Educating non-Muslims about Islam | New Balboa Park Dawah video | Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq

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[Music] is it spread pretty wide or very painful i'll tell you that yeah my whole face is gone i feel you are they gonna do surgery or chemo i already had four surgeries i came here about radiation you said it'll make it worse really so i've got some other little tricks up nicely excellent let's see i haven't given up yet never give up right no well but i um used to listen to the koran at night in egypt you know it's wonderful how did you like it it was good you know you hear the sound you know sounded good very good singers you know reciters yes the quran is very soothing that is true yeah so well i'm going to take a walk around all right well here take uh you got time to read take a book it's a little it's a little something and uh my husband's really interested in this that's nice inshallah oh wow and uh i speak a few languages but you got me beat ancient egyptian kids oh wow that's amazing and that's for the last couple months i'm one of the few people you'll meet that can read the old language 12 to 18 dynasties i was with egyptology department in new york amazing amazing that's very impressive wow i'm too old and died we'd love to learn from you do you have any online classes or anything you know there was a guy please go ahead you're welcome there's a guy in cairo who was trying to uh you know put correlations between modern-day arabic and the old language wow and uh it's kind of difficult there's too much time you know it is the old arabic's not a semitic language i'm assuming then right no no it's but nobody knows how it sounded because there was an outbreak right right right right it kind of winged it you know rosetta stone is probably the best way we could even understand the coloration right that's interesting have you ever studied hebrew or aramaic just keep it a little bit all right not aramaic though the original online because they have online courses that's cool that's interesting there are two professors from iran that wanted me to teach at harvard nice i looked up the curriculum i could teach the guy who's teaching it excellent clever yeah yeah yeah oh we need you around so you can pass that knowledge that's i'm afraid it's gonna die with me i've already donated my books to this guy so i don't know we'll see let me know i could have used them in my library they're a very expensive book wow amazing yeah yeah yeah but anyway um we'll see you guys i'll take you back to the book thank you uh we'll pray for you yeah yes inshallah inshallah yeah so yeah it's always interesting to look at linguistics you know because a lot gets lost in translation it's like greek is also in greek right like like if you look at most bibles today will be king james versions but if you look at king james himself i don't know if you've researched him as a person i mean i'm sure you have since you're well read quite an interesting person he was called the queen of england right there he wanted the bible for him specifically right right so that's interesting right because we do know historically he engaged in homosexual lifestyle right i mean i'm sure you've read about that yeah and bestiality and um four men were the long-term relationships he had you know so it's always interesting because that's the first england english language bible and it was by somebody at least his name's obviously he's not the one that did the translation but he authorized it and he had authority on it and that's why the catholics originally were very much against the king james version they kept it in latin but even latin is not the original language of the bible right i mean even latin is a translation of standard greek and then saturday being connected greek and konegbri being the oldest scriptures but before that being standard hebrew and then aramaic i mean you know do you speak any other languages not at all english only i speak a few languages right and if you look at the way language works even like we talk about begotten son right like what aramaic word is being translated and how is it being translating is very difficult you know because that's why we keep like i'm not arab but i learned arabic for the quran like we read the quran even if you're not arab recited in arabic like he was saying about how he heard it in arabic egypt's not originally an arab country it was a coptic speaking country but arabic came with the quran to preserve the original message in context because we have words in my language that if i translate into english you will totally lose the meaning right one of the languages i speak is called urdu and one of the statements we use to show happiness is right which means my heart became garden garden that's what it'll sound like no exactly so you see you see this is where the original text becomes so important because if i translate that into english i'm going to have to do one of two things either i'm going to literally translate it and it will lose the actual meaning because you the english speaker will say my heart became garden what is that like what does that mean like that's got it doesn't make any kind of sense then what i will do is i will translate the meaning and i will say i became really happy but the problem there is it loses the original meaning because in urdu i could have said i became very happy but the meaning i get as a native urdu or you know somebody who speaks urdu fluently between walls apart so this is why a lot of times when christians talk about the literal understanding of jesus being the son and begotten son and things you always have to ask like what aramaic word are we looking at and what is the context right yeah people who are the best uh i like to share uh people who were the best versed in aramaic many of them did not ascribe to the idea of jesus being the literal son of god and if