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cursed gun images time I'm not ready Kyle I'm in need of your guidance I don't know if I can do this alone or soon I know exactly what to do now [Music] [Applause] I think I'm ready for cursed gun images what is up you sexy YouTube mother lovers we are back for another installment of what seems to be your favorite and my least favorite segment cursed gun images things seem to be reopening all over the country so hopefully you guys are staying safe and not getting the coof once again we have gathered quite a collection of the most cursed gun images all over the internet just heinous heinous things that make my eyes very sad and my peepee flaccid every single one of these was either gathered from the hashtag cursed gun images on Instagram or from the discord under the cursed gun images tab now none of the ones that were sent to my DMS were used in this that is because I told you not to do that please don't do that if you want to get your submissions in Instagram hashtag cursed gun images or on the discord which is linked in the pin comment god I'm sorry every time we do these I have a borderline aneurysm by the end so let's let's see what we can do to me today my therapist the a 4k 7 isn't real it can't hurt you the a 4k 7 it is real and judging by that drama can hurt you 75 times so this is a Chinese a que you tell at the rivet pattern in the trunnion has some shitty gasps tuber a laptop really actually excellently crafted lower handguard that took a lot of work out of wood that's that is that is a lot of that is a lot of very very intricate woodwork too bad it is heinous I'm just now noticing that the bullpup portion of the little butt plate there it actually looks like it was based on an a K stock so that might have they might have sacrificed one for that and they added a drum and a Walmart red dot I knew we were gonna start out with this one we you have been sending this to me non-stop for the last three months to the point where I think we had to make a discord rule about using this exact one because I have no [ __ ] I thought about screenshotting them all I've probably gotten this a few hundred times and that the way people preface this before sending it to me is always hilarious to me I'm so sorry to make you look at this no you're not [ __ ] you just DM that to me there you go I talked about it I went over it you can stop sending it now please all right this bad boys kind of interesting this seems to be a big-ass revolver and I hope to god those are this is pretty cool this is rad if this if this is a flare launcher this is the coolest thing ever I would love to have one if this is not in fact a flare launcher and this actually shoots a solid projectile then goodbye wrist absolute wrist destroyer and I love how the guy holding is just in a very prim and proper suit some [ __ ] gangster mob boss got to lay down the heat with a flare gun on the technical side here if if the colors anything to go by it looks like this might be brass frames like you the whole thing two cylinder and everything is made of brass so I would I would say flare launcher because usually brass can't handle some of the higher pressure stuff like a lot of the old cap and ball revolvers and stuff if you're gonna be running modern loads out of it you need to go to steel frame because the brass frame will won't warp so I'm hoping this is flares okay that is just that's just [ __ ] stop trying to make California legalization cool it's not cool I can almost appreciate the attempt because a lot of work went into this it's the blend of plastic and wood that I think is so weird because this almost might have worked I think this might have worked if it was all wood on that because they're trying to join the stock and the pistol grip and everything into one like you know just complete you call that a featureless featureless rifle this just makes me sad so we have to support great groups like the Geo way so the rest of the country doesn't become as cucked as that now this one I have seen before and I actually do know what it is so this is a Galil it looks like it's got that thing like if you're trying to put like the I guess the the floor jacks you're trying to you know put down the the floor Jack's on like an RV or something like that as a barrel it's all just twisty turny and apparently it has no gas tube and just in it which that's that's a feature I guess this is for the Israeli military for marching in formation specifically for females this is the titty barrel I don't know if that's what it's called but that's what I'm calling it yeah that's literally what that bulge is for that that's that's it this is not there's no tactical function to this and I just love that this little nameplate at the bottom does not explain any of that it's hanging in a museum clearly and just the English caption is Galil rifle Israel they explain nothing this is just this is what Olga Leal's look like I would love to see somebody try to actually shoot a round under this though just to see how catastrophic Lee it fails when you fully upgrade your starter weapon that appears to be some variant of the m9 beretta with a really odd-looking suppressor on it so I saw those it's the suppressor that's got the Picatinny up top because you know suppressors don't get hot also I just the idea if you know what a baffle strike is a baffle strike for the uninitiated those who've been lucky enough not to have one is when the bullet travels out