In Search of the Best Steak Sandwich | Grilled Steak Sandwich Recipe

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BigTrouble781547 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey thank y'all for stopping by camp and what are we talking about the best stan stanson [Music] states best steak sandwich ever yeah i'm talking about a filet not only are we going to show you how to make it but we're going to give you tips and tricks how to cook that filet that beef tenderloin to where you don't ruin it where you don't mess it up because if y'all ain't looked around stuff is high at the grocery store now so we're gonna walk you through there show you how to get the best cook on it don't get no better than the best steak sandwich well folks we shooting early of the morning it is supposed to be a hundred and seven degrees before you stand by bertha today so but i'll be having my vintage shirt on got these little vent holes in it right here nice got two shirts on because you'll sweat through that first and but the good folks at ariat keep me looking cool all day long they do and you can be going down there to the little link below to check out some of my favorites from the ariat folks you'll be looking just as good as i am and staying cool and the start of the show the beef you've heard arby's say it we got the beef no they don't have the beef i've got it here with me they're going to come looking for it after this recipe but this is where it starts i bought the whole tenderloin the tenderloin why do they call it tenderloin it is a muscle that is under here this backbone down in here that does hardly any work at all and if you don't work a muscle what happens to the muscle it becomes really good and tender and oh so nice and sweet i'm so sorry that y'all didn't get to see this other half of it but me and shan and the pups eat the other half the other day for the fourth of july so the fillet would be cut out of the center of this and we've left this enough on here to get this steak sandwich built today now you walk up to that butcher case and you see them fillets and they're like six ounce or eight ounce and they're already in a little cryvac deal there certified angus beef and sometimes it is a little cheaper if you'll buy that whole tenderloin and then you can just cut the steaks you want out of that filet so i'm just going to come back in here slice this off to where we have more of a uniform piece of meat and you all have seen me do steak this way to where we take lime juice and we put on there because the acid is going to break down muscle connective tissue this is a tenderloin of filet there is no need for none of that today folks so all we're going to do is take our original seasoning and we need to season well because so many times folks under season overcook you need to let this fillet come to room temperature i believe a lot of folks are going to disagree with me that's going to give you a more even cook time now room temperature out here today may be like 94 degrees it ain't going to be that but we're going to take that out of that icebox we're going to let it set until it warms up a little our cook times will be more even i'm going to take a white onion and then just slice plum through let them fall we'll separate them rings out when we get it over there in that stargazer skillet this one here frisbee so we'll put that in there what salt i'm talking about maybe a little over a tablespoon that's going to help them onions get some of that moisture out of them just let them sit there and soak about i'd say 10 minutes bertha is hot the sun is peeking over the hill things it's fitting to heat up we have got us some good mesquite in there now if you're going to do this on the grill or the smoker at home you need to preheat that thing to where you're sort of indirect heat and get it hot i'm talking 400 degrees but first let's caramelize them onions what we got some butter let's just move her right over here to the direct flame add a little olive oil we are them onions you can see have made a little water they have make sure that you drain that off of there we're not going to rinse them you just need to drain that moisture off of them go ahead chunk them in there now i'm going to let this cook here over this really pretty intense heat for about four or five minutes and really until them onions begin to break up well been on about five minutes here you can see them onions are beginning to take on a little color but they've sort of separated from them rings a little more and got a little softer so if you're at home turn it down to about medium low go ahead and put your lid on it burfa does not have medium low that is the best lid that i can find to fit on this skillet we're going to go ahead hole move it right down here to where they can just sit and simmer i want you to see where mage is it's 82 degrees right now and major standing by the fire meiji is a warm weather pup he is but let's talk about this special sauce that we're going to put on there and i want something that's really going to not cover up any of the flavor that we have in the beef but enhance that beef now we started out with some good dukes mayonnaise anything that we use today will be listed down there in the little recipe link below french's onion dip uh-huh some dijon mustard or spicy brown mustard whatever you got you gotta have some of that worcestershire sauce however you want to say it oh i like that stuff let's give it a little more but folks we got to have a little kicker in there too something that really just makes beef stand out and what is that horse radish now if i can get it out of there now when you get that mixed up really well smooth as it can be coarse ground black pepper go ahead and just throw you some in there and if you want to do this deal remember emerald a long time ago that was cooking on tv and he'd say bam oh and just throw it in there like that i don't think it was bamo well something like that it was close now i like to make this while them onions are sitting there caramelizing and then i just put it right back in the icebox and let it chill till time to use it well we've been on about 10 over here on this side them onions is beginning to get some really good color as you can see i just want to put them back over here on this side for about five minutes over some medium heat see if we can cook the rest of that fat out of it and we'll just let them onions just sit there and do their thing well we've been on five and you can see that good rich color in there so at this time we have some garlic cloves and some thyme raker in here make sure you get it all if you can give it a stir we don't want that garlic to burn so we're just going to get it mixed up over here let it cook for just a minute and then just pull it off that fire put that lid back on it let it set all the flavors that are coming out of there are jumping at you right now saying oh my gosh this is delicious folks we gotta have some flame cause i want it licking up there to where we can actually get us some good char on that meat so either crank that grill up to where you're closer to that fire or add some more wood but don't be doing this in the house i want you