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you've probably seen that one pan egg sandwich that's been all over the web well we're doing that today well that one was a piece of [ __ ] and we're gonna make four really good versions here's the plan the concept is you beat some eggs you put them in a pan you set a couple pieces of bread on top flip it over add anything you want then you fold it up and you've got bread on the outside and your cheesy egg in the middle if you've added cheese it's very nice it's very sweet we'll make a fairly basic but delicious one and then we'll make three other ones that are still simple but different come on boys come on so unlike the original i'm beginning with bacon in the pan because i want this to be all through my egg it's cooked about uh oh i don't know max i would say that's probably 79 of the way there i'm gonna add a little butter because i really don't want anything to stick here and then because i love this some diced green onion so when the butter melts and the onions start to soften a bit and the bacon sort of finishes up and we're going to be ready for our eggs and that looks like now so i've got three eggs i've beaten with a little salt and pepper and they go just to run all the way around to the edges and it's going to start to set slowly here's what we do we take our two pieces of bread we set it down then we flip it over it kind of ends up like french toast in the end ladies and gentlemen so we need the egg from this side on the back side to do our thing here now we're just waiting we want the bottom to set enough that we can flip the whole thing over so you can see how much has set around the edges you know it's great it's beautiful it's everything i want so now the key is you got to flip it you could just go straight balls to the wall flip it in the air and hope that it landed properly but i'm not feeling that yet we're a little too scared for that no we're not scared so we'll go like this we go one two and three just like that okay now now we're gonna let the edges cook a little bit see already this is about a thousand times prettier than that original tick tock one we'll put one cheese here i'm using sliced monster once she's here so we just do this simply up onto the sides oh come on i say simply and it doesn't go simply for me there we go damn i'm telling you this is going to be crazy delicious you know this guy up up up up up and everybody stays and we're staying and then comes the fold and the fold looks like this so you can see when you look at the side how much gorgeousness is happening here but what this has to do this has to now become french toast we're french toast to sizing this sandwich that we've just made in this pan i know that original tik tok person is looking at this going damn it why didn't i put bacon in the egg with green onion for that first one so time to flip so i'm just going to add a little bit more butter in here i mean ladies and gentlemen french toast right who requires that that's that's what this is all about you're not supposed to be sneaking out of the edges there buddy so you go back in gorgeous gorgeous who doesn't want to eat that [ __ ] you tick-tock that's what you were saying hey hey hey hey wow this is freaking gorgeous and when the bottom is nice and brown like the top boom and we're down ah oh come on is that pretty as a picture or what now you can say it max that's what i'm saying it's really beautiful we got three more though and we're in for the cuts oh gosh oh my gosh oh look at that cheese oh you stop it now you pretty thing as if it wasn't obvious we need to eat but look just look at that once more that this there's all the goodness i mean of course this cheesiness is bomb but this is where we want to go bacon french toast cheese but this oh boy honestly it's like a perfect breakfast sandwich perfect and you only mess one pan hats off to whoever thunk this up but we're just making them better all right next one you're gonna like too sausages hash browns eggs right so we begin the same way with butter and we add our egg once again three beaten [Music] and as it slowly begins to set we take our hash browns and set them in and let them start to do their thing there they're wonderful delicious thing and yes this little pot off to the side has gravy in it because hash browns and sausage say gravy to me yum or as rachel ray would say max did you watch her a lot what would she say yum oh thank you chance so now we know you watch rachel ray help it spread out and by the way i have been adding salt and pepper to the eggs that's important we flip carefully uno dos trace good beautiful beautiful down and beautiful did i say beautiful a little bit extra butter around the edges you want a non-stick pan that's nonstick you know sometimes they get old and they stick so now here we can come by with what's next and what's next is this first a piece of pepper jack cheese followed up by another piece of pepper jack on that side and then two perfect little round store-bought sausages to go with the store-bought hash browns nothing wrong with that now we can do our folding dad i'm not gonna i want this guy to stay and he's not going to want to stay and now i'm going to have to fight with this guy pull the other end i got it just want to give myself a little chance here we're essentially making an envelope i think you can see you piece of mother effing horse good thank you this side is it really going to stick for me is it i just need it for a second nope not going to fine i'm going to flip him over like that and now just lift them up a bit get this