Japanese Rare Toy Museum & Retro Collection | Noboribetsu, Hokkaido

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hey everybody welcome welcome to novo Tibet so this is a really special place this is the toy in art museum it is a place where you get to see some really retro toys now you can't find this kind of stuff inside of Tokyo well you can but it's not the same because the owner of this retro toy shop is a personal friend of mine somebody that I met 17 years ago when I was on my first hitchhiking trip in 2003 he's got a heart of gold and I really wanted to introduce you to his collection which goes back decades it's amazing here's the sign of it in the front this is an old sign now he started this about seven years ago and the reason why was he just loves toys and because he was so kind to me seventeen years ago picking me up and hitchhiking that I kind of want to return the favor but this is gonna be a treat this is what you subscribed for this is a really really exciting oh man we'll cover check that out okay let's go inside there's what key what cocky son is right here so we're gonna go inside the retro totally Museum awesome so it's pretty simple you can walk to the nobody but sustain from here it's about it a seven or eight minute walk and you go in and the admission is five hundred yen per person it's open from ten to six it's closed on a sOooo be estimated so no vacation days that's actually pretty incredible I put a mint a link in the description for the map let's go inside are you ready you ready to take a trip oh wow it's not what you expect from the outside it looks like just an ordinary hokkaido building on the inside it's pretty incredible i'm gonna show you the first floor in more detail at the end of this video so you're gonna want to stick around some of the collections it's a little eclectic but it's extremely interesting down here the things that he has collected and now i'm gonna take you upstairs one of the more traditional x' one of the more traditional toys that that is here in japan as these kokeshi which he has an amazing collection from from all over japan including the books and the background on them from the maker some of the famous makers Salonika immersed in it fifteen hundred single hockey ball one thousand five hundred inside of here which is incredible there's some battleships alright let's go upstairs oh I want to show you these retro toys because the second floor is gonna blow you away if you're a fan of Japanese toys and collectibles you've got to come here this is a goldmine of stuff I thank you okay hope wait for it wait for it wait for it wow this is incredible so I'm gonna walk around and show you some of the stuff in here it goes all the way up to the ceiling inside there is a mask collection let's walk around this way there's some Pokemon I think that's all of it it's incredible says hobby some of these go back a long ways and you can see the division from when things started were made in Japan and when things started to be made in China so there's kind of a time differential difference between where the products were made but Ultraman is a very very big part of this museum ABS fat boy coming right up yeah yeah this is coming writer yeah comment oh yeah yeah yeah look at this this is incredible this is a pretty good Kamen Rider collection right here a lot of these are going back through Sony corner kaze no naka hc-130 whatever you know us basic an icon on it there's a lot of ones here together this is the Wow under my 50 years ago SOI let's take a look here I'm gonna take you now to the to the Ultraman area but first we gotta get past Godzilla how could you pass that up you can't it's just too big many of these toys go back half a century it's incredible I mean I wish I had some more time I have to take a train just supper over oh this one pretty cool Wow these are inside of Glee packages of Glee co-products gleeko are these I guess you've seen these in Osaka the Gleek oh man this is actually none Doki Chatham Erin yeah these are little packages of caramel from a long time ago inside the caramel they would also put o makki toys like this little teeny toys in the collection from it they look like little pieces from the game of life but would they put wood pieces and packages of candy yeah I think you could furnish a doll houses all these things now I know why people would either eat more caramel that's a lot of stuff you could collect out of those packages Wow now we're getting into the ultimate collection if your if your fandom we have a discord server we're probably gonna be talking about a lot of this of anime manga fandom people who are collectors it's pretty amazing stuff there's a lot of Godzilla's throughout the years and it goes all the way from the floor to the ceiling it's pretty incredible areare in the in the Bondi Ultraman area and the amount of unopened packages I wish I was more of a collector as a kid but this is at another level this is the the top level the highest level Wow I think you could spend about an hour in here looking around now this is ultraman here it's written in katakana or ultraman and the collection I believe it gets it gets newer as you go down here but there's so much in here including a game up on the top look at that all Japan's characters are so awesome I don't know too much about altar man but I just know that this is this is like a dream come true to see all these toys it's pretty incredible over here are the Tomy ponder these these are the Tomy card collections and Wow the I think this is the whole collection this is the entire collection it's pretty incredible but I love the way it's all displayed so you can probably find cars by year and model look at that old Volkswagen bug a quarter before II can take a look here this is the oldest here Tomica Wow 50 years ago these these little Matchbox cars were being sold not sure broad does he have any kin Keshe muscle man Kim Keshe Adi Moscow Adi Moscow oh he has him and pc-engine [Music] you're gonna chuckle out of that one huh cool buddy Scott