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he was even chewing on it it's you know that would be impossible you must be her daughter oh geez scared me oh my god wait a minute I know who this is is that the girl from for tonight it is that's the girl from for tonight Sookie yeah that's her name they made a whole game about Sookie from for tonight what hundred of smashes his screen literally dramatic Romeo senpai actually made the skin they actually did it those mad lads what up my scrubs welcome back to another episode of yeah and Derby simulator we actually have something to do in the game now that's freakin ridiculous okay because lately you know at least when it comes to youtubers yandere simulator is it's like a picture of a desert Wow a desert I can't say desert picture a desert it's like a desert with nothing in it you know oh maybe wait wait you look in the distance you you could fantasy a cactus but but the cactus isn't close okay it could be a possible Mirage but if you look a little closer you see that that cactus has orange hair but it's so far away that you know I can't get to it yet and next to that cactus is a cashless with the knife I'm waiting for that fanart I want to see Oh sonic cactus I will retweet you that made more sense in my head do you understand the orange cactuses of sana that's what we're waiting on is o sana so you know if you guys ask me why don't make too many episodes of Y on Jerry that's exactly why but until today my scrubs I actually have some things to do which I'm that's really cool I'm really excited okay now this is just looking fancy okay the headmaster is now just literally flaunting his his psycho corporation money now these probably getting I'm assuming anyway but then look at these pretty flowers these flowers were a wise decision suffice never looked so pretty in front of all these flowers I like this a lot more than just big ol big ol bushes there are some big old bushes here though but you know I think this is a great little touch this is actually really pretty it's perfect for - umpires date because literally I killed everyone last episode there's nobody here that's why it looks like a ghost town I don't even know why they bother even having to school with two kids in it what desperate teacher is dumb enough to come work at this school like the last five teachers died in your eye in I guess you just really needed a job for her I'd be looking around like crazy wondering why all these teachers keep dying and all the students know let's keep going to school all right let me revive everyone for the dead real quick this hollow feeling has dominated my life don't worry I hope you don't feels the same way I just let her die just made that connection I'm sorry I'm a weave I love Naruto all right first things first we're gonna check out in this episode one of the new bug fixes is that there's a freaking giant pimple on my forehead and I can't stop staring at it that's very weird addition to the game uh I literally did not want to make any videos because this crap is so annoying to me and it's like I can't get rid of it it's just like really it's something it's like one of those really annoying ones okay but I keep it real this channel I don't use no phase filter space tuned what you see is all natural realm a myself or just like to point that out because I know people are gonna comment about it they always do man I love you guys in these comment sections I want to be Joe max of idiot video I don't know I I don't know if I wrote the name right or wrong I know that's like one of the reasons I kind of regret picking my name because no one knows how to say or spell it and it's totally okay that's why it's just so I spell it but juju I just spelled a million different ways buggy Mike that's my name it is now possible to find it items to collect and put in the semi shrine in the future there will be one new item available per week of the gameplay also the number of collectibles in your senpai shrine will probably affect some aspects of gameplay like reducing how many quick how quickly your sanity degrades we're not even in that noob so one thing I've not checked out and I have not had the opportunity to check out was added a new Easter egg in the game vaporwave mode perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it retro wave mode but vaporwave is the name I decided to go with anyway it's purely aesthetic no specific functionality is included in this mode however you can still like to be any other Easter Egg after activating vaporwave mode I seen a few people put this in the thumbnails and I just didn't want to make a video because literally that would have been the only thing that happened in the video so now we have something to do there it is B for vaporwave oh my god oh wow this what happens when dr. disrespect plays this game I guess this means that I have to censor my pantalones now because like they're literally made of silver alone alone alone alone alone [Music] I like that episode well it looks so pretty oh my god I gotta say this is kind of a really cool like look at Easter egg no it's quite obvious right it's very interesting I wonder why though why I've been asking that for so long but I guess it you know there's really no point asking that like there's so many Y's in this game but this is a really really cool Easter Egg I love especially the Sun I picture is driving like a convertible you know and even the cats all be for waved out to Oakland ever mine not one game the camera you can actually see the palm trees if you just aim your