Islam: Q & A session for non-Muslims - Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq

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we welcome people to visit mosques and and you can always but then somebody goes in and they'll you know cause a fight and then you know you have to deal with it so in Mecca it is supposed to be a place even for Muslims where we don't carry out any acts of violence any anything like that so it's become a sanctuary only for Muslims yeah sure come on hard questions go ahead sure so homophobia as I understand it to be a fear of homosexuality I think it's a horrible thing I don't know how I got to be scared of it right but in Islam we do not approve of the homosexual lifestyle as in many other faiths for example in Christianity in the Bible you have the same thing you have a condemnation of Sodom and Gomorrah and men sleeping with men but many priests have kind of come away from that and to me that's hypocritical right either you believe in the web or you don't right if you don't don't be a Christian and if you do then you gotta follow what it says right the same thing in Judaism or Hinduism and all these faiths right if you look at it even if you take a step back from religion like that leave religion out of it let's look at it from a natural perspective from a perspective of nature if you for example today all of humanity became heterosexual right would we exist as a humanity head draw header oh come on yes there okay right we would right you would have procreation you would have children you would and that's one of the core responsibilities of any species whether it's animal or human to carry on if all of humanity went homosexual everybody right there would be no more humanity so the natural method is a heterosexual life so that's what we believe now do some people have homosexual inclination sure they do right but is it okay in Islam to act upon them no go over all right there's no disrespect go for it right right so like I said having those feelings is fine it's part of somebody's personality act department so in Islam we think of it as the same as bestiality right somebody again people are attracted to certain animals right go to Alabama anyway so point being if you have that you're not sinful for having a feeling but if you carry that out most people would find that to be unacceptable and and you know it's hypocritical in society today that if somebody disagrees with the homosexual lifestyle you're calling homophobic why not scared of homosexuals I just don't agree with that lifestyle and that's my right to have my opinion as I don't think it's okay to have intercourse with animals or walls or pumpkins or whatever else right so that that you know and if you're gonna say it's okay to be you know whatever you want to be then why is it not okay to have a relationship with a chicken or a go right I mean it everybody has their own idea of what's okay and what's not but in Islam we don't we leave it to the religious texts exile put him in a boat like a little island little gay island in mosques like inside I'm just kidding so as I said if somebody has certain feelings we understand that and we are accepting of people having certain inclinations but go ahead yeah pretty so it's like I said just think of it just think of it the same as somebody's attracted to dogs right we understand there are people I mean there are people who officially get married to dogs check Germany out right but we feel that that's not acceptable right so if you have those feelings we understand if you want to talk about it we can talk about it but and if you act on it like in America if you're gay we're not not gonna come and kick you out of any restaurants or something that's not the way it works but as a Muslim it is not acceptable for a Muslim to act upon those feelings okay another subject here I was getting good I don't know give me your number now just kidding so some Middle East again when you say Middle East Middle East is not in a country that's cool and Islam a Muslim come on you're Lebanese nothing Lebanon's not an Islamic country right so as you know Lebanon has a big Christian population it has big Shia population has so many population it's a mixed country the Middle East is not one country as you well know but just to clarify to everybody else and and any country in the Middle East would not be a single representation of it's time to begin with so for example in the Middle East you have Israel right now right which is a majority non-muslim country it's ruled by Jewish law so it's very hard to say what you would do in the Middle East in like let's say for example if you said in Israel then it is illegal practice according to Jewish law right I don't know what the punishment how they carry it out but I do know since I've been there that it is illegal to be openly in a homosexual relationship in Israel right like that in Saudi Arabia it's the same thing other countries are different for example I mean in the Middle East you could have Turkey which is a lot more liberal with their laws so each country there will deal with it in its own laws I can answer from an Islamic perspective from Islamic perspective if you have certain inclinations that you carry out in the privacy of your own home the government does not have a say in that right if you are openly practicing such practices and inviting towards the corruption of society then they are dealt with legally by laws sure yeah I'll give you an example in the u.s. I mean just so we don't put ourselves on a high horse what if somebody's more men wants to get two wives is it legal no it's not actually you may go ahead and get what if you like go to Utah but it's illegal right you'll get arrested you there's there's fines for it there's jail time possibly for it why because as a society we've decided that polygamy is not okay so the Muslim society they've decided that you know homosexuality is not okay and it would be legally not possible for you to get married or practice outside so you have to live by the laws of that life by accident good question excellent that's a good question so let me take that in to two folds first thing is you go to Mesa College and here you have women that we see here wearing the hijab here do you see it to restrict your life nope right anybody forcing you your dad got a gun outside he's like waiting come out we'll see you about you you sure about nine yogurt excellent what's your name huh Rosita Rosita do you find that hijab restricts you from life can you you can't go outside anymore and just cry in a corner at home right so so no the point that I'm making is that the job first thing is not something forced upon women it's a choice it is a part of Islam I'm not saying that almost a woman doesn't have to work she does have to worry but it's her choice in the Jewish faith