whoa I'll look at that that's pretty cool look at those little guys there yeah muscle man you could stretch him I saw two more that's what you want it check it out here Ikey Casey whoa that's a whole jar of them yeah that's pretty cool you have to be you have to be serious collector to fill up a jar like this seriously pretty hardcore to see all of this but oh my gosh this is a lot of stuff here Thank You Terry it's just you have to spend and what I love about this is it's all over the place you have to spend time and look at the details koromon Nick good oh my is also quite famous here you could see collection here collecting none Incan correct that is God about 40 years and the mass collection is over in the other room are we gonna take you there last but inside of this room in the back we have a mask collection and I'm gonna take you back to the altar man let's show the mask the masks here this is so cool these are the old traditional masks from Japan but you know you you find these when you go to festivals so these are all Japanese traditional masks here you can see he's got a layout again it's part of the museum know what okay so we want to make a museum for him so I'm gonna come back and film this more slowly but I have to introduce this to you like if you're in the area just to come and say hi put this on the map and it's quite famous actually here on the wall there it's like really pretty has here hi cause I know cause of that it's nice to see yeah so much passion for the toys that sells it for me when someone has passion for what they do you see so many wonderful things I'm getting kind of I'm getting kind of sidetracked here let's go back into it but if there's something you want to watch let me know and I'll try to go back there yeah yeah there's a there's a girls area where all the ladies are watching there's a girls area she don't open much I know me say it damn I don't him I said ah so the move was that was kind of fishy this is like yeah this is like virtual reality stuff before your reality no it's just a visor but you can see here I just want to give you an overview of what you can find in here there's some tanks collectible cars just stop you collected over the course of 50 years and it's just absolutely incredible but what's more for me I have a personal history with my friend here so I definitely want to I'll be back I'm gonna film this a lot more slowly there's some more ultraman ultraman goods and evil taste 5 no John dog anime features not yet anyways Tommo Chi su need you near mine in Kedah Sunday as in the rocket then I'm at at skater could you could use this these are Tomic tamagochi were so big in the nineteen 1990s and I mean this one is completely unopened it's it's really awesome to be holding this again my students and I taught children would have these tamagochi and they would live their lives based on the Tamagotchi telling them what to do or else it would die and then the toy would self-destruct yeah here's some bond games some board games is what we say here so that's an incredible collection of board games on opened board games yeah that's the game of life the jinsei gamer that's what I was talking about earlier the game of life but they have a Japanese version of jinsei game I always lose at the jinsei game you know trying my best to live my life who wants to be a tycoon that is not the value of living a life happiness they say helps to have a lot of money but happiness a lot of people have a lot of money aren't that happy Wow I just want to show you this corner then we're gonna go back into the girls area hey Danny can you tell him from me that his collection is awesome I wish him a nice day and don't have too much fun with this no thanks Danny I'm on my way I'm gonna tell him right now I'm on my way to stop poor Oh in about 20 minutes can I has already arrived so I'm looking forward to making my way there but how could I not just take you on a tour of this amazing museum I see stuff before height transformers oh yeah Transformers none in my son jean-mi yeah I mitigated I hid oh so the Transformers came from Japan and you can see here this is the Japanese version of it you don't see them mol nyan nyan nyan nyan muddy 9 transformers from jet to robot to super robots to back again yeah well that's that's um um who is that Matt Magness prime or somebody i remember having that my brother had that gun that's like ancient Wow Megatron yeah that's been catch on baby Megatron well I mean there's some Gundam as well of course Lindemann this one is also very very famous oh yeah that's um Maximus prime yeah that's the one that turns into a truck look at it it's in Japanese yeah so the Transformers they all came from Japan and then they became more American now Hollywood makes transformer movies and guess what Japan's moved on it's pretty weird well it's a whole case of them got a whole case of them whoa it's the whole collection this is awesome look at this this is what you come to a museum like this so to wenatchee Danny saw us equates to what I see huh kibbutz Gandhi so you two thought you want Danny you can I just got high so I don't have I don't have as much time as I wish I had but I hope my hope is if you do come to nobody better that you will take a look at this amazing collection of toys they go back about 50 years and I'm telling you right now if you're going to the onsen spend some time in the city before you make the trip over there in the summer it's a lot it's a lot warmer of course but it's only been used once like many many uh having been hasn't been used at that it's never been used these coy nobodies so actually from famous famous artists and makers unused koi-nobori can be very very very very valuable these sounds I get to go let me show you the girls area really quickly again like this museum can change over the next year it's I think it's gonna get better and better but there's not there's not a lot of English translations and and the proprietor doesn't speak much English but I think by looking through this tour you can get an idea of what