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I hope Sam ate the rest of that sandwich.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/devineassistance 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Just recently discovered Sam's youtube channel. Lovin' the vibe, lovin' the content! I've been binge watching the past few days.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/potato_toot 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I discovered the channel immediately after bariatric surgery during the stages of grief. Been using it for technique and homemade prep v. buying stuff.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/WeirdTalentStack 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
get ready for one of the last steak marinades you will ever need [Music] and i mean that yes i mean that it's delicious i've made this for a while max said let's do a flank steak i said great let's do a flank steak fact i've got a great marinade i haven't used forever i'm gonna do that and then i went to the store to buy a flank steak and there were no flank steaks such is the state of the food industry right now ladies and gentlemen we're still in the middle of the pandemic we're not harping about it but it's reality you're going one day they got a lot of stuff you go in the next day they don't have anything they didn't have a flank and that was okay because i got a flat iron instead it's important that you understand there's different cuts out there i say all the time on this don't make the same thing all the time don't make the same thing the same way all the time change up what you do variety is what it's all about if you're a fan of a flank steak great but don't always reach for the flank steak i was forced to reach for something else today and i'm glad because it's a learning point for all of us the flank state comes from the belly of the cow the flat iron comes from the shoulder both super meaty cuts both benefit from a marinade and in this case super hot fast cooking is desirable we'll keep it medium rare it'll be outstanding and the name flatiron comes because it has the shape of an old-school kind of flat iron that they would use maybe max will pop one up on the screen yeah i'll do some research because i don't have any idea what go back to the 1820s and find a flat for ironing a shirt yeah like a flat iron but there might there might have been other uses for it i don't know i don't know i'm a modern man that's what i am can we make this [ __ ] marinade please thank you see how close i got oh okay see i needed a half a cup and i free poured that inside and it's a half a cup half cup oil don't get off me you're self-conscious now no i'm not a third of a cup of soy sauce i've never seen you measure i don't know why i don't know why i'm doing this i know why because i haven't made this for so long i just want to get the measurements really accurate it would have been fine if i'd done it the other way she's gonna come back to haunt me forever i'm not cooking for you ever again you're not getting a bite of this and wait do you see what i do with it at the end dick keep going do we need to come out with a new shirt measuring is for three tablespoons apple cider vinegar one two three i think a couple cloves of garlic one wow that was a good one back of knife two i need two teaspoons of fresh ginger we'll just clean this guy up damn look at that night whoa that was very close you want the ginger as minced up as you can ginger will not go through a garlic press just won't work to make little ceramic dishes that have little tiny sharp nubs on them that you would grate ginger on and kind of get like ginger pulp i just don't like it i like cutting it i'm very happy cutting it just get it as small as you can and one of the things i like about this knife specifically the blade is when i'm done cutting a scoop and in ground pepper a lot grind away grind away a couple teaspoons if you can get it a couple teaspoons of salt teaspoon of sugar teaspoon of dry mustard and by the way this is all on my website you don't need to write it down if you don't want to teaspoon of dried rosemary that i like to put in my hand and then scrunch up a bit so it gets extra flavorful just break it in two more things we need a tablespoon of diced onion and i only have a shell and shallots are a pain in the ass i just need a teaspoon so honestly you can use any onion you have any onion and last but not least a quarter cup of lemon juice so i'm just gonna squeeze into here not for measuring purposes max for seeds it'll just go faster for me you guys know about doing this rolling it you roll citrus you break up the fibers inside and you get more juice out of it you can also put it in the microwave but i think that's a weird thing to do man a weird thing to do so quarter cup turns out is in this case is about one and a half lemons i don't want the seeds this is all seeds good god man there we go and we mix now look i think at this point this does not look very exciting and you'd probably be right but let's get our nose in here and have a smell because that's where the good part starts it's that combination of the soy the oil and the rosemary that seems an unlikely trio asian with a very decidedly not asian ingredient yum oh i think i think rachel races yamo and then you just did god what is happening next is this i happen to have a ziploc bag right here in my pocket we'll put our flat iron in here like this our marinade i'm going to hold a little back just for some brushing right at the very end seal her up and then the technical term for what's happening now is mushing it around you want to make sure that everything gets coated and if you got overnight give it overnight if you got a couple hours give it a couple hours you're gonna love this no matter what i'll stick it in the fridge oh yeah we did do our uh every single mushing technique video last year if you want to go and uh find that one go have that it'll make you so much smarter after every single way to mush your steak you're an idiot this goes in the fridge when you see me next we're grilling and here we are it's uh been marinating a couple hours i took it out about a half an hour ago i don't like to take a cold steak and throw it on a hot grill it's hard to get where you want outside and inside if it's ice cold room temperature that should be your goal for putting a steak on a grill my friends room temperature half hour 45 minutes that'll do it and if my wife is listening it will not make the steak bad or unsafe in that time sweetheart it's perfectly fine and with the grill nicely hot and sprayed on we go you can smell already soy sauce rosemary deliciousness so this is not going to take very long literally