GMHikaru Dies While Playing Against 14 Year Old

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i do have f6 here as well i also bishop d1 um f6 makes sense bishop d1 also makes a  lot of let's just go here keep it simple okay there we go let's play d6 again so here maybe a6 maybe take i'm  gonna play the same line again go here he's probably gonna play e5  okay he's not going to go play e6   oh i supposed to go bishop  c6 i played the wrong order go here 94 okay i'll go go  hear me bishop c6 next move what did i just do um i guess i can take and take i guess i take aches is not great oh let's  just go here i guess i go f6 or h6 or something   let's go f6 probably i have to go like  king f7 or h5 for c it's also a move here okay i think that's a not a  mistake per se let's go here now can i get away with nice just i don't think  so i'm gonna go king up seven i mean this is   really bad for me i mean i must be losing  somehow maybe i could have gone h5 even but   bill's really ugly let's go  here i guess i have g5 maybe i also have rook c6 maybe as well it goes  bishop g3 i think i'm going to sack a pawn   here just go g6 knight f5 so here knight of five  i mean it's still bad for him but it's oddly not   might not be losing in fact  anymore um let's just go here go here okay wait this actually looks like  i'm completely fine maybe let's go   c4 here i'm actually maybe  i have some b4 tricks too okay let's see i'm just gonna move my k oh wait he wants a4 so  but a4 i just go b4 it's actually really quite   weird yeah i got b4 and now his rook is just stuck  somehow buddy pranav has trapped his rook on a5   for no good reason like really just for no good  reason he's got his work stuck really confusing i think the hybrid toyota think black  panther i think your job will thank   you kyle for the 11 appreciate  it goes b3 and obviously take ace was eponymous looks really wait a second i feel like i should be  fine here let's go here in e5 maybe or g5   i also worked c3 i mean this not four that's actually a good move i think   echo queen d8 d7 i have queen a5 and i'm  fine probably i really don't want to let   his rook out of the corner let's go here i'm  threatening queen b6 that's my whole point here if he takes i just take the  g pawn i'm completely fine yeah he got his rook trapped  for like literally no reason   i don't know why he did that very very weird it goes kingish too wait now can't  i just take and go queen here he's   got rook f1 rook f8 wait a second  this is where i want to not blunder no it doesn't quite work  so if i go queen b60 takes   i feel like i should have a  win somehow actually if i take oh no he's got queen g3 and rook  h5 that's why okay so let's just go   let's go here target the pawn oh did i blunder this shoot i might have  made a blunder rookie 5 doesn't do anything   i go e5 he gets rook b5 though shoot i  misplayed this or did i wait i can take let's just take oh i should not have done that either why did i do this got too clever here no i  might not even survive this night blunder rook h5 too shoot now i have to just salvage just make a draw hear and take oh and i wonder this too what am i doing i think i can flag him yeah i can flag him there we go we got the win wow close game let's go again good knight f3   okay one of ten let's keep going let's go b3  let's slow it down let's play e3 found a way to   win that game dirty um and it's his fault that  he didn't win earlier when he should have won did he offer did i offer a draw oh yeah  yeah exactly did i offer a draw right   that's gonna be the new meme right did i  offer a draw or not oh i meant to go rook d1   shoot the stupid place this stupid mount  a stupid play zone okay i can play a 495   i guess this is actually really annoying  i'm not going to lie i'll go here in 95. let's go here and trade  i'm a little bit better but   that's one thing i've noticed is this play  zone is kind of annoying um it's actually   it's actually like it is annoying i've noticed  this happened it's happened in a couple games   now unlike in live chess where it's like the  drag gets stuck you try to drag it and it gets   stuck um dirty flags are great content of course  but that's only one of ten once again as benjamin   points out there's a reason i'm way up on time i  think a casual kecki for the gifted sub um i mean   i guess i obviously should take i mean he can take  that feels a little bit suicidal wow he does it buddy thinks he can survive after bishop beat two   okay i mean buddy is certifiably insane thinking  that he can survive this diagonal i mean never   has there been a king so completely open here  like this i mean it's just completely open yeah i mean that i mean i can go queen c3 i can  go bishop f3 i mean this is so bad for black   think about how i want to do this though i think  i'm just going to go here i'm going to keep it   very simple and stable because i can always play  queen c3 there's no big rush here because f6 i'm   going to go e4 i'll play a3 at some point but  i mean i also have f5 i mean let's think about   f5 95 yeah let's just go for it let's  be a cave man just going to go right in   for the kill with queen h6 here i can somehow  survive i'll be impressed i don't think he can it's got no development either these  three pieces on their original squares   as monarch is all the way on the wrong side here  so i take right but now i'm i'm not going to let   go i'm just going to keep putting i'm going  to turn up the heat even more and play h4   now when he takes i go here i'm just going  to ignore this rook i'm just going to keep   steaming ahead with my attack and if i need to  i'll take the rook but otherwise i don't care   i literally don't care um let's  just keep going cool blast ahead full blast the head just all in for the kill takes okay i mean okay now he's  gonna be lucky if he can survive this   i mean this is just gg's he probably  actually should take with the f pawn but   it's not gonna help him yeah i go here i go  queen enough to i take it again i'm gonna get   two pawns rolling up the board as well there's  just a disaster for black absolute disaster it's knight d4 logical move i think i'm just  gonna go queen of two and i just take the pawn i can obviously go rook h4 too nah but i mean this this must be winning everything is guarded  there are no checks that's all i had to make   sure of no checks and now i mean he can go king  g7 but i go rook f1 and this is just all over go here i go rook h6 now the pawns are  gonna flow up the board as well so this is   basically just over let's go check here attack the bishop f6 is coming in  move here f7 or just check is good enough if g8 next movie resigns keep going do it 10 up  he keeps playing the same line i don't really   like this but you know what oh he's gonna play an  open now okay does this let's play a night or if   i guess let's play night or drag door everything  dwarf there's h4 i'm gonna play h5 i don't know   if it's right go here probably b5 next move  oh he goes there interesting so i go here   i think i can still go b5 i'll probably have  to i have b4 94 now so this is completely fine that was just a huge blunder by me okay let's just pretend nothing happened ah so poor i guess i i do have knight b6 all i just realized   not all it's not all bad news actually ways  maybe it's not all bad news at all wait a second all right he's got that okay  so what you can play knight   a4 here but i think i should just  castle go for rookie 85 quick play it's probably