Hikaru is the Man with All the Medals

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what what is this clip i missed something   that is courtesy of our mods wandering  bishop and um and anit so let me load   that we'll do that how do i test the calls  dude they're doing badly but i also sold even yeah i said tesla calls that you heard us  yeah that's good i like it good one very very   well done well done you guys um all right  okay let's see okay i'm going to play here   let me refresh actually i need to refresh my  browser um let me change it out of dark mode   let me refresh it okay let's go c6 here play d5 i'm gonna go a6 and b5 here i think um   i feel like i played this guy last  week or something it played really well um i can take and play knight of six here maybe everybody let's please ask him why it's  not in sochi okay if you if you you know if   too many people started asking that at some  point we're starting handing down the bands oh i heard i heard more moves  let me mute this tab as well okay let's go here and hit the pawn  on a2 i can obviously just take   giving odds and titles who's it not really but  i'm trying i mean it's like yeah trying to play you can play a5 here and also queen d5   i mean 97 also is quite reasonable i think be  careful how i do this i've had this line many   many times online but also taking a queen of five  actually no that's not good let's just go here i need a pharaoh lime for the two months thank  you so much to fairy lime depreciate thank you man   i did win the bot contest yesterday i actually  did so i was very happy with that result   um i do still have bishop d5 i have c5 as well  here which is kind of interesting but i'm just   gonna go here and play knight c4 i guess i  mean i have g5 and i'm still okay cause i   can put the king on h8 i do have to be careful  how i play this um but i think it's okay for me   i also have some kind of  weird rook a7 maybe as well i guess i'll just premium it's a safe  premium so no reason not to play it so i won fifteen hundred dollars i think it was  two thousand when all of a sudden done but yeah   okay it's just like a king h8  of course yeah i think i go here plays a3 i can go queen d5 here  maybe i want to go queen a2 queen e2 looks kind of  dangerous with knight a4 as well and he goes b3 i think i go a5 a4 and he has a lot  of problems good queen e2 with the knight g5 maybe i'll play here because i  still have queen a2 lurking i order the pineapple suit not yet no  actually thanks for that reminder i   i will take care of that i guess later today i heard that dna scheduling events wasn't that  great also you found the world cup magnus was   fighting for his life yeah i am following the  world cup uh yeah i spoke about it yesterday i   i basically what i said one so let me figure  this out just be careful how i play this i can play rook d8 one second i have  queen a2 this is kind of dangerous it plays 95 actually why did i allow that shoot   oh this could be really bad i  might have just blundered shoot   an item b6 is hanging i just realized bishop  e4 is this threat so i guess i just go go here be very careful how i play this  i'm in real danger in this game if bishop e4 i go queen e6 this queen  g3 that's an interesting move um   i can't take there i can actually  move my bishop to e6 though maybe it's actually very dangerous i have queen  a2 maybe i do i should see it's a move oh this is actually very dangerous there maybe i might be losing here i don't think i am but  i might be got no time which is important wait   so i still can't take if i move my  rook here no no wait a second i think i'm gonna go here hey i'm hitting upon an a3 i can also  take maybe this is quite dangerous um trying to get a checkmate here oh but it's not me uh it's not checkmate though not chuck me oh shoot i thought it was checkmate but it's  not i can't flag him he's got too much   time unless i play rookie 4. nah it's just  it's just too risky it's just way too risky no i say it's too it's too early it's too early  it's too early to gamble it's just too early to   gamble i probably missed i probably had something  right about like here maybe i'd work oh i'd ricky   iv maybe i had rookie four um wait no he takes  i had something there but whatever they have   pillaia for the prime thing at a rvd for the  prime superstar for the two months saying so   i had something i don't know what i had but i  had something why couldn't i just do pawn takes   because um uh pawn takes oh well pawn takes  here i get made except for queen g5 they're   two checkmates i can't stop them both rook takes  bishop in the center you had it um i don't think   i did actually no i actually just don't think i  had it it's just yeah it was it was a good game   by him he played well um but it's still a draw and  again uh and again it's round one they're only 438   players it's a pretty low field yet again uh with  not a lot of players and that's the other thing   as well this uh if this was a like 700 player  event i probably would have done something and   lost the game with 438 players it it makes sense  to kind of kind of um a draw is not a big deal so you'll get 10 and a half points well we'll  see it's going to be a long event but early   draw actually means that i should be i should  be in good shape and get some easier pairings the enumerator for the prime appreciate  i think you did a tiger clown for the 13. yeah he played well yeah he played  well i mean not much i could do he   played well and i played kind of  an opening that was quite dubious the match started uh no my my game didn't start  no i'm not watching the magnus game i mean like   i let's watch this one what's going on this game  is actually headed for a draw by the way king c6   so andre also draws the game as well very early  wow so on draken he also draws his first round as the penguin is a great position again really really um let me pull it up what's what's going on here um i mean that's  the pen goes very slightly better but it's   it's not a big advantage yeah it's a small  small advantage not much going on so yeah   no it doesn't look like anything super special  at least as far as i can tell it's very slightly   better very slightly better i know i do not play  in the world cup okay here we go round two we   play in 1993 okay so we get a saw apparently the  only problem i realized was by playing soft player   soft pairings i probably will have very bad  tie breaks in this event as well this a6 i'm   gonna play queen e2 maybe e5 at some point let's  drop back do i have some knight shoe five here i mean i kind of want to but it's title tuesday so  i can't i shouldn't really gamble here if this was   just a classic blitz game i would totally just  sack and go for the kill but i don't know if   it works here knight g viking 6 queen d7 knight  27 king of seven i'm sure i'm sure i would win   if i do it but i i i don't i don't want to take  that risk so i'm going to play h4 here maybe h5 he goes h6 i'm gonna go e5 just try to blast  the center here to smithereens with knight e5   put pressure goes e6 that's a good move um play  here maybe to hit the pawn i really want to go   like okay it goes d5 now i guess i should play  like c3 takes maybe h5 at some moment depending there's queen e7 i'm going to go a5 here  i want to go bishop a4 check at some point   also queen 7 is a bad move so now the knight  can't develop and you can't castle here c5 i can   obviously take i can also check i can also take  i'm just going to take in castles probably and go   like rook c1 should be better it's not like it's  special or anything but i should be better here let's go here i guess i want to  take and go like bishop d2 maybe   there's also bishop e3 to trap the queen if  he goes here a little bit sketchy for black thanks so much to scooch for the five  let's appreciate it thank you scooch yeah it's a 1900 yeah 1900 okay queen e7 is  not not a great move i have knight d4 here   i'm just going to go here though put massive  pressure on the knight with this diagonal   and after queen e7 i think it's probably  too far gone to there's no way to come back should be should be really really good magnus more  or less equalized yeah i mean uh i mean i would   say for like an italian end game not not that  it's easy but like you can't really saying that   that magnus is losing is like not italians are a  lot of positions where it's like 0.3.4 for white   but you can eat one wrong move  and it's an easy equalization okay so i'm just going to go here  trade go here rook c1 bishop c5   should be pretty cleanly winning  jim pickens for the two months a   big x23 for the 24 months thank you  so much appreciate it thank you big x any plans to play valorent this week actually   i don't know because this meltwater event is  starting on saturday let's go hear me rook c1 have you noticed how h5 has become a  very popular movie monitor h4 and h5   both moves become really commonplace yeah let's  go here i mean there's some water event starting   on starting on saturday so i would say it's it's  unlikely but i'm not opposed to i kind of want   to do some i want to do some variety but i have  just haven't i never get around to it somehow uh will anna and levi be on for melt water no it  will be covered by um it's gonna be covered by uh   by maria maria emilianova she's gonna be covering  at least the early rounds i think she's gonna be   covering it so she'll she'll be doing the early  rounds um let's see i can take and go queen c2 they can go i somehow i thought queen's two is  winning but it just is not so i'm gonna go b4 here i actually not playing this game  great i'm gonna go b5 and take i guess   still winning but not great yeah the csm  valor team plays a big qualifier right the   qualifier for is a berlin i think oh do i  have this unmuted i haven't unmuted uh by   the way magnus is completely winning by the way  so yeah magnus is going to win his win his game   or his match i should say uh let's see  i can play a6 let's go here and take uh am i going to do commentary podcast for  no i'm not intending to do any commentary   i've spoken about a few times already uh  what i would say quite simply about it is   that the scheduling of the event they put  it right over the top of the next meltwater   event which i'm going to be competing in  and i just won't have the time frankly so play queen d7 or rook b7 here i think i go here  maybe it's actually very tricky very very tricky   play like bishop e3 queen d7 maybe a7  i've actually really butchered this   game again yeah i should be making a queen  but like i yeah i've kind of misplayed this as the bank of carlson seems to be over  thank you jeremy pm pm for the two thank   you to matthias abb for the prime yeah  i mean expecting expecting asapunko to   to come back i think it's expecting too  much um i think this should be winning yeah it should be winning magnus  is winning the tournament yeah   magnus win yet oh yeah yeah magnus is a knife on  f4 easy one yeah easy one for magnus okay took my   i took that