you're gonna need it you have Penicillin well that's what the bread is for just take it be a man is it real no I don't think it's real but I think it's it's packaged oh it's real it's packaged to look like it's real it's really gross yeah it is all right James writes in released the curse are we gonna open it yeah so it needs air oh Jesus I can't believe we didn't even pop holes for air holes yeah for a couple of hours or something right I I could just see the guy in his little trailer down by the river um like making these up it's off-gassing it's off-gassing okay and aiming it at you don't aim it at me it's not a cannon all right oh where's that smell coming from is that from inside that all right you pull them out I'm not pulling him out you pull him out rock scissors paper go you had Rock all right should we you see it clearly yeah once we do with these rocks leave them here I think yeah well you're gonna bring this whole thing to katayama I'm not sending katayama he doesn't want this canister just see what he's done look look what the can is it's a pet bottle he's cut it and made that the container yeah that's a real genius that's a hobo way to packaging it's so un this is the opposite of Japan okay hold it tight I'll pull you pull I'll pull damn it this is gross oh my God come on it's stuck in the gravel all right he's hanging on tight poor thing oh oh that's so nasty is it clean it looks used like he got it at book off or something it's it's winded up hang up are you held that for a second uh no thank you but leave this with the condoms here is that what those are katayama you have one a beetle that climbs and walks he's the guard of the condom dispenser here he is his garden this vending machine oh his work isn't too shy come on come on there you go all right we gotta wind him up more 500 yen for this we have to get our monies worth 540 Yen 500.0 tax are you kidding me the venue she charged tax there he goes oh look it works you've got to oh there he goes all right should we keep it there and see if anyone steals it in the while we go get a drink now Robert it is I can affirm confirm although they do look slightly beyond the expiration date okay all right so we got a beetle oh let me tell you the the translation all right so that's wonderful hey look banana and milk drink I haven't seen that before where's my glasses all right so this package down here it says all right Peter's gonna read it I'm I'm stepping outside a little bit of the house so the Signal's better I think okay it says when I was in junior high school I used to go up to the rooftop of the school with my friend Saito and often pee with the girls junior high school next door one day two slangs appeared on the net even more than that I had a slang covered with skin but Saito was better off than when I was in elementary school I was so frustrated that I couldn't sleep for a while I hate the internet however I often see erotic sights I'm not making this up this is on here I see a married woman's erotic sight today as well I'm a naughty 62 year old Are you seriously no way all right are you kidding me I gotta confirm that what the hell would be inside there I'm another one down here I'm a naughty 62 year old are you yeah it's there oh my God that is gross I I can't I don't even want to touch the buttons this place is nasty oh man this looks like what Akihabara used to look like in the 70s I bet all right do you want to get that bread in a can for the people I want to get something drink to drink I'm thirsty all right we need to get like 500 likes to get bread in a can because that that's as Peter said there's penicillin in there and he's gonna need that after reading it reading box oh now it was a second house that creeped me out the most now I noticed that the popcorn machine is still there um and we tried the popcorn yeah last time and the um Yakitori but that wasn't good it dripped down your your leather jacket or something that's never a good thing yeah there's more stories of Horror this vending machine is that's this is new it's all horror stories here do you want to translate another one sure because you're so good at it nothing's gonna beat that other one Nothing's Gonna Be yeah 62 year old pervert story what the heck all right while you do that I'm going to explore inside here or should I say splunker it's a word for you Yonkers out there a t-poi is a three-legged table so that's somebody last time I was here I think I heard movement a box of tissue and then this corner is just nasty there's some sort of there's got to be like disease in here I'm not even gonna step in there is that like a Christmas ornament what I'm not going in there the lights on is it I don't know it smells better than the last time last time it smelled like pee uh we're having some technical difficulties here oh the lights came on it's show time yeah it's the police are here the police are here it's not work it's not working properly where's our beetle on the post over there don't worry we won't forget it should we get a coffee from a vending machine if you want to get do you want to get the um don't use this place as a toilet there's a sign there do you want do you want to get the the bread in a can and have that with coffee for breakfast oh yeah you don't need to ask me twice about that all right so I guess so it is written so it is done all right Peter's breakfast coming right up bread in a can no wait Peter that's that's like 10 bucks okay I think oh wait they got muffins in a can is that better I'd almost rather eat that baseball it says they use real wheat that's a big deal shall we get the shall we get the muffins in a can I've never seen that muffin can yeah all right I'll do muffin who's who's with me muffins if we can who wants to sponsor this muffin can he wants to pay your medical bills yeah I don't want to buy a muffin can oh my God all right who's in this does it still have the same kind of penicillin as the other one oh it's at a bombing set 30 degrees Celsius that's obviously we'll get a real cup of coffee after this I'll go in and get it all right you want to push the numbers 31. do you have a sanitary spray I've got wet naps okay go ahead what number 31 oh double check 31 right one all right here we go 31. yeah he stands back like like a grenade's gonna go off or something