bad for me but it's  weirdly not conclusively losing guess i can play for default i think knight  a4 is still right to go knight c5 i hit b2 still very complicated whoa e5 he wants  bishop g6 wait if i take take knight c5 no because takes i have knight c5 and he can't  maintain the pin e5 was a huge mistake by pranav   huge mistake because if he takes i have knight  c5 he can't keep the queen on a diagonal   oh let's just go here hit the queen now   now i'm completely fine i should not  even be worse probably let's go here we should be e5 next one maybe knight a4  back uh can't take a queen e7 and take h4   go here double double the juicer oh he doesn't  cheat no then i okay no it's okay it's good oh he's got richie's six shoot oh very poor oh very very poor why didn't i  just think there for a second oh very poor maybe i can still draw a fg queen e7 maybe what am i down i'm down  want something i'll go here so bad i should just move the knife that was so bad  why didn't i why didn't i think about rook g6   i need a vortex for two months oh so bad so bad to throw it like that and then to blunder let's just lose this that's pretty frustrating i'll play  them in the middle game and i throw it oh this this also just  doesn't work they get made it yeah i threw this game so hard   at least i only have to win two to gain points  though because i already beat him two in a row for one more i should be able to  beat him by a four one margin i think   i don't mind playing him in blitz that was so bad ah so annoying i'll play with that middle game   he blunders it all away and  then i throw it right back i can take and go off i'm just going to go  off 4 right away i beat him in something   very similar to this um yesterday  so i'm going to keep going for this so frustrating go here oh he does in 95 which i also  completely forgot was a move very frustrating okay let's play b4 here now i can go here and take though now he  misplayed it actually not now i should be better do i have a set repertoire that's different uh yes  no well not a set right before but i generally do   uh mix it up wait a second this looks wrong d4  knight g4 all right she four knight two six knight knight e3 knight of eight ninety one work of seven  doesn't look right why am i thinking so long here i think i'll just play h3 i have d4  next move which makes a lot of sense queen g5 logical move of course i'm gonna play a4 maybe queenie one  or queen d2 next move i'm gonna go   here maybe queen enough to hit the pawn very  deep concept to hit the pawn on uh on v6 here trying to keep this d4 i mean yeah he's gonna  go for this with f5 it kind of saw this coming   the keg f5 this can't be right i forget you want trade trade d5 or something wow he doesn't play a five and now  i mean now i must be winning who go here he gave me too much time he should have played f5  right away now it's too late i think it's too late or is it wait what if one worker from bishop b6 i'm up two pawns here with takes takes let's go for it oops oh did  i just plunder this wait go here if he takes i just take and i'm fine he  takes takes takes i check and i collect the bishop i don't know if it's a good move but i  think it works actually as queen g3 then   i can and even go d4 and win the game  or he takes that five and win the game   he's thinking about queen g3 i also requested  i can totally tell based on his time usage i'm gonna be three one i've even eaten a  half one and a half last time uh sorry would   be the semi-final yeah this move just cost me  a minute of time right through take so i take   rook g6 i saw this as a move but can't  i just go work up to be careful here now i can obviously trade just go here this must be winning for  me e3 just rookie 1 and d4 c3 now i can play rookie one here i'm just gonna go d4 and c3 though um  i was gonna go h4 okay logical concept actually let's just go here in rook f3 nothing  you can do i'll just go c3 and then work out   three and this is just losing or is it maybe  not actually let's go here bring the king over oh that's gotta be a mistake  now the a pawn is way too fast go here actually i should go here in rook c5 i realized here there we go here we got the  win three one let's keep going oh let's go back to e5 something simple i  beat him eight and a half one and a half   of the e5 so i'll play it again go here bishop  g7 b5 standard stuff favorite band of all time   um i don't have a favorite per se i guess  you could i mean go here in d6 of course um you should play bishop e3 here i go here close castle this is all known by the way  so it's all pretty standard okay this however is already slightly  wrong i think f5 is correct just to   open it up i've got four of queen d7  i should have played queen d7 first so here um i miss knight f4 let's go here  i still have g5 it still can take i assume this is just losing so i  have g5f4 and i think he's just lost this is just losing i'm gonna get knight g6  knight h4 as well so he's gonna have to resign   do bob is winning now wait do bob is ahead wait are you serious oh no do bob's not  a header he is no well just tell me what   the score is oh he's not ahead okay oh he's down  five yeah so it's not gonna be a close match yeah   okay let's just take i guess questions do  i have knight g6 here or not like i kind   of want to puzzle him because he's queenie2f1  let me think about this takes knight h4 is oh   yeah okay i have to take i didn't really  want to do this but isn't this just mate   i mean whatever take the pawn i just go here  in knight h4 and i i i i would like to see your   defense mr buddy show me your defense buddy  knight h4 and i mean he's just made it on g2   or f3 he has no defense here um so yeah eight  and a half three and a half yeah so it's over duboff's still warming up i  promise yeah yeah that's just gg's let's see what he's going to do here go again okay let's keep playing e4 i've  gotten good positions every game with this we're halfway there halfway halfway  to the to here to the homeland okay he's gonna do this one okay let's go for it  go here this is the frankenstein dracula you guys   in case you're wondering whoops we're supposed  to take the pawn of course and go queen h3 says that for okay it seems like buddies  studied this which is kind of annoying yeah i think he studied this  whole line this is very annoying   oh i should've gone bishop d5 why didn't i  play bishop d5 that was the right move go here see-through is also better i think yeah i supposed to go bishop  d5 that was the right move a knight of five and this could get very  scary i guess i go here in rookie one maybe so here develop the rook here i had g4 too i guess i basically need tumors i need c3 and g4  that's all i need is h5 i guess c3 is correct i don't actually see why  black's better here here's d5   go here he can takes he loses his  queen and once my queen gets free   okay goes there that's a lot that's actually  quite reasonable i should probably just take and go like go here i'm going to  develop my bishop develop my king it should be okay for me i saw it shoot go here and here this is terrible with knight before i just take  queen c5 candy too i'm fine it's a trade oh god i blundered mate in one geez oh my god  i blundered queen a5 and there's mate in one somehow i'm still in the game though actually this is quite messy  because b6 is hanging too here go here got knight f3 and queen c3  or something it goes that way go here 24 i've rick d1 oh did i just  plunder this too wait a second wait a second