It Came From Tumblr #48 | Binge Compilation

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[Music] hey bye so begins the roaring 20s you know the way artists draw themselves is so funny like we all make ourselves look like exhausted gremlins and then there's [ __ ] Elmer Butch Hartman who managed to make his self insert Oh see look like a complete and total douche like look at this I literally have never seen a man be so self-absorbed I'll be it gets worse there's an actual character in The Fairly OddParents that's an actual caricature of Butch Hartman and voiced by him named dr. rip Studwell and his defining character trait is being hot yell BRE sure he changes icon because of this post specifically Gordon get a man have confidence tumblr user Typhlosion hell I feel like this is an online equivalent to playing with a Ouija board and the demon [ __ ] answering holy [ __ ] corn farmer update a 800 corn everywhere have you tried eating it corn farmer update day no one found a new use for corn what worried is that going for before pockets yeah my sister just tried to ask me if I wanted to go to bed but instead it came out do you need to use the sleep and then she just kind of looked really horrified herself and whispered maybe I need to use the sleep and now Jojo friends looking for Jojo reference oh god they're gonna do it they're gonna do it they're gonna do it several babies and some nods I have a movie idea for you it's called cars reboot and style of the movie cats and all the cars are just humans walking around naked but with a metallic sheen and they have wheels at the end of their limbs their faces are human faces but with car headlights instead of eyes sees my own post on my desk hey it's that pink [ __ ] again please please leave my house is filled there's so much pink slime oh [ __ ] free Slurpee no don't drink the code get the curly straws no straws stop poking me anyone else in a mood to pull off a huge heist where'd one alright I don't want to give away too many details on here but by the end of it we will all be rich and Woody Allen will be dead I'll send you word via carrier Swan where the time is right you know I wouldn't be happy with Woody Allen's demise but riches are always welcome to table also please send a carrier pigeon to warn me the Swan is coming so I don't mistake it for a goose and freak out I don't have any spare pigeons available but I've sent a rat and pigeon costume to warn you of the Swan Godspeed you son of a [ __ ] I been you know I feel sorry for Netflix Eric kids they will never know the high stakes adrenaline of running to the bathroom fridge bedroom and a single ad break with the beckoning call of a sibling screaming it's good to send you hurtling over furniture to get back in time can you just pause it oh oh my sweet summer child No hey so if you pay your finger tips with clear nail polish she won't leave fingerprints oh shoot this is actually really helpful information thank you helpful for what exactly murder kind of a given here wow your dark dialed is obviously referring to handling devices with screens this is a great way to not leave prints all over your screen I was 100% referring to murder but that that's pretty handy too alright I want Terry Crews and Vin Diesel to do a buddy cop movie where they're both secret nerds but they don't want the other to know like Vin Diesel plays the Indian weekends and Terry likes to create epic crossover fan art somehow they have to work undercover Comic Con and for whatever reason I need Daniel Radcliffe to be the villain and I also like to add not a character played by Daniel Radcliffe Daniel Radcliffe appearing as himself wait no no no wait I want Elijah Wood to play Daniel Radcliffe wait no this gets better okay Elijah Wood plays Daniel Radcliffe and his evil sidekick is Elijah Wood I want this movie so badly do know Greek God is inherently and wholly good or bad because they're all flawed and imperfect in some way with different facets of personality and character to serve as the reflection of society and human nature itself except for Zeus he was straight-up an absolute bastard yeah [ __ ] Zeus no do not [ __ ] Zeus it's too late Zeus already got him so my freak out teacher got kicked out of the movies once for yelling out dive because people [Laughter] yes just found out the difference between wax paper and parchment pay for the hard way well what's the difference well one you can use in the oven safely and the other you can also use in the oven if the thing you're trying to make happens to be fire Wow today I learned the Han Dynasty was founded by a sheriff who is transporting convicts when several escaped knowing the punishment for this was death he freed the rest and organized many into a rebel band eventually going on to help overthrow the ruling Qin Dynasty and to install himself as Emperor talk about rolling with it yo you ever [ __ ] up so badly at your job you decide the only way to make up for it is to overthrow the government little did he know that sheriff went on to inspire the concept of romance the three kingdoms and two hundred thousand dynasty warrior games along with it yeah I