of the barrel into the suppressor but the suppressor is either non concentric threads or something's wrong dimensionally and it strikes the baffle and it can blow the front end of your can off the one thing you would want to do is put a bunch of heavy ass [ __ ] on the end of your suppressor to make it want to flex downward because that clearly looks like cheap aluminum I doubt the operator is going for efficiency on this especially considering the location of his optics I don't think he's actually trying to see anything I think he is trying to what do the kids say meme see I don't know if this is cursed or not either this is an mg42 with a toilet paper roll shoved into the place where the belt goes the funny part is I'm not sure if toilet paper is any cheaper than having to feed at eight millimeter mauser anymore for those people watching this like nine months from now hopefully you'll remember why that was funny now this one I did actually see in the discord under curse gun images and let me just tell you right now that is Patrick goddamn [ __ ] Swayze and this is red dawn no curse gun images came out of that movie [ __ ] you and [ __ ] the horse who wrote in on you you were [ __ ] the horse so this is a warning shot whoever posted this in the discord you have six hours to delete this before your pant isn't that against the Terms of Service ain't never heard of it but a little bit of background into the behind the scenes of why this is could be perceived as cursed Red Dawn was a pinnacle of filmmaking and it is perfect in every way but it was filmed in 1983 I think was released in 1984 and back then you really didn't have access to a lot of Soviet weaponry especially just you know Hollywood especially for a fairly low-budget film all things considered they didn't have access to a lot of aks or art BK's and things like that which is why you see a lot of like the RPK s or actually just dressed up vomits the dish cos that they're using here are not dish cos they're in fact just kid it up em 60s and things so you see this is just pretty much an m60 with paddle trigger and a big-ass dishka type muzzle break which is basically all you need to make this damn thing look like a disco it may be an m60 in reality but it will always be a disco in our hearts they actually did the same thing for the helicopters and the tanks I'm not gonna make this like Red Dawn review I have thought about doing a people were talking about the gun build a react series that I did a while back and we kind of we dropped it for one reason or another we just make it all sorts of other different content but people talked about bringing it back if you guys want to see a gun builder reacts to Red Dawn I think that would be a lot of fun so let me know if that's something you guys want to see or if you have other suggestions that stuff I'm really just trying to avoid curse gun images right now I'm sorry okay hey so this mashup looks cursed as balls but there's an explanation for it this looks like Eugene stoner had unprotected sex with a mac-11 well that very month that very well might have happened that is not the backstory of this weapon so this is actually pretty neat I forget what these are called somebody in the comments I'm sure will be happy to point it out but these are mash-up it is a mash-up of the ar-15 and I like the mac-10 mac-11 platform that whole like really cheap a transferable machine gun market pretty much as that's why they do it so there there are cheaper transferable like Mac Elevens and things like that that you know the aks and ARS might be going for 25,000 30,000 because pre-1986 transferable machine guns that civilians can own with that nfa tax stamp very limited market and they are very expensive and they keep getting pricier by the day however there's a lot of submachine guns out there that were just very very cheap back in the day a lot of people registered before the 1986 cutoff so they're they're cheap they're expensive guns but they're cheap for a transferable machine gun you know you can get them for a couple grand the purpose of things like this is so you can use the registered machine gun portion of that mac-11 and add it to an ar-15 upper so that you can run five five six out of a legal machine gun and but just by having one machine gun lower you can basically have a lot of other machine gun uppers so it's a pretty cool concept it's pretty cool way of of allowing the average civilian who can get an NFA tax stamp and everything and who doesn't want to break the bank you know spending 150 grand on transferrable machine guns have a bigger collection of transferrable machine guns I think it's kind of cool but yes to the untrained eye this looks cursed as balls this isn't cursed enough let's bring things up a notch so friend actually sent this to me last night and I didn't look altogether cursed and but the word the longer you look the worse it gets because to me it just look like somebody took a head spaced front end of an 8k and shoved it on their ar-15 which we've talked about that before look I made a hybrid no you didn't shut the [ __ ] up sit down you jammed a [ __ ] AR and a K parts kit together like a kid playing Legos and connects at the same time then I looked a little bit closer yes that kind of is cursed as it is then I looked okay no trigger guard on this AR what the [ __ ] is up with those pin holes those are supposed to be like very small tiny pin holes and these are just like giant gaping [ __ ] pin holes this swish