I ESCAPED My Own Prison! | Prison Architect Part 7

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hey Mundi here and it turns out I forgot to save my previous escape attempt so it's probably a good thing that we didn't get far because it wouldn't have been saved welcome back to the greatest prison you would ever get sent to if you did anything wrong including cutting the head off of your sister's teddy bear that's right that's the kind of criminals we've got in here so if you haven't been following basically I have created this very prison and today well last time I got put into that prison as mundi so we're gonna be role-playing as Mundy who's dancing his way to his cell and we're gonna be trying to escape our own prison and seeing what the floors are what the good things are if there's any seeing how that goes I've never played the escape mode of prison architect I don't really know much about it at all but you guys wanted me to do it desperately and it looks like where's our cell is it is it changed where are we going come on show me the goods no I think it's the same one right in the back cell b13 that's what it's gonna be cooled and Mundi has arrived all ye let's look at help because we didn't see this last time escape it's your only way out oh by the way if you're enjoying yourself and I are excited for the video leave a like that we greatly appreciated subscribe if you are brand new because otherwise you're gonna miss our videos you don't want that do you you might end up in prison if you don't I can't say that anyway step 1 I love how there's like a step by step way to escape prison from this guy with the long neck and the pretty slick gold chain or piece of spaghetti around his neck step 1 reputation your reputation means everything in here boost a reputation by starting fights great violence warning everyone did you just hear that as well someone's got tazed not my problem at the moment because I'm just a prisoner I have running this place eventually I will be hurting people were aware Lee get you noticed without but breaking things a good place to start the more damage you can cause in one fight the better leave no witnesses if a guard spots you fighting you'll get punished for it unless of course they are no longer around oof getting knocked out looks bad your bear offending a fight on your own terms step two is squad we're sort to call them over and they'll stick with you anywhere you go click their name they'll join you in fights contraband you need weapons and tools find a room where there will be something you want take a look around you'll quickly find something useful you can steal which off metal detector I put them everywhere man and guards trying to search you if you're fine with anything they'll grab it and throw you in solitary oh no stash your equipment you can hide your findings in your cell all the cells of others just remember where you've left things tunnels the quiet way out grab a digging tool and start a tunnel from the toilet in your cell digging is slow get your squad members to help you dig don't get spotted if God sees you entering or exiting a tunnel you'll be run well good luck you're going to need it we certainly are right it's currently eating time Mundy can't run as well looks like he's just kind of walking he doesn't really have feet to be fair so what's interesting is you can only see what's around you you can't zoom out on the cells you can't see where guards are coming from and stuff but it's eating time it's work slash free time but apparently if we just damage stuff we can get a little bit of a reputation what if I damage this huh I can't damage this levers I'm not I'm not don't worry it wasn't me it wasn't me see you later buddy I am NOT fighting that guy Oh No can we get some food can I have some all right shower time No against the tide I've lost in a tide of prisoners ah what would happen if I just clubbed someone in the face huh what would happen I need to choose someone who's in Orange hello sir oh no I didn't do that I didn't do that I didn't do that I'm sorry you tryna he's trying to oh no oh no you're injured wrong I'm gonna punch you let's go let's go ah no I'm unconscious already why punch did nothing terrified and he was already injured I lost a fight to a guy that was injured this is not gonna go well is it no no I'm gonna go straight to solitary of unconscious there's bacon all over the floor these places are dumb and it sounds like I might have started an even worse by it is anyone gonna come help me I'm bleeding on the toilet can someone help me please which is my health is it down or up I'm not too sure it doesn't matter I got myself one single rep point span rep points on reputations to improve your squads fighting ability strong tough deadly quick in skate or skilled fighter okay this prisoner hits harder with each punch oh okay I get it I need to go I need to get some kind of medical assistance please sorry onok I'm that's my fault I started I know by order if people keep grudges and stuff as well that's not a be interesting so I also need to remember that there are metal detectors literally everywhere I think there's only one place where there isn't metal detectors and that's down I think where are the medical things I need help me I'm bleeding hello can someone help me please