Writing EVERY SINGLE STUDENTS Name in the Life Note | Yandere Simulator

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let's cleanse the world a volcano I hate it you must be purged from this world don't question my methods and decision making hello teacher I was hoping to talk to you about my project I was thinking of writing about spontaneous human combustion it's a real thing Google it what's that that doesn't happen to anybody hey guys and welcome back to another episode of DeAndre simulator as always I've been waiting for the perfect update to get me back in the game and today is that day because yandere dev has added some features and an Easter egg that revolve around one of my favorite animes of all time which of course is death note and I know some of these features were implemented a little while ago but I haven't played in a little bit so I'm just gonna wrap up everything Death Note related which in yandere simulator is called life node and we're gonna go through it all at once right now so to start off as you can see we have this beautiful life note poster in our room but then there's also this new feature that you can learn how to eliminate students by watching anime watch a crime Thriller anime to learn about potential murder methods why yes I would love to oh my God it has like similar music to Death Note too steady yamakoa you can't afford to screw this up this also might give backstory to some people who never saw it the actual Death Note anime not the Netflix live action remake no if you have not seen the anime go watch the anime now actually no finish watching my video first and then go watch it please I need you once our pen touched the paper she would only have 60 seconds to aceve achieve her goal that was one of the rules will obtain a pipe wrench a power strip and a screwdriver she will use the wrench to loosen the nearest water pipe and create a puddle of water she will place a power strip in the puddle and use the screwdriver to expose the wires I love that it's in red like remember this this this is a new way to eliminate people she will activate the power strip and stand in the puddle the moment she finished writing the ink on the notebook turned blood red this meant that her 60 seconds were up and it also meant the command was in effect several kilometers away at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department a young policewoman in the middle of a conversation with her colleagues abruptly stopped talking and left the room she walked to the nearest storage closet and obtained a pipe wrench and a screwdriver she carried out the actions that yamiko had written in her notebook and when she stepped into the puddle she screamed in pain as thousands of vaults of electricity ran through her body fatally electrocuting her it was the first time yamiko had used the notebook to kill an innocent person so you get you get the gist you can basically like write somebody's name and and how they die and when they die and then it happens I'm glad we're all on the same page no pun intended maybe a little bit I did what I had to do it was the only way to continue fighting evil the world needs me I need to keep using the notebook because this world is a rotten mess it really needs to be cleaned up yes let's cleanse the world life note episode seven we have our motivations and now we also learned how to eliminate somebody in a new way alright so that's the new life note Death Note stuff in my room and now to experience the best part of what was added to this game ah yes that's right I am the life note girl which means that I have a no there it is the note The Notebook that notebook the life notebook oh my God this music is so epic too I can't stand it in a good way all right let's pick up oh yeah okay yes it is I with the life note I now have the power to take away people's lives but only the bet oh wow that was so rude but only the people's lives that deserve it so basically in today's episode I'm going to be going around and deciding who deserves to live and who deserves to die hmm it's the teachers one of these teachers gave me a bad grade yesterday that makes them that's right it let us begin oh my God yes let us find her uh I think it's her that evil teacher will die from oh so many choices an explosion at 7 18 right now at 7 30 A.M it has been done now it has been done and now we wait an ID card I'll grab this when she explodes and people are distracted hello teacher how are you today I was hoping to talk to you about my project I was thinking of writing about spontaneous human combustion have you ever heard of it it's a real thing Google it but it's very very rare and nobody really knows why it happens or when it'll happen or who will happen to it's terrifying isn't it teacher what's that what's that you don't think that's a real disease that doesn't happen to anybody well how can I prove it to you um [Music] okay ah nobody cares nobody cares she literally looked like she got incinerated in front of everybody and nobody cares can I just take this key card now also you may be wondering what are these flowers well um there's now an option to censor all blood I guess once it's on it's on I didn't know it was gonna censor blood with flowers but that's that's lovely I'm always worried about the Andre videos getting demonetized on YouTube and now they can because it's just flowers YouTube not blood bye teachers really nobody cares nobody cares that somebody just spontaneously combusted in front of them it's a rare disease people all right who else who else is evil it must be purged of this world oh boy I hear music that music sounds terrible you must be purged from this world it has begun hey um you know that electric guitars sometimes run currency through your fingers and can electrocute you are you taking the proper precautions to make sure that that doesn't happen oh oh the music is still the terrible music is still playing the terrible music is oh okay it stopped thank God thank God where'd you go you know if only I was here a couple minutes sooner I could have warned you earlier about the dangers of electric guitars that music was awful what are you painting a volcano huh I hate it you must be purged from this world it has been done I see there that you've been painting a volcano have you ever heard of the urban legend that when paintings are just so terrible sometimes the artist feels what he's painting do you feel this volcano do you feel how hot it is oh he feels it he feels the volcano I was wrong about you you are a true artist I'm sorry I misjudged you you really do feel the beauty of your artwork oh well too late who else must be purged darn it I think I have to start going to class I forget if this class is the one that's taught by the teacher that we no longer have that I wouldn't know anything about though don't worry she's I'm sure she's alive and well crap it's a different teacher don't worry everybody I'm gonna get us out of class she is pure evil just just because she's a teacher there's there's no other reason don't question my methods and decision making is it this one oh man what I can't kill her now 3 30 is the earliest oh man all right I guess I'll go to class dardex well they got nothing on me they got nothing on me see [Music] yes goodbye oh no the art Club is ruined oh no the music Club is ruined they were both terrible I did the world a favor no words can express sense of loss [Music] as a result of this terrible tragedy oh no how sad wait what about the other teacher that was supposed to die at 3 30 did she not oh no how sad how tragic wait a second what would happen because everybody's near