Misconceptions of Islam Q and A session

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then depo what else never gonna follow through now I think so I'm gonna open up your questions I'm gonna ask you raise your hands and we will try to call on everybody as they in the timely matter as they raise their hands this your first I got your life but I am gonna make two requests the first request is is you're Muslim I'm gonna request you don't ask questions now because I really want to reach out the non-muslims here where I won't have the opportunity to interact with every you know they assign ego state so I wanna give precedence with them to ask their questions birth I'm at the mosque in the robot you can come back at the question anytime you want so anybody else come on all those questions that you were thinking during the presentation yes chapter 3 which is Ottoman on it's a third chapter first around 117 that was easy okay anybody else great question so since the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him couldn't consult read or write revelation would come to him and the companion that were with him they would write down what he would recite and then he would tell them that these verses go in this chapter and you would organize as God would reveal to them but he couldn't read his the revelation that was said to him himself but the companions are around him which we call the Sahaba they would compile it and then they would recite it to him and he would hear it and then if they had done something incorrect revelation would come to correct it and in his lifetime the book Quran was organized the way we have it today great question all right come on let's get harder who's them clothing so that's a great question you will see that Muslim clothing will change from place and time meaning that some things are cultural right but there are some requirements that islam teaches us for example i can't come in here the speedos or a marble bag and ill talk because islam tells me as a muslim man to dress modestly i have what's called the aura which is called roughly translated because what would be private to me from the navel to the knee so I have to cover and I have to wear loose clothing no can I support the stylish my brother here that's all control as long as you follow the modesty and the rules of modesty the same thing is true for women that our rules of modesty for women in the snow but the dress that you see in Somalia may be different from what you see in Malaysia i'm going in to sin according to the rules of modesty in the quran there is no problem with cultural designs there you know so after that there are like if you go to the Middle East you will find certain countries where certain types of dress as long as they're - there's no problem with that in America you see people dressing different or in Latin America Muslims will have different ways to guess the rules have to be recorded - modesty in the bond that's it this is your hair and I'll come back to you great question are Muslim women allowed to wear makeup yes mostly women who are makeup they can wear whatever they like but they do it in the privacy of their home meaning when they are with the response was there with their children were there with their family when those would be called Metro and these are make up all their life but when they go out to places where they will be judged based upon their looks and they'll be looked at in manners that that will not be looking at their dignity or the intelligence but judging you know on their body shape and things at that time no at that time we preserve modesty because you want people to respect a woman for her ideas for her mind for her for her spirituality not for if she going to cover a girl over when you back and how well you know how much she's pissed about their day so with your family dress any way you like whatever but you know when you're walking through San Diego State you want to be modest because we know there's problems here this so that's a statement and a question right so your statement is that Muslims interpret the firaon differently today I would challenge them no we don't in fact if we look at most Muslims scholarly when they expand upon they will go back to books like that somebody can be years ago and the Ernie's texts are the most important to us because it was the closest to the time of the Prophet peace be upon him when we explained the Perron or scope that sealed the first thing we look at the Quran itself so that's not new from the Quran the second thing we look at is what is the prophet peace be upon him himself explained right that's also not new then we look at what did the companions that were there when they explained and then we look at the scholarly works done based on these finished on earliest sources so we don't reinterpret the Quran because it's already been explained in a way that's needed now we may understand some depths that the earlier generations couldn't understand anyone we look at scientific facts or something that comes out but that doesn't change our understanding of art at all because that is already can explain and that's why Muslims were the forefront of scientific research algebra and chemistry and understanding so resistance why because and because the Quran was written by Allah or reveal about a lot of the words of allah that is the same creator who made everything so those scientific facts were already there and earliest scholars they explained them and today scientists are also catching up to them now times change in values change systems don't change our times I mean our values are the same and the terms of Prophet peace be upon it is incompatible with times right we believe that men should respect their wives and the Prophet told us and