you're going to see here and for collectors you probably know I'm gonna come back here with can I in the body Betsy and do more slowly and give you a better look at this Ellis Audrey I want yes you did I give you a better look at this and maybe I'll put some explanations in English so if you do come next time it'll be a little bit listed I was I came here for the for the festival so I didn't have a lot of time to spend with my friend but wow these are beautiful how you doing good three parasol yeah jibbety these are old we catch on how you doing sucka girls there's soccer girls and other soccer moms thirty years later yeah I don't think you need the play-by-play sometimes I get a little carried away my apologies to the people know so I'm gonna come back and do like a documentary on this because it's just too deep it's even ski naman on the same bus key that get on it's even ski no yeah pick what cha cha our new coach ah it's the girls room girls room I'm not old Sailor Moon posters hmm Kuramoto kini Nani gasps cutest ah-ha [Music] [Laughter] just toys and these are some air guns just he loves all of them there's nothing one then I think that's why he owns a toy store so he collects a lot of this so he kinda came another night hai genki my show my train leaves in 15 minutes you know me and trains yeah Mondays if they want like you my Co you know me and trains I'm always running he's actually gonna drive me to the station so I might just keep this live until then yeah I got to pick up my bag at the at the guesthouse you guys want to join me for this only that bowling lady how you doing she's doing fine Ellis Ellis ride that I'll be back and then on the first floor some amazing collectibles I'm Ella Monroe yo you will not be anything it will be back hi there's even more naca how cool boots gun Moll tolki huh caboose guns goody my Shaunie let's let's build a bigger pack of wits Kahn I think that'd be a good idea right hi uh yeah this is a currency from around the world that's pretty cool to see that and through the years the currency changes but it's nice to be able to see all of this here to Sony gingka night she comes in the night GuestHouse addiction if another night alright let's get it let's go alright so 500 yen children are 200 yen so that's pretty good all right she's checking the other Seiko Mart so welcome to nobody bets there's the museum definitely stop by there's actually there's no time I now I'm rushing to the station [Music] this is what so this is what it was like when I was hitchhiking it's just sort of the same thing 17 years ago we met and now we're on the way to go to the station daijoubu this is a fun live-streaming it's just kind of go I guess that's Coco this name okay Hayaku keymaster this is Action Man yeah Sugoi so what cookie son I know CUDA money I'm II didn't know he was watching the livestream and brought it out all right I've got to I'll watch the livestream yesterday what the key watch it uh-huh it's awesome I got wheels hey let's go welcome to the life of John dog this is what you subscribe for they told me I should try to appeal to get more subscribers sometimes you should say please subscribe there's the bus no I'm gonna beat them run Jim run right now now these stinking tourists I'm gonna pick the tourists no way hey bus you back off there's a new sheriff in town hey that's where I camp 17 years ago I camped right over there by that trailer in the middle there's a big earthquake here 2003 I beat the bus oh hey yo she could are you got alright how do you get those IMS okay Sonia I thought I didn't watch baby mustard eh how'd he get though I'm kind of sad he said to tell my wife I said hi one of the nicest people one of the nicest people that I know oh man I'm sad you know in life you just sometimes throw Innova but thrown together by situations and circumstances and that was one of those where he helped me out 17 years ago and was hitchhiking and now he's got a museum that's just an extraordinary person there's nobody bets the station and I'm gonna make my way to the train which is coming here oh there's the volunteer porters those porters volunteer clean shop to help tourists hello with their bags isn't that nice nobody bets it has this service oh very cool what's people lining up for what are people lining up for so I have my ticket here oh no this is not my ticket it's a Sapporo Saburo Minami I'm just gonna go here I don't like to line up [Music] I guess you this is more than you bargained for we're now going on a train from toy museum to train that's Chinese oh I love the booty butts they're such good memories hey Gil Gil's here how you doing girl young hot choco Kanishka all right I'm waiting here I have a reserved seat and I paid I paid an extra 500 yen because I figured there's gonna be a crowd of people okay I'm not gonna miss my train so this is the ticket he stamped it he said nan bullsháá bullsháá means what car this is the Gosha here for number two road to seat a do you see that and it says here noboribetsu to Sapporo February 6th and it cost me four thousand seven or eight en because only the Express train is running right now and I want to go into Kenai so I just paid more for the Express train makes it easy right here comes a train everyone's got messed on except for me wait if everyone has meson except for me I'm safe right so you better put a mask on I have some information on the masks here when you put the mask on then the glue part should be on the outside not the inside just some information so this should be on the everyone's been doing it wrong for for many years but I pointing the internet this should be on the inside people are doing it the other way so make sure you wear your rap masks correctly the glue and the is on the outside the glue is where the string is attached to because it's because because it's a little bumpy it sticks out so where the mask I can't talk to you didn't think about that wait how am I gonna talk to you at the positions are and the hanging sign [Music] we would just put up with the on so we saw stupid okay