for example you also have the concept of hijab different names but it is something that has to do with marriage that they were after marriage has to do with authority of the husband but in Islam you don't have that it's in the Bible as well right it wasn't the topic today but we can discuss that about you know if a woman prays or prophesies without her head coverings and her head should be sworn which should be shaved and if she doesn't want to then let it be covered in the Bible New Testament right many Christians do practice that like the Amish like Catholic nuns and others others don't that's up to them in Islam we have it but the difference between Islam and Judaism and Christianity as in the Bible it's shown as an authority of man or woman in Islam it's not in the Quran the hijab has to to do to show the honor of a woman to let her to be known as a pious chaste woman so the hijab is a representation of modesty and it's a choice of the woman are there families that may foster their daughters maybe are their families that force their daughters to get married probably in every culture across the world right but that's not Islam you got to separate what may go on in certain countries and what islam teaches this nam teaches that the hijab is a religious practice regarding the modesty and men have their own laws of dress you didn't see me come here speedos and a marble bag and trust me you would have all left so men have their own rules of clothing women have their own rules of clothing and we live by them a modest lifestyle and I'll give you a further clarification on that right what are we gonna be honest all right well I was getting the relaxer I'm getting there I'm getting there right but I'm saying in understanding hey job in the conversation we're gonna have are you gonna be honest you sure all right all right good we'll see all right let's say you meet somebody a female a after school party at San Diego State forget right right somebody knows state well right and you see her in a very short skirt and small tank top right see he's honest right now honestly what is the first thing that grabs your attention yeah honest all right so you just gonna be like oh she doesn't have rubbish in our hand yeah let's be like I said either we can be hypocritical about the conversation or be honest if you're honest every man in here is gonna say you know what those physical features is where the attention goes and that's where you begin your judgment that's when Western society if you look at commercials if you look at how chewing gum is sold it's sold to selling the woman's body you see a lady in a bikini jumping up and down and spearmint gum like what does that have to do with that right you don't see anyone you know point being that's how it's misused the job takes away from that right it takes it where now you have to pay attention to the personality of that person you're not looking at their bra size you're not trying to figure out but their six-pack you are thinking about what they're saying and who they are as a person and you're judging you are endearing due to that and that's the point of the hey job now there are levels of hijab right and it is for example some who cover their face and hands some that don't cover the face and hands they cover the head and body and that's all between Islamic tradition but all of that put together doesn't restrict a woman from anything that she needs to do right for example I was in Malaysia recently and many people there there were the little you know medical masks for apparently no reason but you know they're very worried about germs and they walk around with that and that's no different than wearing a niqab you could still be a doctor you can still be an engineer you can still be a pilot there are women that wear the hijab as our sisters here are wearing that are in the Olympics there are women that have that are in Parliament and or you know Congress I believe right today they wear the hijab so so to think that it's something that restricts them I don't believe so and our Muslim sisters don't and that's why they choose to wear it it's a Western prejudice that views it that way like they see the hijab and they're getting some weird fantasy about domination and they look at it and then they think oh she's oppressed let me go liberate her you know and we're good thanks a lot so what was your other question of that it alright cool thank you and please no offence so ask anything you like go ahead thank you thank you right do you get that on recording so so that's a good point I mean if you look at me and you look at the sister sitting here I'm as covered or more as she is right pretty much right because as okay so let's take it there first thing is we have to understand in honesty right either we can be hypocritically dishonest or honest if we're honest men and women react to attraction is different that's a reality right I'll explain when you go and again I'm sorry I'm gonna be blunt and honest so don't get offended I'm not getting offended I hope you guys don't eat it if you go down downtown or if you go anywhere else and you see the number of strip clubs right how many Chippendales do you have and how many female stripping clubs you have right if it's not anywhere in the world right right but why is that if you look at the ratio of rape in the world right and again I'm not justifying any of this I'm explaining something right the rate ratio or women raping men or men raping women were the ratios right many men are getting raped on reporting it could be I guess right right right no but but if you honestly look at it there is a difference right if you look at for example catcalling or if you look at sexual harassment the me to movement how many men are being harassed in that way and really great but percentage-wise were are we unbalanced so human nature is where unfortunately men have less control than women do women are able to control their attractions better answer strength for women that's just the fact we can deny it all day long right but it's reality right and you have to deal with reality is it okay for a man to judge a woman by her physical body instead of her mind no but is that a reality you have to deal with yes understand when you go in for a a part in a movie role is it okay for that director to try to take advantage of a person because of their you know whatever no but does that happen yes do we as a society in the West kind of push it under the rug yes and that's the problem because we don't want to deal with reality we want to set up fiction so as a man if I'm dressed like this and I'm walking down the street I've never been catcalled if you do it I'll be pretty happy about it go for it right I've never been pinched I've never been brushed up against and fondled I've never it never happened why because fortunately a