be a man come on ooh okay all right 31 and enter yeah muffins and I can 410. I can sponsor them apocalyptic muffins Here Comes fire in the hole gently gentle what do you do there's bear curry in there exactly okay Joey's wondering if there's any expiration dates on there can you can you deny or confirm wait okay here's the change that's how much it costs that was expensive 990. these muffins actually you could go across the street and get sand Fresh Sandwiches for half that price all right it makes no sense so it says you can these are good until February 27 2025. oh so there's a four year four year used bikes so these are apocal Joy these are apocalyptic muffins should a zombie apocalypse hit you are covered at this vending machine corner and what's gross is that I can feel the muffins if you shake it bouncing around yeah yeah you can feel the muffins so so it's got a four year obviously they weren't after us yet four-year used dates so they've got to be good these are these are almond muffins almond so wait if it's for your expiration date that means they're fresh right now yeah and there's absolutely no preservatives none whatsoever were you gonna open it should we get the coffee first should we get fresh coffee are we gonna drink canned coffee with this what are we gonna do I'd rather have real coffee where can we get the real coffee are we done with this machine I was I was done with it before we even came here all right you know this gives me the cream grab I'm gonna grab this get your beetle katayama this is what about the cup the cup inbound the cup I don't want to touch it we can't leave that there dude it's rocks Peter it's rocks just leave it leave it we'll find a nobody's gonna know better place oh you're gonna throw rocks in a trash can at 7-Eleven think about the poor workers that have to pick up that thing they're union workers too probably you're gonna get them in trouble apparently right here wash your hands with this alcohol wipe here wash your hand well I'm holding these creepy things thank you uh look don't put that creepy can on top of the bread muffin tan you're gonna have to take that home to your house and put those put those rocks in your garden there's a construction site over here they need rocks right so does your garden by your house I know you're not this type these are cursed these are cursed rocks well there's only one way to find out Greg you have to put the rocks in your garden let's head down this way yeah it's like it might be a trash can down there perhaps I saw a taxi driver a few days ago toilet here right opened his window and dropped his onigiri wrapper into the street and then rolled his window back up they're old school they're from the 1980s when I was doing the um so when I was doing what Peter looks for a trash can he's not gonna find one in there when I was doing the episode on how Bueno station keeps clean it was very interesting episode if you haven't seen it by the way I spent um like it took me a year to make that episode I was I spent so much time with the cleaning crew and I also talked about the old timers the people who've been cleaning Bueno station since the 1960s some of them like these guys are ancient this job's work life yeah um they told me how nasty Japan was back in the 70s and 80s in particular with cigarette butts and newspapers and food just people just people tossing stuff lots of stuff in the tracks it was like I guess I don't know what India is today just everything is just trashed and then people would scavenge it I guess I don't know but it wasn't uh it wasn't the same kind of Japan there's school and and through a generation of uh learning at school about personal responsibilities and whatnot whoa they have uh they have chain they have changed their pattern so Japan Japanese one always like super clean like that I I don't know I just know that um the stories they told me were horrific like that machine There's a garbage sack over here okay you got a decent cup of coffee with a not so decent muffin so this is the entrance of what used to be the Sega number two building it's barricaded with recycle bins and Peter found a trash inside you you can't throw put the Rocks here it's a garbage sack the trash guys are going to pick it up the Rocks aren't garbage they're natural come on these are made of rocks These Bricks you want to put the Rocks into the yeah soil here yeah so it keeps it moist in times of uh times of um what's that word grout I just wanted to get to capture you digging through a trash bag sir yeah exactly newspaper's trash but you happy are you happy I think that pet bottle is recyclable sir saying right throw the Rocks into the river now that would be wrong this is like a little memorial for the House of Horrors vending machine right there uh Rock recycle Rock transplanting yeah yeah I don't think we're gonna throw the rocks in the river someone said throw them in the river no then we get caught by the police going by yeah they're here watching us probably we look like the most suspicious characters here we're looking for coffee let's get some coffee well some place where I'm not gonna if it's just around the corner I'll go in because you're a scaredy cat let's go I told told Kanai we shouldn't we should be really careful because we're traveling soon and we don't want to get sick before I travel thus I woke up at 8 A.M for this live stream I never get up this early how long of a ride by bicycle to Akihabara um if I take um if I take uh show adori it's I don't know about 20 minutes less than 20 minutes okay yeah I like where I live it's the one of the most convenient places I think just everything takes 30 minutes 20 to 30 minutes to get to on this side and Shinjuku would take an hour though because there's that hill of death at uh um yeah had that's we used to run the marathon you'd have to uh go down that Hill that was nice but oh yeah going the other way it's terrible the first 10 kilometers of the Tokyo Marathon the course used to be all downhill which felt good how many years ago was it that you did the marathon um last one was 2012 I think I just can't get in anymore I did apply I got in the first five five or six marathons I got I I got in and then I could never get in again sorry to interrupt something you'd never hear from John uh are you okay with