Anna vs Levy vs Hikaru vs Ripped Jeans

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110 are you live here carl by the way of course i'm live why wouldn't i be live oh yeah we're uh okay so then we're we're good i think we're good yeah i think we are all live yeah because levy for some reason for me with the setup i have like it it auto like it auto just gives just zoom right away so like i never have to i just have to crop but like once i just open the like zoom call it doesn't give me a random tab so it's always very smooth and easy set up all right guys we um we're gonna have to speed run this thing uh because these d you know hopefully these games go more or less quickly uh if you are up we start with the 2000s and then we go down the list of ratings so just be in life chess and you'll be fine uh i think we'll start with my guy versus hikaru's guy so sweet llama is not in live chess terrific we're off to a great start fantastic wow okay yeah so time to get rolling uh hikaru is your guy in life chess um i can follow him so i assume so leo or bora bill borobillo i guess his name yeah he's in the lights who's there if you guys want you can start anna's anna's game and then i'll go yell at sweet llama to get into live shows but yeah sweet llama dude you you guys just need to get into live chess because you're just delaying sure yeah no we got our game dtamp is our first player today so it's team hikaru team tsm makari versus team anna versus some other guy bury below um with white pieces here against dtem dietem is my moderator dortham here on twitch so we are rooting for my moderator to do well do better than last time that's so strange is he not here levy no he's here okay he's her now okay my guy has arrived wow guys e4 e5 to start things off that's exciting yeah it's a very exciting position the italian white is expanding on the queen side and make sure that b5 is not an option yeah way too traditional so far way too traditional anna is it possible to turn up your microphone a little bit um i think yeah am i am i now not loud enough yeah and i need to crop my board apologies guys that my layout has oh it's all good it's all good is it is it also low on your entire carter i i think it's fine for me oh so lovie just needs to fix this no i'm having a problem because uh your hikaru's microphone for me is really loud and anna's is really quiet so i can't i can't i can't trust them both i see yeah let me try to increase it but hopefully it won't be too loud um let me know if it's better now should be better hopefully i'm gonna fix the board on my end no guys i can't change it and zoom because they they have individual they don't have individual things i don't think i can do it like that it's zoom baby it's it's not so yeah i can't do anything about that in discord actually you can go up and down with volume but yeah discord is so good for that i don't know why zoom doesn't have the same feature strange is it any better though because i have increased the volume i think i think i think i think chad is is saying it's okay it's just always you know a couple of people that freak you out um yeah these guys are playing a very good game i'm surprised well they're not my subs so it makes sense right it's board run of teammate current team and of course they are doing very well here what do you predict hikaru in this middle game what could be an issue for either white or black um probably knight five night of four is the issue for um for for white here because why explain the queen side maybe some b5 move but i think in general it's hard to play for white i'd rather be black yeah i like black's position the semi-open f-file and the knight maneuver that you have mentioned it's happening yeah well it's a very obvious idea that's why the i don't really like playing this at the lower levels is white because it's very hard to play on the queen side or in the center of the board yes chuck we're using zoom we're using zoom yes zoom the company that's going to lose another like 10 billion dollars today probably because they're overvalued oh oh they're gonna get dropped by buying uh buying puts on uh they lost five billion dollars yesterday because people might actually go back into offices oh oh wow oh i haven't thought of that yeah that makes sense it does look this is this is a tough tough game like i i mo chess games we we don't we don't see stuff like this anymore we just see chaos right yeah this is way too traditional yeah it's such a good game that we can't believe it one of you needs to do [Music] something ridiculous like now it's not gonna happen levy too positional they're overdue for something silly all right repetition just you know go back and forth it's over next game it's crazy there's like these are lit and my my guy's gonna pop in here next game and do something you already know man your board one is always absolutely epic [Music] a piece up i just realized my board was cropped a bit strange yeah i'm also just fixing the layup that was unfortunate but nice move very nice move so now if there's this and if queen takes you have queen takes rook so now black is up a piece and also [Laughter] oh i'm sorry guys sorry so something really funny on my other screen i'll i'll tell you about it late later i'm sorry i said something ridiculous i thought something shows how out of touch people are with what the real world is like these days i'm sorry i'm sorry about that i'm sorry i'm sorry apologies you're good i'm glad you're enjoying this position to us as much as dortham here data with the black piece is doing a great job to get that first point for team anna i'm very proud and very proud wow um well i uh i would laugh but i don't know the context of the joke um i'm not gonna do it on stream but i'm sorry i just i saw something that just made me really laugh um it's not you guys uh well uh my guy yeah one zero goes to anna that anna congrats on your first and last win of the sub battles uh and what well here goes sweet llama here wait i'm following the wrong game i'm following the wrong game i got so shook by uh hikaru laughing that i typed i typed monka w in my chat and i capitalized the manga so i didn't even get the emote now i just look like an idiot so um i don't have auto fill i don't even know how to turn on autofill actually so i just you know i'm a trooper i just typed the whole emote but uh yeah i just went full boomer there um but we have so many emotes on this channel now like people slide you guys know about people slide don't actually no which one is that one wait oh my god i just had another boomer moment i meant oh i meant pog slide i just said people slide i meant pog slide oh all right now we need a people slide someone go make a people slide i don't care what it looks like just go make it just go make it we need a people life oh my god sorry i'm just gonna and my guy's losing in 10 moves so yeah well it's as expected right we all knew this was gonna happen yeah but okay he missed he missed the he missed a very funny draw yeah that was just a repetition that's weird like he probably just saw bishop c1 queen c3 and right and then was like i don't have anything yeah oh there's a way to do what you're asking for levy max knows it max said it's uh you type in quotation marks and um oh my god semicolon i'm so bad at punctuation i'm gonna copy it in the discord so there's a way for for what levy has to have to find the mode but i'm gonna copy it in our discord group because i i'm not exactly sure how to read this out but i thought it's very important information for levi to prevent future boom oh oh yeah yeah right all right oh yeah i have that but i don't have that for bt tv i just have that for twitchy modes i don't i don't know why i don't know why it's like that but anyway life is great um black is winning this b2 pawn has disappeared and the queen is still just proudly standing on that square not afraid of being trapped correct uh i i still think memes await us here because black is down a minute on the clock despite having a better position um so all right well this is uh still very poor how did this go so wrong oh he played the two nights and he doesn't know theory past move three okay yeah that generally will result in two nights levy this is a french defense what are you smoking the look the two knights french yes that's what it's called but then he played it and he played ed5 so like i don't i don't know what he's doing and then he played knight b1 and knight e2 and knight b3 so i don't know what i i don't know what this guy's doing but yeah it's uh it definitely doesn't look very good uh-huh indeed i saw you i thought i saw you said um you sold jmia yeah i sold the stock yesterday and went down 25 today so i'm feeling kind of good wow anyway yeah let's let's focus on the chest though sure we have the bttv solution there for you levy and in the meantime the position hikaru your thoughts i mean black is better but it's oh a5 is a great move here fantastic move by black he's going to flag though he's going to flag also i just learned how to wait wait this oh this is straight through right this is not three two right yeah yeah yeah yeah true oh there it is an issue though 35 seconds with no increment come on man just go joe manny's oh it's still tricky very tricky here it's funny because i think pawn takes palm is actually i mean it was a good move but it also looked like a bad move black is playing is playing very well but has no obvious no no now black is gonna lose the two knights are too strong pawn unintended by the way knight she's three and okay take uh yeah just 15 seconds it's impossible he's gonna fly guys you gotta gotta all play faster but i i appreciate everybody kind of rotating victories here in the beginning um actually you say everybody um yeah why'd you say everybody yeah i thought i thought bori won the first game yeah no i'm off to an 0-2 star this is very bad like he's got six seconds i mean my guy is fully capable of doing something insane no but that yeah he's playing well yeah it's just very solid solid good moves here to start oh this position nice please it's going to be the time factor that decided in the end he's fighting to the bitter end here yeah that was unfortunate yeah good start by boribillo but too slow and sweet llama has turned the tables anna's guy is like really good by the way i just gotta say this guy's like 1990 and he's at his highest rating ever so well he's also from israel so he's underrated that also doesn't help and he's my moderator too so he's multitasking by playing these games but yeah he's really strong oh okay now it's fine yeah white didn't uh so bishop f5 on the second move is baltic defense right but what is bishop f5 on the third move is it just bad or is it like some science i actually don't know what it is other than it just loses so how can it have a be called a line i well well i guess there's plenty of losing lines but yeah i don't think there's a name for it okay knight c6 yeah yeah yeah by the way levi you've probably because you probably haven't played it in enough international tournaments i don't mean this in a negative way but you probably haven't you haven't had the uh experience of playing as israeli players that often have you no most of the israeli players that i've played have been the israeli uh titled young guys that come over oh yeah yeah yeah that's not the same thing because it's really annoying when you play against like these israeli guys because they're all underrated since they only play against each other in israel they're all like 24 70 or 2 500 but they're much stronger than that so it's really annoying to play against israeli players yeah they'll they'll come to the states as like 24 50 uh im's 24 60 ims and stuff yeah well there was this guy popilski you might have played him actually and he was like i think i played him in some european tournament he's like 24 70 and he's like much much better than that yeah i've played him actually i think