Jacksepticeye Speaks FLUENT Korean and SHOCKS OTHER STREAMERS

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did you know that jacksepticeye was korean i bet you didn't because i didn't even know apparently chohangugeniel ah uh apparently i speak fluent korean now which i am glad because i've practiced it for very little time in the last few years so i'm glad that it's finally caught on and i learned this talent without me even knowing it let's rewind it back a little and talk about why we are here a long time ago the universe burst forth i was streaming a lot over the last few months uh i was doing stuff on twitch we were playing like rust i was doing a monus for a lot of people you know the huge and in those sessions every now and then i would bust out some korean because if you've been on this channel for a while and you know me as a person at all really you'll know that i speak a little bit of korean because i dated someone from korea when i was like 20 to 24 ish about four years a little under that i think and i learned a bit of it i learned it by talking to her on msn messenger can you believe that was the messenger we were all using back then there was no such thing as facebook messenger there was no i probably could use whatsapp i think that's been around for a while but msn messenger remember the sounds oh do you remember those sounds a lot of you are too young i'm talking to babies right now but we talked a lot in that uh i went over to korea a few times had a great experience could have been awful i could have got catfish and i could have been murdered in korea and that could have been the end of my journey but thankfully it was all above board and i actually went and had a great experience it taught me a lot it was the first time i ever traveled anywhere on my own and i decided to do it on a 14-hour plane journey because why not you know shits and giggles so long story short i learned some korea in that span of time i learned some korea learned some [ __ ] english now i've never been amazing at korean i know i knew a lot of words and a lot of like phrases that i could butcher together uh semblances of sentences why no no no no streamers react to jacksepticeye speaking fluent korean i am fluent now i didn't even know that i'm so glad that the random video on youtube taught me that more than i could teach myself i thought it'd be funny to go through this uh give people some context as to why this is because a lot of people keep being surprised by it um so this is my korean story but i also think that it's absolutely astonishing that a random video from somebody that just put a bunch of clips together can get 4.1 million views in a month i can't even get that in a lot of my videos how the hell i'm just gonna you know i'm gonna name this video the exact same thing and this video better get four million views so to help it along smash like right now for korean jacksepticeye all right let's just watch some of this so i think this was the first time i did it sai kuno odigao [Music] so i i tested it out because i saw this is tina lovely person we've played a lot together leslie psycho no toast you know them all the gang's all here we've played some rust and then i saw a clip of tina going around in like a box in rust being like scrap what you say oh and luguseo like give me scrap please and who are you i was like oh tina is korean cool and in one of these lobbies i i decided okay i'll try it out because i wanted to like see how much i could remember for so long and practice it and talk korean with some other people um so i kind of busted it out of nowhere and then everyone's like what oh oh it's just translating auto-generated english museum wow museum pump uh okay i'll i'll translate for you uh she said hello and then uh she asked what i ate and i said i ate rice wow muslim pop which rice uh i don't know what just rice is soaked i remembered it after i watched this clip back and i was like oh yes [Laughter] i said i ate kimchi which is like her kimchi stew which is absolutely delicious by the way you should try that food if you can korean food is some of my favorite food on the planet it's so delicious um but it's on the spicier side so if you're not into spicy foods a lot of korean food will be off the table for you but i also like how this clip is basically like tina's my mom and she's asking like what did you do in school today and what did you eat and i'm like kimchi tea game mogul i said thank you and then i said what did you do oh yeah so at this point she said among us not essa which sounds like noree which is like to sing or a song and i thought she was like i sang among us so i caught that and i think i don't know what the actual verb is i think it's no raso no de sa and no raso like they're very very close and i don't think i didn't know what the verb to play was so i just thought she said she was singing and then everyone was like oh my god he's amazing he even caught her on her mistake and i'm like i just had no idea what she said jacksepticeye speaks fluent korean among uh [Applause] [Music] which i think literally translates to like uh go well so it's like farewell rather than just i guess goodbye i never thought about the word goodbye like that it's like be good have good farewells whoa language is amazing i'm fluent in english as well but those were the first clips that went around and everyone was like oh my god jacksepticeye speaks korean and like as flattering as it is and as much as i would love to be able to parade around yes i speak korean aren't i great um i feel like i have to rain on my own parade a little bit because then i go up against people who actually speak like fluent korean which is in this clip j from day six and then i have no idea what's going on and then i just look like a fraud and everyone's like you don't know it at all speak korean what if i just feel bad what if we just start randomly speaking korean money more so at this point i wasn't like my reaction is like what did you just say which falls in line with what he was actually saying as like a proper reaction but i actually had no idea what