I need to get in here how do I get in here there's no one there's no medical there's no medical staff here could i how do i how do i heal myself I don't I don't mean to do that no stop surrender I didn't mean to do it man I didn't mean to punch the Fed I was trying to use it somebody heal me fine fine take me where you need to go look at my picture oh no I'm stuck for 60 minutes but punching hospital bed but I did get two red points that ain't too bad my cell is so far away from everything it takes me like two minutes to walk over there and then I get put back in with no no medical assistance whatsoever oh you can fast-forward it and play that's kind of cool I like that where can I get myself some grub I need some no it'll be the punch it don't surrender are you surrendering ah come on I don't need to punch it Ryan take me back take me back for goodness sake that's that's three times I've been sent back to my cell in like three minutes I didn't mean it but I do have three rep points spend a rep point to have all your squad members sleep through their punishments well that's quite cool there'll be handy if we get into solitary my car believe it I just wanted some food we need to plan real something we've got some time Mundi we've got some time what should we do I think where's the best place to get weapons either the workshop or the kitchen the kitchen could be good we could get a little stabby that could happen so I'm warning for you guys that don't like much violence probably skip this one it's not real it's okay it's just so I can test my prison that's all that's all them doing it voice we're all right then let me out I'm injured no one's gonna give me medical assistance let's see if I can get to the canteen and not get into a fight shall we here we go I'm here I want to eat some would give us it's so packed in here no wonder everyone's upset here oh look look on the right hold right click to recruit and they have different points so Nick Commedia cost two points because he's already got the quick the quick what's it called oh oh I need this bacon can I get some bacon oh oh oh no put that away stabby put it away daddy put it away oh no I think okay I didn't mean to come in here these are staff doors I can't normally get through them please open this Thank You mustache man you will um you're gonna pay for that actually wait that's the best way to get past the the contraband detectors I couldn't just go through the kitchen this is great how do I stash this oh under the beds nice okay let's spend some reputation points I'm gonna I'm gonna be strong tough and deadly this is a prisoner in a master in lethal combat moves and can sometimes kill with a single hit Mike I don't mean to press sir I didn't mean to press that okay can i I just not attack okay I got a rep point for that though can I just go around punishing random things and not get in trouble for it I'm gonna punch this door there we go yeah I get one point every time I punch a door and then I can just end the fight this is this is a random I'm just punching all the cell doors give me the points give me all the points I don't think this is quite working no oh it is working let's go and fight give me that reputation point boy I reckon I could employ one of the real beefy guys how much is this guy gonna cost me to recruit just one where are the real fat dudes who's in solitaire solitaire is not up here at all so Latrese this way hey we're the bad Mans at Levis edge what's ghetto he's only costs one what hey hey why why have you got me are you gonna take me to some medical assistance they desperately need some reputation I want to get quit and instigator I'm gonna get one in each my ghost and then it's five for each one we need to get a gang desperately oh that's why because it's sleep time I thought I was in trouble again what are you doing outside my cell punk what do you want hi Roy I was gonna take my knife oh I'm an idiot I was just fast forward in this I can literally click sleep there we go we do need to be rested I still need some bandages or an injection to help stop my bleeding please I'm just gonna see what happens if I go there come on Monday quick step quick step with those feet that you don't have there's a lot of pee on the ground and this is just chaotic can someone give me some food please I can't grab any food give me food I want food so I excuse me guys excuse me I should have made all of my corridors way bigger because it just ain't working very well is it help me yes did you just help me why are you pushing me sir all right click to steal all the medication can I um can I steal that should I I don't think I should steal that what about in here though no I didn't mean to polish the piece of paper I was trying to collect it and I've been tazed at least I got some rep points oh no I need I need to stop clicking stop clicking on things it's bad for my health and my reputation there was a drill in there I could attempt you know what I could attempt just underling in the front door that seems to be this seems to work for some other people in a big gang with loads of loads of screwdrivers and drills that was I could replicate that mundi mundi mundi what are we gonna do with you you just let me walk straight nope nah you can walk straight out again that's amazing bye and put me in