A Day of Dawah with Shaykh Uthman

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[Music] that's good so it's come take this is all free right you can get to know a little bit about islam um you know basically a lot of people don't understand the concept of what a muslim is right a muslim is not a certain nationality it's not somebody from a certain country anybody who submits their will to their creator that's a muslim yeah right it comes to the word aslam that's why jesus moses abraham they're all muslim because they did the work they submitted themselves to their creator right so the islamic belief is not a new belief it's the same belief that's been since the time of adam until today believe in one god you know the bible much are you yeah yeah so so you know the first commandment right um here oh israel your lord is one right i don't know the bible but i'm not like super right but but i mean if you think about that right the first commandment knows that there's only one god right the second commandment don't worship idols don't worship false gods right that's the same as a muslim belief it's the same belief that all the prophets brought right but the thing where you see like christianity go a little bit different is when they start considering jesus the physical son of god right but you know the bible there are a bunch of people called sons right so if you look in for example david in in the psalms of david you have i will declare the decree the lord has said to me to david here you are my son today i have begotten you but that doesn't mean he's a physical son of god right it would be more maybe a matter of uh spirituality or or figure of speech like even today like some older guy could come up to be like hey son let me talk to you but it doesn't mean you're dna related right yeah so this is where muslims have the pure belief from the earlier time which is that we don't believe jesus is a physical son of god we do believe a miraculous birth of mary we believe he was a prophet somebody who sent with guidance but as we see even in the bible today even after the corruptions and changes he used to worship god right so if he's god like who's he worshiping you feel me yeah yeah so how do you how do you like that concept man excellent so here this is a kind of an intro book about the one message of islam this is an excellent beginning book it's all free so you know you can you can get to know any any questions that you came up with or ever thought about asking you know you have this chance it's not fox news man you're in front of a muslim so you can ask anything you have yeah this is awesome i agree like i like i don't really know much about like muslims but i know like the media makes them look weird yeah yeah well you know i mean that's the job of the media is to get ratings right so like if you if you're sitting there watching russian news you think americans are crazy you know if you go i watch rt news sometimes it's a russian news channel and they make they make a lot of things here look bad which are not true right if you if you watch like if you're sitting in cuba watching their news i'm sure you know they they make us look bad or whatever it's just the bias it's the bias it's the hype i mean even if you watch fox and cnn you would think you're seeing two different worlds yeah right so different but they're talking about the same the same thing right but that's the great thing about stages like this that we can sit and talk we can clear up those misconceptions we can build those bridges we can know what's reality from the spin you know so so anything that you may have heard that you want to ask about ask away man you know thank you yeah no problem i think i'm good but it was nice to meet you nice to meet you have a great day come back when you have more questions how you doing that's for somebody who's not religious i was raised i was witness so i'm kind of oh wow you were jw huh yeah they kicked me out yeah they kick a lot of people out so basically our pitch is not really about christians we believe there's one creator and that creator sent prophets right so don't look at that okay good there you go so right we don't believe those prophets were sons in the literal sense you can say maybe in a figurative sense right like you may say hey son come here right but you don't mean that they're biologically your kids right so we believe in moses and abraham and all of those we believe in that one creator we don't believe you have to go to a priest to confess we don't believe that you have to be a part of any cult or you know whatever else you know you want to pray hey amen you already passed that so that's how we can say that right look you know you pray pray directly to your creator right you want to know what your creator said read directly the words of your creator don't read something that was written in coney greek and then change in the console of an isaiah and if you're jw you know about the mistakes in the bible right you guys are one the top meme let me ask you this [Music] there you go here it is well right but i mean start at the beginning go to the end i mean sure i mean we we have books like this that you can take as an intro okay i'll put in a bag for you right but well i'll tell you what before can i give you like a contribution is there anything no no no no no we're good we just we just none of us get paid we just do this we believe in what we're doing right but i mean don't worry about it it's on me bro and i got you you know this is a good intro for you um you know just little things to kind of get you going and then dive in from the beginning just start reading from the beginning greet to