the best of you are the one who's the best supports his wife is that going to change the time or the time gonna come that we're gonna go yeah you know what disrespectful you should feed the hungry that gonna change we pray five times a day whether we're in the time of the Prophet or or you know twenty eighty or today whether we're in America whether we're at state or were in on a desert Arabia it's the same prayer we fast some of them same fasting we believe this is the final revelation that's perfect so there's no need to change it if somebody can point out something in this none that is incompatible with modern times I'd love to discuss thanks [Music] we can take DNA and grow it we can take cells and grow them but we'll be taking them from somewhere we don't make on its own I'm getting to your question wait so it doesn't change from the real poor commune is forbidden to us why is it forbidden for us because God sensible that's enough that's our answers no I can tell you a lot of wisdom behind it but that's not what the wisdom is north means back for you or not or if you go to the US border you can bring any meat across except for wine because the journals and enzymes and bacteria that are important that are that are so vicious and vile it will not be in any of their meat and it's not just an Islamic pork is for me if you look at the text including in the Old Testament with the law if you could talk a little bit about the holidays specifically there any similarities to Christian holidays that are egocentric first graders might be able to understand excellence so first thing that's I commend you on taking on a great task of children education it's very important second thing I'll make you will offer better than that we can have somebody come to your class and about free of charge to detail question because we have we celebrate with friends and family and evening and and then we have prayers in celebrations and we can explain we're family practices I think you do not have which is at the end of the height which over you remember Abraham and Ishmael and their sacrifice we remember the unity that is down with the earlier prophets that are all respected by us and so as Americans negative comments and the reality is that many people misjudge Americans I believe that Americans are very open people are very understanding people people who open mind people don't see us like that in Europe they see is a very bigoted it backwards and if you go to the Middle East that's not true I was in another country mentioning and one of the questions I got is are there still black people in America of course he said we thought they all got shot because that's a perception and we have to as people who are citizens of America when we travel to other countries we kind of clarify those issues and we about America and when we tell people that we have lost and we have prayers people are very surprised so yes there's always hope so what is the hope this opens organized you don't just cover yourself come break some bread free food with some tea ask questions yes you have there are other books that are sometimes in college we have 316 different Bibles I don't mean different translations I mean some that have different amount of verses different amounts of chapters different wording things that are changed you may follow we have only one part first second thing when you have a difference between Sunni and Shiah then we as Muslims say we have gone astray they've gone off the mean truck and the muslim-majority 80 plus percent is that majority that stays on the right path so anybody who goes towards an extreme of terrorism or killing these guys go off too right now anybody who goes to an extreme in their beliefs of whipping themselves or you know this kind of stuff they've gone off track Muslims are one nation we have one we have one understanding of Allah and we stay together generation is my generation if you want to strike yourself to that that's a good thing the protocol is not a community we don't win the word Sufi I referring to Muslims in the Quran or the same prophet or the Companions so to me just the fact that you're breaking away from the most simple mark is a miscarriage then under that then you find some people who do like weird dancing and jumping in and backflips so we say this love is with the Prophet taught us how to make the taker somebody goes away from me who follows away others in the way of the Prophet misguided whether they use the word to video not charity or whatever else they like to call themselves to us this is enough to be Muslim I strive to break my family out of this a minister and the five time prayers' the actual folk prayer takes a few minutes for the good and you have a window of two to three you know give or take hours to make that rare so you have the first printer when you get the first line of actual sunlight in the morning and you have up till the Sun rises up to brain the second prayer when the Sun is actually zenith until the shadow equals itself so that you have another two or three hour window to pray that then the next one when the shadow equals itself until it starts to become dark to sunset and then you have you know whatever two three hours there then you have Monday which is when the Sun starts to set until it becomes perfectly dark and that's maybe an hour and a half and then you have the next pair for when it becomes dark until the one everybody wants to get breaks or an American see in Russia so you get you get breaks in your break you go save your pair of coffee or tea or whatever everybody takes a lunch everybody you know even in class you get a class to get out of class you have time before your next class she goes to your prayer it kind of checks you put your mind straight again get you