he was saying i could pick up a little bit of it i knew he was directing something at me um mainly because he said my name uh but it was funny because his chat was spamming him to speak korean to me and my chat was spamming me to speak korean to him as well i i know that and he's speaking very um politely to me hajima instead of hajime put the code in again dude that's crazy you actually speak korean my child was telling me korean yeah they're spamming me as well but you i've been practicing it on tina and then i went to lily and i was like okay that's too hard but you're like a full-on native speaker that's far too strong um i'm stuck on the drums a corpse is stuck in the drums what's funny about this one though is that when i spoke that to him i went back and watched the clip from his side after that and everyone in his chat was saying oh my god he said you're native that's such a huge compliment and that threw me for a loop because from my perspective jay's a full-on native fluent speaker of korean right um so i just i i didn't understand that side of things but apparently i complimented him um but yeah listening to someone actually speak fluent korean throws me for a loop because it's spoken so fast and i just get so lost and i'm like okay what did you say and i can pick up like tiny bits like little verbs here and there and i can kind of like mash the sentence together but i lose so much of it but i will say as someone who's who kind of has a hard time learning anything i i have such a hard time sitting down and studying anything i can't sit and listen to people tell me things and then recount all the information and it's just gotten worse the older i get so i can't just retain information as much as i would like to and i did i didn't do bad in school but i never did exceptionally well really at anything it was all the stuff that was kind of within my control and not memorization things that i did really well in uh so korean i'm surprised i learned any of it because a lot of it was just me sitting at home studying on my own and talking to my my ex my girlfriend at the time and trying to piece together things and i was learning it in what would you call it kanglish like the korean english mashed together where i was learning korean in romanized characters so in english letters i was learning korean words so all of a jinja would which is like really would be spelled j i n j j a so like jinja and i would learn it that way first so i could get the words but then actually learning it and seeing the words like in korean was was another step up there it is and then laughing um [Music] i don't know what this means but i can read it and i'm just very very slow at it because i didn't learn it that way first which i should have it would have um helped me so much more but i can guarantee you it seems so daunting but the korean alphabet is so perfect i'd say it's probably one of the greatest alphabets in the world and the way word structure is put together maybe we'll do a little bit on that after this but just to give some context as to how i learned it um it was just through sheer repetition for certain some words and then actually going to korea and having my then girlfriend like translate stuff for me and having that mediator between the languages really really helped and i learned more in two weeks in korea than i did a whole year on my own and so much of it came through like body language because you you learn the sentences and the words through books and videos and like even watching kdramas but that's like script writing it's like learning japanese through anime it's it's not the same as hearing actual conversational japanese or korean so the korean i was learning was very very very useful because it was it was words and sentences that people used every single day so when i spoke to people it sounded like i knew more than i did but when it came to like actual conversations i had a hard time keeping up some galbi korean bbq where where are you getting that kalbi oh [Laughter] [Laughter] so these two guys i met playing russ this is my first time actually meeting them and interacting with them and their base was right across the street from ours and super nice guys really glad i met them but they um have some korean friends and uh this guy was married to a korean lady so they knew some of it but i i said clips say oh very very your pronunciation is kind of very i mean i was kind of intimidated i mean it was really good i thought you were going to say it was [ __ ] oh i was getting ready to get my axe out just prepare just your accent is actually pog it's good oh thank you the greatest compliment you can get from the streaming world like your accent is pog what the heck my korean fellas are like what oh really he's so accurate oh thanks yeah i haven't spoken it in ages so it's good to know it's still in there my wife [ __ ] heard you speaking korean earlier she's like what the [ __ ] jack speak korean my wife's korean and she was like [ __ ] telling me how terrible i am for not being able to speak korean as well as you oh um oh yeah these guys were great and it was super fun they were opening up a korean barbecue place in the server which was russ it was like role-playing stuff by the way if any of you are looking at this and going that's not rust um so that was a fun interaction but it's have you ever seen those videos where somebody um like somebody speaks a language fluently but doesn't tell the native speakers of it and then they say something about them but they're listening in a gossip or something and then they bust it out and they're like you know i actually speak korean right but they say it in korean and they just people are all shocked it kind of felt like that and that's always been like a fantasy to have to like be that good at a language that you're able to do that kind of like ha got your moment not for any sort of like malicious intent but just it's an interesting thing to be able to do uh so doing that here it was like a party trick a little parlor trick that everyone was like what um because at this point i said it so much in the past