bed tuck me in read me a story right I need to hire a man Wagstaff no I've got two points let me see if I can find someone who's like an absolute beast we have way way way way is this Steven Sexton tough two points tough squat scales looks like Ronald Weasley he looks pretty good too is there anyone that's got like three ready to go Simpson what is on your head is that bold or is that a hat you should probably change the color of that hat people gonna get confused I think we should go for someone that has some brute strength and preferably is absolutely massive so I need to try and befriend the one's or the guys that are from maximum security oh here they are welcome welcome extremely tough who's extremely tough chrismyers six points dude I need to punish some things I did it I did it I'm running I'm running no one's gonna catch me I need to save up six points I need him what's his name again I completely forgot Chris Mayer's what do you look like you've got a bald head what else do you have ha - show me buddy show me come on show me your face your beautiful face oh he's just got glasses on okay I might just follow him until I get 6 points I've got 4 just by punching doors this is my guy right here he's gonna he's gonna help me big and skinny that's what they're gonna call us hi Maya's stick close no stick close I said oh why do I surrender I want it to end the fight Maya's know I almost had enough points for you I didn't want to surrender the question is how are we going to how are we gonna dig do you need a shovel for that and we get out of these handcuffs real quick right click to stash contraband I wanna I wanna dig boy okay I did not mean to do that I did not mean to do that no right click to enter tunnel how do i they're gonna find this can I just dig it with anything wait right-click right-click Oh hold left click okay I'm gonna stash that go underneath and I think I think I can dig with a knife because it's not allowing me to do it anymore okay this is a problem I didn't mean to do the title now we're gonna get in trouble I was gonna punch all +2 did I get stronger let's go I didn't want to break my own cell door though that was a bit of a that was a bad choice right let's go and find our man he's got bald hair and glasses I think we'd have to wait until canteen time I think it's gonna be the best time to meet up with him again a car remember weather Oh hold on this is it this is the one skilled fighter costs - extremely tough where is he he was there a minute ago Matt ray oh my goodness he's huge let's get him yes come here buddy look how big this guy is yo okay that's what I'm talkin about come here come here I need to talk with you about a plan real quick come here come here yeah Rowlands guys house you can upgrade everyone's abilities okay that makes sense so I think this guy is just gonna follow me everywhere right now how much did it cost to increase top always a max oh he's gonna be able to smack people right you're coming with me we're gonna attempt our first takedown okay this is gonna get us some hard time but I think you're big enough to be able to pull this off where the wrong side it's embarrassing right don't turn anyone but I've got a knife the next person who walks down here isn't there's no one here look at me with my little knife and my big bodyguard he's only got two little eyes Cowell Featherstone slice get him get him yes run run got two red points for that come on buddy and fight put this away nothing happens you hear me nothing happened we were playing we're playing cards and things got a bit messy okay that's all when do you saw nothing you looking at me funny huh you looking at me funny Punk no leavers you don't want to get involved here slice slice shoot him I killed him I killed him oh nothing happens distract it oh no Bray Bray has got the big old punch on him did you see that he floored two people we're we're gonna be in solitary for seven hours no okay it's in our own cell that's fine but I lost my thing and I've got cuffs on me so I can't even work on anything this is not wait wait were you taking me why didn't break it in in solitary ha is that where I'm going you'll put me in solitary aren't you I knew it I'm going there there I am ha just the toilet Gibbs what you in here for buddy you give what always gone never mind all alone there's no one here oh you can whistle them bright bright can you get me out of here please about six hours this is gonna take forever I don't really want to skip my punishment so I'll see you then oh this was long this was really long here take me take me out of this horrible place you didn't even let me peel potatoes or anything what's wrong with oh yeah I forgot we had armed guards we need to be careful of those at least I said I pray on my side I can get him to follow me so we can beat some more people up whoa okay calm down wait hold on there's a tunnel there it's legitimately a tunnel there no I need something to dig with it's sleep in time whose was this Bray is that yours why have they changed shells I'm just gonna sleep and see if I can get I need a knife like a knife apparently can allow you to dig which is pretty good so let's see oh no that's not mine is it but yeah a knife can allow you to dig which is pretty sweet let me see if I can get in is it this way yes up this