I'm Leaving Here With A Blessing! - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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it's dynamic passionate and inspiring let's prepare to go into the sanctuary where today's message is already in progress while you're standing I want to summon your senses and invite your intellect to the book of song song number 134 some number 134 some 134 if I were sugary behold bless ye the Lord all ye servants of the Lord which by night stand in the house of the Lord lift up your hands in the sanctuary and bless the Lord the Lord that made heaven and earth bless you out of Zion I won't take this text I'm leaving here with a blessing would you touch at least two people and tell them I'm not leaving out of here till I get a blessing I've come too far not to leave out of here with a blessing many years ago dr. Donald burn house was invited to preach at the Hope College in Holland Michigan after his sermon there at Hope College one of the janitors of the college heard him in the auditorium was able to find a moment to get dr. Barnhouse step to the side to ask him a quick question he asked him dr. Barnhouse I understand how God blesses us but I don't understand how to bless God how do you bless God but the Barnhouse asked him sir do you have children I said yes how old are your children man said my children are five and seven I have two children one is five and one is seven he says sir have those children ever given you gifts for your birthday or for Christmas he says as a matter of fact they have so did you know what they were giving you before they gave you the gift no if your children are five and seven how did they pay for those gifts the man responded I gave them the money to pay for those gifts I said that's exactly how you bless God your children took what you gave them and turned around and gave it back to you ladies and gentlemen it's not difficult to figure out how to bless God just look at everything he's given you and turn around and take everything he's given you and give it back to him now that sounds simple but some of you all are still struggling with that because you've been in this room for about an hour and 45 minutes he gave you a mouth you ain't open yet it gave you hands you ain't lifted yet they gave you a brain that you haven't even said thank you yet if he gave your hands take them and give them back to him if he gave you a mouth take it and give it back to him if he gave your legs take them and give them back to him the only way you can bless God is to take what he gave you and give it back to him such as the discipline discovered in the discourse on Psalm 134 it is the concluding Psalm to this stream or series of Psalms that began with Psalm 120 and it ends at Psalm 134 it is called the songs of degrees that label is on Psalms 120 through Psalms 134 that set of songs was sand song by those children of Israel who made their annual pilgrimage to the three major Jewish festivals particularly the Feast of Tabernacles they converged on Jerusalem from all different points of origin and gathered there to celebrate these great feasts and festivals on their way to Jerusalem they sang this set of songs from Psalm 122 Psalm 134 what you and I have read today is the concluding song that they sang as they were preparing for their final worship and leaving Jerusalem to go back to their various domiciles and listen to what the last song said here is its lyrics bless ye the Lord all ye servants of the Lord which by night stand in the house of the Lord lift up your hands in the sanctuary and bless the Lord the Lord God who made heaven and earth bless you I'm gonna try it again because you read it too fast bless ye the Lord all ye servants of the Lord which by night stand in the house of the Lord lift up your hands in the sanctuary and bless the Lord the Lord bless you out of Zion I'm gonna try it one more time behold bless ye the Lord all ye servants of the Lord winced by night stand in the house of the Lord lift up your hands in the sanctuary and bless the Lord the Lord bless you out of Zion yeah I might ride one more game since y'all acting funny the song starts with you blessing the Lord but by the time it is it ends with the Lord blessing you man maybe if you want a blessing from God you need to put in a blessing you got a blessing the Lord [Music] bless the Lord the Lord the Lord bless you as I just heard somebody tell us you can't be warned a blessing when you don't want to bless the Lord the Lord so that you can leave with the exact same thing that you got if you give up lesson lesson is coming to you that's that's the whole story that's the whole story y'all don't mind if we rewind set some things like this text at a pertaineth God will all go get some steak my time walk with you ladies and gentlemen and tell you he says to bless the Lord how do we bless the Lord we gotta take what he gave you and use it to bless him that that word bless is in three verses is in verse 1 is in verse 2 is in verse 3 apparently that's got to be the subject this in verse 1 blessed the law sin verse to bless the law sin verse 3 the Lord bless you if you get this song right a blessing lord have mercy is all the way if you get this get this right so so the question today is what does it mean bless the law yeah now you all are already theologians you understand that the English language doesn't treat theology with good respect so we got to go back to the Hebrew and try to understand what is the original here that we might understand what what what is the Lord's word that worked blessed in the Hebrew is the word Barak yes it is the name of number 44 his name means bless I wish I had a church try this somewhere yeah it's the Hebrew word blessed it literally means y'all it means to kneel in adoration that's what the Hebrew the Hebrew people said to bless God is to kneel before God I'm gonna try again it means to kneel before God that whole word blessing requires some knees [Applause] require some some some needs to get into a posture of adoration a posture of submission to kneel before God that now now now when we when we bless God it means to kneel before God and all of you already know that knees ladies and gentlemen are