camera at it like not textured or anything cuz technically they don't really need to be I'm gonna see that chrome beauty but I'm gonna see that chrome bootie Dana's some ps1 graphics but the boys face especially they're all blocky that's the stuff right there that's the same reaction I have when I stare it bumpers on cars that are chrome oh don't get me started about opening Google Chrome oh can we bleed in this mode and so we can activate other Easter eggs as well man mode okay I'm always curious so let's go to which mode oh my god you know what this actually looks like the freaking Aerosmith girl that's what this Easter Egg is that's it some robot girl wait wait not yet not yet yeah yeah now it's option yeah all right let's go to which mode what happens we gonna which mode oh so that's how that works are so now this would work think would be more fitting because I'm the only one that stands out but here is this oh yeah I stopped time I forgot I did that if you can't see that they come out how much something weds if you think about it it's kind of like playing the game on hard mode because you really can't see any of the Kool Aid and so I can't clean up Kool Aid what happened to you I don't know it looks just like you all it's just look like I'm not wearing clothes but I am [Music] this picture I'm having a robotic voice it's you know that would be impossible you must be her daughter oh I will exterminate you oh he can't even for me because I'm an Easter Egg mode oh I got that bottle of sake sake wait why do we have that again it kind of similar but I don't remember why we need that there so I see some people commenting about like how this vaporwave mode eighties mode could possibly be connected or referenced or some weird connection with the 1980s mode that's gonna come maybe perhaps you know just as a speculation Gander a dev was like experimenting with ad stuff and he was like oh hey that looks cool and so we added this I mean what actually that does make a lot of sense maybe perhaps he was he was coming up with like 80s music av steams or something like that and this cause this Easter Egg to happen because I can't think of any other possible explanation as to why this mode would be in here right now unless she's just a fan of 80 stuff 80 stuff is pretty cool oh my god again scary alright so let's take a look at the cipa shrine right oh it is completely empty except for a picture of my boy there we got to go find some items we're gonna we're gonna go snooping around oh yeah and this this is well we actually have a whole like controller thing if you guys didn't know how to play this is how you do it but of course not me I'm a yandere veteran I played this for years now so like I'm kind of used to it but yeah alright it's about that time again it's a sneaky mission oh we need the box though my favorite weapon the box seriously guys you don't understand the box okay you comes to scrub chin sorry I know you're a bandit I know lovey bring the box okay Mary this could be a sneaky sneaky mission here the class is a senpai yet again you think I don't remember by now but I don't nobody will notice me going through here right no one acknowledges me mmm no I don't smell it I don't smell it here I love you been following me Oh God is scary I think I was like what is that over there you've already probably this is tired sigh whiteout okay that's hilarious mmm I wonder what's going on here okay so this is suprise class I thought we would find something of his but I guess we don't we don't see it there it must be somewhere else are we gonna find his boxers are we gonna find his gum alright where's the nearest trash can we gotta go dig through the trash can don't worry they won't see me cuz I'm in my box already I could smell some delectable goodies in here let me just let me just get in here I forgot the chess game wait the Box moved I think the box glitches back no he moved he totally moved oh my god I hope so I love the Box glitch Oh oh my god so yeah in case you guys are new to the channel I made a whole video on messing with the box so now you know what I said about the Isana and the desert and the cactus being true because I made a whole episode on that but I actually really glad like see I I don't mind making those kinds of videos because I really enjoy acting stupid and just making stupid videos honestly I don't I don't try to take my videos too seriously so like I will make a video entirely about a box and I feel like it was really funny I can't get it to do it it only did it in the class anyway maybe it'll be by simply fountain I mean how many places does he go does he go to the library he reads books he's gotta go there once once in a while right let's go in there [Music] okay we're in the library whoa hey hey you're not supposed to be hit she's eating that mystery meat she's eating her mystery now I'm just thinking about when I Frank it became the cooking club leader or whatever she's eating her mystery be on the blank that's public pop property that's school property man or girl else wonder why these books I keep I came over here to check out a book the other day and it was all greasy it's cuz of you greasy fingers okay no no okay no used underwear in there and I thought for sure it would be there she was strumming the guitar with the burger hey that's a bug that's a bug right there right you frigging imagine strumming a freaking guitar with a burger that would be very messy all right here we are at lunchtime I couldn't find anything so maybe we've got a lunch time we'll find it maybe that's when