Reverse Sear Tomahawk Ribeye Steak

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hey looking to cook one of them tomahawk steaks i mean one of them big old bone-in three-pound rib-eyes i got the tips the tricks and the technique to make it happen with some smoky goodness come on i got the grill hot [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by the backyard and what are we talking about reverse seared ribeye let me back up that's reverse because folks i'm talking about you're going to back up and do this one because it is good and looking down here some big old pumpkin piece of beef i'm talking about nearly three pounds each steak me and the big and duke we can make a hand on that and why are we talking about reverse seared now a big piece of meat like this and y'all seen me cook these tomahawk steaks before to where we'd wrapped them in some foal and let them steam a while but we're going to do this one reverse sear method to where we're going to start on indirect heat now why is that that's away from the cold we're going to give it a smoke band just let it get in there and get the warming up and we're going to let it try to get to about 115 long in there and then we're going to pull it back over there and we're gonna sear it over some hot fire now if you got a cast iron skillet that's big enough for them to fit in you can do it in one of them but i love to do it on the grill and we're gonna top it off with a little herb butter and everything else well i got me some good fogo in there which is really good and hot and it put me a little mesquite in there but i'm pogo fogo it is f-o-g-o fogo we're gonna go and put some charcoal in there that's what we're talking about fogo hardwood lump this stuff is good i ain't getting no crumbs out of it i'm getting big o hearty pieces of coal that's what i'm after but i got a little applewood and a little alder and i'm gonna put it in here so we can get the smoked bath to happening got the old hasty bait fired up we do and you need to let these big old pieces of steak come to room temperature now i'm talking about an hour and 15 or 20 minutes set them in there in the counter away from the beagle and out of duke range or you won't have none left when you come back and as you've seen me i don't want in there and got me a little bit of lime juice rubbed all over both sides and then original seasoning really heavy though y'all have heard me say it it's the worst mistake you can make especially on any big piece of steak or any steak whatsoever that is under season overcook original heavy on both sides and then on the outside edge of these tomahawks i put me a good layer of that mesquite seasoning we have got some smoker rolling as you can see all the coals is on this end down here we'll just arrange them to where they're sort of laying in there so nice and pretty shut that lid on them folks and a big piece of steak like this if you've let it come to room temperature you're going to be pretty close to about maybe 20 minutes to let that temperature come up to about 1 15 and then the magic is going to happen we're going to throw some heat on there it is going to be good [Music] [Music] [Music] hey folks y'all joined us and guess what the daylight savings time done kicked in it did and whoo did it get near dark so we are making history tonight with y'all we are cooking in the dark is this prime time shan we let these warm up till it got to about 1 now we're going to put them over some heat because we're going to give them some color right now now i have got a little flame in there we'll have to keep an eye on and you don't have to shut the lid at this time you don't but guess what we got here remember i was telling you about some butter all it is is some of that good kerrygold butter uh-huh and some garlic and some horseradish mixed in so we're just going to let that sit uh oh and jumped off he didn't make the trip we're just going to let that sit right on there and folks if we was thinking how much time was this going to take with the fire about that far from it i'd say about two minutes we're going to flip it over and get some color on the other side for about a minute and a half then we're going to pull them over here let them rest for about five and then we're gonna eat them well time is there it is time to flip it is there we go and look here it's what you call flame kissed it is but we are getting some of that good color on there and that's what i'm gonna after now if you have to and you think well i want these to be like 125 to 130 hey you prove them and folks if it's flaming it might be too hot let's move over here just a minute about two minutes on that side and we gonna call it a done deal well folks we've been about three total after we put them back on the fire look at that there i wanted that good crust that we got on there and that's what we're after that's what you call cooking in the dark and hmm don't it smell good we have let them rest about maybe about eight minutes folks and i don't want to tint them i just want to let them rest right there and um because when you let a big old steak rest like that and you cut him that flavor has all just sort of sealed up in there and ready to go but if you cut a steak too soon guess what you're gonna let some of it out we done pinned him up once so let's go ahead and see what's happening and we're just gonna cut right across here slices like butter it does now shan and the beagle and all inquiring minds want to know but i'm wanting some rare to medium rare and looky there folks that is what we got from one side to the other now my taste testers folks i'm just telling you out here in these brave conditions in the dark they have kept the bears off me and shane so here you go duker i want to thank you big i want to thank you so much for always being here brother always helping us out i know you're a star on youtube and thank you so folks you can see that right there i'm just going to go ahead and have this little bite right here but you can see we didn't have a flood of juices go running out of there all that flavor stayed right there in it it did i don't know if y'all have ever heard me say that but that's divine dining it is i think it would call for one more little bite and the rib eye roll you got to roll with your rib eye roll it on around like the hula hoop and then you break down and get some smoke that's a fire and you do the roll one more time it is so good [Music] i'm just telling you folks that certified angus beef with that good original seasoning and mesquite around the edge letting that alder wood and that apple get in there and just love all over it and come around you cook pretty good i mean things is just good i'm telling you and that is what i'd call about the perfect cook to me i'm liking it a whole lot i am just remembering all this let it come to room temperature and if you need to probe it put that thing in there you want to get to about 1 18 120 long in there i like to go mine 115 then put them over on that hot fire put so much slab of butter on them about a minute and a half two minutes aside praise the lord pass the biscuits and let's eat beef because it is a good day it is and as always i tip my hat to all our service men and women and all the veterans first responders and everybody that's keeping them safe hey you can all come to this channel you're all loved and we're glad to have you we are and we thank you so much and guess what i'm gonna take you down the reversed seared ribeye trail [Music] are you smiling for some beef though yes we're going to do it [Music] hey oh no that was close [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 218,973
Rating: 4.9743786 out of 5
Keywords: tomahawk steak, reverse sear, tomahawk ribeye, how to reverse sear a steak, how to reverse sear a ribeye steak, reverse seared steak, how to grill a steak, how to grill a tomahawk steak, grilled ribeye steak, kent rollins steak, seared steak recipe, steak grilling tips, searing steak, smoked steak, grilling steak, perfect grilled ribeye steak, simple ribeye steak recipe, seared tomahawk steak, cowboy kent rollins steak, kent rollins chopped
Id: 9Z18Nl2ru0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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