4 Player Chess and Chips with Chopsticks, Match made in Heaven

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hello yeah good here everyone can my chat  hear me yeah I think they can hear me now yep this works there we go sorry scuff streamer  it's me budget a gabador American Academy tour   yeah let's make sure all the faces are like  equivalent size and if I need to move up or   a move so my camera up or down to your car just  tell me oh I like a better one it's budget more   critical I'd say I think I was more accurate  actually you look like am what you look like   Charlie I mean Charlie has the same hair and  beard I see although I had it first that's   enough I'm good to go yeah I'm good lovie are we  ready to kick some butt yeah yeah well I listen   the last time we allowed here cards introduced  I mean she does introduce somebody it was a we   got what do you mean he made her so shout out  to uh show nuts everybody watching on all three   channels you you know three of us and then the  the gentleman on whatever part of the screen that   you were whatever stream you're washing that's a  international master Alex Ostrovsky numerosity and   the greatest chess coach in the United States  maybe only two now I don't know I just how I   always type them up but please mine for lessons  at the end of the stream my invites are off good   start allow invites now they're on you can invite  me if someone hasn't clicked righty yet oh there I   just did it yeah I'm in here I think it was levy  right yeah I had them head them off okay so this   is just regular no it's team's regular teams  okay a better wife a 24:34 player playing wait   that Levy's alt account wait lady I should play  no I think you started a game with you guys in it   yeah that's lame is that the four player there's  like death for player God right there yeah oh my   god I was worried for a second Jesus all right  we love you why'd you leak your main four player   account like that yeah now you can't Smurf on us  yeah not cool sorry guys I know I actually I did   get to play a team's game with with two people  who are twenty five hundred and it was not fun   it's just - it's way too difficult another invite  I think everyone clicked it so that's this one   we should be good I mean levy I think you find  regular chess pretty difficult to so oh there's   three do you see like the the pride of the pride  of India is playing like we have like ours unary   everybody yeah Oh minute okay so it's 2:15 instead  of 1:15 this is a brand new time control for me   mmm okay okay alright so you know the drill we  go party car ooh no there's no no you just get   the Queen out then now right so there's all these  teams right they're not letting you get the Queen   out yeah they're really just noise oh that's all  right well Knights are good oh this is free for   all right just sorry just no no it's no it seems  it seems you and I Oh Cara oh I only ever played   teams with lovey so I know all his strats but he  knows all my strats okay okay he has one strat   and I'm the highest rated on the board the trash  talk is out the window okay but he'll re-envision   oh well he car was actually like 2700 but he's  doesn't play he wants to give me a chance so if   you caught oh actually play people not Lobby  I don't think I can get any of my pieces how   with how this is going that's I mean your last  move was a little peculiar I can't lie but um Shiyu if you get mated on move for that would be  or something else has happened before choose your   words correctly I I'm trying to figure out the  best way to defend here and all right how about   this move what how's this defending me cuz you  they're they're threatening all the Mons near   your King mm-hmm so if they so for example to  you if you make a move and then he carro attacks   you and so does man Voinovich you can lose so if I  defend this person I don't have any such malicious   intentions okay you know how to move one piece I'm  just trying to flex on flex with it you could like   like Knights out is is the best I'll do that I  think levy has a better idea what's going on lemme   knows exactly what's going yeah he's literally  like you do this you do that okay I can show   you I could turn off my brain now these dudes are  trying to checkmate me I defended to you and now   they're trying to beat me yeah that's not looking  too good maybe you should develop your knight this   time yeah that's what I'm gonna do then there's  this that's okay I'm not I'm not afraid and try   to attack maybe I don't know yeah yeah something  like that seemed to seem more reason sure they did   block her original intention yeah we have uh  it looks like we should have something set up   here right with one of us yeah because I also have  this one to like develop yeah that's fine I think   that's good yeah yeah any part we had a good fake  I they thought we were going for us later this in   the future okay yeah that's true true okay I'm  going mmm-hmm all right don't forget imp your   queen don't forget also also I have this don't  forget there's got to be something here we must   be yeah look I'm trying to see how he's going  respond mm-hmm see if there's anything opens up   okay all right um let's see here that's you wait  wait wait wait if you go here can't oh wait no   sorry that's your queen sorry this is this is  hard no but first it's me that is going to be   to you then her car you can team up anything yeah  if we're tacking lovey exactly so let's not attack   levy yeah just don't do it but I'm trying and you  don't have that and I take this though I could you   could do that and I do this and this maybe I don't  but then I have to worry about this right ah yeah   yeah yeah you're right so I'm going I'm going  to I'm going to do something a bit different   maybe maybe just here I'll show you how's your day  going it a little more out I'm doing well how it's   covered trees it's pretty levy all right I'm not  going to it's a time trouble I learned my lesson   in our earlier game okay I'm just going to be be a  little bit uh solid okay someone was winning here   though so I think there's gonna be some trick  with like something in here maybe no there's   there's nothing okay we at least have a positional  advantage here wait wait if I go here what does   she do okay I'm gonna go on the kill here okay yes  so now we're setting setting up sided yes lots of   it that's not very nice el bulli levy a car I  don't know how importance is but there is this   like Savior idea Oh true good point but it could  you signed up as a trade I mean I'm very afraid of   this yeah that's that that is the threat probably  should have went there with the Queen mm-hmm this   is highly unpleasant yeah what if we do we got  love you under one minute his rating drops by   half and that happens she why are you freaking out  you're actually not getting Chuck needed for I'm   not but I'm get freaking out for levee levees like  teammate if he loses I lose too but technically   if he gets amazing did you really lose you're  right maybe I should start thinking like that   maybe I should start thinking like that um so am i  I think it's just straight-up force mate honestly   don't see away holy crap there's no way this is  happening right right no the only move that I have   here is this oh no it doesn't even work and then I  get played that oh no cuz it's his next move he's   got the next move alright yeah I don't like it  they had for me because horse man no matter what   way what yeah they both see the mate I don't know  maybe the 1801 yeah yeah because now they have   this and then key card I was just slow rolling  that yeah all the seven checkmates you gave us I   don't have any check here yeah that's the exactly  so though they found that it was good it was good   good nice six move game here to kick things off  choose so on the first move that was underrated   that's yeah dude not cool that is not I mean come  on guys try to farm raining here I mean I put   something at stake we should put the im's together  and we should put the GM's together that's what we   should have done I'm gonna feel like you and she  were commentating like all week like maybe maybe   you just like should continue that tradition just  about that's true that's true okay well okay levy   what do I need to do I should bring my my my  game isn't even loading so I mean I don't know   why I wanted to change teams like a car is like  1650 you never know maybe you got a little lucky   there with it just a smoke checkmate okay we do  the same thing what they did right yeah the reason   that they want is literally they had two queens  that's it it's like two queens are ridiculous in   this mode okay okay are you all sad two queens  no we didn't not not not not for the first five   moves they were on the board okay uh no no it's  this is the best it's just move the Queen up   okay it's the best move okay I believe you after  that it's chaos but until then it's all the best   stuff okay like we should go you win at all so no  but you you'll play like this and I'll play like   that okay oh okay yeah I mean we're gonna have to  attack I mean everybody has to kind of attack some   so for example like this thing here here but  then I think there was this one aha okay okay   what are they doing okay here okay so just careful  right yeah I do that no it's not it's not a threat   I'm just saying like first okay sure I will be  careful though I will not get checkmated like you   a cautionary tale okay sorry they're going after  uni here yes they are cuz you've got a much bigger   point yeah I'm going to do this one that okay I  have to watch out for things happening like this   but yeah yeah I have to be a little bit careful  too but I think I just play this I think um yeah   hey Karthi probably yeah they're not in time to  do it but yeah right all right now I thought yeah that's solid let's go here I don't wait  I wasn't really did we start first last   game and now we started second yes  yeah be more defensive okay yeah I   was like why is it not as easy Wow  last one I didn't say last enlisted think you're filling in the blanks here  incorrectly alright if you say it's nothing   but respect I mean six moves twenty four moves  four players exactly that's how you have to   think about it and like unchaste accom you finish  your game as a go the average game ends in like   20 moves there we go mildly cut so what are you  doing here this isn't cool just here yeah I think   so we I don't know what I do what do i do i think  i think knights bishops yes generally pretty good   ideas actually i mean i said we're gonna try  straight Queens or attack somehow I don't you   really bunkered us but yeah everybody's really  swung card up kind I mean we do something like   that I think is me and you and Barker bunker it up  but they're not that's the problem right but we're   okay here I think we're doing pretty well I just  I don't know who's who's ahead cuz they've moved   the Queen's out too early so you don't check me  right away than I don't think actually moving the   Queens out works so well and they're not all up on  o'clock and loving okay alright I can do something   annoying too first it's my turn yeah you do that  so wait how about here so for example what did you   do like just looking at Tommy oh okay this idea or  I already like Bishop there maybe what's this much   is if I go Queen here there's a queen well it's  his move but I meant like this okay yeah got it   we can do that as we get if you go on Alex we get  two turns and yes obviously the you know the the   weakest link um no I'm gonna try it okay go get  slain who's the one who got made it Oh what okay   wait wait so uh I have a weird move I don't  really know there we go it had the intended   effect should I just take something know that then  then oh then the Queen's gonna be able to take so   we don't want to do that either I yeah I trust  your your greater judgment you know you I feel   like I feel like taking is strange because your  Bishop is a lot okay mm-hmm okay okay bishops are   a lot stronger than Knights though oh you didn't  finish your sentence well you played it right yeah what sorry oh you're okay it's t my deal was  if this happens I thought like maybe this could   benefit you this way yeah yeah of course um do I  want to do that good cuz everyone started flipping   out I was like good I just played the worst  move in history maybe honestly possibly yes   he's a very high chance that happened honestly  and that that you know we'll take any record at   this point even his teammate said okay mate might  be playing to you so yeah since uh Hikaru's next   move is gonna be taking back the Queen maybe  there's something that you can do like is this   okay wait wait let's let's think that would  sacrifice your queen and then I'd have gotten   definitely looking at this I know I know she's  gonna be good for you you get more whoa also   clear maybe what I mean if you take a pawn with  Chuck clubbing yes so when is your turn you can   go take this and then if he takes back oh that's  big brain that's big brain okay let's do it that   is big brain five head hmm nice move oh you know  what's also funny with this I'm so confused what   why is this they want this right but you go  first I know I'm just saying what they want   I'm so confused ah why is this so special though  can't you just wait and hear Carter what else we   can do is maybe I'm looking for stuff - exactly  that's totally what I'm doing also so this is this is great yeah I think weirdo and you  know what you know what else we have we   have this one coming in okay I think that was a  mistake by them that was a classic four player   chess exchange sacrifice I can't believe they  don't know that okay hold on no yeah yeah but   I actually thought that this was even better maybe  because he can't even but they meet a second okay   let's do that yeah yeah um okay I have to do it  wait oh wait no can't you yeah yeah yeah no you   have to your right you have to yeah just just  do it absolutely I feel like this is just too   dangerous to allow all this yeah because now your  King is very safe out of the center of the board   yeah okay so don't don't hang me okay so you go  here probably they're going for this right for   this yeah then this is the idea also they're  mainly saw strange ID like this yeah I mean I   think you should definitely take his bishop if  you get the chance Oh because otherwise there's   this cover detects mm-hmm they're fossils  oh you might not have time to do it yeah   think you need to save your king a car I hope  I hope later in this game something like this   happens like something so that I could look  like a total genius for a mine yeah it might   it might I already wanted I already wanted  to do that do that before like one of it one   of these yes where it's kind of something