this is very complicated very tricky oh i hung that too shoot uh there we go dubs dubs in the book okay let's keep  going five one four to go go back to sicilians   i was gonna do this again okay let's go here  yeah that's what happens i mean that's the   thing generally if you use too much time  to open and try to get a winning position   there comes a point when either it works  or it doesn't right so now i go here and   right uh i think i'm gonna play this and  queen c8 i think i'm gonna do okay let's go e6 because rick d1 795 take six bishop b5 is fine yeah oh wait no this isn't fine all right goes queen g4 different move here um   actually bad for me feels  like some kind of weird prep go here and take 94 interesting choice castle  i mean he has what 96 i guess i offered draw it's his  fault he didn't take it yeah   uh questions can i ignore this i want  to ignore but i don't think i can here's what e5 i get i mean this could  be pretty ugly yeah it goes e5 you go b5 see his idea at least let's just go here okay what do i do here hmm this will go here at some point i have to play b4 i think do what he does wow he takes on shifa that's not insane  or is he just gonna sack his queen   he might just sack his queen i guess  i don't have to let him wait a second go here thinks of the queen eye of knight  of four takes for the king i have knight   of four he goes richie throughout to go  bishop shade and queen b7 or something yeah i'm gonna line up a battery checkmate  here for sure depending what he does let's go here i think this is  correct very scary position for white   wait a second i can also go b4 here wait a second  i don't want to go b4 though let's go here i guess oh i thought there was this  was a blunder i guess it's not yeah i just made a mistake go hear me rook c4 here oh i just hung this i think a mate jesus of course i should have gone rook h4 first too i'm low on time as well oh i know i went the wrong way yeah i went  the wrong way terrible need to win three more awful game i was what 3219. not gonna be talking sorry you guys i  need to focus when i win these last three way to chill that game ten four no i'm gonna i'm just gonna beat  him three in a row and then i'm gonna stop   just gain points that's it alright strong well it's not that  i just i don't wanna mess up and go below   and then i have to re reset that's why i'm  going to be folks here i'm just going to get   up a lot of time on the clock and then then  just uh then the e5 is just an absurd move   by him wait a second this is just not a good  move i have all the time in the world here no franchise stream funny okay let's go here really does yeah i mean this this  just can't be right questions can   i castle here that's really the  only question i'm trying to think no i mean i should probably just  take take the piece but you know what i'm gonna do it i don't know  if it's right i'm gonna do it take the horse yeah then he takes with a bishop  and there's some kind of weird counter play   wait no no but this i thought i could oh  my god sure enough i did something wrong   i mean this is absurd oh my god wait wait wait wait  wait no wait a second don't panic i have bishop e6 in this bishop d6 and it's fine just wait all right take and i go here and i win   yes now it's clean okay good i'm gonna get  a rook instead i get another another piece that's just a piece okay don't tell me i blunder a rookout  for trick i might have actually   just plundered a huge trick there go e5 might have been some funky trick but i guess  i could have taken and gone chuck and cakes okay two to go i was what 37 19 right or not  37 19 30 31 32 19 when i started   i'm going to go back to e5  silence he's not playing the open so here bishop g7 okay please d4 i go here i take and i play knight a5   you're gonna see he can still go c3  which is probably better i'll go here place c3 i can obviously trade trading is correct so here target the pawn on e4  okay now i just need to finish   my development i think step one is  to play like d6 on bishop g7 in 97 i just go hearing castles uh  he wants queen d2 and bishop h6 pretty reasonable i don't love the position but i think it's i think  i must be slightly better let's go here and take but here i'm going to play 95 next month he's  got a bad pawn on b3 so i should be a little   bit better we got four interesting so at night  a five i can also just go here i guess and take okay so it gives me a bishop h a which  i don't think he should have given me   um not now i think i'm somewhat okay let's go here  somewhat okay i think i might even be better soon   oh here he's gonna go to  h3 and then i'll go like f6 all right wait first of all i can take second  of all i can play f6 third of all i can   do something wait a second that's  that's gotta be a mistake wait six yeah i think this is this is wrong because  i can just take on g5 he takes he blundered you know knight of seven and just win the game actually knight f7 was better i know  if someone would have prevented this   i said was a little bit of a better move oh wow wait what oh am i not winning the bishop i was  sure i was winning this bishop here   oh this is actually very poor by me i was  pretty i was sure i was winning this bishop oh that's very poor or i'm thinking too long again i should  just kind of move soon go here i'll take oh is it 92 here mix takes takes should be fine okay so it goes for this i'm just gonna go for this  hopefully this isn't a blunder okay makes oh it's not a blunder shoot oh my god i  just threw again geez he's got no time though wait so here what am i doing oh jeez awful absolutely awful awful awful game it's still  a draw so i can't complain but that was awful   dude pro box go for the prime i should not  have traded the pieces i traded i should not   have traded the rooks they were fractions  for two months this guy can't finish yeah that was so bad okay three games three games i mean i can play h i don't know if it's good  i'm gonna go queen of two and knight g too that was so bad hmm let's go here it's going to castle   or do i play a4 it's an interesting question  i'm going to go a4 in his castle here   i don't even know if a4 was an idea for black or  not but oh i'm legitimately frustrated right now if that's a bad move because now now he's  going to give me pressure against pawn   right but i can play like queen e1  and d3 too i can also go rook f1 because now i want to go f5  as well please bishop f5 which   this too i should have seen  okay let's go here target pawn just playing a bad game wait yeah i'm just playing a  terrible game suddenly out of nowhere i'm just gonna sack an exchange or something i was traveling as bishop or queen with  bishop c8 yeah i had some trick i didn't   see what it was i knew there  was something that was winning   but i'm just annoyed now by the last game  because i was completely winning that game   and castles i guess i go i don't know  like just pretty mad at myself right now   when i get mad at myself i start to make mistakes  too which probably why i'm just losing this game yeah i mean what was what was what was  this even throw this opening out the window throwing my rating away so terrible abysmal go here he's ocean man not really i just need to like  not win i need to win games where i'm winning   not just played b throughout move  one which is a huge blunder go here while this is losing there is some  kind of weird counter play here there's some kind of weird counter play coming on seven hours yeah it goes