i've played him like three times i assume you've lost all three times right no two draws and and actually it's either two draws out of two i i i think i lost to him once but i don't remember that again i remember you don't remember your loss but you remember the draws levy yeah that's why you're not a grand master that's i'm scared literally if you don't remember your losses that's why you're not a grandmaster well i um [Music] i yeah i think i either played him two or three times um but i don't yeah i don't remember where it was i played him i definitely played him in texas that game i remember oh there was something missed there there's something yeah yeah there was it was for a split second that the vision bar jumped there there was a there was a trap yeah there was a g4 f3 way to trap the bishop on f5 when the queen covered c2 yeah so the queen had to stay on a4 for that regarding c2 so but levi are you are you serious to like you you don't like remember every loss just like that doesn't like eat at you like even if a game was like 10 years ago like i'll remember a loss like i will always remember that i'll never forget that like it's just like i mean it's just like i think the painful ones yeah but ones where i just played really badly i'm just like i played really badly like there's nothing there's nothing to remember i remember probably all of my most painful losses like ones where i was winning or something but yeah definitely not ones well anna can be our tiebreaker anna i agree with ricardo i think losses are very memorable for for how painful they can be it's just like unacceptable it should just like it should eat at you like you should just like it should really just eat at you and it should be like burned into your memory so even if you have like a really bad like let's say okay let's say like so anna i was asking anna about like her favorite game that she played yesterday and so for she was telling me how she was playing next to kramnik on a few boards and like anna if you had played kramnik right and like it was it wasn't you know the best day at the office and like you play like a really strong player is that gonna like eat at you like will you remember it forever is just gonna be like i didn't play that well or like which which school of thought are you subscribed to like i'll tell you i don't know i probably lost some i guess if it was pretty i'm gonna remember it for the rest of my life okay bad example if it's like okay let's say if it's a random you know uh 2500 gm from europe yeah and you say that if i play very poorly will i remember it i guess so because you you feel like you you didn't give your best and it will it will annoy you that you didn't play well it doesn't bother you no it doesn't it doesn't you know i think you have to you gotta invest emotions in the right things so but you know i have to improve because you you're you're going to be angry at yourself for not doing well so you will want to improve even more you will train harder you will do better you will try your best next time see i'm motivated i'm motivated by my uh my defeats when when i'm winning because i know i'm capable of doing like really well but if i if i like do terribly in a game that doesn't have the same effect like when i'm doing really well and then i screwed up i'm like damn i was so close but yeah not the games that oh my god oh my god this is a roller coaster yeah this game has had it all oh and it still has it oh it's wow this is amazing 15 seconds left for dartmouth i'm really worried there's no increment here the queen is trapped but we are down to 14 seconds okay let's see okay wow wow that move was on the board for so long okay guys go go go go go go go gotta think wow oh oh oh oh oh oh wow there was just a mate there was just the meat oh my god i think white's gonna win i think he's clutching it out yeah i think because with the queen there's too much time yeah oh but work out six is a great move oh no that pawn is annoying oh what oh my god it says oh oh it's mate not me yeah it is me wow oh no don't tell me i had it if i lost that game that was my crazy i might need a new computer tomorrow you know but uh yeah wow oh no dortmund don't feel bad you had the game but you were low on time yeah the past pawn the passport was the one that decided the game we had a chance to eliminate it to take on d4 when it was pushed to d4 we have the next game by the way we have ram indeed my guy's playing um okay this guy actually made it to live chess guys look we have a guy he's never played in a sub battle before he made it to life chess see anything is possible anything is possible so the next game is between ram de jean and e ideon me another israeli player okay a lot of israeli players this morning yeah rama ram is the one who taught me the vampire gambit so between the jalalabad and vampire which one uh which one do you prefer probably the vampire again but if if you make me have to pick i still don't get which one's the jello but i i saw your thumbnail but i didn't have the time to catch up on that video i i did see the vampire one so which which one is the jello about i do give the also by the way um we counted a point for team anna when in reality team gotham won um oh yeah no no no no we gotta stop the count levy we gotta stop the count it's already written we got it we gotta stop it okay no we're going to be we're going to be soon there's going to be a lot of lawsuits there's going to be a lot of lawsuits you know our full observers weren't allowed to be at the polls uh yeah and the media doesn't decide you know the media doesn't decide when the election is called anna i appreciate you trying to buy the moderating team okay you know but listen it's my birthday week i'm just getting early presents is it your birthday today today's kevin's mine is on thursday so we are celebrating the entire week that's why i have all sorts of birthday decorations even the ghost is wearing the birthday hat never your favorite ghost is it did you just tell me what my favorite thing is i thought you found it creepy so i thought i'm gonna assume it's your favorite oh well you you have like you have like a sick setup like listen you know what i have here i have a lot of nice amenities in my house i have like a wall i have like uh somebody's sending me a woodwork they built someone built a wooden chest king with a bat on top and i'm gonna try to fit it on the shelf and uh yeah do you have a lava lamp as well that's new it is new i got bored of having nothing i don't know what to put on there i'm trying to decorate it it's a lava lamp i don't know what that means but it's it's a it's a thing that looks kind of cool i guess but i see like hicary i mean what's that what's the difference between that and like the the fake salt salt rocks or the or the sea salt or whatever subscribe oh i don't think's nakamura i don't know what you're referring to no they're like sea salt lamps where it's like they claim to be like you know like they claim to be like him lane or whatever like it's kind of the same thing isn't it or not i just thought you i thought you just sniffed bath salts i didn't i didn't realize that no it's a thing i i know what hickary's referring to that's also another type of lamp similar to how your lamp looks like uh i was actually once administered bath salts because i had a panic attack while uh getting an iv so yeah my listen i have inadvertently taken tranquilizers i i basically am beth harmon pizzeria saying lava lamps were popular in the 70s love is a bit behind the curve yeah yeah i know and and and yeah yeah yeah i uh i like look i remember hikaru's shelf back in in florida and it was like nice and decorated see the problem is it was decorated with books and trophies now i'm illiterate and i've never won anything so [Laughter] like what am i going to put on there like i can't read i'm not going to flex that i can read because i hardly can read and all my trophies are in the garage of my grandparents house so from childhood uh yeah by the way guys we have a queen in game in coming um any thoughts i think i mean white's better but i think it's gonna be very hard to win especially with 30 seconds less on the clock yeah uh once again the no increment situation will be tough here for white but it's a pawn up and right but it is double pawns that's also i think it's gonna be very hard okay not if you play queen a5 though that is a very bold oh we are not taking the second pawn or the f7 phone wow what a move oh please don't take dude you're down upon come on but it's double pawns levy but dope okay still pretty balanced oh now it's winning right should be winning yeah king and pawning game with an extra point i wonder why black did not yeah but it's a double pawn so it's actually is this winning are you so sure this is winning i think this is not after g4 i don't know i'm a lot less sure now g4 was not a good move but i i don't know it's a draw i'm pretty sure this is a draw correct oh no not anymore no no no it's not a draw for sure yeah a4 and that's it yep the outside pass pawn now okay you can't do this guys you have to just move the king like you yeah there's there's just there's just no entry you just keep waiting because the pawn holds the square yeah wow winning kingdom and this is uh okay c5 very good this guy's on my team right i hope yes yes yes yeah yeah i wasn't sure but i i think i was following him so i assume he's on my team done no no no no terrible game well but i'm on zero so it's kind of yes yes this is needed this is needed all right so hurry it's um upon us are here with the black pieces playing for my team against the against levy's player why is there a pawn on f4 uh like it's an oral position that i see a pawn on f4 he's playing the vampire song which i don't i don't play oh by the way i i think i'm going to invent the gambit so it's going to be c4 knight f6 g4 it doesn't have a name you asking for suggestions no i'm gonna no no i'm gonna call it the the the gotham um d4 knight f6 g4 is a gambit and it's better yeah but so it's gonna be c4 knight f6 g4 and you say that it does not have a name yeah it doesn't it does yeah like d496g4 i remember i was studying that when i was a kid because there was a guy with the same last name as me from hawaii who was like a master player and he always played it so i was i was studying that in like 97. did you ever meet him um yeah i did of course yeah he was like master the us open used to be held in in nice places levy before you were playing chess um yeah now it's in um in the basement where is that held now i i think it's supposed to be in st louis this year actually uh well stanley should be nice though i was just joking uh also for the queen's camp basement rappers but yeah i mean saint louis isn't that a girl i haven't been there but i would assume that it's it's a nice playing hall you've never uh oh you've never been to st louis chess club no the chess club is nice yes it's the the chess club is nice i will say that what's wrong with the playing call then there's not enough no no no no i mean the chess club is nice but i mean for like a tournament like the us open they would the the chest of itself is too small for that so it'd have to be at a hotel in one of the suburbs probably yeah okay that makes sense if it doesn't have enough space but for the for the super tournaments i thought it was very nice the ground just two events yeah it's pretty nice yeah it is okay this is now becoming a lot more interesting actually practically speaking there's some trouble here for black if white plays a couple of good moves okay that's not the best one no it wasn't but maybe black just you know no we are not going under that luckily yes see this is the problem about bishop d3 is that once they stop you well that's actually not not not a terrible move yeah it's pretty decent actually that's a really good move considering the level and considering the play after that move because the moves i think become