along  now yeah definitely like this I was looking now what wait a second hold up hold up you sure  that's safe I don't know your car how about   something like here then here then here this is  yeah yeah I like it I think it's I think it's   good it's very scary yeah I think it's good I  would use good - I think so I think it's very   good cuz Levy's not gonna have time to check you  with tonight no cuz your your honor to you what   about that so that that's guarded and untrue has  no threats on you or I correct yeah she's only a   hey hey we got a good move practice pays all that  okay so who goes next love you goes next okay so   I get rid of all the current arrows out there we  go whoopsie so his levees gonna want this one may   be right but this this one yeah it's not so easy  very long pieces but pretty safe too this is like   scary this is my one contribution to you oh my  god Anna's gone but can't you just do this yeah   that's what I'm gonna do she you I think next  thing maybe here okay I just mean I don't have   any more attacking pieces right but so basically  it's all you it's yeah it's all me versus she   you or should I take with the Queen or should I  take with a knight hmm I'll take with a knight   this seems more natural right we got a free move  yeah I just gave Queens come off then I don't know   what's going on cuz then they're no queens left  on the board so it's really hard to figure out mm-hmm oh okay yeah that helps actually cuz they  can take it right do we want to take it yep yeah   of course okay maybe this no I feel like I  should keep oh wait wait wait I I definitely   gotta move oh but yeah there is that yeah yeah  yeah go here I guess just yet maybe with tempo   yeah I mean I'll definitely take the knife for you  because otherwise I feel you're pretty screwed so   yeah wait so I guess here here I mean it's very  dangerous though okay okay you probably have to   yeah we don't have a lot of pieces that's  the problem yeah it's okay let me do it I   mean basically it's it's you should move the came  because I don't think I like that once you're able   to get this guy out and you know actually I wait  yeah so you're gonna move the rook or something   right like here and what about this so right okay  that works wait can you go here protect so move   next oh they're trying to do this yeah because I  mess it up you should move the work to what may   be here this is intense here and then on here  you want this or yeah yeah I have to take the   pawn next one oh yeah yeah no no you yeah this is  this is this is setting up some good ideas uh-huh   I like it I like it should I just take it yeah  yeah car how are you only missing a night from   your Ridge okay now you're missing the right to  somehow you kept all your pieces right I mean   it's like basically just don't get checkmated  by my GS because if you play bad then there's   this no actually I got it oh well she's the only  one who can track me you cuz lovely grant evolved   now I'm just kidding around I have to watch our  do you think you're because I think miss Bishop   here do really scary no no not quite because if  I go here again this and then that okay okay I   trust you I trust you levee yeah I'm pretty sure  I'm calculating this correctly but oh wait wait   there yeah I thought you were gonna play judge  me teen or no no no because then he just it's   the same he just thinks she's probably gonna  try yeah you have so many of them but how can   how can she defend or do you want to go here you  can also go here oh just no but happy how what   is the defense against this one she checked me  I don't know I honestly don't know like either wait wait here here love yes to go then she oh  I see it I think it's the I think it's this this   is intense no just no but then you have this  one don't you then she oh this oh you're right   you're right we let them debate the shakes and  then here I levy oh yeah just just do it I mean   if it doesn't work it doesn't work but you have  no time hey I don't you go here maybe ok so just   pick off the Queen there just yes just just aegis  yeah wait what you lose your queen you lose your   queen right oh okay well now we got to come up  with something but then there's like that was a   weird combo I should have been crushing I don't  think it is though cuz I I think you'll be okay   I think you just go check cuz there's no double  check it's not like second check by a car where   what are you thinking of playing just Queen to  n11 thank you for telling what you're gonna play   all right very helpful yeah I know what that is  no you do that yeah yeah that illegal move okay   yeah but I can also block with I can I can block  block okay if yeah if you can block then I'm just   gonna go got some blocker unless unless they do  this or something I know necessary I remind them   I was gonna do this Chuck okay double check this  is so insane right so so yeah you just block that   way yeah I think that's the easiest right so but  then you're right well I think it's Alex can't do   anything so okay yeah I'll just I'll just go to I  mean it it's ridiculous you know I say it's active   and block of the night for sure I need I need your  help because you I don't want to just get blogged   off on down the fire I think they're not in time  to do this very helpful right uh you could go   here and then there the future but I think that's  what's gonna happen next so yes but but this move   will probably help defend no or yeah maybe you  just go on Alex I have no I go aggressive this   is just you trying to attack so yes you just guard  against she once mate lovey-lovey just let me just   toast like literally just to avoid checkmate from  Lobby I mean I'm absolutely destroying him maybe   just here cuz it's only one person that you're  playing against really playing noggin I'm playing   against that you not right so I'm saying you just  have to think about her threats and don't really   worry about love you cuz I'm gonna be checkmating  lucky yeah I agree I mean there's something random   like oh I don't think that works that's just well  you can just go here - yeah yeah I'm guarding oh   that's true maybe maybe it's very tough to tell  I I would help but just I have like yeah you have   a lot of you're only trying to survive and it's  not looking great mm-hmm that's actually pretty   interesting okay I'm gonna do this and then maybe  we can somehow defend this way can't you just   ignore and just go like here or something this  wants to do this right yeah but I'm checkmating   loving like - okay I'm just gonna avoid it must  be done avoid all the math oh my god I don't think   yeah and obably take right yes this is this is but  anybody's gonna play this next I move do you want   me to defend you how about you just don't say  Oh will we look at this oh wait they're always   protecting nevermind I should just take it this  one or this one I I would love to tell you the   right answer I just what about this okay okay  what's the big deal it's a shot ya know and now   I'm safe - yeah the terrible move cuz now I know  now there's no longer you know movement of us to   roam the game right there no I'm pretty confident  okay listen be honest okay let's do this wait wait   can you just go here and we get checkmate like let  me yeah exactly cut it off yeah well I mean yeah   but right um I think I just like a double check  yeah well you're also like threatening like a   million things right there's this one in this one  too oh yeah yeah also maybe I should actually go   here you you probably yeah you pray yeah exactly  I think that Carly their logic watch out for this   move wait okay so what you make the arrows no I  was Nick I was making a joke I hear wait if you go   well let me go snacks I do this okay right which  one I just take clean up oh yeah yeah you can go   here and then I'm going to do this and this right  yeah I think so oh you have to move your king yeah   oh that's not helpful damn okay but now here and  here right unless there's a check in between but   I mean is there some reason you can't just like  stay safe I could I just thought I should try   to win what's thanks safe here well isn't there  is something like this oh sure oh it's actually   not it's Rex I can just capture on the diagonal  whoops whatever okay the very least now these   are not like checks or something true true I  mean you're the meeting here there's nothing   out for love you I'd go here you can count makers  cuz it's my moves the only way to not get made it   is to lose the Queen oh yeah but it's still nice  I think it Phil chucked me by the way no it's it's   still yeah okay yes Queen Queen downs me okay only  no levees next wait wait love yous next wait yes   it's just me so just do this right no wait nobody  helps me kill me recap wait wait wait where's the   checkmate then they find checkmate here I haven't  found it for myself so I found it can you stop   this by the way no it's a little slow but y'all  the stairs no key card Oh Queen hhd age 14 was   made because I can't take it Queen where Queen two  more squares forward oh they're gonna make me on   the next move anyway like you'd do anything okay  oh right cuz levius the wrong Queen well we love   you to be honest Hikari and I saw that Nate but  we just went for the flashy reproach right no it   doesn't even matter to you I can play that too and  mmhmm yeah okay I I'll just go here again you're   gonna be classic oh it's just as hard oh no don't  do that no no no no don't do that I do like I can   do anything I think push a pawn or something I  was gonna do this okay same thing yeah I realize   do the last second I was a great a minute that's  gonna be exactly I want to play the meta move sack   the Queen that's the only way we don't lose but  we're gonna lose no let's just let's see maybe men   but official flag trying Tomatoes you're the lower  on the clock than I like point form a second why   can happen it's the only move that subs made guys  red can take the Queen I know you guys were saying   red could take the Queen if he Carter did that but  I go next I mean and I'm playing with the yellow   pieces and I don't have a move so now this is my  only legal move I guess I just take yeah she it's   it's actually not resigning because alex has no  pieces left so if there is a small chance if you   get your rooks out then you better move yeah yeah  we should have had some checkmate there yeah but   I mean you should be able to hunt down this King  don't endanger is like he said if they organize   something my way we can't like okay wait can't I  just go here yeah probably whatever it's whatever   you I was just hoping he Carter wouldn't see that  and that would be a chance yeah because then you   can get your Bishop in the game too so you get  the bishop maybe there's some weird trick with   the [ __ ] from the rooks but yeah what is this  a free-for-all oh my goodness I have straight-up   never played a free-for-all in my life that's all  the say oh it's 1/5 it's not 115 wait you got a   challenge I just accepted my okay I got yeah I  accepted mine too yeah yeah I guess the Queen   trade early was was silly but yeah that was a bat  that was a bad idea I think I think the problem   is if it turns into one because it that was like  1v1 wasn't it what did you get me against cheese   that one though that one like wait shoot what you  got a mystery for all right yes yes okay here oh   but we get we gain time at least so yeah where's  the where's the promotion square I think in faith   ring okay because I know in teams it's something  it's not the opposite King it's the opposite King   Square or something I don't know whatever it's  guys there's a little mark in the center you see   the black dot in the center of the board so dusty  here yeah yeah I actually thought the same thing   okay yes the whole time I was like on my screens  dirty no it's like where the promotions where is   wait that wasn't there before what am i doing God  likes you Queen me oh no no it doesn't matter it's   more points hikaru if she makes a queen that  Queen's nine points no it's not why it's fine   alright in free-for-all in free-for-all it's night  I'm pretty sure line stop star right Deb's is it   nine or one Debs where you at we're about to find  out buddies all right my whole chat is saying one   lover your SAR they all the Deb's though you're  like yes my dad is saying nine five points I'm   in the leader wait any gonna Queen can we stop  the game now yet to go up as your oh one more   one more okay but see this to prom you let her get  a queen that was very yeah man why'd you take my   bishop I wasn't letting anyone get anything I  don't know how play come on no Alex why don't   you go to play you're seeing my first ever game of  free-for-all but my second game I'm going to I'm   going to be very strong first of all mmm I am in  first place I just want to point it out I'll let   you guys take a draw I don't know Arthur oh well  I guess you could smell me well we still made it   yeah it is 9c oh wait where's nice thick apologies  to the PIO box 20 minutes worth 9 what do you mean   it's not worth 9 ok so points think if you're  ahead you can claim a win or something yeah who   says 9 everybody who's everybody now wait it is 9  uh I don't think so Chiyu can you uh can you take   a pawn or something so we can test it out right  now no I'm not the guinea pig here see the Queen   doesn't have an a.1 on it it usually does no okay  ah that's how you know okay Oh Rick so what does   it have a one like you know where as worth one  in the two-player I guess yeah in another mode Oh   okay Cheers so next move you're giving that Queen  oh we can see how many points it's worth gee Queen   though I mean that's even more interesting don't  you think no okay alright he Caro I can either   you know what who should we attack wait no no you  guys aren't a team okay come here I'm gonna tag me   you have no pieces I said I'm gonna attack she  use other queen with my night I was thinking oh   okay okay okay you felt like you're gonna attack  me I was like how can you know but I also have I   also have a move like okay you do something like  that I can attack Alex with my other night also   you know I'm halfway to castling oh it's so  hard to figure it all out oh my god why are   people attacking my queens like this cuz you made  them early and didn't gain more keys you have the   more they can get attacked everyone Zach it's  why I promoted rooks could you hunter promote   in this game could you get there be yes you can  make other pieces if you're a total dejenne but   it's only a certain mode right like this one  it's auto queen isn't it or not no no you what   you just threw two queens now we know that was the  biggest int I've ever seen 18 for one it's a guy   I threw for content did you think I that was the  problem I thought I was good yeah that's actually   what I thought and then I realized I can't oh my  god that was good that was good thank you it's   okay I was impersonating Alex you know you guys  have to understand like I'm working on it but   no okay so stalemates why do you think my queen  hasn't moved well I had to stop him you're right   hey Cara castling is a mistake you have to have  castle like I did yeah your king is actually very   safe there oh yeah my rook is active Yeah right  right it's not no it's quite good and that was   impressive I feel like a literal beginner like I'm  moving my flank bones not on my piece or develop   it's a great know how to castle hey I don't know  how to catch either wait it's a castle here right   oh is that a six but her car that's a funny idea  he's going for some eighth rank pawn breaks yeah   yeah yeah wait it doesn't even work okay but  oh [ __ ] you better move yeah my man's just   pushing the pawn that might be your best strategy  why do you think I'm playing it all right my bad your car just off a minute on the whole board guys   I'm getting a simulator sickness  from playing for Claire chess like a condition I have I get like motion  sickness playing video games Oh it's called   simulator sickness should we take a break  after this no it's fine I just eat ginger   candies so that I stop Jesus okay dizzy hey  guys I have a really serious condition that   is only exacerbated by this activity but let's  keep doing it all right break is welcome oh he   core is disappointing myself I lost my Queens  yeah I wasn't sure if you could I didn't I didn't   actually know but it's fine we had that prop we  had that a question before in one of our tents   Oh defense yeah but you don't want my rook now  so why are you so no I I had to guard from mr.   