Car trapped 50 Years in a barn… watch us dig it out!

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hi i'm alex archbull and i've been buying and selling antiques since i was 9 years old from basements to scrap yards i'll look just about anywhere i can to find lost antiques and collectibles and sometimes i'll go big and buy everything with my wife and kids we run an antique shop in edmonton alberta canada filled with some of the most unique items we can find i never know what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet this is our life this is our adventure and this is curiosity inc from home honey [Music] well good morning everyone i am taking a break from playing catch with melissa on this beautiful sunday to go out of town with a friend of mine charlie we're gonna go pick up an old car that's been buried in a barn for jesus i don't think probably 50 years if you can believe it um we're gonna go try and uncover it i don't know what kind of shape the thing is gonna be in i saw it last year and i said hey if you ever want to sell that thing let me know and sure enough what happened they called me yesterday and said come get the car so that's what i'm gonna do follow along today's adventure while we dig out a bar and find there we go the charlie rig is here soon to load up and get a car [Music] well i remember this road from last time because i thought that's a long driveway he's got a shovel in winter i think we picked up every bug on the whole highway here too so here is the garage how long has this car been sitting in here that's a good question it was your mom's car brand new and there was a big tank actually you've moved it around the corner if i get around the corner that uh fuel tank i guess it was was sitting there blocking the door for decades now let's go inside and see what we're faced with here somewhere underneath all this is a car yep um so this this car has been sitting here boy lord knows how long actually there's one way to find out hey look at the license plate on the back and that license plate is from oh there's no license plate but we suspect that the car has been sitting here about 50 years so it's a 63 and uh it would have been parked probably in the late 60s early 70s and uh has not moved i think having the fuel tank in front of the garage door made it impossible to get it out but today is the day the first day this car is going to see light so without further ado i'm going to try and clear the garage door who knows there might be some other stuff in here that i can use okay uh how to get this thing open oh here we go look at spider webs all over the locks it definitely has not been moved in some time there we are oh to try and get the bottom out too hopefully these aren't all rusted in place the dirt's been in here so long that it's actually buried into the ground i gotta i have to dig down to try and find the latch it's probably like an ant hill or something here okay i'm gonna have to grab some tools and chisel that open i think okay i've been digging away here trying to get these things up i'm getting close i've got a little pry bar and i just have to pry them up and uh hopefully we'll be home free getting this door open up come on just a little bit more so darn close come on one [Music] i get the other one up here too okay we got one door open the other door has been grown in a bit the building's settled a little both probably feeling close just about we got the doors open now it's time to get to the car first you have to clear all this debris out of the way [Music] garage door open we've got a clear enough path i think to get the car out but we still have all this debris in the way that's got to go years and years of stuff built up here so now we just start piling stuff out okay you can actually walk around the car there it is in fact it is a two-door it's a two-door post and i hear i thought it was gonna be a four-door automatic push-button auto probably does not have a whole lot on what does it have for miles can you see the odometer seventy eight thousand five hundred seventy eight thousand five hundred and then parked it has barely broken in well the headlights oh no the headlights are there i thought one was missing considering this is a two-door post that makes it a little bit more desirable i think we're just gonna get a compressor here charlie and get this thing out i'm just looking around at the other stuff that's in here too gas lantern you never know what you're gonna find in a place like this yep okay we'll see if these tires hold any air do you want me to fill it up charlie or you got it here's the test well air is going in and not immediately back out that's round-ish well that's air in one of the tires anyway it's windy everything's blowing around charlie's going to try and throw some air in the other tire up at the front and i can wiggle my way around the back and do the next two is it coming straight out well there are spare tires no that one's not gonna go okay i'll take the hose around the other side we move this i want to show you guys the tire is actually buried in the ground it's been sitting in this garage so long it's actually sunken in i'm just trying to get some air in there okay we were able to get three out of four tires full the last one though there's no hope for it there is a spare tire in the trunk which i might put on at some point i don't know if we'll do it on site here or later but the gentleman who owns this property happens to have a beautiful little tractor he's willing to chain onto the car and drag it out for us first time in like five decades see what she looks like in the daylight [Music] [Applause] but chain is getting hooked on and charlie's gonna steer and uh we'll see you guys probably haven't seen charlie on a video since the potter's house he came out and helped me out a little bit there luckily he had some time today on a sunday to help me out now he says there's actually an attic in this old garage that nobody's been in in probably 40 50 years too so i might poke my head around up there and see looks like we're ready to start so i'm going to get out of the way and watch this baby come out of the i garage i can see moving to the garage i can see it back in hey you look good now charlie [Music] yeah the front tire is a little lopsided [Music] there she is handy when they have a tractor hanging by that back end sitting awfully low that's a little concerning see a little bit of rust in the fenders well the one thing the waste didn't get charlie's got the winch hooked up let's see if this thing will see if we can pull it up on the trailer you gotta lower the deck down but let's see if she'll go she is loaded up it's final goodbye to the old farm here the car is loaded up and i'm gonna head up to the attic up there see what's inside he