you look at the many of the jews that didn't follow jesus and so i mean christianity really didn't take off so much amongst the jews as it did once it went to you know the roman empire and really took off over there and then it kind of went backwards right so you have to wonder like what in translation is being said why were there very early on like like i said i mean when you go home look up the council of nicea why were there very early on christian disciples that did not believe that jesus was divine himself that he was actually inspired by god but not part of god right what did they see in the scripture that you know we're not seeing when they had the original aramaic scripts until because right now i mean you know like you said greek is very important but why jesus didn't speak greek the apostles that were actually on him they spoke aramaic right why is greek important because the earliest scriptures that we really refer to now even if you go to the new new american version the one that joins us is used in new world translation whatever they're greek so even then they're not the original scriptures of the of the prophet jesus peace be upon him right and that's one of the things we love about the quran that when you preserve the language with it then you can't take things out of context somebody could for their own personal gain like you could take the quran and be like this verse means this that's up to you but academically you cannot we have what's called arabic grammar right which preserves where who is being spoken to right like if you look at the story of david numbering the people of israel in some of the verses it will say god inspired him some of them will say satan inspired him right and and when you look at the the the commentaries on those it's because of the uh original what we call an arabic demir pronouns they got mixed up later on in translations so obviously most christian scholars now know god inspired him not the devil but there are verses in the bible and i can send them to you if you like well why because when the original language is lost and you have these kinds of problems right and like you may take them to be minor but to me mixing of god and saints not minor it's something serious and and you know i have to be able to put my full 100 faith in the book that i follow if i found an error in the quran a contradiction and we've had many preachers and priests and rabbis and stuff come here and talk to us i wouldn't follow the quran if i found one mistake i would leave the whole thing because to me the word of god can't have a single error it has to be perfect this is how god is perfect his creation is perfect even in things that we see as imperfection there is perfection right things that we see without purpose you got eyebrows right i had an atheist who told me why do people have eyebrows like it doesn't make sense to him he was telling me look i can understand here on your head for the sun or whatever why'd god give us eyebrows like it's just in the middle of your face right and i explained to him that i had a friend who was barbecuing and you know the flame came up took off his mustache took off his eyebrows and for weeks he couldn't walk in the sun because the glare of the sun would blind him and you look at the minor things that god designed like i don't know how somebody could be atheist how can they look at this creation look at the kidney look at the liver look at the functions the dna look at the way a virus works look at how cancer works look at how amazingly designed everything is and not believe there is a designer feel me i don't believe that atheists are even really atheists right think about it because if they're denying that there is a god they're already telling you that there is something to deny so right there he goes a good point excellent excellent they're rejecting something so this is proof that there is something there exactly exactly and i was on a flight once with an atheist and you know the plane started you know having some turbulence you're like but just he was like oh god oh god wait a minute what do you mean oh god you don't believe in god he's like we'll talk about after we land so you know i i i'm a very strong believer that there is a creator that there's a designer that designed us that that is and that creator sent a message and that message would be the same throughout time meaning that abraham brought a message believe in one god follow the prophet of your time you'll be successful moses is about the same don't worship idol don't worship the golden cow don't worship any of that follow now you couldn't follow abraham in the time of moses you had to follow moses right that is the prophet of the time so you believe in that one creator the first commandment right israel no your lord is one second commandment don't worship idols right and that that makes perfect sense and you had to do good deeds you had to be a good person you had to do as best you could obviously you all have shortcomings but you would do you would pray you would fast you would do all of that you would keep the sabbath according to them you would eat kosher and you had the laws and all that i believe jesus brought the same message believe in one god follow your prophet who was jesus the jews should have followed jesus at that time we as muslims believe that he was the one to follow we believe unlike many jews who would say very horrible things about him being illegitimately born and all that but we don't believe that we believe he was a miraculous birth but not having a father doesn't necessarily mean that god is your biological father right because adam didn't have a father or a mother eve didn't have a father or a mother that's god if god can do everything right we believe that that message was also brought on the prophet muhammed peace be upon him who who brought the quran even though he couldn't read and write like imagine historically by consensus