A METEOR SHOWER! | Spore [4]

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hey everyone danya from the diamond minecart and welcome back to spawn outa day we are starting in the creature creator because last time I got a lot of a lot of strange comments about the eyes the big ET style eyes i think they need to go after much consideration I think I went too far last time I think I went way too far so these bad boys self attend is that all they cost yeah they did cost I was gonna say hopefully we don't like to use them and then and then abused them and and have to pay less to sell them back but anyway we are back and we need to make trail write better and people liked having lots of eyes so I guess that was like the main focus of trail right at the beginning anyway so that's zoom as far in as we can I'm twist him around and see if we can split these two eyes up like a little bit smaller there's eye there and we need to put one on the top sweeties got major site again major major sigh can we make him look at it oh oh that looks a bit weird then let's see if we can make these ones go down as well so there we go he's kind of like yeah that's better that looks cool yeah I'm glad we went back to it right so what we need to do this time is go as a pack out into the wilderness and make friends and/or enemies now I think what we need to do is kind of alter his body because the body is looking I think it's way too thin so if we can click on the body for a second and just make stuff a little bit faster maybe a little bit longer so he's actually got some kind of body because right now he does not have one so see we can make this a little bit fatter this is a little bit thinner here so he's got still got a thin tail and let's see we can just do that no I didn't mean to do that I wanted to drag it so let's drag it over and round does this look better he looks kind of a bit overweight now so let's just bring it in a little bit so bring it in make that a little bit bigger this a little bit thinner and I just needed a place to put the legs because I think it's good to have arms because then we can have like the charm aspect of things I just need to make sure I get the legs right so weapons if you make these a little bit bigger a little bit weird it's got our that you look menacing he actually does look really menacing which is good because you need to destroy people very well so we bring these in a little bit you should look very nice let's make these pincers a little bit bigger now there we go very nice how do we get them to look down there we go and we just need to sort the eyes out again because they even move just put two eyes here these two eyes here and then the one eye on the top looking down and what do we think of tray alright now I'm not sure about these legs because I can t remember what legs we had before to be honest and we just click on this leg here and move them in a little bit they look like I don't know why they look like they're kind of inverted ah there we go that's better now they look like they actually move properly let me try these and move these knees up and out because they kind of do not I mean they kind of bowlegged right now which is not what we want we want speed out of this thing so what do we what we kind of improve on this guy I think that looks better Trey Ora has got he's evolved I'm afraid he's not gonna be the little guy that we've had before maybe mmm maybe I could make him shorter because people seem to like the trailer I was a little bit short so if I make him a little bit short he's got these beastly back legs now let's make the feel of it smaller and some things we do have to have because he's just got to have them for the evolving stuff like all of the other things to make friends and attack his attack is really good right now wells could we have the upgrades like all of these are too expensive what about feet we want one we've got like we've got dance level two charm level one pose level two and sing level one so what I think could we add another mouth would that be weird for sing level one sing number one we already have anything that upgrades us let's go for test drives see what trails looks like now there we go Trey or I is looking better so I remove the eyes on the top and I think this is good right I think this is good let's go back and tick that and go into the wilderness together and try and get as far as we can on this because for some reason the last time I just did not think that I can have a pack leader of my own creatures I don't know why I didn't think that okay don't judge me alright don't judge me it's completely forgot so what I'm gonna do is grow up and take some guys with us cuz we're just above the second stage and let's let's bring these guys with us we've got one guy here who's with our pack already I don't know if I can't remember how we added into the pack to be honest but if we just do kind of cool things then I guess we should be able to get them you already impress this creature I want to add someone else to my pack add to the pack tray alright here we go what did he just do these do a pose is that a pose no but anyway it worked it worked and now we have two in our pack now hopefully yes two in our pack and where you going where'd he go you kind of flew all the way backwards does a little bit strange but what you do now is go and make some friends let's go over to the odds mcclure here we go look our pack is coming with us fantastic absolutely amazing we have 29 health now and now we need to decide what we want to do these guys I think oh these are the guys did we try and make friends of these last time they're a little bit wary of us they're kind of like question marks should we make them allies we need some friend what are the tow to nuts I can't even remember those that's the Ramos I've known species no I don't want to go over there I do not want to go there let's make some friends for once that some let's do this right let's go impress three and we got fifteen Deana and I'll be cool let's try and