i take this i have to be a little  bit careful how i place there is bishop too   but i still think i can go here and then  queen b2 and just win i have this check now i just take the bishop played very well yeah i mean he's let's go back  let's uh let's go back to this okay what do we   have here um i mean do we have more moves  or not we do we do have another move rook   takes the 8th plate did i see that a mean one  yeah i did see that he beat hike martin rosen   really really really impressive  performance by him in this whole event   as funko will be a problem going forward you never  really know who's going to improve but i think   i think with his performance here estepanko has  definitely shown that he is a competitor down the   road he has shown that that he can play against  magnus he beat magnus of course and todd of steel   and with his results here he's very clearly  shown that um oh whoa knight h3 or knight d3   i mean something something bad is gonna happen  i just don't know where but something bad should   be happening i guess like i would guess knight  d3 i mean knight h3 i guess there's king g2 so   probably knight d3 king g2 and then i don't know  how you finish maybe queen e3 and 91 is an idea   but it feels like after knight t3 there's no way  magnus is going to lose this game like magnus   is not going to lose here um king 2 queen e3 and  91 looks like the way to win so so i i would say   that uh the the magnus will advance but in general  terms yes uh andre sepenko is a very strong player   he's shown that he can compete with the best  and i'll be excited to see his future down the   road yeah it's i mean it's it's all bad there's  queen c4 here i think is there just rook d8 and   knight f2 is a threat yeah i mean it's just too  much and the knight on the h2 is bad unless you   can get some magic with g5 knight g4 queen h2  you're not going to win this game going on a run   can you wait 40 minutes to start the next match  so i can watch i'm afraid that i cannot do that   um uh there's a set clock and timer so that's how  it goes so it's uh i can't really wait 40 minutes   sorry but yeah we will we will we will be  playing of course in title tuesday but um   in between the games we're gonna watch this  because i i think this is the last one right   okay so maxime lost to sergey  oh maxine lost to sergey right   that's actually a big big blow oh so there are a  lot of russians still in this how many russians   are left you have um federal save is left you have  uh i guess you have feathers maybe you only have   photosav and um and uh does feathers have the  only one and sergey it's like because actually   the other one's lost right there was grishtuck  there was grishak who was alive there was um   there there was ace of penta there were four  russians i guess going in so it's it's down   to down to two and severe also there were  five russians and three of them lost yeah   okay so now i guess you go g5 knight g4 but again  you're down two pawns here there's just no way why   don't i stream on youtube uh i am a i'm a partner  twitch streamer you're not allowed to stream on   on youtube so pretty pretty simple answer  uh sagi john s penco yeah it is sad but i   mean he's put up he's had a great result he  came back in the first must-win game earlier   and uh oh oh is he getting a sliver of hope is  he getting a sliver of hope with knight g4 here   wait is he getting a sliver of hope maybe i  don't think it works but i was just thinking   maybe get some maybe it feels like there's  just a very slight sliver of hope here   a very slight sliver of hope  probably nothing but still   yeah you go like knight g4 and then knight e4 and  it's you don't have anything but almost almost especially probably wants to qualify for  candidates well i mean obviously he does   like he's i mean a lot of it is luck  though in terms of where you're being   in place classical chess being decided by rapid  and blitz i mean i've spoken about this before   in the previous world championship match you  had a situation where the match was drawn in   classical chess 12 12 draws no decisive games  and um and then it was decided when when magnus   beat fabian fabiano 3-0 in rapid chess and that  alone kind of to me proves the point that like   i i don't know classical chess there there  definitely are issues with it or with the formats   because it's true you have you have this match  where it's being decided and wrapped in blitz   instead of classical my game did not start yet no  they're still our games going apparently quite a   few in fact so let's go back here uh there we go  okay there we go all right i'll change the scene   let me let me see yeah it's all over i'm  gonna close this so let's let's just get   back here okay let's play oh we're playing  lawrence trent okay this is funny actually   it's a cut off or not is my board cut it's cut a  little bit right just a little bit it looks like second actually why am i giving people time  mods i just realized i shouldn't be   anyway um okay let's go bishop g7 another easy pairing harley lawrence  is a very strong very strong player   um go here esteban go just resigned yeah no  i mean this is not a great pairing actually yeah magnus one okay not surprising we i think we  all kind of expected it okay he's gonna go like   knight h3 knight g5 i guess and i'm gonna go  here here and then like knight f6 or something   hit the pawn on h4 here so he has to  play knight g5 then i go knight d7   uh he hangs pawn on h4 which is kind of  interesting is it intentional or is lawrence just   i wonder if this is intentional  i'm going to go b4 i i can't   i can't imagine this is intentional but let's see  i go back i guess i'll go here knight d7 and c5 i   assume that trading this h-bomb for the b-pawn is  good because i can use this uh i can use this file   whereas i don't think he can use his use  the other file so i'm going to go here   i could be wrong this i mean maybe he can go g4 i  mean who knows definitely interesting okay play c4   so of course i go c5 i'm gonna play d5 i guess  and i go like 95 or obviously trade if i want   i don't really want to i think i'm just going to  go here in rook b8 i think gm park laser for the   for the raid with 338 thank you so much appreciate  it thank you to uh the big neb park laza the one   and only now the question is do i put the [ __  ] on eight or c my instinct says that i should   put the bishop on c8 probably to play on this  diagonal down the road i also have pressure on b2   i think it had david davey davey for the five  months okay so i'm gonna obviously trade here   i gotta clarify the situation a little bit yeah  yeah no we we we we did get that um go 95 here   maybe it's a very very weird position i  don't really understand what's going on   kind of very strange just like he  gave the h pawn for this b-pawn   i'm gonna go um and play h4 knight  e5 knight g4 is obviously a move here   i don't know if i like it i can also castle i'm  just gonna castle because if he plays bishop h6   i'm gonna trade and take on b2 i don't i don't  believe that this works for him so we'll see okay bishop g5 logical move i can play f6  if i want f6 g5 h4 maybe i assume though   that i i want to keep this i want to keep this  diagonal open the bishop needs to go to like d4 like maybe even work before queen b7   okay plays f4 that's a good move i  expect that i have bishop d4 maybe i have knight f8 knight h7  as well maybe queen b7 here i don't actually like my position that much i'm gonna go here though maybe  just knight i just blunder e5 of queen e7 plays that five which i think  is wrong i think e5 was the right push now if i take he takes and i go like knight g6  maybe i guess i'll just take and go knight g6   go here put the knight on g6  take with the bishop i think   i'm okay but i'm not playing this wonderfully who has more of a chance to become a gm trent or  lawrence uh lawrence for sure lawrence lawrence   has played against top level players already in  square he has draws against kramnik svidler i   think in classical chess as well so he's a lot of  draws um already so trent trent is a lot closer to   gm than levy is and that's not i'm not trying to  like i'm not trying to flame levy but that's just   the reality um because lawrence has played like  really he's played some really strong players and   um and uh he's just he's a very strong player that  being said he's misplayed this game a little bit   maybe more than a little i'm not even sure  lawrence is better anymore because now   his bishops look good but they don't  have squares and i've got this great   i've got two open files here now i  have bishop d4 and queen e7 even um like i can take if i want i don't want to  take i also worked before i can also just   check let's just check and go queen e7   and go queen h4 start attacking myself here and  i think i'm better why am i so much higher at   daily chests and blitz because in daily  chess you have a lot more time to think okay bishop h3 i can go queen h4 of course it goes  g3 g3 felt like a bad move somehow but maybe it's   not knight f60's got what bishop g5 knight s6  is a move queen e5 is also probably a good move i have to be very careful how  i play this but i think this is   fine because i'm gonna go queen h8 and  knight f6 there's also queen g3 maybe   i'm very close to winning with rook b2 here but  it's not quite winning i also queen b7 maybe   but like i'm i'm gonna go here so i've know  six ninety five i'm multiple night jumps now he's also got like very limited time here 95 knight c4 looks good just  bishop f5 wow um looks wrong i can go here takes i just take getting the rook i think i have knight g5 or something   let's just go here i got i got to move what am  i doing i go here and now there are no checks wait what am i doing oh i gotta move what am i doing am i doing i just have to move what am i doing okay win the game on time he flags very very  bad game thank you luke's then gamer for the seven   thing you're not so much to learn for the prime  thank you so much very very bad game i think a   quick roast for a seven uh if i take the take  to work on h4 he takes i'm actually in trouble   did he i mean he probably forget  his forgotten time are you still   trying to find a good move versus just  moving instantly with the flow there but but yeah anyway yeah we got the win magnus won  yes magnus did win um magnus did win his match yep was bishop f8 not winning i'm sure he had a  win and somewhere in these last couple moves   i think we both had wins let me see what  i did wrong though right about here there   should have been something that i missed let me  see right no not here at the end but right here   i felt like right about here i  was just supposed to take on c3 yeah and then okay what's the one rook  b2 yeah rook b2 and knight g5 right   i assume takes takes knight g5 i was just winning  very very bad very very bad by me but whatever we   got the win we move on and i'm not playing great  but we're just still we're still in the hunt