pretty straightforward for the next couple of moves yeah and we are also going low on time here as black i'm a little worried i'm not worried i'm feeling i'm feeling great oh that was a very bad move yeah wow that's an issue and now this and you're guys suffering this round levy so actually the right way of putting it was that i mean i hope you enjoyed your your first round because those were the two and only two wins you're gonna get today because now you're gonna lose two i think right my guy has the white pieces oh oh oh i miss i misunderstood but uh but it's it's about to get really interesting actually bishop c6 was very strong there instead of rook b8 or okay yeah yeah it's it was no i mean i gotta you know i i i was thinking he's thinking he's making me really scared i mean he's got extra pawns right but they're kind of weak in the center aren't they and pawns are really weak like it's not so easy to like if one falls all the pawns will fall that yeah oh my god oh my god oh my god i mean how good is this for white really in reality i mean i i know like for us it would be fine but i think it's pretty tricky with these pawns on d5 and e5 they're both very weak no i think you had to just hold the center and play queen h4 and bishop h6 right right but i don't think it's so easy to play like that i mean these guys are 1600. it's a good move very good move d6 so e5 is gone right that's very hard though it's so technical this is this end game i looked over and i saw rookie five bishop f4 i thought my guy didn't take a rook but turns out he just attacked it oh the rook trade is not good no no it's not and now the b pawn is also marching forward 35 seconds left for parliament sir it's a masseur no or yeah yeah i probably am butchering no no i just i saw it i was confused but it's okay time time yes he's bringing the king yes some defensive options it's going to be hard lovey not if that move gets played this is see it oh he missed it yeah yeah oh and oh now oh man i guess it's actually it's already it's long time it's all gone white is low on time yeah he's he's a man he's really not a good wing though he found the good move let's see he's he's pulling oh and he balls gotta move pawn man gotta move the pawn i gotta move yes pawn man please move six seconds left for white with the rook up all right at this point guys with five seconds get black's pawns off the board if you just shuffle around aimlessly and that's what he's doing he's okay now black really shouldn't be trading pawns but he just flags him i love you i like i said i i already knew this was going to happen we needed this so badly yeah but uh palmerster had less time and the worst positions i'm very proud of how he's he managed to speed up and at least use the time factor yeah i think it was just too technical it's just very technical and it wasn't easy to just find the moves immediately in an end game like that and now pawn masseur is gonna oh knight d2 okay what's wrong with 92 it's the same thing as knight c3 when's the last time you saw this line oh my god knight c5 i mean it's a lion but it's pretty good actually i like it i've seen it played quite a bit by gm's even now what is even the modern actually since you both since you both covered my tournament i realized that's what i wanted to play but but then i did that's what i actually should have played against a wonder in the us championship game i want to do something random but i did something just bad but knight he's five after the game i realized that's what i should have done if i wanted to be random oh this is not exactly how you play it i don't believe no i don't even remember this this this you're supposed to take with the knight you're supposed to take with the knight on d3 no but my i think my prep was the old line which is knight c5 e5 aha yes knight p7 queen b6 yeah that's what i played yeah e5 is very sharp so that was the that was the skandorf variation okay so someone's gonna get mated here or something what's this bishop is really strong on b2 it's a strong bishop i like the threat of checkmate in one it's always a good idea so if icarus guy wins now it's two to two okay well i think we're doing well here with the white pieces i don't see why we couldn't open the second win tricky i think black finds the move that i hope he finds it's very good for black that's a reasonable move mm-hmm panmasure has a very good style i like his style of play that's crazy that he played that he found that move maybe it's not good but it's crazy that he found that and he's good i've played him before he's very he's got it like i said he's got a good whoa and now yeah i mean he just he saw the whole idea yeah for the wind he's very good oh i mean that's all right lots of options here what is gonna get three points i guess i'm feeling good about this sub battle and i still haven't even played my my top player have you guys noticed uh that i have mr yamato cannon on the team for today oh yes yeah he he uh he rated me yesterday this is true yeah i was hoping that yamato could make it i i've started coaching him hopefully hopefully he could play in pogchamp three if there will be pogchamps three because he he loves chess he absolutely loves chess and he was a youth champion back in sweden that's what i think a lot of league fans don't know that their favorite coach and caster is also kind of a child prodigy from his region in sweden he was he was a regional champion among the 11 year olds i think oh wow that's impressive yeah yamato canon you guys of course he's great uh i guess does this work yeah this does work right yeah he also gave me a uh very good recommendation for fashion is all i'll say oh his shirts are amazing yeah they are they are they are it's a secret but i'm just gonna say that uh his shirts are fire and and since we have uh the the new uh champions tour coming up that uh you know i gotta stock up on shirts mate and seven yes guys was there faster i mean i'm not even sure that white's gonna be winning here but black has no time yeah it's a very strong attack even if it doesn't go through time management as you see yeah but let's see black is winning now this is what i was going to say like it's not as easy as um yeah as you would think it should be i'm still very proud of ponder for playing this aggressive going for the sacrifices um we just need to make sure we flag our opponent afterwards or not we may not need to flag him yeah just you know queen of six yay yeah very impressed off brush pays off um but uh it's kind of funny because like black played that whole game down a rook you just didn't move as a rook at all so yeah mm-hmm unemployed for the whole game really good japan master i'm very proud of you unemployed unemployed that's an unemployed rook yeah you're yeah isn't that no you're right right he only got and he only got one check from the government yeah so yes okay so who's up next any triggered americans in the chat uh heatmiser and magnus weerod magnus weerod is not here oh magnus he is oh game was aboard but he is here yeah he is here well he's in live chess but he's uh he's not all right man you know what in the interest of time if he doesn't show up just forfeit him or just start the next game and then wait what's going on is there some rush levy well title two stays at one right that's like two hours away this dude this takes two this takes like a long time it goes fast but it takes a long time two four six we've got eight games right eight times six is 48 minutes no or no it's three games oh it's three yeah three games sorry three games yeah yeah okay it's three games it's true it feels like it goes fast it takes a long time okay yeah yeah three games right okay another one of my guys okay okay take three right we've had two aborts already here we go now this is the real one he yeah he he i don't know what he was doing it took his took his engine a while to load or something and now we have the french defense on the board between team gotham and team hikaru well if we combine two team scores they make the third team score so the cards are doing well as you know together which is which which is important um i just hope it continues like this because i feel like my team usually starts well and then we fall asleep so we just need to keep up the energy very true look at this masterful maneuvering in the advanced french by black let's see if yeah this is a line i studied a lot there was this uh i am in in new york justin sarcar who like my brother and i would play the advanced front she gots him every time and he always would play his knight f5 queen b6 line well let's see if queen v6 occurs well but now it's different because bishop e3 is not the best move it was like bishop e2 queen b6 knight a4 bishop b4 bishop d2 queen a5 bishop c3 b5 a3 bishop c3 knight c3 b4 takes takes queen b4 bishop b5 bishop b7 trade trade castles and then g4 um but anyway that doesn't matter right now i'm not sure if you followed that levy i did i did i was just impressed that that that someone in your chat called you hiraki h-i-r-a-k-e that is probably the most has that's the most egregious misspelling of your name i've ever seen i think they got kind of the letters right but they just scrambled them like yeah i don't the e is very weird yeah yeah they just threw in you know uh see anna's name is really difficult to spell correctly it's so confusing there's so many letters that play in the order and no but it is lovey yeah because rudolph is is normally spelled ph at the end so it is actually hard oh well yeah but i meant oh you meant oh you meant anna yeah the surname no one gets it right because there's a there's a f right and yeah yeah americans would people i work with and know me and they still keep mis spelling i mean it's it's it's not rudolph with an f the red-nosed reindeer so um yeah yeah anna if uh if if it was like 60 70 years ago uh and and your family like immigrated to the united states they would they have been ph they probably wouldn't have stayed because i feel like we do that to like names we're just like now we're gonna americanize this name i don't know why we all sound like that ellis islands in new york no one talks like that but yeah i wonder if they would have changed it or not um good question i don't want a world where it's a ph for anna rudolph yeah that's true i already lost rating points back then when i competed i lost rating points once because there is an anna rudolph with a ph from germany so she played in the bundesliga lost like 25 rating points and it was deducted from me and it took me over half a year to get the points back from frida because people thought it was me but it wasn't it was the other ed anna rudolph she wasn't born as anna rudolph she got married in germany she she was anna honest shook and then she got married in germany so now she's anna rudolf just like me she's a very nice lady but she lost rating points and then i got i got the deduction on my profile actually it's a good question for hikaru have you ever had your games hidden by accident in another person's profile like what do you mean like on chess base so like like alex ostrovsky there's an andre ostrovsky from uh from europe i i don't know if he's ukraine or germany at this point but um and alex's dad anatoly ostrovsky so some of alex's games go to his dad's database and no one ever finds them because they can't prepare because they you know oh i yeah i don't think so because there aren't any like h nakamura so that's the problem i'm the only one my name is very unique yeah that's fair i'm not so lucky yeah there are a couple names like that where it's like um where it's like yeah like you said oshrovsky there were a ton of them where it's like that starts with an a so there are a lot of them but yeah i don't have that luck yeah i had some of my under 12 world use championship game so under 12 girl category under the name arthur rudolph so arthur a grown-up man playing under 12 girls meanwhile white is winning this game