a combini coffee yeah I like I I would prefer 7-Eleven because there's a manly fart right around the corner here a what Family Mart oh Stephen thank you for playing your 1500 Yen to the kickstarter project I appreciate it we okay with that yeah sure don't touch anything my hands are clean now where's the muffins they're right here okay oh I get it okay Family Mart manly for okay I get your connection now you want hot uh what are you getting hot uh ice ice okay just to make it difficult on him so that's nice exercise today that's listening hey hey okay foreign is he speaking I can't walk us Mike is working pretty well he is spying on that port west did the canned muffins for the motorcycle trip Jason really hey Carrie's here too hey Carrie yeah I'm not gonna save these muffins these muffins are going down um POV Sam I just want to say thank you John how sick can you make Peter tell him I said hello we can make him pretty sick thank you Sam we're gonna make a mistake with this these muffins these coffee machines are pretty awesome hey Diana thanks for pledging five thousand yen to the Hokkaido motorcycle Adventure 2022. we're closing in on our goal we're gonna announce the stretch goal uh on the trip we have two stretch goals now because I didn't think we would get to the first goal now we need a second and a third Johnny can you hear me what yours is almost ready okay I trust you mine's done oops yours has a Jurassic Park design on it really okay it's just all ready to roll and one heart Peter never gets iced coffee big baby do you guys really expect us to eat those muffins I'm gonna pretend I'm just gonna pretend to eat it all right here's your coffee sir I can't wait for those muffins hey where did you elk your I need a straw sir where did you elk your hands did you alchem I have not done that yet where's the straws I can't see I'm not filming inside but I don't know where this is no motorcycle helmets are allowed that's interesting here hold mine or I'll I'll get it I'll get him I'm double fisting too Peter had a hard time returning his Amazon motorcycle rain gear I take my motorcycle stuff the ring geared to an office like this and you could return it yeah well that's still a mystery hold tight you got it yeah all right thank you sir beautiful all right a POV Sam says hello hey hello Sam oh hello sir I will be going to Portland uh very soon um August 8th so we'll try to coordinate properly for that Sam's got some great motorcycles oh yeah we could use his input yeah yeah uh Andrew Fort Wayne muffins of Doom I guess they can they can sense what's coming now so Akihabara here this is the station front the denki town or electric Town exit it's this is this exit has changed maybe the most because after they removed radio kaikon just the Dynamics of the station change and what's funny is that soft map bought the um self map is part of big camera group okay and they bought this building which was the the hamster tube building so it's back now so what I'm saying is that buildings can go out of business and then they can come back in business and it's just another electronics company that took it over that's that's funny the hamster tube right right and I made a live stream writing it for the last time and guess what I'll get a chance to ride it again you dressed up like a hamster no Andrew Fort Wayne is waiting for those muffins and let's get them down here that's good coffee by the way the the combini coffee here is fantastic and if people often say that 7-Eleven is the best yeah so one of these days we'll have to do a comparison can you hold this I want to get the um muffins of Doom yeah uh Victor is here my wife and I love watching your videos love from Australia thank you Victor hey Victor good day mate hello Victor's wife um are you guys Victor's wife we're gonna open this up and dedicate it to you guys Muffin Man I like how the the bottom the bottom of it is the top there's a I don't understand the top is the bottom before we open it up I guess it's a good idea it's made of all Japanese um flower we need to translate the ingredients do we though what's the what's the nutritional value that's most important energy 473 calories from one muffin oh wait for one can of muffins so I guess that's both and is there any Tom pocket Tom paku is protein 7.4 grams that's pretty good of that fat content that does not look good table saw 1.3 grams basically these aren't that healthy you reckon that's in a can in from the vending machine House of Horrors not healthy John come on understatement of the century can you hold the camera too or well there's a little place you can put our coffees over here don't let my straw touch anything just touching the air around here is enough it's nasty that's yours this is mine hypochondriac all right we're going to open it do the honor all right don't cut your finger then you say okay I can't go for the ship anymore it's curse all right here we go kids it's upside down so the dust won't build up on the lid katayama you're a genius oh wow as soon as I the air released I could feel something drop down hope it's not somebody's seventh finger all right here we go oh you could smell it no you can't oh you can it actually smells pretty good really see it yeah how many are in there too or one long one I can't really tell what well it's extract the muffin muffin coming out oh there's two yeah there's three is there three no wait wait is there three there's two and one and a fortune a fortune cookie no are you serious no that's not that's it that's it all right first is the smell test really get your nose in there I've smelled better muffins it smells like a Starbucks muffin same smell but it's got um it's got some not so natural notes to it not natural notes oh man I mean like a horror song does the notes that make your spine tingle do we really have to guys I mean this is like I didn't have any breakfast do we we can put it back in the can and take it back to the put it back in the vinegar machine charge a double because all right here's your noses have been in it here swing it around oh my gosh here's what it looks like should we microwave these should we nuke them first warm them up I don't know where we do that mystery meat so you can see the slivers of almond in there all go ah that actually has kind of a Starbucks