thank   you to rukana for the prime thing to md md harma  for the tier one thank you so much appreciate it   backseat game is when someone decides to tell you  that you know that you missed a win somewhere or   your opponent missed a win okay what's going on  josh caster is playing shigami casters losing   this game it looks like g4 g3 or checking g3 yeah  g3 and then takes in rook d2 and you lose the game what happened if i took the rook uh thank you to  ashwin for the prime there would be politics and   there's a checkmate uh will i be coaching  x podcamps no i will not be um i basically   already spoke about it uh what i what i said is  that i'm playing the meltwater term at the same   time the tournaments are going to be overlapping  unfortunately so if you look at previous pogchamps   events or you look at previous events in general  there was separation spacing out and now there are   terms just ending up all on top of each other and  i have to i have to pick my pr i have to you know   choose my priorities and playing the next melt  water tournament obviously takes priority over   pog champs okay so let's oh man this is round  four let's play knight f3 here am i proud about   shanklin yes i am very proud of sam he's having a  great event great results so far um play e3 d4 c4 but we don't mind if i watch pogchamps  over mult y no of course obviously um   but the point is like i do want to i do want  to play in these tournaments so i guess i   plan my schedule around the meltwater events  just in general have e4 i guess i'll go here the bishop's on e7 here should be on d6 what's up  with daniel what do you mean what's up with dania   i know what you mean by that dan's been doing a  lot of commentary on the world cup but what do you   mean what's up with him did something happen it's  just castle here i guess i'll go rook b1 and b4   g4 i think i'm going to play queen c2 i'm  going to let him take and go like king h1 or g1   yeah dan is doing commentary right  now i i i'm a little confused   what's the question i guess i take with the  bishop i'm just going to hear him b4 b5 maybe   so here i definitely want to  play the minority attack if i can go here and take yeah i just i i don't know what  you guys are referring to i mean i guess there's   some knight a6 maybe but i like my position here  i think i'm doing well so i can play b5 or takes and play b5 here i can also play bishop  d2 i can also rotate my knight where   does i want my knight on c5 or  where do i want my knight here i don't think i want to go b5 i don't really  think i want to let him go b5 either so i think   i'm gonna rotate my knight maybe and play h   i don't think this is a threat yet it could be a  threat soon though so maybe i just go i'll go g3 don't love my position yet  again not happy with almost   any position i've gotten so far in this event is there a favorite pro that  you'd like to play against i um   i probably would say that my favorite player to  play against was kramnik i love playing against   kramnik especially like in the later years uh  kramnik was like he was someone who always tried   to play really exciting entertaining chess with  both colors and out of all the people i played   against he was the guy that i i would say i i  enjoyed i enjoyed a lot of my battles against him   like it was just a lot of fun playing against  big blobs i guess i'll what am i doing   let's let's go hear me rook c1 maybe f3 is okay ah  he wants to put the knight on c4 okay so i guess i   rotate so here a knight rook a1 of course i have  to avoid the fork and then i put the knight on c5   ah that's why i want rook c it was  to go b5 i should have actually   seen that it wants to go queen h3  i guess i just go here to stop this obviously trade again not really happy with  my position i'm gonna go here and take i guess i don't know why big vlad suddenly  retired oh he retired because um   i think because he had already accomplished  all that he really felt that he he could   probably that's what i would say  i mean he's the world champion   one of the greatest players of all time i  mean i think his his record speaks for itself because g5 i don't know if i like g5  definitely a reasonable idea although   i feel like there's got to be some way for me  to stop like i don't really want to play h3 here   i think i'll do it anyway and i  hope that i'm not getting checkmated   i don't think i am okay so somehow  i have to reroute my pieces here   oh here hopefully there's not a blunder or  something but i can just take with the king okay i guess i don't wanna trade how do  i do this it's actually very hard to play   another very unpleasant position  for me go here in bishop f1 maybe go here and g4 i guess i go h4 if i get the bishop to g2 i  get a fianchetto i'm probably okay here let's just   get the fianchetto and now we start i feel like  he's starting to misplay this just a little bit   um like very slightly okay i guess oh wait no i  can't okay let's go here maybe go there i guess not really doing anything exciting  here i'm just gonna basically shuffle   my pieces around at some point go rook a1 i guess okay let's train let's go here let's just  play this oh here i want to hold all the pawns very tough to win this position i can play g4  i think i will play g4 now because without the   rooks on the board there are  no ideas of batteries checkmate it's queen d8 queen b8 okay logical  but i guess he wants to trade the rooks makes a lot of sense i do have  e4 ideas somewhere here though i'll go here let's trade hard to win this um i figure  anyone can win it should be white with the   two bishops long term if i can get pawns going  especially because he has this double stack any updates on st louis is  still on i honestly don't know   i have no idea what's going on  the grand chess tour go here bring the king in chats for the raid with 42.80 thank you so much  for the raid appreciate thank you so much to chess   hope you hope those of you who are enjoying um  we're enjoying um enjoying the video world cup   having a good afternoon wherever you are in the  wide world uh we're we're playing we're playing   entitled tuesday and it's not actually going so  well right now but we're trying to uh we're trying   to put it together i'm gonna go e4 actually maybe  i just go here in f3 it's just it's not really   going the way i was hoping it would but yeah i  hope all you are watching the world cup with ben   and ben and daniel enjoy it we're here playing  title tuesday 750 first prize blitz chess non-stop   um unless it is what it is this is saying goes  he's trying to put the knight on a4 i guess but even if he gets to a4 there's there's really   no rerouting though even if  he goes here i just go like does this actually cause me any problems  because i don't understand what he's doing wait i can't move my king what am i doing  i guess theoretically i can take at some   point but i need to get a foreign  okay let's go here moving too slowly oh here maybe trying to get my  king around to a better square too he's gonna go check again it's gonna i've gotta go for it now oh  he goes king e6 i thought he would play   something else there oh man i've got no time again though oh let's go here trying to get  something okay i guess i go here go here i just blundered again oh jeez just not my day today really not my day there's nothing i can do here just to draw just a draw getting clapped yeah that's if  the draw is what it means that's fine dude   but seriously okay i'm just gonna send off a  band goodbye dude seriously goodbye goodbye dude   um yeah draw a draw is the  other world like seriously   a draw is the end of the world yes like seriously  dude what's your problem um anyway game is a draw   i think andres escobar just not really a good  game still kind of in it it's only two draws out   of the first what four games but haven't really  played well so far i haven't played well thank   you to nathan cass for the prime nick rba i mean  i was probably very lucky not to lose that game   he didn't really he didn't really convert it i  think um maybe i had something around probably   it's already it was very hard to win once i let  him get b5 knight b6 probably there wasn't much   but happens oh i'm not salty at all i just i mean  i'm not in the mood for it uh also that's not   understanding uh not understanding the terminology  clapped to me or losing not drawing drawing 2700   means getting clapped then um uh you get you  need to go go look at your dictionary of uh   of twitch twitch uh twitch grammar anyway um yeah  so not much i could have done in this game just   i mean maybe 97 i can do something else like  bishop here but i still feel like after bishop   a5 it's just yeah also bahadur is underrated yeah  he is very underrated his rating should be um his   he's like currently 27 11 his range should be like  28 30 28 40. so i was also not thrilled by that   not thrilled by that pairing either which is not  a great not a great pairing not much more needs   to be said they had forgotten as as on for the  prime thinking mr warlock with the prime thank   you so much but happens all right um it is what  it is and we're on three out of four not great   but if i can win some games and get the get the  get the tempo going then good things can still   happen so easier pairings yeah but i mean it's  going to be hard to tell 415 players i'm i mean   if 10 points probably still is good enough to win  but i just have to win every game that's all just   a game why you got to be so mad i'm not annoyed  by the game itself i mean the game he played well   what can i say he played well he he had a clear  clear target of just being solid and um i didn't   get much has nothing to do with the game itself  but it is what it is i'm going to take a break   and i will be right back you guys because i think  that we have six minute break after this round   all right you guys we're back thank you to  royalty for the six months thank you broken   monitors for 28 months appreciate it once again  you guys we are playing in title tuesday this   title tuesday it is sponsored by none other than  g fuel you guys make sure to check out the g fuel   website use code hikaru you can get up to 30  off on various g fuel flavors such as pewdiepie   or otherwise so make sure you use um make  sure you use uh use code car when you go   to g fuel fuel up for your streams work  whatever you're doing get that get that   extra energy boost um for for your day so make  sure to use make sure to use cody car at g fuel we need new sponsors good one you guys um  g fuel they are probably the most prominent   sponsor i think on on twitch you see  them you see them kind of everywhere five six camp five out of six can't be  possible after two draws yes it can be   because i could win every game five out of  six could i could get to five out of six   i'm on three points out of force if i win my  next two games i get five points out of six um   so so yeah it's not actually it's not that  insane my favorite flavor is probably guava   pewdiepie i like