by the way just just saying but oh whoa whoa wow immediately oh man um that was an interesting move queen d4 um yeah guys you can't demoralize the man who has to win title tuesday after this like anna and i just go on with life and we don't have to play a serious tournament like you guys gotta come on man like yikes we gotta get two dubs in hikaru land today like what a little queen d4 i mean well okay all right see my guy did he resigned immediately he must have yeah i didn't like that i didn't like that but yeah um did my guy play two games already um isn't patrick now up next against against both oh wait oh yeah man oh patrick is not in live chess patrick if you're listening to us we'll need you in wait where where did the magnets go did he leave the building too yeah what is he doing what is it dude get back in live chess bro what are you doing i can't follow my player i'm just hoping that he can hear us patrick you're up next and we need you to be on click on play live chess and your game will start automatically i see david pakman in the chat if he wants to sub in um just jump in there patrick pacman sounds kind of similar what are you eating larvae um i'm too afraid to tell you well i mean it's sweet so i i'm not really one to talk okay okay um yes last night i bought chips and um i didn't eat them so i'm eating them for breakfast oh okay okay cool cool nice i'm eating ruffles wavy cheddar sour cream chips very tasty wow interesting highly recommend it if you guys feel like wait do you see sour sour cream yeah so sour cream onions my favorite but yeah sour cream and onion is like i love that so it's just i love that flavoring look at that three for three we agreed on something amazing is that yes i thought it was nigeria the green the white and the green and then obviously magnus with the norwegian flag um okay castles i guess yeah that that's the only issue with sour cream and onion is after you eat it you probably shouldn't go on a date let me just scrub your mouth um um yeah i don't know yeah but it tastes very good so let's go here that's what you should do now oh wait you're not on my team uh yeah right i guess before next move bishop before me between a5 um queen d4 is probably good too um yeah but very bold yeah it is a bold move i'm hoping we can punish it in the future yeah not so easy to punish it but the black king is in the middle of the board i'm hoping okay my guy doesn't have a lot to think about he's he's got to move there's only one move okay only one move okay that's fine wait is patrick from nigeria he is okay wait so what levy did you did you uh did you said patrick uh you know you sent him his the the five thousand dollars that you'll collect your inheritance later uh yes yes uh i did get caught with that a few times in my life um but you know you take a few l's and then you learn so it is so crazy to me that that is like the oldest scam ever and it's still around i think yeah true yeah no it is it is yeah it's definitely still around yeah yeah he said there are people who still fall for it because you would think that after these many years people would have learned that there's a scam like that one of my favorite things to watch on youtube is the uncovering of a scam and then like exposing the scam that that's always very rewarding i i who's it it's kit boga right who does the call he does that yeah there's there's like really advanced software engineers that like reverse the effect of all the software back on the people and that's always like pretty cool i i just sit there like yeah okay end game simplification look at my guy go yeah wow magnus we rod's doing well yes playing very well exchanging simplifying when he's a pawn up that's a scary move okay at least we have saved the bishop still not so easy to convert this but there's no increments so i'm just hoping that patrick can speed up and maybe play for time i just got followed on twitch by number one prince of nigeria just now just now and he wrote he wrote not all of us are scams you know he's he's never got prince i know he's he's number one amazing amazing wow well welcome to the stream good good good to have you here another king and pawn end game another end game where one guy has an extra pawn let's see if it's not so hard here but it could be with the extension of pawns on the queen side i guess but yeah it doesn't look like it yes snatching a draw from the jaws of victory here would be most impressive it would yeah totally i'm very worried that we are slow so we need we need to try to flag somehow here right is a pawn then and in a lost end game but time time could be our body yeah it should be pretty yeah wow impressive stuff here yes mine was playing very well no we're gonna that means we take the lead go subs impressive let's go here take everything yeah this is over he might stalemate hopefully no no oh no okay yeah maybe maybe maybe not wow there's a guy playing guess the move and he's guessed 36 times that's like very good that's insane he hasn't guessed 36 times correctly he's attempted he's 10 for 42 right now chad why do you keep asking what i'm eating this is what i'm eating there you go that's what i'm eating there there you go oh is that like is it chocolate no it's like um what is it like it's it's got it it's like turkish it's kind of like it reminds me like turkish turkish like turkish turkish delights that kind of stuff yeah those are really nice too yeah i got i got like a whole gift of this like this package like persian sweets from someone i know so it's like yeah it's pretty good stuff every time you beat alireza in a match he should send you a gift box i'm eating a thing called gods it's like it's from like isfahan it's um it's from a specific region in uh iran okay probably 92 maybe queen c2 here three months hey three months i feel like i've seen heat miser play for the last like half hour but that's just because they have boarded all their games true true very true yeah oh so he's up again right and patrick don't feel bad this was a difficult game this was very tough to get no one no one should feel bad even if you lose both games and you play the two worst games of your life like it's it's all for fun miser is playing this like a legend though oh oh he's playing this so beautifully this is such a pro oh oh no no it was all good it was like it was looking like a miniatures looking perfect yeah yeah rooksy was a peculiar decision but it was so good now you'd love to go 95 but you can't quite do that yet let's see what it does i'm curious how it will follow up because queen d3 now then bishop g6 rook e3 to be able to move the queen out of the pin possibly he also had knight g3 bishop g6 is a great move yeah i like it finally controlling the g3 square not the line knight g3 anymore and also we could trade on the e5 bring the rook to e8 i like it we are taking the initiative here guys i have a question for you um so let's say someone reaches out because they want to do some sort of brand partnership like this one specifically for like merchandise and then they stay they they typo the name so they call you like levi or like whatever like they they like you know let's say they call you anya instead of like if you're if they do that that's like one thing right like that's that's bad obviously a cold email typo i had a guy add me on linkedin and spell my name wrong like it's it's right there mm-hmm yeah i think that's a is that bad that yeah maybe it's not the best of uh a business collaboration that they don't know your name um i had the same feeling about some of the business emails i get like one was about i'm not going to name them but it's a it's an e-learning platform that's not chess but they want more chess content now on that e-learning platform so they they told me that they would be interested if i could make lessons or videos for them and what did they call you oh they knew my name but they said it's also fun if you don't have any experience in education if you have never done any teaching it's like really have you have you checked what i have been doing so far yeah i i i can definitely say that over the past like three four months i mean you know he he car was a god so he doesn't have to deal with this kind of stuff that's not true at all i mean i got an email the other day on linkedin where basically i was offered i think one of the it wasn't i i wasn't offered a job but they said like would you want to like join the military police so um yeah as like an investigator so i actually got an email which is pretty funny because i i used to read jack reacher all the time that's like the premise of that whole series so it's pretty funny wow it's really really funny but yeah i got an email on linkedin the other day yeah yeah i i was gonna say that over the past like three four months obviously these things have been have been have been coming in like more for all of us and i and i love the ones like some are written very much tailored toward you because they like have done their research on this stuff but some are written and you're just like man you copy pasted this to like 30 people because you typed the most generic stuff yeah oh man i remember i got a few like youtube partnership ones and i was just reading them like i respect the hustle wait was there a knight of five trick there like a move ago knight g3 i was very worried about knight f5 and it's still an option um maybe we are fine because the queen still has one square to move to i think he wrote to gm3000 for reading with a party of 63. thank you so much to a road um uh road to gm3000 thank you man we're doing a sub battle right now between myself uh levi rosman of course uh and anya rudolph with ph make sure to write it very very very competitive very competitive sub battle here uh our uh okay one of our guys has seven seconds with no bonus time true yeah yeah no chance exchange off full black so can he mate himself okay not not anymore i was thinking bad trick bad shriek oh my god oh my god levi herku and anya there you go the dream team wow that yeah well done patrick wow very all right who's up next um because that was the whole round right uh-huh guys team what what is this like what are we doing here i mean i guess it's just it's it's it's early on the pacific i don't know people just that doesn't mean there's people um the people who are here i mean it doesn't mean uh that my people for my people it's this early in the morning though that that is true they could they could be from singapore where it's you know 11 at night right now but true true very true yeah true i think would it what effect on on you going into title tuesday would it have if your subs like crushed versus if they like tank like does it have are you just like ah whatever i'm just gonna go do my thing like it doesn't why would it affect me because i can't personally influence a result i know but like like you if you get frustrated watching the absolute nonsense unfold in front of you like like does any of that carry over or like do you just you know you just like yeah doesn't it it doesn't matter but i can't affect it so why would it matter well i'm just i don't know like you you saying i have no control over what happens in the sub battle um so or do you right i don't know maybe listen i don't know just okay there's a good move here will he see it or not he may see it out of all the moves that he could play that was probably i think i'm not gonna lie guys i think he thought he was castling there oh you thought he's doing the tyler1 okay oh yeah queen b1 rather than maybe no but mr yellow had the right idea that it's about the h7 pawn right that's true yeah i was supposed to go bishop h7 that was obviously queen b1 was it was it was a decent idea to attack yeah those you were wondering there was a tyler1 he did play chess very briefly on stream like maybe two months ago and he tried to castle with his queen he tried to castle the queen to the king to to the uh to the queen side so that's a reference