Reverse Culture Shock | Japan to USA

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greetings and salutations from the united states how you doing everybody welcome we are uh in the united states we've been here for about eight or nine days now a little bit over a week and i i hadn't done a live stream in a while so i thought i would update you give you uh um an idea of what we've been doing for the last uh last 10 days and talk about the trip because we the last time we left this off we were um where were we we were at the airport doing a live stream just before we boarded the flight a lot has happened since then i wanted to also talk about the experience that we had at the airport coming in to jfk in new york we have a beautiful day in fact the the entire week has been really nice here in in the united states i think it just rained for a couple of days the weather has been i can't even remember celsius anymore i would say like 20 24 degrees celsius or something it's a far cry from what we have in tokyo right now which is like 36 degrees celsius which is like 104 degrees or something ridiculous so we've had it pretty good um we've had an incredible culture shock i guess you could say that's the only way to put it the culture shock was incredible the first 48 hours that we arrived in the united states because of the pandemic uh here's leo and kanai coming in to sit down leo just ate he has a nice suntan because the weather's been so great you'll have a seat just for a couple of minutes okay what um so the reverse culture shock the flight was really great we had we took a a and um we sat in premium economy they had a bassinet in the front of it and leo was able to get uh leah was able to get look leo you're on tv hey brandon is here leah was able to get pretty good sleep for about i don't know like bursts of four or five hours in the bassinet but he was he was a little bit bigger than normal so he looked like a turkey like his feet were he was a little bit too long for the the small bass in it but um it worked out okay i think next time we'll probably have to get an economy seat and just buy another another seat for him and he'll be able to have his own seat to sleep in uh might be better than getting two premium economies and then getting the bassinet because he'll be too big for it and a has a limit up to 22 pounds or 10 kilograms and leo's like right there um so the re so we arrived in the united states we had gotten a little bit of sleep maybe and i didn't sleep as much as i did i think in about three hours hey darren how you doing and um the first thing that hit us was like wow nobody's wearing masks here this is was was pretty crazy to us because we were coming from japan where uh there's no mask mandate in japan but everyone is wearing one anyways right what did what did you think can i um about musk yeah about that that was we'll hear kanai's uh impressions in a minute but i feel more comfortable with that laugh now right yeah how did you feel the first like after we arrived we went to walmart uh and our my father took us inside there and what how did you feel going into the with into the store without a mask yeah it's different it was different feelings it was just shock not a bad thing not a not a bad thing not a good thing it was just a different thing because japan has a way to do it and the us has a way to do it let me break it down for you in japan the weird people are the ones that are not wearing a mask in the united states the weird people are the ones that are wearing a mask and every instinct because i've been wearing a mask in indoor places was to wear one but i i went against that and now i'm so used to not wearing one i don't know if i'll be able to go back to japan and then wear one i don't know it's going to be difficult can you go back to the old way of the things can you go back to wearing a mask normally can i like in japan well i really do we have to right and that's the thing and after learning after coming here and then just experiencing the way that the different cultures are it's not really um i don't know it's just it's just they're just different cultures and different ways to do things and i've been now going into the supermarket and going into stores not so much but when we do we don't have any masks on and we're not thinking about that but for us this was a cultural it was like a culture shock right yeah yeah kind of culture shock um i don't feel in danger or anything like that it's just not used to it i don't know if i can get used to wearing a mask again to be honest with you but um you still have to you know keep your take precautions and whatever but everybody's different everybody has their own way to approach this and for us it was shocking when we go back to japan um in i guess like five days from now we have to get a covet test and again go back to those um pretty strict uh precautionary measures that they have in japan before we even get on the airplane coming here we didn't need a covet test or any kind of paperwork no quarantining when we go back everything changes again and that's kind of a shock to us um what i'm reading the live stream comments this is a live stream everybody it's pretty interesting to read about your own experiences and what you think about our culture shock coming here leo has been really enjoying himself he's right now playing with his cousins who don't want to be on the tv corley doesn't mind right corley corley you want to say hello to everybody yeah coralie's corey doesn't mind but lila's really shy this is coralie you were in a live stream um when at her wedding and four years ago right yeah you rode space boat yeah she read space bone underneath the rainbow bridge four years ago yeah she can do