secret corridor through the door easy a fork or a knife I think I'm gonna take the knife I'm just working here nothing to see okay put that away geez I could get a fork as well let's do the old fork and knife combo there we go digging tool damage three damage six they're both digging tools that's pretty good I need to get out of here come on buddy help me out can you get out you got bacon get out a little bit OTO quick yes oh I do have a spring I was just saying what is that bar but it's a sprint okay that's good to know right right come over here I need your help come over here buddy where is he I need your help digging a tunnel well well well how big is this tunnel what did I just do what hold on a second have I just escaped there's no way how do I go up oh oh I escaped how did I do this I had a rep point of seven and now I'm Bray can't even fit down the tunnel he can let's go buddy let's go let's go yes to do that to know why because there's no perimeter fence and apparently a fork engage to allow you to just literally just make the longest tunnel you like okay to be two days we got some work to do haven't we oh my goodness I can't believe that was so easy all I had to do is I forgot to look at my victims as well um okay let's load the prison let's fix some things yeah right here pigeon it was actually handy that there was already a tunnel up but I think we would have been able to do that anyway we were lucky we got moved from this cell because we didn't really need to do it we didn't really to make the tunnel that far to here yeah this needs work we need a perimeter fence how do i how do I keep track of tunnels is there a way to do that guard towers I don't know as guard towers and snipers allowing you to have a highly trained marksman keeping an eye on the outdoor areas snipers we need to visit an army to collect a rifle otherwise they'll be unarmed I'm gonna research that we're back into like we're back into prison guard mode now I'm all kinds of messed up in the brain right now education we still need one person to pass the general education we still need to produce some beds which should be happening right now doesn't it look so weird seeing it from the other the other side I think it really does so it turns out the escape modes isn't as crazy I said it wouldn't be it's not as crazy as the escapist but we did it anyway turns our prison is just way easy we didn't need to do much did we intelligence oh yeah I forgot we unlock this show the sources of contraband and all recently recovered contraband in your prison also shows your confidential informants and their information okay so supply-demand whoa look at this so the highest-ranked stuff is a wooden pickaxe in a rope narcotics are all really high booze and cigarettes as high as well shows all contraband confiscated in the last few hours so most of its around here drills forks and drills they're stealing it from there where did you steal that wait hold on a second it was smuggled in smuggled in by a prisoner 17 hours ago look at the route this took that's insane oh my goodness I have a problem it was stolen from the library oh no that was how were the waiver waiver wait hold on hold on is a tunnel that's me that's me how do I get rid of the tunnels I completely forgot pause pause who is this Benjamin Thor escapes who did this who did this that was it was that me did I escape ah though remove tunnels let's go right that needs to be a high priority let's see what happened here there's a bed wait let's check the bed dummies one here one here one here one here all four of these guys just escapes get that out of here I think they use the tunnel I just dug are you kidding me all my hard work I was going to say all of these are still in bed but levers is just lazy or locked down I'm not quite sure maybe he's just stuck in his cell can we get rid of these please now who's coming over it's quite a long way I'll give you that there he is there he is area's called get rid of this let's see how big the the tunnels are how many are there it's called go all the way to here it must do yeah all the way across and I guess they do it in the in the toilets geez man I guess they do in the toilets because that's the only route out of their cell with like all the pipes and stuff oh my goodness they used my own technique against me come on buddy get all these out of here thank you Wow four escapes already that's insane are we feeding our prisoners now because that was kind of a prison that was that that was a problem last time wasn't it fifty-one percent it keeps going down though I don't know let me gone needs food food food no food is fine so that must have worked family is a problem we're running out of space we're definitely running out of space visitation is so small how can I make more visitation space huh how is that gonna work geez someone's like made their beds and almost destroyed it oh it's tough being a prison guard can we get these like done as soon as possible please oh no oh and I work Ben vs. guards work better guard versus prisoner called Maya wait is that mine is that the dude that's Maya's that's him extremely stuffing stoical okay he's a problem tase him tase him you got a Taser just use it I think the workmen are getting involved as well they getting all crazy in Heights Maya's bro I know you're