Rise of the e-girl

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Oh simps are becoming an epidemic but what is a simple according to urban dictionary a simp is a man that puts himself in a subservient submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over without the female bringing anything to the table obviously goes without saying if you like and respect women there is nothing wrong with that you are not a cynic but if you are willing to sacrifice your life for a woman on the Internet you have never met before you are a sip now virologists have come together to try to track down the patient zero at the sim strain some believe it is prayed in the depths of our gaming others have a possible theory it could have been spawned in girl gamer twitch chats no so now at this point you've probably seen that video circling around Twitter I mean I've been suspended from Twitter for well over a year and even I knew about it now this is a woman who has been weaponizing sims part of the Geoffrey start his tweet where he basically reflects they had MBA players simply in his DMS now what this girl's done she's jumped on the okay boomer trend remember one like boomer was actually a funny referential term until people milked it for cash and it's her mainstream and now it's not funny anymore this fifty second parliament is 49 years old okay boomer well this individual has taken it to the next level I can't play the full video because it's gonna get copyright claims what I'll do is try my very hardest to recreate the video [Music] I think her original message was to raise awareness for the Bernie campaign but most people didn't look what was on our chest but what was behind it now the replies are just absolutely chaos you have people simply over basically congratulating her for being a woman and nothing else the coomer's were also deployed trying to get into a direct messages as as fast as possible I must be lady I must get up do I get into a DM that means I could marry her expecting a show and also it goes without saying but if you make any tweet that even has a sense of being political the replies are gonna be a complete cesspit but this was next level honestly I don't even have a problem with the girl herself I mean I'm happy that she's got so many followers she also has a tick-tock as well like imagine pokeyman but even more brand friendly now unfortunately my gamers with toker casualty the original tweet got copyright claims and can no longer be viewed source Imps out there keep something but then something terrible happened an event that would deal double damage and make Saving Private Ryan look like a toddler films Nicole oh the okay boomergirl confirmed she had a boyfriend he's apparently a talent manager you can see mr. beast and bunch of other youtubers but this made the simps mad how can I get woman if woman is already taken as we get woman smash rugby smash surely they couldn't go down the path of Reddit so they did the only logical thing and grouped together to take out their frustration on this disgusting woman that denied their hand in marriage they report her Twitter and essentially banned her from the site I mean she was only banned for about 24 hours she's back up now but the video is still copyright claims the person that made the original song had to actually come out and say that it wasn't then the copyright claim to either so it was definitely the Simpson but first timbered here long lost brother of Tim Apple appreciated very much gem Apple the CEO of Apple technology and I'm here to tell you why ray cons could be the best ear buds of all time I have to say a buds in the ad read although sue me they're around half the price of most premium wireless earbuds so now you can listen to royalty free kpop at half the price what's that you keep being owned by pro MLG ADHD game yo never fear with the everyday e 25 earbuds you can drown out the team chat with its noise isolating fit and six hours of playtime now you're the only gamer girl on this server alright jokes aside it's actually really good value for its price wait there's more little Johnny spent $20 on fortnight to buy a skin pointed laughs gentlemen because ray cons come in many fun colors at no extra charge go to buy rake on Comm forward slash power cynical for 15 percent of your first order it helps me to become why I've always dreamed of being brand friendly they also asked me to wear ray cons like this and they just shown a picture of Snoop Dogg I'm gonna grow shut my face over these ladies add over the sims had their small victory and this led to Nika law making possibly the worst take in human history copyright laws should be abolished I know she didn't directly say it but she did retweet it like therefore endorsing it yeah I'm very sure that opinion would change if you made music ever do that with comments this structure of these comments has more creativity than the entire Harry Potter franchise combined Nico this is like super random but I just want you to know that you mean the entire world to me and I love you so much there's no doubt in my mind that you're the reason my heart is still being in the time I've known you you've been so good to me and have treated me better than I think anyone else ever has thanks for letting me fall in love with you these last few months I haven't been happy in my entire life hello Queen excellent photo may you dear me I keep a picture of you on my nightstand even if it's ironic every morning I wake up say good morning Isabelle and I kiss the photograph encasing the frame the point that I'm trying to get across to you is that I think it feels so natural to me to want to make you mine I know you feel the same way it's like likes one of his car oh yeah she wants to marry me guys I think we're meant to me you're a gorgeous princess and I could be your handsome prince don't deny you want to be Mike you want to wake up to my face just as much as I want to wake up to yours stop letting things get in between us where are God's perfect couple like it's it's so obviously buy it but still 300 IQ she's also got a YouTube channel which the Sims found and master swap bombs most of the videos she's talking in Spanish so I assume the simps like got scared of a language they don't understand and hit report the reassemble Zambian thoughts you watch remember the boyfriend I mentioned earlier yeah even he wasn't safe from the sim hey sorry but I've commandeered your position Azusa Beau's girlfriend she deserves a nice guy who reaffirms that love for her in her comments every single day like me obviously I would put burning cigarettes into my eyes just to look a seat she sat on six years ago I have sealed CIA training so don't even think about coming after me just what is to notify you but to even try to get back with her smiley face but then disaster struck a second wave of hatred worse than the sims Miko came up with one of the most controversial opinions of all time something which divided gamers grayer and Moses dividing the Red Sea simple is okay but when someone is talking about guy sinking for a girl I just don't understand what's wrong with life - worshiping a girl girl deserve to be worshipped not say specifically mean okay it doesn't mean you're a sin you're a king if you're if you're not afraid to sin I just level the e beggars in the chat like you know it isn't inherently bad she's basically just saying like if you like a woman it's okay but by directly endorsing simple you're enabling all the smooth brains that wanted to wedge you in the first place these are the kinds of people that would throw money at their computer monitor thinking somehow that would increase the chance of them getting into bed with you then again this whole situation even though it's quite negative got you a lot of 'iframe and clout mm-hmm by the way moral of the story worship someone you genuine your door and you're happy in a relationship with don't worship based on gender it's really nice to know that 2020 is the year of the simple but like seriously where are all these sip magnets coming from but we had Belle Delphine the bathwater we had the hit or miss go and now we got this I do feel sorry for though because all of the replies for the foreseeable future are just gonna be people ironically and on ironically sipping for us and there's so many you can't even tell the difference like you have this guy here who says I would die for you got all these icons on her as well like like hii TC HIV I've never heard of this company but like who is Nika laws boyfriend who cares symp in private the fact that me like a commentary channel makes a video on it that's okay because we're scum of the earth but when you've got actual like journalists hmm today there's this girl on tick-tock get to know Nico no I don't think I will I just like how it completely got copyright takedown right let's see how about the comments are on a latest picture don't let me get a whiff of your underwear after a long day at work please 267 likes I voted for Bernie because of you I mean if you vote for someone please do it of your own research and your own political beliefs not because funny girl just dance party chairman please break up with your boyfriend for me please reply I want to worship you so we just Photoshop Joe Biden who it's a female virginity we don't need women we just need to gain I'm really happy the Fortnight community can agree with me on that here is my credit card please buy yourself everything what are you doing I imagine that everyone who's actually simple over her is either like on ironically four or the Wii music so man I never asked for this yeah that's pretty much all I've got for the simple demo hopefully the case is now closed everyone can be vaccinated if you enjoyed the video tell your wife you love her and maybe consider subscribing to the channel thank you guys have a beautiful life [Music] you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 4,407,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE, rise of the e-girl, pewdiepie, pewds, livestream fails, pyrocynical, reaction, boyfriend, girlfriend, emotional, business, vlogger, twitch fails, neekolul
Id: K0mCpY9RtA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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