impress these bad boys he's doing a little bit of a pose little shimmy was other pose or was that charm I think I was a charm yeah that was a charm beautiful we've matched that we've got above and beyond because I think when we have three it's better yes nice we got six DNA points for that let's see if we can impress a few more it's the Alpha around here the Alpha is here so it's going to impress this guy I think we impressed one last time but we didn't impress more than once this is a big old dance we've got a dance level too so look at look how fast it goes up i wasted last episode oh my goodness oh my goodness we destroy it we went over how to play we've never done that before is that a charm or Oh close I never you know allows it what it works oh we got graspers and improved our pose as well I just want to grab these two so we to impress one more to make it an ally white item is this we've got some I grab buys haha oh they look so funny they look hilarious let's impress this guy and we should be done a beautiful thing come on guys together three two one six oh look at that look at that that's gone so high and we've got a I'm gonna try pose because I wasn't sure whether that was wrong no it was charm but we got it anyway we're happiness and the ultimate core and now your allies you can hear that their nest and starve that's fantastic so now we've got some and allies we should get some bugs now let's go and kill someone shall we these got oh all these guys are impressive oh there's lots of them we should have allied these guys to be honest is there an alpha over here I think they're gonna go for it we're gonna go for it gonna go for it okay three two one judge destroy him destroy heaven smack him take him down oh this is an ultimate back to Jesus look at this look at this it's going crazy oh my god where every way we've got a peak Rock as well little item there let's do this oh my goodness I didn't think this was gonna be such an epic battle here we go oh oh here we go I feel like I'm playing League of Legends right now why is that I don't know but we should we should take these guys that I've still got poor help up in here yes we're destroying as a pack the pack unites that strike him let's take him down and he's gone Wow we just absolutely wrecked let's punch these down oh my goodness that was incredible look how far up we went for that we went almost half way do you think we could complete the creature level today do you think we could do that I'm not sure we could get to here at least and kind of improve ourselves I think these guys are fully healed now where's the other tray all right on try right where you going oh he's over here right and he's done so we can now feed these and eat these up and we're gonna go to another base and destroy it destroy it okay there's fur Nicky's here and they already don't like me so what are we gonna do guys what are we gonna do wait the Alpha guy is here so I think we should select him as a target first three hunt five all three to one charge bro you hit the tree but it's okay we can do this we've got a jump on him here we go here we go these are gonna be a lot harder I think let's try and charge this guy as well go for a bit of a bite bite this guy as well take him out here we go we're doing well we are doing well we've already killed two let's take this route quick help help the other guy he's gonna die I don't him to die yes destroy him we've got two more to kill just have a quick munch first munch there we go oh no he's off he's off he's going for them already where are the other two we've got so much loot here we've got evil eyes which sound amazing we also got what do we get here what was that we got it didn't tell us oh we've got the fury of AI we also got um some feet as well look amazing and we need to I think we should go back to this nest and quickly heal up and then come back we've got a three port Oh three poor is really good we should change those up in a second got sprint to dance three and speed three that's really good let's sprint over there shall we and just heal up here we go we're healing nicely and we need to go back there and hunt two more but some reason kind of stressful as well that's very strange I think we need to go back over there because otherwise we're not gonna be able to defeat the last two where are they where are these last two punks that we need to destroy all here they are here they are here they are there's one charged him take him out bite him bite him bites him charge him stab him there we go I need to eat I need to eat right now I'm is this the last one what is that over there didn't even see that come on let's eat up there we go there we go beautiful right where is the last one of those because I want my 40 DNA points I've got 183 DNA that's insane can we go like back to here and then come back to here and hopefully there'll be one more let's see if that works shall we one of these I shot me oh my god quick go go attack you just shot me what's wrong with you no no no you don't do that that's shooting and they're flying ridiculous that's what you get for messing with us bro take this think the Alpha guy down is what we're gonna get extra DNA points with it's nice oh my goodness what an unexpected turn of events we just went to go and get the other guys now I've lost my bearings I think we need to be where do we need to be I'm gonna eat you just out of just because you attacked me ah what is that oh good yeah we should leave that I hope he isn't going to attack our friends it doesn't look like he is there's big nasties coming out here and Oz and I monkey are you coming to attack hi monkey stay away don't even think about it yeah you back off yeah you run you run let's go to the furnitures I need to kill one more furniture and then we're good and we're seriously close to level two are they over the hill is there at least one little punk over the hills see they're not coming back to their nest is that just bad luck it could be I guess it could just be bad luck cuz we would have got a ton