he takes off his underwear oh oh he's gonna see me oh I don't sit by the CB excuse me oh please don't look oh man that was a close one [Music] he was even chewing on it shoot pencil I know you probably think you're thinking right now like do people actually chew on their pencils I know I did I literally I would chew on them I don't know which is so fun to bite pencils it's probably very very unhealthy for you considering the lead in them the paint on the pencil but I still did it and I don't know why but it was so fun you just guesses how that's how boring school gets you just have to start biting inanimate objects because you're so bored I would chew on my pins and everything I was a weird kid just sit there draw my Naruto pictures my crappy anime pictures on my desk are now on my desk oh my god the weeds are talking over here this is why this is how I am in high school or how I was all right can you please go so else that would totally be me though I would be talking about Hanna me all right so I'm guessing that's probably the only thing we can find right now but I think it's really interesting that we could actually find you know find sit buy stuff around the school rather than just being there it kind of gives you more of that Yan dairy experience because you know the day that's what this game is about you know we got the Tommy Tommy Jerry's yeah I'm Jerry's whoops all right the next one we got a real bug here okay I think we got to play the bike Hunter intro Kate fix the bug that would cause a student to magically drop dead at yandere Chen's feet if they got within 1 meter of her while she was giggling with less than 33% sanity bro do we have the laughs of death a giggle of death sounds like one of those Japanese urban legends I think it could actually be one if you hear the Laughing you die hey we're typically horror games of scary movies that's typically how it is here the Laughing then you die imagine if the Joker had that power oh my god excuse me I'm sorry I can't help myself for laughing then they all die that would be a pretty powerful a power to have it would really suck you can never go to comedy clubs you can never you can never watch my hilarious videos we got a new one guys a million dollars but if you laughed you died would you take it that would be stupid anyone in the right mind will be stupid you guys have a hardest stone in order to take that it's like I've never laughed in my life it's like ha all right well the easiest way to do this is going to mr. turtle over here and lowering our sanity below 33% is deadly how does it would find this glitch how'd this glitch even happen is what I want to know but let's see how well it actually works I heard a funny joke knock knock who's there ain't no work oh I thought he was gonna die it ain't working right we got to try this again of course of course counselors don't they can't the student council doesn't have a sense of humor like it says magically drop dead not crap whoopsie oh no stop laughing stop laughing that's a very it's a very dangerous weapon you have there all right I can't I can't get it to activate so looks like Papa Raths okay did it so I'm gonna check to see how he did it real quick but all right so I think what we need to do for this glitch is we or bug glitch whatever we what we need to do is the shadows need to like hit them at the right time or something like that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah come on someone died it can't be that hard to do because like they're not it is not working all right from what I've seen on my research I think you need a weapon and that's how you do it so therefore if we laughs oh okay well that'll do it but that's not what I wanted to do stop doing that alright ladies and gentlemen the last thing that has been added that we're gonna check out apparently is the new shopkeeper is been updated and I look at that we got Headmaster's weird uncle or cousin or something with coconut I should have laughed with coconut crap oh it's so crazy as I learn more Japanese actually build a resume of this stuff pretty sure that says kita which means open okay that's what that means oh wow wow I'm pretty sure this says I this is got go oh yo and pretend to give what it basically says from what I think it says at least is it like probably students get like cheaper cheaper haircuts I don't know I got guck say yeah whatever it doesn't matter no one cares it's a personal it's a personal thing I get excited about so yeah who's the new shopkeeper is it over here now you're not new I'm gonna buy a episode of Grant that dude hey Oh how's your mother she knows my mother hey you don't know about yon dairy ways do you she's always she always was a quiet girl take your time we got a little bit of lore there huh interesting indeed I'm sorry to hear that feature is in the game yet why are you moving in why are they open no one's there not even give me haircuts that is there for likes I'm here for a haircut oh no we don't do that yeah I just stand here I just messed around is just funny today squirt of the day goes to stupid test no I don't call you stupid you did well my yard every boys and girls until next time bye thank you for watching all right scrubscribe because we do those videos every single day smash like if you enjoyed and yeah I'll see you [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 432,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, yandere simulator, yandere sim
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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