each other right now what would happen if you know somebody just happened to I don't know explode to one of the delinquents which one knocked into me I think it was this one from Ebola right now done oh God everybody all right everybody's running everybody's running everybody's running he died of Ebola guys it's just a disease it kills I don't even know how many how many people a year it's a disease it happens it happens what are you guys taking pictures of oh look he fell on a pretty flower the say cheese he looks kind of happy he's fine he's fine guys he's just laying on flowers there's no blood he's fine you teachers there is a student over there who might be really hurt and or dead and you guys are over here making out and twirling oh my God you must be purged you're testing done what what the heck just happened the other teacher just watched her friend turn into a bunch of pieces and then was like this is a great time to start grading papers um sup teach I just wanted to show everybody your dedication yay oh when I walk in it it makes little flowers oh oh sunshines and rainbows nothing to see here definitely not somebody that turned into a million pieces you know what I was gonna kill you but you're just so dedicated at your job that I'm Gonna Leave You Be you're a good person you're a good person everybody else being good people yeah that's right that's right somebody just said is that blood no it's pretty beautiful flowers actually funny you should ask there's no blood in yandere simulator anymore it is a totally family friendly game so the time is up and the police coming so I just gotta run out of here bye everybody I'm out all right so I had to start over because the game glitched out obviously but it had me come up with the most brilliant idea yet you know how instead of chasing Senpai like I'm supposed to do I always chase best friend well my plan is let's get this pretty epic angle right here my plan is to make it so that I am the only friend best friend could possibly have this girl is definitely overhearing my plan good go away so yes I've decided to use the life note to make it so that kokona and me are the only people left in the school all right my hand is about to hurt because I literally have to write every single person's name in this book oh but you know what let's censor all the blood first don't want to get demonetized okay apparently I can't do Senpai and all this is gonna happen at 8am to give me some time it has been done now I gotta do that like a thousand more times I'm literally just picking different deaths for every single one let's see how many we can get on here before 8 A.M yes this is gonna take me forever guys I've literally been sat here for 20 minutes okay I can't do her him or info chat I did it oh my God I did every single person except for the ones I couldn't at kakona all right time what should I stand for this where should I go people are all starting to go to class I think everybody I have a bad feeling about 8 A.M I'm trying to warn everybody 8 am I feel like something's gonna happen I need to find best friend oh no she's out in the gym can I make it to best friend before 8 A.M to save her oh there she is best friends best friend I feel like something terrible is about to happen in two minutes but me being with you I think I can save you while she's smiling she knows she knows that I'm Gonna Save her oh God it's bad it's about oh the game froze oh my God is that a dead body yeah I saved you best friend I saved you it's just me and you now yay that was the loudest explosion ever I can't believe the game did crash I think I got everybody though yes now I can get all of these little mini burgers to myself can I have it ew I stepped in them oh man who was alive to call the cops come on oh what's up in the air oh no I mean I'd love to see how the cops try to figure this one out everybody's got everybody's gone everybody's got oh my God even the guy that's late for school usually he's petrified he'll never get to school yeah like if I go to write my book now oh it still shows him he did though can I can I do something else too oh no did I not get sake oh no so I guess whoever is petrified it still shows up on my death note they're definitely dead oh no oh no no oh no she's she's a stone all right well I guess I'll go to class and see what the police have to say oh can I not let's see if it glitches out or if the cops actually come it glitched out they didn't come darn it I wanted to see them try to solve this mystery uh well it's glitched out everybody except for kokona is gone oh my God I get all the food now all the food is mine this is weird I mean I guess all the hard work and time and effort was worth the ridiculous explosion sound oh this teacher she got turned to stone while working hard yeah that uh that explosion sound definitely scared the crap out of me senpai is still here nah he left oh kakona girl hot girl girl I hate to do this to you but I need to see okay I need to see if I can do multiple things to you at the same time I'm sorry I'm sorry she's like what are you doing no don't worry it's not till 3 30. we got time all right so we're gonna do every single interaction and see what happens don't worry best friend I'm sure they'll just cancel each other out nothing's gonna happen to you maybe who knows the only one I'll leave off is petrification because I feel like that'll just cancel out the rest of them all right now skip ahead to 3 30. we spent all this time together I love it spend so much time together oh no oh God bye best friends [Music] okay so note to self um if you use every single way to kill somebody out of the life note it just defaults to the dismemberment yeah it just cancels to that it it just cancels to that at least best friends in a field of flowers now so I mainly wanted to focus on the Life notes stuff but I did also want to point out that look guys yandere Dev put me in the game again oh my God I'm so cute we got Bijou mics mine that dude oh it must be Jay from the Cub Scouts not sure who this is one of these is probably veggie gamer I don't know but mine's the cutest for sure the other thing I wanted to try out real quick was horror mode oh this is creepy does anybody come out and I also know before you guys start commenting that one of the other new things is you can frame people you can frame anybody for murder um but I figured you've seen everybody do that already this is creepy is it just like the aesthetic or is there whoa I thought I saw a ghost so there was there something I'm supposed to be afraid of I don't know this is spooky I hope he does something with this that would be awesome why are you always here all right guys well that's gonna be it for this episode of yandere simulator Death Note slash light note Edition as always if you guys made it all the way to the end of the video then make sure to leave a like before you go let me know in the comments below if there's any other new yandere updates that I have missed that you want me to make a video about I'm always down for some more yandere subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 3,222,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, yandere simulator, yandere, simulator, yandere simulator laurenzside, yandere simulator death note easter egg, death note, death note easter egg, life note, easter eggs, myths, glitches, bugs, teacher id card, funny moments, highlights, commentary, reaction, rivals, senpai, video games 2019, indie games, japan, japanese, anime, best friend
Id: JtH4quXphTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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