Ostrovsky you didn't want to take that I was  in check dude it was illegal that's not what   I asked you I said you didn't want it okay take  it okay there you go ah just pushing bro you're   playing great bro you like Thai from oh no you're  a point behind but a point behind that's where I   want to be like exactly like a shark yeah I've  discovered having too many pots I mean too many   Queens early enough you don't want to promote  any Queens I know it's gonna happen to them oh   hey I said more points than you carve for now  yeah famous less words but yes wrong levy what   are you doing stop this right now go levy go oh my  god how do we not have no I'm uh we can maybe not this is oh there was that there was a good move  there your car you could have I think you could   have SWAT snap my night off right yeah but then  somebody get to checkmate he takes my queen yeah   yeah like if he Carruth took I moved my Rokan  you take his queen right so that's we to be   very careful about okay I just saw the free night  and oh my god sarude I thought you were going for   someone else no I don't know sad okay wait yes the  one that draw yes not really can like two people   are gonna draw the other two people play oh yeah  but I'm in trouble now let's go turn around I saw   it but I was like it's worth the Queen it's what  is this strat I'm like half paying attention every   time I look the Queen is moving what Queen I mean  the King I don't know my apologies whose kid what   I King oh okay no idea what to do hmm you're gonna  eat now if you're gonna get a checkmate I think   very soon it's it's I need someone's help me out  though oh I'm trying to have that many okay okay   we are former teammates after all true i chi Yu  you got it you gotta take that rook if he makes   a I'm not give you my room what wait what wait  what what where's the man I thought I thought I   thought me they thought I was gonna sacrifice my  rep or something I get I don't know what's going   on here I'm winning I know what's going on so you  got Chuck meeting your king is in dire straits   nah bro what are you talking about dyers dire  straits that's a band dude talking about king   of that's the street that i live next to what are  you guys okay oh let me get that Queen no this is   a king let's go wait nobody's gonna have a queen  I have a queen I forgot about the promotion stuff   in this I didn't like wait a second oh wait Levy  says hey oh my god oh my god now we can read the   spectators shut down wait I'm not gonna be last  place anymore oh man your car was endgame skills   coming up I'm not G I'm only one point behind  you oh it's just like actually complicated but I   actually lost like my queens on like a second move  so I think it's one of us is doing better than   the other whoa those two statements don't sound  like they corroborate each other but I understand   Yoshi you survived like a very long time by the  way mm-hmm no I like cheese Shraddha she Castle   and walk her team to the corner and then like  I was like blundering Queens on unlucky side   of the board Lemmy was like blundering queen  or her car was losing his Queen here and she   was minding our business yeah exactly the Queen  blunders out of the way early that was that was   a secret okay but lovey I mean he cars gonna get  two more cars she's taken over here yeah yeah yeah   this is uh not as easy as you think though mm-hmm  tell us more Hikaru it's not as easy as you think   cuz she the thing is like if I create a threat I  played rip day9 like look you could do this and   then win its Queen okay oh let's do it oh now I  should throw it now I should take oh shoot that   actually guarantees like a win if you take a look  yeah both ways win both ways win anyway just let   me beat both ways one yeah that was pretty bad we  should have gotten that checkmate on levy her car   like one of my queen was there and you're bringing  yeah yeah yeah but I mean that what that was that   was that was really scary hey let's see my first  game what's close two points away from third I   can't believe I blended both of my queens on like  move like guys I think still came second we should   have we should have just attacked she after she  lost both Queens that would have been probably the   best wait that doesn't make sense considering  that you're my coke commentator for two weeks   yeah but I think since he Caro had positioning  on you it would have made more I don't I don't   know I don't understand how it works but well I  should actually won that game I just save I don't   wonder my Queenie you lovey I think oh yeah yeah  yeah no I I think so I think so too yeah the one   will be look if I didn't get Czech native that I  could have won no I'm serious why are you people   like showing no understanding of playing like it's  an Adam game what yeah it was actually crazy like   he Karl lost all his pieces and literally had two  queens ready to go like this man had backup I was   ridiculous like whoops I just you primo de la vie  yeah I thought it was my move I got really excited   I've done that once or twice I bet you guys have  no idea what my plan is okay so I stopped him no   of course you can you can you can stop and with  your pawn no yes you can yeah you can use that   that's fine Oh in seventh rank oh gee uh why  is nobody else volunteering for this job yeah I   mean you kind of both committed yeah you're both  committed I'll move one to do it so yeah I mean   it they're too far away and too scared maybe yeah  I think they're just mostly too scared all right   let's uh play a developing move I should come up  with a real strategy my strategy was the playing   bad moves it worked out okay that's lovey's every  strategy and he still somehow gets okay games yeah   you stop talking [ __ ] hold on hold on a second  I thought I thought we put all that to rest let me turn up the volume real quick let me  did you score 83 points okay okay all right   new strats oh let me just copy what other  people are doing Oh bro lights out why are   we doing nights on ponds out I know the Strad  here mr. Gotham I played it last game bro you   played this game too on the other side of  the board that's right oh yeah oh all right   now here comes all right I thought there was  gonna be something there but it's still like   the board is still such a mystery to me at this  stage it's like fascinating no this is this is   preparation in 1994 I had this position against  the yes in the other weird back then yeah from   Giller huh yeah I was not born 1994 I did have  this position then oh okay look at my double I   have bunny ears the NH bond of the board got the  bunny or set up this is going splendid yeah what   is this idea in the lead again I always start so  ha no he car is doing the right strat you going   for he going for it um I don't how do I get in  on the pinata over there yeah I wanna I want free   stuff oh you got the dough pinata I'm just nuts  company that you wanted levy correct nuts calm   best nutritious snacks for long streams I know  keep Garber planning one so ogu is in trouble I'm just calmly preparing my long castle I could have done that right I could have taken  the Fishman made check me alright hey could you   move your queen up to e6 or what oh my god yeah  but who gets the checkmate that happens it's   whoever plays the last move so that they don't  have okay so okay I feel attacked Oh is there   this wait now you carry your arrows yeah oh oh I  thought everyone yeah you're like is there this   that and Cara we'll get to him second we'll get  him second let blood blue and yellow just figure   it out over there at diplomat oh that's a nice  move that is a smart move yeah yeah oh my god   but wait all right I'm gonna go here I'm screwing  it up all right thanks levy thank you thank you   thank you that was not a good move but it was  the worst move I've ever seen actually I just thanks levy back in the lead I'm taking the  high road I'm taking the high road Matt sixes   in your car yes you were trying to set up that  checkmate for one for you got in the checkmate   yeah I saw that but we're still gonna get to  check me you guys are still literally free for   all right well she owes one thank you it's  for the memes you were when you took all my   face getting you ready to do the cheer what is  the cheer I've got homes ready to give them all   the way oh oh no Queens have be unlocked oh but  of course I got that check me what if I get all   the points or then I take it borrowed oh okay  so you would have gotten some point all right   you can throw man but a [ __ ] under the bus  here too or maybe not thank you sure everybody   loved us I don't know maybe not know I'm just  I don't know just just play the game we're here   for a good time guys a good time yo you can I eat  Queens don't forget guys I get oh I see my gonna   do but I still got angry I knew it you were gonna  do that so no key Carlos ECAR was big brain this   game he's now he's what what did someone just  get checked I did oh dude that was brilliant I   know oh you bastard that was so smart you sick  both queens cuz she can't take it oh my god pain what do you mean she can still take  the Queen no she was in shock she was in   check oh yeah I had order wrong you're  right yeah Wow Wow look at this man this   man plays only like two games of three  parole and he just saw but I have to I'm   really burning all my time ever all good  that's what you do in tournaments anyway   like come on you'll read any little I'm  feeling right at home I'm not here Wow three versus one over here I'm  on the other side oh my god   one of you definitely has a mate where is it oh I know but I'm gonna make sure that levy can now  you're gonna lose your queen cuz love he's gonna   put you in shock or something I thought I don't  think it matters I think no no I'm not gonna do   it I can't lose it no car but I don't lose it  even then why aren't you gonna do it cuz cuz I   don't want to lose my queen because then I'm  gonna lose all right I forgot if I take then   Alex takes I don't want him in the game I'd  rather get him out of the game wait why is   recently in the game now you messed this up now  she's in the game I don't think so he Cara if   you checked her Alex would have taken the Queen  Oh true yeah so actually Queen takes rook and it   would have been mate yeah claim of the my other  queen right right yeah that's that's beautiful   well we're back we come from I was alone I guess  that was a pretty remote I did we take I've been   to pleasing these games of disadvantage now I'm  down to zero you did the Nemo gambit I really   did I I could have got a little more than am I  right but then she you would have taken my queen   all right thank you worried about this stuff  yes it's like a 10-point swing like it's not   always a good thing yeah it's kinda Marvel as  well as two queens apparently yeah how is she   oh my god wait what's what what it's fine it's  fine oh you just promote there was something   you give us nine point gave me nine you have  four points levy oh my god I forgot it was   nine can I claim to win all right can I claim it  like it's okay just for myself at least Farm the   man nothing to take what are you farming me for  humming everything bro we're farming everything   give it give it all no could have done so much  better all right I mean you you guys nothing   I've made on me I mean for sure hey you want  to play some defense man I'll play some defense my polythene your other pottery - oh my god  there's four Queens on the board and none   of them belong to me hey car has shriveled  up - Queens in a rook against my king also   true yeah yeah but see the problem is when I  make if I make a checkmate here someone takes   a queen so like getting the check me it's  not always a good thing wait just oh yeah   man that's why I gave him five Queens I just  couldn't handle you know oh my god now he's   gonna make a fourth green and quadruple up on  me this is ridiculous are you having fun I mean   I'm winning right now wow like I have triple  love you score you know so mm-hmm that's safe grow how all right this man has made it in so many   Demming well I'm just getting made  it but you guys just don't see it oh I can't even take it back yeah see that's  that's why I have to make the check or nothing   right so you know the Queen yeah that's what  makes it really tricky it's like you have to   make the check so you don't lose the piece that  was nice yeah I waited way too long how did she   you survived this long I know that's what I was  trying to figure you should you shouldn't have   taken my my queen then I would have got into  checkmate why is everyone always so surprised   when I don't I'm not the one I love it was the  one who messed it up but I did yeah I did I'd   like to take full responsibility and I will  write an apology once again not checkmating me right now let's watch the my Astros at work Jesus Queens 427 oh my god there's 26 the smen has the  3 Egyptian gods on the field what is going on   here Oh Queen fort wait a second it looked like  a queen Fork okay I'm going back