hasn't been up there in years i guess i'm the guy to figure out what's up there well there's stuff up here really looks like building materials maybe some old seats out of a car i don't know windows oh what's this hey an extra hubcap good thing i came up here it's mostly aluminum siding bits right but it does appear to be like uh maybe a seat out of an old vehicle like some bucket seats not too much you're welcome here i'll get out of the way if you want to come look back in the garage down below here look at the calendar date i was put up there in 56 it's been sitting there since kind of neat to be in these buildings had been sitting around for a lot of years well didn't find much in the attic other than the seats which apparently are out of a 76 capri somebody might want those did get a hubcap though looks to be the right size for this car if it's not for this car well heck i got a hubcap out of the deal okay the car is loaded up although it's fairly low miles it's a little bit rustier than i'd hoped so sitting in that uh barn for all those years on flat tires didn't do much good uh we're gonna head back to the shop and drop it off there because i don't think most is going to want this one sitting on our driveway for any amount of time it can it can hide at the store but i'm glad i went up to that bar and got the hubcap though and um yeah i mean it does have the owner's manual on the paperwork and all that so yeah some good stuff going for it and it is a two-door too so it is a car worth saving here we are at the store starting to roll its way down [Music] put the windows back up in case it rains kind of curious to know what shape the seats in underneath all this actually doesn't look half bad no the seats are fine okay well i'll leave that i'll leave the covers on for now keep it protected somewhat i should probably get the keys out of the ignition too it's nice to get the car back the way i put the fence back up it looks like i rammed into the fence i'm sure the contractors come and be like what happened here like no don't worry grab the keys all right so we got the car over the shop just fine and oddly hans is charlie's second cousin look the man here showed up i said it's like a family reunion i got all your family here none of you together at the same time well that's not a surprise but you were busy clearing out a house today and brought me some goodies first thing yeah then we got it to the dump we just ground out the stump and then we went and finished cleaning up a dumpster that was that high by about what i saw zenovia is hiding out over here i did see i did see that dumpster was massive yes but now did you want to go to the head of your class alex oh you know i have dreams that i'm back in school and i'm like what am i doing here i don't need to write this math test yeah i think did you go to the head of the class did you no i always say it was in the back of the class oh you were at me up front because i was such a you know you're causing trouble and still causing trouble now a couple of troublemakers here what do you got on that oh you got a nice antique bed frame there yeah you got a few neat little things oh these are uh prince prince okay like the artist formerly known as prince prince yeah no yeah got it so literally alex i just want one of everything except for one of them okay and that's the blank print the blog look at all the empty paper flip it over oh you mean there actually maybe is a picture on the other side oh the other would be i would say yeah oh okay ferrari there's just a whole bunch of different there's just a lot of posters a lot of different ways that go through them oh look at the lake you know i'm guessing that's from the 80s nothing is sexier than a lady's leg wrapped in saran wrap to match my ferrari this was this was the same dude huh have your picture of your ferrari 308 and your saran wrap lady legs there you go most of this is from 85. okay just because i was kind of looking at them and i was going yeah there's some dates on some of these and they're like from 80 from the 80s yeah what's with the happy potatoes i don't know there's it's like a mexican jumping bean that is a mexican he's probably my friend from the south well all you need is the hat and you're halfway there you get to cut the mustache well i guess yeah and then there's uh that one there okay we'll dig through the only way this electric blocks will work is when it's tore apart like this oh i see you're talking about the vacuum here [Music] what i like about the filter queen is i'm sure that's supposed to be uh like it looks like maybe shag carpeting but it looks like a bunch of dirt like it's you know it itself looks dirty just looking at it filter queen i hear this vacuum really sucks you got that okay hans from one truck to another i'm gonna have to uh man i don't know what i'm gonna do with all this stuff at the at the shop either we'll figure it out careful looks like you brought me bed bugs along the way here too well that's it we got the car don't know exactly what i'm gonna do with it just yet but i'll tell you what the reason why i bought this particular car um i knew it was going to be a valiant it was going to be older i saw the roof line about a year a year and a half ago or so didn't remember that it was a two-door post now that's particularly good because a two-door post is primed for hot rodding if you do resto mods you can race these turn them into track cars a two-door post is like the creme de la creme when it comes to guys looking for cars to take and convert into a racy car so this could be a real find for the right person now i think the interior is actually pretty decent we'll pull up the seat covers in the next day or so and we'll see if that engine runs but i guarantee that somebody who buys this car is probably going to want to put a bigger engine in there do you imagine that thing with a hemi inside of it boy oh boy you really get going it's gonna need a little tlc that's for sure but how often do you find a car that's been sitting since the early 70s anyway guys another fun adventure a little bit of picking a bit of adventure we got a car to the shop and i'm sure it'll be an update soon when i know what the heck's going on with it but guys thank you very much for watching today's episode i'll uh give you more updates as i have them don't forget to subscribe to our channel if you haven't already and uh who knows what the next adventure is going to be i don't even know yet and we'll see you guys soon bye for now
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 350,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Barn find, Collector car, Molar, Mopar, Historic, Abandoned
Id: SX6nMfCw0T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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