first i go here hey but i mean this is quite  scary because i have c3 rookie six and i should have some  tricks here let's go here maybe i mean i feel like this is  getting very scary for black oh did i just throw the game or something too i just threw the game i just blundered again oh i'm just  blundering every which way now oh i hung that too yeah i'm just playing bad chess  okay let's let me just ignore chat i'm gonna i'm   gonna beat him i'm gonna i'm gonna beat him five  in a row no actually you know what no no joking   i'm not i'm just gonna fool on folks and crush him  so sorry chap but this is where i ignore you guys   because now i'm actually just  mad again like i was last night of course i did this which i shouldn't have done this is where i get mad and now now i just  blow him off the board like no nonsense because now i'm pretty angry do i also want to see this  quality dips when i don't talk   i just i'm completely silent just playing chess let's go back here it's a villain in the chat funny thing  claire cottontail for the 36 months all right bishop a5 team especially a5 let's have e4 bishop g for a lot of options okay finds the e4 but that  shouldn't really change much now i have queen g3 and he just resigns  we need three queen e3 there we go okay nobody cares that's one up nine to go i'm gonna play d4 here knight two and c4 interesting it doesn't take okay now i'm up upon i should be much better and play bishop b2 back i guess great with the bishops okay i mean this is great let's go here actually knight  c3 is probably quite good too   but i'm just gonna go here  in c3 or something maybe c4 looks quite a bit better for me it's a little bit of technique okay now there's  a b7 pawn that he hangs first i should take uh love is live is up to 3143 nice nice  rating let's think rookie 192 king f1 i can go to g2 but i think i should go to h2 place h5 okay now now i know  that i'm just winning i just have to find a   couple of good moves um bishop c6 seems like  one option knight b5 seems like another option   and what is this threat exactly if i go f4 there's no threat this is just  winning let's go f5 next move okay i'm up a pawn here to maneuver this here bring the knight into the game 95 maybe knight c6 just bring the king closer this allows the check allows me to go here too um yeah let's just take i have a fork of course yeah okay now i win the game here okay there we go again two up go here yeah eight more to go yeah i mean i'm not   i'm not even gonna talk i'm  fully focused on this game erroneous up by eight oh wow okay that doesn't seem right wait or did i just wonder i thought  he couldn't do this for some reason i don't think he can do this my  instinct is that he can't do this this doesn't work it doesn't work but so be it take i i i don't believe this i think  he's just making up stuff here here no he's making this up now now  he's just losing this just doesn't work oh wait wait i gotta be careful it's about  to blunder a checkmate with rookie eight   wait a second i gotta be a  little bit more careful than that go here let's go here check move the king and now i mean i just go rookie and  it's just over okay that's much better much better   let's just go i don't know bishop d4  is probably just completely fine too   i have rookie eight here i mean there's gonna be  some tricks of course down the road tonight f4   i'm going to go knight f6 here  but actually let's just go with g8   trying to keep this as simple as  possible that doesn't do anything they can take the knight now as queen's under attack i mean g4  is under attack i have knight f6 later   queen h3 runs into h5 and he's trying he's  still trying desperately to keep the game alive   and i just find the winning move there's one of them now i threaten  the mate he can't go 93 if he goes   richie one i just take the rook and that's  game over he resigns three up seven to go let's go back to e4 here it's  rubix for the prime thing so   much um pranav should be a gm yeah i  would just say he he should be a gm   i'm gonna play the same line again one thing is  tricky is of course someone sets the villagers   in chat so i do need to keep that in mind so  they start dodging with random random brand of   garbage openings and not playing mainline theory  i'm gonna play this one okay b3 is still correct okay h4 is obviously a move here i'm gonna play  it it's not it's not necessarily the right move   g3 bishop h3 bishop d3 classic  position not clear cut okay it   goes there which i think is slightly  wrong so i'm gonna have h5 or something so here king g2 of course that's the video are you here buddy yeah yeah  someone says villars in the chat and i assume   he is in the chat i mean he should be  in the chat obviously let's just take oh i had something better than this i missed  something okay let's think for a second go here i'm afraid of svidler no i'm not afraid of him  but i do have to keep that keep that in mind   um there's a good chance he's  watching so like i don't want   to like show some absolute main line thing no but sevilla should i mean that  he should like i'm actually not   trolling like he should do that  100 should do that like no cap over here i mean i obviously have taken something  at some point okay now he does this i mean   he's really begging me to break  he's really really begging me you know what i just somehow  i don't actually believe it wait i have to be careful  where i put the queen here go here hopefully i didn't just blunder let's just take i got to do  sooner or later i have to do this   i don't know why it took me  so long to finally do this go here i guess not thrilled with my position here i have to say i rook g5 though there's some unpleasantness  here for black i have to say do oh did i just blunder oh no i  think i just made a blunder rod oh why'd i do that why did  i do that under it so badly well maybe i have this in d6  wait maybe it's not so clear i don't see a mate wait okay let's think oh my god did i really do this  oh my god i threw that so hard   so bad i can't believe i did that oh my god  on e1 i could have taken his queen on e4 oh   my god was this queen hanging on e4 my  queen on c1 was protected that's so bad   my queen on e1 was so protected allen for the time  my queen on e1 was completely protected oh that   was terror my queen ozzy was protected wasn't it  wait a second wait i think my king was protected oh my god my king was protect my queen was  protected on c oh my god okay that's so bad   wait um go here bishop before terrible  that's so bad let's go here on d5 yeah now i'm going to tilt this game away just   like that because i'm just  mad about the previous one i'm gonna go here in king d7 or something silly yeah i'm just now i'm just  tilting this game awakes i'm mad what am i doing it was so  bad i mean i was just so bad the queen was just guarded  on e1 there that's ridiculous i thought the queen was hanging on c1 that's  why i didn't do that in case you guys were   wondering really it's like why did i just take  the queens because i forgot it was regarded   basically that's the only reason okay i'm just down two pawns  here probably just lost but i can still try to blitz him the queen was so guard the queen was  completely guarded why did i do that   like i don't even know why i did that  if the queen on c was completely guarded so bad maybe isn't so bad it's kind of weird like it's  bad but it's not like easily winning for white i'll give him this i have to bring my knight back so stupid