just thought I'd let you know that a Rudolf accent of fanfics exists on ao3 boy I wrote the da BX sorta got thick in its entirety there is no pain left for me to experience what somebody who doesn't watch baseball please explain this picture it's simple it's nap time the actual answer is just funny B's just B's okay seriously though why do Wizards celebrate Christmas other than JK Rowling is Christian what reason do litoral wizards have to celebrate a muggle God whose miracles are mostly within the limits of what Wizards can normally do anyway I love that the responses on this posed basic boiled down to its fun muggle-borns and my personal favorite Jesus was a wizard all right here's our take gift-wrap is dumb 95% of the time you can just hand someone the thing and accomplish the same task society has conditioned us to love riping [ __ ] up for no reason probably by the gift wrap industry people all right that's good just good here's the counterpoint monkey instinct says uncovering secret bounty from Carla for shell good as [ __ ] baby Jesus is a chicken wing I hate to ask but please explain so tender and mild it is China cleanse your with even though it's 20 tortilla I'm still doing this stupid [ __ ] thanks dogs probably destroy shoes because they see humans put them on before they leave the house Seth MacFarlane voices at least 31 characters and Family Guy meaning like 80% of the show is him talking to himself let's not even get started on American Dad or Justin roiland and working more aged actors don't get famous for who they are they get famous for who they pretend to be the manufacturer of stormtrooper armor must make a fortune because of the amount they produce while also being a cheaply made product due to the fact that troopers always die in one shot of a blaster laying the blasters merit out of lasers I don't know it kind of makes sense that the target audience for fidget spinners lost interest in them so quickly yeah if Pro is the opposite of carbon then the opposite of Constitution is prostitution so it is this shower thought telling me to [ __ ] the government is that what they're getting here milk is the only bodily fluid that we are allowed to drink in front of everyone and yet we're still grossed out by it so yeah as much as we hate the hard skin on our feet if we covered our whole body we'd be a lot more durable next step in evolution hard scaly feet humans oh god wait on a game controller the start button usually stops the game maybe the reason we can't walk into every building on GTA is because developers accidentally made the doors pool instead of push and we haven't realized it yet so they haven't given the characters that ability to pull them open yet and finally your bones are wet and this has been sorry not sorry today I learned that from a biological point of view vegetables don't actually exists all food items we call vegetables can actually be labeled as a real plan part carrots arutz lettuces leaf wait did people still think vegetable was a category of life and not just a food word since I see some folks that calm is still confused over this vegetable is a purely culinary word fruit has both a culinary and a biological definition and yes the culinary definition can sometimes contradict a biological definition it's also why a tomato is a fruit is technically true but a tomato is a fruit not a vegetable is false also I love this faculity cuz it also allows me to say this objectively funny phrase vegetables are our social construct oh my god I'm using that hey what the [ __ ] seals are so so fat I love it as a soon-to-be marine biologist I must agree they are and it is amazing see one out of one experts agree why are called psyche damn cool they've taken the bridge on the second hole we've bought the case but cannot hold them for long the crowd shake drums drums in the deep we cannot cut outs a shadow looks in the dark we cannot get out you see and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure part one with phantom blood 1987 Robert II Oh Speedwagon is attracted to men a subtle nod to the fact that he is gay it was a very did you know moment but I love it there's so much fuss over which spouse should change their last name after marriage can we all just please act like adults here and go to fantasy game generators calm and let the warrior cat name generator' decide really be civil yo you came to the wrong neighborhood onii-chan you're playing Wow classic you know fatal to exists right now you're playing fable - you do realize mountain blades exist right you're gonna play to fear mountain blade I'm gonna come join me in my Viva Pinata heaven oh yeah why don't you come to rocks with me the [ __ ] just happened if you don't watch a series entirely you are not a true fan if you do watch a series entirely you are not a true fan you're only a true fan if you're powered by electricity have multiple flat blades and spin around really fast like my favorite type of characters are they are not dumb but they are a dumbass characters with enough intellect and common sense to clearly and easily grasp that something is a bad idea but with enough chaotic dumbass energy