strength that women have is that they have better control on it but as a a female and I'm not going to ask here because I don't embarrass anybody but when you walk down you know College Avenue on Saturday night you know I guarantee you if you're a dressed a certain way you're gonna get catcall you're gonna get you know targeted and and that's a horrible thing we're not saying it's okay but you have to deal with that reality so the level of a job for a woman is more than that of a man but we have our own rules for example and I'll give you one last example we'll get off this topic if I walk took off my nice though took off my t-shirt walked around bare chested would I be arrested but if you did same thing so that means man and woman's body and its attraction is at different levels the covering a woman is different from a man and that's the same in a job but each has its own laws were questions he got that one right good no offense here ask anything you like the g1 is that something a little virus everything fine so simply determine the protection for the feelings so we create prevail we do the Islamic ideology we follow the Sunnah thank you let's keep the questions in excellent question marriages between the faiths is possible but there are rules and regulations about it right because you have to understand in Islam we have a certain lifestyle as I said it's a way of life and if you have a father or for example that's drunk and eating for work and you know going out and partying TJ's and and then the mother is telling the child that even you have to pray it doesn't work right and if that father's religious that is another and there are religions that have nothing against killing drum right then it doesn't mix you see what I'm saying so it's not impossible but there are rules and regulations part right which is having Kitab missile race things like this but within the sense of rules is possible possibility a little bit about what's happening here in San Diego in terms of or you know mas being targeted you know anti-islamic phobia lily campaign protested oh so what do you think here locally so our mock screen protests are targeted yes we have a mosque that was birthed down or burn arson in Escondido after New Zealand and the artists actions there are other laws that have been burned in the past that when attacked there are been attacked so yes that goes on there are hate crimes the Muslim community is trying to combat that mostly my functions like this and open their doors the mosques in Sandy were all opened we are particularly rare a mosque on after seven years you covered a path and we're open anybody that's going to come you're welcome have some food et on us come to lunch with us get to know us and that's been our response kind of open the doors and build bridges at the same time there is a mosque working with different elements but is that really where it should be no right bullying against Muslims unfortunately is power you see a lady in Punjab or how most amount of meter there is a lot of name-calling that for example oh he did the same kind of name-calling against somebody with Jewish or african-american it wouldn't be accepted but it is against Lisbon and that has to do with kind of the white house second in the national debate that's been going on right oh there are let yourself and people like are building these bridges to kind of counteract that but from a government oh yes good question so let's go back to definition right what is a must right we mentioned that a Muslim is somebody who surrendered themselves to their Creator who follows the rulings that their Creator has set forth right so in the definition of that word if you look at Adam if you look at Moses if you look at Abraham they were people who followed their Lord their Creator right which we would call Allah so by definition normal right that's our definition now as a race they could be of Hebrew or Jewish heritage they could be of other heritage as other process I saw another right but as a religious practice what they did is what we call being Muslims so they were Muslims Jewish that there's a profit for example who was African who was not of the Hebrew race according to strict definition that he wouldn't be a Jew because it's a race as well right but of course Islamic tradition if he followed the traditions of God knows or opinions of God and submitted himself he would be a Muslim no matter what time period or geographical location or practices of that time were there so we believe all the prophets almost totally wrong for so so in this love polygamy is allowed from in certain situations so in the Quran that is permissibility to have multiple wives but in the end of the verse Allah tells us that you have to be equal exactly fair with each one and you won't be able to it's better you just stick to the regular run right so Islam is a religion for all times in all places right so it's not like it's only in the Middle East or only in Africa or only for a particular race of people so certain circumstances arise where that rule may be needed and if we're being honest for example in Iraq right now due to the bombings and killings and drones and war there are many women and you can google this who have been left with no ability to earn a living because the infrastructure of the country is falling apart and they have their husbands and their brothers and fathers are dead and they have children and many of them who are turning to professions that are not reputable if you say you know what I'm saying they call the oldest and that's a horrible thing you don't want to have to put somebody through them so in certain situations for example if there is a woman who is in that need and the wife of the person willing and she's winning and someone makes a second life out of certain necessity and there are certain rules around that there is a a permissibility there yes for divorced or gone we have the concept of divorce and it's not even though it's frowned upon it's not something good but there are certain times you just it doesn't click so unlike the causes of we do allow for that and there is no problem to be there so no they're not there are reasons for them for example as I said today if a woman had multiple husbands you could still know who the father is to be in a testing but in the earlier times how would you know if a man had four wives and some older mothers it's the most of that is and I can't think of a situation where that would be needed you know but as I mentioned for example in other society for a woman is not protected as they may be in our society here able to get a job and earn a living they may need to marry somebody in the business men are dead few men left then that necessity may come up again if it's not necessary you don't have to you know stick to polygamy is very very small percent of the