both those flavors i mean  i have some other flavors here as well   but those are probably my two favorite ready for  that seven game win streak uh pretty much yeah   i just feel very slow this morning slow  and sluggish but uh but anyway we'll see will it be a hikara flavor i don't know  i am still using brave they're not a   sponsor of the stream but i am using i  am still using i am still using brave if both players were to play understand actually  white player always has the advantage no it   would be a draw it would be a draw yeah it  would be a draw so that's what i would say   you're brave good one uh is magnus out of the  world out of the world cup no he's still in it   he beat um he beat uh he beat andreas panko today   they are bowls books for  the prime thing so much um yeah yeah i mean i i assume magnus is probably  the big favorite to win but what i would say is   i haven't looked at the bracket maybe i'll  do that since we're on the break right now   if i look at the bracket of who's who is  um who's who's playing on the other side   there's a big chance for someone to admit  the people who are left have a huge chance   because um because magnus is already guaranteed  to play in the next next uh candidates tournament   even if he loses the match so basically  if you're on the other side there's a good   chance that two people will make it will will  have a shot to get into the candidates so i   i haven't looked at the bracket to see what  it is but uh let me see if i can find it i don't actually see it where where is it where's  the good bracket um go to wikipedia is the easiest   one to do okay let's see so if i pull it up uh  worst bracket yeah so it looks like magnus um   they only have it through the fourth round  where's the fifth round okay there we go so   it's magnus versus the crow sergey versus sam and  fedo say versus amin so there's a huge opportunity   on that side uh yeah fedo save and karjakin i  mean like are probably the favorites to make it   through uh it would be really funny actually if  sergey is sergey after basically being everyone's   like sergey he shouldn't get invite shouldn't  play in tournaments and all these other things   actually goes uh goes and qualifies for the  candidates again am i surprised by circus   performances he hasn't played so much the last  time not really actually um i think i think as   far as sergey is concerned he's always been  a very solid player very stable in an event   like the world cup the more stable you are um the  more stable you are the better chances you have of   going really deep in the world cup that's what i  would say so it's it's not too surprising for me am i surprised by essa pangos performance  honestly not really i've i mean essepenko   has shown that he's a very very strong  player so i'm not really that surprised   not surprised at all by his performance  okay we're in round five here okay this is okay get it stronger well i guess  not okay we're gonna keep playing g6 every game   here now at this point pretty much i have  to win out i i don't think there's that i   don't think there's anything else really that  needs to be said i just have to win every game e5 probably knight f6 next move yeah there's i mean there's no no nothing  else to it i basically have to win every game   so draws are not going to get it done here um and  actually if i get in a situation where i have a   draw or a draw or lose the game i have to go for  the loss rather than the draw because the draw   is not going to be enough here for sure it's not  going to be enough uh i mean amin could beat photo   save yeah absolutely i could see him beating  beating photosav do you agree they gave team   respond to candice i see nothing wrong with it  to me it seems completely fine i'm gonna go here   on bishop b7 not really sure why i didn't do this  right away why i put the queen on e7 but i did um go here go see what you're going  to do i have a6 here of g5 this a4 it's kind of a peculiar  move i'm not sure i love it   i can always play a5 i guess  i don't really want to play a5   you know this is a situation where i guess i  have to win so i should kind of just go for it did i just wonder no i didn't blunder okay f1 okay let's see so i guess queen does  not belong my queen really should not   be on e7 i could have gotten the same  position with the much better version it's knight c4 okay knight c5 is  actually a move here and i'm just   going to go for it i don't know if  it's good i'm going to go for it let's play a5 prevent it  from gaining space with b4 f3 logic very logical move i'm just going to  go here maybe knight f4 maybe a 5 next move let's go here i guess i'm gonna play h5 i also have c6 at some  point i don't know if i should be scared by this   or not i'm gonna go here the b4 i just take  if i get c6 and work there i should be fine   i'm going to go here to go  bishop h6 maybe 96 at some moment   not in love with my position though  definitely not in love with it yes i can play bishop c6 maybe or bishop h6 i can also go so many options i'm  going to go here to hit the pawn first go here i want to line up something  maybe f6 next move complicated position wow he found knight d5 even huh this is tough let's go here i guess i hope i'm not blundering something  here this is really not going well play king g7 here i'm gonna go here i just have to move quicker  time is the one thing i do have on my side here let's go here taking 95 maybe with the bishop on c4 i can  always go g5 like right here i think i'm gonna rotate my bishop maybe to g6 let's go here and take maybe i can get rick b and c6 and i'm  probably okay still very tricky to play wow i played the h4 even amazing incredible stuff um it takes i can take on d4 if i want i'll just  take on g5 if i want it's a little bit tricky   i guess i'll just take on g5 maybe take the  king or the i guess i'll take with the queen   should be kind of okay this is tricky so here  cut it off i really need to get c6 at some point   i guess c6 i should be fine maybe even winning i'm actually kind of getting  a little bit sketchy because now c6 is a big   i think c6 just wins takes a take he just  trapped his own knight because before he   had an idea without the rook in the way and  now there were cuts the cuts the diagonal   and now we're gonna win as long as i  don't flood this but i really shunt go here and now we just trade the rook  so now it should be pretty clean you know it's trade kind of misplayed this too a little bit annoying   i mean i'm still winning but  kind of annoying to allow this okay i think i just go like maybe what  am i doing wait a second let's think go here and now i can just run the pawn c4 i mean there are many ways to win  here let's just find the simplest one go here maybe okay we got the dub move along quick win we're  on four out of five i guess with that one so   let's watch some other games and this one what do  we have we have ownership versus giga cooperatsy   giga is actually losing here i think there's  work out five there which he missed i thought   knight h3 what how did he miss knight h3 what and king f3 what is king f5 i guess you have g5 g4 here g5 king g5 now white wins for this too e4 king of two but rook f1 such bad play king f3 eggs and king up two kingy two takes what i have nothing i i have nothing to  say i don't know what this game is   is this sub battles like mean i literally have  no rookie four i i mean i have no words for this i mean i literally have no words for  what happened in this game like okay like   i get that black misses knight h3 okay you  can miss this with one second on the clock   um and that's fine but then like in this  position like how do you not go g5 g4 you   just go g5 g4 g3 and i'm not even sure if white's  winning here honestly um like actually let me put   on the lines i bet white's not yeah white's not  winning here at all yeah black's completely fine   so it's like that's weird but then like if we  we refresh you go back to like this position   rook f4 you just take it's i mean you can go  here here here and maybe it's losing somehow but   i mean here you're here and i  guess this is winning somehow maybe of king c3 but i mean i'm not sure like  you still have to go for this regardless like   the whole game though very very weird very very  weird stuff thank you to core black for the five   thing that a guy wouldn't even prime the owl  de for the prime why do these guys not blunder   like this against me well i mean that's that's  of course the classic thing is that um that's   the classic thing that i would say is that like  it's it's funny when you have um when someone   depending on who they're playing on like the the  precision or the the quality of the moves changes   like it's it's like if these guys these guys are  because they expect me to never blunder they're   going to be much more um much more focused  i guess you could say if that's the word or   much more serious about it than than some of these  other than against say these games between between   like ownership and giga like ownership is a good  player but gigas surely against me is uh takes it   much much differently treats it much differently  let's just go b3 d4 i guess we're getting kind   of soft pairings at least i i feel like this  is a soft pairing seems like a soft pairing c5 i'm just going to take because i figure  if anything this should be pleasant for me   i don't know if it actually is but it seems like  it i do it's carlson or wesley uh not against   wesley so much but i mean everyone kind of has  their issues with magnus but yeah it's like so   for but but that is a fair point that that's  a fair point um like if i'm playing this game   against kazakh fighter like for example this move  knight c3 if i was playing magnus i would expect   magnus to find 94 and i would not go knight c3  so this is like this is a perfect example of it   like if i was playing magnus i would expect him  to find knight e4 so i wouldn't play knight c3   but against this guy i don't expect him to play  it because i assume he's the lower quality player   and so i kind of like it changes things so i'm  going to go here now knight c3 um and it's it's   kind of it's kind of funny like that's that's  just like a perfect example like based if i was   playing magnus i know that he would play 94 so  i'd never take this risk but against this guy i'm   not sure what his quality is so i don't expect  him to find the absolute best move every time let's go here plant the knight on b5  kind of like my position a little bit   so what's going on here if i take kind  of weird i don't know what's going on   go here maybe i have e4 maybe i have bishop  after my knight is permanently planted here   can go bishop f3 i think i should trade  here actually this makes a lot of sense go back knight g4 i just go g3 25 oh actually maybe knight g4 was a good move  there so um let's go here and put the knight on f1 actually let's just play h3 instead stop knight g4 maybe i go here and here i also i also just realized i have  knight c3 