Sam the Cooking Guy - New Outdoor Kitchen Day

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hey so welcome today's show and I'm excited because the first time we're gonna shoot in my new outdoor kitchen it's gonna be fantastic or it'll suck either way it's sure to be lots of fun don't go away I'm Sam the cooking guy this show is about food that's big and taste and small and epic eat man is that good totally easy stuff anyone can be look at look at them going already and everything comes from a supermarket you take all those other cookie shows like Chris you need them in this is Sam the cooking up presented by Lars remodeling and design so a few years ago we completely redid our kitchen so you know how we're remodeling and I don't really have much of a kitchen well what I do have looks like this nice huh and for a while it was not in great shape but we managed to cook in there anyways but a result of us doing the kitchen meant that our backyard was completely decimated this is my plastic these are pipes even still we managed to cook out there so pork chops this big you know maybe I don't know 15 minutes or something and then it got a little bit better and we continued to cook out there on I'm just gonna put the tuna on but now we've made some bigger changes and this is what it looks like so I kind of feel like Captain Kirk in the captain's chair in Star Trek so maybe way too ridiculous and analogy but this is my little fiefdom here's where I get to work from and trust me I feel like a very lucky kid to have this so on this side a grill a caliber grill but what makes it amazing is that the lid doesn't stop here the lid goes watch watch watch watch watch all the way down why did it take to 2015 before somebody decided oh the lids ugly maybe we should make a disappear well these guys figured it out and right here in the center is an EVO grill it's essentially a 30-inch cast-iron pan turned upside down I'll do shrimp on this today I'll do burgers on this today but I could do eggs and bacon and sandwiches and steaks and chicken and anything doesn't really matter if you can cook it in a cast-iron pan you can cook it on this just a ton more of it all at once cutting boards sink fridge icemaker down here and that's basically it and a giant counter that fits you know ten people very comfortably so look wouldn't we come back something's going right here right here you normally cook it in the oven but today we're cooking it right here don't go away when someone's getting their home remodel friends are asking how's it going is it better than you have thought and we are always interested in hearing the feedback from our clients and what we hope and expect is that they'll tell everybody better than I thought a company that cares they value the relationship they understand the details of my project and they deliver on their promises this is Sam the cooking guy welcome back shooting the first thing out here I'm I'm very excited and we're starting with a pizza Kelly said why don't you make the pizza with the ricotta and the arugula and blah blah blah sweetheart excellent idea so here's how we're starting and know that it's a little different because we're gonna be grilling the pizza so we start with a baking sheet a little oil goes on the baking sheet itself and we give it one of these spread it around but when you're dealing with pre-made pizza dough I will tell you that's it's easier when you boil your pan did you take it out maybe at about a half an hour before you want to use it because if you if you do it like right away the glutens are just like elastic and they won't spread out so this is this is what you want so see there's oil on this pan that now lets me start to spread this guy out a little bit it's still not perfect that's there was a bend in it for some reason he's here now it's not making any noise alright so get this about as thin as you can this is it's a pound of pizza dough I could do two small ones in this two small pizzas and by the way I've not said this today's shannon behind the cameras last day here she's moving away she's moving to Washington and yes we're very sad about that all right so here's the cool part ready for this we're now going on the grill so here's here's the deal I have two burners this side and this side we want to use the grill like an oven so I've turned off the right side I'm gonna take the heat from over here if you have direct heat lots of direct heat from underneath the crust is gonna Brown before you or burn before you want it to before you want it to so I'm gonna take this pizza dough and just lay it down like a blanket and I've said it before however it lands is how you have to leave it if it's not perfectly round and it will never be perfectly round and screw it just leave it because if you then try and immediately pick up a corner and make it beautiful and everything it's not gonna happen for you so we shut the lid we let it work like an oven now and now it lets us get ready for what's going on top of the pizza here's the fun part ready ricotta cheese so we're gonna go about a 3/4 of a cup of this it looks like that we give it a little splash of olive oil will help make it luxurious and delicious we give it a little red pepper flake recipes on the website by the way and we give it some garlic so I'll just take one big fat clove from here and now this just gets mixed chen's we talked about this James it's not that she doesn't like us well you guys I mean it may be that she doesn't like me but there's some I don't know some other reason they got to go away so if we check this out you see this we're already getting some color down here which is exactly what we want so I'm just gonna give it a little bit of a turn like that it doesn't take long a couple Mitch you want it to cook on the bottom you want to get those stripes you want the color you want the whole thing and you want this to be soft and ready to be spread on top of it you want your crust looking like that that's perfect it's nicely cooked it's not overdone beautiful marks everything's fantastic so now we