How to Perfectly Cook Tomahawk Ribeye Steak | Reverse Seared Ribeye using Cold Grate Technique

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hey guys greg here from blissful bbq and today i'm hanging out with you on sns grills channel i'm going to be cooking up a big old beautiful tomahawk ribeye steak on the slow and sear kettle let's get going first things first here's that rib eye this is a little over a pound of usda prime ribeye and yesterday what i did was started a dry brine so essentially i seasoned it with as much kosher salt that i would use to season a steak and put it on this rack in the fridge without being covered overnight and the the salts kind of bring that moisture out and then pull it back in along with that nice salty flavor it does not over salt the meat it's literally the perfect amount of salt in every bite and you can see the color transformation i mean it's just this beautiful kind of a ruby red now so i'm still bringing up the internal temp on this before i put it on the grill let's go ahead and get that slow and sear kettle rocking so with the kettle i have the slow and sear right here i have 25 fully lit briquettes actually there's 26 in here i'm kind of cheating just a little bit those in there get that grade on all right the damper below is fully open get the lid on and i'm going to turn this to about the halfway point right now and what i plan on doing at this point is to get this grill up to 250 degrees for that initial low and slow cook for the steak so this did not take long at all to hit the 250 and as luck would have it the the halfway mark worked out perfectly for this temperature i monitored it for a good five minutes after i hit 250 and it hasn't budged so happy with that let's go ahead and get the steak on so we're going to put this over the indirect side and i want to get some smoke on this cook so a chunk of hickory i want to monitor the temperature of the meat while we're cooking here with a big ol thick stick like this i like to stick it through the side that way i don't have to mess with it when i'm flipping you're covered all right so now before i walk away i'm just going to monitor the temperature gauge i just want to make sure that it locks in at my target of 250 degrees fahrenheit i don't think i mentioned this before but that bottom damper is still fully open so that charcoal is getting some really good fresh air you see i'm getting a nice clear blue smoke coming up now from that hickory again i want to get that nice smoky flavor so what i'm going to do now is just continue monitoring the internal temperature of the meat once it hits 80 degrees fahrenheit i'll be flipping it and we'll be pulling this from the grill once it hits 115 degrees fahrenheit and then we're going to take you through the sear process while this is all going on we're going to make a really simple garlic herb compound butter we're going to start out with one quarter cup one cube of unsalted butter one tablespoon of chopped flat leaf italian parsley one clove of crushed garlic this is one teaspoon each of chopped thyme rosemary and chives one teaspoon lime zest put in a pinch of cayenne pinch of salt kosher salt and a little bit of crushed black pepper the good stuff comes from a little remote island in vietnam supposed to be the best pepper in the world i don't know if it is or not but it's good i'm just gonna mix this up really well i just want to get it fully incorporated i don't want to go so berserk with this that i completely melt the butter there you go that looks good now the next step is something i have a love hate relationship with and that's plastic wrap usually ends up doing things it's not supposed to do but i've learned that if i kind of keep it close to the surface come on plastic wrap just pull it out and lay it down and then cut it almost it's a lot better than i was expecting all right now i'm going to take this beautiful compound butter and plop it that's a culinary term all right all right we're going to roll this kind of like a cigar grab the ends and this is where you get to look kind of cool just twist it up you can see how it turned out kind of snazzy looking so what i'm going to do now is place this in the fridge let it harden up let the butter harden up so we can kind of slice it right that stick just hit 80 degrees it's time to flip it look at that color it's absolutely gorgeous all right i'm just going to continue to monitor the internal temperature of the stake once it hits 90 degrees fahrenheit i'm going to fire up a full chimney of charcoal to prepare for the sear once the stick hits 115 degrees fahrenheit it's coming off the grill we're going to set it up for the sear stick just hit 115. go ahead and pull this so i'm going to allow the stick to rest a bit while i prep the grill for the sear first thing i'm going to do is pull off the grate we want to allow this to cool down completely before we actually start searing this now we're going to add a full chimney of lit briquettes now you can see it's not going completely up to the rim on the sloan sear i like it to go up to the rim this is blazing hot so what i'm going to do is just put a thin layer of fresh briquettes on top and they'll light in no time be ready to help out with the sear [Music] by the time the steak is rested these charcoals will be raring to go now while i'm waiting for the kettle to get ready for the sear i'm going to get the steak ready for the sear so the first thing i'm going to do is just take a paper towel some paper towels and just blot it off get any moisture that came through the surface of the steak off of the steak i'm going to take some extra virgin olive oil just a nice thin coating of the oil on the steak some black pepper just repeat a little olive oil black pepper so now i'm just going to loosely cover the steak and foil while we wait for the grill to come up to temp so it didn't take very long at all for these coals to go white the grill is nice and cool now now it's time to have some fun want it on a nice cold portion of the grill i'm going to go for one minute so wow let's go ahead and put that compound butter on board all right i'm going to let this rest just a little bit i'm going to give you guys a taste and look at that so what i'm smelling right now is that grilled beef smell that i love so much but combined with that you know that hickory smoke and herbs i mean i'm really getting hit with some herbs especially that garlic let's go ahead and try this out the color is just gorgeous look at that kind of just a beautiful kind of glazed mahogany so first shot it's going to be right down the middle and there you go that nice wall-to-wall color that you cannot deny that technique is just it's an awesome technique all right and there's your postcard right there let's try this out look at that juicy perfect crust i'll tell you this that a steak this good really doesn't need that compound butter but it's definitely not hurting the flavor i mean it's adding another layer of fat and again another layer of those herbaceous kind of flavors going on that the seasoning didn't have so i love i love good compound butter on a steak stick like this just really accentuates the flavors it's not overpowering it it's good anyway i'm very happy with this cook i'm really falling in love with this slow and sear kettle this technique i'm sold on um i really don't have much more to say if you like the video please give it a thumbs up sub this channel if you haven't already and make sure you ring the bell see you on the next video cheers [Music]
Channel: SnS Grills
Views: 32,071
Rating: 4.9212599 out of 5
Keywords: slow n sear, steak, cold grate technique, how to cook steak, steak recipe, rib eye steak, perfect steak, how to cook tomahawk steak, How to perfectly cook tomahawk ribeye steak, How to perfectly cook steak, how to cook tomahawk ribeyes, Reverse seared ribeye, Reverse seared steak, reverse seared tomahawk steak, reverse seared tomahawk ribeye, Tomahawk ribeye steak, Perfectly cooked ribeye steak, ribeye, tomahawk ribeye, Tomahawk steak, Reverse sear, how to reverse sear steak
Id: fRYjWGpg8NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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