away from temptation and you go around your neck it's a wonderful spiritual exercise [Music] those kinds of in English exactly without the need for now when non-arabs started becoming Muslims and they couldn't believe their big well that's when others they started to put these phonetic indicators for them to understand so it has no effect on unique because the Arabs have behind it that are started without those requirements this is cool because you can ask any question you like so 14% of the Muslim world is even the original herbs münster those like if you look at Palestine and Jordan and areas like this Morocco these are people who became known as Arab because it started speaking Arabic after Islam came there in that madness so Arabic culture is something different but now whether you do or not there is a there is a there are no you will find with but this has to do with the from the generations if so this is why in it's done we stick to the natural state okay so very specifically whether it's the evening or morning or afternoon doesn't matter if she is out with our nan method of getting non-relatives are going to be seeing her she has to cover and that's in the Quran not every culture and a Muslim man even though we don't say it's a part of what makes you stand you could be a Muslim but that driving or being escorted then are prophetic things about travel which are further travel which would be more than 47 - well but we make not being able to drive was a law in Saudi Arabia that they felt according to their cultural needs they needed but we cannot say it's not making a woman cannot drive because there's nothing to permit it the wives of the Prophet peace be upon him they used to ride camels and then horses and feed to travel especially within the city there was no you know forbidden for that 54 plus muslim countries that are out there women to drive this was a room that they have they took it away but it's not maybe there's no clear indication that would say that a woman can't drive we see no more than 47 miles then you become the traveler and here there are times we're gonna go far there are times we could attack you should be here you should have a member of your family or somebody to make sure to make sure that you're not hard but we're talking about that maybe that's not the same thing but that's like if you want to go to the grocery store they couldn't drive and now they can which is their own you know political decision but there are cultural differences or so which you seen it is more local politics so what is the Center for decision-making so if you were see there's another chakra then I would contradict with Islamic belief if you we would have to look at probably how to cleanse your heart if you introduce a practice that into focus [Music] [Music] [Music] so Nazis what because when you're Muslim you submit yourself you accept but it doesn't mean will become almost prior some people away your city okay you're still unless you leave what is belief and Salah and those things that make you captive you're still mostly and nobody has the right to make you lose them this is proof now if you go and you start worshipping an idol you start taking my god because that goes against of core tenets of what islam teaches but if you know muslim maybe mister fair you don't like that you have to earn salvation when I was young growing up in San Diego I used to go to church and I was at a church youth and they told me that people are born from an apple and was such a big sin that every innocent child is born sinful the original sin is in right now but then Jesus came as the Son of God and according some Christians God himself and some of the Jews both and he was killed to get rid of the original sin and all of that kind sin so you know I'm just trying to be logical I grew up in San Diego and run the rough neighborhood so I tried I understood let's say I walked into a liquor store and there's a caddy I shouldn't take it right it's wrong I agree but it's so bad then I come back and to repent Friday I go to the owner about the store God even though and then it's over takes your sing great wouldn't humanity killing garlic himself or the Son of God different Christians make sense to me so same statement as you said God chooses you you know when you want to be a Christian you're saying that you can't do it God will just take you and if not then you're gonna help no matter what how does that make sense in this room a what gives - whew a lot gives that building no no we believe in them and guidance but you have to strive you have to have the one then pure heart that wants the truth and when you know whether you accept the truth or not is your decision and you will be held accountable for your decisions even if you're a Muslim you will be judged for your actions it doesn't mean I'm awesome gonna have a no that's just the first step to become a Muslim then you have to do good deeds you have to call towards good forbid from evil be patient there's a lot more time so this is this lobby believe you strive you struggle you look for the truth again - for me and I do want to invite you all Saturday we have we have programs you have brothers here you know organize please come to the mosque council food with us if you want my personal email the brothers can give it to you and you can email me questions you know we're always open to coordinating and helping and answering questions towards everybody get anything so thank you very much women a long long he worried me don't saw me huh
Channel: One Message Foundation
Views: 46,581
Rating: 4.9426622 out of 5
Keywords: Islam 101, What is Islam, Dawah, Uthman Ibn Farooq
Id: RN7WPHe9v_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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