yeah that's what I thought the symbol of Argentina all right you go first me I'll catch you if you faint all right we'll catch the phone if you faint well you gotta hold the tripod hold on I have a I have a um I I do have it all right I do have a tripod for the uh the greasy it's a little greasy here well hang on wipe it on my bandana all right I got it should I put the tripod on it now you know what let's just hold it you know they have creme brulee Donuts here and we're eating yes we're going to the donut plate oh my gosh okay let me get a zoom on your coochie when you're taking a bite uh and you took a big bite too holy hell how is it moist didn't call an ambulance why is it moist yeah let's see what it looks like inside has a pudding taste to it like a vanilla pudding really yeah I'm kind of was hoping there'd be like some cream in the center it's enough is one enough for you do you want two this is enough one bite is enough wait hold on let me wash it down it's a very complex taste yeah hmm some things are going on right now something that you'll offer at your BMB in the future no never muffins in a can the trash can we'll say show us the coffee this is the Jurassic uh Park themed coffee cup Jurassic Park is in the theaters now only in cinemas ice blend you can buy them on the Apple Cafe too I saw you can pre-order already crazy the Jurassic Park film yeah it's already on streaming before you order it wow I want to see the new Top Gun you can pre-order that too but I want to see in the theater all right you're gonna eat the whole thing holy oh my God I thought we wanted to go on a trip on Thursday you're gonna have to have your stomach pumped I'm storing it for later hamster all right your turn do I have to yeah you do man up all right are you gonna ride a motorcycle with me gotta eat your muffin that's what I want to that's why I'm avoiding eating this gosh I hope I don't drop it well if you wonder you just hamster it put it put it in your cheeks we'll eat it later I mean look at that wrapper it's just saturated in Grease it's good stuff well if it wasn't it wouldn't be moist but I shouldn't smell it beforehand you want me to feed it to you no sorry peso oh it doesn't smell you just being a baby actually it's not too bad East Tennessee microgreens rights in here man up Peter it's actually it smells way worse than the taste really yeah kind of like kusaya that fish that super stinky fish you're comparing these muffins to the stinkiest food in Japanese Cuisine really well I mean things that you that are very off-putting when you smell it but when you eat it it's a very different experience kind of like these there's the Sega world is now giggle so it is official it's awfully greasy yeah which is healthier the creme brulee Donuts or this foreign which is more life-sustaining neither creme brulee okay I think I'm gonna save this for later no just pound it pound it like a pound cake do it man up if you don't do it someone else will the pigeons looks like it's gonna rain again I hope not I'm on my bike these guys are waiting for Pachinko or what that looks like a Pachinko line usually it's a bunch of dudes jobless hobby shop they're trying to get something there's something on sale the thing is I can't judge them because I do the same stuff never judge people you don't know what what's going on all right I'm finished that was fantastic thank you for that is there anything else I can buy you sir to make you feel better Donut from Jack in the donuts or whatever it's called the great thing about it is we can recycle it as a can right yeah and a recycling machine let's walk to the other side of the station and put my mask on I'm going to do a live stream about the the use of masks in Japan people still don't get it someone yesterday a commenter it was an interesting criticism though I can't say it was wrong this is the Japanese thinking said that I had brains so I could I could remove my mask and I don't have to do what everybody else does I don't have to be a robot because I have brains and I could just do it but that's not why Japanese wear the masks because they're robots they're doing it because they have feelings which would be the opposite of it everyone's thinking about everybody else right it's part of living in this in this it's part of living in the society and you you know what this is the thing people don't get all right I'll tell the 1000 people that are watching right now right why are Japanese honest when you drop a wallet and people pick it up why do they return it cash do you want to know why I already know why but please tell me guilt yeah number one no guilt yeah number one someone probably saw them pick up the money and they're going to be afraid that that person saw them and then judged them right all right this is Old World this is Old World thinking and that's a great thing yeah it's not because of they're doing the right thing it's because if they did the wrong thing they'd feel guilty so that drives them to do the right thing right that's why when you're in Japan never get angry or upset and show that emotion because then you'll you you'll never get that feeling of guilt back to get what you want the idea is to try to make the other field person feel guilty to get what you want because by doing the right thing because they're gonna they can't live with themselves yeah there's some very interesting societal Norms that are here very different from where we're from that's probably why a lot of people are wearing the masks because if they didn't they feel guilty in the society that maybe they made somebody Sil sick or you know they are the ones and then people do judge you and look at you but more and more I think I saw data on online more people are not wearing masks the percentages is going down someone I guess there's someone on the street who counts as them so you know who knows but I don't wear it because I I want to wear it we wear these masks that have no meaning because it's polite and we can breathe just fine with a pita mask I like your blue color sir thank you I do too yeah Blue's my color of course yeah and and we're also on Red Alert right now because we've got an important trip coming up yeah and just get out of here we're going going this way are we going somewhere else yeah we're gonna go get a real donut