Japanese Motorcycle Gear Shopping | Kushitani

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hello everybody this is kushitani hamamatsu kushitani is a very famous motorcycle clothing Outfitter they have all the goods jackets shoes gloves all sorts of cool things we were we've been talking with them to see if we could get Whitman for our trip up to Hokkaido get some recommendations and we're going to be taking you inside of this shop also telling you about talking about our trip to Hokkaido this summer we're going to be riding around the entire Island by car we need the right gear and I think this might be exactly where we're gonna find it let's go let's go side say hi to PBG he's probably trying stuff on already [Music] hey there hey I see you found some jackets and yeah these jackets are awesome man look at this so they've got they have a huge selection here I don't know if you can hear me they've got a really big selection here hey guys and uh before they've got winter weight autumn autumn spring is kind of a hybrid um so when we're riding here in Japan in Kanto in the summertime [Music] it's not so humid right and you really need like a mesh type jacket so they've got plenty of those because they're they're lightweight Wind Blows through but we'll be in Hokkaido so we're gonna need something a little bit it's still warm in Hokkaido but it doesn't have that humid air and so you need something that that's kind of a hybrid of some some mesh but also a little more meat to it to keep it warm right Japan Japan's weather in the summer it is unbearably hot but the humidity makes it really tough when you're riding on a motorcycle though the air is coming through so mesh works there's an expression I'd rather sweat than bleed did you tell me it means that when you're riding a motorcycle you probably want to be well protected okay yeah that's true okay yeah you gotta be well protected what do you think of this this is cool I like it that does look good hold on that that is a nice looking jacket sir all right yeah it's got the vent in the back you know all the all the motorcycle jackets they have protection in it can you show me the padding on the elbows it's like armor yeah I've got elbows you got up here on your shoulders because those are the points of contact when you crash right when you do if you were to crash which we hope we don't we we have uh some protection on it that's why these jackets they they don't just go back to yeah and you have oh yeah feel that oh sorry yeah okay sorry I get a little bit excited yeah uh well could you tell me is a company that's been around for one second is a company that's been around for 75 years they uh we met the third generation right of it and it was his his grandmother's grandmother his grandmother who started the company kushitani uh started after World War II and from that from the Suzuki's and The Hondas uh grew into a culture of a motorcycle clothing and they have all sorts of stuff including these full on yeah the suits the racing suits the racing suits are so awesome oh my gosh and they're so I I just want to walk around Tokyo with this maybe you should be wearing one of these John yeah for our trip look at that feel the weight of that oh is it hold on oh my gosh yeah yeah that's really heavy these are these are about uh three thousand dollars oh they are for his racing suits I can't imagine the protection on it well that's for racing so we don't I have no intention to go oh my gosh what is this for well if you land on your back and slide down the track oh this protects you and you know it's got it in the booty if you do a booty scooty it's really thick the leather here wait a second I confirm yes so it does look like it looks like a dark Tater rights in here it looks like a Marvel costume because now they're based they're originally in hamamatsu and does anybody know where that is what prefecture three two one it is in shizoka you can tell from this beautiful logo of Mount Fuji um I've been spending a lot of time and she's like a prefecture recently I love the logo it's just so cool very cool right oh man and we're seeing all sorts of things for protectors they have gloves here let's take a look down the other side I've noticed like it we know in Japan there's a culture of trains there's a culture of cars you know a lot of the world car makers oh here are the shoes right here Peter the car makers uh Honda Toyota Mitsubishi tons of car makers but there's also a really strong culture of motorcycles here Suzuki Honda are two of the big ones and um along with that you have motorcycle gear and I I'm just getting into it because I I'm uh getting my motorcycle license right now but um looking at the gear it's just so much fun to I don't know be exposed to something I've never I've never seen motorcycle gear like had to go shopping for it before well and the Japanese are very much they they like to coordinate so when they're they're clothing their outfits on the motorcycles so you often see these guys that are riding where everything matches their gloves match the color of the tank on the bike and they take it very seriously fashion is super important yeah I can feel it hurts can you feel this no I'm not wearing anything but yeah so this is a different style they've got so many styles can you do a cat cat walk around oh you are totally squeezing I know just flip around right there you don't have to okay just do it that's nice oh yeah I did get the armor in the jacket makes you look like um who's that guy who's the guy with the baseball bat from Walking Dead uh Negan