the end any questions you have you're in san diego uh no i'm not actually but where are you at chicago oh she come a lot of chicago people today that's interesting not the only one yeah so if you want you can take the number of one of the brothers if you have questions you can ask them or find any mosque in chicago whatever you like right i appreciate it man i appreciate it bro much about islam already or you know a little bit i have some friends that are excellent most of them excellent excellent you can have one it's all free bro this is a small pocket-sized one this is spanish this is english you know anything you want it's all free of charge we're just here to build some bridges you know uh call people towards uh the oneness of our creator you know all right thank you have a good day all right how about you not yet almost getting there i've been hesitant i guess so what do you uh what do you know already or what are you hesitating about and for five years somewhere i don't know hundreds maybe in the best like six months with a lot of muslim friends i don't know that's good man they tell me about it i expand my knowledge excellent read about it excellent i don't know it's write you down but it's like so what's stopping you i don't know so let's talk it through so yeah do you have a quran already i don't know oh there you go which this is uh one that's like dummy down so i can understand these are these are all simple i mean the quran we only have one quran this is different translations this translation is easy to read you know it's newer english but you know the quran is the quran i mean all muslims have the same yeah dr musa very good go for it um and all this is free i mean any books you want take them but since you already got muslim friends man you already got basics man so you you know there's only one creator right you know that creator's not gonna have kids not gonna kill his kids and all that kind of nonsense right yeah and we've already passed all that so so you have the belief you know i mean life is life life is never going to be an ideal time right but if you already have the belief you have to profess it because what if you die in a state that you do know the truth but you haven't accepted it and you don't want to do that you know you never know i mean you're young you're healthy but you know you could be driving right now truck goes on the wrong side of track hits the car i mean you know i got i got people i grew up with that you know died at 12 and 14 and 16 and stuff like that so there's no guarantee how long you're going to live right and when you know something to the truth profess it and then it then it's it's a it's a struggle i mean it's a step-by-step process you've got good brothers around you start with your prayers start slowly slowly you don't have to tell your family if you don't want to i mean you know richard this brother here he's mexican he became muslim here with us and you know his family had a very hard time with the victor became muslim here at the same table and now that's my biggest lie yeah but you know what what happens then like we had one brother took the shahada last week uh jio right giovanni mexican and he was like i i'm worried about my family right even in the video you'll see but subhanallah he went home he prayed to allah he went talk to his family they drove down from l.a wednesday with his dad and his dad wants to become muslim now you know so allah will use you to guide your family you know and take it easy like you know at least accept what's the truth and then slowly slowly start that conversation with the family slowly slowly you know if you want to hide it for years it doesn't matter nobody's forcing you you know you take it at your pace but how can you know the truth in your heart and not accept it you know you feel me i mean anything with the core belief of islam that you're not comfortable with [Music] understand um like i've been going to church recently just to expand my knowledge on that good religions and stuff but like yeah deep down it's like i mean i don't understand it like when i go to church like that doesn't really make sense to me exactly tells me something i'm like obviously i know it makes sense right so so look at this right this is my personal bible right and you can tell that i've read it quite a bit yeah but i just want to show you one verse here right john 17 3 and when i used to go to church in bible studies when they read this i was in shock right here it says and this is eternal life that they may in the new testament right it's john that they may know you the only true god and jesus christ whom you have sent 380. right so when i when i was in church and i read this with the pastor and this is called it was a place called horizon you know i used to be this church group on wednesdays i was like wait wait wait wait so there's only one true god not three and right and they're like no no but three is one right like okay but but this actually says that that they may get to know you the one true god and jesus whom you sent so it's excluding jesus from the one true god right and they're like that's the father like okay so the father is the one true god not jesus then right and then get out [Laughter] that's the kind of thing that would happen you know so you know the contradictions you've seen the videos so so when you talk about i mean let's just think where are you from i'm from minnesota originally minnesota all right in the military that's why i'm out here so you've traveled around and stuff right think of it just from a pure basic human logic right i'm from san diego like i mean i'm families from pakistan but i was raised out here