guy tucked under that's what we're talking about that's ridiculous that's ridiculous suck it tick tock now we just continue get these kids crispy turn up the heat a bit oh gosh gosh darn it hey beauty queen do a little twirl for us okay so it's not as neat and perfect it's gonna be good and by the way if you think i'm having trouble fitting the egg into the shape of the hash browns the next two will prove to be much more challenging thank you to theragun for sponsoring this video this is chance and chance is doing the one thing he really loves to do when we shoot and there's a little break he loves to use the theragun i'm feeling it chance has been using a theragun a long time and he uses it for moments like this to get rid of the not garlic knots but knots in his shoulder help de-stress and bring his body's physicality from a tense mode to a ah mode i liken it to getting into a jacuzzi at the end of a day you've had a tough day you get in the jacuzzi you come out you feel wonderful your whole body feels just that tingly amazingness of relaxation that's what the theragun can do and it doesn't matter if you're a professional athlete or you're a regular everyday person like we are that stands and walks and works and moves their arms and goes up and down stairs all the theragan models will do an amazing job at bringing your body back into the spot where you want it to be good oh yeah big time okay you can go now all right leave the there again it's like the godfather take the gun leave the cannoli this is the cannoli because everybody wants the theragun they call it handheld percussive therapy it's continual massaging really that releases your deepest muscle tension a scientifically calibrated combination of depth speed and power and now as quiet as almost like a an electronic toothbrush and that's because it has a proprietary brushless motor that's so quiet honestly you'll sometimes wonder if it's even on while you're soothing your sore aching muscles with theragun's signature power amplitude and effectiveness here's what you do you can try theragon risk free for 30 days there are no substitutes for the theragun gen4 with an oled screen personalized app and the power and quiet that you need and want starting at only 199 and if you order right now you'll get a free multi-device wireless charger with the purchase of a pro elite or prime device for the first 100 orders only so go to sam to get your gen 4 there gun today that's sam sam so let's give a little flip mac shall we yeah that's what's happening that's what this is about and when your little friend is where you want them you know what's next number two number two hello number two hear that this crispy crispy outside beautiful pepper jack cheese sausage in the middle oh my god that's cut that's what this kid looks like very different wow alrighty so let's uh let's cut in half and see what we've got i love the feeling of the outside of these things love it if i shut my eyes i'd never know it was missing bread i think i was having like some breakfast thing at mcdonald's but what mcdonald's doesn't do is give you gravy to go with it and so that that's what this bite's all about oh over the top damn it what is food what is why does really delicious food have to have calories in it why why max why all right next oh yeah we're using croissants because the croissants are larger i needed a larger pan but i want to make sure that nothing sticks because that'll be a problem so i'm going to spray the pan and add butter and then i think we'll be safe i'm hedging my bets culinarily speaking of course everybody follow me yes thank you what are you dressing up for on halloween maxie that's a good question i don't know what are you dressing up for halloween that's what i think everybody wants to know me oh my legendary salt bae last year salt bay salt was pretty legendary here goes our egg i wonder if three was enough watch let's just big pan let's just emergency in one more shall we emergency a coming down in three two one now this one gets chives beautifully cut i might add and i forgot salt and pepper so we'll add a little bit of that now and we'll keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't stick first up ready our croissants and this is going to look like this hold on i gotta match them up so i want these guys sticking up so i'm gonna go like like this face down first no this side down first like that and flip it over and do that this one get this gal done flip them over and do that there you go i'm feeling good about this except i think i put this guy in the wrong position oh [ __ ] never mind [ __ ] and now we have to add the good stuff the stuff that's going to make this very special and delicious and here's what we're adding first up will be locks you see where we're going with this locks and cream cheese on a croissant hello sunday morning and yes of course i need cream cheese and we'll go right here it is fantastic my god i'm so excited eggs doing well doing beautiful as a matter of fact it's just big though flipping this is gonna be a little challenging but look how pretty it looks in there cute tiktok i've got a little more chive i'll just put it on there make that pretty oh boy i think i did this backwards i just realized uh yeah now it's not gonna this one oh boy i don't know what's gonna happen here i did something terrible here ladies and gentlemen the inside of the croissant is gonna be on the outside the inside of the croissant is going to be on the outside i can fix this right now i i can't that's not going to work how are you going to fix it well i got another