just around this corner here we're getting kind of uh that time of day I don't think it's open until 10. oh really what time is it oh 9 38 okay let's go back towards the bike yeah I'm done go back to editing and uh but seriously we are trying to stay away and and try to stay healthy for the trip because we know what it we have a lot of backers and we know this means a lot uh to us each other so we're staying healthy for each other really because because we care about one another John no we don't get reimbursed for the money that we spent for this trip unless we do the trip yeah and have some fun it's gonna be fun but worse comes to worst we have a backup which is in September we will try to uh I don't want to use it me neither so that's we just gotta stay away from people cool guy we should get these for our this will be our uh cool guys shirts for our trip yeah tofu with uh pickles on top so we're going to show the postcard right oh yeah check out the I like I love the design these ukiole all put together that's what I was thinking maybe we were gonna make something like this but it didn't turn out that way so we had to change directions but our our artist uh Dakota is so damn good and you asked him if he was where he learned his art what did he say self-taught that's crazy yeah he's really really good Peter why don't you jump in there no no okay all right my wife might be watching you don't want to feel good about yourself um we're gonna show the postcard right yeah so why don't we we can cross right here yeah well when it's how's that sitting in your stomach by the way it's not it's moved to the small intestines already just skipped the stomach went right to the intestines it's now in my blood where I will be preserved until 2024 at least good thing yeah all right let's get over here are we going to show you the postcard the final design created by Dakota for the hitchhiking trip and we're hoping that by showing you this you might actually want one and sign up so I want one I I we're gonna get one and for anybody who buys a box I was thinking Peter what do you think put like an a by a four uh A4 size poster or something version of it in the box that shouldn't cost us back if we can hit the first stretch goal I think we'll we'll put posters in the boxes for everybody how will we package them so that they don't get bent we'll just roll it up okay we'll put it we'll make the poster a size that fits in the boxes are we sending boxes or envelopes that's another thing oh baby so if we're sending um we can just put it in a tube maybe here I don't know they're going by box unless the system changes the postal system right um before we ship them out if it goes back to the uh normal air mail then we can do a package right or like a envelope padded envelope yes it we're not sure how we're going to be able to send it to places like Canada and Australia which don't have air mail but we're gonna get it out nevertheless we kept shipping costs low so whatever the most affordable shipping that's available is we're going to get it out and everything just takes time all right let's let's show it on this corner yeah talk a little bit about the project um we are trying to get away from crowds of people so that's uh hard getting harder and harder to do ourselves from each other do you want to go on the other side the street yeah that light's gonna take a while let's go up here let's go over here you want to go to the next light I think I think we'll just wait here okay just beautiful wild landscape behind us oh yeah the jungle [Music] Urban Jungle all right take out your um how dare you mistreat that muffin it's there temporarily do you think if you put the can in the middle of this island in 2024 that time capsule will still be there and that muffin will still be moist yeah I think so rain water I think it's high probability uh okay here's the postcard so for the Postcard backers and everybody who's getting a postcard the final design oh that's awesome all right this is the lavender of fudano this is we're going to be driving through here at the peak season um at the beginning of August that Oni is in naboribetsu and it's I guess it's either chasing us or coming to say hello we're not sure with that big studded Club yeah I would hope is to say hello it's mount diote uh niseko so it looks like a volcano because it is a volcano and you like you can ski off of it it's pretty cool in the winter looks nice in the summer that's John and Peta I'm gonna see if maybe they can make me Browner because people are having trouble determining which one is John and which one's Peter I'm the one with the your body melon hat maybe a shock of hair at the side I don't know how to differentiate um I don't know what the bikes are they're generic and equal and then we have here Toby the crow over Peter's shoulder he's either attacking or getting ready to land and say hi because or drop a little juice on me it could be that too we don't know if if Peter is on the side of light or dark but we know what side that Crow is on and then we have cows which represent milk and we're going to have a lot of soft ice cream did you show them the fox oh I did show them we're gonna see some of those two up in Hokkaido yeah yeah we often see those on the on the roads so that'll be pretty neat yeah and Dakota signed it on the bottom I like that this is uh so zoom out and show the whole thing yeah there you go so that's available um for the Postcard we're gonna send these to every all the backers um who get the postcard and we're hoping that you get the postcard in the documentary set because hey it's on sale because Japan is 137 Yen to the dollar something ridiculous right now so yeah but yeah it's a really cool postcard we're proud of it and uh Dakota should be uh extra proud for for uh putting this together awesome and making some changes that we asked at the last minute he did a pretty good job in getting that out fast right before the project and so you can actually order them before we leave and we come back before you go to um the US uh us you can sign them because you have to sign them yeah have you sign that PBG are you right Pita all right yeah Peter so they'll be signed by yours truly and his truly yes us truly oh we can go all right if we miss this light the next one's like in 10 minutes