and if they say that adam ate from a tree he wasn't supposed to like i understand okay like let's say you're in minnesota and there's a little shop and you know some little kid walks in you tell him hey don't don't touch anything unless you pay for it right and he's like you know what i want that candy right so he's not supposed to take it he takes it puts in his pocket walks out right so adam eating from the apple when he you know according to christian they say apple but we have no evidence for that but anyway now when he comes out let's say he wants to repent like he's like his parents find out or he tells him you know i took this i shouldn't have so adam wants to repent he did something he shouldn't have done he goes back to the store owner god in the scenario right and says you know what i did something wrong i want to repent and the stoner tells them no because of you eating from that tree you're a sinner and every child that you have will be born a sinner like like like did you when you were a baby did you do anything wrong so why were you a sinner you were a baby you were just born how could you come like if you see a little innocent child like in islam we said that born is that child is innocent you can't even hold him accountable for his deeds until he hits an age where he knows right from wrong you know that makes sense right now let's say you're you're you're born a sinner now this crazy concept but how are you going to get rid of that sin right so you're like oh man i'm going to be a sinner all my kids going to be center like whoa like how do i how do i fix this someone was like i got an idea here's my son really good kid you know perfect kid perfect human being lived a perfect life never lied never stole straight a student volunteers help people kill him you're like wait wait come here kill your son yeah but i don't want you just kill him torture him first you know put up thorns on his head make him carry you know whatever gun you're going to kill him with make him carry it and then from then on wear the little gun that you killed him with on your neck through the crosses right yeah like how does that make sense how would killing god or the son of god or god himself or god and his son or whatever confusion there is how would that cure sin that should be a bigger sin than eating from a tree right islam we don't believe none of that there is adam he was the first man no doubt allah created him with his own hands he did something as a mistake right he made a mistake he repented allah forgave him how does that make sense like if you're a good person then i wronged you by mistake like or i make a misjudgment right you tell me hey can you hold this ice cream for me and i misunderstand that to me that if i eat this it's gonna be really good i eat your ice cream you're like whoa bro i just told you to hold it i'm like oh my bad right as a good person what are you gonna do forgive it right and god is better than us god is more merciful than us god is more forgiving than us right but if you're like whoa you ate the ice cream kill my son right so this is the beauty of islam it's a fitra you have it in you already right one creator created you created him created him no differentiation no white man with blonde hair and blue eyes being considered god and god made him in his image so god must be white like none of that nonsense right if you're white black chinese doesn't matter whoever is more righteous is closer to god right does that make sense profits to every different nation white prophets black prophets arab prophets non-era prophets no discrimination no chosen people none of that kind of stuff so if all that makes sense you're muslim already man let's do the shahada man let's do it today's the day you don't have to you don't have to tell your family you've got the belief already right you profess it nothing changes except now you're a muslim official right and then you've got good friends slowly slowly they'll teach you you can work together with them how to tell the family how to tell how to deal with the situations we got brothers here that are you know in the same boat as you take their numbers they can talk about their experiences on how they dealt with their family you're in the military you're traveling anyway man you're not there it's not like they're going to see you praying and stuff right as you get slowly slowly there you will become the means of guidance for them i wanted to at least experience like we were going to go to and tell me about a class or something yesterday i wanted to experience that first i'll tell you what man i have classes and you're welcome to all of them right don't wait for that right because what happened is as you know in life the satan uh he tries to get you to procrastinate uh that's a really good translation yeah feel free these are all free of charge right so there don't let that be a a means of saying trying to get you to procrastinate the truth if you have to believe profess it then there will be classes till the day you die i'm a student of knowledge i've been studying islam since the 90s right late 90s and i'm still a student and i'm still continuing and going forward you know so we'll we'll invite you to all the classes you like but if you got the belief all right we started talking about this like back should i tell them it was like three years ago excellent that's wonderful man for us we don't have any pressure on it you know take your time but the only thing is i can tell you've already got that belief you know yes please it's free so yeah i'm like you said yeah i believe in what it's like i just don't feel like ready right now i feel you there's too much going