of DNA from that I am NOT happy let's see if we can find him hi guys so I couldn't find him so we're gonna go over to this unknown species behind now this is the way that the the completely overpowered guy ran so let's hope it's not those shall we and we need to eat oh oh hi are you doing it's a rogue ride us should we take him down come on team let's take him take him down I don't think we can run cooking us for a large DNA bonus come on charge I want to follow this guy come on hunt this right us for a large DNA bonus oh god oh my god oh my god I want to take him down I want to take him down here we go here we go someone's helping us I think we've just gotten in over our heads here oh gods oh gods oh gods you know what I think he's stuck in Nightside let's take him down but who died did anyone die or we good I think we good quick attack you're not helping come on Trey alright we can do this it goes to almost half down this is awesome one of my guys might die though come on we can do this I'm at full health Wow Wow come on come on strike him was I die I didn't even see no we were just about to take him down no that was so close oh my god that was so close we almost took him down the other two guys were going for it and spor has crashed no no I probably lost all of that no no no no no no no why rather than so what I had to do was pretty much repeat what we just did and I also changed travel back to what he was kind of I think and now we're gonna go and hunt these guys cuz the great B's kind of went over this way and I think this is where they are so we're gonna take down another place I still could only find four of those ones that we needed to kill here so I don't know about those but we're gonna go after these guys because they came and have a little bit of a nose try to steal our food and stuff and I'm not happy about that so and all they're angry us already let's take these guys out and take this out oh no wait wait wait wait I don't know what's going on here are these the guys that kind of helps with no did we just check this guy out we need four of those and these aren't those these are not great peas where's the great peas fern Aquis hates us right now oh great peas are over here I'm not sure if we're supposed to like let them let them be able to like mate even more but I think we should pick this stick up and then what we should do is put it down because I don't wanna throw them what I want to do is make friends of these guys so let's make three of these our friends and see if we can get a little bit more DNA points and I'd really wished that we were there okay this is a three-on-three let's see if this works oh this is poor they've got a better sing than us let's pick on this guy or should we just kill them should we just kill them we could be like an overlord I don't know this Troy dance no I think we're gonna have to turn on them and kill them destroy him destroy him I threw the stick if he's so mad right now oh my god if your dance moves don't shape up just kill them haha kill them we have to kill this guy as well one gets him get him get him get him we gotta kill this guy as well and let's kill this guy as well got a hunt three more see I don't know where I'm supposed like wait for more to turn up or something because there's there's only three here which is a bit worrying where are you guys going where are you guys going stay over here please I don't want anyone to get hurt I think we need to go let's try going over to the gray peas and see who's over there we're not making very many friends but we are gaining DNA points when 137 at the moment I think we need to save more often let's save now just to make sure that it stayed I've saved like four times on the way over here let's do this attacking as a pack shall we get over here oh here they are how many are here there's there's three here and then not too pleased with me let's see if we're gonna find a fourth one or just wait for one to be born did we just like spy on them and wait for one to be born let's have a quick look around here come around here you can't even climb the mountain just three this guy about to lay an egg you're gonna lay an egg no I just want to steal your things okay okay don't be don't be menacing I'm done I'm done okay I'm done I wasn't gonna attack you I swear there's one here one here there's two alphas but I need to destroy four and there's only three let's go back to the fern akise and see if any like appear or do you need to keep a two together wait anyone over here see that there's no one over here and I think that's because we killed the last two before there was one more left what's this what's that what is this what even is that it's like a it's an apple oh it's an apple I was like what what is going on the savant unknown species over here let's go ahead and see this unknown species okay we're going up here oh these are alpha iron monkeys hunt five see there's five here so let's go for the Alpha there's definitely a lot here let's take this guy down come on fight him charge him strike him attack him well he's an alpha one when you take this guy down first he's more powerful here we go super battling right now law and bite bite and then strike him there we go taking him down as well take this guy down this guy's a tiny one strike him bite him destroy him there we go and take this guy down as well we could just mow through these guys look three attacks at once and then we've got one more alpha to take down and what good's I think and these guys would be out here we go take him down take him down and then we come munch down and have a great meal all together that was fantastic yes we got some news ding a croc kisser it's like a crocodile face that's amazing what's that noise eyes of Google what's going on oh crap oh no what's going on guys what's going on there's like a meteor shower ah what's that oh god that scared me let's get me so badly that's a blue ball do you think we should take this guy down he's super fast though I think we should leave it for now but we've