Interrupting Memorial Glitch & Ghost Student council - Yandere Simulator

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all the books the books are back there after me lucky charms oh the bugs are back there are beat how it hurts [Music] [Music] [Music] this welcome back my scrubs to another episode of yandere simulator bug hunter you see what they do the savages they just ravish our body your video games and they take your money that's right yes another episode of bug hunter the best show on Netflix Woody's book country you may ask oh it's your first time well welcome welcome aboard I'm glad you asked this is the show where we get the bugs and we squish them out of the game yes that's right there's bugs in the game we're going to show them for what they really are dirty little filthy bugs in the game and some crazy stuff happens okay first bug oh wait I have an announcement okay I just got to say it really quick this Saturday hello neighbor is getting updated again just find that out so make sure you set your calendars okay I know this is not you know holiday bird but I wanted to tell you because a lot of my subscribers do come to these videos and so if you like holiday but you might want to check out Saturday because you're gonna see probably a lot of videos about it okay now first bug if the player carried a corpse and yandere chants arms and dropped it off the roof then dragged it at the corpse along the ground and dropped that corpse off the roof the first corpse would teleport back to the top of the roof so we just got a little bit a two people on the roof throw one of them off and throw another one off right is that what I'm getting out of this wait a minute I just came to a realization if there's flowers on yonder each end once she stabs people what are they doing in flower shops oops there you go so I'm gonna throw so if I throw freakin I forgot her name it her - why I can't think of a name take a picture all you want I don't care it'll last longer so [Music] if I dump her Midori should then what the heck I got exposed the middle of my act I'll tell you who really got exposed today was the bugs filthy filthy bugs no one likes something crawling on your face at night well I mean it worked out a lot of the bugs we tried to do for some reason don't work out but that one did and guess what I'm a happy camper so next month next but this one mixes basically invincible fix a bug that would prevent surrounding NPCs from being able to detect yeah Jerry Chan's misbehavior if she had been sent to the guidance counselor earlier in the day while crouching or crawling hi I'm crouching and crawling all around isn't this awful watching it crawling that'll get you a paddling I heard you been crouching no crawling I apologize it's been a rough week I sincerely regret my actions by crawling watching I will never do what ever again if I ever joined the army can't do it I'm still a handstand or something I'm it's not gonna be very good for self but you know so I'm gonna keep that promise I wouldn't be a yeah and every girl if I did get references are so does that mean they won't be able to do it again whoa well did it take longer they did take a longer here buddy okay that it worked at all hey I'm gonna get you fired you can fire them now you guys miss last episode you should check that out I'm sorry I did it I broke it I broke my promise I crushed it crawl just can't help myself okay that much stupid if you saved a game while students were swimming in the pool and then loaded the same file the swimming students would do all sorts of strange things this bug has been fixed I like how it's not specific at all the students now eat macaroni salad in the pool if we save the game that way I feel like that would be a little strange a little a little strange well because first of all like you can't even eat before going summon nerdy like right isn't that what Sponge Bob taught us get buck cramps if you go swimming right after you eat does anyone else remember this is just me otherwise a Mac already sell it or do I use that as an example you know I knew saving and loading really broke the game I mean it's a lot more thanks now I think in the newer builds but I yeah I can't believe I never actually tried this before because I did a whole episode just trying to save it and load it just thinks did it work out right and it was hilarious that's how I got in the long noodle arms boy I called it the milk glitch because it's like she drunk her milk and got big is strong because she had long noodle arms I didn't know they actually came out here and started cleaning the pool that's very thoughtful of them they're cleaning their own area what civilized people oh here they come Wow look at those abdominals all right that's way it's the way for the hall to get in here with them all to be a leader all right so now all we got to do is save babies so easy here's all my other save slots and now it's if we just loaded the game it's just easy as one two three well they I just wanted those to swim around the school I swear I we've done that before we're like people just started swimming everywhere oh hey you got it out but them Oh oh my god Jesus Christ how was this possible is he focusing his chakra on his on his beat oh my god what the heck is happening here he's smooth we underground he's like a street shark I bet you 99% of you don't even know what a street shark is but it is this old Dyke cartoon but not just a cartoon but like the coolest like toys okay let me explain the street sharks were sharks that lived on the ground good job Michael this was the best explanation and they swam they could swim inside the ground like they can just go inside the concrete and they also rollerblade in it's a very weird show oh my god I gotta look this up now now I'm all nostalgic oh my god I haven't looked at this in years oh my god yeah so this is what they look like and the toys were like I would play them in the bath yes I would I was young okay shut up there it is oh I think this is exactly what I had holy crap I thought it was so cool when I was younger what the heck three years ago this has almost a million views I I'm really surprised people like remembered my hands oh they actually got I obviously never watched the idea I never cared about watching like shows in order he's you know I you didn't have TV like that I guess they transformed