awesome I think I messed this up I'll wear this later I think it's too late if I got it I got it he was somebody was watching the show and she cuz he saw the show he became too nobody bet to see sometimes live streaming and showing the planaria can can help people make a decision and I I make you show because I want you to make a decision and see some really a cool stop I need a new mask now that's right Jason I know but it's pretty cool that we're going on a train ride together just how does nice even go from toy store should to Train sometimes I could just lie stream all the way to the time I meet Kenai I'll be pretty cool don't get Kenai sick actually Kenai students had influenza yesterday and she said that she still had to teach them so I'm worried about tonight - we both had we both had vaccines we're buds vaccinated for the flu about a month and a half ago before we went to Europe so we should be safe like the announcements in English you should do it and influenza influenza livestream really when I catch it I'll do it maybe that's I always lose my tickets I know where I'm sitting what'd you think of my friend yucky sod super super nice guy and I hope you do make it get a chance to stop at his place I guess I don't think he gets a lot of people visiting the museum it's not really marked in English and I think he said he gets about three people a day so that's not a lot and I'm gonna come back and I didn't even pay him but he wouldn't take my money I did give him a DVD I did give him a DVD I wish you could sit down and talk with him about his passion not sure I'm gonna do this in a longer edited episode I think with this live stream I just wanted to showcase it because they didn't have a lot of time but I'm gonna come back and I think I'm coming back here in the in June's to Hokkaido and of course I'll stop back here because I want to see my friend see how he's doing we're both were both 17 years older but it's nice to keep the relationship and he was he was kind of he was sad too he gave me his business card to make sure I stay in touch and I'm gonna send him send him a letter and I'll probably call him and thank him with Han I later today and then can I can talk to him in better Japanese in my than me yeah pretty cool our train is imminent here comes a train that's the other side it's a one month a one my meaning one man is doing everything so that means our trains coming from this direction I didn't get an icky Bend I don't think they exist yaki bends don't really exist yeah but you can see I love these these one-man trains this one's going to Tomac oh my after what come on yeah that's where I'm not eat the Sun is hometown is to Moodle Don I believe it's hard for me to see he got she murdered on yeah that's a local local train just like it's actually full I guess cuz there's only one car that you can sit in I don't see the train that's me busted busted [Music] whoa check it out it's got like smoke coming out of it that is not that's a diesel engine that is not electric I saw you it's coming now weak this is like an express train Hokkaido does Hokkaido has a Shinkansen but it only goes to hakoda they're building the tracks so it'll go to Sapporo so I think it's gonna be another four years before you can go directly from Sapporo to Tokyo that'd be pretty cool but we're not quite there yet but the one man trains out of sight now alright so suddenly we go into a tunnel so I'm gonna lose the connection pretty quickly yeah you guys like this it's just I love the alleged shooters take on a life of their own that's what live means it can go anywhere live means that he can go left right something can happen something good can happen something bad can happen anything there's actually two trains coming there's one at 11:25 which is the one I'm taking and then there's one at 7 minutes later they were the same price so I took 11:25 because it gets in a lot earlier sort of it's coming I can hear the singing it comes the authority it's not gonna bust him you got to stay behind the yellow line and everybody this is exciting here comes a train I see it always at a car that's traffic from the highway nearby I think we're using the wide-angle lens so you can't see it but it says it's on the way well there it is oh it's chugging look at that is awesome she's coming in a little hot look at that nose honor its massive welcome to noboribetsu super Hokuto welcome Dounia super Hokuto bound for supper Oh departing at 11:25 alright guys this is where we say goodbye this is where we say goodbye a couple of people welcome to nobody better all right so there's a place for my rugged and then we're gonna go sitting inside of here so is that fun stay safe thank you I'm gonna put on a mask right now but everybody thinks there's so much for watching us please do if you come to nobody better come and visit come and visit what cocky sons place and I know you're gonna really enjoy it he you probably can get a lot of attention from the owner as well he's so friendly he'll try his best to communicate with you bring a Google Translate or translator to I think that might help but you know you're also gonna have a really good friend if you come here too nobody bets to meet with him so I hope that you do see you soon while cocky son thanks so much nobody bets ooh I love the guest house that I was at - it was pretty exciting stay I got told I'll thank you not eat the Sun thank you society side everybody over there and that's all she wrote see you in sup bro everybody how do I turn this off [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 165,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, japanese, toys, japanese toys, retro, collection, gachapon, capusle, museum, tokyo, hokkaido, noboribetsu, 古趣, 古趣北乃博物館, ワカキ, 登別, ultraman, bandai, transformers, pokemon, rare, antique, Tomi, matchbox cars, old, collector, biggest, greatest
Id: ZsrIKelPVU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 26sec (2666 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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