learnt our lesson from attacking big things we should just loot these and it looked like there was a meteor shower then that was worrying really worrying got ah look at this we've got this power that's coming in right now of these mouths these feet these everything's and I think what we need to do is you know save because paranoia is setting in right now and also try and get to the next stage before this episode is over so if we go let's go to this unknown species everyone healed up ready to go I think so actually let's go over to this one over here so I don't think I think this one's our top the mounting they could be flying ones what were you going are you going going this way I have to control it manually now come on I could try and make friends I guess but just oh it's that really interesting or should we just keep destroying but we've made at least one friend for these guys how you doing there's a new pit stag 'yes let's try we can at least try to make friends of them let's try I don't know if this is gonna work people like peacock feathers on them that's amazing so they're doing a charm this is not going well oh god this is not going well you're gonna have to die I'm sorry take him down take it down sick of this who wants to dance when you can fight take him down take him down how many of you need to take down five I don't know if we've got five here oh I think we do actually nice come on guys let's work together oh this guy's massive this guy's huge we picked on the dad we fix on the daddy of them all one fights him strike him there we go taking him down here we go the ultimate battle is out stop cheering come on we need to fight these guys if you take these guys right down we haven't got target oh gods this is going bad he's going bad I think one of our guys might die really though I take this guy down as well go one left so this should be the last guy come on come on come on there we go nice took him straight down how do I heal a we can heal right here beautiful that was close that one we almost died one of the guys almost died anyway now we've destroyed them now if we we just need a tiny bit more DNA and we should be good to go we've got 296 right now that's impressive isn't it who's this guy Shemp let's go and see the shemp's and if we destroy those I think we could go to the next level so let's do that oh here they are they they don't look too bad let's try and come actually let's see what they've gone here they're on level 10 oh my goodness says use our spyglass again and they've got three dance see these are to power for us but they've only got one bite oh we need to take these guys out we take these guys out perfectly come on let's do this charge charge strike fights and we should have five of them here as well a big bite to the face why are you doing anything tray all right come on into action please thank you this guy always scared Boise flying oh I didn't know they could fly this could be a problem right there Jim take them out take them out take them out they can fly away that's interesting say this guy out oh my goodness they're all flying away I think we pick on the baby ones they got the least health as well I'm gonna use got flipped he's got absolutely flipped well these guys know help them out come on why you stuck there what's wrong with you here we go take him out bite him bite him bite him take him strike him do anything to destroy him help out yes brain power brain power we did it yes we went on a rampage look how big that brain is it's almost filling the square we've got so many DNA points to play with next time geez Oh God Wow all that DNA is gone to your head your extra-large brain means you can add a third creature to the pack let me eat these no why are you so mad I'm gonna hunt one more guy because he's mad come here look you you know gonna be friends with us so I'm just gonna take you out right now and take out right now and I think next time we should focus on friends because we kind of haven't done that yet and kind of destroyed everyone why is not doing anything take him out there we go 349 oh good we're so opie let's go home let's run home he's off sprint to get home and then we can add a third one of the trail rise it to our pack because we have no friends now we've destroyed everyone in our path we got 44 health and I think next time with three in our pack and 349 DNA to spend to a dance oh we can't do a dance I think we've got a massive chance right let's take this guy and see if it will add in to the pack no dance let's dance it up buddy that dance it up to celebrate and that is it third person to the pack next time I'm gonna start off with another creature creator I hope you're enjoying Trey alright so look right now so we're going to go over here mate with this guy and just just make sure alright the beast it can be 349 it's going to be epic so thank you so much watching again guys again that the support on spores been crazy if we can get a massive of likes again that would be incredible and I'll be sure to do another episode this week and if it's supposed to be the first video that you seen by me then please do subscribe and join team TDM for daily minecraft videos and also loads of other games as well again thank you so much for watching and I will see you all next time good [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,066,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spore (Video Game), mod, review, spotlight, showcase, panda, shears, forge, modloader, risugami, custom, adventure, map, thediamondminecart, commentary, creeper, minecart, porkchop, lets, play, live, zombie, spider, skeleton, archer, xbox, arcade, quest, diamond, rails, tnt, multiplayer, gameplay, torch, biome, sword, game, moon, testificate, video, pc, free, playthrough, enchanting, server, mining, ore, yt:quality=high, spore gameplay, Personal Computer (Video Game Platform), montage, Video Game (Industry)
Id: u1_6pKawALA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 08 2014
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