Homemade Biscuits with ONLY 2 INGREDIENTS!

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hey y'all i am gonna make uh some simple simple biscuits if you want to make homemade biscuits and you really just don't know how um although i have two other videos on on how to make biscuits i'm going to show you how to make biscuits using two ingredients i always have heavy whipping cream i keep one in the freezer and but i make a lot of soups so i always use this this is what we made our butter with that you saw the video i think it was the last video the homemade butter so this has the butter already in it other than that you just use self-rising flour and i'm going to show you how to do it all we're going to do is i'm going to start out with two cups of flour i'm not real picky on the measurements it don't have to be level or anything like that you can sift it if you want to i'm not i'm making it easy for y'all um we're gonna add to it a cup to a cup and a half of a heavy whipping cream and and then we're going to stir it up i use a wooden spoon it's old as everything but i'm just going to pour that heavy whipping cream in i'm just going to stir that that's all the ingredients you need right there you may need a little more liquid and you may need a little more flour but that's it so that was a cup i'm gonna have another we'll start out with a half i think that'll do it it's just according to the weather if it's a dry biscuit or a dry dough or a wet dough you never know normally i do a two to one ratio but today it's taking a little more of the liquid so that's a cup and a half and that should be clean and all i do is just stir it up it's kind of a thick dough you can see but this remember the heavy whipping cream has the butter that you would use in making regular biscuits and now i've already uh got my biscuit pan out it is seasoned because i use it all the time but if you don't make biscuits all the time you might want to spray it with some pam or something okay the next thing i'm going gonna do is just take some self-rising flour well any flour but i use self rising in this and just put it on my board now you can roll these biscuits i usually put a pile right there for my jar you can roll them or you can cut them however you want i'm doing i'm cutting them this time just to make it easy for the ones that aren't used to making biscuits i just want to show you how easy it is i'm gonna have to check my bacon in just a minute if you hear something cooking i'm frying bacon so now all we're gonna do is get some flour on our hands and all we're gonna do is knead this and kneading is basically just folding over and pressing it down that's all it is i'm not fancy on that some people are real perfectionist on stuff like that i'm not but just press it down this is a really good dough i really really like it and it makes a good biscuit that way you can start out with these and you can move on to some of my other biscuits that i made now look how pretty that dough is you know maybe 10 12 times i need it maybe just do you think it's it looks good y'all i'm gonna have to go turn my bacon because i don't want to burn it i'm gonna go ahead and push things out i just press them down to the thickness i want and i kind of like a with this recipe i kind of like a thin biscuit i mean they still rise okay val go check the bacon i can tell by the way okay back to my business so i told you i already have my pan ready i've got my oven preheating 450. and i just use a jar most of the time i do have a biscuit cutter but i just use a jar most of the times i made these a little bit thin just because i want them thin we've got some homemade butter like i mentioned before and if you'd like to know how to make that and out of heavy whipping cream go check out my video on that it's fun it makes you uh it just makes you smile so i'm gonna have bacon biscuits i'm gonna have uh molasses and butter and then we're headed out to get cow feed we got to go pick up some several barrels of cow feed and i didn't dip that in good enough come on there you go but like i say you can make these as thick as you want so i'll dip it in the flour honey i will tell you this you can uh if you want your biscuits crusty on the edges you can keep them separated because they're going to arrive so or if you want them uh tender and soft or you just have more biscuit though like i do um just put them close together and and this is the way i like them so i'm gonna put these in the oven and then i'm gonna finish this in a different pan so all i do when i get to this point i probably could have got one biscuit right there is i just take it make sure my hands are good and floured and i'm gonna make this pan just a little bit thicker to show you what you can do just knead that and get it to a ball you can use a rolling pin it's not necessary just use your hands and i'm making these a little bit thicker so we can see the difference and you can even make them thicker than that and these will be separated in the pan because there's not going to be many of them you do not have to use an iron skillet you can use a cookie sheet um if it's not a seasoned pan i suggest that you um spray it or grease it so that gave us four more biscuits this little biscuit recipe is a good little recipe now this last one i'm just gonna roll and that kind of shows you what i do i just tuck the edges under like that and i think i've showed you before how to roll a biscuit you don't want to work the dough too much anyway and then you put it on there and just press it down with your hands or your fingers so i'm gonna put this in the oven so normally i'd make a gravy out of this right now but we're leaving so i'm not going to do that but i will put it in my grease a little pot and save it and if i don't have grease one day i can make gravy out of it that's my homemade butter i made yesterday i'll set it out for our biscuits i always leave my canisters most of the time i just let them sit here this is the sugar this is cornmeal and this is my self-rising flour i usually just set them out and um and just leave them out because i use them so much looks like i forgot to paint a dish but i've got to wash the biscuit pans i love to get everything clean while the biscuits are in and then i don't have to worry about that i'll just wipe everything down i've already got my morning routine done if you don't know about that you can look on the new beginnings journal we talk about that the videos for that we're going to be having another one soon or you can go to my facebook our forever farm and you can follow along as we clean our homes and love our homes and love our families okay i'm gonna get the first pan of biscuits out the thin ones and show you what they look like these are just beautiful and they're going to be so good but see how thin i cut them and how thick they are we'll get the others out in just a minute and show you the difference so while i'm waiting on the others to come out i'm going to show you these are hot i'm going to show you how pretty these are anybody can do these these are so easy look how flaky and i'm gonna put some homemade butter on them and i've kind of chopped my butter up when you make homemade it's um it and it's been in the refrigerator it's hard you can always meld it if you want melded butter and i'm gonna go ahead and do sweet hunter one of these little biscuits and then when the thick ones come out we'll get in one of those so here's the thick ones see if i can get this without look how thick i like the thin ones better myself but they're pretty aren't they let's get it down here where you can see both of them thin ones the thick ones you can tell which one i rolled see how different it looks that one right there but i think these are beautiful so there you go easy biscuit anybody can do it uh i'm gonna make me a bacon biscuit and sweet hunter another one and put some homemade butter on it uh y'all go cook something
Channel: Our Forever Farm
Views: 1,313,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homemade, Homemade biscuits, Biscuits, Heavy cream, Heavy whipping cream, 2 ingredients, Recipe, How to make, How to cook, Our forever farm
Id: k4krDR2dtow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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