to get outside and get the most out of it now if y'all are new here this is my trusty stove bertha the new and improved model there hey the good folks at hasty bake teamed up with us and they make these a grill will fit all the way across the top it is what has a great heat in the summertime and winter but it feels a whole lot better in the wintertime it does we cleaned and old the great we did the fire is right like what i call hot it is it's going to sizzle when we put it on there but a lot of times you see me start on indirect heat not today we're turning it around backwards we are backing up in reverse we are going to sear it down here really good ain't that a beautiful thing where you can see that just smoke drifting off her now if you're doing this on the grill do not shut the lid at any time at this because you need them flames to be leaking up there giving it a kiss all the way around we're trying to get us a good char all the way around to where we lock in that flavor and get that good caramelization of that meat and seasoning folks i have thrown many a steak on a grill now usually on ranches and we set up camp on sunday was already really customary most of the time sunday evening we go in take the wagon pull it to camp there all the cowboys would come in help you set up camp now really their works don't start till the next morning but them folks was gracious enough to help us set up so i always start out with what steak night that's what it's about they come in there might be some of them a new crew some of them we've cooked for many many times but we want them folks to feel like family we want to start off with a bang and what better way to do it throw that steak on the grill [Music] it don't take but about maybe two to three minutes aside depending on how much flame you got coming up through there i don't want you to mash it just roll it around there get everybody then we'll turn it up on the end get both ends seared well we're just going to move the fire to the other end i'm going to show you a little cowboy ingenuity and put a lid on it at this point in time on your grill you would move down here to the indirect side and we're probably going to go 10 to 12 minutes or until that internal temperature reaches 100 but you're screaming that is too rare but folks then we're going to pull it wrap it in some full let it set that temp will come up this steak is not meant to be cooked over that so we're going to have to rig us up a grill right here that has a lid so what do we got we got a dish pan that is going to cover this move all your flame to the other end there you have it we are trapping the smoke down here under this end giving it some flavor that mesquite is don't be afraid to go ahead and get that temp gauge out folks this costs a lot of money you want to make sure check it every once in a while you may want to roll it around you don't have to but we want to reach that internal temperature of 100 degrees oh my gosh smoke we're going to go ahead and pull this rascal we're about 101 degrees right here we're gonna go ahead and put him in some tinfoil let him sit there and rest about 10 minutes got us some hoagie rolls and if you got you one of them good beef steak tomatoes one of them great bacons i picked this now the garden wasn't as big as i wanted but it's oh that beef steak has so much flavor and we need to give them a what a little heat but also get you a really good some hoagie rolls i like to use olive oil rather than just butter because i think it's going to give you a little crispier start there salt and pepper and this is the side that goes down first and i want you to give it a little mash when it gets there because we want that good toasting effect it ain't going to take long maybe burnt before i get back them tomatoes we're not cooking down to where we want them to fall apart i just want to give them some grill marks get them some char let that sweetness come out in them and we're going to see what's happening right oh different tools we've got to see what's happening here looky there folks that's what we're talking about now i want to go ahead and toast this bottom up just a little folks it is nearly steak time it is [Music] so [Music] [Music] finally all this searching we did to find the best steak sandwich ever was right here in camp now when you see me tint that with foil i don't want you to just roll it up on full i want you to give it where it's got some air circulation that steaming effect sort of takes place in there we pulled it at 100 it warmed to 110 because we want this rare folks we do now before we go any further i had some help today sadie she treats some raccoons down there somewhere i don't even know where she's at but come here biggie there's you a little bite of filet mage you ever eat filet before he says i have now dad where is the duker duker come get your bite buddy come on be on camera duker says i was hunting some shade i don't know where to start shan people got on to me one time because i took a bite right out of the middle so i'll start on the end i will the flavors in there are something i can't really describe to you folks it's just over the top you you get first of all i think really that bun has got that great crispness to it as you bite through there and then you hit that beefsteak tomato that's got that char and then your taste buds say hallelujah praise the lord pass the biscuits amen because what we have got to the filet so when you get this to where this is you've had the one bite out of it you have fed your three puppies ain't nothing of you left to do except just this is what i call an elegant meal so we're gonna have elegant dancing strangers in the night i see them glancing strangers in the night they didn't get no steak it's all for me tonight ain't much dancing but folks it's 98 degrees already so ultimate best ever steak sandwich you ever had in your life remember everything that we use today will be listed down there below and don't forget to check out the little link on the ariat stuff to where you can be cool as always and with great honor i tip my hat to all our service men and women and all the veterans who have kept that old flag of flying over camp we shall not ever forget you we won't now for the rest of you i need you to come on in here really really close everybody appreciated the great big hug last week so i'm gonna give you another one i am and god bless you each and every one and i'll see you down the best steak sandwich you ever had trail in your life [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 157,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak sandwich, steak, gordon ramsay steak sandwich, steak sandwich recipe, how to make a steak sandwich, best steak sandwich, grilled steak sandwich, grilled steak recipe, cowboy kent rollins steak, kent rollins steak, gordon ramsey steak, gordon ramsay steak, ultimate steak sandwich, how to grill a steak, grilled filet mignon, tenderloin steak, tenderloin steak sandwich, grilled steak, cowboy steak recipe, cowboy steak grill, cowboy cooking, better than Gordon Ramsey
Id: -LdayVbnsE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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