lurking too to win the pawn   actually knight c3 is very  dangerous here for black magnus probably has had enough chests  for today i mean obviously thank you   nick mermaids for the prime day touch  pad tv for the three appreciate thank you   yeah there's no way magnus would  be playing this come on be serious i'm playing nemo no it's not it's not nemo  it's king of f8 that's kind of a strange   move what's the idea okay knight c39c4 is the  question if i take check king f1 check king 2 okay i think knight c3 is winning a  pawn but i have to think for a second definitely winning a pawn but is it the right pawn c3 routine c3 i'm gonna go for  it i i don't see it so go for it yeah i saw that i think i can just take hopefully  i'm not blundering something but i don't see it so   we'll see if i'm losing i'm  losing but i don't see it it was knight h6 that's a strange move um i mean i assume i can just trade and go like rook  d1 i mean actually maybe i should go 92 knight g1   hmm i think rookie ones also move no it's  not the move let's go here a knight you want yeah it's actually got it's  kind of a little bit annoying go here to trade some rooks very slightly  annoying here but i think i'm i think i'm   winning i must be winning somehow with  knight g3 maybe even queen d3 knight   you won what he wants knight h4 and if  i go f4 it's a little bit unpleasant   uh if i go like knight g5 knight h4 queen e4  that looks it actually looks winning i think let's go for it i think it's winning  now i have knight of three tricks too   he checks that block now he's trying to go  queen e4 hold everything i think it's winning it does this so i go here i think i'm  just winning should just be winning i'm so good at not seeing well this  is just a blunder excited knight g1   but i all can also take and take queen h4 actually  looks simple and safe yeah it's just simple and   safe i have nike one just some simple and safe  thank you to peter pan dance for six months   and i'll just check and take of course  and now i just let go i'll go here in iq1 okay resigns we got the dub  move along move on to uh   we moved to five out of six and we'll watch  this game between rd4 and gigacooperatsy   one move blunders and fmo can totally  happen yeah what's going on white has   two bishops a knight against a rook a bushman at  night it looks like i mean black is up a rook for   a bishop but his knight is kind of boxed on  the rim here there no no there are no jumps   takes oh there's knight c5  oh wait now there's queen c3 okay now now black's winning okay big big  miss by uh by white he had to go knight c5 okay so what are the standings let's see   a bunch of people i'm on five out of six  geek is on six andrew actually someone i   haven't been following andrew is also on five  out of five so let's see how andrew's doing it'll be hard to catch giga doubtful because there  are there aren't a lot of players um it's really   with so few players you already see there  are very few people um how many people are   only gonna be like five people on six  so it's not it's not impossible at all   uh to win this but i can't really afford any  more draws i think if i give up one more draw   or i lose i have zero chance so the the margin the  margin is very very thin very thin at the moment very very thin margin how many rounds total this is 11  rounds there's still five more rounds today is a bad day lost 500k i hope you mean  channel points although maybe it could be money   after all the mark is kind of  taking a little bit of a dive andrew should be doing well here  i think andrew should be winning   he should be winning because  you can get the knight back if g4 there's not a for you andrew's gonna win  this game bishop d4 another nice move by andrew   although he has to be careful there's bishop e8  here wait there's bishop e8 you gotta be careful   i didn't like that okay takes this  should be seven there should be he ran out of time there okay that's uh weird but  okay let's let's move on see what's happening here   very weird i don't i don't place i don't play  hyper bullet i i i i haven't and i won't i think i   played it one time against andrew um i'm counting  the days until saint louis wrapping and blitz uh   i need to shine for the 16 um i will say this   i'm a little bit concerned about the event and  whether it's going to happen uh especially with   delta virus and everything that's going on in  the u.s not to mention it sounds like they're   very limited flights to united states so i'm  not actually sure it's going to happen which   is kind of like i don't know it's um uh it's  it's not it's not good let's put it that way okay five rook d5 yeah rook d5 and take the pawn justin tinderdate for the 300 [ __ ] thank you  so much for justin tinder did appreciate it even he car shoes the freight no i what i'm  saying is i'm not sure st louis can is going   to hold the event you have a lot of players  playing in the world cup who have to come back   um who or players have to go home then they have  traveled the us i know that there aren't like   there aren't endless flights to the united  states at this moment so i'm not sure   i'm i'm actually not sure if it's gonna  happen all the players are vaccinated i   know for a fact that all the players are  not gonna be vaccinated so um we'll see all right so this game ended so still uh let's  see what do we have so okay so it looks like   andrew and gig are the only two on six which is  very good news they're only two people on perfect   scores and we have five rounds to go so if i just  keep winning my games uh i'm gonna have a shot   when's the pineapple suit arriving  i didn't order yet i kind of i was   very tired yesterday so i'm gonna i'm gonna do  it after my stream today i did get vaccinated yes i got vaccinated about a month a month  and a half almost two months ago now was yesterday a long time was like six hours  do i think chess should be in the olympics no   i don't i spoke about that yesterday  too um no i don't think it should be   thank you to a druid rank for the five  months thank you so much appreciate it   but yeah the problem is i think people are  actually people are getting coveted as well   this is the other problem even if they've been  vaccinated so it's turning into a bit of a   bit of a real real mess now i looked up hyperbole  and found a video of you versus daniel hyperbolt   that must have been that must have been like  four years ago because i just don't play hyper   bullet i played it i played andrew maybe like 10  games of hyper uh maybe like three years ago so   stan i played daniel hyper it would have been  probably like four years ago or something   um it was a real match i just don't play  hyperbolics i don't think it's chess i think   it's just it's just mouse reaction that's  it has nothing to do with the game at all so yeah we need our large festival that can be  like the olympics for board games there is   um there's uh there's the mind mind games world  world uh what are they called the mind games world   championship i think is what they call it and um  they have that but also chess has the olympics so   okay it's a must-win game so i'm gonna play g6  again at this point there's no reason not to   thoughts on simone biles drama i don't know i  saw she dropped out or something some injury but   that's i i don't know anything more than that  i'm not really following the olympics i can't   really get into it not to mention like the whole  whole point of the olympics to me is like it's   all about the spirit of like everyone's like in  it there's a lot of a lot of fans and it's like   you see like i'm watching the tennis and they're  like playing in front of no one it's just like   i know somehow that seems very depressing  to me so i just can't get into it go here maybe queen e7 maybe b6 i guess let's go a6 b6 bishop b7 maybe i don't  know which way he's castling he has two options   and i'm not sure which one okay plays a4 so  he's obviously going short that much is clear if tesla including the olympics  and i might be interested i don't   think it should be in the olympics i  really just don't think it should be i mean i see you open the door like all all  games should be in the olympics that's that's   the problem with it why though because  then you have to say scrabble should be   in the olympics you have to say that that every  game under sun has to be in the olympics then   there's bishop e4 that's an interesting  move i can play rook b8 here   i mean or k7 i guess a very weird position  i don't know let's go i'm gonna go here i   really don't want to play d5 this is a must-win  situation so i don't want to take i don't want   to play committal moves super early i want the  time to get low and then at the right moment   then i'll keep the game going plays a5 that's  interesting i can play d5 but even b5 looks fine i'm obviously going to take in castle at  some point i'm just waiting to see when he   when he castles that will determine one  eye castle or play like f5 in castle here   okay now he does castle here now whoa okay i  should castle i very nearly just slipped there   with my mouse they're trying to grab the king um  i like my position though i like the position it   looks pretty stable i can always capture the  bishop i think now i should capture and go c5   it's exactly what i want in a game that i must  win something imbalanced complicated not a fixed   structure a lot of pieces on the board all you can  ask for test olympiad is pretty much the olympics   yeah also true like if i if i think about a lot  of other like games or sports no other no other   sort of game has an olympia the way that  trust does thank you an honest for one   thousand bits they had a grateful basket for the  two months so to me i just it doesn't make sense   that's isn't that there's some coffee pasta right  that's some coffee pasta from ages ago uh i like   my position here i actually really like it i'm  gonna prime this because it's a safe pre move because bishop b1 that's an interesting  move um i can probably just go queen e7   i'm really not worried about queen d3 so  i'll just play like rook d8 or knight f6   even f5 is also a move here i wonder about  f5 but f5 is e4 i don't love it i go rook d8 or do i want to go rook e8 be careful how i play this f5 f5 e4 i want to go f5 knight f6 is  obviously a reasonable move go here i can take and play off f5 still and if e4 i always like cd4 and e5  position i guess i'll pre-move this   although i maybe i just blundered okay  he missed it i think he should take   i think he could have taken and gone e4 it  might have been in really bad shape let's take   i think i got a little bit lucky there i got  very lucky i think if he had taken and gone   e4 i might have been in really bad shape  i might have been losing there arsenal for   three months although he missed it so no need  to dwell on it now it goes d5 logical move and what i want to do is i want  to play f5 i don't want to go g4 i think i'm going to put my bishop here and  play like rook c8 maybe