take the ricotta and we spread the ricotta with the garlic and oil all right everybody's good mmm so ricotta goes like this no need to be cheap about the ricotta mozzarella to cheeses Sam do you really need two cheeses yes how long can you have pizza well we don't have it very often now the pizza goes back on the again on the indirect side okay so we're at the point where we need to give it a little turn what you want to do is you want to share the the hot side right it's almost done so we're gonna get ready for what we put on top and here's what we're doing we're gonna take some arugula baby arugula got the pepperiness the freshness the brightness of this is fantastic so we put a little bit of this in here we give it a tiny little bit of olive oil tiny tiny tiny tiny a little salt and then a little bite of pepper and then a mix excited excited shanon's excited think about it this is the third to last thing that Shannon will shoot and get to eat and after this we don't care about her anymore on to the next person go away go be a Washingtonian or whatever the hell you're called up there hippie go be a hippie that's fine ready here we go so now smells amazing crust is perfect cheese is melted and now we're just gonna do this we're gonna put some of this arugula on top oh my god come on now and I like pepper so yes I'll go a little bit more pepper on the top what do we got now we got to eat something so here let's do this take a little piece the crust that you hear when you cut this it's fantastic look underneath oh super hot beautiful and now Oh oh my god I burnt my left there's so hot I can't believe it but I'm going back in it is so delicious all right you got to make this but when we come back the second to last thing that Shannon will shoot and be able to eat making green chili cheeseburgers and way do you see what we're using for the burger part same old Sam brand new shows this is Sam the cooking guy welcome back ruff door for the first time in my new backyard and could not be happier to be here we had that tremendous ricotta pizza with the garlic and little pepper in it and the arugula on top is fantastic Shannon behind the camera by the way her last day here because she doesn't care about me loved it as did Michael I've started cooking some pasilla peppers all I've done is taken them out of their drippy look at that slightly olive oil them and put them on the grill the goal is to blacken them it's gonna take the skin it's gonna char it and let us peel it off I have a big fat thick slice of onion on here this is going to be what's gonna go on top of these really delicious burgers there's a couple schools of thought on what to do with with a pepper like this once you've once you've blackened it but watch if I just rinse this lightly under here so you see what happens is the charring comes off and you're left just with the beautiful pepper underneath a little bit of the char is okay but that's not really the point of this the point of this is to get down to the bare pepper underneath and while you're here you can get rid of the seeds because they're just gonna add more heat than maybe you want pull this little stem off and this little pile now is going to be ready to be chopped up and incorporated into this burger in its most delicious way all right so there's a dionyse little pile of them they're all beautiful start the burger shall we so here's what I'm using I'm gonna use a combination of ground beef 80/20 and that means 20% is fat and I know that sounds like a lot of fat but fat is flavor and in a burger if you go to lean I think you might be disappointed and the other half of this that I'm using is ground brisket the combination of these two together give just the most amazing beefy meaty steak II kind of thing okay so we season with a little bit we go kosher salt we go fresh ground pepper and we go some cumin I always put a little squeeze of olive oil in I don't know why I don't think it's 100% necessary but for me somehow it just moistens and makes things beautiful and nice so now here's what we're doing we want to combine the brisket we want to combine the beef we want the cumin the kosher salt the pepper to go into this thing you don't want to work it too much though you don't want to pack it too hard you just want this to come together in a really lovely way the peppers are gonna be amazing on this it's going to be a really nice way to end Shannon's run this show fantastic and we're gonna make them thick why because one good burger is way better than two or three once you agree with that thank you so that's it that's a burger that's what that's going to look like so we'll cook two and we're gonna cook them on the eve oh nice flat griddle it's fantastic let me get these guys going a little bit of oil they're already seasoned and on we go is that fantastic I love this thing you can see the color changing it's starting to cook that's great we can cut these buns I'm using a beautiful brioche bun nice buttery fantastic oh the beef smell right here you smell like Shannon it smells amazing oh yeah it smells like it smells like a steakhouse doesn't yeah it's good okay so let's check out our onion look at this look at this onion Wow that char is flavor so all that is in the most amazing way so we cut up our onion now these the green Chili's the pasilla peppers mix these together this will top our burger males gonna go in here so we've got a little male get ourselves just a little parsley here color alright parsley a tiny bit more of the cumin just a bit you don't me with the squeeze of olive oil Oh garlic sorry leave the burgers there about halfway done what do they get now they get a flip we're gonna get cheese they're not getting cheese yet these guys are gonna get oiled and then go on the grill too but not yet tiny bit of salt a little bit of pepper you need something look at that burgers look at look at the color look what's going on here use whatever cheese you want I'm using Munster I'm a fan of Munster I love it it's delicious it melts perfectly and I think it makes a really great burger these