FOUND CASH AND GOLD! HUGE SCORE! Money Found In Storage Unit! Storage Unit Finds Making BIG MONEY!

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ooh it looks like a jewelry box doesn't it yep oh yes look at this hey whoa holy crap look at all those rings oh look at this coin 450 450 dollars so we're back here at our country 5x5 storage unit that we paid 300 for we've pulled out a bunch of stuff and it's been big money if you haven't seen the first two parts make sure you do that first that's down in the description let's get back into [Music] it quite a bit less we put out some great stuff in this shoe and some also some really weird stuff like witchcraft stuff spell books runes and stuff so it's kind of a strange vibe let's pull up this green wicker basket and see what's in there this is probably like dead body and what is this no it's like a shield and sword type thing that's kind of cool actually yeah all right and this is a pot what is that this is how freaking one i think it is city moored yep this is cremated remains so this will go with their pictures and stuff and just for the life of me like that's so strange when you find that in a storage unit it really is lg box it's empty there's no phone in there so let's put it back in there look what i do see though fishing i don't know i thought it was a fishing rod it's a head camera i've seen had like so many fishing reels over the last couple months like i feel like that's all i notice now all right see it in my sleep i'm seeing a lot of personal pictures what's this a vivitar isn't that camera binoculars oh look why is it like that is that broken i don't think it should be like that i don't know is it in here oh look hi here's the other piece so it's a complete set of binoculars that's kind of cool let's put those back in there really quick i'm seeing a lot more pictures a lamp anything under the pictures that's the question like this which is it was like a router at one point but it's not in there oh well so let's take these frames out and you under that it's like christmas lights and stuff so there's a giant seashell though look at this i hear the ocean guys that's the only cool thing in that box unfortunately so we noticed this last time i didn't get a chance to pull it out this looks like a mobile air conditioner type thing if i had to guess these things in the winter you can't get rid of them for a dollar but come summertime people be lining up to come get these things so that's some cash right there this was the box i was gonna pull out at the end of the last video but we decided to not over pack the truck and make the drive stressful so let's see what we got in here a mini baseball bat uh whatever brand that is um this let's see what's in the bubble wrap well a seashell for one and also is that a mushroom it's like stuck in there it's like a mushroom or a vase or something yeah that's weird smells like sand what is that i don't know why it choked me up little vase oh look at this it's like a candle holder made out of amethyst i just took the candle out of it but that's cool cool definitely look right here oh that's a pretty rock that looks that looks delicious all right now this looks delicious yes that oh my gosh look at that color so delicious no i'm not going to taste it there's looks like smaller pizza amethyst this one look at that like a little white crystal let's see a jar of seashells right here oh jar is broken right here um i don't want to touch the broken glass let's see what this is i'm running out of hands here let me try to set this down this is let's open it oh what is it it's hot like um it's for your face sounds like powder smell it no i can't smell like baby powder but whatever you said that this ew well our light is gone so look at that like a little cup or something it looks like we have some coral and a bunch of little rocks like that that's a rock that looks like wood doesn't it yeah that's strange i mean look we have some more other ones over here another blue one and like an orange colored one right here just a black rock look at that that's cool so a whole bunch of rocks in that one this box is heavy that's for sure it looked like it was going to be light but let's see all right what do we got in this one storage all right i love storage what is this medicals no idea stuff i don't know either that a per there's something in the purse i shouldn't reach in there after what happened last time should've no what is this open all right medical stuff drop that down there and there's a wallet in it that's full of cash right right let's see open boom where does it open ah nothing nothing in the zipper let's get into the bigger part there's checks i'll just go ahead and write myself a million dollar check real quick not um there's the purse oh what is that there's a screwdriver kit punch and chisel set chisel all right uh let's see stick things white diamonds this one's in there whatever it is at least it sounds like this hey there's a rock in there though look at that that's nice i think those are called agates all right i can't complain with this sounds too close another term without me laughing let me set this right here see what this is black light bulb