point bishop uh okay i would have i would have not done that but five was tempting yeah so probably 94 next move maybe night at night 94 knight f6 um there's rookie one also can white sack no that doesn't work does it uh i don't i mean it looks looks nice but yeah i i think the first plan is just the will he find it in all of this chaos true all right that's a good move rooting for i guess i should be rooting for hikaru from here on because levi you have too many points already yeah this feels like the first first sub battle where where my team is not competitive it seems like so far these things are so random because that's like at this level literally anything can happen and sometimes it just goes like completely in one direction like we for the most part are very balanced but yeah that always is the uh true although something might be happening very soon here yeah i'm worried about this even if it's not my team is this winning practically speaking yes it's definitely winning but you have to see the idea and i don't think the idea is obvious here yeah attacking the e5 pawn just don't take the knight that's just just don't do that just move your king man okay good yeah will he see it [Laughter] it's not over my guy's going to do something crazy don't don't bad it protects the pawn it's it's it's okay it's okay it's still a game it's still a game and knight thing idea to d6 holy crap what a terrible move um it's a very interesting idea wow believe that the e5 was pinned why wasn't oh man there are so many ways to win this position oh god oh god i feel like he's just gone i know i i don't know if hikaru can still hear me but this feels like he's watching his kid play and his kid just missed maiden one like 30 times and he just like leaves and he's just like whatever man my kid could do what he wants and like the kids like winning he's like playing a good game now the kid's going to be like i'm done dad i won but dad's already so demoralized hikaru's guy is winning by a lot he's really winning here oh man he is oh man yeah he's doing a great job mr yellow but daddy is missing it uh oh now what has to not flag oh my god he's gonna win all his pieces he's gonna literally take everything yeah he's saying that one by one oh my god just resigns doesn't even go for the flag oh can we hear blackheadless times but yeah he could have tried he could have tried what a game though by mr yellow amazing attack yes that was that was a that was a good game car was gone he is his and now it's time for yamato to jump into the ring ladies and gentlemen we have the black faces here world famous league coach and caster yamato canon playing for team anna yamato is a very strong player but he's not fast so he he he knows he needs to practice his bliss chest especially with that increment um so this is a challenge in terms of the time management because he's a very good player wait what happened what happened i missed it the yellow has won oh he did win okay good oh well we've got yamato yamato is playing the one and only the legend yeah exactly i was just saying that uh from the lesson i gave to yamato i i've noticed that he has like really good foundations about opening principles middle games tactics he's a very aggressive attacking player but he's not really accustomed to blitz chess so time management will be crucial in in his games i believe because he's not that fast so a couple things annie you said that he he played like it was it like under 11 you said he was uh he was like a champ he was champion of sweden or something yeah i don't remember what age category if it was 11 or 13 i forgot but uh he he competed as a kid so there are two things that i've added since you said that which is first of all it makes sense that his fundamentals are pretty good because i i find that in your european style it's much more about that when you're growing up and learning and secondarily of course since he's from the eu he would never play blitz because blitz is just like this terrible american thing it's like you don't want to think you want to be stupid and you want to follow your impulses and do do like all kinds of random stuff so it totally makes sense that that um that he doesn't like blitz because he shu so yeah yeah exactly it's true that we are not too big on on blitz chess here especially when it comes to uh over the board tournaments but i have faith in in yamato he has been trying to to play more blitz games because i i told him that if he gets into pogchamps the tiebreaker is blitz so we need to take care of the blitz chest too yeah ooh that's not a good move okay what a weird structure yeah french defense with everything closed but the h file let's see which player locates the correct squares and secures control over them it's hard very hard here yeah it is very wow what a fascinating position i mean you you can play it it's not about moving about it it's not wow well anna said something earlier let's see if it's actually true here uh i don't yeah i mean from a pr it's not for this level it's definitely not a bad move guys the eval bar is going to be tanking for like the next like 10 years probably yes yes i know it i know that's a gangster move mafia has arrived for their monthly payment pay off and the follow-up let's see what's the follow-up god this man built a house for his king and just didn't build a roof like he just because he's okay guys got no room for the oh oh nice okay wait but wait it's not over it's not over because um yeah why black has to yeah black has to play black has to play the right move once again move too yeah it's not easy to find i mean at least we we could say this like there is one move here that is like with the pawn that's better than the other move with the pawn but there's a really really good move oh my god no matter where the bishop sacrificed for checkmate on a1 i'm so proud of you wow hi highlights video hi follow real gotham chess on instagram thanks yeah anytime we have moments oh and i'm not talking about daily dose by the way i'm talking because anna's probably gonna make some highlights for this you're gonna find that like there's a crazy move here too there's okay this is from a3 i think was actually even was really really beautiful but i mean very hard to find it was the sexy move oh and then oh my god it would have been rook a3 and then c2 and then and then b2 and c1 knight [Applause] but anyway yeah all right we would just go for b1 and take the yeah yeah yeah totally i think this is a really good practical choice too for the attack oh god that that was so nice earlier today i had an attack where i had a straightforward move and i had a move that led to like a five move sequence where i under promote to a night with check and then i'm up a rook and i went for that and i missed the move in the middle and then i was just losing and i was so pissed uh i was so pissed i was like under promotions tonight's are so nice and uh we could have had one in this game well by the way my boy mr cannon here he's actually hanging in somehow yeah jay shaper is still trying to hold it together and we are low on time both yeah both players getting a lot of time so this is still not easy don't play queen c3 either queen c1 queen c3 okay that's a weird one but logical very logical very yeah it's just not so easy to convert it and they are both down to 20 seconds there's no increment that's moves what bishop d2 probably tries to trade not really oh nice move nice jesus oh it's over there we go there we go checkmate next move wow this is fine too don't go up don't go up are you sure are you sure are you i take it take it oh it's just oh it's not made i mean he has to find me it is it is almost oh please no please don't fly all right no he's going to flag him he's going to flag him i mean there's just no way you got to give checks beautiful what a finish yamata you did it very nice game by yamato wow that was crazy excellent game and this is just the first yamato will play yet another game right it might have been like the best game by an 1100 i've ever seen like he just played really really well i'm telling you he's so strong he just needs to practice a bit more bliss but in this game he was also fast i'm really impressed what a game i think it's not mr yellow against yamato exactly yeah also if anybody wants to go to the profile of um yamato canon one uh he's got a beautiful shirt on i've been scouring the internet for that shirt and i can't find it i think he got it like custom made or something really i don't know because i can't find it it's a beautiful shirt oh man but he's messing up this game bad what he's doing some weird stuff here that just looks like a normal shirt like i think it's like i think it's like golden silk embroidery it's like oh it's a really cool shirt i think it was fairy dust on it too it's got like his initials embroidered as well oh no what's going on here it's it's a it's a it's a very it's a nice shirt bishop h5 back okay now white is okay if we oh okay i mean it's it's weak but it's not that bad oh man this game he's playing weird not so easy to start one game after the other i think he was still perhaps under the effect of their first game yeah that i've definitely experienced that um and this is tricky now if black yeah it's very complicated it's not straightforward anymore yeah lovey you have a very strange uh fashion sense i will say that i you guys your fashion sense reminds me a lot of lavon actually i don't know why that's what i think of a lot of fashion yeah it's like i think i think you have the same fashion style that he does but then i'm confused because you you have this pineapple shirt right but do you have other prints do you have like some hawaiian shirts i just have yeah i've got like three or four of them but are you you're a solid solid color guy yeah well i just figured if you have like some shirts with pineapples and stuff like you you would like floral shirts or something for example i mean okay like not really but okay i i like our piece back apart from the nice shirts unfortunately for yamato this is now a piece down and the bishop f3 is a huge threat yeah he's gonna lose a lot of material here anna what is your fashion sense like you know everybody has to see karu and levy's fashion sense but no one asks how is anna's fashion sense just lipstick forever even when you go to sleep put lipstick on i think that's key key to being anna wear lipstick all the time i think for me that's probably my next step like black red blue lipstick purple lipstick you know just i mean it's 20 20. it's almost 20 21 right so might as well be as fluid as possible yeah you could try this that that would give you a no you don't have a fashion icon you know what i like that that anna does that you can't do lovey and i can't do it she's like she's got a lot of like really nice jackets like she's got that like that jacket look and like you you and i like i can't we we we could not pull that off yeah every time every time i go to a store online store i don't leave the house anymore but like an online store and there's like leather jackets like nice jackets i'm like someone would look good in that no oh no no there's hope there's hope not only for jackets but back rank mates too maybe oh not anymore oh i got yeah hold on hold on hold on well now yeah you can take both rooks wow oh no so what are you saying no i was okay now it's yeah yeah bishop won't give back rank me no i was just saying like uh i look at a jacket and i'm like that would look really good on someone but not me i i can't i can't rock the uh the leather jacket look i just yeah maybe one day and this game we are a queen down but we have more times i'm hoping there's a miracle that reflect the opponent yeah maybe next couple of moves we'll see if black plays it correctly there's probably no hope but wow wow mr yellow is really on point wow very nice probably two too many pawns on the board for style mate yamato is trying he's trying to hide the king but