she could have   taken it with her bishop I could have worked  the Queen's and it didn't work unbelievable   right because she takes with a bishop yeah  that's so bad definitely have some Queens to   spare I'm sorry I was a genius rat now none of  you can get the checkmate on cheer and not get   that you can't get those points right oh no I  can still get the cam you might still finish in   third here actually is the king by the way guys  I see some carnivorous behavior from the king   wait moving what wait what wait what I thought  it was wait hey car can you not let let me get   points so I can smell is a second no it's wait why  you're behind by you're behind by six points okay claim the one just ended oh wait you can't no I  can't I can't isn't the Clint win claim only 20   points ahead or have yeah exactly yeah yeah it's  20 points wait that's nuts whoa now I just have   to play against three Queens all right I I've  gone through worse wow this is this is really   something isn't it the man has three Queens you  want to make a fourth would you've got the time   no that that would just be BM right like I have  to do this in the right way don't could are you   just a win while giving you at most five points  all right remember all our great team victories   bring back that team spirit Hikaru just just  give me give me give me six points dude a car   five and a half how do I even give him these  points like you haven't give him some material   yeah but he can't he's got one piece to attack  me with them all my queens are very safe that's   a flex there you car ooh that's a flex okay  I'm surviving or not you might win this oh   I've got a great position I'm just gonna say  um man he car was really doing this in a way   that here oh no you only get two though I know  it's not enough it's not enough he's desperate anything I got 34 that is that is well yeah I  wasn't trying to be M the reason I need second   place here is this actually counts as a GM norm oh  yeah we have generation we have all title players   this is enough okay okay poor player chato chest  imagine play for like just over the board though   all right man all right listen listen I mean let  me resign buttons on the left or right I don't   know where it is I I don't see it it's not my move  I don't get a resign button all right how many   mason ones you have come on then hit me with your  best shot I'm not scared all right let me wait you   still have that night oh so close to second that  was my whole plan all right it's hard to that   second when you're playing against me I think I  think giving up that Queen giving up two queens   actually guarantees you get second place that's  what yeah exactly I forgot but let me you realize   the reason that you didn't get second was because  you gave me that free Queen yes I thought it was   nine I was like it's one for three yeah forgot  forgotten so what I do in this game oh man I'm   scared to you what's next it's about to be like  I don't even know the modes in this like Oh one   free-for-all oh man do you guys remember oh one  back in the day back in what three seconds well   you didn't play on ice and see cuz wait which  one like when you start with three seconds and   then you get a second remove or something what's  inside in ten seconds ten seconds me yeah you get   one second per move yeah exactly those were the  day is zero plus one shot out some Rd grunting   you really today he said happy 4th of July buy  some stuff okay I clicked except I don't see   one I didn't see what I don't have them I don't  have a maybe they nursed me because I got second   I think that's it just that I may invite to a no  Queen position next to minute five increment eight   times eight board before player drug promotion on  the final rank that is okay cool way to dank that   is that sir what do you say rook from I found a  drink yeah let me start the beginning no Queen   position two minute five increment eight by eight  board with four players and rook promotion on the   fine right I can you say that like two more times  that what you just described was why waiting dank   was made yeah letting motion-sickness just  thinking about it oh well I do think that   let's see let's see what it's like some game  you playing like turkey I don't know like what literally did not I did not picture  this this looks like an IQ test the   hell is this I can't even move why can't I go to what is this wait wait what yeah wait so the  promotion is across the board yeah you have to   go straight down all right all right okay that's  not that's not bad can you guys stop putting key   corner next to me and put him across think like  I'm good this board is too small Vinci you're   gonna get checkmated wait I am or we no wait  you I know your pawns go up never mind sorry   never mind wait or do you know they attack me  yeah that's like almost checkmate it's almost   you want to know cuz you lose a knight yeah oh  wait I think going last this was my idea I mean   laughs this game is actually so disadvantages  words words words words words words words can   you castle good question that's a good question  well yeah for to you it actually not yeah I don't   think you can no I can't he's gonna lose in four  moves okay she can save this I believe it myself   why it was bored so small it has to be smaller  like it's tiny mention one more flame cut off oh   my god yes no Castle no castling guys no castle  oh there's no counseling okay yeah okay I have   to admit when the four player developer just like  told me that this is what's gonna happen this is   not what I imagined I don't think either no I'm  not he car was trying to take my [ __ ] I can't   even respond to it cuz my pawns don't see that  way can't you couldn't you checked and made at   him no I can't how do I make them no I don't see  the main okay it's close though I mean there's   no maze I think an 8x8 board is too small for  four people wait no I shouldn't hmm wait but   this is actually bad for you because now you  can't promote oh I think I have some idea what   you're doing to the the funny is the ones gives  it away right is the operative word this this   feels like you know like a trip to wander let or  something with everything going on only because   he car pointed out what you could do what no I  saw that our points still the same am I getting   made it you know you don't get any points very  probably wait wait I think oh wait you can't move   the pawn up to really did I just lose yeah what  what I love how you guys have created URIs about   uh uh su carro I just want to read a chat message  I can stop I can stop love if you can stop it but   I don't know if you're gonna benevolent surely  this reminds me of sharing knowledge apartment   it's really claustrophobic right it's like okay  so you cannot move two pawns up that is unlucky   wait if I do wait if I do this he can't take okay  Wow yeah pong guards this pawn right yo yeah look   that wasn't even her car like that was just a  great move for em regardless it just has all   the bonus of avoiding like check me now you're  gonna get me this y'all y'all are straight up   that's all that's here that's your best yeah  that's that's that's not nice but my king is   safe I think we lost two pawns my king is safe and  now dude can't you take me chorus pawn I could but   there's gonna be a checkmate this is literally  just North America university accommodation that   wasn't my yes so at the beginning of the game  we had those checks and I was like is there any   like meat coming right or their checks good or not  yeah this one's going on the board right wait what no the bug oh yeah why couldn't I move  my right okay wait why Kim I not move   the rook that was so weird I don't know dude  you're high like that could be one reason no   but I was like regardless if that's sure not  like I was like moving the rug from a square   to another square like in a horizontal  formation like how the pieces move are   you sure yo this man I'm gonna be right back  okay I'm gonna grab some water okay I need I   need so I needs to rehydrate after after that  debacle really trying to put the beat down here okay wait what just I don't know what I'm taking pawn  c.carter knock it off no I mean I didn't realize   the yellow King was still moving I'm just sorry so  the king where it works like get four players just   keeps moving after and if you checkmated you get  extra points I think right that makes sense yeah no I don't even know what's going on here this  is so confusing I'm going for it oh wait does   he promote yeah I know I don't you trying  to promote so you should actually stop him   I don't know about that she right there's  nothing on me because there's no way you   checkmate me cuz my king is running the car oh  if that's actually true that's like very nice   of you but if it's not and she believes you  that's so evil no but there is no checkmate   if there should be seven I just I can move  my king Bishop b7 oh I didn't I didn't know   that there were four Bishop b2 or g2 or whatever  squares okay the other thing is a mistake though hmm is it because there really no mate wait he  pre moved that well he happy can you take it   probably wait oh but now she you mates wait no  I don't have a mate but I think I take his rook   oh my god did anyone else lose in time no but  we're trying to checkmate akaru I don't want   to lose my rook though yeah but love is you're  gonna get checkmated to see this what this why   you shouldn't of Alicia until you should have  believed her what wait let me were you going   for promotion promotion yeah totally we can only  make a rook right well you gonna be good no you   I thought there's no Queens but if you promote  do you get a queen no I thought the rule hold   on a second can we meet this king you know what  I'm gonna wait what oh okay alright I'll take a   look it's me started with no Queens but okay  I mean I guess they're no Queens on this on   this board wait isn't my king just walking  around yeah yeah it's like it's the wind my   teachers need to checkmate you guys that was  that was annoying man cuz I can't move all   the other way she could have made it me I had  check my like our scores our scores are oh my   god she you had mates wait where what the  pawn no really no but that was those rook   takes yes he's ready he has no room Yorick  okey carro got quiet I knew something was up I'm so sad I don't chance to meet new Cara  once that was my big chance to get third no   what do you mean I only have three I'm so I'm  so no but you might you might take something   yeah not really I'm blockaded what if my king  takes them stuff do I get those points like   if my like Oh what was what wait a minute  Oh get out of here oh my god oh my god yo   ya'll guys I'm still in the game the king  wait where does my rook remote - oh no no   rooks can promote posture motor-car with a king  promote don't question it wait the PAH oh ok this why aren't you going actually after you  yes probably made me right no I just want to   block ad car right now I can't worry about your  king later oh you'd better be worried seventy   five four three look at that oh my god I would  do one more of this actually I would Garo got   last place so well I could have fourth one more  point right was that do that again but yeah but   I mean jeez I choked after you said that I wish  I was so shocked your car was good I think I had   the better tie brakes though no I couldn't believe  it d4 and force the pawn off but I doesn't really   matter all right what's what's next here I'm  steering now it's gonna be the board's gonna be   like we're both gonna have like a king and pawn  Oh doctor teams oh okay we take those we take   those oh I got the second Oh Congrats oh nice and  you cars don't asking to replate this this format   so we're gonna get something different okay oh  this is just standard teams or teams I mean yeah   like I Chi remember your training and we'll get  through this just fine that was a good first move   good first move all right believe in ourselves  this is rated really oh really gonna be doing   it's rated I become a little jittery you're 1932  rating alright ladies on the line you know we know   Queen out yeah it's very tough that's all which  movies better but yeah oh by the way wait wait   wait wait wait if you move your queen he's gonna  hit you with this so go here okay it's a block   is Queen okay sounds good yeah it's good okay  no cat was wondering if we could do this that's   theory but I guess yeah there is actual theory  and foreplay or chest which is ridiculous and   you would know all about it because no I wouldn't  I wouldn't know I like the Chinese the whole week   they tried to teach it to me and I just that I  can't figure out so for now it's like alright   thanks for 10 gifted thank you sorry it's had to  recognize somebody there's no push should push to   mutant this side yeah yeah alright levy what now  I don't know some queen move probably okay so no   car are you going to do something like this um not  really alright this is a standard double Carl Khan   opening oh yeah absolutely right of course  yeah not a stupid we didn't know that yeah this the defensive end again yeah we both are and  we won't when they did that so like it makes sense   no but it just feels strange we got double black  you know I feel like the pairings a little hot   talk to the arbiter yeah doctor the refs talk to  the sluices all right Oh me mate no maybe I should   have yeah I forgot about this oh we know I'm gonna  just play this that's a wonderful move like like   easily top 20 move on the board right now all  right man bun a [ __ ] huh how are you doing   how y'all doing all right man my openings blacker  just not as good so was a problem you know I mean   I can't even play openings regularly so you know  can we can we get some anti chess after this no   is it what is it is that like looser shot sir yes  just losers a giveaway you know no they put four   losers to play and then the losers will play the  game so okay that that move accomplishes something   but I can't quite an emo is triangulating mm-hmm  yes of course I got triangulation maybe but I   don't see how its minion some go like here I guess  imagine bughouse for player trusts my house for   player yeah so like if everything seems right now  but yeah so every time you take somebody else's   like it ought to be yellow oh that's true I think  how about king house for clear chests what's that   I think king house when you played bug house on  three boards sorry well I played that before I   played that before it's so fun it's a lot of  fun I'm not completely sure how it works so   I'll defeat all the bug house they like the pieces  go towards the middle and then middle kitchen okay   okay they choose a side yeah they can't you like  for each piece they take they can be like yeah I   