black light all right thumbtack not much of this first not just an empty frame oh a pencil sharpener yeah a house phone thing a mouse pad and a vase there's some sea shells in it it looks like get this base yeah look oh look that's pretty they don't want to see shells even a little patrick star that whole box though there's a lot of shells so that's kind of cool too what are you thinking this definitely got some weight to it let's see what's in the bag look how folded up it is it's been sitting there for a long time that's for sure um well first things first look helzberg diamonds come on just be in there just be in there something's in there oh look oh so like i'm made in denver penny a couple of these what a year they do an old bill or something too look so this is a 19 they're 1956 and 1957 wheat bat pennies made in denver if somebody knows that's significant for some reason let me know there's this silver dime i'm guessing it looks silver yeah and i actually it's 1966 i think it's 64.65 at silver correct me if i'm wrong uh what's this bill right here though that looks old five cents a five cent bill where is that even from uh for use only in united states military establishments what that's weird it sucks it's ripped in the corner but it's definitely something i've never seen before and let's put that back in there let's see what's in this little box right here though first off you know what i could tell you this is it's like those coins you get smashed like a souvenir like a zoo or a museum or something like that so there's that let's put that over here uh penguin nothing in it another penguin what do you think's in here jewelry oh it's empty but it says suit and jewelers but we still have a huge jewelry box full of like rings and stuff like that but all these would be what is that i couldn't even tell you what that is i don't have a clip yeah i don't know that thing what is this thing a lot of parts to who knows what i have no idea still that oh look there's something in there it's dice come on stop trolling me there's a belt there's an iron what's this more sand uh what kill something kill devil 20 21 kill devil all right this is the killer devil this year apparently he's coming this year i don't know what unity's in but i'm gonna watch out guys uh oh look at this what's in there frogs look can you see him at all kinda all right well there's frogs in there trust me it's kinda it's hard to put those things on the camera what's that that's the bottom of the bag isn't it oh i'll drift it out there's some cologne in here chantilly that's literally what it says more stand all right more random stuff the kill the devil sand is a little concerning let's put this back in here anything in the side pockets not that i feel but i'm going to check anyway let's see because it could be something like paper money coin or something little oh there's stuff in there right just couldn't feel it what is that mountain game hunter and invisible phone shield there's also powder and lotion in there what about this side something interesting what i don't even know what these are there your spatulas all right there's more stuff in here there's this mermaid paper and then there's what is that a spell for a text maniac it's this magic spell look this is some strange stuff going on here and other than that there's one more thing in here it's this thing lewis and clark travel accessories okay i gotta say that's a really strange bag very strange i want to show some of these frames and pictures before we move them out the way i don't want to get broken so there's that a woman i don't know if these are hand painted or stuff they bought from like museums and things like that there's mountains dolphins and there's that one outdoors too they're good they are good let's see these look like they can be old that's just cardboard this oh wow this frame nevermind is that frame that's heavy look oh here it is that one's pretty too you see the artist what's it say yeah 1993 all right there's that one one of these frames are super heavy it might be this one what is that feathers all right it has the information on it made it took 14 hours to make this out of feathers wow okay that's time consuming does it look like it would i know it looks like it just glued some feathers together well that's what it says on the back so i'm not an artist i wouldn't know look at that one that's all stitched that's pretty cool it's like farmhouse and trees it's all stitched in there all yarn that's pretty impressive i think there's one more in there the biggest one of all this guy he told it is the other way right here it's like a mailbox bunny reese olson mayor box all right is that the last one i think it is yeah that was the last one here but now we start to follow some other stuff like this is just clothes or stuff animals or something like that feels like clothes there what's this all right it's a little scary that's oh no when he's stitching i saw the red eye assumed blood but no i think he's just stitching something and that's the grim reaper this is some satanic stuff going in the telling you it really is all right so let's start pull out now any box let's pull out this one here right on top