Cooking With Freeze Dried Shrimp Creole Ep138

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] hello everyone so today i am going to be doing a uh meal that i'm going to cook using freeze-dried ingredients and i want to give a hat tip to smoking and grilling with a b he's got a youtube channel with like a million subscribers or something but i'm going to be using his recipe so i'm going to leave a link to his recipe in the description box below and i'd really appreciate if you go over there and check it out because i mean i really like this guy i'm going to be doing a lot of his recipes i think because he's he he makes him really simple for even a dummy like me i can follow him and when i watch his videos it's kind of like i get the feeling like i'm standing in there in his kitchen with him and we're two friends and he's just talking to me and explaining how he's making it and i really i really enjoy his channel so i'd like you to if you get a chance to go over there and check that out but this is his recipe for uh creole shrimp and we are going to be using a freeze-dried shrimp so what i'm going to do is get this starting to prep right now so there's my dried shrimp what i'm going to do is put that in a ball pick out my o2 absorber these shrimp came out so beautiful in the freeze dryer what i'm going to do with those is add cold water today let me see if i can put that in camera for you i don't have a nice big kitchen like abs got so i'm gonna soak those with cold water put a little bit more in there i'm just going to put those off to the side while we prep the rest of the meal let me get his recipe back up here again so his recipe calls for one and a half one to one and a half pounds of shrimp which is about what i got there and i am doing it in cups versus his uh like he says one large bell pepper one uh three stalks of celery that type stuff i'm gonna be doing it in cups so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna cut one cup of bell peppers now you have to remember that these bell peppers are freeze-dried so i'm gonna make this one cup of bell peppers like overflowing a more than full cup and then he said a half a yellow onion large yellow onion so i'm going to put another cup of onions and these i diced up pretty well we'll just stick with the cup on that well i'll use the pouch that is about a [Applause] cup diced onions freeze-dried three cloves of garlic now when i did i think it was my onions i did do some garlic cloves on there so we're going to use the freeze-dried garlic these ones are that i uh peeled and crushed just a little bit so we'll just take three of those and with our vegetable mix and my celery i'm gonna put one cup of my chopped celery all right chopped celery and i'm just going to use the whole powder without a cup there so i got all those vegetables in my bowl here you know i think they call that the holy trinity with some garlic what i'm going to do now is add some cold water to that and get that rehydrating all right check those nice dry vegetables out i'm just going to get those totally soaked because we'll drain it before we cook them up all right we'll let those drains are soaked for about five or so minutes while i prep up my table here but before i do that tell you what else i got i got he says to use one can of tomato sauce one eight ounce can and one of these discs that we made earlier all these things i'll show you i'll put links to this is my tomato sauce and each disc is four ounces so two discs of those we're gonna use and then he says 14 and a half ounce can of fire roasted tomatoes well those are four ounces each disc i've got four eight sixteen so i'm gonna go ahead and use 16. so that's basically one cup of tomato sauce and two cups of uh fire roasted tomatoes that's what we'll be using then for this for my seasoning i got a half a teaspoon of chili powder half a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of creole seasoning and it was his idea about these small balls and i i think i used this amazon link to buy these and i like to slap your mama slap your mama cajun seasoning this is really a nice got a beautiful kick to it so that's what i used all right then we're going to use he calls this w sauce and that's a lot safer i'm going to try and pronounce it the worst the shark sauce and how much is that one tablespoon we're going to use one teaspoon of louisiana hot sauce which i haven't put in my tray and then i got one tablespoon of cornstarch that we're going to mix with some water and make a slurry so we can thicken up our creole sauce so that's what i got so now i can clear all that away okay so let's put this on medium heat [Applause] and i'm gonna go strain these uh vegetables over the sink because they have freeze drip rehydrated very nicely i'm going to put a tablespoon of butter in there and a splash of olive oil we're frying that up all right let's get melting nicely i'm going to dump this all in there [Applause] all right now the whole cloves of garlic are is dumped in there somewhere hopefully we'll be able to find them because he pulled those out once it was all fried so hopefully i'll be able to find those okay i've sauteed that about five minutes probably closer to six i'm gonna fish these up close the garlic out now while that's cooking i'm going to mix up my tomato sauce rehydrate that so you want eight ounces of tomato sauce which is two discs look how easy those came out of the jar great idea for baking you know that that one half cup one half cup for a total of one cup and then we're gonna put three of these in no i think i'm gonna put all four of them in yeah this is my fire roasted tomatoes those are going to be a little bit more stubborn not to worry do it like that i'll help it out three four all right so we've added [Applause] essentially three cups of tomatoey stuff so we're gonna add three cups of water to that to rehydrate it three all right get my fish my spoon out of there ow let's get that all rehydrated which should be pretty quick check that out i just instantly turns to your tomatoey mix just like it's supposed to love it okay so it came out pretty good there let's get that poured into here oh yeah get that mixed around it's looking so good i'm watching this video as i'm making this all right so we've done that then we're going to add our worcestershire sauce our chili powder our salt and our creole seasoning we're going to give that a good mix that's smelling good okay and then we're gonna add i didn't put that earlier but we're gonna put three bay leaves in there and we're just gonna bury those with the sauce all right and av says to cover that and cook it for 20 minutes i'll set the timer for 20 minutes and i'll see you in 20 minutes okay so there we have it that's been 20 minutes let's see what we're looking like in there oh yeah that's looking good and smelling good too okay now i made a mistake and pulled those uh and pulled those uh garlic out a bit prematurely so i threw them back in now i gotta try and find them and get them out okay there's my leaf if i don't find it it don't matter there's one isn't it yeah another leaf there's my other leaf it looks like my garlic kind of dissolved in all that all right so all the time that that was cooking my shrimp has been soaking so let me now drain this and along with uh pulling those bay leaves out i also put the uh w sauce the worcestershire sauce in early so just as a i love worcestershire sauce anyway but just as a kind of like a refresher i'm gonna go ahead and put a little bit in there again not much just a few sprinkles add my hot sauce mix that up put that back on 275 and put my cornstarch slurry in there that should thicken it up nicely that smells good all right that's thickening up kind of nicely just like it's supposed to [Music] all right so now we're going to add our reconstituted shrimp wrong get that mixed in there everything coated on that oh yeah that looks good all right we're going to cover that let that cook for another five minutes see you in five minutes okay there we have it that's been five minutes let's go ahead and turn that off let's open it up and see what it looks [Music] like oh yeah that looks good look at that all right let me get it trade up and then we'll do a taste test and there you have it what do you think that looks delicious smells delicious if i get a nice shot of that oh yeah shrimp creole southern style by abyss smoking and grilling with a b thank you man let's taste it so everything in here was freeze-dried except for the seasoning let's get some of that rice on there one of those big juicy shrimps oh yeah that is good the texture of the shrimp came out really well i'm happy with that the flavor in that is just immense not too much heat which is good i'm really happy with that i hope you enjoyed watching the video and i think i'll be doing some more of these uh cooking up meals from uh freeze-dried ingredients what do you think thank you for watching and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: John In Bibs
Views: 1,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C7lHCwF9Trc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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