Jack Daniels Whiskey Strip Steak on BlackStone Griddle

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hey guys gonna guys are back thanks for joining in we got Jeff Chris Nate Nate no Nate right now Nate's away traveling on business this week so we're gonna have to do without him but special treat we're gonna do something a little different than we've never done before special secret ingredient tonight Jeff and I are gonna what we need to test first so cheers to you that's good so why don't you tell them what the special ingredient is so Jeff is a big fan of Jack Daniels and we've got some nice meat we've got picked up tonight and we're gonna definitely secret sauce basically Jack Daniels Jessamyn tell me all about it very excited to try it wait till you check out the steaks that I got at the local market today unbelievable the guy kind of fooled me nicely we're gonna have some fun we're gonna get right into it and show you guys what all what it's all about tonight but thanks for tuning in like subscribe hit us up for a comment or suggestion perfect so guys we're gonna be a quick rundown of what we're gonna do before we're going on the griddle Jeff chop some onions get some nice rough chopped or sliced onions thanks krazee nothing crazy garlic oh six cloves of garlic you know give or take diced sliced and then the secret ingredient the Jack Daniels secret sauce I got about a cup of roughly a cup but it's something that you put as much as little as you want as you saw we tasted it very good perfect all right just the right just flavor right he's got some potatoes and by the way you look we only did one take well maybe seven he's gonna remember forever how many things but he's got seven three baked potatoes that I threw in the the oven earlier today just 45 minutes to 50 minutes gonna cut these in half cut them in half butter them again they're already cooked so we're just gonna be browning them on the griddle as we cook the steak and the onions and the garlic and kind of keep everything going at the same time speaking of the stick we should give a claw oh my god these stakes are incredible tell him what you did though you went to the butcher today I went today what's it look like what they had in the end the Shelf just wasn't that good hey this one that one you know every kitchen needs a what Chris ha ha ha oh the meat tape measures in a tape measure so easy to make things legit 1/8 tape measure and I had the guy cut this to about 16 ounces for for weight and it's just around 2 inches 2 inches so it's a nice really the marbling is beautiful this is a nice piece of steak both of them it gives us the opportunity to get a nice sear on the outside and still nice and medium-rare on the inside to get all the flavor to get the texture nice bad boys again can't go long steak and potatoes yeah go wrong and thank God nature on here because it saved me about 15 or 20 bucks for a third steak there you go you'll see we're just gonna salt the pepper this very simple so if your salt pepper we'll see you down at the griddle yeah sounds good very excited very hungry keep looking at this yummy yep now that the griddle I just wanted to show you my little trick as far as for getting the whiskey to not roll off the front of the grill this is one of the older models so what I did is I just put a washer underneath the leg on each side and that causes to roll back a little bit and that way it doesn't just completely dump off into the trap the the newer ones have the trap in the back so you can do the same thing with having it roll forward a little bit you'll see why that's important as we get further along in the cook and at this point I'm just going to go ahead resting on the fly add resting on the fly we're just gonna stop by getting the stakes down I got the grill cranked super high he's super high heat and let it run for a while now we can get a nice sizzle snakes look incredible perfect so these are pretty thick so we get some time with them we're just gonna leave them in one place probably about four or five minutes at least on each side we'll keep putting a little bit of oil that way it kind of rolls through underneath it to give it a nice sear and we'll come back alright so it's been about four minutes now maybe five you'll see that oh it's perfect look at that it's a good sear put a little more oil down over here oh that's a good sear perfect yup nice work perfect what I'm gonna do is leave this burner on just to keep that staring on the backside and then your burners all the way over I'm going to throw down to low so that way it doesn't burn the butter as soon as we put it down so we're gonna cool it off a little bit I'm just gonna clean this all up and move on to the next step a great sear I mean these up these do take time we're not gonna fool you yeah and that was about five minutes five minutes five minutes on that side but look at that it's a nice crust I want to get a close-up on that that is a nice sear that's beautiful so unlike another three or four minutes I'm gonna start South the onions once this gets up to about 110 degrees you know we'll keep checking it ideal temperature we're taking them up think like 129 131 high high 120s it's a thick thing there's gonna be more carryover than a thin steak Jill right oh so we're up around 100 degrees on the steak I just wanted to sear the set the edges as you can see we got front and back looking great pretty much ready for stop the onions when they got cooled this side down Tom are you dude so on this side I just cleaned it so I turned the burners down and I used the ice scraper and some paper towels and water to clean it and then to also cool it down potatoes onions oh no we don't