three four minutes this first side so i'm going to give it a little turn now [Music] give it maybe two more minutes there and then we'll flip this [ __ ] it's gorgeous isn't it well it's not gorgeous yet it will be gorgeous we're gonna get it gorgeous that's the whole point of this and this little extra basting sauce that i held back that's for the second side that's not for here and after another couple minutes that's what we were hoping for max just that and now because i can and i want to just glisten her up with a little bit of the saved back marinade oh the smell and so what we're looking for now is you know a beautiful medium rare depending on how hot your grill is it's going to take you know three four five minutes aside flipping back and forth and the best way is we'll bring out a uh instant read thermometer when we're getting close then there's no guessing so give them a little turn love them love it we're just cooking we're just trying to get it beautiful lovely all the way through i'm going for about 130 degrees we'll let it sit covered a little bit for a few minutes after until it's perfect and we don't have to guess there's no guessing anymore folks it's not necessary we can use our instant read thermometer which doesn't go upside down no it doesn't turn around is right now in this thickest part about 115 116 down here yep that guy's ready so we just want this side to finish and we're there up she goes on her plate look how beautiful she is it's gorgeous man and while she's still hot one more baste it's like the the steak that sucks in this gorgeous marinade while it's still super warm and we're gonna let it sit for a few minutes so a little piece of foil loosely over the top see you ten minutes and here we are wow okay so just bring our little fellow out set the little guy down and just have a look shall we now what is important is that i have to talk louder because there's a 1937 biplane going overhead with the refract wings and the what is that oh sound of annoyance news crew oh there's a back up on the 805 all the way back to miller road people are getting out of their cars so look it's beautiful it's ready and now i'm going to cut it but you know we have to cut against the grain and the grain essentially goes like this so i don't want to cut like this i am going to cut it in half though so we can just see how it looks let's cut right here maxie and that for me is absolutely beautiful this is gorgeous that's how i like it but because the grain is going this way we don't want to cut with it we want to cut against it or as we say in canada against it so like this just beautiful pieces that you want to take a bite of here's the really good thing take this juice right here the zoo the jew do that so i'm so starving all i've had today was a bowl of non-fat greek yogurt with blueberries and strawberries and some and some nuts seeds it's a beautiful picture i'll tell my instagram the cooking guy on instagram it's the craziest thing i put up a picture of those hot dogs we did the other day thousands of likes i put up a gorgeous picture of a bowl of yogurt with fruit in it and nuts ah nobody gives a sh but i generally post good stuff so go follow me i like friends okay but it's about this bite we dip it again and then we go see look it's this damn delicious flat iron it tastes like beef of course it tastes like beef but some things less beef this is this could be the poster child for what beef tastes like so here's what i say you got people coming over for dinner you make one of these you eat it great and then you're done but while you make it make two cook them at the same time now you've got extra for sandwiches the next day a salad the next day all kinds of things but i have a quick idea while i was at the store uh the chinese supermarket that i go to because i needed to get more soy sauce i found these rolls that were like fresh in today and i thought what would be better oh my gosh then one of these sliced with some steak on it yeah let's do that but first first just a little butter come on what's the harm a little butter right i know look i'm trying to eat well i'm gonna have one bite of it and then i'm gonna give it away because that's the only way i can be my way of managing my food when i'm trying to be good is still by having a bite or two just not the whole thing i have to have a biter i feel completely left out and screwed so while that's browning beautifully let me just cut some more of this push this over look at this little pile look at the color that pile's beautiful it's beautiful that's what you want okay perfect but now let's just do that to get the top and bottom just a little bit the bottom look this wasn't really planned the flatiron is planned not this but while it's here a little bit of mail don't freak with the mayo it's just a little bit but now some of this extra marinade right there and now just spread that and now a pile of this nope i didn't mean for that i take that back wait i forgot i've got a little arugula that i wanted but i also wanted this arugula to have a little bit of the marinade part in my hands sorry it's just a work in progress see that's good now that's good now the steak a little pile of this here another little piece let's just go two more and now the top bun it's got this beautiful little mark on top from the flat top there you go max it's so hot everything's freaking boiling look the steak ow the arugula the little bit of mayo and then the extra bit of marinade it's there so use it it can only add flavor oh [ __ ] i want so many bites of this okay i don't give a [ __ ] one more bite just one and then i'm completely out you know what that roll has coconut oil in it or something that's really good with this oh my god the marinade's on the website go get it don't make the same thing all the time subscribe to the channel hit the notification bell be nice to people wash your hands wear your mask when you're out in public let your dog sleep in bed with you too much they're part of the family and be nice to everybody in your life unless they're pieces of [ __ ] and then ignore them i don't know how i'm not gonna eat this i just have to walk away thank you we've done some good work goodbye you
Views: 540,111
Rating: 4.9292326 out of 5
Keywords: flat iron steak, best steak, best steak marinade, steak marinade, best marinade, flat iron marinade, sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy steak, sam the cooking guy marinade, cooking steak, best steak recipe, best steak ever, how to cook steak, cook steak, favorite recipe, favorite steak, steak recipe, recipe for steak, recipe for steak marinade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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