Who's The Smartest 00's Kid?

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♪ Merry Merchmas ♪ ♪ Happy Merchukkah ♪ ♪ Look there's merch in the store. ♪ ♪ Where we all buy Merch to ♪ ♪ Appease our God ♪ ♪ We all in the fear of our merciless Merch God ♪ ♪ Merch God commands more sandwiches ♪ ♪ Thank you of giving us Merch. ♪ ♪ Happy Merchidays. ♪ (group chattering) - It's Lose Yourself. (group cheering) Jackie had it. She was just saying spaghetti song. (laughing) The spaghetti song, what's the spaghetti song? Hello and welcome back to Trivia Time. That's right. It's Bepardy. (contestants cheering) Bepardy time And today it's 2000s Trivia. So we've gathered foUr millennials here to ask them their knowledge. First we have Ian. - Thankfully I was born in the year 2000, so I am very aware of everything that's going to be on this board. - Great. Next we have Jackie. (contestants cheering) Jackie. How do you feel about 2000s Trivia? - I watched a lot of TV. (laughing) I feel pretty good. - Great. Next we have Kimmy. Hi, Kimmy? (contestants cheering) Do feel good about this topic? - I always think I feel good about these things until we get down to it. And my brain decides not to function until 20 seconds after. - And finally, we have Keith. - Cash Money records taking over from the 99s and the 2000s. - Yeah. (contestants cheering) - Yeah Keith. - I think Keith's going to win this. (laughing) - That was music for 200. (laughing) - He got it, he nailed it. - As I said, it's 2000s Trivia and we have several different categories here. Our first category is Fashion. Next it's Food, Pop culture, Music, and Slang. We have a little aim thing right there. Pretty cool. PlayStation one controller. (contestants cheering) - That's so cute. - We will game it. - And before we get into it make sure to subscribe. And our most exciting thing. It's a new feature this time. We have a final question. After everything is removed from the board, I will then take this Walkman down here. I will open it up and I will read the final question. Anyone can wager whatever they want and they all get a chance to answer it. Let's get into it. - Yeah. (contestants cheering) - Can we go by youngest? Kimmy, go ahead and pick a topic. - Oh, okay. Let's do Fashion for 50. - Kimmy for 50 points. Which 2000s fashion brand popularized the trucker hat trend? (buzzer) - That's Kimmy. - Ed Hardy. - That is incorrect. Keith? - John Deere. - That is incorrect. Jackie and Ian you have a chance. Three, two, one. (buzzer) Jackie. - Van Dutch. - That is correct. (contestants cheering) (group chattering) - Jackie, pick another topic. - Can we do a Pop Culture 50? - Jackie for 50 points. Kim Kardashian first became well-known by working as a personal assistant (buzzer) for which celeb? - I'm the second up. - Paris Hilton. - That is correct. (contestants cheering) Jackie pick another topic. - Music 50. - For 50 Points. Justin Timberlake's hit single "Cry Me A River" is allegedly written about? (buzzer) Jackie. - Britney Spears. - That is correct. (cheering) - I'm learning I did not know that. - Jackie, pick another topic. - Let's do Food for 50. - Just go down the line. - We're not bored. - All right. For 50 points. How many feet long is a roll of Fruit by the Foot? (buzzer) Ian? - I feel like this is a trick question, but is it one foot long? - No. Kimmy? - Two. (buzzer) - Jackie? - Three. - That is correct. (group chattering) - Jackie pick again. - Let's do slang for 50. - Is it wasssssap? - Honestly good guess. All right for 50 points. What does FTW stand (buzzer) Jackie? - I don't know. I was too fast to press. - Keith? - For The Win. - That is correct. (contestants cheering) That is very annalistic of you Jackie. To think it was fuck the world. (laughing) - Keith. It's your turn to pick a topic. - Oh, let's go. Pop culture for 100. - For 100 points, name the MTV dating show, which gave hopeful daters the chance to creep around their potential dates bedroom before. (buzzer) That is Jackie. - Room Raiders. - You knew that didn't you? (laughing) (group chattering) - We're back to Jackie. We do Food for 100. - For 100 Points. In 2004, after the release of an eyeopening documentary. McDonald's discontinued what menu offering? (buzzer) Kimmy. - The big super, the super-sized. - That is correct. (contestants cheering) - Thank you for cutting me off. - It said anything supersized. Supersized was the word. Good job Kimmy. Kimmy pick a topic. - We'll do Slang for 150 please. - For 150. For 150 points. Without using the word "cool" or "beans," what does "cool beans" mean? (buzzer) Jackie? - That's a vibe. (laughing) That's great. That's a vibe. - Keith? - Awesome. - Awesome? - That's like a reach too. It's a reach. I'm reaching. - Kimmy? - Good for you. Good. - Ian, we'll