there's a lot of shaking in this gimbal gotta calibrate it again so we are closing in we have 300 backers now we're targeting yeah hoping to get 500 people along with US 60 of the goal that I'm personally after 500 backers hey jdsdr's here and uh is it teams what tedster tedster maybe yeah that would make more sense when you say it like that hi John I bought a super Rider pack whoa motorcycle seven yes I remember don't tell my wife okay I should have even read that out loud Sam super writer pack excellent and thank you tedster or tdsdr got the Narita expresses mix it up there with the cable they're gonna crash wow it's a double whammy look at that that's rare when it's going up and down when two trains okay did you see that she's so nice to duck down and said sorry it's kind of annoying when people do that if they just walk through it they're only in there for a split second it's not like we're taking a picture video is fluid but I like I like the fact that she apologized in English too because we are from we look like we're not from around here but we are oh there's it's Tracer 900. that's the one in our um foreign I think foreign [Music] then we're writing about kimochi okay oh cool oh nice nice Arigato thank you I don't want to put the guy on the spot there cool so that's that's the uh model that I'll be riding postcard this one you'll be right the one I'll be renting yeah yeah that's the Yamaha it's cooler than mine he's got side uh and yeah is that the one in the pictures that we that he drew no no well the one in the picture is like uh uh uh Honda uh what do you call it uh uh I forget the model name okay Africa Africa to win okay that's still a pretty so but this is the this is the Yamaha Tracer the same one I'll be on the 900 and he said it gets really hot this is an older model he said the engine gets really hot on your legs uh but otherwise he loves it so yours is actually really cool it was just under 400x looks cool yeah it's not as powerful as your tracing that's powerful but plenty for you and uh you'll be happy with it I'm sure hey David Harvey thank you from ugly doll NHK pony creator Team Awesome keep up the incredible work big fans we are from kamata otaku yeah thanks guys thank you we'll be putting those funds to use on the trip as we eat our way through Hokkaido as well yes on motorcycles and the RV we're thinking about getting crabs in nemuro because I saw it was crab season I think we already got crabs at the vending machine house of horror no I think the alcohol might have taken care of that maybe I don't know what's in this those wipes but the uh name Muto has hairy crabs on that side and stop thinking about that and the other side Southborough that's where the giant crabs are I guess in the Sea of Japan the uh look like aliens down there so I'm guessing where down down there you said it not me why are you blushing are you blushing I'm not blushing this is what I look like with tan how dare you so the uh we could pick up some crabs in nemuro okay and we can barbecue them at the camping spot with the RV that'll be pretty how do you cook crabs you barbecue them or you boil them right well yeah we could probably wherever we buy them they may offer that to cook them ahead of time for us steam them yeah and we just have them fresh um but uh I've never barbecued a crab I'm sure you could but it's shrimp on the Bobby crab on the Bobby um but yeah Carrie I'm looking forward to those crabs it should be a good treat don't equate the what crabs well what else Connie okay is that Connie's better Connie's a Japanese for crabs I like this little vending Hut why don't we can take a look we can take a look here um yeah so yeah that's that's it so for the kickstarter project we're getting closer for everybody who's been uh backing I get a notification and if you're back right now in the next five minutes I will read out your backing when I get the notification yeah it's turned on all right let's take a look we'll spend a couple more minutes and we'll take a look at this before we we Cruise this is a neat little uh vending Hut what's neat about this and it's Tommy Lee hey he comes to Japan to do these ads once a year and they pay him a ridiculous amount because he's friends with the boss CEO and he doesn't say a word he doesn't say a word he just looks at the camera that's it um hey they are selling Oden in a can now what I've seen all the boss commercials that's impossible because there's like 30 years of Tommy Lee Jones at boss commercials since the the 80s that's what it looks like inside well they've they've been here before listen wait you can hear that hold on foreign ER music [Music] very light and tasteful Fly Me to the Moon I am digging Jimmy has pledged 9000 Yen thank you Jimmy for backing the motorcycle cheers Jimmy you can see these chojin here how cool is that yeah those are cool I love choching I wish they sold Cho chain in the vending machine House of Horrors oh you could just get a chochine and then you would put your chochina that's the smart idea that's what they should do a chochine with a marker and then you write your name and you can leave your chochin behind that's not a good idea no you can I'd rather well tourists want to bring chochines home with them well you have that option or leave it behind I don't know I could buy two I'd take it what would you write on your chochine or you just what would you want on it like Ramen or something uh what would I write on it yeah I love katsa Sando katsusando I love katusan big heart Mark yeah Matt writes in a very smart thing Mark Matt knows uh you give them a kababashi really cheap that's where you get kitchen and and restaurant equipment yeah really it's a fun neighborhood to walk around in yeah knives kitchen knives and all kinds of frying pans and things knives walks they can make left-handed knives or left-handed people too there yeah yeah that was pretty cool yeah that's uh yep that's very true I learned that at a uh a sushi making seminar that I went to where the the sushi chef pointed out that this knife is for a right-handed knife and then we have a left-handed knife as well interesting yeah so there you go these sandwiches are available and they're made fresh I believe from across the street because that's the head office for monse sandwich shop these sandwiches