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I pledge to find you the weirdest and most wonderful games and stop playing Minecraft every day but for real I've been playing a lot of Minecraft so today we're looking at something fresh kind of chicken we kind of played this game before a long time ago when it was in a very early demo but now it's got an adventure mode so I'm just gonna whoo my goodness what is that this isn't what I was expecting it's dark I'm assuming it's cold and I'm scared basically chicken is a game where you create your own creatures it's kind of like Minecraft mixed with Spore if any of you guys have seen that spring beholding she's left shift let's do it is it a temple I want to see what's going on here toggle the camera by pressing cool oh look at me how'd you look cool no third person is way called a left shift to roll okay that's what I talked about this game is completely different now what do I do it's not giving me any more options I'm going to the giant chicken head what's good I'm ready let's go run as fast as you can Oh what's this I was not expecting this at all this looks great question mark what is that pickup life shaper don't mind if I do you found the live shaper this tool from the ancient past grunts - its power to create a life use while equipped to build or edit creatures now we're in the element use left mouse button to cast with the life shaper let's do it oh my goodness here we go drag our body from your life blocks to the location identified on your screen so we can actually make a chicken to begin with there it is beautiful I I mouth leg leg my creature is complete it's not the most fresh looking chicken I've ever seen but hey it can bite people we need to name it - this is Filipe welcome Felipe finish all my goodness Felipe is here hey buddy you are terrifying look at you you're huge as well what is going on pets creature this is way different because before it was literally just to creature builder but now you have to craft things you have to collect your different blocks to create creatures well well hold up ride your creature let's do this how do I ride you Felipe how do I ride you no no I don't want to hit you sorry stop hitting him right I need to punch woods and grab reeds you come in look at his face oh it looks even more beautiful in the daylight Philippe Philippe are you okay you stuck what's going on buddy are you all right everything is gonna be fine we almost got crushed by the door because of you creature revived point new discovery revived incapacitated creatures for free at this point awesome so we need things banana tree punching trees is hardly efficient that's not minecraft Felipe is doing it Philippe are your legends let's go put down this whole tree give me all of this stuff right Felipe we need to get more of these and also more of these let's go hold up what are these what are these things hello undiscovered ah no no no Felipe don't go that way don't go that way they're terrifying three please fighting them Felipe is fighting them get away get away get away oh no Felipe over here come on buddy get away from them please don't die please don't die oh no Felipe it's gonna grab these rocks Felipe go back where are you going is he dead I think he's gonna oh no Felipe incapacitated for goodness sake you know what that was probably my fault but don't believe it we've been in the game for five minutes and Felipe has already died revived incapacitated creatures hey attached leash to Felipe no we didn't mean to hit him no don't get angry I didn't mean to I'm trying to learn here yes Felipe it's in your mouth but this is gonna work perfectly stay away from everything that's going to kill you right Felipe knock down this tree please knock down this tree yes look at him go he's a legend he's gonna come down dude that's so cool alright I'm gonna try this tree will you pay knock it down knock it down buddy do this guy's are Savage Philippe what have your kind over there let's stay away though cuz we don't want you to die to me come on finish the job finish the job hey is one powerful being can we get the leaves from this yes yes we can sweet three more don't Philippe do my dirty work for me beat this freed up this bush it's the only thing you can kill right now thank you right done it so I need to make her writing blank I completely forgot we were crafting one of these right let's go to six attach oh my goodness Philippe we have evolved let's go buddy hey basic survival craft a spear ah dude I can pick up things as well this game has changed so much and it's awesome oh dude I can control him too I can be the one to kill the tree ah this is great okay let's make a spear crafts yes let's get off of you I've got a spear watch out I can poke you with it upgrade your creature defeats and learning ability from a chicken find a chicken tail add the chicken tail to the back side of your creature grow out your creature a new ability right Philippe let's go I've seen a chicken over here you might have to kill your grandma but it has to be done if you want a new tail because your butt's looking pretty bold right now you're gonna have to do it oh no but they have babies do I really want to do this I feel like I do right okay let's do this let's not even think about it come here buddy stunned no no no wild an actual chicken dude he's like one more powerful than me ow I'm gonna stun him I'm spamming I can tame it as well but I need to kill it I need your tail gimme come here there right away we'll kill you gotcha do like all the stuff just drops did I get a tail I did right so you can edit on the fly as well I've got a chicken comb so where should we add that let's go you want this buddy I mean that looks stupid but let's do that let's also do chicken tail which is absolutely huge go fab oh you look egg missile added what about if I add a wing to you no definitely can't fly okay let's get rid of that Felipe can egg missile how do I heal you let's try the egg missile here we go there's two creatures over there I have no idea what they're doing what Felipe that was ridiculous let's try that again here we go you missed is these pigs I think they might be pigs going in let's go yet they're definitely pigs all that are terrifying this could be a bad idea I got him Wow we went for the aerial dive right I'm for an egg see you buddy didn't quite work guys