big old sharks see you swim in there the concrete that's what they are the sports club see now now you get it how does he do that this was the work of the radioactive bugs they bit them they turn into street sharks how come he's the only one swimming I think it's because he got out well I gotta say yandere death was not over exaggerating what he said some weird things because this is some weird stuff so i teleported him and he's completely normal look at him totally fine the same boat also like cause everyone just to walk to their lockers it gets stuck and then you could use that as an exploit in the EBC challenge but I don't think that that works anymore so that's kind of another bug but you can't already knew that I think oh my god guys no PDA no PDA oh the kids they've left soon as I said that it's like they heard me Missy get in the floor oh my god you can rock climbing and airy simulator what can't you do why are you acting so weird do you not see him swimming in midair i sweared I know the yandere chan is a psycho it's very obvious she's a psycho and she like is definitely deserves to be judged but I'm just saying look around you look around you I'm not always the weird one next fix the bug that would cause the students to slide across the ground while performing a frightened pose if they notice the corpse while running to report a bloody weapon to a teacher nothing I have made a few miscalculations he just goes over there to go swimming I'm in the floor I just want to see him do it we never actually saw him do it it's a hot day today I think I'll just go swimming in the air then he swims to the pool for a bunch of ground I just feel like there's more convenient do that anyway yeah I had to load the game so I just want to see that all right here we go let's see what happens oh he's already doing the sliding options our thing is otherwise that options yeah all right so he should notice Midori brother slinky has ruler blades oh my god he's the street shark two dudes you see the way you clear that staircase he should be on the cover of Thrasher Riku he's the best skater around he was a skater boy okay oh God okay the game is like lagging all the sudden next but now this one excites me cuz I really missed this feature it's been missing for a while or not missing but it's just it was taken out of the game vicksburg that would allow the player to run around freely while being chased by a student council member if the council member gave chase while yandere chan was laughing okay I'm not sure if I completely understand that one but I think we need the student council counselor to notice us while we're laughing somehow I don't know how we're gonna do that we need to set this up perfectly well I don't know if I could swim in the ground like you do but I I don't know he doesn't even change his uniform ether that gets you every time I don't know why this is what if we buy have to try for a few times oh no I wonder who it is I would have missed the one that's mine and my nail by now my now maniacally maniacally maniacal laughing looks okay I'm trying to get her to chase me but you all set the laugh at the same time how did anyone even find that bug see we see I wouldn't because I want to try to get away from the student council remember so you have to give yourself like enough time to get away that's also makes this very challenging well I did it I'm free I'm free as a bird am I still a fake though oh god here she actually catch me oh what happens I saved the game now we're gonna put bugs on top of bugs so I could save the game while she's chasing me oh I wonder if I could do other things with this yes we're manufacturing new bugs oh there she is oh she's lighting so fast the headmaster rule protects me Shirley wait pepper-sprayed was just wait I just want to see if she's still come to pepper spray be okay don't think that works okay next button all right now to see if it works I just loaded the same where she's chasing me will she still be chasing me what I got pepper spray by a ghost what look up like handcuffs but I'm not like a double pepper spray what the heck oh yes more bugs I mean no it's a bad thing where is she though okay I clearly seen that she was right there who is it as a fun girl that fun girl came as she joined the student council just to come pepper spray me lapis if I go to class kanakaria escape itself out here we escaped the ghosts the ghosts have a key do me high you know she's in the bathroom you all know that but she also wants the pepper spray you so oh no wait wait I'll end the date no oh god I know there's a way to get out of this did it I went to class I escaped it you just see me pepper sprayed on the ground I got away with it you filthy bugs are gonna reach me wait why does if you load the game with the memorial that's what happens what the heck everyone's stuck there whoa even the Headmaster's there interesting so this is what happens when you save during a memorial all right pretty sure just crashed the game yeah let's see what happens if we save in here can we just like attend it can we actually attend the funeral for ones are the memorial service it's gonna stand in front all disrespectful because some of the students already been facing the right way they don't even carry you think I was disrespectful that's disrespectful it just comes busted out the door yeah a lot of things happen I want to get in there I'll actually look around you never ever get to see the headmaster do anything else so like I just actually wanted to see the the stand or do something what the heck where's the clothes Oh keeps the death or life no it's uh we're gonna cause some chaos there coconut should die I tell you that do it alright does it work there's no effect and someone tell me what the heck I'm doing what that broke me out I broke out but at what cost no just look at me don't look at her just look at me where am i some reason I could change my hair oh no what did I do this today's for the day goes to [Music] squid angel [Music] you
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 230,157
Rating: 4.968504 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, yandere simulator, yandere sim, yandere dev, bug hunter, bijuu mike yandere simulator, bijuu mike bug hunter, yandere, simulator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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