want the butter to burn so it's kind of a you don't want it to be too hot and I'm melting the motor definitely the pictures working you definitely see the pitch working pitches working I just want to start introducing my potatoes now honey is a garlic I'm pretty sure it's gonna smell really really good oh yeah so for right now we're just going to do that stop this often those get them he does a Jeff and I gonna sample that bottle up there again it's not sure it is okay happy too safe looks good smells great it's takes its toll so the onions are getting soft as you can see they're not really uh not burning which is really what I didn't want so that's working what I'm gonna do and see I got a nice sear on all sides butter fireworks coming in three two here we go Jack Daniels sauce going in run off the alcohol [Applause] I like it I like it now now we're just gonna keep trying the stakes in here pick up some of the flavor until we get after all our onions going right in there Jack Daniels putting it all together potatoes cooking look at this how can you not be so excited we all forget safety first yeah I got that JEP was a little worried about that and then I'm going to put a little more salt down as well to work with the sweetness of the Jack Daniels we're gonna keep checking the steaks til we get a temperature that's it for a little bit nice legit this is good that looks good then let's then I get a little brown on it perfect oh that smell smell is amazing right now nice and sweet oh I wish you guys could smell how good this smells oh my god so good at the girl with the onions the Jack Daniels the beef so yummy we're getting there we're way up 116 1 115 point so I think in this point we're just gonna keep doing what Jeff's doing right now we're gonna finish it up take it upstairs plate it up what do you think sit take it off to make sure that those are nice and brown get a nice color on them smells so good give me a close-up of one of those look at that there we go look at that hold on it's focusing it's focusing there we go all right guys we're just gonna finish up here and then we're gonna plate I am so excited about this is smells so good yummy yummy yummy smells so good it's all because of Jeff yeah oh you know what we should say real quickly Jeff in Jack Daniels by the ways Jade JJ we got the JJ steak going your butcher butcher you went to your butcher tonight so I went to uh hey so I was looking in the case and and they had strip steak which is what I was looking for prime because I was trying to do something special for Kris tonight because Nate wasn't here the extra money take advantage of it while we get a chance unless loves to feed but uh so anyway so I asked him if he had any help back and he wasn't checked and he was able to cut me a nice cut to whatever I wanted this ended up being just under two inches so that way they were about a pound apiece and the marbling fantastic don't be scared of the butcher you know whether it was your local market whether it's a butcher whatever it is if you talk to the butcher they want to talk to you I think so too they really do yeah if you're into it they're gonna be happy that you're into it and they'll get you and this look 10 times better than what was an end times better which is great yeah so we'll keep tossing these we'll play it up upstairs in a minute oh my god yeah it smells so good I just caramelizes unbelievable Nate's are you missing this l hope you having fun at work alright guys there it is that's it look at how beautiful they're like any restaurant I don't care where you been that's what it looks like right you're paying a lot of money forward to that is just gonna cut into it we can't wait well exactly here we go moment of truth oh my truth remember this was 2 inches thick oh that let's keep that Wow that looks good yeah wow that is perfect really is still cute oh man I cut cut into slices I want you to taste it right now you can't wait come on take get in there and taste it some plugins he's got no words is that good [Laughter] wow that good huh punch of flavor you got that you taste a bourbon you taste the onions garlic sweet it's like got a sweetness to it nice and you just barely taste the salt where it cuts through a little bit oh you gonna try this still getting the beef flavor yeah perfect a good thing that is impressive oh oh that's perfect too by the way my god is that good we pulled it off at about what 125 at the end of the day 25 once I sit for 15 minutes or so yeah yeah oh man sorry Chris no well cut okay we'll get Kristin boy no no no well say guys I can already smell from here all good it tastes mm-hmm so we just wanted to do a recap on the recap oh my gosh so good guys please try it I mean I don't ask a lot this is literally 100 I think I top tasted taste wise in videos just to make sure that we're picking up on the right flavors and that we can see the separation we figured that we'd have we started it will end it guys thank you Jack Daniels thank you Jack Daniels that's a great night guys phenomenal please try it's nothing I'm nothing like I've tasted before so good cheers bro nice and I have no one again like subscribe thank you for watching you
Channel: The Griddle Guys
Views: 129,504
Rating: 4.9221096 out of 5
Keywords: Blackstone, Griddle, cooking, griddling, griddle, camp chef, campchef, bbq, outdoor cooking, easy recipe, recipes, Steak, Jack Daniels, bourbon, whiskey, flambe, fun cook, strip steak, ribeye steak, delmonico steak, bourbon marinade, potato, baked potato, onions, garlic, seared steak, sear, fire, torch, shots
Id: Y6A2VSgmFcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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