so stupid and now i blundered this too uh of course i allow this too and i lose  oh jesus tilting all over the place uh just tilting i let that previous game affect me now i actually really have to just refocus in  one seven this is why i hate playing long blitz   sessions so eventually you end up in these long  spots where it's like you just have to win so   many games you lose the game early and then you  just have to keep going uh no i don't want no   i'll be back over 32. i just have to play good  shots and i'm not doing that that's the problem i'm playing somewhat decent at  times but i let that previous   game just tilt me completely and i  just wonder in the opening over here chatter trying sort of tell me i mean  i'm a little bit tilted i'm just well   not tilted really but i'm just like frustrated  my play because like i just i really wanted to   play better before for the match tomorrow and  like i'm just not playing well at the moment   actually it's not even maybe it's maybe not  even right now it's just the fact that i played   i played so poorly yesterday at the end of  the stream and now i'm doing the same thing   here right now where i'm playing so poorly  again that i think is more what it is it's   just like the fact that it's two days down the  road where it's like i'm playing these guys and   i mean i i either just shouldn't play so  many games or i should stop at some point   like already again i'm thinking forever here  in a position where i shouldn't be thinking   another problem is now it's becoming a little bit  too serious as well like i'm just really really   just becoming crazy serious take over here and play h3 b34 just ignore chat yeah chat's being  ridiculous but it doesn't matter it's typical chat like if i get a  little bit tilted they just love to like   pile on i'm gonna go b3 which  probably is not a great move this an e5 i mean i am better here  question of how much better really a3 well you just played bishop e6 which is just  a terrible move complete lack of understanding   by playing bishop e6 he should have put  the bishop on d7 and on the other diagonal let's see now how am i i know i'm  better here hundred percent i'm better   matter of playing good moves let's go e5 and  bishop e4 this is a good this is like the start   of actually maybe trying to play decent chess go  here now i've worked d1 pressure on the knight   okay that does nothing that's just  a free pawn thank you very much let's find bishop c4 very annoying oh i have a trick with bishop b6 here  i didn't even see it but it works out no i really want to adopt him i  really just want to like slow it   down completely really really  focus and just just adopt him or or i can just hang a pawn or i can just hang a  pawn and with it like kind of ruin this whole game oh my god as soon as i get an advantage  i immediately throw it away   literally as soon as i get an advantage i throw it  away hang the pawn on e5 and throw the whole thing i am still better though i think what is  this queen d1 yeah and he resigns okay here with d2 and take the file just end the game i have adopted prov i have adopted this guy  before it's not like i haven't played him   i have adopted him just to be clear no tricks with the rook g2 here rick h4 is probably better which was easier course he should resign  here some point soon go here let's do this he loses time go here one i don't know what a3 is exactly questions can i play f6  here this is a big question   i don't know if i can i don't really  trust it so i'm not gonna go for it h6 probably h5 i don't want the bishop on g5  it's very annoying so i'm just going to rotate my   knight around go a5 here try to open up this like  i don't really know which side he's castling on   here back doesn't really concern me let's go here  i mean is he really castling king slide is kind   of the question i'm much better here much better  let's see if i can actually not throw this game oh thank you you know oh maggot  chad for the prime castle by the   way takes was a mistake you  should take with the bishop   and then he had a knight b6 fork like that's  very very bad by me very very bad okay so bad okay because he's gonna go f5 then  i take and take with the e pawn   or not okay he's gonna try to do something else oh sure i guess i don't even know why i did  this though i mean i took on b5 was just   ridiculous there's no point no reason  to taking on b5 in absolutely no sense okay it goes queen d2 but now i get knight  of five and now there's some tricks i think i check and take no i have to take maybe  i supposed to take the g pawn there again i feel like i'm misplaying this i am misplaying this i i'm  actually not doing great now here go here and try to hit the pawn oh bishop 86  was such an obvious move why did i go bishop h6 bishop h6 was such an obvious move there for me   take a breath relax yeah i mean it's  probably just it's an accumulation of   too many long streams i think too many long  streams and it's all kind of adding up now at least that's my read of it all right i had  97 here and i was fine missed that too lovely lovely yeah i am wait i'm missing everything go here i guess don't i have this around my blind i mean this might just be terrible  but i think i trapped his rook i've won one right see me angry like it's just  too many long streams that's what it is too many   long streams over this long period of time  and it's just like it's catching up with me   i just have to make sure that tomorrow when it  matters i don't i don't actually mess up that's   that's the real danger here okay i'll take let's just go here i guess that's  actually the real dangerous that like   is that i let this i let this carry over  to um into like into tomorrow and that's   when that's when you know that's  when it becomes really a problem so here i check i think finally he made a blunder   no he's got this shoot he keeps finding  these stupid resources really annoying actually okay let's go here okay now i can trade rooks okay i gotta do this and open it up okay i'm just gonna flag him there we go okay two let's keep going i'm gonna play the same it's just not  normally what i play but i'm gonna play it i'm gonna play this one which is  not generally considered great this is definitely not right here in h4 this is pretty terrible for black wait what wait what on earth is this wait a second i mean he's just getting  crushed on the king side here i do bob's making it more respectable  down by five yeah but it's over isn't it   i mean this has to be losing okay  let's let's just take a deep breath um i mean i have queen h2 even here which is just  ggs let me try something like queen g6 i just take i mean this this has to be lost okay let's think  queen h2 is one moves it surely wins what is this   move after queen shooter h8 only move and  then i can just trade everything i guess surprisingly there's a quicker one than queen   h2 i don't see it so i think this  this looks like a pretty safe one i mean he has to go rook h8 and i can just  take and go bishop google express success it is a piece yeah it is peace it's game  over um three there we go yeah bishop sucks first is also a move but i  think just being up the night is more important okay that doesn't do anything i just i  mean okay wait a second wait i just take   i mean it takes i've made i'll just go quickly there we go three up okay keep going i got a good  position i'm gonna stick with it he's gonna play this i guess i'll play c6 d5 again so play the same line i