give you a shot. - Like that's all right with me. - This one's going to Ian. That was the closest. "Cool beans" is a phrase used to express approval or delight. Your favorite character is Sophie? Cool beans. - Cool beans. - Let's do a quick point check here. Ian, with 150 points. We've got Jackie with 300 points. Kimmy with 100 points. And Keith with 50 points. That's rare. Keith is usually far in the lead by this point. So Ian, you get a chance to pick a topic. - Well, you know, as a maxinesta, I want to go for Fashion for 200. - Big money. - For 200 points. Which of these artists did not have a popular fashion line in the '00s? Diddy, Sean Paul, Beyonce, or Jay-Z? (buzzer) Keith? - Sean Paul. - That is correct. (cheering) - He came back so quick. - Just like that. (laughing) Music for 150. - For 150 points. Which best new artist Grammy award winner did not receive their award in the 2000s? Christina Aguilera, Bon Iver, Adele or John Legend? (buzzer) Keith. - Bon Iver. - That is correct. (contestants cheering) - Let's do Slang for 100. - Slang for 100. For 100 points. Name the celeb who's iconic 2000s catchphrase was "That's Hot." (buzzer) That is Ian. - Paris Hilton baby. - That's right. Second Paris Hilton of the night. Two Paris Hilton cards. - Paris Hilton really ruled the 2000s. - She really did. It was weird. Ian pick a topic. - Let's go Pop Culture for 150. Pop Culture for 150. (group chattering) - For 150 points. In 2004, which phrase was featured on the yellow bracelets on everyone's wrists? (buzzer) - Oh God. - I know this. - That is Jackie. - Livestrong. - That is correct. Jackie, pick a topic. - Can we do Food for 150. - Food for 150. (group chattering) - I think that was a big move Jackie. - For 150 points? Which of these is not a real 2000 snack? Yogos Bits, Berry Twix, Gripz or Fresh Mint Skittles? (buzzer) Keith? - Gripz. - No. (buzzer) - Ian? - Fresh Mint Skittles. - Nope. (buzzer) Jackie? - Yogo. - Kimmy? - Gripz? - No, no. (group chattering) - Berry Twix, I mixed up. - You already said it. She already said it. (group chattering) - To be fair she did say one that was already said. - I can hear it, Berry Twix. - Okay we're gonna give this to you because there was only one answer left anyways. - You're right. - Kimmy that is correct it's Berry Twix. (group chattering) - Fashion 100. - For 100 points. The popularity of low rise jeans led to women's styling their outfits with intentionally exposed underwear. (buzzer) What was this animal inspired? Keith. I'm not going to finish the questions since. - Octopus. - Jackie. - Whale. - I'll give you that. It was whale tail. So you pretty much had it. - You never knew. - Oh, let's get a score check here. We've got Ian with 250 points. Jackie with 550 points. Kimmy with 250 points. And Keith with 400 points. This is probably our closest competition we've ever had on this show. This is very close. Jackie pick a topic. - Can we do Pop Culture 200. - 200 Points. Which of these iPod models was released first? iPod Mini, iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle? (buzzer) - Kimmy? - Shuffle. - Keith? - iPod Nano. (buzzer) (laughing) - Mini. - That is correct. - That's crazy. - Pick again. - Music 100. - For 100 points. - Is it shaggy? - What was the first Eminem single to reach number one? (buzzer) Jackie? - I'm just thinking Shaggy now. (laughing) I'm like it wasn't me. - Jackie you got answer. (group chattering) - Three, two, one. Keith? - My name is. - Nope. - Kimmy? - Slim Shady. - Nope. (buzzer) Go back to Keith why not. - Wait do I get another shot? - Yeah you could go again? - Who's making these rules. - I don't know. - Is it the Stan? Oh no the spaghetti closet one. (group chattering) - I didn't even hear the question. (group chattering) - I think we're not going to give this to anyone. (group chattering) - It's Lose Yourself. Jackie had it. She was just saying spaghetti part. The spaghetti song. What is the spaghetti song? I believe Jackie, you pick again. - Fashion at 150 - For 150 points. No '00s look was complete without these flowy mid calf length pants whose name? (buzzer) - Gauchos. - Yeah. - Those were all I wore. They were so comfortable bring them back. - Were they called Gaches? - Gauchos. - Gauchos. - Did you wear them with ballet flats? - For sure. - All right Kimmy. - Let's do Slang for 200. - For 200 points. Decode this AIM away message. AFK, BRB, TTYL. (buzzer) Ian? - Away from keyboard. Be right back. Talk to you later. - That is correct. - That was the easiest. C'mon man. - Away what? I had no idea. - They're not gamers. All right Ian. - Oh, geez. - So many choices. - Yeah. I had no chance of Music. So I'm going to do Food. - All right Food. - Unless music is Shaggy, in which case Shaggy. - For 200 points, which