can give it to this side or I can give it to the  other side that sounds even more chaotic than that   previous variant we played a curious variant we  play I think was great one is a win we take those   wins you're not biased or anything right nope  you know what do you think I should do here I'm   like very confused I'm I am - I don't know what to  do either and like you have this space advantage   right then this is really causing problems I mean  I'm gonna try to get my Queen out I don't know   maybe like here yeah I guess I was considered  yeah I don't know what else to do because I   feel like that's the only advantage oh yeah no I  shouldn't have pushed this way I should have kept   it here because now now yeah there's this stupid  diagonal she ya bishops bishops are good like we   we lost the last game because we just didn't have  enough firepower so we can just develop these okay   rooks are also super important but you can't quite  move one but like I go do this sometime yeah I'll   do that soon we can really combine for anything  right now so yeah actually try to do it on the   next move oh that's okay funky move you could do  it on the next yeah I think I'll be good I think   let's just go hit Hikaru hmm now Alex might have  something but but I also might not it's like go   I go after he Cara's so he can't take my pawn  sorry what pond well I don't think one that I   just push can't see right yeah rope hanging but  the pond can't capture my pond no but you you can   capture I know I wouldn't characterize Haynes  my rook I know but what I'm okay well I was   is that she you could attack you from the other  side but because man Bona [ __ ] has this move   she can't do that this is way too dank the  car sitting there like centralize my pieces   he carves like the you know I go hear the men at  the gym that's just like what is this kick you're   throwing this garbage stop kokoro has seen 14  million possibilities and none of them we win so she was still triangulating yes I am yes you  they they've done like a good like projectile   defense you know they've got like this night out  on green and they must be all karo players right   yeah it's a double car oh I'm just trying to  play in the light squares here yeah all right   back thank you Matt it in bro get in your car  you're really getting out of this thing so I   have no active plan just I think we're doing  pretty well though yeah I like what you've   done there now Lucky's a little soft yeah I was  thinking of but of but it's hard I can go here I   guess yeah that's what I was thinking maybe  cuz there they might I guess they're trying   to do this but I feel like I'm safe I just need  to watch out for I really don't know what yeah   yeah I don't know but if I go here and then I'm  worried about this one sure ah true right right   right that's a good right yeah right what do you  guys think we're trying to do I'm gonna try this   no no no now I'm gonna also sometimes okay  I'm gonna try it cuz I feel like that could   help you out in your attack right right I think  you're right but let's see again I'm just trying   to stay consistent in the life's where's most  of all oh wait a second she you I think we won nice Oh doesn't matter way I go here yeah wait who's  on move wait no no no no okay car you can you see   I was gonna sack his queen so since so that's  probably the best thing to do now the question   is do we want the bishop he's hitting me -  well no no Sochi your your next move is this   okay Carlo has to play this move the car just  you baited them I'm not sure this is actually   so great for them so yeah it's you I'm play  let's think about this like they want to do   jigs this is wager dink oh wait and then here  but yeah yeah so you would play yeah and then   this could be yeah I I have to make the truck  yeah after yeah yeah okay yeah it's cuz were   threatening mate so he sexes Queen now move down  my man okay whatever you've removed that I don't   know I think his rook I think anymore and then  we wait maybe you have something on Hikari well   they could play this yeah yeah okay that's a  good move I don't think I was a good move from   cheer oh well everybody just has opinions I'm  just here trying to live my best life you know   yeah fact we were over what about this so alex  has the Queen here and he's kind of terrible so   this is fine yeah all right here comes the big  slap oh man it oh I'm gonna try to do this and   give you this - uh-huh yeah that's what I was  looking to you they're they're looking for some   what that rook I I don't know honestly maybe  even this okay but you guys show she arrows I   don't know what you're talking about I think it's  because it's a waste of a move they're trying to   beat us with their three bishops and the Queen  so oh my god that's Savage there's four bishops wait so can we say I mean I have this right okay  yeah so I'll go here then I'll distract your car   what's the idea with fake well that doesn't look  the best can I also have to watch out for this one   mm-hmm right and she goes after me yeah I'm gonna  take the light squared bishop cuz I feel like it's   a pain in the ass okay we can't shoot it wait what  I was thinking actually I've done this and then   and then what happens and then take and then oh  oh I should have done that's you cuz then on the   next movie you would have want to scream it's fine  it's fine levy I agree I agree yeah I mean I think   we got to go after this dude right here all right  agreed I will now actually just take the rope good   something else I can do yeah problem yeah makes  sense I don't yeah I don't like my position I'm   not gonna lie hikaru doesn't have you know in the  middle of being my teammate y'all here in this we   straight-up trying to trying to take on like the  Titans when we still have okay so his next move is   this oh no his next move is this I'm a Titan of  industry actually but neither of those moves is   that scary because only Alex can attack me right  we have we have to have something here like yeah   it looks so strong okay I guess your pieces are  kind of far so sometimes you'll have something   like this because then I can move something yeah  yes they can check yeah I just just just yeah just   try to stay just keep everything close to your I'm  gonna keep it solid if she doesn't have anything   either to attack you I just gotta watch out for  levy yeah I mean there's just these two here probably that's the back good move  because I am preventing this right   right exactly which is important yeah okay  I can do that yeah cuz he cards just he's   gonna try to do something like this ah  maybe some might need a little help I do   something like that right yeah it's just  made know yes yes oh yeah yeah oh wee oh nice nice nice nice meet up the right guy hell  yeah it's not me oh wait I gotta do something   forcing right I could go this was terrible  probably yeah yeah we're told but then you   move his queen he's gonna take a sense no I do  first I go first oh right right right okay first   yeah I go first Hikaru can't cuz his pieces are  too far although he is doing the right thing he's   going for a check but so he'll check me on the  next move and that will delay things for a moment   but you could just take the Queen and yeah chill  right yeah we don't need to rush because they're   out of pieces yeah just take everything this  might be a draw yeah man hey can we get me and   Hikaru on it seems just for a game like see how  fast we win wait oh I'll take on all comers man   you you you are you quitting on your team in after  that big win I mean have you heard her she blames   me even when we play good moves I'm just listening  to my teammate you know I'm trying to develop good   team chemistry I don't really you know let me  get let me get that vog let me see that Vaudrey   play the Russian I'll be right back I'll go to  the washroom all right love you pulling up the   receipts yeah what's up man how you doing I wait  the never at the restroom everyone's just rushing   sucia oh yeah how are you thanks for uh thanks  for supporting us this is a lot of fun I think   we actually we do have a tremendous amount of fun  when doing this so it's it's kind of taxing in a   in in a weird way because you can't really play  an autopilot but I feel like I feel like we're all   getting the hang of it yeah some of these some of  these combinations are extremely tricky to see in   the time situation so you know what we need to do  those two games that me in the car one against you   and Chi oh can we like prorate them like those who  are unrated but like we won them so I feel like   it's not fair this one gets rated yeah that was uh  I feel like we're all playing pretty well I mean   obviously there's Williams when there's dreams and  there's and there's teams there you go I feel like   I feel like we all we all got about got a bit  better make a plan to attack to you why would   I do that that's dumb as hell she's my teammate  that doesn't that's an advanced rat - yeah her   teammate that's something you should you should  keep those ideas to yourself that's not a memes   dreams and teams that's the name of the next  YouTube video memes memes and teams memes dreams   and teams what if it's only fruit for all just  memes and dreams probably hey yo Cara yeah what's   up we wait just waiting for our cheer we were oh  I was telling La Vie that I think those two games   you and I won they need to be prorated right it's  just not fair how this one game that we happen to   lose right was very I don't goodness of our hearts  obviously and they give their rating for it like   I feel like it's a little bit yeah a little bit  strange you know talk to the dads the moms okay   guys what's uh what's coming up next here what's  the plan what's going on here how many more we   got like what 25 more minutes of this all right  let's sitting for an invite is there something   else that like you guys have played before that  we haven't done yet there's the anti-shah yeah   okay I guess we're just running this again all  right okay all right well now we have white okay   there you go yeah cuz three blacks and roses okay  that's that's a rule right you can't have three of   the same color to be a rule okay it's the double  car oh this man just played the the grog here this   is teams right yeah okay like I just I didn't know  if I was missing something I'm gonna do this just   because I don't know the dispute which a card play  dad this must be a this must be home cooking right   some more player soccer she's like yes straight up  like what is this okay so you got you got you got   the same thing oh by the way you have this move  oh yeah I see that but that's that's actually fine   wait this is a whole new matter here actually are  we almost wait wait it's not fine at all oh my god   you gotta you gotta bust out theory his teammate  loses in three moves no no wait wait a second this   is underrated right he's already asking for if  it's underrated look at look at he Cara oh my god   we don't force mate this man is mated made us go  just go here to keep the game alive I think yeah   oh no it does you this and this this is this game  gets aborted right because it's your shirt oh yeah yeah yeah plus 40 points ooh I'm catching  up a car is rating the car you got a coach   man one dude I tried but you know it's like  the first motion the career doesn't push him   over the top you're his next coach yes and  my first coach held me back he gave me this   strap maybe's guess we made it I literally got  scholar yeah get this color made it in well we   go again we go first again I feel like this is  the well we went first last time even though   you might not remember that name oh right right  okay I do realize with how badly you guys play all right all right let's bust out some  moves here you wasted the white pieces hikaru is getting serious he needs a redemption  after that King okay I don't want the same thing   the same way I can lose the same way man bun a [  __ ] did I let me get this guy locked out wait to   run what did you lose the same way my try to call  me toxic not just your shot oh wait a minute this   is called the Sicilian Saragosa opening of course  thanks mods Debs whatever sir ghost is when you   play like c3 and move one right wonder if you'll  see that into Canada don't even know this Argos   AZ regular chess honestly much less no no I think  it is the regular chess opening name if you like   alpha being so toxic today I just have to play  a game of League after four-player I just have   to do it feel like I'm gonna go and sow a bunker  and play like a teams of four player come back and   beat 80-ton a reformed the only the only people  to blame for me playing for player all the time   Archie you and Alexandra cuz after that first  getting like go go around I was like alright   I got a I got a grind oh so you just felt like  you're so bad that you had to improve yes it's   quite literally what I'm saying so I I cried you  know okay wait a car we start combining for some   like yeah yeah yeah that's kinda Juarez wonder if  there's some way to attack here and then this is   maybe too too easy right but something along these  lines that makes a lot of sense all right see what   Leviosa does here levy I just want to say all of  your hard work is really really showing you're   not only able to find good moves for yourself but  also for me is this a trap oh it's not my getting   set up here was a genuine moment oh I don't know I  own okay fair yeah I would probably just take the   pawn then this is sooo cheesy all right no but  honestly lovey I just wanted to say you've been   doing amazing you don't get to 1955 yeah dude  man but a fish have and I have been on that on   that too am four-player grind we've been yeah this  is chewy I'm guys it would be over the fact that   it's 4:40 really nurse us doesn't sleep a whole  lot so I don't think that was a good strategies   like you're like a sleeping strapped oh oh you  mean the board okay hmm wait play slow moves I   forgot my water bottle bro what might see my car  there's even something like this my teammate just   left what I mean it's not her move she's up in  time on you okay let's go here okay just just   just move just move back you go like here here  yeah we're here yeah actually I like that one I   like that one more I don't get don't get mated I  just oh they're doing this thing again right see   I could have let it happen but I'm nice you're  I'm literally your teammate I know but you know   I'm saying like okay I guess we've let we've  let bygones be bygones uh I I don't know about   that move actually is I only move yes yes yes the  good move no you actually won't because then I'll   go here oh and that helps I guess wait because  then well trying to think of how this would work   are we planning care we want to do I want to do  