love to put the bishop   on g6 to target this pawn queen b6 is really  a threat it's a move i don't really buy it   he does it though i just don't believe  it somehow it's a good move though or seven i mean is there a way  that i can hold these pawns feels like there should be some way to do this   i don't want to actually see it so i'm  going to go here in rook b7 i guess over here hit the queen it goes back i think i'm going  to drop my bishop back here maybe   i'll go like g4 maybe h5 at some moment let's think how do i do this very tough position i'm not just going to go here   i'm gonna go rook c8 i guess  okay now i'm gonna go g4 and h5 go here trade off some rooks  obviously trade if i want my knight though on f6 is just  so bad i guess i'll go here okay now i have what i want kind  of i guess i'll just go like here it does go knight five which i think  is kind of a mistake i think it's a   mistake but it's hard to prove okay let's go  here f6 i just take does play rook c6 okay i mean i have to win the game so  i might as well just go for it   um or did i just blunder the game away uh i think i just threw this game i  missed that h5 was hanging in this line   oh shoot okay what can i do here walk problem is he he only needs a draw um here here how do i do this let's go here wait check and take he missed that got no time either okay take i think i just take and i  go back and i'm just winning now i just won the game we go a4 or b3 b2 okay i'm going to end up losing at night  but i know i don't understand i just go here okay we got the dub we move on uh thank you to  burning me with the tier one thank you so much   this basically just pins the pins the bishop here  tough game very tough game but we get the win   um when all is said and done so we move to um we  move on to okay so giga one is match we moved to   six out of seven there's three people on six and  a half so we're still very much in the running   yeah that was a close one i let my time get  too low at the end but i still want thank you   keys for the gift of sub thank you so much my time  was too low there at the end but it's what it is yeah all right you guys we keep keep moving  along we're on we're on six out of seven   um it's like it's not it's not it has not  been an easy event so far it's been pretty   pretty rough but still he put up good resistance  but uh when all of a sudden i mean i guess i found   i found a way i found a way probably 93 was this  big mistake uh the great number is the tie breaks   actually andrew lost to giga right so  that's why andrew's also on six points here it's 50 moves without a capture it's a draw  not 30 you guys thank you to hk bar for the   two months man i'm not getting the easy pairings  today at all not getting the pairings i want if i   win no because gigas well assuming someone's gonna  get to seven and a half and we're play min leigh   again let's go c4d4 we keep playing this line  but he's gonna go bishop he might go bishop g4   see which one he does he does this one okay so  i think age three and queen up three is right go bishop d3 and castles here i think queen e2 is still right it goes rook d8 interesting choice i mean   i think a3 is always a move here f4 is  awesome bishop d2 is also a move here c5 and f4 is what i did last time and it was  a draw so i think i can play f4 here um i'm   thinking way too long though i mean e4 is a small  advantage but it's not what i want for this game   so let's do something different  i'm gonna go here and take   uh now actually wait now though  wait now i have c5 and f4 though   misplayed this order because now i have b4  and a3 i'll pre-move because it's the safe   capture he's not going to take but andrew was  winning and gave the win away oh really wow wow so andrew was winning and messed it up that's  unfortunate that's very unfortunate for andrew yeah i go f4 of course like b6 b4 i mean this   should be very slightly better  with b5 and rook b1 coming here g6 i guess he wants knight h5 but i  don't understand what he's doing exactly   go a4 b5 of course next move i mean knight h5  will go g4 i don't really like what he's doing i mean i assume i just keep pushing no  reason not to place a5 i'm gonna go b6 here   this bishop is kind of dead on b8 i  assume i'm gonna go g4 maybe i mean i guess i'll just go g4 if he wants  to play e5 i'll take and go queen g2 i mean he can try to strike with e5 but  i think i think i'm covering enough here   oh he goes for this one okay so he does this  one i can play rook c1 and rook b1 maybe i   also have g5 but i think i'm just gonna  go this should be winning if i play this correctly i misplayed this though i feel like i misplayed this it was queen c7 i thought i'd go the other way um  i don't really want to play g5 he wants bishop a7   i presume so i think the way to play this is  he wants e5 so i'm gonna go here in knight e2   just take okay because queen e7   move my knight back he has three pawns  for the uh for the piece here so it's not   not clear cut what's going on but i mean i feel  like i should be better if i play as precise   although i already feel like i'm starting to  misplay this somehow already feels kind of wrong i'll go hear me bishop h4 i think i missed something i'm pretty  sure i missed something when he took on c5   i felt pretty confident that i missed  something very very good when he did that   if i take his bishop h2 of course i won't do  that i guess i'll just go like and play h4 maybe   i know that i should be fine here but it's not  like i've done something wrong in this game go here what's up with the simone  stuff i only glanced i don't know   someone mentioned that to me in chat and  i have no idea what they're referring to   but i assume what she dropped out or something  there's some big drama around it i just thought   she dropped out because of the injury that was  the only thing that i saw i didn't see anything   else on the topic but i mean i don't know maybe  there's something more to it play h5 and go g5 um let's go eat uh h5 isn't queen  g5 but i have queen of four maybe   probably i should have gone g5  i have feeling h5 was a mistake   exactly what he did with knight e6 and like  night shoot knight g5 coming very bad play by me literally took a winning position now this opening  and i'm probably gonna find some way to lose now   here it goes back there bishop h4 maybe is a  funny move here but i don't want to do it   problem is the draw is no good for me and i  think midlane knows that a draw is bad for   me so i kind of i'm in a situation where he'd  for him winning probably is not as much of a   concern so like he can kind of he knows that  i have to gamble here and i can't make a draw   which kind of is annoying gives up a pawn i might  take it i hope this doesn't lose okay this d4   logical move um to take on e3 maybe wait but if i  like i should have some kind of tactics soon let's   go here i'm gonna take and take that's my idea at  least no rook d2 i figure i can sack or go rook d1 bishop d3 or something i'm  actually not sure it's winning   i think i'm just gonna i'm gonna  stabilize or try to stabilize this let's go here i guess i mean i will still have knight g6 somewhere i guess there i assume well  still rook d1 does doesn't   really work unfortunately i do have knight  g6 maybe i really want to take but i don't   know if it wins that's the problem how  do i do this i just need to find a move oh let's just go here playing terrible chess at the  moment i also have no time i like queen e3 there maybe also wait  i've got no time there's nothing i can do probably a mate somewhere oh he blundered i win he blunders oh my gosh hungarian spy for  the tier one thinking of mango jassy for the 15   months he just hung his he just hung his bishop  on d4 somehow i spotted that that was insane   terrible terrible game considering  how winning did he have a force   check oh my god did he have bishop h3  wait or [ __ ] page two wait did he   where was the where was the force mate i didn't  see the checkmate was it here wait where do you   have the checkmate i'm sure he had a mate  obviously but let's see where was the mate where was the checkmate okay yeah like this was  just completely winning right here right i mean yeah g4 is not fast but he stacks takes takes  yeah it's 1.3 anyway we keep going whatever   um now it's all gone but anyway we  keep going let's see so where did he knight g6 never works okay okay oh my gosh rick takes h4 is just oh my god  oh dear i didn't even see rook h4 oh my gosh   that is so bad and amazingly he didn't see it  either because he should have just repeated   and then spotted the move but he didn't  see it either that's what's hilarious and rook h4 is -27 minus 27.1 after rook  takes h4 geez oh man mine is 27.1 oh yeah yo   anyway we got the win so it's what it is all  right you guys i think we have a six minute   break after this round so i'm gonna take a short  break crease the russian we're gonna come back and   try to try to play better chess as we head into  the head into the home stretch i'll be right back okay okay so what what what's happening what is  this what is the situation so we're on seven out   of eight um how much i pay midlay to lose very  funny you guys anyway once again you guys title   tuesday it is sponsored by a g fuel so make sure  to go to um go to the g field website use use code   car you can get up to 30 off on various flavors  again fuel up before you go to work before you're   streaming whatever you're doing uh get that energy  energy boost that you need to get through the day   all right so what's happening we  have um seven points out of eight   four of us on uh six of us rather or five of  us rather on seven one on seven and a half   one on eight so giga versus um versus champ  2005 they have to play uh if i keep winning   i'm gonna have to play one of them before  the end of the uh before the end of the   end of the tournament so um so it's  pretty good as good as it could be thank you to kyle lee for the prime well i mean  the thing is if i win my next game i'm gonna play   the winner of their game so uh basically i just  need to i just need to um i just need to keep   performing that's it what does the g stand for  grout gravitas right you do you do pre-rolls   mid-rolls and live ads what uh g-fuel is a sponsor  uh ads i'm required to run because of my contract   with uh with tsm so that's completely different  where did i lose points i drew two games early on   in the event giga fuel gigafuel yeah exactly yeah  uh last week i finished second in title tuesday i'm feeling the momentum let's keep  it rolling yeah no i feel pretty good we don't mind true supporters don't mind  ads except you have to eat true anyway   all right so we're on the break so i'm probably  going to play a mechanic again my tie breaks are   not wonderful because i've played a lot of  weaker players uh against giga draw is not   good enough but i'm not gonna play him until  round ten like let's say i win this one and he   wins this game then i play him and i have to beat  