and see what it is it looks like medical stuff that's what i want to go for hey look there's a gold dollar cool sweet i'll take that look at this little guy like a fountain yep what's in here this is a controller hey the ps2 controllers we didn't find these last time we just found the playstation 2. but yeah this is just one controller actually it's the controllers and the wires that go to the tv so at least we found this oh that looks like a jewelry box doesn't it yep just a watch that's heavy whatever it is oh whoa look at all this stuff hmm let's take a look at one of these rings that's too small of a marking theme huh yeah let's check this one right here it's bigger this one's silver i can see the 925 in it look at the stones in there that's silver i can see it that one's super cool all right look at this i'm gonna plug this in when i get home oh it's just the adapter it's not the actual card yeah that watch is still going yeah all right it's kind of creepy not gonna lie what is this ring right here it's got leafs on it let me see if it hasn't working on it it looks like it says 10k i'm almost certain that says 10k cool so we got gold already that's a good sign sorry but yeah a bunch more jewelry and things like that who knows what in there is gold and what's not so definitely something we'll take our time and look through later on set that right here you want some tissues no no all right hey look it's the thing from mario uh panda this might be a big box right there tablet oh no picture frame personally just put that over here look how many pictures they've had in this unit already we're not even done these aren't all personal pictures of course they get that stuff back it's just a lot more than usual what's the bigger box oh yes look at this that's what you hope hey is it hey i mean they're not really worth anything because that's two dollars but they're cool yeah 2013. that's a good sign you got money just sitting there i'll put it with the one dollar coin i got three dollars this is what you want to see right here and it's got oh holy crap look at all those rings oh look at this coin that's this 1953 silver quarter holy crap that's a lot of jewelry let me look at one of these rings right here oh it definitely has markings in it but i can't read it i can't read it oh look at this that's that's just a rock it looks cool though yeah it does let me put this in here [Music] look at all this random jewelry you know we could be sitting on a gold mine here like this could be lots of gold silver i just don't know right now you would think i'd bring a little thingy with me but i didn't no loop yeah that doesn't open oh it doesn't look the bottom does let's see this looks like laptop password doesn't it yeah uh necklace here does it have any markings on it not that i see there's a watch it's heavy what kind of watch is that just says quartz on it this is an sd card so i'm kind of curious i'm weird like that look at all this jewelry though no telling what's gold and what's not in here let's see there's anything else on this side oh yeah it's packed cool all kinds of jewelry left there we have a lot of stuff i'm taking these personal pictures out though put them with the other pictures so i have a lot of stuff to go through that's for sure hold on one second let's put this all over here and we'll take the rocks i see all these these games are dvds dvds fast and furious harry potter hey look now these are some games too i see 24 of the game for playstation 2. is it in there yeah let's see if we got any other games dvds dvds uh treasure hunts all right they sell those at 7-eleven like random gas stations they're like old random dvds epsom salt oh look at this little jewelry box down here and it's full too man there's so much jewelry we have to look through so much can't wait i know uh oh well there's some more rocks down there look that's pretty there's more perfume and i think that's it besides whatever this can might be inked to that printer by the way you see that printer in the first video is like a 200 plus dollar printer used so if that's inked for it too that'll definitely go up on ebay other than that i see a few more rocks i see i think amethyst right here look so we'll definitely have some pretty lots going up in our live auction whenever we get back to it hopefully soon let's get this box out the way and go on to the next so before i pull up the xbox check this little table out by the way it's like a little car table i thought it was going to be bigger than that but just a little fuller one you could pop out before i pull out a box guys take two seconds make sure you leave this video a thumbs up it helps us out a ton please help us out with this this is a long drive we got to bring you guys videos and don't forget to subscribe if you're new let's get out the next box right here whoa it's heavier than it looks a lot of these have been heavy look at this like canteen in a controller this army stanley it says nothing in it but definitely like this is solid metal this isn't plastic at all so the canteen uh cheaper playstation 2 like off-brand controller it's really sticky ew yeah let's see what oh i guess let's see what this is first oh look