they're right you get what I'm saying she liked   it yes intercept don't worry about it I'll let you  do your thing yeah well not real kind of threat   yes you just got to get developed okay I'm gonna  start attacking love you thought hmm so let's see   what levy plays here he's gonna have to so she  gonna do kiss or something he does do that one   okay so now she you if this this and then on the  next one it's that okay okay so here here wait   hold up the car I can't I do something like this  unless I'm completely missing something oh I see   here no they're not in time okay then then yeah  I just do it yeah I thought there might be some   nonsense levy is literally typing my chat wait  I can just take right yes yeah there's a lot   of a lot of psychologists debating our all  four of our dynamic Ain I'm losing my mind   ah wait a second hold on if this then that then  that oh wait a second there's also this what's   going on cuz I can take Alex's Bishop and then  he can't take your queen but then she borrowed   takes might well then actually that's good wait  would have a better view exchange please and I   just go check me with mine because I already have  a ruck here anyways well no cuz Alex takes your   queen on the next move Oh buddy I mean you take  this and then he takes there and then you take   that right so I'm thinking I have don't I have  this like aren't you mating Alex but return so   I can just play that yeah but then you would go  here and then he goes up it's not his mood oh   but but then he karuo like do some defensive  stuff right like that and then I don't yeah   yeah yeah the best thing to do is to just take a  bishop yeah he doesn't have any pieces and then   we beat Alex up that was ridiculous I literally  said that and I played it anyway we can't you go   no yeah I think we actually had a mate there but  I don't know hey I couldn't calculate it I mean I   could go there there's more player just pause  like now then Bend the one no no no I'm gonna   go keep doing my regular chess puzzles I hope it  helped I get to 3,000 or 4,000 and regular chess   puzzles I can't trust like through 2004 flare  chest puzzles I'm just gonna get something out   deep deep thoughts here from my desire though  that was that was a dubious move on my part and   the stupid thing I was like oh if I go there you  go there and then I play it anyway alright lobby   what do you think what are you thinking here  maybe I can go here okay so I have trotty you   should probably get your queen out right cuz he  car's gonna trade so maybe like Queen there okay I think that looks safe okay we'll  do that yeah hmm you're right where   I want you up Queen night on the my  back Frank wait let me watch out for   your time we have 15 seconds delay  I'll be all right okay I get down to   two seconds for content oh okay and we  also throw for content right yes mm-hmm our love you take your time make sure anything  I think your car was so confident he just walked   out who's literally just gone I mean I mean I'm  just getting mated here's just exit exit I don't   blame him I'm taking the before player rating  all right well how am i the lowest rated in   for flair chest I don't understand mmm what do  you not understand my rating for for play chess   would you find it I see I'm just um listen I'm me  see how to stop I uh I'm just here for jokes and   memes you know yeah that's that's yeah uh-huh  oh how are we not winning how about this no no   but then I go here it's fine oh yeah this man  has been doing his a four-player tactics drills   he actually has I think yes then this is going  straight into as my most memorable four players   has games I am writing a book for sure I just like  the chest for five has that go publish today oh doesn't nine takes is okay night six is okay  but that's a free queen but then my queen   that's alright what we're still gonna win the  other Queens despair if you play like here it's   like very much over or like this game this move  okay because then I have this and then you have   that oh but be careful you're gonna get you're  gonna get check do you see that admin message   yeah we're gonna get our what is owed bullet anti  chess so you just gotta make the worst move I got   I gotta send the I got a sin to Primos oh  yeah make sure your free moves are on yep okay I take this here I don't know we're just  lost right yeah I mean I'm probably getting   maybe yeah this move I guess levy and I actually  make a really good team okay me and my queens make   a bad team though oh that's annoying if I I can  still I could still accidentally throw the game   oh wait can I don't please don't I guess I can't  because if I play Queen takes Alex us the movies   King but that stuff is hanging so maybe I  just play like I was there no force Nate or is there don't think you're ready I know I know  okay I'm just gonna go out here you go okay I go   take his rook oh wait Oh easy choice yeah yeah  I go take this rook yeah maybe we have something   even better than that but yeah yeah that that's  just okay I mean I'm completely out of pieces   so yeah you probably have a lot of good moves to  be honest geez here we're gonna reset the pieces   for the next game hmm maybe I go here so I can  do this hmm or I can just move this and then oh   no that wins okay it just wins because the next  move is Queen here and it's made I'm hungry again the Irish lost this one I'm  getting me to the next one mm-hmm all right car that was a that probably was  maybe about 60% of my fault I apologize say   maybe 65 mm-hmm all right telling you already  of a bullet antitrust though you know what we   could do we could play me and hikaru how fast we  can get in a doctrine that might be a challenge   I managed trying to play a hundred games huh you  like all right one zero inside chess I feel like   if we get thirty minutes uh I think we could do  it ten wins in 30 minutes okay I don't know I   feel wait wait wait what are we doing I think  there was an anti chess coming up right yeah   we're just mmm do there no teams in this just  boy you gotta give everything up Kings be taken   in this or now uh I don't think it mattered if  you do okay deep thoughts here early on yeah why   is everybody using so much time what's one zero  oh one zero mm-hmm oh wait what it's anti-trust   you gotta take it Oh screamer's oh okay what  time I move please I guess I can pre move with   the way that I flee the past couple of games this  might be the game for me actually I agree that's   not I might have to take a bunch of stuff here  whoa mm-hmm you can take Kings here well do you   Carl what are you snacking on chips Wow I see  the chopsticks yeah Chad told me I should use   chopsticks to eat potato chips ah yeah very  uh very uh I don't what's the right fancy I   don't know like my culture that's too bad wait a  second yo I don't even like what is I'm a rollup   oh my god every Yahweh does wait that's pretty  cool better lose all my pieces huh that's the   whole point yeah usually usually uh I mean  it's the same thing that happens oh wait a   second the Knights straight-up just hopped on a  non-existent square of the void all Knights move ha ha my move huh let's be a little bit  defensive here while everybody destroy   each other the goal of the game is to just  lose all your pieces what are these points   system yo holy Sh that's a move yeah oh it's my  move yeah I guess I have to go huh mm-hmm I'm   so used to delay I'm like not playing when  you get points for but it's all different   values oh you get reversed okay there we  go right can you give up good news right alright man one of hitches going down baby  what am i oh I could take that what the hell   was that oh my god did anybody what what just  wait I just what Oh anything what I got a ha   people's you got hunches of points that I  couldn't I was like what can I take care   winning there that was literally the turbo farm  I'm so confused I could take something okay the   king I once Sam P what 781 how do you get stated  how does that one happened there wonder what all   those hundreds of points got a how did I get  stalemate you got a piece on the board this   way to dink the stalemate is no legal move with  pieces left let's sure you had no legal moves I   guess what wait what maybe Sam it is like Oh  Oh his pieces are just gone they're just gone   it's a good thing no oh that's why you won all  right okay guys cool didn't find that one pawn   that stake well I came I guess best of luck  everybody see you and see you on the flip   side wow that was intense my man bun division  we need some chopsticks I don't I don't your   house no no I uh I don't know what to say  I wasn't prepared for this I wasn't warned emini barbecue Pringles yeah what are  you eating chips hmm good they are good the levy you eat chips with chopsticks - I  eat my sadness with Jobs's no we're about to   play teams I just every time something comes  in the screen I hit accept yes same here and   then when it arises I'm like okay that's  what's going on here mm-hmm Hikaru you're   the best I love you so much please mention me  on your stream it would mean out it would mean   everything from Natha goat one two three all  right Eve Mara what he have to say to Nob the   goat one two three is he saying Kees is a goat  or the greatest of all time who do you think   he's saying to go okay that clarified things I  guess now yeah yeah oh and we are getting look   at this you know I just have to say any time  that we play for player mm-hmm it's always   messages for Hikari you know yeah it's always  Cara it's okay it's okay he's the only person   doing well so it actually takes less it takes  attention away from us we're doing poorly I'm   actually doing badly today I don't think I've  ever lost this many games in for Claire you   might want to put the blame on somebody probably  I honestly is this team variant what's the variant   what's the variant can y'all just tell us before  I make a damn move hi I actually don't know what   this is it's just as wearing it alternative  tees Gotham traffic are on the same team okay congratulations you guys on the same team but  we're right next to each other how are we on   the same team maybe that's the variance oh oh so  okay okay okay love is a move wait so we can't do   the cheese on anyone no we can't because we're  right in green oh wait no yes we can we can do   it on both of them cuz you go then I go oh no  that you guys but the board is different it's   different so you're green and I'm red so like  if two moves you you attack her then I ain't   gonna oh wait that's how it works right yeah so  this is just actually use that Butte weird Jason   yeah we go attack this guy we're like attacking  each other okay well well we want to go attack   these guys are these guys okay okay no we if we  just do the two queens cheese it's still it's   still GG unless we don't want to go for cheese  I'm down for no cheese just play the game leve   you're with me aren't you yeah okay okay so for  example and then we just okay or I do this I   want to go this yeah yeah yeah that's okay mmm  just develop a night here against men's ones   not in the calculations watch them completely  screw us over like it's not it's not seems at   all it's just like right individual yeah yeah  it's actually an tee shots yeah it's hard for   me to get there though oh wait no it's not what  I'm hungry okay yes I go here and you go hit no   wait no oh wait no no because you're next to me  okay no but I can't cuz sure oh wait jeez yeah   yeah yeah what yeah yes you can do it absolutely  you sure absolutely yeah no but they're together   it doesn't matter you go then I go and then it's  check and then she has to she has to depend on   the check right applies you are a checkmate  only if it's your turn you're in check I you   Millie good I'll go I want to do something  I want to line it up okay that works from do   you guys want to trade your queens there's  trade the trade the queens you guys so you   wanna you want a clean trade not advanced  right okay what are they trying to do here yeah I like it I'm gonna do this oops no I'm  in this would be a good move yeah try to bring   something out like this maybe yeah anarthas  fascinating okay okay now we can't trade Queens   anymore yeah well I mean we're yeah no but it's  good to have the option by the way you doing legal   this no but then I guess you can he wants to do  this yeah but then you have this she can defend   it you have that move yeah that's what the that's  what they're looking at I don't know what they're   looking at I tried to draw it oh my god this is  this is so stupid okay the whole order is off all   right let me think about this because he car wants  to take because I wanted to go here but all right   okay we traders trade this give in trade I'm in ok  cool probably still okay we open him up okay I'm   down I'm down I also have to deal with this that's  true I mean so maybe cheer what do you think about   how about something like here and then but your  queen is hanging I know but it's euro next hmm   trying to hold things together okay this is what  you named your anything yeah I think I think it's   fine yeah and then let me get some move like here  it's not fine maybe just take and then there's the   opposite of fine oh no no deadly rook otherwise  yeah yeah okay that's what I'm saying but here   here's the issue so here here and then here but  then okay maybe then you can just say yeah just   yeah you think there what are they doing key  card I literally have no idea okay so they're   just saying a different plane of existence yeah I  was gonna take back so I mean if we just I think   I feel like if we keep the Queen's on we're gonna  win safe safe safe safe safe safe safe safe safe   yeah yeah I got it I got you I got you yeah we  got a plan okay lots of you on the same page yes let's do this as well as moves oh um I'm just  gonna develop get that fish about you got a   nice little uh bunker over here mm-hmm what I do  lobby my develop honestly yeah this whole variant   is just is just super weird to follow we're so  used to playing the other the regular four play   chess you are not wrong but I think you Corey  if I get really aggressive you have to have you   have to have my back right cuz you you have to  always play the first move of attack because I   always her after news yeah the truth so I have  to lead okay yeah okay yeah yeah any any move I   make that gets a response mm-hmm understanding  the game this is very important it's so weird okay wow that those bold but okay I'll  just to figure out how to get this thing   out right you yeah I mean my buzzer  just really awkward cuz I have like   this stuff going on and I can't really  like I'm gonna go here right alright so   he does go for it yeah ride him like a  book like a three page like picture book wait like a good thing