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Hey I just checked the weld.com website, they don't have any grills for sale, was it a custom order?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bertie_88 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
today two of my favorite ingredients whiskey and steak come together to form perfection we're gonna love today and you want to know what's gonna make today even more better you can't say more better you can't quite get fixed somebody fix the script hold on wait for the other thing to change okay and you want to know what makes these there is no script there's no whatever thing and do you want to know what makes this even better we're using the weld comm Santa maria-style / Argentinian grill you may remember from a past video that Todd and Jason from weld comm built us this tremendous piece of cooking equipment well it's time to use it again and here's our steak one beautiful freakin tomahawk rib eye max what would the reason be for us using the tomahawk rib eye today it looks badass there is no other reason what we're gonna do ladies and gentlemen you could absolutely do with the little rib eye with a with a skirt steak with a New York frankly with a burger or a pork chop or some chicken anything you want but this this makes me feel like a like a like a caveman or something I want to get this thing all boozed up with with whiskey and slap it on the top of the grill but first we make a glaze for it not a marinade marinade will take 8 10 12 24 hours and we want to eat now we don't have time for that do we max do a chance nope nope we don't so we're gonna make a glaze that will give us most of the benefits of that in a very sexy way let's go our pot goes on and we had the following we start with a decidedly Western ingredient bourbon whiskey courtesy of Jack Daniels and that looks good and then we add a bunch of decidedly Eastern ingredients because this is my flavor profile that I enjoy most the first will be hoisin kind of Chinese barbecue sauce next up a little soy and actually I'm using thick soy because I like it you don't have to some sambal chili garlic paste some fresh garlic and chopped ginger it's gonna be really good for a little bit of spice some Dijon mustard for a little sweetness some brown sugar and finally as usually a big pinch of salt and pepper and maxie we mix I'm telling you right now this is gonna be so good you're gonna want to your pants so you can see it's chunky it's got pieces it's amazing we're just gonna leave it let it come to a quick boil turn it down to a simmer and when it does we'll begin our steak process process I say process max because as you know I'm Canadian turn it down take a second to slow another stir and when it slows down we tend to our fire first before you put our steak on and here it is the classic Santa Maria style grill or Argentinean style grill as sometimes they're known has sides that you can regulate with a flywheel let you raise if the heat gets to much lower if you want more heat and in this case the one that the boys from welcome belt has my face in the deck which is ridiculous but my favorite feature let's start our fire so I'm using lump charcoal I'm not the best guy it's starting or building a fire so I've got some smaller pieces here and to get it going I'm using these 100% natural little I don't know if these are what it is called very sir but there's a name for this particular one I don't know what it is so so I'll get this going I'll light those three up three in there one to three let them just start to go a little bit I don't want to smother them yet and then I'll start to put bigger pieces on and then let the whole thing happen look you could certainly do this steak on a gas grill but there's just something special with flavor when you use charcoal so after a couple minutes but a little more started we'll start to slowly build it up and by the way if I'm doing this wrong don't tell me fire is basically ready it's a she white on top super hot now it's time for this kid so let's get him out of the package and clean them up okay here we go reach in let's go fella oh look at that hold on get some paper towel here come right down on to dry our little buddy up fantastic let's get another one and now the bone itself and if it wasn't obvious they call these a tomahawk because they look like a tomahawk and of course in this case apart from presentation there's not really much reason for that as we've already discussed but this is a beautiful rib I'm not going to do any trimming to it but I'm good with the little bits of fat that are on here so all we need to do is give it a little oil avocado of course avocado oil kosher salt fresh ground pepper a decent amount it's kind of a thick piece it's a nice piece of meat same on the back bottom side this is about a pound and a half and and clearly you're paying for bone when you do this and for you guys I'm okay with that always make sure to get the edges well take advantage of what's on the board now you know what we're doing we're going to cook white ashy that's what I want it spread it out a bit look at that gorgeous Ness this is gonna cook pretty quick it's not gonna take long what's the same thing isn't it so I'm gonna put the great back down to get it super hot we'll let it go for like a minute and a half and then on goes our steak there's a rule that says if you can hold your hand over the flame for more than three seconds it's not hot enough we're well above the flame let's try it anyways one thousand one one thousand that clearly it's hot enough and that's what we want and we're ready on we go hahaha and what I like is I don't really need tongs because I've got built-in tongs my style of grilling with meat like this is to turn it off in and this will be no different it's just big with the bone same thing Wiltern Wiltern Wiltern get it to about 125 isch degrees take it off let's flip it's gorgeous it's gorgeous man it's gorgeous and I don't want to add the glaze quite yet because when you have something sweet it will encourage flame and we don't want that yet right now we're just trying to get the color and the temp beautiful as we get closer then on it goes let's flip it again gosh it's gorgeous and the beautiful part of this Santa maria-style grill is if it's cooking too fast we just raise it up slow that baby right down and then back down and we flip talked about color oh my god that is so beautiful mouse I don't know why the bone weeps blood tears right out of the center of it but wait who's that handsome devil hiding underneath the steak so now I want to do two things now I'll start to baste it a little bit applying some of this amazing smelling whiskey hoisin soy garlic ginger deliciousness and I'll raise it up oh my we flip and glaze if only you could smell if only I'm gonna check the temp check the temp 19 we're very close couple more degrees and she's coming off say hello to my little friend I mean honestly look at the gorgeous color on this that's fantastic I'm just gonna have to cut it it's our bone so this you can just follow the bone all the way along here and that little bite we call this the bite for the maker the guy The Cook's gets that bite first one boy sweet but not too sweet because of the chili sauce and mmm the Jack Daniels the whiskey brought this whole thing together in a gorgeous way let's cut let's just cut so we can just eat a ton of this right now okay beautiful that's just perfecto Oh God look at these gorgeous pieces mmm Nevers that I love to do let's just get them in their beautiful position slide everybody up and around the bone like this this is absolutely really truly now completely unnecessary so that's gonna make a pretty picture for my phone I don't care if anybody else wants it I want this for my phone Sam bye what's this ladies and gentlemen this is our Santa maria-style whiskey hoisin glazed tomahawk rib eye yeah it for my own personal telephone collection it looks like that come on baby smile for me work it work it let me see you there we go and now we eat so I'll be honest I like a little fat obviously on me and my steak as well and this looks perfect not kidding it's ridiculous it's honestly 100 and 50,000% ridiculous it's sweet it's spicy it's boozy it's it's and nothing overwhelms everything just comes together in the most beautiful medley most beautiful tender freakin medley and you get that hint of charcoal if you don't have a charcoal grill you byla got like a $80 Weber that only uses charcoal you got to find your way to some cuz it really makes a difference hey thank you for being here thanks for hanging out thanks for following thanks for liking things for hitting the notification bill thanks for for everything for everything see ya
Views: 750,505
Rating: 4.9132776 out of 5
Keywords: jack daniel's, jack daniel's steak, cooking jack daniel's, cooking steak, tomahawk, tomahawk ribeye, tomahawk ribeye steak, cooking ribeye steak, ribeye steak, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy steak
Id: N2VcVcsbmeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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