it's going to be making a few moves that wasn't perhaps the oh god still this game unfortunately went wrong from the opening with that pin once the knight was taken on f3 and the white king side got damaged it was really difficult to make a comeback from there yamato you tried your best thank you so much for playing for the team he's saying that two games in a row was too much to handle for him i can totally understand that i cannot understand it but you played the first game so well very proud of your time management and the attacking skills excellent yeah i thought that pre that first game was really really good by the way what are we what are we like what exactly are we looking at right now i don't know i don't know you know what is knight f6 man i mean okay this is going to be a fun game interesting or a weird game but yeah something like that oh by the way no no was talking about the attack i was just going to say that you you need to watch the what because we were all amazed by by that queen side attack how you launched it king d7 and all the rest of the attack with b4 and the sacrifice so it was it was a really good game and you played so fast as well which i i pointed out that could be an issue that you normally don't play blitz chest and not without increment i i went so far as to call it the best game i've ever seen from an 1100 yes so that's that was uh that was a that was a very nice game yeah and then you started to analyze yamato's shirt collection which was also a very important part of our insights yes um he has like a goat shirt collection i think so so you know i like lavons but some are a bit much some are a bit much like you know if you look at a shirt and it kind of hurts your eyes that it it's just a little too bright like i love lavon shirts but some you're just like what's stop i need dark mode on that you know okay someone's gonna ship that to him i'm sure that's okay he'll he'll give he'll give a reasonable take i think levon is got bigger things to worry about right now yeah yeah he also really likes colorful pens i think what's interesting about levon's fashion sense is that the the pattern shirts yeah but also green red and all sorts of different color trousers yeah that that to me i've never gotten there like i would wear black can you imagine hikaru just like walking around the csm facility oh wait hikaru you look really good in this a black tsm shirt and white jeans right you got to get white jeans someone sent this man white jeans yeah and like a gold chain with a dollar sign on it oh my goodness yo let's get thug hikaru okay all right wait that would look that'd look on point i i'm i'm i like it i like it i've never worn white jeans and i have you have you because i can't wear white pants like i just i'm just like no i do you guys uh do you guys wear ripped jeans back in the day oh i still do no i've i've never been into that i love ripped jeans the more rip the better i uh i couldn't because every time i put my foot in i would just rip open the whole like yeah that's an issue you need to be very careful putting them on yeah yeah see well i'm i'm a dumb ass like that's my you know that's what holds me back i'd be like i'm trying to put these pants on yeah and then like you know now it doesn't look like ripped jeans for a designer it looks like i you know took jeans out of a dumpster so um yeah oh we should do that we should like instead of wagering subs we should wage your outfits and if someone loses in the sub battle we have to dress up a certain way so it's not crazy yeah interesting move i looked over at jakarta's chat and someone said black is playing perfectly and then black played knight c3 no what i can't understand with ripped jeans is like like why do you want ripped jeans like why are you paying money for a product that's defective yeah anna yeah anna your response i don't know i feel kind of cool wearing them it makes me feel like a rock star yes rockstar hikaru your response it's for tmz chess i mean you you like it's like what would i would i buy like ripped underwear no would i buy like a ripped shirt no because like the product needs to be like new compact right like as advertised would you buy a car without a bumper right right you know it makes you feel like you know i'm so sad i'm not wearing my ribbed jeans but even these ones that don't have holes on them like they have like patterns that look like they were patched so even if they don't have poles they have the the patches but yeah i i like them i think they look cool but yeah you got you gotta i think it doesn't matter what each person likes as long as you feel comfortable in your own skin where what you want to wear it's the most important that yes you feel good within what you're wearing yes right be a good person and you know all those other things so this is becoming a game again by the way um both oh we missed the night wow yeah bishops go he also missed the night he also missed the night and they both have no time come on you gotta move 10 seconds big threats here keep going keep going go go go go go go go go go go just go just move just move just move that's a bad move but just move go go oh the night got taken it hasn't moved you can't just move dude just move just move all right well i think white wins this yeah because of time time yeah neither player can move quick enough we've seen people clutch it out but yeah this guy's took a second for move it's just like yeah well go uh go go well don't hit her my team is up and down man we win two and we lose two look at that look at my team just goes all in or or all out i mean yeah okay i feel really good about your suggestion larry since my team is leading but i i thought that yeah it would be a fun idea but how would you picture the system how would we do it i i don't need a you know an excuse to dress up in some flashy stuff so i would do it recreate i just i want to lose now but i think we so if you're third if you are the last one on today's competition which you could still be uh no not really you're gonna choose your outfit is that what you're saying uh sure there's no way that let me finish this third you you can you can do it i i still think hikaro would look would look would look uh i was gonna say a a word which i guess could be misconstrued so i'm just gonna say he would look really good and look really hot is that what you're gonna say no i was gonna say you know what i'm just gonna say you'd look banging in a tsm shirt and white jeans i mean you look that that that's you know not that you know not it's just that it's a good you know you look you know you look you look damn nice that's all i'm saying um yeah i i don't know why these guys have boarded several times but uh another game is on dna here for team anna but uh yeah i like the suggestion of the tsm outfit yeah probably would be pretty easy to find white jeans here it's la yeah what uh who is like the the the peak of jeans i mean i know in the states we have our we have our our brands but um who who sells like the best quality jeans i don't actually know anna not a crew i mean i usually just buy levi's but i mean that's just because they're generic and what you find everywhere but i don't know if they're actually the best bishop okay take with bishop yeah i was gonna say levi's that's that's that's always the one that yeah i think that's the goal to answer but i don't know if actually they are the best quality or just the most known diesel yeah versace yeah yeah i'm a decent i'll get a versace here and there oh boy that was not a good move the knight is hanging and now it captures the bishop yeah question for you of course levi does levy bear leave eyes uh one of my favorite uh jeans that i ever got was was was a pair of levi's and i i wore it for years until i got too large and they got too small yeah i uh i wore them from like eighth grade up to like the first year of college like i i i had them forever yeah um guys what's the most expensive article of clothing you've ever bought um i mean probably for me it would be a suit it would just be a suit but that's not like does that even count yeah no suits no suits okay um [Music] i think i actually bought a 200 pair of jeans once um i forget what the brand was it might have been diesel actually i think it's very possible that it was you still have them uh no i don't i hear good things about diesel my 500 jacket i mean jerseys yeah jerseys cost yeah i'm trying to think which one was the most expensive i bought but i generally don't buy very expensive clothes because i feel like i'm i'm gonna get bored of them so i like i i like having more items than than two very expensive ones but shoes i think i i always try to buy really good shoes because that's also for comfort and make sure that you're well like the way you walk and that it you don't get actual um consequences from wearing bad shoes yeah i think shoes are important that you have good ones that's something that i don't think love your eye can relate to honestly no no i've only recently started buying like shoes that are really good for your for for walking because of back pain and like running so i i invested in hocas they were really comfortable it was like 150 right yeah that's what i'm saying i don't i don't actually yeah jimmy choos are slightly pri they're probably slightly differently so they're saying honestly probably like 300 for one article of clothing i don't think i've gone too insane like like a winter coat or something but uh i remember when i was in russia i was like walking around uh the mall looking for a winter coat and i still have it to this day and i was and they had mink coats and i saw many coats up close and personal and they were like thirty thousand dollars [Music] yeah for folks for um i would definitely not want that even if it was gifted to me really no oops what just happened the whole story behind animal cruelty when you think about how those codes are all right well uh yeah what was that that was rejected did you did you crash for a second zoom just crashed yeah zoom should be zoom is just overvalued 400 mil 400 billion dollar stock yeah oh we rotated we rotated uh camera images wait let me let me turn mine off and on maybe that'll rotate it well oh oh for me it doesn't matter but i guess for you guys in the right spot yeah no like that actually literally was just um that was just zoom and just zoom just died very weird very very weird yeah i don't know what happened but i think we are back no we're we're good no we're good we're good yeah no but i know zoom because also the quality the like the quality what no i was just i was trying to rotate us back to and now you are recording my end card with you oh sorry but i i am is it good on your end because i can try to change it manually you try you go next okay well i'm gonna have to change it too um uh thank you oh no okay let me try to fix this yeah meanwhile this game has been insane yeah and that's my player one guy just got three pieces on the second rank go here go hikara right well played by hikara and danny don't worry this there's a second game there's a second chance you're gonna try to fix the cameras in the meantime yeah okay uh so my guy it's another guy who won two games so my guys either win two or zero so based on the pattern the next guy's going to lose both games yeah good point and dna has to play one more right you you you all have to play yeah exactly yup when they're playing now what is whoa it's a weird opening yeah i think normally playing ip5 too early you have to be careful when you do that knight a3 and knight c2 i'm i'm sorry i i'm no worries no worries you were just describing the the cause you saw what yeah i i don't think i could i would just feel bad for the animals in general so i don't know those coats are what is that animal behind you or is it oh no that's a ghost what is that this one it's it's a ghost it was oh my god oh okay yeah i i i don't use anymore because you rotated i actually saw i like i saw