of historians he was unable to read or write how could he write a book that till today if you want to study arabic grammar the final authority passive away past all of that is the quran that no poet could bring anything like it a man who never wrote a line of poetry right that had things that talked about the atmosphere and talked about the stars arabs were very backwards people they didn't have unlike the greeks in romans they didn't have philosophy even they didn't have astrology you know they use the source to navigate traveling but that's it but they had no idea about ozone layers and and things that are in the quran about the waves under the ocean and things you'll find some of them in that book there and you can read a book called it's called the bible the quran in science by dr maurice bukhai write it down it's a very good read in science yes it's called the bible the quran and science dr morris youkai you can get a pdf on line three but they were very interesting like i don't believe you can worship mary i don't think she is a part of god that's my belief right you don't believe we can worship mary right not worship i mean she's holy okay we believe that you can ha ho ho holder and high esteem no doubt we have a whole chapter in the quran called surah maryam agreed but you only worship god you don't worship mary yep are you good you're talking to the other lady and she said that they that's a misconception that supposedly they don't do that but i know it's perfect that some of them do i used to go to catholic church as a child and we used to be told worship mother mary no i'm not disclaiming that i'm sorry my priest my pastor is an ex ex catholic that's been using it for so long until god saved him from it because you know this is this is not right reading the word it doesn't it doesn't fit with what they believe it's good well i appreciate that really really i mean to be honest with you with everything else at least you were where we could hold a conversation you know and that's where it starts the problem with people that can't hold a conversation is then where do we go from there you know if you're just going to lie and yell and scream and cuss you know what can you do from there not a secret but not helping exactly or even you yeah i mean do you think as a non-christian that would attract me to christianity that's the thing literally good good question i don't think so if there were they'd be muslim because if you submit you're a muslim but you if you truly submit you say whatever god has guided me to and that's what i'm going to follow then you're all muslim okay when does it work when the it's working when when the quran you read it and you find the truth in it and you see what is there your submission is what makes you a muslim right but as a muslim let's say i was born a muslim household like my name is muhammad i was born in saudi but i don't really believe in the quran and i don't really follow i'd only submit myself yeah i'm like yeah whatever that's this culture i'm not a muslim i could say that all day long but if i don't from my islam begins in the heart it's professed on the tongue with the shahada and it's shown in action right so that is a muslim so again like i said if you submit you're a muslim easy okay sure but but the the question would be why right like if you read the quran and you understand it and you see that there is no contradiction you see the message of truth then the question would be why again if you don't understand it like you've never read it then you're not accountable for what you don't know but you are accountable to seek right like you see a lot of people don't care about religion they don't care about god they're just they just want to live their life right but why were they created right that you know and i know that we were created for a higher purpose not just fulfill your carnal desires and make money and things right so then the question would be if you studied the quran and and again because you haven't said it i'm not judging you right i'm just saying as a person who studies it right as a person who studies it with an open heart i can't understand why they wouldn't accept it other than maybe they don't want to give up drinking or maybe in their mind they don't want to give up their cultural beliefs or whatever that could be but you know around the world muslims get the worst media we get fox news we get people we get political powers trying to cause wars in the middle east and russia and us playing chess and all that even with all that islam is the fastest growing religion even with conversions you can google all that right yeah even though we get the worst prep press right no religion gets a bad rep in the media like islam right at different times maybe others did i'm not saying that but right now but even then you see millions of people in the world becoming muslim why when somebody the open heart reads the quran they feel it right but if somebody's heart is closed they don't want to submit then that's up to them right so i'm looking forward to reading it and i'm looking forward to further conversations and i'll send you some of the verses that i'm confused about the contradiction you may educate me but i'm not here just to be close-minded like i was telling them i'm trying to understand right but the problem is people don't really want to educate you they just want to argue with you and i'm not here for argument i'm not here for debating i'm here to open the door for people welcome if you want to come in if you don't it's all up to you all right thank you brother good talking to you thank you we'll keep in touch no problem you
Channel: One Message Foundation
Views: 68,083
Rating: 4.941226 out of 5
Keywords: Allah, Islam, Quran, Islamic reminder, Dawah, Bible, Jesus, Christianity, Christian vs Muslim, Prophet Muhammad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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