to decide they gotta just go ahead with it anyway are on point super adorable he's just wander around hiding out with things guys squeal I should probably specify then Nikola Tesla is a cat and serbian-american inventor Nikola Tesla is not wandering around my house hiding under things because he's dead I like the implication that if you were not dead he probably would be wandering around your house hiding under things electrical stuff get out from under there no he's licking his lips he's checking it twice five minutes left on his microwave rice gotta put some sauce over that sure it's either or be vibe the vibrating so in terms of fandoms I'm the opposite of a gatekeeper I get into something and I won't stop talking about until a bunch of people follow me through the gates so you're Pied Piper hey what you call a werewolf youtuber I like and subscribe the only way to stop them is to all ring that Bell I don't know if y'all Americans and that know this but in Australia instead of snow at Christmas we get these little shiny bugs everywhere and they're attracted to Christmas lights and we call them Christmas beetles and despite being Australian they don't bite or anything they just crawl around in your hand and it's such a good and pure feeling and yet despite being Australian we know what you're thinking but this does not want to kill you dum-dum iterator here to tell you to love yourself and why should I listen to you because it's 5:00 a.m. where I live and I'm willing to hurt anyone at this hour now this raises the ultimate question did Puckett show get up early or is he just going to bed the horse has been caught at last hospital board to vote on letting it back into the hospital not certain his presence in hospital was as bad as we thought and then in a shocking mind-blowing twist hospital board revealed to be made entirely of horses hmm Colonel Sanders the chicken alchemist who my crystal ball says you're really [ __ ] up this time yeah this is rolling one on a divination check does anyone who else feel like a weird inhibition against starting a new TV show like their shows I want to watch but when I think about sitting down to start it's something in me just goes no you can't do that what am I waiting for I feel like I need to prepare you have to wait wait for what you have to wait I feel that a lot of shows helpful grammar tip farther is for physical distance further is for metaphorical distance and father is for emotional distance who hurt you my father did you not read the post oh my god there's a swan up for adoption your boy okay see guys later go get myself SWAT I'm a name in a corn someone posted this son oh hold up my discord they told me oh my god my discord actually convinced somebody to a adopt a swan and be named a corn what the [ __ ] I hate when parents are like I know you better than you know yourself like no you don't like oh you're an expert on the inner machinations of my psyche name three of my top ten is extension dreads people without ADHD be like oh if I get rid of all my possible distractions then you'll be forced to focus on the boring tasks fool you underestimate my power as long as I have flesh I have a distraction oh [ __ ] forgot the idea so sorry I was looking at something on my phone oh [ __ ] I also have to do like the perfectly gut scream oh what the [ __ ] was that don't think I don't know what's going on anymore bad tumblr and reddit is the opposite of yeehaw a know-how or a Holly I wonder if all dogs I haven't had to remember me if your parents had never met you could have ended up as half of two separate people there's going to be a generation that is going to laugh at ours for the same reasons are that boomers okay millennial when you hire a magician for a party you're basically paying someone to trick you and your pals we probably be all shocked at the amount of gasoline used to move gasoline around yes clone troopers age twice the normal rate so the Jedi went to battle with an army of 12 year olds explains a lot also every person who murdered a clone trooper kill the child we automatically assume that rich and popular people smell good what Kevin McCallister's family would have had to deal with a tarantula lurking somewhere in their house upon the return from their vacation so many superstitions are the product of lazy parenting straight-up fact we will always consider ourselves as civilized because we created the definition of dogs are a common denominator of any language humans don't pick up a scent with a large deep inhale you actually slow your breathing and concentrate on memory instead sure a lot of people get grossed out when you say your bones are always wet but let's see what happens when you change it to your bones are always moist and this has been sorry I'm sorry but I'm Laura and Reds
Channel: P.M. Seymour
Views: 696,031
Rating: 4.9677815 out of 5
Keywords: voice, audio, P.M. Seymour, comedy, reading, discord, twitter, tumblr, social media, posts, reading posts, late night blogging, blogging, editing, not for kids
Id: Oesash2lZ9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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