a symbol of strength come on come on come on sir that that when I kneel before God I am giving God the offering of my full strength that God the the god of strength who gave me strength deserves it back it's it's not like how some of y'all are looking at me right now and you're just sitting there like I'm like I'm a movie screen of something but but to really bless the Lord you can't come in church and chill you can't come in church like you just doing God some kind of favor that you showed up today with you wanna bless the Lord blessing the Lord requires the use of your mouth and your body you know it don't take all that well how much did it take for God to save you you know and don't take on how much did it take for God to wake you up today how much did it take for God to make sure you're disobedient tail had a roof over your head away from you it means the Neal the Fogle so watch the show when the Bible says the Lord bless you and keep you here's what it really mean it means God is merely and when God blesses you God's knees in heaven to bring his face to the earth it means he never moves from his strong he just sticks his face in your business okay y'all missed it the Lord God bless you the Lord keep you the Lord make his face situation so when you and I bless the Lord it is us kneeling before God and bringing our face before God and telling God God you are worthy of the adoration that I feel you see see I'm missing this section right along here because you know some church folk only know how to praise God and when you praise God that means you need him to do something for you in order for him to get anything out of you but when you really love God you don't need God to do it and fame for you for you to get something out of him it's all about what you give him let's see the law it is a symbol of nearly it is a symbol of rendering to God your strength and the contemporary version of blessing God through Anil is seen in our contemporary culture when a man gets on his knees and asks his woman to be his wife okay still slow imma try it one more time the the contemporary version of blessing God is when a man gets on his knees and ass his woman to be his wife I'm a tribal mo game if if he really been taught well by an old-school daddy you know a snowwoman the mare you own your feet you ask her to marry you own your knees and when you go down on your knees to ask her you are telling her that your love for her is so great that you want to elevate her to a permanent status in your life so let me show you how to do it bless the Lord who gonna do the blessing ye servants Lord I wish I had a church that like the Bible today ye servants of the Lord not to be historic correct and be respectful to the text it's not just talking about anybody it is referring historically y'all to the priests and the Levites who worked intermittently around the clock and made sure that the lights at the temple stayed lit cuz the text says they're at church at night come in bless the Lord all ye servants of the Lord which stand in the house of the Lord he's not talking thereby he's talking to the priests okay alright so y'all want that brand-new it's hard to ask the church to praise God when the preacher came [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the first quality needs is the please [Music] watch this because they are the ones who have the privilege of access that word priests means one who's been called near one whom God calls near in the Old Testament everybody couldn't get into the Holy of Holies only the high priests thought I wish I had a church to ever think with me to get into the Holy of Holies because that's the one God called near so you ought to be grateful to bless the Lord because he's giving you an opportunity to get close to him but y'all ought to be happy also that this is not just limited to the officiants priests because priests in the Bible is a progressive doctrine that by the time Jesus got done with Calvary all of us are priests [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] cuz I'm a royal preschool you know I need to go meet with the pass and all you need to go to your prayer closet and meet with the same College um pastor don't call long [Applause] pastors would live longer and have healthier lives if y'all didn't do fire the Shepherd's job is not to create sheep the Sepphoris job is to make sure the sheep are healthy so they can go reproduce their own seat I wish I had some help around his son where you know he need to be at the church outside no you need to have a healthy relationship with God so you can get to a whinny ain't at the church don't do that [Applause] jeez [Applause] [Applause] how bout three people tell me I got my own relationship with God [Applause] I always got to call my beacon I always got to call my pastor call myself [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so my timer gets her New Testament DePriest and not these collar wearers those are just the worship leaders who have been called to the office of preacher assigned to the assignment of studying the Word of God but all of us are priests who got access to God in heaven man I wish somebody had some kind of joy about that that you can get to God on you old here's the blessedness here's the bless of this chap and I'm bout to run on this I'm a rubber her in a minute cuz all the rest of y'all y'all don't know when to get happy see that's the sound of somebody who had to call on him when the church was locked that's the sound of somebody who had to call on God when the follow [Music] anybody in here has to call on him i'ma get y'all 10 seconds to thank God that when you called on him he didn't just show up but when he showed up everybody knew he was there [Applause] let's do the Lord all ye servants of the Lord watch this watch the show here's the Blessed penitent Lord Henry I'll try to be cool when I say to you got such a relationship with God that you can call on him in the dark [Music] I thought I had some Bible readers right here see y'all at the furnace I'm coming to y'all let's see the Lord all ye servants of the Lord which by night stand in the house of the Lord see when you got a relationship with God bless him okay all right this back section