that i i thought people knew that but i guess not um but it was just really really fun but yes i am fluent in korean damn it let that spread around the internet because we all know if you say something on the internet enough it doesn't matter whether it's true or not as long as you say it enough it becomes the fact so if we just say that in the internet enough the jacksepticeye speaks fluent korean then that's all we need then nobody will ever test me on it and i can just go around the internet pretending that i am amazing at korean okay i'm turning this into a lesson apparently at this point but i've always been uh and really really interested in how korean is formed because okay i might actually be buttering this but i feel like i learned it a while ago so this this is going to be me like testing myself on my knowledge of the history of korean wasn't it a language that was brought over from like china and then there were so many characters and it was kind of tricky to learn and write and remember all of the characters from chinese so king sejong decided to make up a new alphabet for it i don't know if they made up a new language based around it or if they just repurpose some words but the language was made up as a repurposing of some things and the letters were supposed to be like like this is the s sound the letters are apparently supposed to be how your mouth looks phonetically as you say those sounds so this is tangin and then is that what i is that the word i think it if that's the word i think it is yeah ten korean words you shouldn't directly okay so i'm i'm swearing in korean now um but i love the way it's formed because everything is like stacked like this so it's d a n g s i n so it's it's written stacked in its consonants which i think is so cool um an n it's weird breaking it out now it's for some reason it doesn't make any sense to me um and then like oh it's written in the english on the right i wasn't even [ __ ] reading it uh and then nugu so it's where you have the consonants the language is like little punches of consonants all together and i think it's just marvelously put together i think it's such an easy language to read kamcha a lot of these words i haven't seen before tango i know carrot panga so i just think it's really cool how korean is stacked on top of each other and it's all in its consonants together so as you're reading it you read like the consonants back to back like the way i'm reading it now like well to ma tol um so i i just think that's cool and i i keep saying that anybody who wants to learn korean i think the alphabet you could probably learn in 30 minutes and that that seems like hyperbolic but you really could it's not that hard to learn what do you remember what the what every single letter is is a different story but learning how to read it is really really straightforward anyway i think korean is really cool i wish i kind of stuck with it a little bit more i wish i had more reason to sort of practice it every day because that's how i learned it i i didn't learn it by just reading books or looking at videos or watching things i learned it by being absorbed in the culture and i do really really want to go back to korea someday and just kind of hang out and go with evelyn and show her around if i remember any of the spots that i went to and because i've been there four times i think two weeks at a time every time so i've been there quite a bit and i've loved it every single time the food the people it's always just been a marvelous experience and i want to go back and just be absorbed in that again and listen to so much korean all around me and see it sort of everywhere because when i was there i felt like a child like learning a language for the first time i would read all of the signs trying to figure out what each one was see if i was getting faster and faster at it the longer i was there and being i would sit there we watched um muhan dojun which is like a korean variety show and i watched that in or running man was another one i watched that in her apartment with her and her mother at the time and it wasn't subtitled but i still knew what was going on and i was picking up so many words as i was watching it and i don't know if i could still learn the language that way but it was just a fascinating experience and i feel like it broadened my mind so much as a person at a younger age in my early 20s that i don't know it opened up my mind to so much different variety of people in the world and broaden my horizons that way and ever since then i've kind of just been fascinated in people and language in general and how people behave and the different culture like idiosyncrasies that different cultures do things like that um what is this video about what did i get into i don't know i speak fluent korean uh copy satu sayo wait none of you very few of you speak korean for any of the koreans out there please buy my coffee and for any of the other people out there please buy my coffee that's what i said i was trying to plug my coffee but i i'm bad at it in a different language i'm bad at it in my own language all right there should be a shelf underneath the videos where you can go and get some the good dirty beans midnight oil blend jacksepticeye top of the morning anyway thank you guys for watching hopefully this was interesting in some regards to some of you it's a very different type of video than i normally do so any support and likes down below on this video would really help out um to let me know if you guys want to see more of these types of videos where i just kind of talk about stories and stuff about myself i don't know um yeah and don't forget to subscribe this is the first video you saw of me or if it's not the first video if you saw me and you're a power of the 42 percent that aren't subscribed it's free to subscribe just do it already anyway and y'all
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,600,452
Rating: 4.9841418 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: wu4tKs3mLSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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