on in life i feel you i'd rather want to like obviously i don't want to hold it off for the two years when i get out the military but i feel like it'd be easier then that sounds like i'll tell you right there look what if you have the belief already yeah right who do you like when you when you are going through a hardship who do you pray for same thing like you pray to that one creator sometimes like i go to church in baptist church it's like what do i say jesus god but think about it right think about this one next time you get that confusion right and then at the ninth hour jesus cried out with a loud voice saying which is translated my god my god why have you forsaken me so who's jesus praying to you so then why would you pray to jesus right why would you not pray to that one god that jesus prayed to right look at look at how matthew 26 39 and he went a little further beyond them and fell on his face he prostrated on his face and prayed saying my father right so here jesus i'm sure you've seen them pray right you see them put their head on the ground right here jesus puts his head on the ground praying to that father the creator right so then why would you pray to jesus you feel me right so you've got to believe you already pray to allah when you have a need you pray to that one god you know when you pray you don't think monkey there's people who worship monkeys they pray to monkeys that's a reality unfortunately right you don't think white guy on a cross hair long blue eyed right you think the unimaginable lady said nothing like him nothing in comparison that one creator right so you already pray to allah you already believe in allah right if you do your testimony nothing changes except now that you're a muslim right it's not like you're gonna have to go to the military and be like yo i'm muslim now you know like that's between you and your creator it's nobody else's business you feel me so let me know when you're ready man if you're ready we do the shahada you take your classes you work with your friends slowly slowly you learn how to pray how to fast all that will come in steps whatever you're not able to take on you take it you you make goals for yourself okay you know what i can't be growing this cool beard yet no problem bro you'll get there don't worry i would have grown the beard but it's okay look look look you're in the military no problem right islam is so beautiful allah is in the quran he never burden the soul with more than they can handle right so whatever you can't handle makes that make a plan for it like you know when i get out the military i'll go for hajj you know i can't go right now no problem what if what if you're what if you're waiting for these two years right and a helicopter goes down or if you're in the navy or what are you in the marine corps and you're here though you're the hardcore guys man i used to go to school with some navy guys they called you bullet stoppers right but you caused a bunch of taxis so it's all good man right so what i'm saying is you never know you'll even live that long right this life is a test there's only one purpose in this life to recognize your creator and worship him right otherwise look how many people have you known throughout your life that are dead today right somebody grandfathers uncles you know neighbors whatever right everything else that they worked for houses money cars careers businesses you know all of that's gone now like none of that matters anymore the only thing that matters did they die upon the correct belief or not right so you want to take that chance man i do but i don't feel like i'm ready all right man let us know when you're ready man no pressure again i'm getting closer you're getting closer i'll say my belief is stronger than it was three years ago excellent excellent i hope it's stronger than it was 30 minutes ago okay all right all right so anything that you may be like questioning or anything that you want to know about just more knowledge about it thanks to what he tells me it's like oh he's an excellent resource for you alhamdulillah man but anything that you want to ask here we're here for some of you as well man not necessarily at the moment excellent excellent yeah so you're stationed in san diego arena 29 all right so you're three hours away oh wow man that's a long drive with your families all back in minnesota mashaallah there's a pretty good growing community out there in mashallah so when you go back you'll have a good community to plug into and are you gonna stay out here uh if i do get out i plan to go to back to minnesota okay come on san diego's nice man half of san diego came here in the military here too big for you huh like nice yeah man it sucks the traffic sucks yeah it's true yeah but uh minnesota's nice man i've been out there a few times man yeah then you can go for hajj man go check out mecca go check out where abraham stood and where ishmael and him built the house and everything that people talk about you'll see it with your own eyes man [Music] anytime you're ready we're here all right you feel me all right pray to allah that allah makes it easy for you how are you doing please please feel free that's what we're here for build those bridges you have any questions no not right now that's pretty much what i want to see excellent [Music] espanol is is is [Music] [Music] me
Channel: One Message Foundation
Views: 83,001
Rating: 4.9690447 out of 5
Keywords: Allah, Islam, Quran, Islamic lectures, Islamic reminder, Bible, Dawah, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad
Id: PBvg7O0FWik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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