him uh but if i beat him i will win first place   i need a shimmer for the five bucks it's funny actually i didn't go downstairs  to use the restroom on this last break   and um i saw andy or reggie he was actually  playing league um he was playing league on   his uh you know what let's go for it he's  playing league he's playing league on um   he was playing league downstairs which  is pretty funny oh no michelle is going   to play a dry line oh i thought he would  try to beat me because we both need to win danny for the three months oh let's go here is d-force let me take take and play a4   how does this get a chakra in something  recently c5 is wrong i believe i think c5 is supposed to be wrong not supposed to be right i don't believe so there's no knight d4 in  this pawn a6 is super weak here and at some point i think i have nice  queen c2 and knight g5 to checkmate as well it goes rook be another very  strange move that i don't understand and play queen c2 here i think i'm quite a bit better in this position  i don't know how much better but with like knight   g5 and queen c4 you guys supposed to go knight  g5 right there actually but h6 i can take and   go knight f6 anyway so it's kind of dangerous here  for black to play very very dangerous i would say let's see what he does if i get  knight g5 i think i'm much better here   he also has this bishop that's completely  misplaced like it looks good here but it's   actually it's uh targeting nothing it's just  targeting empty squares so this bishop is kind   of locked here and i think it's kind of dangerous  okay i have knight g5 now of course um let's see   knight g5 which knight do i put there actually  i have to figure out which united belongs there oh i mean what should i do i want to i guess  i really do want to go with this type it takes   25 96 2006 checking f8 i don't have a  win i guess i have to go with this knight it was knight f8 but now i feel like they're  tactics i'm just i'm going to be up a pawn   here it's just a question of which pawn if  i take take rook c8 queen c4 takes queen f7   sounds like i should be winning somehow why but  i have that feeling that i should be winning hit queen d8 bishop c5 rook c8 queen b3   yeah oh it's queen c7 and queen e4 i'm  gonna trust that my calculations right here i'm gonna trust that this is winning he takes with the rooks of course i take   queen b7 that doesn't do anything i just  go back does the h6 now i have 94 and he   can't sack because i covered the ice skater  on d1 okay this also doesn't look right um   this definitely isn't right i just have to find  the right way to win this i'm definitely better   here i just have to play it precisely now queen b3  is actually a strong move i think let's play this   because now i'm threatening knight  f7 as deal with the pin as well i think i'm winning it goes d3 okay  i'm just gonna go here to hit the pawn this looks winning unless i'm missing  something i also have knight f7 here see what he does i don't think he  doesn't okay he does play this now   i take of course and now it takes and i take i assume queen c4 is just winning here let's  just go here hit the pawn hit the knight now f5 91 d2 knight f3 looks winning be  careful how i play this i think this is   just winning right 91 takes knight  d3 22 okay i have to be careful 91 i mean i know i'm winning here i  just find the right idea let's see um 8125.93 queen e2 maybe i just go h3 or something i think actually  i'm just gonna play h3 so i can play queen g4   let's go here force queen's off  and now this should be winning so here because now i have a fork this queen h5 oh here maybe i just want wait wait did i just blunder oh  no i might have just blundered oh yeah yo three because i just take i think i'm winning that's  a free queen thank you very much and we got the   dub we got the dubs that was a free queen  thank you koozie nightmare for the four   months we got the win uh let's watch giga's  game see if he's gonna win this is probably   the most important game left what's happening  giga is going to lose it looks like giga is   probably losing here there's bishop a5 giga is  going to lose so i'm going to play roundup for   all the all the marbles here we're going to  we're going to play rauna for all the marbles just a7 and then you you have rook d8 or  this yeah they both work king d3 or king d2   okay so um so yeah so so ranak wins so  actually i'm going to play roundok and   i'm going to be in a situation where if i  win if i beat roundnock i'm probably going   to win the event uh so it's really really  close right now of course i have terrible   tiebreaks which doesn't help them that  help matters but yeah now i get to play   roundup where a win means that i have i'm  going to be leading as opposed to like giga   wins the game and i beat him then i'm just  tied for first so it's it's we get a shot after escaping a meet in seven we should win this  event yeah ramonax had wani as a champion 2005. this isn't leachate so you'll beat ronnick okay  you guys relax take a deep breath although i'm   gonna get black which is not great i'm gonna  get black ants around it so be interesting   have to figure out what i want to play yeah he was  banned for cheating on leech us um he was banned   so you know it's it's what it is it's what it is but we're in position after the start it was  definitely not not what i could not have expected   anything better so yeah he gets still yeah he  still has chances i guess like if i beat round   of course i mean but but like the thing is i'm  in a position where if i win i'm gonna i'm gonna   win the event now which is considering the two  draws is not you know it's what more can i ask   for right i'm trying to think what i'm going to  play against i'm sorry i assume that i have to   play round i mean i guess theoretically i could  play giga and zubov could play ironic but i think   i think i have to play ranak here  how many lines do i think i've   memorized i don't know a pringle you've asked like  for the last hour i i don't know i don't know dude anyway um yeah hope my day is going  well it's going fine it's going fine yeah it's going reasonably well talking from brazil love your streams bro keep  the good work thank you so much appreciate it   all right how many games are still going  still have a couple of games going let's see okay so white wins this game okay so  still one game remaining in this round this this should be over pretty soon rookie okay okay white wins by resignation i guess i guess  black actually resigns there that's kind of funny   um very funny all right yeah i think we're  gonna play around like here in the in the   final showdown or no i get giga okay what do i  do against giga here do i go for broke i assume i   ah so i guess zubov gets round ax that's kind of  annoying thank you to soviet kv for the tier one   thing is i can play e5 and draw but you know  what i don't want to you know what i think   what do i want to play to win no i'm going to play  let's play center counter do something different   go over broke means like i could play  solid and probably draw against giga go here and here actually i feel like geek and i   have had this position a lot already  we've had this position many times   bishop b4 now i'm supposed to castle next  move very very dry and standard a3 i think castles is still correct any castles  and i take and go queen c7 go here   but gopher broke means play something unusual  to try and create an imbalance and win the game   that's what it means problem is giga actually i  think he's happy he's happy with the draw here   that's the problem he's actually playing  to flatten the board this is a very flat   position here although that is a little bit  um kind of wrong but maybe not wrong enough   and sack in exchange but i don't want to  let's um i don't want to play this though yeah   go hear a knight b6 maybe maybe he  might even just take here honestly a draw doesn't really mess with my tie  break but what it does do is it means   that giga has no chance of winning  because he already lost the champ   but hanging wait wait a second he just  hung a pawn wait he just hung a pawn takes i take and i've worked c8 i've worked c8  he missed this okay now we're in business boys   we're in business we're in it to win it we are  definitely in it oh did i bishop a4 there maybe   maybe i did i don't know at any rate  we're in it to win it so okay let's go   i guess let's go here to hit the bishop and  then just drop the bishop back to like g6 i'm back i shouldn't have allowed this though kind of tragic to uh maybe i  missed let me get this bishop there whatever it's still a pawn gonna be hard to win  this game gonna be very very hard to win this   i really don't wanna play a6 but i actually  don't have any other moves here kind of   here try to open this up at least just b3 i guess i just go back here i can still  take with the queen gonna be hard to win this   but it's rook c5 a kind of interesting move   there's take i have to somehow get my queen in  here so i think i'm gonna go here and bring the   queen in maybe it was b4 okay so he's just  basically trying to stabilize and draw this   h3 um so how do i do this okay i think first thing  is i bring my queen in i'm at some point i'm gonna   have to sack material here so let's just go let's  just go for it he checks and takes so be it but   again a draw is not going to win me anything  here so i have to go kind of for broke again place queen e5 i can obviously  trade i don't want to   i'm just gonna go here i'll let him  check so it's the same thing i go king h7 hey plays f3 that's interesting oh no do am i do i just no way to survive uh   oh that's just lovely i think i just  messed this up completely i go here trying to do something it's only one pawn but the problem is  not even the pawn it's the opposite   color bishops that's that's the  problem with the whole position oh maybe i had king h7 there as well queen g5 g42 well if it's a draw it's a  draw but i mean i can't lose   it goes there and do i go to d2 or  not is also a question i have f5 maybe here yeah it plays there now it's going to be a draw there's really nothing i can do here i'm gonna go f5 it's very committal  and probably bad but i'll try it   nothing i can do to win this game it goes there i guess i go just a draw oh frustrating not it's not so much cursed  opponent it's just i always get black against   him every game i can't recall last time i got  white against him in a game and title tuesday   and he always plays the draw  there's nothing i can do i did a lot of queen sheets which was kind  of stupid but still it's still a draw but the draw no matter what i do there's yeah i just have to make  the draw here no no nonsense here frustrating i need a hedge crew for the 14 months yeah there's nothing i can do random drew is game  oh really okay so maybe i have some outside chance this is with increments there's no way for  him to win i mean i probably had some maybe   i had some chance around let me look at this live  analysis it's a