one i got to take this off i will be letting everyone know that you [ __ ] it up so badly though all right do you see what's happening here i gotta come clean i totally forgot totally forgot to flip it first damn it why do i do that it's gonna be all right okay now we can flip it it's all right it's all right max don't freak out i'm scared i'm really scared about this one one two oh but i got it no harm no foul everybody's good now having a little deja vu right at this moment so let's go with our locks on this side shoot what a fool i am flip them around set them right in front of me it was like that reverse brisket episode i was standing there looking at the locks and the cream cheese and i had couldn't get my head around what i had done wrong and you know the funny thing is i know there's people watching that at that moment were like you're stupid you're stupid stop that okay now i think we can fold up the sides i'm gonna come in like this and go oh see that's a good thing man that's really not going to want to stick maybe it will and now they're all important fold okay that's the bottom so it'll get prettier when i flip it in a second all right let's give it a little okay now see now we're talking that's the prettier side of course we knew the croissant was going to flatten out there's no way it wasn't going to flatten out well tell you what it's pretty might as well eat it here we go guys lord have mercy look at this kid wow it's just it's just gorgeous i don't know i don't know how tick-tock guy couldn't think of that and we cut yeah yeah yeah yeah i got big hopes for this one man i got really big hopes for how this guy's gonna taste and it's time let me uh cut one of these guys in half serrated oh there here's a tick tock right there just some guy going like this you know what they do just repeat that 40 times or no it's a boomerang all right bite cream cheese everything i imagined think croissant french toast locks and cream cheese oh my god oh god we saved dessert for the end yes my friends there is a a fly here yep yes my friends there is a dessert version of this and it's coming up now same drill as before because we're using the big cast iron a quick spray and then some butter beautiful let it melt coat the edges beautifully the bottom and then we got our eggs eggs go in then what goes in anybody our cinnamon rolls so now let me get this right this part i want no i want it like this yep right so i want to go here and lift it up and do this oh wait no that's wrong it's wrong yes you you just told me to do that no i feel like we're watching that reverse episode i'm confused we can tell right now i think while there's cinnamon we'll just give this a little bit more of a breakfast bend with a little drizzle of some syrup maple syrup come on it's dessert same thing now we're just waiting waiting waiting waiting we don't add anything yet we just do this and this is going to be spectacular shall we one two there we go tiny bit you've got egg that is a little bit savory you've got the cinnamon buns that are very sweet and they could use some oh i don't know something and that seemed like bacon would be a good idea so i say we just load it up with bacon shall we beautiful this is what it should be look the saltyness of the bacon is going to do some very good things here all right now we try and get the sides up they're absolutely not going to work because there's just too much bacon here i can help you there well it's very hot man and this side same bacon in and and okay okay buddy now if it wasn't obvious somehow this has got to flip over like that look we got the right ones on the right sides there you go and we and we're down and looking lovely albeit a little untidy on the edges but that's okay it's okay a little overzealous with the egg and anyways uh one more thing to add when when you're ready just a little powdered sugar because it's it's french toasty cinnamon bun breakfast egg bacon thing and a little on my camera oh boy i can't help where the wind blows it i don't think i really [ __ ] you up it's okay we're fighting now and we cut oh gosh what the hell happened there you know what at least everybody waited for the last one to screw up gosh but look at it it still looks kind of pretty don't it a bite look if i put cheese in here i wouldn't have problems with the bacon falling out but cheese and uh and a cinnamon roll i don't think so oh my god i don't really like sweets but this it's a little extra syrup it's the savory and the sweet world coming together in the most delightful one eggy pan sort of way i want you to try these you could have a party a couple pens let your friends make what they want socially distanced of course i think would be a good time it's certainly been a delicious time now if you like us hit the like button subscribe and uh touch that little notification bell so you know when we put up new content we want you to know about it right max hello yeah chancy hell yeah hell yeah all right as i take my last bite i will hum our song [Music] that's not that no that's not it at all well how's the tune [Music] subscribe like and hmm [Music] you
Views: 1,528,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, one pan egg sandwich, egg sandwich, egg toast, egg, sam the cooking guy egg, sam the cooking guy sandwich, sandwich, cooking egg sandwich, cooking one pan, one pan, one pan egg, sam cooking one pan, egg sandwich cooking guy, egg sandwich sam, easy one pan egg sandwich, one pan egg toast
Id: SbpIWRfQKkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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