that now because before it was levy up there and levy of course is just a boring like white wall [Laughter] with the lava lamp right right right actually lovey where'd your where's your like arco uh my my monkey painting is in the living room yeah but you need that because it's like you need to look like more refined you need to look like a banana culture it it caused too much strife a lot of people hated it a lot of people yeah a lot of people yeah wow i don't know a lot of so but i i might put it up just in the room to for the acoustics but it just made you look so much more like culture yeah no no no i i didn't even know that it was like a hamlet reference for example well now we know but you said you're gonna get a sculpture soon right so that that will be the new decoration yeah yeah first the one that i'm getting sent that i'm gonna get like a like a michelangelo style mold of hikaru oh my god you know it's gonna it's gonna have tsm covering you know what and then it's good wow that's actually oh my god what is it what is wrong with you dude oh my god i just i want to make content all right we come together once a week or twice or or two times a month to make content and mike someone just resigned who just resigned oh the guy doesn't have a question unfortunately it's my team um dna it's okay happens we make content that is what we do um wow twig cup [Music] did you just pick two words like off a wall twig cup boom all right who's playing last i think it's liam right yeah yeah yeah dna don't worry i know you feel bad about it but really it happens it happens i know it's difficult to play under pressure when you know that uh hickory sculpture is being discussed angela style well i told i told the uh the audience from india that i would get a sculpture of vidit um i don't know if i can actually i don't know if anybody like makes sculptures i don't know if that's the shipping cost might be kind of high but true from uh you're you're you're you're you're uh you're having one of those days levy i feel like my life is one of those days you know [Laughter] i just i just think that the world is a better place if people are laughing so i just you know i just uh make jokes and it's all peace love and unity and time space and harmony and all those good things right exactly also my guy who's playing as an evil dog what a name an evil dog versus liam with the ricardo flair so who's winning you're you're winning right levi uh am i i don't know you're up by one right now yeah six five six five four yeah oh wow so i guess theoretic no i can't win right because there's no way i get two and someone else doesn't get two you could uh no you could get two and anna's guy could beat my guy and we all tie six six six and it's good yeah we're all supporters of satan nurses oh that's okay okay i see the point yeah supporters of who what what satan the the devil number six six six oh oh oh right sorry actually yeah you're right you're right you're right it's 18 that's gonna really scare some people so look we gotta make sure to we've got the clickbait already let's do it yeah but we'll see what happens right yeah these are these are the chat questions that i live for someone in my chat just wrote their first message in in two weeks and said is new york a depressing place guys can we just enjoy the sub battle why do we have to come on you know what what well it must be right because you're leaving aren't you lobby maybe i think maybe no new york city of course seven percent tax come on guys where are you moving on we already have your i'm gonna go become a texan that's what i'm gonna go do oh really my my my states are limited in terms of okay you know yeah so i don't uh wow i don't know oh my this h file thread of checkmate in one yep oh i mean it was a check actually i should be happy here of course i should be rooting for liam yes checkmate on the board well done and next up is i wish you a happy day one of my favorite usernames we're headed towards 666 totally yeah at this rate okay here we go next game so there are what three games left right two two i was thinking yeah another two you're right two yeah all right evil dog take us to the promised land no way against that chicken oh so that's that's poor at yeah and the borah profile picture have you guys watched it by the way borah too i haven't i got uh like three quarters of it i watched it in waves i couldn't handle uh you know it's almost it's on netflix what's it on um uh an amazon video oh sorry okay okay all right okay yeah okay yeah i did watch the the full one and and i found it hilarious also if you if you look into how many of the scenes were filmed as like a real real place like a real campaign real gathering a real interview and such like i don't want to spoil it in case some of the viewers haven't seen it but it's amazing how much dedication it required from the actors and the actresses to to actually film those scenes because they are pretending it's real true and so they could have they could have gotten into real trouble at um at the parades and all the political campaign styles and the interviews i once again i want to call out names but you guys should watch it because it's it's really interesting how it's a comedy but at the same time it exposes a lot of issues with american politics that makes sense yeah i'll have to watch it at some point i've just been yeah i don't watch tv anymore so it's hard yeah i i totally get you i've just finished the queen's gambit but it took me two weeks to catch up and find time to watch it okay night uh anna anna's guy has such a such a wholesome username yeah yeah so this is anna's guy versus oh evil duck okay got it how are we feeling for title tuesday and are you playing i feel pretty no no i'll be watching i've been too watching it's too stressful yeah well i just uh i basically i i don't think i'm gonna play today but like yeah i uh i jump in there to to play against like gm's and then when i when i get some nice wins it feels good the problem is that like staying consistent for three hours is just like oh it's hard and it's not 3-0 what's so hard about that levy it's just chas uh well speaking of um just chess uh we discovered that one of my players who's now black on the scoreboard was uh um he was rated like 1100 like a month ago uh-huh and i think today he lost 16 games [Music] so i don't know if that's coincidence but uh you know there is an investigation on currying ongoing currently so um don't do that don't do that that's that's not cool to do like even if you are a hardcore fan of hikaru levy or myself and you want to represent our teams and help us the most possible it's not cool with us if you lose on purpose just to decrease your rating to then play so hopefully that's not the case but for now i guess we are not counting that board what do we do with it levy yeah that was uh wow that's quite a that's quite a quite quite a process i mean you know guys it it let's put it this way it doesn't look good when before the two games you won in sub battle you lost 15 straight games it doesn't look good at least try to hide it you know like yeah at least try to hide it like you know it happens uh you do go on losing streaks but it you know it doesn't help your case when your best wins like 1400 or something like you know this stuff stuff is tricky for the most part you know it goes well but uh yeah it's just not cool because um the issue is uh we're gonna figure it out and we will not be happy about it at all so it's it's not worth trying to do it because the moment we figure it out you just subscribe you're in trouble and it everyone will know that you're in trouble so it's it's it's the opposite of what you wanted to achieve now cool not cool yeah this is uh meanwhile happy day is not having a happy day although he could still flag um they're both down to their final 16 seconds i hope that he can make a quick move i wish you're happy i wish you speed i wish you all the speed huh speed and some checkmate ideas with queen g2 queen yes yes yes oh my he took with the wrong it's okay we can't wait on time we're coming on time just keep it up keep moving fast fast fast face anything anything move move he did it i was so nervous with 0.9 seconds that is wild and uh we we continue our o2 and 2-0 amazing we are going for the tie at the end uh although now without the you're under 900 player yeah maybe we should just know that board overall so that number i just don't know what we're gonna do with the under 900 boards um whatever you guys want to do it or if we shall we get another player um we have time don't we or we just know it i mean or we can just annul it i mean i would think just annoying would make it the fairest i i don't i mean we didn't wager anything i don't we we could no we could do whatever we do up to you guys i i don't mind really well i think i think we should i think it's fair it's just to just to i don't know i mean so so my guy beat your guy right levy or b or no beat dna right yeah yeah okay and then yeah whoever was on your team lobby beat both of us um yeah i mean maybe it's ferris just leave it standing as is we can uh we can replay i got james dash in the chat volunteering to play another league guy another league guy in the chat awesome you know so yeah we could replay that uh dna is still here so he's saying he can replay too if needed okay then yeah then let's let's just do that because we have time i think this is the last game right i think so mm-hmm wow okay i'm gonna ask him liam vs i wish you a happy day is the last game is it yeah so i think yeah we need someone to to jump in and play two games yeah for uh levi i'll get i'll get i'll get him in one second that's such a bad move and the bishop is a gun oh my goodness what a great move what a move [Laughter] they just wouldn't take the queens but now it's gonna be gone no it's not gone oh my gosh this is unbelievable there's also rookie five yeah that was miss dude the queens were hanging on so many occasions just collecting every free piece but he was hanging before the queen constantly hanging [Laughter] oh my gosh this game um i look back at the board and one guy is down a rook bishop in the night what is going on oh were you not here levi no i i was i was oh okay oh okay your geeks are coming okay yeah guys okay let's see uh okay that i don't even know what to say literally bishop e2 was stopping check me oh my god that is content oh no this is such a roller coaster but i wish you were happy that you did so well with hanging queen guys i'm going to need both your players so twig cup and dna right to go into live chess um yeah and uh yeah uh so twig beat dna so that's the only result that stays because right actually and my mana my man james dash will um we'll have to carry us to the promised land he's got to win two games here game on here we go twig cop so james dash jumping in for team gotham on the under 900 board oh it's perfect too yeah he's right under 900 that's really that's really nice okay let's see oh he's playing the ready okay yeah you guys this is lcs dash this is this is flip the board uh oh that's true yeah i should watch from twitcup's perspective let's go james i believe in you this man is here to save the day well we want to 666 of course yeah if we don't get that i mean what even what even his life okay now how well does he know his king's indian attack positions that's a very refined move it's not a move i would expect an 800 to play yeah it's very deep if he now pushes f4 and then brings the knight back excellent play by james we are really going for the 666r and we yeah guys no need to throw by the way uh twig cup and dna you're in charge [Laughter] you are in charge of your team's destinies right now you know um that is that is what you are what you are after but that was not a good move he should not have taken the pawn no he should not have yeah it was the right idea to push f4 but then you need to not take on e5 although this could still be interesting