hi how you doing that and this bag here let's see what's in this come on this is your shooting ranger bag right this is your christmas lights bag definitely with the christmas lights let's put that over here it's starting to smell though funky old chief hat flashlight hole punch feels weird down here the rest of it looks like junk yeah some letters paperwork and yeah the rest of it's just crap we'll go through it at home but i don't think there's anything in there let's take out this little skinny box and see if there's anything in it is some more weird looking stuff isn't it hey that's a box of that dagger we just found it is it heavy or no it's not even a full box but it looks like it doesn't the one that we found in the other video yeah what is this man i got some strange stuff going on here this looks like some more ritual stuff is let's see anything in the envelope empty a little spider picture some personal pictures they get a certificate right here looks like what is that yeah cosmetology community college with their pictures we'll put all that over here make sure they get all this back look how much stuff it is that's a lot uh whoa what's in here hundred dollars oh nothing just writing the rest of it there's a phone in there a cheap camera nothing expensive and just a bunch of random crap in this one let's bring out this box it says new house on it so what are you bringing to your new house well you are bringing like quilts and blankets and stuff looks like bathroom stuff doesn't in a cast iron pan kitchen okay we don't want to look at that that's gonna go right here i'm gonna pull up the next box it was right there this one see what's in this one it says stuff of what stuff off dresser okay plus a heater all right whoa it's a taser i saw somebody commented and said i hope you find a taser in here it doesn't work it's probably dead that's weird whoever did it yeah whoever that was you're right yeah person all right oh what's in this something is ooh hellsburg diamonds this one be in there stop doing this to me oh well i'm gonna keep putting it back in here let's put it in there for now so look at the rest in there a lot of screws and stuff a mini sombrero because why not i think it fits me yeah yeah no no okay it's too big what are all these pens is this their business or something they're like business pens definitely it's a woodworking company so maybe it's like a home business looks like a curtain this is a heavy phone samsung galaxy s7 edge no i'm serious i'm serious no way it's not in there seriously seriously okay i really thought we had this one oh look the earbuds in the charger nice dang i really did think that one was in there make sure there's nothing at the bottom of it no this is where all the weight was coming from right here dang it i thought we had it i really thought we had it all right this let's see what this is anything else in there first now the rest of the box looks like nothing this is just another personal picture over here this one's just look at that like some retro colored candle holders other than that i think that's all that's in this box so i got this box here i see kitchen stuff on top but let's just make sure there's nothing underneath you know what this is for right if you misbehave yes all right dirty loaf pan a couple cast irons and a couple plates these things are so heavy man let's put that down here a couple more cast irons a bunch of little plates here what's underneath of it all let's try a couple router type modem things in the cable boxes underneath of it so nothing too interesting this tote feels super light but something in there shoes what is this all right right off the bat not shoes pillows that what is this wood well that maybe supports the whole woodworking thing some more wood what is that one of those pen it looks like the same exact color pen it is same exact thing it looks like uh over here what is going on in this unit man i don't know that is this is kind of like magic stuff that and a couple more rocks down here i don't even know why these ones are special they look like everyday rocks they don't look like they have crystals but what do i know but some half hollowed out wood again weird i'm bringing out three little boxes this time all right so we can see what's in them all number one what do you got for me uh photo albums this thing more personal pictures personal pictures personal pictures personal pictures well at least there's this giant rock down here at least there's that a candle what's this rock oh it's got a waffle in it it's like an arrowhead almost cool that's cool and then there's this light all right that one's going down oh boy the pictures go to the collection over here let's see what's in number two the aqua shaped one what are these stickers for nails all right that is all nail stuff is it well that looks like stuff like that oh nail polish not what i was looking for all right number three it's a shell so we don't have more seashells and mousetraps mousetraps too seashells and fingers there's no way those things are set at least the ones in the bag just in case oh look at this that's a good sized pizza looks like amethyst in there yeah that's heavy too this is