naughty television show is credited with kicking off the "cupcake craze" of the 2000s? - Naughty television? - Which naughty television show is credited with kicking off the "cupcake craze" of the 2000s? (buzzer) - Ian? - Cake Boss. - Nope. - This one's tough. So you guys all have a chance. You can just say a 2000 show. - Naughty Cupcake show. - This was on HBO. (buzzer) Ian. - Oh, naughty though. Oh, sex in the city. - That is correct. Let me read this out. With a season three episode featured Carrie Bradshaw, eating a cupcake at Magnolia bakery in the West village within weeks, several fans flocked to the bakery to try the cupcake for themselves, which led to constant lines around the block. Anyway. It's music for 200. Very close competition right now. 2007 was a great year for Timberland who had three singles that charted in the Billboard Top 10 of this year Name one of them? (buzzer) We got Keith. - Promiscuous girl. - Jackie. - It was that one. - I know. I know it. I know it. I know it. I know it. I know it. - Keith buzz back in. (buzzer) - The Way I Are. I was getting confused with 2006 because that's when he was working with Justin Timberlake and Nellie Furtado and then 2007 came around and that's when he had his big hits on his own. - 2007 he did have "Give It To Me" with Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake. - What was the other song? - The other song was a done other song. - Apologize. - Apologize We're about to go into our final question. And these are the scores. We've got Ian with 650 points. - Nice. - Jackie was 750 points. - Nice. - Kimmy with 400 points. - Nice - And Keith with 600 points. - Nice. - It's a close one. All right. I'm about to open up this final question. Remember, you will write down the answers. - How many points did I have? You had 650, 650 points. So guys, you will answer the question. You will write down your answer and you'll write down how many points you're wagering. Now that's how many points you could gain or you'll lose if you get it wrong. So this entire competition could change drastically. After this question. We have the final question here. And the topic of the final question is Jennifer Lopez. Put your wagers. Here's the question. JLo's infamous green Versace dress from the 2000 Grammy awards led to the invention of what essential Internet tool? - I didn't know this. - Kimmy what did you answer? - I answered the image search on like Google and things. - Okay. And you wagered 400 points? - All my points. Those are all my points. - All your points. Okay. - 400. - Oh, dang it. - Keith what did you answer? - Well, I got kind of confused and I thought of the screwdriver as a tool. - Got it. And you wagered 600 points on the screwdriver? - Yes. - Okay. Ian, what did you answer? - I liked Kimmy's answer. I should have gone with something that's slightly like that, but I wrote The Facebook for 69 points. - Okay, great. Jackie? I was on the same wavelength as Kimmy. I said Getty images. - Getty images. - I was like, ah, I'm coming around. - Can I change? - And you wagered 350. You cannot change your answer. You wagered 350 points. All right? The correct answer is Eric Schmidt, Executive chairman of Google mentioned that at the time of the 2000s Grammy's JLo's dress was the most popular search query they'd ever seen. We had no surefire way of getting users exactly what they wanted. JLo wearing that dress. As a result, Schmidt says Google Image Search. - I won. - Kimmy I think you just won. (contestants cheering) - I want to run around the room but I'm stuck. I've never won one of these before. (contestants cheering) - A big congratulations to Kimmy who is the queen of the 2000s. - Thank you. - Thank you to all our contestants. How do you guys feel? Did you feel pretty? You guys all did really well. This is probably, I'd say all of you did really well. You all know, you all remember part of your life. - When you end up with zero points. I mean, there's no way. - When you wager 600 points on a screwdriver. Anyways. Thank you guys for watching. I hope you enjoyed this and comment down below and let us know what other types of trivia we should do, what we should quiz ourselves on. And make sure you like, and subscribe, hit that notification bell. And we've got more videos down here. Check them out. It's some good stuff. I promise. It's good. If you like this, you're going to like this. You're going to like it. Okay.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 957,052
Rating: 4.967061 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Who's The Smartest 00's Kid?, smosh trivia, trivia, challenge, jeopardy, 2000s, throwback
Id: 2RcHQ7RXi5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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