tough but you're ain't gonna be taken down you're gonna be taken down by a Taser on you guys guys just can someone take him down please don't make me call lockdown on you punks everything Myers is losing yeah there we go either he's out he's out cold this is tough tough well you know what we've got 16,000 whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is happening here why are you all naked and arrested what's going on someone smuggled in Clippers as well guarding Clippers you think I'm going crazy I'm going over crazy someone's got a pickaxe as well the contraband is out of control you guys and why are you gonna have to make it so that there's literally a security door what were they called a thing a metal detector right here is that what I'm gonna have to do my reception is awful I don't know what else to do I'm not that many grants left cellblock e is the only one there's one more hidden what is that I'm gonna look it up oh okay so it's not cellblock F so we do want to try and get up to 500 prisoners this hidden one is when you're doing really bad and then the government just gives you 50 grand to fix it so oh I've missed something haven't I wait I left my game running while I was oh no I I left my game running while I was looking at it and my chef is dead what did you do who stabbed to stall a prisoner in medical bed it doesn't say what they did oh man murdered by prisoner I need to keep an eye on things search the ingredients what are people doing what is going on I'm losing the will to live just like the chef that died I'm sorry buddy rest in peace let's remember this to get an F I'm sorry dude I should've been paying attention so all we've got left to do is to make it up to 500 prisoners that's literally insane but I've accepted it we're up to 50% of that I'm gonna have to buy I'm gonna have to make a new canteen I have to surely because all of these guys are just gonna have no canteen otherwise the prison's almost gonna be split in two I'm clicking this should I buy this or should I go down I'm gonna go down there we go so that I can actually extend these and have like more visitation and stuff like that I think that's a good idea so there is a way that you can change the food distribution by thing is because no I don't even know how oh it's because this is one big cellblock I think oh actually I've had an idea well if we had not everything connected together but everything apart from this that's already here we can just fit some more cells in here that and here as well but what if we had separate buildings so they do have some own no someone's getting attacked in the library he's tasing people though two big boys against the guard is he gonna survive it I don't think he's gonna survive that he survived that he took down two big boys that's what I'm talking about let's go guards while saying is if I make a perimeter fence the whole way round we can have little buildings out the back that that sounds pretty good right and then we can actually separate maximum security and normal but um how do I how many prisoners max do I have we actually have 59 which is quite a lot so if we made it so that the maximum security like the original plan that do have their very own cells because if we go to deployment yell at max security only we can do that no access it's the shop I'll nose a shot got no access I'm an idiot where is oh no no wonder people are cannot spending their money every prisoner I've clicked one has a lot of money that's why they got spending but I think that's the plan I think we should go ahead and put a maximum security block in here then it can have its own canteen we can then free up all of the slots and they can eat at the same time it's our brain oh no it's potatoes that's fine this dead guy though you can't cook the dead guy can we get this guy out of here please that's not hygienic at all you're just gonna leave him there but we can also have like a Morgan stuff as well oh let me know what you guys think I think I'm gonna leave this one here it's a little bit shorter than normal but I escaped way quicker than I thought I would this is the prison so far let me know in the comments section down below it's gonna do a quick save let me know in the comment section down below what we should do with here should we do a maximum security block if you do think so then go down going down in the comments section and tell me we should have the different blocks as well you can expand far look we could make this thing massive but I think I think our next little goal should be cell block II I think we should do that yeah let me know leave a like if you enjoyed this episode sorry it was so easy to escape the prison I'm kind of not though because it is basically my fault that it was so easy I need to counteract tunnels more and maybe have some guards that shoot us I can come up later yeah thank you so much watching subscribe if you're brand new as well so you don't miss a video by me every single day and I'll see you next time goodbye [Music] this past week wagon candle campus of fulcrum a band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,017,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, prison architect
Id: 2ilFl3DDIu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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