ballet too right no no she can't do ballet but maybe we're teaching her a little bit but yeah it's been pretty cool for leo to uh hey thanks jonathan is it cool for leo to be able to get a chance to meet his cousins our trip was canceled in in december because of the uh omicron outbreak and japan's reacted by canceling all of the flights um i i don't know if they canceled the flights just they closed the country and um we had the option to still go but if we returned to japan we would have had to have done a 10 to 14 day quarantine in a government hotel when we cancel the time the omega-1 right yeah omicron hit and they wanted us to do a 10 to 14-day quarantine when we returned from the u.s to japan we're like yeah i don't know that's such a waste of time my friend greg a liferoom from uh youtube channel had to do of uh with seven day quarantine three days in a government hotel then then um yeah the rest of the time at home and it was really hard i'm like i don't think we can do that with leo so we had to cancel our trip for christmas and i'm kind of glad that we waited because things have settled down a lot and we have no issues with quarantining anymore just we have to get one test uh that's approved with a paper that a a sent us the document that we have to get the coronavirus test for and then um we can get on the flight as long as it's negative we have to use what's called a my sos app as well and i believe every country has this i have it in english and she has it in japanese and we can um register that information into the app so what's it like you haven't been in the us for like three years can i what's it like to be back in america i'm i'm so happy to be here right now yeah how's the food food good she's we're both eating a lot pancakes pancakes pizza hot dog we have barbecue right now it's pretty crazy but there's a lot more space what do you think so we're in my brother's house and my parents house and it's a house if you compare i think leo likes the bigger house more huh of course yeah i think we're it makes us think about where we want to live if it's tokyo or nature he likes nature a lot yeah he likes nature a lot he's over here lila went away he's over there playing yeah um i'm kind of glad that we're going to be here for the 4th of july too so we get a chance to see some fireworks american style which is a nice contrast to the to all of the this is my first 4th of july in 24 years since i moved to japan in 1998 so it's gonna be pretty neat um to be here usually i was i was if i came in the summer we came later after the fourth of july so it's really nice to be here i think so i hope so i don't think they're gonna be the same but we'll be able to see maybe a local fireworks festival um it's really uh i don't know it's exciting to have a barbecue on a deck and things like this we can't really do that in tokyo so much but hey ranjeet's here elvis camera welcome to usa been waiting for a live stream enjoy your stay hope hope you can come to san francisco from elvis and mel how you guys doing we wanted to go originally we were gonna go and do a west coast road trip um this is even before we had leo and visit some friends on the west coast and do meetups that was right before covet hit we were gonna do that in march of 2020 before the olympics and the world changed uh hopefully you know maybe next year that's something we can consider because we would love to go um drive from washington state all the way down uh through california through oregon california and uh um nevada and down to utah and the beautiful southwest love to see some more of the u.s kanai has hasn't seen much of america and uh to be honest i've only been west of the mississippi a few times yeah here's one for you can i join michael konichiwa john and kanai [Music] thank you john michael i appreciate it thank you yeah so we have uh a couple more days here and then we're going to go back home um to my parents house and then we we drive up to jfk and get on the flight with a negative uh test and hopefully uh we're back in tokyo the jet lag works better going to japan we'll wake up at uh four in the morning for a a week or so i'm really productive the last um 10 days i've been almost unproductive because i'm i'm groggy and sleepy at this time right now it's getting better but uh yeah but leo wakes us up at like 4 45 even though maybe our jet lag is better so then we're groggy through most of the day and then we get sleepy around six and then we wanna sleep but i don't know by the time we get used to it we have to fly back to the us and then messes up our systems so you have to stay for more than two weeks of japan i'm telling you right now ah do you miss the cicada sounds the uh uh i can't say semi can i send me yeah i'm okay but when i hear that i feel like i'm in japan yeah summer yeah and we're missing the super hot weather so it's been uh um actually very pleasant temperature here uh we'll take one question we gotta go hey tony p's here we're we're kind of we're kind of getting uh getting ready for dinner here uh barbecue chicken so if you have any questions you can ask us uh uh on the live stream we'll try to do another live stream um in july this is the last day in june uh john michael writes in here can you and can i go to nashville tennessee maybe one of these days i think we'll go do a road trip across country for sure you didn't come to us on a guided tour or chaperoned everywhere big wonka i haven't even heard any of one who's been on one of this um japan tours so as soon as i do i think maybe i'll spend some time in haneda and look for people uh maybe no midnight snack runs here did leo give you grief on the flight due to the air pressure it wasn't he was okay it wasn't too bad i think he was he