depends on the continuation and trade on c4 um not ideal sir uh we is this still okay bishop g5 okay okay okay there's like one tactical thing here that is doable but for fetched uh true true yeah no there's a pretty good tactile idea for white oh man r.i.p tactical idea yeah not possible anymore oh um that's a good move yeah you guys this is james dash the the league desk guy it is okay not to put them all against each other but who's more famous who yamato or james or james dash yeah i mean but i think it's just a different area because one would be at the player i mean it's it's gotta be amanda it's got me obama alright drama chadron no i'm sure they have both it's got to be yamato right i'm pretty sure it's your motto but maybe not no it's not maybe okay definitely dash okay dash is winning all right got it yamato we love you we love you yeah i think yamato but yeah both of them are legends of um of their trade so we really appreciate that both yamato and james decided to take part of our sub battle today thank you so much i uh what's called um i've called i've called yamato everything i've called him yamato i've called him yamato yeah i think it's a difficult name to pronounce uh yes i'm saying the dash is more popular in north america but yamato is more known in europe and south korea where he coaches i did see that he had a flight post from uh korea never been to uh south korea yeah i haven't or north korea oh you've never been in north korea levy nope oh okay pyongyang seems kind of interesting um yeah maybe 95 here white's playing well um somebody in my chat said they're from west korea nice nice nice by the way so someone in my chat asks i love you do you like do you get like free swag from various chess tournaments or not what no no okay because like that's all that's my entire like dr that's all i wear is like jackets and sweaters and things i got from various tournaments because someone asked they're like do i just have the same jacket but in 20 colors which is pretty much true uh ostrovsky ostrovsky my friend he got some shirts from like charlotte chess center for example oh okay yeah and uh yeah he he wears a lot of those yamato is joining in by the way on our debate he's saying dash is amazing he's the man i think both of them are absolute legends as hosts and casters and really really appreciate that you guys are here with us it's it's huge that chess has gotten into the esports arena this is really tight by the way this is not over both players have 10 seconds dash has to move oh eight seven okay come on twig come on twig keep thinking down oh my oh black is too many oh oh oh no oh no there's a checkmate james james it was close it was so close game if he had been closer there maybe even faster sorry um i think he would have won that he was a little bit too slow around the time when he played e5 a touchdown but he played very well that was actually a very good game very balanced it was really good pushing e5 then getting the rook to the seventh rank i think james played that part very well but as you said time management was an issue right and at the final game that's my player dna against james yeah now dna has a chance to uh farm a seventh point and uh oh did he just cheese him he just cheesed him with e5 oh oh no he was pre-moving oh yeah james wanted to be faster so he pre-moved that's a pity because e5 yeah it's not really a common move there right well i should be happy i guess because dna is now pizza but i don't want to see james struggle true true well oh this is sad [Music] wins now it's not like the double score anymore it's a boeing score then oh right it's not quite 777. but oh it's 767. oh yeah yeah of course 767 right that's that was an airplane yeah of course or no 747 sorry so yeah 747 wrong wrong wrong number that's a it's a nice airplane but now dna is taking a lot of time i i hope he's still with us levi levi you're too young right you never flew in a se you never flew into any of the 727s right nope i i don't know maybe i did i don't have no idea oh you got to give me a year if you give me a year then i can i can tell you if i ever flew that year 727's i mean we're probably talking like um 727's that's what like 2 000 ish around then maybe 90s two thousands ish well if it's late 90s then i probably took my first flight when i was like six okay okay so 2 000 yeah i don't know you didn't like look at the the safety for sure and see what the model was of the plane i might have but i was five so okay okay yeah okay maybe i of course you do that now well actually no now you just look at your phone probably you don't oh that's true that's true yeah yeah yeah that's uh i don't know maybe when when was the first time that you guys flew i mean uh well i mean obviously i don't i i don't remember you mean like that i remember right because obviously i was born in japan so i was on a plane to the us um but you mean like first one that we remember right yeah um where'd you go first flight that i actually remember um it would have been let me think about this this is actually hard i have to think well hikaru is thinking about just some of the dnas with the rook up now so unfortunately for james it would take a miracle to make a comeback but there's no increments so flagging is an option yeah uh it was tough last minute replacement is kind of like in the ufc you know last minute replacements very rarely win unless they're tj dillashaw but he was on epo so it doesn't even matter um yeah but we really appreciate that james jumped in to save the sub battle because we were missing a player on that board basically yeah i mean it's not the first flight i ever flew on but i remember i mean i was on a flight from um i flew to japan in 94. i know it's 94 or 93 around then was probably the earliest that i remember i did i did see that those asking yeah paul felder stepping in i'm not actually yeah i i yeah yes uh one guy's down a rook it's not good and um that guy's also down 30 seconds it's also not good yep yep very true yeah yeah but james might might find a way there still are some tactics maybe some tricks yeah the knight is such a tricky piece and there's the time pressure for both i love how the number of people are like is this like riot dash is this league dash and yes it is you guys wait so anna when was your first flight do you remember um i think i wasn't that young maybe 13 going to the world youth championship in spain oh oh oh oh there's a good sequence here will we find it though or will we go for the other sequence there's a correct sequence and a wrong incorrect sequence yeah the other sequence was better yeah he could have taken a check yeah i was check on the king and then recapture the rook that was the correct sequence but it still may be a game keyword maybe i don't know about i don't know about a game but definitely keyword keyword maybe if if the time situation was reversed then yes that's the thing about the king's indian guys you can't you can't remove in the opening you get caught yeah pre-move yeah it's a dangerous thing to do but um this still could go i'm obviously rooting for dna to win this but uh there's no increment and uh it's a pizza but it's not that easy to convert this piece oh oh especially if it's gonna be it's gotta be taken now wow wow wow wow go go you got flagged last game learn from it go go go james oh man this is like running away from the last and the last impossible brutal oh man okay for james but well done dna well done on getting that final point for team anna i'm sorry for james because i feel like he kind of saved the sub battle by jumping in so we don't have to have that board empty and uh just a zero point for gotham without without fight so thank you so much james for doing it and i know it's a lot of pressure to play blitz games and no increment is a difficult one you played the first game really well especially the first game i thought that was going to be a win for james yeah no he played really well in that first game just yeah i was unlucky a little bit too slow but the 747 yeah which i believe was a double decker right levy isn't that the double decker that they stopped using like two years ago all right let me double check i think it is anna how's your aviation expertise um i have no clue about these models yeah yeah yeah i know that 747 they discontinued like two years ago because i mean my mom i actually bought her 70. just subscribe the double decker playing three three yeah yeah yeah because like it was like the last year it was 2017 or 2018 and i i bought her a business class ticket to go to japan and she was on the double decker so um so yeah that's why i'm familiar with it nice you didn't buy her the plane just just a ticket on it yeah yeah yeah just a ticket yeah okay but that's fair yeah no 747 they had the double decker so yeah all right my friends this was fun i think my chat has given me enough energy that i'll go wait a second wait a second levy before you go for the final words so you had a suggestion that if someone ends up being the losing caption yeah yeah yeah right you did say that you would be willing to wear the outfit that hikaru and i tell you to to wear on stream within reason yes within reason okay uh hey carter do you have any ideas or shall we take some time for this importance i i actually have a something really awful just popped into my mind um because we were thinking about borat i was i was wondering if um uh if lovey could maybe dress up as a as uh bruno another sacha bearing sacha barrack baron cohen character um nice kind of one c let me see i i will i will conduct my research and i will uh i mean it's up to you to now you you two have to figure it out and all right i would love to take that suggestion i think it's a good idea and we want to see your take on bruno how would you dress up to channel your sasha baronco and sledge bruno uh sure sure and uh my timeline for this is like five years so like a um give them like a probably like a couple weeks later if you need to yeah you may need to buy certain items unless you have them already in your wardrobe so yeah we can give you a few weeks i mean if lovey has those items in this wardrobe already i'm i'm i i'm i feel like i feel like uh lucy should be a little bit concerned let me leave i'm not i need to look up i need to look up how this person dresses because now i'm concerned you said bruno bruno yeah i don't know that character let me look it up that made me really curious just bruno uh sasha byron cohen i think it's bruno right yeah yeah oh interesting yeah i'm not i agree yeah i agree i caught 100 percent now that i have seen what i had to say hundred percent yeah so we'll uh let me take your time you can buy the items you need we wait for the shipping sure sure sure yep can do can do um we'll figure this out and uh they're mad so it's all good there are many different different uh outfits iterations of the bruno outfit yeah uh i think we should uh we should call it here so recover emotionally and uh we will do this again soon yeah absolutely this is one thanks so much guys and it's refreshing to not be the last this time especially when the stakes were this high yes have a great day everyone and good luck for title tuesday good luck to both of you if you're playing thank you anna thank you lovey thank you anna bye guys bye everyone
Channel: More GMHikaru
Views: 116,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru and Levy sub battle, Hikaru sub battle, Hikaru and gotham sub battle, hikaru, chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, nakamura, speedrun, magnus, event, chesscom, tournament, best channel, best video ever, best video, Hikaru commentates, Bromance, hikaru nakamura, hikaru sub battle, gm hikaru, hikaru vs levy, hikaru gothamchess, gmhikaru sub battle, hikaru reacts
Id: 8s0viqsN8HE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 23sec (7403 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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