you look so much like Negan with that jacket you just need a baseball bat but very cool and they've got for these for the winter or rather the summer weight jackets they've got all these zippers for different fence what do you put in there like you you only have space for like one cigarette or a pen no it's for the air to blow through it's for the air I thought it was a zipper to put stuff in it no it's unzip it to let air through that's for air yeah yeah you know what's really ingenious is I'm not sure if this model has it oh it does it does it does check this out yeah now I don't know if this is if this is unique to kushitani but it's the first time I've seen this the first time I've seen this feature on a jacket check this out so let me showing the Presto change out here all right here's the normal zipping okay so the air is you've got the air Block it's locked out yeah right so you're on the on the expressway or wherever the air is blowing being bounced off of you well if you get hot you just unzip it you pull over first naturally you unzip it and then it has this check this out that's a mesh why don't you swing it around yeah okay here oh yeah you can see the messiness the air is going to go straight through that so you zip it on this part of the zipper and then air goes up in there all right you got a mesh screen so the air blows through and it blows through the jacket so you got this you got this you can put stuff in there yeah you could put a deck of cards here right but uh just really nice they're really nicely made the fitting is good as many bikers know yeah thanks it's still there yeah this pad's there and the back is the pad trust me there's pads okay trust me so as bikers know oftentimes when you wear a motorcycle jackets they just don't fit well they they're they're really kind of bulky or they're restrictive when you try to bend your arms or whatever these jackets have been thought through very well so there's there's lots of mobility in them and they're just comfortable and they're stylish I really like them I like the style of it it makes you look like a badass well I am one I'll make you look like one this just confirms it oh god um the gloves are pretty sweet too I've noticed all different kinds of levels of protection and levels and different quality of material different types of material mostly in leather um I I didn't know about motorcycle gloves until about a month ago but um around the knuckles things can hit you and fly at you and you want to have protection on the knuckles as well as if you were to fall you want to have extra protection on the palms of your hands and that's what makes the motorcycle gloves pretty unique again for summer there's different kinds of them you can see again the knuckle protection here uh I believe we're we're gonna get a pair of Summer gloves I I just fell in love with them These are nice too to get and let me imagine you go in a bar you don't want to get in a fight with someone who has uh motorcycle gloves on looks like I'm a superhero wow it's just a lot of fun to go shopping for something that completely different it's refreshing I guess uh Brad down here writes in here super excited for you guys is here's something small for the free Kickstarter which we're going to be launching next week and tigro tiggs here are too sexy for my jacket is there a whole whole song too sexy for my jacket too sexy what was that song from the 80s too sexy for my or whatever oh yeah gosh I can't remember yeah uh but we are that old yeah it's a couple bald dudes that's hang on a second I gotta unzip this is that leather yeah oh my gosh really nice these are like foreign this is too small for me because of my barrel chest what do you think John if you were a zombie you'd be the motorcycle zombie walking around just like that nice and stiff but these this style is more for you know a track racing bike things like that um we will not be doing racing at all I we're just touring trust me safety first um I've noticed this too they've got a ton of just normal wear that doesn't have armor in it and I'm kind of digging that yeah these are nice huh right the windbreakers and stuff that casual around town yeah certain things but I like the one with armor because any if you're a dude walking around town with an armored jacket that's just awesome No One's Gonna well oh well I can punch you in the back and you I don't have it on now so don't do it the bags are pretty sweet as well I'm learning all the different kinds of bags that each bag has a different purpose whether it's a tank bag or a side bag or a or a backpack bag or it's a fanny pack bag there's lots of different types of bags for motorcycling um you know I'm still trying to get my bearings so traveling around is really cool the one place that I want to go next if we if we can get access to go inside and film is at Rico land we didn't get a chance to show everybody at Eco land which is on a another a really neat place with electronics and things like that uh that's in we we actually drove out there one day that is a nice I like the color it's like something from the Yeezy collection by Kanye West that matches your car yeah look at that oh my God yeah what do you think I I like it I think this is uh I Think We're not gonna have to worry about bears in Hokkaido John we have to worry about the ladies chasing us down yeah I don't know I don't think that's gonna happen don't worry about Kanai chasing me she'll be able to find me in that color right electric look at is that leather hold on a second leather let me okay go for the