was um drinking and we were giving him little snacks chips to bite on so he didn't have any problems with it not as bad as we thought he would but he didn't cry he was sleeping yeah he was sleepy um he ate quite a bit he cried a little bit but it's hard to play he can't really walk around too much but we staked out the front of the premium economy so he had more space than normal i'm glad that we didn't get business class because we wouldn't have been able to afford it anyways but next time i think having three economy seats might be better than two premium economies and having a lap child which is what he was um will you visit ohio stadium next time michelle i so wanted to go this time two weeks is just i think if i had two more days we might be able to drive over there um do they do they behave airport and they do have it stephen they do have echi benz we go back home uh in about five days from now five or six days from now um big shout out to richard we we actually bumped into uh one of uh my patreon supporters richard uh which is really awesome and we're gonna go we're gonna drive up to visit friends in north jersey um in a couple of days but nothing big photo of the barbecue maybe ronald instagram uh how rough was the jet lag pretty bad um we're still kind of suffering but having leo has kind of rocked us a little bit because he gets up um but his jet lag is is starting to get better which is scary because it's going to be worse when we go home it took one week and we're still cutting and we're not on a we don't have a rhythm going kanai had sushi yeah can i had sushi um a couple of days ago was it good yeah you're so lying no they have like dried onions on top or something it's american sushi i can't compare with japanese sushi yeah it's pretty weird i tried the stream maybe we'll do that when we go back when we go back to my parents place maybe we'll get some supermarket sushi from two or three places and then do a live stream on it and then we'll see then you can tell by her reaction she can't use words she has to react and then you can tell she's lying by her face that'll give it away like it's really good that might be that my giveaway hey moto sako7 thank you welcome aboard and uh we're me um peter and i are just putting the finishing touches on our kickstarter we just got the microphone we have a bluetooth microphone and a third unit that'll be able to record our conversations so we'll be able to use that in the video which is cool um we're going to launch that kickstarter i think in a few days since we're pretty close to it danny on montreal hey there's danny we could i could almost yell your name danny and you can hear me across where we're in new england and vermont you probably hear me right across the border that's why it's so green because it's such a beautiful area of it hey guys thanks so much we gotta go and eat um i just wanted to do a quick live stream because it has been a long time uh there's a lot of stuff going on i i'm still i'm so annie i'm so unproductive right now um but i'm sort of just enjoying the time that i have here because it's going to be over quick sooner than i realize it um but i do have a little bit of time to edit and i have a video which is basically done i just need the narration of the melon um the ubody melons which were about thirty thousand dollars at auction it's a really interesting video of the farm and how they they grow them and that's going to be the next video on the main channel and uh i have uh three other videos to edit i'm so far behind but um i'm gonna try to soak this in a little bit because i know it's not gonna last uh forever and during the final dance we're getting ready to eat uh i'm trying to get back into shape uh trying to get as much sleep reading a book trying to reset because this summer folks is going to be crazy busy i'm going to be jetting around all over the place taking you on this channel to some really unique places in this country and i hope that uh you all stick around for for the ride um by the way the fireworks video for those that are looking at how fireworks are made is doing really well check that out um how japanese fireworks are made video um it went from like 400 000 to 1.2 million views or something in like three weeks it's crazy right now and i really appreciate if you take a look at the melody road video which i uploaded about a little bit over a week ago that video could use a little bit of love it's super interesting to drive over the countryside roads in japan in east hokkaido which is a place that a lot of people will never go um and here the origins the first melody roads these grooves that make us a music when you drive over it at 60 kilometers per hour i think it's pretty cool i might want to check that episode out leave me a comment there and i will give you a full report when i get back to the united states again we might do a live stream of some of the supermarket sushi in japan um in a couple of days but until then we're gonna just kind of chillax and enjoy the next couple of days and uh we'll be back really soon love you john can i leo love you too guys take care um stay safe and happy fourth of july to those that are in the states and you can see over here kanai and leo saying goodbye thanks guys leo do that flip that you're you've been practicing no it's not gonna do the flip he's talking so much i'm so i'm impressed with all the english words he's been learning gosh i got so much to tell you when we get back to the back to tokyo bye guys
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 45,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, travel
Id: 5iiGwKNIzxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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