in the boxes actually showed up at my Supermarket recently which is really interesting they're not bad at all and I usually will get one if I do ever eat these not from the vending machines but from the train stations as eki Ben when I don't want to bend no I just want something smaller I get a sandwich yeah they're great and I've noticed that they have here in English because all the YouTubers have been coming here we came here last time with Mike Chen right in 2020 before the pandemic was raging Allen has pledged 1500 Yen thank you Alan thanks Alan hey this one's got volume it's got uh 1.5 times thickness poor cutlet sandwich why do we get the muffins we should have gotten that it's not sitting well John you owe me hey I've got double I ate the whole thing so um over four days away four days away from the trip and you and I have a lot of steps to planning still to do yeah there's a lot of stuff to do all I wanted to talk about the shots I guess we don't have time to do that we could do that in Al Qaeda I guess but some of the shots we can do for the insta 360 um how to hold the magic stick and and get these shots I was gonna try it out and then edit it but um I guess you ran out of time yeah we'll get some some wonderful footage with 360 from the bikes I've used my 360 camera on my bike and it uh it really allows you to get really good shots you have you have a extension on yours as well right where you can get it on top of yourself that's coming today from Amazon The Unicorn they call it oh cool so you could put your insta360 um long 20 centimeters off your helmet yeah I think you get it for like 30 seconds and then we could just place that into the video but we'll have some amazing drones I have the mavic 3 up there what is it like 6K video with a micro four thirds sensor so we're gonna get some pretty cool drone shots following us as well the roads of Hokkaido are not trafficked much so we can take our time go off to the shoulder it's a nice bike set up the Drone that's BMW GS big bike yeah it is that's for big boys we're going to be able to talk with a lot of other bikers other people talk about their trips as well yeah so the the let's I guess for thank you Jennifer has just pledged 10 000 Yen and Rachel 5 000 Yen for the motorcycle Adventure awesome thank you notification thank you ladies thank you much appreciated so we're gonna be doing five days on a motorcycle four days in an RV camper van we're going around most of Hokkaido and we're gonna be doing a stretch goal two stretch goals because of them because we're exceeding ours we're crazy expectations it's mind-blowing what how much we've been able to raise uh from this which will go into future trips as well we might do Kyushu and shikoku as well as other parts of Honshu Island and maybe we're gonna do the whole world John the world like Ewan McGregor when he wrote the I don't think I can out of the way first yeah baby step so we're renting them from uh a really good place what's that place called uh rental 819 rental 819 which is uh Nationwide right yeah we'll be we'll be introducing all this stuff properly once the trip begins uh we probably will do a live stream from the rental shop when we arrive on the 28th um time allowing um and once once we get everything set up but we will be we'll be introducing all of the the uh support that we've had from from the uh from the rental place and uh it's it's a as John mentioned a nationwide chain of motorcycle rental places we'll talk about how you too can rent bikes here as well as RVs um from Japan CRC yeah company we're using um so for the RV yeah it's that's a nice one that's bigger than I thought you could get in Japan but I guess you know is a bigger place you need a bigger car big car for big people big hits big ambitions that's us it's Texas that's Texas no mess so yeah so whether you're a biker or whether you're a family that wants to be in a camper when you come to Japan or whatever we got you covered so stay tuned for that it's going to be an amazing trip and we're praying for good weather yeah and uh like today that would be amazing if we could if the weather held out like this but I'm really excited we have green gear we've got rain gear so good rain gear thank you nightbot for sharing the link definitely uh support our goal my goal is 500 backers um that would be pretty awesome if we get a thousand that'd be even awesomer so go take a look take a look at it we have a video on the kickstarter project that you can watch it's about three minutes long and it sort of explains what we're doing uh and yeah we're doing it anyways to join us to hold you come along all right yeah you're riding back now yeah I got my bike right here that's a 250 Rebel that's a Honda Rebel wow wow oh that's the uh the gray one the gray one that one I've heard some bad reviews about because of the suspension on the back isn't so good when you go over any bump it it goes boom boom boom the rebel yeah okay so it's a beautiful looking bike but it's doesn't have good suspension I read I was thinking of getting one well I have nothing but good things to say about my bike it's the Speed Triple here the orange one this is a Pita's bike what's with the Union Jack you're not ingrish I'm not English no but I I painted that on there because it felt like something was missing you're one of those self-loathing Americans no no no not at all where's my mom's cool scarf it's in the wash yeah right I unlike someone else washes their clothes uh they don't need to be washed just rinsed out and in fact with a little bit of water is how it's supposed to be to keep you cool okay here's the the cost is 440 Yen it's reasonable I should have a famous last words all right so how they do the parking for motorcycles is interesting they give you a change which you can put around your tire that's kind of cool now you can remove the chain yeah you just pull it out oh my God yeah probe it's a weapon yeah I need to wash my hands after pulling that out it's not yeah it's kind of noise oh that's like to do there you go there you have it actually I I film you riding away into the sunset that's going to take a little bit of oh really preparation so kind I gotta get uh canai something at the um maybe the uh New York restaurant no I'm not gonna have junk food there's a New Yorker women