or it means he's very  easy to read oh I thought you were insulting   your own reading skills no I was I was saying  you're as easy to read as a three-page book   that only has pictures okay I understand I did  not send up but now you explained thank you for   getting yeah so basically the joke is that just  what I'm implying is right so maybe somehow no   cuz I guess he goes next right so we would have  to actually keep forgetting you're my teammate   right lovey correct forgetting lovey how does  that feel to be forgotten doesn't feel wrong   at all given the as you know odd format of the  mash all right here oh my god I eat chips with   a straw that my twin comment of the day I hope  you do the inhaling with the oral cavity and   not you know not correct yet comments I know  that was that was that wasn't your shed that   wasn't in mine huh I mean some people just have  different preferences there's like preference   there's a difference between preference  I just believed to be immoral with this   stuff on this file it was good that was  the good opening of the position I think counsel towards towards you that is a strategy  I approve of that's actually that's actually   a good point right if I do something like  this yeah but for you to you might be a bit   tougher cuz we got we had to play this one  earlier well not well actually did have to so I'll cover you and then I'll use the  open line oh nice I like it yeah it's a   great idea I like it ah Gers idea all right  nuit not really we have like a little bit of   pressure here you don't have to use chopsticks  you it's okay like it was a bit of a joke wait   I mean doing this like since the beginning  though like my chat is like you'll get your   your get your mouse dirty if you use your  hands it sounds like I'll just use chopsticks okay levy why aren't you using chopsticks I'm  not consuming anything use them you got to put   them in your hair chopsticks in there yeah  I give you permission she you could probably   pull that off um yes and also I I don't and also  hand done that yeah yeah I think you'd be the   best offer you already have your hair in a bun  you just do exactly but I don't have chopsticks   I'm you know I'm I'm just 1 for 2 on this front  name one jism copy that idea solavei we want to   attack here right at some point if we can well  the thing is not quite cuz you'll go and then   I can't breakthrough in general just in general  yeah okay okay I'm gonna bring this dude hmm uh   we need a plan Alex we need a plan we do need a  plan let's come up with one on your move okay I   mean I have a recent amount of pieces out so okay  okay oh babe I like it chopstick everybody's like   54 hairstyle game wait he car okey car where  he Cory you could've uh oh my god you're right   you're right there wasn't there was nothing here  don't get this vibe sorry sorry sorry sorry I   said she's not doubt it anymore actually gee you  know it's really funny this isn't the threat okay   I'm gonna what oh right okay okay got it it's  good move I like it want to attack someone so   what about this idea here okay looking this way  okay all right that's good enough encouragement   actually okay I need to remove anyway so there's  like some stuff going on here I could go like   here yeah yeah actually I like that a lot yeah  let's do that doesn't mean it's good probably   horrible but it's fine we're both in we're  in agreement yeah it's okay we have that we   have the chemistry mmm okay oh babe I like that  keep doing the chopstick thing here mmm yeah so   I think if we chop down to bishops for her right  that's pretty good yeah I agree I totally agree   wait a second wait a second I've seen induced  nonsense here what about this Oh No yeah but   I move I move after so I could if you need help  good defense I think is this like whole idea good   not sure looks decent though yeah what do you I'm  right now you can go with like here defending me   yeah yeah that's always gonna say that's a lady  oh my god I shouldn't have taught this minigame   he's too good maybe one move that defends a piece  oh my god dude we got it we got a bantam you Cara   hi Cara it's over we won what great oh my oh yes  the greatest duo right there that's really weird   how did that happen they got the double move  right mm-hmm hikaru is racking up those wings   super right back all right no oh so I'm the only  person left hello to all three channels I turns   out that I'm literally the last person here okay  well it's fine it's fine I guess I can just take   over the stream I don't even know what to do what  everybody's away like do I just sit here and talk   to myself so I talk to everybody's chair it's  like a running joke in my channel that I leave   a lot and I talk to Levy's sure if you guys have  seen me a commentary it's kind of like our inside   joke but now there's also like cars chair and  then there's that bun of it share this is this   a lot sure so hello cars shot hello Levy's chat  i literally just put on your chat second i thank   you so much BAE thank you thank you I appreciate  it yeah so I mean my channel is a cane emsco you   haven't seen me before I have a play a lot of  foreplay with you karim also be on this channel   before doing commentary i will let the chair  speak do the chairs have an opinion on what   hi welcome to shares of an opinion but on what  about about four player chess does your chair   have an opinion oh it's just for my channel  okay okay cool cool good stuff good stuff okay hello what's on that what's on the what's  on the menu I think should be story where I   can't we all except um we were just waiting for  the three of you to come back okay mmm-hmm wait   she you did you steal content again no oh I  thought somebody was talking to a chair and   I was like hold on a trademark on that wait so  this is this is it it's mean lemon our and we're   adding green versus blue and yellow yeah oh oh  wait no ready wait wait red and green it's a   rematch rematch no but the order is different  right or no it's the same exactly the same the   board looks go again I think we have to be a  lot more aggressive aggressive yeah yeah yeah   this double move is pretty strong right right  that's how they they pulled a fast one on us whoa whoa talk about aggressive that's how you  play chess yeah otherwise it's boring and we   don't like boring they said this is some this is  some teamwork array of morning round action right   here some a55 I've seen teamwork array of show up  and play a 5 H 5 the car knows what I'm talking   about what a shadow oh yeah we weren't we were  there next thing yeah it was a mega 3 8 5 3 h 5   yes I think I was thinking many many played  the g6 96 Bishop g7 and one yeah y'all just   gotta get in all over the board tournaments  you'll meet all the best characters I think   people could know the blindfold King right he  has a little bit of a Brian right yeah he has   like a record with that I think most black hole  games with a 5 inch my phrase he played like 60   blindfold games at the same time so 60 games at  the same time without seeing any of the pieces   it's kind of impressive I mean nothing crazy she  you could did that could do better probable yeah   I agree totally okay okay how many blindfold  games do you think you could or have you played   maximally at the same time I did 15 once I'm  guessing I could probably do 20 with a little   training but not more than that but I'd say  20 is probably the maximum yeah 40 more have   you trained Lee extensive like for like maybe  years to get that record yeah all right so we   want to be aggressive right I'm also like yeah  I kind of want to stop this as well okay that's   fine that's fine we are we're aggressive  or also defensive yeah we're everything   for everything okay we're universal oh my god  Oh Metta that's what he was going for she's   Louise what is that Rick doing like I guess it  is right but I just realized that if that that   she has this guy this is so stupid okay I'm  just gonna do this right yeah it's all good we're doing well all right she we can't come by  for anything there's also blindfolds for player   no thanks no thanks no thanks please don't  suggest it well because the promise in you   to memorize the whole board how can you how  do you even know where you start you don't   even know where you start right yeah it's  a lot of it do you guys have like all the   squares uh memorized I can't even read the  well you're like someone was ago okay 11:00   or something like that and is there actually a  somewhere so someone's got a foot wait where's   a one-member there's a four over here no but  there is no a one it's like there's d-boys like   it's okay it has to start on the fourth right  there's only one there's only in a four yeah this is I bet there's people out there  playing like blindfold like for player   I steal animals the strategy here is so strange are you going for like here yeah I'm going I'm  going to put this night actually I think she's   gonna do some so I feel like we should try to if  we can get you know wait for you to but it's hard   because they get the back of that we should be  aiming at her car right because we get the double   uh the double move on him technically you get yes  I mean I go then she goes and then it's a car stop   wait am i go here though he's just gonna take  and he's got a bishop there yeah yeah so I don't   really want that let me just try to get my bishop  out first like that maybe we have too much there's   I guess he doesn't have anything but sometimes  there's no there's sometimes stuff like but he   doesn't have this obviously but hmm okay so I'm  gonna I'm gonna bring my my boy to the party you   guys are big relief connoisseurs yeah but we can't  we can't win that that quickly unless we yeah   unless we use the Queen's but just like last game  castling I mean really risky because you've got   to defend the King so much if the King is in the  center with like an expanded rather than very true what I want to do okay take away some squares I  mean I'm hoping for mysterious things oh wait i   blundered this no but then maybe we had here sure  but then no I don't think that word it's fine oh   man I don't know I didn't do it I was but I guess  who just wants to defend a bunch of this stuff so   lemme what are you gonna do tomorrow morning now  there's no more commentary the sleeve is just the   inertia yeah look all right we have a nose oh man  how do we what are you gonna do to you I honestly   is a good question because like now there's  like there's a big hole in my life you know I'll   probably just get some extra sleep though you're  going for that is that just make want to make sure   there's no like you might be trying to set up  I don't know here I'm gonna keep I'm gonna keep   going from just want to make sure they don't have  hearing like protection wait love you what Oh what   what were you gonna say no I think I'm going over  or something but if I go here you might actually   play that he's also going for this I think no  it's it's it's I just go here it's fine like   the poor Queen you know how are we not winning  here like I'm gonna go after thing is we have   to commit right cuz my cárdenas know I'm gonna go  here okay see this is do it all okay yeah oh okay   that is definitely not okay by the way that I  I don't want to be you know maybe my teammate   down over here but it's very bad just that Hikaru  gives me a reinforcement it's just very bad Oh No hmm look at this part right here that is beautiful  it really does look like one of those weird like   surrealist paintings oh it does you're right  with all the colors a totally yeah I like the   nonsensical of piece placement although I  mean maybe you guys probably have a great   overarching strategy here no we're drawing  arrows which by the way I just notice that   there's this pawn here on the far lot does  that mean the material is plus one for us   or something ridiculous like that yes I think  that's literally what that I have no plan okay the plan of confusion yeah I don't know what  I'm doing if I'm confused maybe I can give   you somebody else at the same time can we  somehow no it's too far I was saying since   we have a double move if we can do like you  just don't die you just you just don't die   don't worry about it that that already has  been predetermined the dad this is quite   brutal actually hmm but this is actually don't  her you trying to win this game by giving them   Queen odds just not moving to Queen a tribe oh  I didn't actually think about that but that's   a good one that's that's a good one I didn't  think about that I mean I've been giving you   guys screen arms all day well I'm successfully  unsuccessful I'm not sure if your love little   play changes but you know we appreciate the  Queen on I had some idea what that move but   I forgot what it was with what oh well I just  played here but I don't know why I played that   in hindsight well you want to diagonalize you  know I thought that if this I block this and   I don't know no it's okay though it's a good  move can you cut the cut the file for the rook also this maybe mm-hmm or wait go here to  be honest doesn't even threaten anything   yeah maybe you miss that we have this big  connection I just defend from here um I go   attacked Carew's night I guess I don't really  know what else to do we want to get that Queen   in the game at some point or other pieces  but it's equal material now by the way this   is very dynamically balanced how's the equal a 1  green [ __ ] when there's a blue pawn in yellow   Knight that's for the [ __ ] yeah I don't know  but then you have that like I don't understand   why do you know what but yeah the skill  says it's equal so maybe a bishop is fine   okay Queens is 10 of course I mean I don't know  how we didn't see that in the first place cry okay okay now now I'm just going to run run oh  and shooter might be like okay just make sure   well it's not a huge deal now but this protection  is pretty nifty okay I have to get my queen out   somehow we have some like here and then here  these no no it's turn right no it's my me and   then it's you oh yeah you're right okay let's do  it let's do it that sounds like a good plan oh   man very scared wait he car ooh how about this  yeah and then that yeah exact way there's this   and this or that or this I don't know yeah but  at least that way he gets the Queen where it's   obvious but then I was like hey I just do this  oh wait yeah yes they also do this can't oh wait   no can you go here and then just this you know  yeah I mean but it's the same thing isn't if you   know cuz then he takes me cuz then he takes me  oh sorry you're right you're right okay you're   right now wait wait no you're right you're right  do you want a jacket or even like this or this   because maybe you can still calculate castle  this way - yeah what