draw so i have chance yeah there's   probably some chance i don't know never anything  much though it's already kind of hard did this queen b5 i guess queen b5 is  the move that i had to play this and this oh there's roxy five yeah it's but it's funny because it's better for  me but it's not um it's it's better but it's not   it's not actually ever winning kind of frustrating  that he blunders upon and still it's just never   much there's never very much and now already  you can tell that the bar is just going all the   way down playing for the drop white actually the  funny thing is he always plays for the draw with   white but usually it works out for him because  usually like usually like last week i end up   trying too hard to create something and then i end  up blundering but there's just nothing i could do   it was just opposite it was opposite color bishops  it was an extra pawn but opposite colored bishops   i couldn't i couldn't win it happens anyway we  have a shot still i guess although probably my   tiebreaks are bad oh no maybe my tiebreaks  are good actually my brakes are actually my tie brakes are actually the best  okay so actually if i beat ron i could   win the whole thing so it's it's okay  it's okay when all is said and done it's okay actually if i win the last round i'm  gonna win because somehow my tie breaks in the   at the end of the day are good i need a mick  tour for the prime and elena for the prime   thing so much yeah so okay so i can't complain  then because somehow even though i drew the game   i'm in it where like if i win the last one i'm  going to win you to win after bishop d3 on move   42 oh that's i'm not surprised if he had some  chance to complicate or win or something there   but he was already so sad on drawing  the game that there was no doubt   well i mean don't forget it was plus 27 for  men lay the game against mid lane was plus 27.   oh you think i'm going to play zubov oh you  think i play zubab and ownership plays champ   oh that would be hilarious if somehow i don't  play round out here i have to play ronic no i   guess it's true zubov could play um or ownership  could play co could play uh could play ronnick   that would be really funny highbridge is yeah  actually tiebreak is really close here true   i i'm not going to be happy though yeah brownik  has tybrix of course because he has a better   score which is why whoever plays him has to  beat him um but we'll see who is champ 205   that's wronic said juani he is a junior from  um from india he's about 15 or 16 years old magnus drew plus 152 against ronak true but i mean  it's all relative okay i get it i get the pairing   okay you know it's round 11 let's go for it let's  go for the e4 no slow chest just all in normally i   might play knight f3 but i'm going to play i'm  going to play e4 i'm going to go for it here   let's go for it okay is it going  to play it could be an eye oon bear   leonard he's probably played berliner  right he's going to play the berliner do i want to play i want something  that's complicated so i think   i'm going to play i'm going to do this one  it's not the best one but i'm going to do it   i'm going to play my old line  something very slow and very grindy see what let's see let's see this okay  please c6 don't believe c6 is correct g6 is definitely not the right move take go here and i have e5 i also play a3 here i'm gonna play  a3 just that i have e5 here because there's some   b5 and stuff that i don't like i can obviously  go e5 i don't really love e5 but is it bad   unclear very unclear very very unclear   i'll just play knight d2 but then bishop g4  okay you know what i need to win this game   a draw is no good so i should play for i should  play whatever i can to complicate the situation   anything to make it messy even if it's objectively  bad because i must win this game nothing nothing   else is going to suffice here so i should try  to make this messier as messy as i humanly can so you're maybe knight f1 knight g3 i'm not happy with my position either  but what it is you can't you can't always   get what you want in life go here is a5 as  expected i'm gonna go knight g3 maybe queen d2   i need to get a foreign somehow let's go  here maybe b4 maybe just c3 depending okay   i do have b4 here but i don't like it the knight  h2 is kind of actually this is very i think queen   b6 was a big mistake by ronak like maybe a really  big mistake i think i i've just foreign takes it's going to take i'm going to go f5 and queen c1 i'm going to lose something i guess queen before still a very tough position to play okay i'll go here i gotta get my rook in somehow   92 or something offers a draw i mean he he  wants a draw right i mean i don't blame him should have brought my king up or played knight e2 what is it wait a4 is a mistake or is it maybe not i'm gonna bring my king in i think ronaldo  misplayed this a little bit if i get my king over   i'm not sure that he's actually i think he's in  trouble here if i get my king over i think this is i think this is okay for me i  just have to find the right order   maybe it's still a draw away let's go here and  hit the pawn it's got knight f8 oh the knight f4 still very tricky this g5 i kind of expected that  very hard to play this for a win i think i have to go back i don't want to go back  i think i have to how do i do this on my bishop on   my bishop on a2 is so bad here problem is nothing  suffices except to win here so i guess you know   like i'm not going to draw the game if if if  i lose the game i lose it but i'm i refuse to   make a draw here so i'm going to do everything i  can to keep it going even if it means i lose the   game because a lot because the draw gets me no  money anyway so see if i can somehow trick him i want to go c3 and bishop c2 zilda very hard a draw doesn't do anything for me so you  know what if this loses this loses but   let's go for it if this loses this  loses but i'm i'm i'm gonna go for it   the draw just doesn't help me  in any way shape or form here d4 next move maybe it's actually i  mean it's it's edgy it's very edgy here   e6 d4 intake i guess oh i missed rook c4  that is that a good move though wait a second i take and check wait a second this is actually  very tricky again i might be winning here i just   hey cuz i have rook a7 i have  e6 also oh i had e6 first   i might have missed the one  with e6 there good check though just close i think i'm winning here it  goes here i take take and i fork him i think i'm winning he's also down 30 seconds five rookie a rook c47 i think i'm winning four cycle e7 i've rookie 8 i think i'm going to win i'll pre-move it because it's a safe pre-move okay now this is winning i just need  to be smart about how i play it check   now i know king d2 is winning here  but do i have a way to keep the pawn   just go here in c6 maybe check and this must  be winning right no this has to be winning go here go hear blockade and we win the game got the dubs we went thank you jj out video  for the prime tate art artemio felix for the   two months thank you so much appreciate it got the  dub got the win hopefully we win the event we'll   see okay i win my game yes and it's over it's over  we win gigafa giga won his game so he gets to nine   and a half two when we win i don't believe it i  don't believe it somehow we win we win the event yeah we get the dubs big dub big dub yeah happens it happens sometimes you get  lucky even when you don't play your best shots but we'll wait to make sure but yeah based  on the results it's uh there's me and giga   gee gets nine and a half but he's gonna be in  second second place again yeah so basically in   this event i survived is this sorry what did you  guys say about promotion square um do i win as a   promotion square as a dark square well the pawn  is not on the edge the the only time this color   the color of the square matters is if it's on the  edge it has to be on either the a or the h file   if it's the g file it doesn't matter because  you have space to move the king and the bishop   um so that's kind of that's kind of the  thing is it makes it makes difference that's what he gets for always drawing  yeah buying the dubai mansion one yeah true   every tuesday hundreds of title players  come together and hikaru always wins right   can we go shopping um we can go shopping  for a little bit sure sure i mean if you   guys want if you guys want to go shopping where  do you want to go shopping well let's make sure   we win the event first but thank you to drew  yeah for the two but i'm pretty sure we do win i think you'd have flagness maltsen for the gifted  sub thank you so much for flagging smallson did i   win because the scores are tied yeah but the  tie breaker i have a big tiebreak edge i mean   i have like an eight seven point tie break edge  there's no way that once the scores are tallied   that giga will catch you there's like one  point maybe it could swing but seven points i   don't think that's going to switch thank you to  steve o word for the four months thing so much   so yeah we get the win it was very uh very very  very tough yeah great people setups is there a   link for that i don't mind why does he have 60  he's a he has a bossly tiebreaker so i think he   played all the top players and he won all the  games in a row so that's that's why so yeah okay very funny um but yeah we got the win and  it's uh it's all all good at the end of the day all good um it's a good prelude to malt water yeah hopefully  it's uh it's very very good what is the price of   750 assuming i win but there's yep and there you  guys go there you have it and we win title tuesday   once again we scored nine and a half points  out of 11 maybe not the best performance ever   um but we finished thank you to gwtbc for the  seven for the seven months but nine and a half   out of 11 giga cooperats he also gets nine and  a half out of 11 as well but i have a a big tie   break edge i'm not sure i'm not actually why  do i have a big tiebreak edge i wonder is it   did i play round ack and he didn't although he  did he played did he not play raunak i didn't   lose any games no i drew three games i needed a  silver chicken for the get to sub did giga play   ronak or not because that's kind of weird that  it's such a big discrepancy didn't okay not sure yeah oh giga lost a round act that's  probably why you have giga loss to   roundneck that makes sense why he um  why his tiebreaker is so much lower you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 78,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hikaru nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, hikaru plays titled tuesday, titled tuesday chess, titled tuesday hikaru, titled tuesday live, titled tuesday chess live, titled tuesday chess hikaru, titled tuesday 2021, nakamura wins titled tuesday, speed chess, blitz chess, how to play chess
Id: Hm5HbIoGhFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 14sec (7334 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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