the biggest one we found so far in this unit uh that thing's not set right no it's not just to be sure another seashell seashell mated with a starfish and that's what happened huh yep all right in another show that one's cool look at the bottom of course of course they're like a horseshoe look a horseshoe standard what is it oh i remember these you blared it and stuff there's cool and there's a bunch of little small rocks down here look like crystals and things like that stuff no telling what else to be in there what's in this envelope that's what's in there right what is that 450 450 come on please not paper where's the 450 dollars you put on there at are you lying yeah they're lying not in there this one right here are these called bankers boxes or something yeah it's buddy storage all right pumpkin carving kit okay what is this that's a i thought it was a mouse at first when i picked it up just like all paperwork all the way down look at all these envelopes medical bills and things like that so we don't want to look at that for sure put this back right here let's grab the next one let's grab which one this one i like usps boxes i don't know why it's a weird preference all right let's see all right whoa this first and foremost it's like a seashell this trophy can i win looks like it i won something i don't know what it's actually maybe a candle holder look right here yeah that's cool strange but cool oh that's probably what goes in it isn't it probably speaking of more like elementary school memories this is a band everybody loving but i never really listened to green day what is that one the best of missouri that nickel bag that was another one another nickelback cd they were like really in when i was in school these are more yeah personal pictures that we'll just make sure they get back i'll just set them over here with all the rest of them let me grab one more box why not we're almost out of boxes here we're starting to run really really low so let's see in the next usps one let's grab two it's really dark in there what it's really dark in there sorry let's grab two let's see what we got in these two number one shells and rocks [Music] oh look at that oh that's a clam isn't it like pearled i guess some bottles of sand and some more seashells all right number one let's see what's in it this one really quick now this one has bathroom stuff doesn't seem like the last like 10 units in a row the back of the unit has been the bad stuff and the towards the front have been the good stuff yeah supposed to be the opposite but let's get these out the way and pull out the last few then the big old cabinet let's see what's in there let's see what's in these last thing we have four or five boxes left let's see what's in this one first oh fence all right these look like photos yeah so yeah seeing randomness listening pillow this this is like a beanbag pillow candle and some like little things these all look like they're gonna be these are all personal photos what's this that's an old personal photo from the 50s and the envelope is full of none other than more personal photos again we'll make sure they get all the stuff back let's see what is in this box here it's already kind of open what are these pumpkin carving things so it looks like doesn't it what is this i'm assuming pictures actually no no just a nice picture frame for the pictures and this is picture pictures well oh let's see what's in here come on money no so i'll just send those back with the other stuff thing with that that stuff in here cds is it actually cds let's see yeah it sees and most of them are burnt which is never good never never good when they're all burnt uh what's in here sand i've never seen somebody store so much sand in my life honor roll yay all right that i'm seeing more pictures more randomness another is an address book wow for context list worth in so this one looks like all personal stuff as well unfortunately i see a bag with a giant seashell which make me have some more crystal rocks or jewelry or something like that whoa holy crap okay that's officially the biggest seashell i've ever seen that thing's massive but cool for sure let's see what's in this i swear if it's sand no it doesn't sound like it i'm suing if it was sand is this there to open it i think so it's open there you go oh what did i say i'm stealing i'm really sewing this is like a random empty jar the sand is so weird like does anyone else do that is that a thing like do you collect sand when you go places what is this pretty normal what is that dirt it looks like the mud from an ocean that's like dried up all right an old iron maybe or something like that you know everything looks that color whoa well i just found more seashells that's nothing and this is t-mobile behold what behold what oh this is an old phone and these are the phones where when you accidentally clicked on the internet you freaked out and like oh i'm gonna up the bill like 40 bucks let me accidentally click on the internet uh well the rest of it i'm seeing lights more lights look right here oh it's a power bank i thought it was a little jewelry box and that's unfortunately it other than seashells next little box here what kind of