love junk food if you really want to be on our good side get some donuts she gets angry she's not happy that um I I better bring her something nice yeah Jack and the donuts let's go I'm not gonna bring your creme bruday donut she doesn't want that uh yeah well thank you for coming along today thank you for those who who joined from my stream to John's on the trip we'll be streaming from both of our channels so we'll have to make sure we share we'll still be streaming this is Kickstarter I ask I asked hero thank you for pledging 3000 Yen thank you backers of the project will get daily at the end of the day update so we're going to do that uh some will be filmed some will be live uh uh and we'll talk about what happened in the day and what we'll be doing on the next day so you can be with us live we're gonna do that just for the backers but we'll be doing live streams during it because once again we we do hope that you back the project it's not just for Kickstarter backers you do get your name and the credit of the documentary if you buy a postcard or above we put your name in there yep um and we have YouTube sir dude wait we also we have two special seats the Toby and the anti-toby seat I don't know who booked those yet you gotta get in touch that's gonna be a blast that's going to be actually after they booked they have to give us the information because the project is still ongoing we don't know who they are right so we gotta if you're the Toby of the anti-toby please get in touch with us but how are we going to prove that that's them oh we'll prove it somehow because some anybody could say hey that's me and they get a free ride are we going to do this so the idea is that someone is going to be able to ride with us digitally we're just going to put the uh smartphone on the dashboard and uh you can see out the window with us this will win the RV yeah we're in the RV you can see in out the window with us we might even be able to attach a 360 camera so you could pan around too we'll we'll uh bring you for like I don't know how long we'll do it for as long as you we can and we'll try to get you into the documentary as well joining us digitally you'll be up there on the window nice smile saying hi maybe we'll record some of our conversation slice that in the dock yeah it's gonna be a blast guaranteed good times look at this ant only smokes carrying he's carrying that muffin or somebody's scab that's that weighs more than him these ants are amazing creatures come on down here you're on Candid Camera here he goes and how does he how did how does he do that inverted too yeah look at that that is impressive where'd he go it's a shell of a bug can you zoom in on it you sir are impressive going upside down with a bug carcass in your jaws live on camera but see you do that John Dobb there's a challenge yeah you finished I'm finished you're done now I'm done okay thanks nice helmet see you guys wait I put the Unicorn right here right yeah you can put it there you can put it on the side you can put multiple mounts on the top rights there now yeah thank you for that oh by the way we will while we're on this ride John and I have a communication device this is from cardo they've they've uh loaned us these to try out so we our helmets are wired up with these communication devices and as we're filming while we're on the roads we will be recording our voices as well so that will be included in the documentary so um they sound cool like AM radio yeah or something it's going to work out really well uh we tested it yesterday so we'll have the Drone up there following us and we can converse with one another that'd be pretty cool and then splice in the GoPros uh did the GoPros take our face is that how it works no the GoPro is mounted on the front so whatever you're looking at it's a point of view so whatever you're looking at you're recording but your your microphone will be wired into the GoPro how many Pros do you have just one I got two the seven and the nine in the insta 360. so maybe we could do something with that yeah so anyhow we've got everything sorted out and we're just about ready to go it's time to start packing that's right that's right uh Tommy writes in here tell Pete put his mask on everyone's giving him guilt stares really nobody around Pete and where's John's they're not giving him a this is the Abe Lincoln look guilts guilt stairs nobody's nobody cares yeah I got a blue government said as long as you're physically distanced you could take your mask off outside here I'm calling me Bluebeard there's actually a rule yeah yeah it looks Blue Beard that's the Cooper meet Blackbeard Bluebeard I'm like a men in the height gosh how old are you are we um look at this guy he's still walking around he's lost can't find the hole how is he gonna get that in the hole I don't know his little feet are probably really burning up must be a he must be uh one of those probeats you know it's his first year they locked him out oh yeah yeah he's going through some sort of uh we're just messing what's it called um initiation he's like trying to find his aunt frat house right now to take his card yesterday will he'll be celebrated and probably that's another aunt and then they tell him you just bought another hand I remember him Vinnie we haven't seen him for years right he was in that bush he went into that jungle across the street never came out it is over there all right you have at a jungle all right everybody so I hope you enjoyed the House of Horrors vending machine if you're joining us right now uh go to the playback and you can see us about Beetle and read some stories of Horror including a 60 60 year old man who was watching elementary school kids pee nasty yeah nasty stuff nice sock I got one too all right everybody take care have a good day have a good night so long motorcycle trip see you soon Hokkaido four days away keep talking like this goodbye for now
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 39,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, travel, Akihabara, vending machine, Japanese vending machines, weird, Bug vending machine, bread in a can
Id: zTBhu3e1Ons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 17sec (4997 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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