guys we want to start to give a little color to now little color on your bun it's a good thing okay buns are ready nice little line of color to them little char perfect burgers almost there let's do this let's have some cheese let's do this wash on top of the cheese that'll melt the whole thing will be amazing it'll be fantastic alright let's go right here we'll go right here oh come on now look at these burgers and now we cut Wow juicy okay I'm gonna say that the brisket the half brisket the half beef makes an amazing burger the roasted charred pasilla chilies and the roasted onion or grilled onion unbelievable on top that little Mayo thing going on underneath is just stupid you have to make this can we would come back the last thing that I will ever make for Shannon while she's shooting the show is one two three three ingredients gonna happen right here super simple really delicious don't go away thanks for hanging out with us on first day in the dockyard day I don't always go out to buy fresh seafood but when I do I go to Catalina offshore product one of Southern California's premier seafood purveyors and for you that means some of the freshest seafood in San Diego and if you can't get here you can check out their online store for an incredible selection especially the amazing sushi grade quality fish but don't just take my word for it because some of San Diego's best chefs shop here to Catalina offshore products your trusted source for fresh local seafood this is Sam the cooking guy welcome back to Shannon's last day I mean welcome back to the first day we're shooting outside here in my backyard okay it's also Shannon's last day this is also the last thing that I'll cook for her before she leaves and I'm a little sad about that she's making a little poke face but whatever all right so this is I promise simple easy only a few ingredients I don't I promise shrimp but so these are shrimp it's a 2125 that means there's between 21 and 25 of them in a pound and when I skewer shrimp I like to skewer them this way straight up and down rather than this way which see which seems to be a common way to skewer them I just find this awkward to eat I think this you think about the way you're gonna feed people the food that you're making that's hard to eat off of a skewer that's easy to eat so what we do is we just pull the tail off and the easiest way to do it is you just squeeze right where the tail meets the rest of the shrimp and off it comes and then you take a skewer like this and just straighten the little kid out as you go like that so we just do the last two of these things you got to manipulate a little bit but it works and it's honestly it's the best way to do this all they need at this point is a little bit of olive oil and you can just run down the line make sure they all get covered a little bit and now kosher salt no pepper now explain why in a second of course I'm using the Evo because it's right here because it's the greatest thing ever I'm gonna put all my guys down and and what's cool is is if you're keeping the wooden part of the stick away from the flame you do not have to soak the wooden skewer okay so all we're doing now is we're cooking them and the first one I put down you can see it's been what 15 seconds it's already starting to get color these are not gonna take very long these are good maybe gonna take two minutes aside but just leave them let it happen okay they're done I mean they're probably 90% of the way they look beautiful there's steamy and they're done and you know they're done because they're their firm could you eat them like this of course pick one up putting your mouth and eat it now I will argue that the next couple of things might not have and so I'll get them Japanese mayonnaise in a bowl we take some of the Mayo and we brush it on one side of the shrimp I know what you're thinking Sam ooh you've lost your mind but I have not lost my mind I can assure you I have not lost my mind now togarashi it's like a Japanese pepper spice you could use you could use a little bit of salt a little bit of paprika a little bit of fresh ground pepper that kind of thing or you could go to a Japanese supermarket or Chinese supermarket or a Korean supermarket that would have this invite there so now we're gonna take and we're gonna put togarashi on top of each of these just a nice little sprinkle and then the amazing part the torch and we're simply going to take the torch and ports it up just a little bit on top a little bit all the way around but mostly what you're trying to do is you're trying to do amazing stuff so that Japanese mail you little girl come over here and try one joint torch your own you want me to I'll take it and get down close to the stick doing for me I'm telling you these are so good it's worth getting a torch for ladies am i right I'm not making them up me right so I have to say today is Shannon's last day she's moving away to the Pacific Northwest next week and be very sorry to see you go but I'm very excited you should be but how long have you been how long we been together 100 episodes television we can take a quick look back at some of your finer moments on the show let's go welcome back to the zoo win it wait it's that Shen just left behind the camera she's making fun of my burned up bacon little bites good right McCann the tables on fire I see that melting but it's still there yes we're good all right that's it so an important show today for two reasons one we shot out here for the first time and two more importantly it's my girl Shannon's last day with us she's shot the last hundred shows you've edited the last over 100 shows and you've been you've been a great friend hope you guys have a and thank you for watching stay tuned for more new shows and lots of fun don't you crappy food say that
Channel: Cox CA
Views: 194,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam zien, cooking, Sam The Cooking Guy, Kitchen (Accommodation Feature)
Id: jqYUpi3IYPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2015
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