right there still sitting on me okay I got an attitude which all let me come talk to y'all right again some years ago some years ago there was a formal dance held in the gymnasium of a local high school and when they had the formal dance they asked all the boys show up in black tuxedos they asked all the girls to show up in white evening gowns this was a formal dance to teach these young people how to conduct themselves in a formal environment all the boys showed up in black tux ISM all the girls showed up in white evening gowns the dance has started Sanders I don't know who did it don't ask me but somebody made a mistake and hit the lights in the gym the lights in the gym went out but the music kept playing and while they lose it was playing they were still dancing in the dark but when you was there you could only see the white gowns you couldn't see who they was dancing with cost the boys had the black danced some of the suits on you couldn't see who they was dancing with you could just see the women still dancing while the music is still gone sometimes when the lights go out [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lesson the Lord is not just a daytime event blessing the Lord is not just an event where you can see what's gonna happen lesson the law is even in dark times I'm all elevate him in my life okay okay here's verse number 2 verse number 2 says bless the Lord all ye servants of the Lord which by night stand in the house of the Lord he says now when you get down on your knees lift up your hands still acting funny we got knees in verse 1 we got hands in verse 2 Derrick Martin says lift up your hands in the Saints way lift up your hands in dark times it's nighttime we lift up our hands we're worshiping when nobody's looking nobody can see us nobody's got any tension on us God is still worthy in dark times but the lifting up of the hands is not about the hands the lifting up of hands is about elevated hearts that when I lift my hands to God it is the physical symbol of my heart being lifted to God so when somebody asks you to lift your hands they're actually telling you take your heart before okay a few years ago I was invited on a mission trip to Rwanda men took me a day and a half to get there long time I was invited with a couple passes out of Detroit went on a missions trip to Rwanda then we got invited to service they asked one of us to preach we pull as strong as it was thirteen of us jacket we pulled straws and the lot fell on me I had to get up get these little Easter speeches it was crazy because I couldn't be at the pace I'm talking to y'all now had half translator so had to speak stop let him translate go back to its peak stop that him translate go back to man one point we was in worship and before I got to preach the worship leader told the people to lift the hands everybody left to him ranzan it ran me crazy we saw a man in the cognition who had no hands he lifted up his arms but he had no hands his hands got cut off in his hands but somebody else whispies Lord take my heart ok still a felony hey you people right along here to steal sitting on me y'all know what lift up your hands look like it looks like your child when they cry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the sanctuary less bless the law okay for all y'all that didn't want to do it if you don't want verse two then verse three don't apply to you either I've been trying to get you to bless the Lord all the rest of us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here's the good news when you learn how to bless God listen at verse 3 i'ma try to say it slow before I take off running the Lord that made heaven and earth bless you out of Zion stop spot here is the exegesis of verse 3 the God we talking about is the creator which means when he blesses you he is not limited to what exists Gloria read he can create a blessing what there is not one lord have mercy today see when you bless God you got to give him what already exists but because God is the creator he know how to take what don't exist no blessing wait a minute wait a minute y'all wait y'all when he bless you he don't bless you out of sight when the psalm started they was at church when the church and the church all I'm trying to tell y'all ladies and gentlemen is that when you learn how to bless him in his house he got a blessing for you in your house I'm done y'all I see it I'm done here it is they said they said they say ain't deacons this it it is y'all actin funny so here it is if blessings requires nearly then at a point in time God gave itself some nice [Applause] and bring your Holy Ghost his name is [Music] [Applause] Jesus might we celebrate together that when you learn how to bless God God can stick his face in your life and come to where you are and send the blessing out of Zion tell somebody I'm leaving here with a blessed set in the day cuz I'm gonna spin the next 30 seconds blessing him bless him bless him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and because you have been on the Word of God [Music] ah in the anointing that's all my life to pronounce the blessing over you the Lord God bless and keep you [Applause] [Music] make his face to shine upon [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't worry please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you for watching fellowship Bible Baptist Church is located at 431 Dunbar Road in Warner Robins Georgia join us for one or any of our worship experiences for more information about our church visit our web site at F BBC home dot org [Music]
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 21,251
Rating: 4.8007665 out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Blessings, Detroit, Michigan, Preachers in Detroit, Pastors in Detroit, Christianity, Bible, Jesus, Holy Bible, God, Trinity, Satan, Holy Spirit, Advent, Advent Season, Psalm, Canons, Preachers in Warner Robins, Preachers in Georgia, Fellowship, Baptist, Black Baptist, Church, Churches, Men, Women, Boys, Girls, Millenials, Seasoned Saints, Sinners
Id: oGsksfTesEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 18sec (2778 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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