did I even take my rook   yeah that's pink yeah that's the other - the  best move because now she can't say cuz she's   very exactly yeah yeah no no I'm a diamond gonna  take here you might need to play that I don't know   just to trade it man that was insane Queen here  defender layer this what the hell I don't think   I'm under anything oh my god this is uh-oh my  slip that whatever okay how do I now slip in   4p pretty easily on it not as bad as that time  I slipped my queen that was no is a I mean we   check on slipped our Queen here anyways but it's  okay it's just a train I guess I lose a ruck but   it's fine we're up - I'm gonna have to take the  right I don't know and then castle just castle   toward you right exactly yeah you know I didn't  mean to give up that look chin do you think we   can somehow organize what does this myth's idea I  don't know this and then this and then this right   right yeah yeah no I want to do that but I just  it's gonna take me a second I pushed pause to go   attack I haven't take this punch careful mm-hmm  but you can also guard right love you probably   yeah but they do get two moves on net you go here  you yes yes I can also walk no but that's just a   free pawn isn't it yeah I guess I'll take it no  but he can't take it cuz then oh okay okay all   right then yeah okay maybe that's sorry no you  can't sorry you already know I'm gonna I'm gonna   go here I like this does not commit anything  mm-hmm just defend everybody oh maybe I can   now do this oh wait no let me Zahn it levies on it  they have like some ideas mm-hmm that's a stretch hmm I Castle yeah and then I try to bring my queen  out you exactly maybe somewhere like here castle   all right enough you can bring your it's like my  oh you can go it yeah it's okay love you we're   fine we're fine you guys are fine just gonna try  to bring these clothes - oh I don't really know   to do so Bishop's are better than Knights so  if you play something like I mean I feel like   bringing the Queen is gonna be okay first of all  I have reasonable yeah I'll go here Oh Keith what   do you want me what love you there's no there's  no threat here right night is like surprisingly   cut off like I can't even bring it in so there  is ok ok ok but that's that's for me I'll take   care of that we may be a chi you know what I mean  my oh no I can't do it I was thinking of here but   obviously it's like something like that and not  that one everything's covered there cuz then with   this combo you know like come here maybe let's  do it yeah let's try it - let's try it Alex goes   first so see like the threat is this and they went  let's see what we got I'm gonna see what levy does   if I don't guard that so I'm gonna have to play  this what's your time though I see it ok it's ok   it's ok love you I'm guarding you too though so  rain find something like that yeah let me just   go here mmhmm yep what exactly is the problem  with like yeah just the move right right yeah   that that's what I'm trying to figure out any move  yeah I can protect him ok what did I just do like   I don't it is ok I don't understand no I think  we're doing well and that was a bad move are you   oh oh oh no if this moves if this moves I can go  here in here but I don't know if it's gonna move   yeah yeah that money uh I might try to it's hard  I'm trying to like bring these Knights in but I   don't see any squares from them mm-hmm hoping uh  Wadley this is pretty intense I'm gonna go here   ok sure I think they have that I have no idea  well we've got we've got we've got stuff like   loving he do you see any good move nope but you  just gotta play fast alright maybe night oh okay   that's true yogi Cory yeah about like something  along those lines yeah I think long these lines   to maybe uh haha but I think this plan is like  almost it's it's it's a win because it's just   okay okay I got it okay I'll go hopefully no  one's stream sniping I don't have your stream   open okay so they're trying to do this no we're  not also some in the future mm-hmm oh you're   right came back in I are trying to just defend  this but yeah and then we lose the some of the   ideas it's okay awesome this my rooks still here  oh yeah yeah um what I can do is play maybe here   um and then just trying trying to get this thing  I don't know yeah I like you I like your idea   love you I like it that make sense a little  bit low and rooks okay a lot of things wait oh dude we could we might have had some crazy  idea like that yeah I was wondering about that   but I didn't think it worked yeah I can't sell  oh maybe I did I don't know there was some very   nasty combination cuz like you take then I got my  rook saying no but then she could have defended it   or checked me also true yeah yeah also couldn't  couldn't you've gone like here to guard oh wait   no sorry sorry there's a pond sorry no idea oh man  give this up yikes oh I don't know what I can do   to help you here no it's not about helping this  about getting something but we there's no solo on   threats yeah I'm still alone actually we might  no zero threats yeah material I'm seeing a +4   here I don't know in whose favor though it's for  both of us all of us yeah everyone's a +4 here matter oh there's this but if  we destroy Alex's army I'm not   sure yeah I think okay mm-hmm oh I  forgot it's your move like I just I   keep forgetting wait you're right  here I have to take you back hmm this game is hard okay this know  that also yeah yeah yeah yeah you   see what I'm trying to do yeah yeah  I just don't want to hang anything what do you mean like this yeah I'm just gonna  block okay be careful love you something like   this also yes yes but she goes she goes last  so we'll be able to mate I think by then that's   true that's true that's true yeah no I got a  couple of pieces here literally always defend   me somehow yeah I might do this just to get  rid of that mmm we don't even have this yet   I know right whatever light squared bishop  anymore ah I'm gonna take that I think yo   is this move problem that wait Hikari your  pawn doesn't make me right I can walk into   your fun ah this is yeah yes yes this is true  I think I can stand in the chances calculation   your mercy walking as king he's flexing it  is he was gonna take the blue bishop with   the pawn Owen but can I move up can I move my  king up in that case Oh like that that's kind   of funny probably right cuz it's like your own  piece because you can't capture teammates pieces   of this that was a move to but I kind of want to  go for something like this also not that matters   that's a little bit too extravagant alright  I I don't know I feel like I can make a Czech   make a check I didn't realize there's a bishop  actually yeah I forgot there was a bishop sorry   oh my god but still maybe that's sure - yeah  something like this even that doesn't mean have   yeah I mean she can't know okay but there's  they're setting up this oh wait no but it's   slow hi this would be this would be this would be  the dream okay right but on your next move and my   next move I need to cover that because they get  two turns so oh I see your point okay I mean I   can't just do that I don't know that probably  just yeah kills off their chances considerably   okay I'll do it then oh well I mean no chances  in the first place I think I'm not so sure about   that actually at all because Levy's King is so  open yeah right so maybe you can get some Alex's   next move is let's check of some sort maybe they  just bring the knight back now yeah I need to   guard you anymore yeah I'll just be safe for a  couple of moves just here cover that score okay there's really nothing I can't even go there  right but maybe we could it's all protected now   but I go here yeah I was thinking like mom is I'm  just this is the closest I can come to helping if   you want to send them to an end game you can go  there and I can go there okay okay okay I don't   know if you if you have any sure sure of course  I'd much prefer that oh the egg name would be   your biggest mistake meet you sitting right yeah  exactly how can I help you um you just play like   night - oh that was no it was that was that it  was that the night it's cool I do not want to   end game because that I feel like we actually  pieces but let me should I force that way yes   if you want then he can't defend it in any way  so but he could maybe like take this though what   does that do okay okay whatever I'll do it then  did you believe me oh that's a cool combo to just   get her Queen off and are we even winning I have  the most pieces at the end yeah I don't know if   we're winning wait is it material Kyle just equal  like you now you have a move okay wait aren't we   actually have a piece our weakest Norrish gotta  work three oh yeah we're down a rug no I don't   exchange Odion exchange yeah yeah looks pretty  good compensation we got the bishop pair you guys   don't that's a good move oh okay oh we go it's  not so bad because I you know I can go like here just take whatever although I was like what I  guess he wants to do this right I'm gonna get   what I'm saying I'm gonna go here I'm not  exactly fine just go ahead right car is a   little low in pieces uh oh man this is intense  aren't you were hanging in we're hanging on by   a thread but it's fine what do pieces do I have  left wait what wait just take yeah um I don't   think it actually mattered because I can't guard  and then do that now I think I go here okay yeah   yeah I think we can go oh that our work on the  seventh man y'all had a much better move than   what you played Oh could have played a lot better  than that yeah yeah no kidding no kidding Oh noted   well wait am I like can you do that you could  do this right I feel like yeah it's so stupid   if you can't I'll do it yeah okay okay well  that makes sense because you can't like I was   saying you can't take your own pieces right  alright sure what's going against here Alex   nerfed a little bit I think we agreed I just  play something it's fine maybe take that take   that so then I can take this take this okay  okay wait oh no I can't Alex no cheer don't   worry they're just trying to get into a really bad  mood huh mm-hm you guys got lucky all right five seconds and and and me and and isn't this  three checks that's already like six checks   all right but so what how are you miss playing  is so fast by the way what is wrong with you   oh that's that's a good move that is good  unless we keep our because you have done   that no no cuz she would have taken just  go just go let me just go just go yeah oh   that's a great move actually why you I know I  know it's a very good move oh my man saved my   rook yeah that was a genius move by me  that's what I'm what's this right here   maybe I should go here because I feel like we  need a rock like yeah really need it now that   was actually like a brilliant move taken  that I could have taken that so love you I   think I can go it's hard to send something here  right can't you trap through wait maybe maybe close okay you want me to do this levy I keep  guard oh I honestly have no I mean the pressures   coming to getting to me so you got a lot of  time alright that's fine ah he's protected very   annoying Joe what do you think about like sums no  sorry I was gonna say like something I mean you   just did whatever take whatever okay sure sure  okay um maybe I can go here so that right right   right also I was gonna say I can maybe do this and  then this right we focus on that's a good I mean   we just have a problem we have a fossa oh we are  awesome chorus here and here we won we won check   with me you're right you're right what oh no wait  what no h3 I mean right where h3 here right it's   me is it also check me for us your movies next you  got made it your way could you save the game there   give them away I didn't have it that was all my  Night Moves no only checks either nothing and I   can't hit the rug is that as insane but that's  not even me right cuz you can run into it your   car is fine right yeah you can run up to Kate but  what happens if it is it is checkmate thing you   guys win it's just me done you you you think we  won yeah because you made the checkmate on to the   first you make the first checkmate right but you  guys just had to check me right but if her it was   actually a than you guys win I think I assume or  not no oh it doesn't matter oh it doesn't matter   it doesn't even matter if it's checkmate because  it's it deterrence keep going right okay wow that   was good that was a nice checkmate you guys got  with the rest of the end I think I think you mean   you almost came back there yeah we almost came  back I think I saw some noticeable improvement   and of me I am I am uh one of the higher rated  players here I'm just going by the metrics our   team effort is slowly improve slowly improved you  know levy and levy and obviously already had some   synergy going we we had to struggle a little bit  yeah I uh well the past few weeks I like I talked   to quite literally the account name for player  chess he just he told me about the Queen's thing   and yeah I don't know I've just been playing  a lot but my favorite is when I run into folks   on the poor player chess server that have like a  thousand games played and then they shit-talk me   like I'll play a bad move and they'll be like you  know good move Gotham and I'm just like come on   man like it's fine it's fine we're just learning  in your game here it's cool no it's hard to have   the IM title because just everyone just goes after  you and free-for-all there's too much lead isn't   enough for players yes yeah I haven't happened  almost all the time when I don't play with part   of the group because because like the three other  players are just gang up on me and I just lose but   when you play like this it's fun though actually  the card to be honest there's a one point today   wouldn't mean you weren't a team and three people  also ganged up on you that game as that some of   my moves were basically throwing the game no no  come on your eat come on you played much better   than that let's be serious much much better  than that I'll take it alright guys I think   that's uh yeah that's all for today yeah yeah  that was a lot of fun guys see you guys the game
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 345,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, chess videos, chess instruction, hikaru, nakamura, naka, chessbrah, speedrun, speedchess, blitz, bullet, magnus, carlsen, fide, event, chesscom, tournament, best channel, best video ever, best video, Hikaru 4 player chess, Hikaru four player chess, Gothamchess and Hikaru, Qiyu and Hikaru
Id: I8SjtC13ALw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 6sec (10026 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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