Swiss cheese the [ __ ] out of this lower I don't know if this is an attempt to D mill it I don't know what's going on with this but that it was enough of a shock when I noticed it that I figured it was worthy of inclusion youch Oh marks okay so here we have a clearly airsoft 14 or m1a I don't know I've never cared about that weapon system [ __ ] sue me they have an ar-15 lower attached to it for literally no other reason than it seems to use the pistol grip as a forward grip because it was easier to use the magwell on this AR lower to bolt it to the bottom of their m14 I'm going that 14 I don't know and I don't care Vietnam larper outrage in three two actually I pretty call duty is jam 21 cuz he you're gonna stop shut the [ __ ] up I don't care I really don't I think I just ripped it to them harder than I've ever written day it's my favorite part of this is the obscene mild high hide over bore because it's not enough to have the Picatinny rail you have to attach the carry handle to the Picatinny rail and the optic on a riser on top of the carry handle this one I had to talk about just because it gets said to be so often this is a very bad CGI whatever this is like a mashup this is the glue ger and I hate it it is a Glock and Luger they're not cursed if it's obviously Photoshop if it's photoshopped really well and I can't tell and I'm pretty good then okay yeah okay maybe that's a curse gun images a curse gun images okay I think this is where that strokes starting to set in you smell toast I smell toast what in the Gorbachov is going on here okay so this is a know somebody decided that the Glock 42 wasn't already bad enough so they added a Makarov grip to it and in the process they cut up a perfectly good bakelite star Makarov grip that I would have loved to have it's it's it they're nice they're nice they feel good and there's something wholesome about them and you cut it up and you stuck it on a piece of Austrian Tupperware and God will never forgive you for that okay God might forgive you it's kind of a book about that but I won't call your mom it's time to get picked up of course he's wearing an NRA hat first off I want to say how much I hate this I really do I want to say how much I hate it and how much this is stupid and how much I wish I had never seen it I can't do it there's a charm about this that I can't describe yes it's a well build as it appears it's a well build yes it could use some finish yes it's a little rough around the edges it's a [ __ ] cap and ball a K that's kind of neat to me I don't know the whole like octagonal barrel coming out the front he clearly just welded the front sight block and the gas block to it okay like I said it's a little crude grabbing that dong for dear life I think one of my favorite parts about this is he actually kept the black powder like really elegant black powder trigger there I'm gonna build one yeah actually that's kind of I guess that would be like a blur stun image as you guys have been saying alright let's move on to the next one thank you guys so much for watching I have to I Sid from Toy Story grew up and he's a gunsmith though that's all I got I'm the a guy it's enough internet for me I'm gonna go live in a cabin in the woods for the next few days we can evaluate life anyhow that is enough for me guys I appreciate it I do have one more thing I wanted to mention after this video goes live later on this afternoon I will put the the details in the description and in the pin comment I will be live over at twitch yes I am gonna be one of those big titty twitch streamers got a new PC rig eventually we are going to be playing escape from tarkov you guys have been asking for it since I teased it a few months ago I kind of got a lot of stuff going on but I was willing to make it happen god forbid I gotta play video games with my friends and thinks you know I'm willing to do that I'm willing to do that for you I think it'll be fun I've seen a lot of stuff about the game and it seems very very realistic and very very a case centric so it should be a lot of fun link will be in the description and in the pin comment and I will see you sexy YouTube mother lovers in the next video don't make me do this again [Music] things seem to be reopening all over the country hopefully none of you have the kouf I was trying to drink the water out of that but it looked like I went for nothing for all of the Europeans that are in my comment section like why are you Americans so insistent on needing all these weapons of mass destruction this is why you have so many problems Biola ya don't care it didn't ask you want to know what makes Americans nationalists is dumbass European 14-year olds on the internet talking about oh this is clearly why you have so much violence acid attack car bombing subway stabbing I don't even like talking about politics on the day-to-day but I think I like it a lot more than talking about curse gun images I think that's why I was so it's so so happy to just go straight into it so this one I did seeing the discord under gun mean we're not gonna move your [ __ ] nope wrong wrong series get out of here
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 3,298,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cursed images, cursed gun images, a4-k7, bullpup, brandon Herrera, cursed, red dawn, blessed, Guns, meme review, gun meme review, gluger, airsoft
Id: zcE4cdfUVDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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