guess okay  interesting okay let's just go here i guess let's play f6 here i think there's a  little bit premature by my opponent   phil's very prominent tour at least just what is that just a mouse slip or  is he like losing his mind i don't know what this is i think the cassie  bass for the tier ones thank you so much   um can i pronounce primature again  yeah it was very premature um what what is premature not a word  or something i don't understand okay i think i'm just gonna go h6 i mean  all i need is e5 e4 and then i just win   the game basically he has some knight  g5 nonsense that i don't really like you know what it is what's the big deal i mean  it's just a big center why am i panicking here   i just go knight f6 oh or you can do this but and  now i just go here castles and i just win the game so here i'm just knight a 5e4 i mean this is  all very straightforward you get a touch pad   for the seven months so much okay and e4 is just  strong i mean it's just very very good for me   he's got a grip on the dark squares the only  thing he has going for himself right now but   i mean again okay go see three all i need to  do here is bring my pieces to the king side   this is the only thing that i need to do give  the pawn i'm gonna go queen d4 here probably go f4 see before i go d4 of course i mean this is just so bad  for white let's just go here   i have 95 king h8 i mean everything is collapsing i mean it gets knight c5 but i'm just gonna go  here okay just resigns four let's keep going   okay let's go back to d4 he did  not show me anything that game he showed the previous game he showed me  nothing so i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna   make him show me something um as i say  in st louis it's like the show me state   right now i'm basically asking  him to show me his real opening   because this is real opening against the um  against the uh against the samish it's very bad okay so he still wants this i mean he still wants  this a5 nonsense but it just isn't very good   i go h4 and h5 i mean this is just not good for  not good for black there's always gonna be some   knight of five i had a lot of games when i was  younger and the king's indian and this were like   my opponents would get h5 g5 and i would  just suffer forever and it was so unpleasant   to face yeah this is just losing this is  actually positionally almost lost for um actually but you know what there's  no rusher i can't even go with d1   i want a game against this i am from the  philippines his name was i think luis   chiong and um i he played this against and i just  i somehow survived as black and one but i was just   suffering so badly uh dubai almost winning  what do you mean he's three points down with   10 minutes left wait what um yeah h5 g5 just so  unpleasant i mean even c5 here i mean with c5 it's do bob's about to be up it's very  reminiscent of do buffs match against nepo man   uh dude i've had this match against or not  duo sorry levana is matching us nepo man   where in bullet it was like  it got really close too okay let's think i'm totally winning  here so queens before i can take and take   knight f5 is coming in knight b5 is coming in  everything here is is very it's happy times um   i don't want to really give him counter play here  so how do i stop counter play knight f5 is one way   to stop counter play but even i mean just rook  a1 and queen c5 is just no counter play either something happened for nob um not really  i'm just i'm putting the hurt on him   this game i'm just going to go here i'm not even  concerned i just don't want to give him anything   i'm not going to give him an inch okay now i  just but i can actually take and go d6 maybe i have d6 here let's see d6 oh  d6 is just gg unless i'm insane   no this is gg he loses pawn he loses tonight yeah that's just gg oh no wait i missed oh god i missed this i'm  still winning thankfully oh but that was oh   man i just that was a huge wonder by me wait  okay i need to reset oh man that was terrible   that was a huge blunder jeez thank you i will i will yeah okay this is over i go here okay resigns that's what five let's keep going lavon is losing every game of bullet okay  i mean i might have to pop over there go here that was five right i was not six so here i think it chased zt for the prime thing so much uh pranav just blundered again  but it's not clear if i'm winning go here oh did i just make a blender wait a second oh did i just make a blunder  i think i just made a blunder did i make a blunder or not seven no i didn't make a blunder i have this movement i can just take i didn't  make a blunder i'm still good still good um yeah you guys can tell me if the dubois match  gets really tight i will go back and follow um so really so lavon is actually throwing geez   okay now i need to be careful this is  actually not trivial somehow i'm not i'm not even winning anymore this is ridiculous   that's why i hate this is why i hate the hippo  actually because hippo you think you're winning   and then you [ __ ] then you  realize you're not actually winning yeah it's like you think you're winning  and then you're not actually winning i go here i have knight g6 maybe yeah i hate the hippo because there are a  lot of these positions where it's like the   hippo just like you think you're just winning  and you should be winning and then it's like   very very unclear somehow out of the blue  like i'm not even winning anymore probably   even though he blundered a piece  and he gets rewarded unbelievable i'm still okay probably but it's frustrating okay i mean wait did i just hang mate no i um i didn't  i didn't actually see queen f7 that's so bad yeah i didn't even see this and i'm just losing  or something i didn't i did not even see queen of   seven chuck yeah this is unbelievable i didn't see  queen of seven check and now now i'm just losing   i didn't see queen of seven at all oh my god i mean he blunt he made a clean blunder and i just have nothing against it i mean he  just made a clean clean blunder   and he gets rewarded for it so gross ugh i do if i go here oh he's got some knight of five nonsense  too of course he always has some trick unbelievable literally unbelievable guy just hangs the night and he  has a miracle tactic to save it so lucky do bob's gonna win wow there's g4 i mean i mean obviously i'm  just lost i'm just gonna make moves should have played rook c8 first yeah if i go work see it first i have  some some hope oh but this is just nothing ugh oh he blundered mate oh my  god oh my god he blundered me six let's go let's go he blundered me oh  my god that was ridiculous he blundered me   okay let's go now we're back on track let's keep  going that was the one game that i played badly   and i got the win somehow okay i can  play e4 let's play traditional a3 i want to play this one okay i'm  gonna play this weird line knight h3 i have this against arkady knight and um 24 is  still correct gary kasparov also played this   is not correct by the way pranav is  not playing this very well let's go e4 don't give up yeah don't don't i don't give up   bridge is g5 wait okay i know i'm much better  let's think knight g5 doesn't work just take okay let's take oh did do bob just get  disconnected and lose the match wait what happened to do bob wait wait what  would you what have to do about you guys i did do bob got disconnected oh my god so  he's like he's he's torching lavon is what   you guys said right oh man okay let's just  go here by the way while we're at it