civil today anywhere in the world and you go in the Muslim countries you will find one zero zero zero zero one percent who would actually practice it just because society the way it is right but there are practical benefits and times where it's needed so that that leave you get it right but when it's not needed for example second husband then that means go after in alternative universe if that was the situation then maybe the rules would be altered would be flip that is true but giving in the universe that we live in and this is the way as I said this time is something that's applicable at all times and all places that we live in so if there are situations that arise that require different ruling then the scholars of Islam have a process called chaos and what we can derive the rulings as after Cole for that society by then they get in this number I don't know the rules of inheritance aren't like I wasn't actually talking about heritance but other lineage right so meaning in this town your your property doesn't go to your first child or your male children mills have their inheritance females have their inheritance all children get their inheritance but that is the issue of lineage meaning you know we have a child and again not just in one segment or time period but you do need to know who the father is the bond that a father has with his son or a mother has with her son or her daughter his daughter is different from even somebody who may be a close relative so you know that identity is also of course not just inheritance and also the necessity what would be the necessity for such attractions for a man even in Islam it's not just like you go out and get wise with your life for any carnal desires no consequence right there are rules and regulations there are situations that would require that so again in looking at that that's how rulings come so social Islam has some unique characteristics that I do not find and again I studied a lot of the world religions before I chose to be a Muslim Islam has a structure of interpretation right there is the Quran and all Muslims have one heart unlike Christianity if you've studied Christianity the Catholic Bible has a different number of chapters in the Protestant Bible they have a track you mean it's not like different understandings of different books that are in the Catholic mile that are not in the Protestant Bible there are books that were divided originally that were not in the Bible that we have today and then King James and his additions and subtractions and all of that it's not doesn't happen so it's what about the craft of all if you go to Shiite suddenly whatever you won't find the same karana China America Mecca same one just one 114 chapters 30 sections exactly right that's what you need feature which stops that kind of a misinterpretation secondly we have much comedy which are the same and actions for the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him that were authentically recorded meaning doer check for a fantasy right so when the Prophet explained a ruling they would be checked to make sure that there are region which are the chain of narrators to the Prophet the number checking for their memory checking for their moral character which we don't have in to share so that makes is that the actual messages done is well preserved when the problem gets to be is when the ignorant step in and start giving rulings without knowledge right so when you have people let's say I'll give an example rush limbaugh is on the radio talking about what Islam is what qualifications to see how to talk about what Islam is as you ever study Islam as you know she noticed a guy radio that decison say what Islam is at the same time you have Osama bin Laden or had giving but oh well you can't give a fatwa he's not a qualified movie where did he study with scholars at credited with the ability to give power but because he was a political figure and rich Saudi is that he was dealing for our so this is the problem when the Muslim world was colonized by the Europeans and they were having benefit almost then the first thing they did in Africa is to kill the scholars look about women who thought what happened in Libya with the Italians were half of the Perdition in parts of Africa so it made a vacuum and when those countries liberated from the European powers you know for the variations Italian the French the Portuguese in left that vacuum and from that vacuum came ignorant and that's what you have died aged and you have all these terrorist group because they are not based from scholar to work they're based on political motives right and Fox News and all of them they give voice to that they don't give voice to the stomach scholars who are well versed that are explaining that those suicide bombings would not accept you boys car so this is the problem of interpretation it's not many stuff is able to preserve its tradition well but certain laws are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and then there are political situations right for example environment you have a long ongoing continuous bubble between Catholics and Protestants and technically the Christian you find the same thing so you have a political divide but there is no absentee division one prophet who has one methodology in that but sometimes politics gets into play Iran which is the center of Shia thought today was not yet to the settlements and a self-aware why they went Shia historically is because they had the Ottomans on one side and they had the movement on the other side were both Sunni and the suburb or Sunni and Cedeno and our soldiers won't fight for us so let's change this up and the amount of influence that came through France for that can be known by if you go to somebody from Iran today and you want to say thank you would you say merci like French you see Lawrence of Arabia you know sac European powers actually stirred this I mean this is it's it's because body so but in the West [Music] cockroaches and not having cereal so that's a different issue politics rich trying to stay rich keeping the poor poor same thing we see everywhere you go to Russia you will find in Moscow most extravagant stuff caviar I mean people you know and then you'll find people who is Pakistan where labor there is broke you know nothing more questions this is your opportunity so thank you very much you
Channel: One Message Foundation
Views: 61,641
Rating: 4.9532847 out of 5
Keywords: Islam & Islamophobia: Q & A session for non Muslims, Q & A session for non Muslims, Islam, Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq, Questions about Islam?, What is Islam?, Islamophobia, Hijab, What is Hijab?
Id: aoGBdZWhMMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 10sec (2410 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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