just kidding I do feel bad I got a leg I got some eyes what's this crab body Kaua'i oh my goodness Felipe we can get you new eyes how can I change his body so if I take off his tail and then add on the crab body then add on the tail we can make him look super weird and he gets his nobility back to on a wait he doesn't never mind I need to keep the egg missile let's make a little perch so that I can actually see what I'm doing amazing buddy absolutely amazing I'm gonna have a much better view from here there we go let's see what else we can find Felipe let's go into the distance what are those come back here come back here right now do it they're so fast what are you what he is dude he's attacking me get away get away right now a hot cat it's got this this is nonsense I'm stunned Felipe help me fine I was gonna tame you but now I'm gonna kill you come here you cat body Romi oh my goodness a cat ear as well I can give you a hearing good Philippe some ears shall we not sure this is what he was after you know what he can now hear look at you you an absolutely magnificent creature can I level him up how do I live it up sacrifice life blocks to gain experience oh let's get rid of a leg the comb and two cat bodies okay I see what we're doing here okay these guys look kind of crazy let's fire some eggs at them and miss every single oh no he's angry always angry let's just try and shoot these from a distance I have no idea what this is papa papa yes it's so dark but I made lights look at me I'm evolving obtain another life shaper how do I do that though I guess I just have to find one oh no should I do it that's good let's see what happens hopefully the mom doesn't come back don't hate me I'm just curious something terrifying is gonna come out of it isn't it here we go Oh spider body spider things we got loads of stuff from there holy cow look at all this stuff we got we can make spiders now if you don't like spiders look away I'm about to give old cheese Felipe's gonna get a spider mouth omnivore oh dude no that's disgusting look at it move old elites spider spinnerets oh no what have I done right if I take off this spider body large oh my goodness this is gross but I'm gonna do it just to see what happens I only have one spider leg that's upsetting let's add a spin aret as well I've just realized they have stats and stuff ok Felipe how you doing buddy you're stuck in the rock on you oh no I set fire to the egg I've set fire to the egg give me all these body parts well he pays about to become a spider does that mean I'm massive spider is gonna come and hurt me I hope not because I've set fire to all of it legs giant spider it was nothing personal so please don't come and find me I didn't do it oh no look at him let's add another leg l Philippe are your gross what happened to you and now you have eyes in the back of your butt this is great make your creature more powerful he's here for let's go Philippe look at him I've created a disgusting creature but you're beautiful to me buddy Yeah right I'm gonna change one of your eyes to a spy die okay now you look incredible campfire crafts let's put one of these down I feel like we should be near water just in case yeah this is nice Bob use campfire food can be cooked by combining materials provide more nutrition and better feeding creatures cook specific foods to tame creatures oh that's awesome well that's actually really cool ow ow ow I'm on fire Philippe ow let me get the water there we go in the water geez why did you let me do that my noble rock requires a tool okay what is wrong with you it's time to grill a pineapple buddy oh it's working it's doing something but I just I just need to not stand on the fire oh you are really something buddy oh it's ready oh we ain't good tonight Philippe look at the size of this it's huge nom nom nom okay I need let's make it ten let's go buddy look so bad to destroy some bushes oh no look it's the spider from before if she sees that you're wearing her unborn child's legs we're in trouble yes we have enough yes you can you can be happy buddy let's make a tenth oh yeah just grabbing it by the that tree stump just move oh no we just grabbing it let's go near our campfire and let's set up camp oh there's one of those things in the water let's set up camp right here oh my goodness says respawn point that's what I'm talking about look at us for you're so wonky ah you know I have some blueberries hey do have a few okay so now I just need to obtain another life shaper but I'm not quite sure how I do that what else can I craft torch whistle ball structure workshop I need vines powered by an attached creature powered treadmill that sounds amazing I need to make one of these go this game is way better than I thought it was gonna be I'm amazed pumpkins yes Felipe leveled up let's go buddy oh man Felipe is Felipe's are wrong and his his legs don't quite work properly but I feel like he's faster for some reason okay let's build this structure thing oh my goodness that actually has a treadmill it's hatched look at this do we can make chest signs some items gonna be crafted as special workshops okay a perfect doors fences gates oh my goodness Felipe we can make a house guys I feel like this has been a monumental discovery this games actually pretty fun and we have some more stuff that we need to do we need to find a life shaper and we need to use this flippin treadmill thing because Felipe running on this is going to be magical we can make creature gear tools treadmills furnaces beds alchemy tables I want to play this again no doubt so if you want to see it as well leave a like that'd be greatly appreciated we can upgrade Felipe let me know what you want to do to him because I'm sure you don't like how he looks now or maybe you do I'm not sure but leave a like if you enjoyed I said I'd find you some weird games and I think I've succeeded leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if your brand's new for more weird videos and also to catch up with the adventures of me and Felipe and I'll see you guys in the next one good [Music] posters I swing wagon candles canvas full of fulcrum band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,498,479
Rating: 4.9411364 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, chkn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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