seven okay resigns go again um let's keep going g6 i've gotten good positions   okay okay he's gonna do this i'm gonna go  back to c6d5 i mean i don't believe him this is eight right this will be eight all right he's gonna play bishop g5  here i guess i'll go here in c5 maybe   uh-huh he has a quick attack okay whatever  let's go maybe he can survive this but maybe not   a4 he threw an a4 a6 which is a big  mistake i mean the k can go here   it has to be right i don't know if it's right i  mean it's just better knight before and d4 maybe   i feel like i should have some tactic  here that i'm not seeing let's go here i want a castle too and he has h no  h5 maybe i can even sack something okay um so what happens so lavon is going to win  the match with the bullet is that what you guys   are saying i think that's what you guys are saying  right unbelievable okay let's think for a second trying to figure this out  i'm trying to work this out i i call i call i call i call  your bluff and i raise you   wait let me make sure there's no tricks with h6 h63 no i call i call your bluff and raise you okay so i take and i think it's just bad um okay i think it's gonna be number  eight by the way just to be clear   so levon's gonna win i assume he  wins because of the disconnection   i mean this is still messy this is not clear  cut by the way this game but i think i'm winning   you cannot call and raise oh that's right yeah  yeah you can't call an eraser you either have   to like call or you have to raise right yeah i  said i call and i race that's actually because   in the movie there's a movie called um there's  a movie of the sting i think is what it's called   and of h6 i just take and i take the rook and  i take and i win but there's a movie called   the sting and in the sting um i think that's  what one of the characters says he he calls   the bet and then he says i think that he calls  the bet and then he says i call and i raise   or something um so that's where i'm getting  it from of course you obviously you can't   do that okay now i'm much better here i  should just be winning not mess this up um   okay what's the clean way to win this question  f5 makes sense knight c6 does not make sense just take i mean this has to be just winning oh here maybe knight d5 was better i don't know   bishop f3 okay i mean ah that's i  would not have done this go go here should be winning oh he has to take taken i just go rook  a7 he resigns actually this is very easy   okay you guys eight let's keep going keep going d4 oh is e5 okay this is another way to play this line  i think i'm supposed to just take a queen c2 actually supposed to go queen  c2 first but okay let's think   you can see two knight f3 doesn't  work so i just go here in bishop too i'm gonna castle any takes i just take and  i think i'm fine i think my two bishops   are very good he also opens up his file as well i don't even know if castles is right  but this looks completely fine i'll   pre-move because it's a safe pre-move  uh i think it attack key attack weave   for the prime the tie doll for the 300  bits thank you so much appreciate it so okay so who um so who's uh so who who's  in or who's out by the way you guys because   it doesn't seem really clear to me okay now  i thought i could go knight f4 here and take so love is through right okay so i see his id he wants knight c5 i  can also play f5 or g4 let me go g4 here okay how do i do this exactly i  mean i know i'm a little bit better   i don't know how much better  i'm gonna play f5 here probably i want to go king b1 um let's move the king ah is there a 94  trick wait i hope there's no knight okay   go here of course i don't like bishop c6 i  think that's a mistake he's trying to get   he's trying to cheese me with bishop a4 i  don't think it's in the spirit of the position   and now the h4 g5 to go out full on launch  okay let's go yeah i don't want to go queen   d2 somehow i need to activate is h4  right let's just go h4 and attack because now he can't really move his  rook his work is very awkward here maybe i just have rookie g1 and g5  just very very smooth simple chess here yeah right now i'm just  like kind of i'm in the zone   i'm in the zone it goes knight d3 or nice knight  b3 i should say enough four is a move 24 25 an idea knight p3 is a good move actually here go here i mean it's still g5 here that's my big gamble he still has knight c5 d5 is very reasonable i mean i  still have g5 but i assume i take   it should be five i just take the knight wait  wait wait a second this doesn't look right at all go here oh here target the queen i do have f6 here as well i also bishop d1 um f6 makes sense bishop d1 also makes  a lot of just go here keep it simple oh my god i just threw it oh  my god i just threw it oh jesus oh my god i just threw it that was that was number  that was that was 10. i win that game i i win that   game that's 10. okay last three oh my god i  don't go bishop d1 let's i just win that game   i play f16 to any other  move i win that game i mean yeah i'm just gonna i'm just gonna get back to 32  20 and then i'm stopping oh my god how did i not   see quincy when i played so well to get to that  point too that's so upsetting that's so upsetting um that's so upsetting i also had bishop h6 there i  should have played or whatever oh my god i can't believe i did that  please oh and i just hang up hung up   on e5 yeah now i'm just now i'm just throwing  oh my god what the [ __ ] oh here in queen e7 yeah i'm just throwing so hard here i'm just ridiculous unbelievable work so hard to get to that  point and then i have to just throw it   i'll play i completely outplay him every game  to get to that point and then i play bishop d1   and now i immediately throw this game unbelievable new jim benjamin bach for the give  something to beast for the tier 1 thank you so upsetting i know my king is garbage here too well my king is just so terrible i don't know if h5 does anything but i'll play it just need to move and pray abtgr for four months thank you i'm just pissed off now and here i guess so unreal to throw the game like that so  unreal almost surreal i guess that's the   word i would use to go here i know i  like check or something i've congeat   yeah it's like surreal unreal is the wrong  word it's just surreal can't believe i did that let's work out for one interesting choice unbelievable yeah that's just completely lost i literally  have no good moves here go i don't know i mean it's not going to matter if i win  tomorrow i guess i guess that's the upside but   still very frustrating please h3 interesting choice let's go here i guess interesting voice i might i might have  a chance to get back in this game now that was a fairly serious mistake oh that's a good move too it's got  no time though i just realized again all right queen c1 oh my god okay we got the win oh my i gosh paulie was her thing to  play help okay let's go back to d4 okay i mean that makes up for the previous  game because i was so completely toasted   that game that makes up for the previous one i  guess that makes up for the previous one right it's just e5 again so i'm gonna take  right but now i think i can play   here because now i bishop f4 he didn't  play h6 so it's a little bit different let's just do the same line i want to see it i placed this which is not right  wait i need to make sure though e4 h6 or h6 now let's just trade in castle i guess i mean i can castle here i guess i don't  really like it but i'm gonna do it anyway of course