back oh you have a hard punch okay okay you can do my elbow all right nice chest is there armor chest chest armor oh my God naturally my chest is armor that was a wax on wax off hit ready wax off yeah you would totally need some Miyagi there but nice huh it is nice I like it I love that Sheen the leather leather Hood now leather works good for motorcycles why why is leather such a well John if you come off the bike you come off you come off the bike you got to have some protection that's what that's what a leather is all about so if you're sliding scraping along nothing to do with fashion well it's fashion too okay man I make this look good you don't have that you don't have any chest hair what are you talking about I do all right and we have the shoes as well as a lot of other I we also I also tried on this earlier it's a really light like a sweatshirt material but the sweatshirt has armor in it and this is what's so awesome like when you're riding in the summer you want that airflow you want to have it breathing and this is a type of a jacket I think which would be great um in you know spring even in the summer to wear that uh it would be really nice it's not waterproof but uh it's a but picking a motorcycle jacket is really cool most of them seem to be about I don't know 20 to 40 000 Yen right Peter we're on you know like 150 to 300 I'd say or 400 so you can get even more expensive but um it depends on the season and the material but I'm really impressed um I I'd never gone shopping before uh for motorcycle gear and this is uh this is the first does some pretty cool stuff here uh this shop is in setagaya it's the not far from futako tamagawa which is where I'm studying to get the motorcycle license and I'll probably be back again um before we go to Hokkaido by the way let's talk let's talk a little bit about that trip huh we haven't we haven't uh we haven't talked about it so we're going to be leaving on um on uh July 28th and we'll be writing um for the first five five days five nights right on a motorcycle then we're gonna come back to Chito say pick up an RV camper and then do a long haul around from namuto up to um this the the peninsula all the way around that's right all the way around abashiri and down to uh acai awake the Blue pond and through um furano and you body and ba that's where the Blue pond is it's gonna be pretty sweet yeah we're gonna make a documentary which looks like it's gonna be somewhere between an hour and a half to two hours long I'm showing you the I knew culture uh that's there as well as some of the really unique attractions of Hokkaido so I'm pretty stoked about about this trip um you know it's not just the sites I will be seeing but the way we'll be seeing them I'm really jazzed for you to be on these bikes because uh I've done it as I've told you I've done this three times now this will be the fourth time riding a motorcycle in Hokkaido and it is stellar and uh for you to be baptism by fire but uh man what a way to start tell you what I'm I got a Honda 400x is that a touring bike it's it's a cross it's a it's an on off road type are we going off-road uh I mean no I can probably be on the road okay and you've got a um uh Nissan uh this Nissan make I forget I forget um no it's a Yamaha Tracer 900. okay sounds pretty cool Tracer so we got one big boy bike and one little boy bike it's a middle-sized bike the smaller ones well you don't want to start too big that's fine that'll be plenty of power for you middle size bike okay just not speak small bacon I can so I always get your pronunciation wrong nice to see you yeah icons here is there a link for the trip not yet um we're gonna I'm actually editing the video we had to do a couple of retakes because he had something in his teeth so I'm editing that that should I once we apply for it I think on Monday um it's going to take a couple of days before Kickstarter approves it and then the campaign will be live it's a pretty cool documentary postcards we've got tangui which are the karate kid bandana-like things the tangoes are not bandanas um we have tote bags perhaps some some light stuff but we want to keep it really digital and uh and find light but useful everything but useful and fun for everybody so right fun for everybody we should get some gloves oh man the white Jake gloves yeah all right folks that's all we wanted to do today just show you a little bit around here if you have any questions uh you can leave a comment and Below I'll put a link to this location uh kushitani a long history of making motorcycle gear 75 years third generation uh owners it's still run by the original owners and the style is outstanding you get a little Mount Fuji logo with the kushitani logo on it with cool stuff pretty badass pretty cool stuff is that that's not a bad word badass it's one word yeah it depends how you spell it and the way you spell it no hyphen one way it's not bad badass oh no it's not a bad word yeah well joining us guys and uh there'll be more more coming we're coming as we update the truth they're super friendly I'm just I'm just really um really appreciative it's like a family business so yeah I like that now so there you go kushitani of hamamatsu they have a branch here in setagaya right here in yoga station it's about a five minute walk thanks everybody [Music] see you later see you guys
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 11,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, travel
Id: P9rq4NzrRFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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