stuff does this one have because the white box of the unit is not looking good right now what did you say the box i thought i had the peppa back and i like started it's called 19 degrees a pool dreamcast game this is all paper personal paper is it right don't let that fall i wanted that a sander a that down at the bottom mostly we're down to three boxes last three you guys know how we do it though we don't hide nothing here we're reality the good and the bad you don't see it all if it's all crapping these last three you're going up whoa what is that good box let's see what the box is whoa jewelry well look at that piece right there that's kind of cool looking is it silver though it's not marked but i don't know bunch of jewelry and what's the old letter it's just the envelope weird but all right what about the bracelet i don't know you tell me 1971. all right that and yeah not much else in there but some jewelry some of it could be real hey like another ipad box this one feels like the other one so i'm gonna assume it's not in there but yeah not either i had to check anyway what's this this is i don't know let's see it's just another phone box without a phone why does everybody keep their phone box take the accessories out and get rid of the box seriously so ooh look well nothing pictures look at these like hand warmers or something maybe i don't know there's some mug in this yeah they're handmade herbal ease handmade all right a mermaid here we go well maybe at least the jewelry has some value hopefully second to last box here let's see not more nail polish and tools it's a random combo what is that nails i guess craftsman toolbox let's just make sure there's nothing else in there open just press that well that's not going back to those now but yeah all right oh is it is there anything under it oh my goodness you think there's a nail polish look at this does this stuff expire i don't think so it might dry out but it doesn't have a date on there no does it seal it i would think it'd be all right let's open it i don't know if i'm just opening this for the first time or what let's see if it works and it's wet all right look i don't know how it's supposed to look to be honest but it stinks though i hate to smell this stuff so about two billion things in nail polish one box left let's see what it is last box of the unit before we see what's in the shelf or the big armoire thing nine pound nine pounds next oh no oh i see papers i see a thing of seashells i see a sea shell more seashells and more pictures oh yeah these are all pictures puzzle uh i can't even tell you what that is this is what is that well okay it just kind of slid out chopsticks all right um no way sand do it again the rest of it is literally like a thousand things of pictures in there so the only thing left to do is to pull out that big white armoire i guess you'd call it and see what's inside of there check out the size of this thing and it's in like miraculous condition there's not even scratches on it but i was stupid this was against the wall i was like whoa look there's a pair of crutches and it's got metal on the inside because well look over here air crutches and metal it was reflecting it this is a mirror so and you know what's inside nothing boring i'm supposed to open it let me see sorry it's like i don't want to take this off because it's going to be helpful in there let me try to get the camera in there at least once i look boo it's completely empty but it's like a wardrobe it's gotta be it's like is it taller than me no almost it's close right close yeah six foot five so lucky like just your height you might be like an inch or two taller an inch or two taller so if i'm six today maybe it's like 75 inches or so so this is going to be worth a little something the only other thing that's in there is the crutches and an old cpu it's like you know just old and outdated so let's get all this stuff loaded and before in the video i want to ask do you guys want to do a recap or do you want to see a recap of this and also we're going to be going through these boxes in more detail over on the second channel so go down the description click the link it's called the jeebus family we haven't uploaded in there in forever but you'll see some videos we plan on getting back into that one of this unit in more detail because a lot of the boxes i felt like we kind of rushed in you guys like to see the details you can go over there and see them but until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 82,848
Rating: 4.9416337 out of 5
Keywords: money found in storage unit, storage unit finds money, storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2021, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds mrbeast, storage unit finds pokemon cards, storage unit finds reddit, storage unit finds shoes, storage unit finds videos, storage unit auction finds, storage unit wars, storage auction, storage wars episodes, real storage auction, found money, how to make money, Treasure hunting with jebus
Id: qYyHm_1Ra4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 17sec (2417 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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