i blunder immediately  again actually is this a blender wait   maybe it's not a blunder wait let's go go here maybe it's not a blender i have knight d3 and i have f4 and actually  maybe it's not a blunder there you go aaron rook g3 this  actually is really scary for black now here i mean f4 f5 is a move  that i have i also have 91   i don't want to go b3 i don't  want to go knight before i kind of want to play up and a 5 but i don't  think it works i have to go b3 which i hate okay that looks like a strange okay i don't  care i've got to go all in for the attack he   can take a pawn i don't care take a second  pawn in h2 i mean i i'm not worried go here all i need is f4 f5 that's all i need i just need  f4 i can get f4 and i'm going to be much better   i can go night before and i actually  this looks quite scary maybe   i just want to be careful here knight  before bc4 yeah let's go for it   i'm gonna play 95 is very scary i can take  on i mean this looks very scary for black   because he's not getting any attack on the queen  side here yeah i think that this might be really   really good for me he took thunder for the three  dollars thanks so much for thunder appreciate it this is pretty scary for black okay let's go here because queen yeah i  mean sacking was scary i can take i mean   okay let's just go for it i'm gonna go for the  kill with f4 he's gonna lose this game i think   i mean my attack is so fast here with f5 yeah my attack should be too fast i mean  he's going to lose this and he's his whole   house is going to burn down his king  has no protection this looks terrible looks terrible okay let's take   and how is he i mean he has to take i mean he's  not survive okay first of all i've checked let's   slow down i have a buck 24 which is all the time  in the world but all i need to do is come up with   the line that wins rook g6 looks winning but  you know what i think i'm just gonna check   and then take there's no rush no uh i have rook  f1 and just checkmate hey there we go two to go um let's go back to g6 here go here i'm gonna  do the c65 again he's he has not impressed me   in any of these lines i mean he really has  just has not impressed me let's go here e6 here aha i please wait if i take we'd have queen b6 here that's a free panorama i just insane okay wait wait wait wait  i must be much better here   i just have to finish the piece play okay  let's go here trade some bishops step one i think he has to go queenie too i'm  going to trade and then go queenie 797   castles then i just win the game let's  just take of course oh wait that's just   a it's not a blunder or not queen g  wait that's just a blunder i go here okay here we go another one thank you to  clyde the times for the eighteen thanks for   just collecting times appreciate it i just  go here like the juicer and the game okay much better much much better if i take the knight of the rook i mean i assume  i take with the brook this has rook h1 i mean take i mean he's getting some weird rook h8 nonsense   bizarre always has some nonsense  let's play rook h4 though now i take okay i just go 97 very good very very good okay let's keep going let's keep going d4 he is not  he's not proving anything in d4   every game i'm beating him out of the  opening um oh he wants to play this one okay oh he wants to play okay very interesting thing is i'm playing for f42 in this  system that's the problem with this   i'll play a4 i don't know if i need  to but it's thematically the best move   problem is i'm playing for f4 here  that's actually a big problem for black and thierry aragarro for the 11 months  thanks so much okay plays knight h5   um he wants f5 i can play f4 myself  that f4 myself makes sense i mean oh what are them what's the move that i want to  play i don't want to spend too much time here   because f5 is a serious move i don't want to  go f4 i'm just going to go here and take maybe i'm going to take and play f4 okay let's do  this one or be it interesting okay let's go here   i don't know knight two once  necessary but it stops f5 i still have four in my back pocket   just there i mean i guess h3 is reasonable  no reason i can't play it over here go here   here i think a3 makes sense laterally do  something on his third rank let's go here   bishop b2 next move he's starting to misplay this  this is starting to get very iffy for black i can   go bishop three even i'm just gonna stop him  from playing f5 basically he can he'd never   really play it but if he has to stay with a bishop  this can never really be all that special go here they're starting to get very bad for black  i'm gonna go here and maybe b4 maybe bishop a5   they still wants f5 i don't want stuff  actually i should not have allowed this   kind of a little bit questionable f5 takes  takes a four you know what let's just go b4   i can always take and play off for later okay  he goes off fives it's back let's take go here i'm gonna play rook b3 keep an eye on these pawns   f4 i always have bishop g4 if e4  i think i have to go f4 i go f4 if he takes i take and i get knight c6 i'm  doing pretty well i think another 10 hour   stream i don't know i feel like time is really  going by fast now um i don't like 98 i go here   i mean it feels like this is  starting to go the wrong way   or black let's just go queen c2  i guess and i always have takes it's very unpleasant very very unpleasant yeah i don't know what  time how long have you been live i've kind of   lost track ever since i got really deep into this  match i've totally lost track of where i'm at um it was their way but now take wait  this has to be really bad let's go here   i don't know why did i play  with you one that does nothing   i'm gonna bring the bishop back i guess guard  the pawn and now i can go here target the knight   so here i have knight h984 h4 of course because  knight g4 i take has to take that one now i'm   starting to really work him on the queen side that  doesn't do anything i can just play knight e2 even you know this this has to be losing it's  just a matter of how i crash through i   want to just be smart though not throw  this game so let's go here on bishop b2 i'm basically crashing through on the queen  slide here so he can't really do a whole lot   these are chess players not  enjoyers indeed okay let's go here it takes okay i can get the gun do  we want the gun no i want the all   other gun i want the rooks in front i wanna i  wanna smash through on this file go here i don't   know why i did this move does nothing i think is  he's kind of stuck i'm gonna put my knight on e3   this is terrible for black oh he's trying now he's  trying to do something like king h7 and knight g6   um let's go here i guess i mean okay let's just  go for it i mean this this has to be winning   i don't have i don't quite have the gun of course i gave him bishop a4 obviously but i can still take and go knight d5 at the end now we go here i've got an id5  coming in and he's too slow all right we got it up 20 to 6. all  right guys i'm taking a short break   go run to the restroom and then we'll  keep going right on so give me one second you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 84,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, chess speedruns, hikaru blitz chess, hikaru blitz tournament, hikaru blitz champion, hikaru blitz match
Id: 97G5GotyubE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 34sec (7834 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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