Evangelical Preacher has no Answer | Keep the dawah simple | Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq

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[Music] guidance as people started getting away from that guidance that creator sent messengers so if you look at moses and abraham and jesus and muhammad all of them are upon the same one religion that's what we call the one message foundation they have the same message believe in one god like look at the ten commandments right like no israel no your lord is one lord don't worship idols like you know don't kill don't steal all of those are the same in that belief system so that one message is the same message we believe today like we don't believe the rules change like that you know they have for example the idea some people have that you know there used to be good deeds and sacrifice and this and then jesus died for your sins and now you don't have to do anything just believe in jesus like we don't believe in that kind of a concept we believe that that the same message that was abraham and moses was the same message of jesus the same message of muhammad and we love all of them you'll never see a muslim disrespect any of them we don't make paintings or drawings of moses or jesus or muhammad peace be upon them we we have an equal belief in all of them right what do you think about that well i'm more into this side of the house here so excellent yeah excellent so we are too right like we love jesus peace be upon him right exactly so the the only thing is that we don't take him to be god himself we believe that he was sent from god see i'm on the other end i think he's born again right yep you think he is himself god i think so okay but don't you think a lot of those uh verses in the bible may have been figurative about the son for example i mean i have a bible right and if we look at earlier scripture this is in exodus 4 22 then you shall say to pharaoh thus says the lord israel is my son my firstborn right so now here israel's being corn called the son of god this firstborn but it's not literal right it's going to be a figurative term of endearment in aramaic and so on if you keep going in the bible you will also find in ii samuel chapter 6 verse 23 therefore i'm sorry chapter 7 verse 13 he shall build a house for my name and i shall establish the throne of his kingdom forever i will be his father and he shall be my son for solomon right but here son again is figurative if you look in the psalms of david uh in the first i'm sorry the second psalms verse seven uh where david has been told i will decree the decree the lord has said to me david you are my son today i have begotten you like even the word begotten is used for david here if we keep going in the bible you have in jeremiah in chapter 31 verse 9 where i am a father to israel and ephraim he and ephraim is my firstborn if you look at the genealogy of jesus peace be upon all of the prophets you see the son of adam the son of god adam is called the son of god so here we see all of these being figurative right for example if you go to a priest he might tell you uh come son let me talk to you and you may say forgive me father for i have sinned in catholics i mean you might not be catholic but here you don't really mean he's like you know biologically your father you mean as a term of respect right right yeah this is how we take it to be yeah well no i respect you guys uh well we respect you and we really appreciate you coming and uh i'm always interested to see how you guys definitely yeah you know it's like you're doing evangelism just like we're doing evangelism excellent excellent well take a read and we'd love to sit down and talk more and definitely um going to get to the middle east again here accident where were you in the middle east israel oh okay i've been there a couple of times yeah i like israel i've never been to any of the uh fair victory should come by no these days we get to do it excellent excellent have a great day simple beautiful uh belief right we believe there's one creator okay we don't believe he's divisible so we don't believe he has sons or daughters or roommates or seconds and thirds just one creator we don't say it's a man we don't it's a woman we don't say it's a monkey we don't say it's an ape we say it is above our comprehension to try to give it a figure like it's not just like that our creator created us but created the universe many other planets whatever other beings are there in the universe angels gin whatever else is out there that we know about we don't know about there is one creator and you look at the the the dna footprint that we find in everybody you see a similar ways it shows you that the same creator created all of us animals humans and that creator created us and didn't just leave us without direction like for example if you make a cell phone right so you you buy a cell phone whatever company made the cell phone is going to send you a ifu what would you call instruction for use or user manual right and i can just give you like here's a phone put on a micro if you want because it's not going to last because the manufacturer knows how best to do if you buy samsung samsung knows better if you buy apple apple knows better buy a laptop same thing so we believe our creator sent us with guidance and that guidance came in the way of holy revelation that came to different prophets that that creator chose right and we believe in all of them we love all the prophets we love uh adam and moses and abraham and jesus and joseph and ishmael and all of them all the way from adam to the prophet muhammad peace be upon all of them you'll never see a muslim disrespect any of them we'll never make cartoons of them we'll never speak because we love them all we love jesus we love moses we love david we believe they all brought the same message we believe the core message like you look at the ten commandments the core message there is always believe in one god right don't don't worship idols like what's the first of the ten commandments oh israel here that your lord is one that's the first second don't worship graven idols and images right so that's one message and we believe that all the religions they brought that same message but then some of the messages get corrupted you know over time you get pope demacis you get the console of nicea you get king james you get people who have their own political interest so jesus goes from being a prophet to being divine or being the son of god or the god himself and as they start to edit and update these texts they start to cause contradictions within the writings you want to give them right so then you see a corruption come forward so god creator the the most like we know allah through many names the most merciful the most loving uh the the one who's was strict in account like all of those are the different qualities of our creator right so that creator then sends out of his mercy if one prophet's time's over he sends another one another one until obviously you can always beginning you're always going to end with everything in the world right so through revelation the last of the revelation is the quran right and the quran uniquely has been preserved because in the time of the prophet muhammad peace be upon him they memorized the entire quran cover the cover fatiha how you doing right so there you have not just written manuscripts you have it memorized until today we have brothers that memorize the quran you know that memorize the entire quran we'll do a quick you want to do a quick little test with this guy let's have fun come over here now i'm going to pick a surah you know just pick a chapter at random right and me and him are both going to read it from memory no book all right and you check all right uh let's go with surah taha right taha which is in the quran have a good one so he's going to do the same one now the same beginning of surah from memory see now we can continue on to the end of the surah both of us right now what you see is we've both memorized right so even if somebody tries to change a book in the lifetime of the prophet muhammad peace be upon him there were many from the companions that memorize the whole quran beginning to end right so then even if somebody makes a mistake in writing you always got somebody's memory like oh you made a mistake right and we have manuscripts that were written down during the time of the prophet muhammad peace be upon him that have been carbon dated like there's a part of the quran like the surah that we just read a part of that is this is called the birmingham quran if you can google it right and in england non-muslims they found these manuscripts from taha and surah part of these surahs and they met they carbon dated it to the latter part of the life of the prophet peace be upon him and the time of the khalif the first caliph right so we have those manuscripts as well so you see it's preserved now if you look at the bible i have two translations right there you go you're already up on it german relatives who are catholic very much talk about the english translations of the vibe exactly i mean if you look at king james and this is this is the king james translation right this is the standard you find in english today and all most other translations are based on this right but you can see the mistakes and contradiction in here are many this is the new world translation the jehovah witness translation right and interestingly like they're both christian bible it's not like a catholic like we're not even going there yet because catholics have a different number of books but i'll just show you some interesting things between these two translations right one is a difference in english like somebody could translate the word as going or walking or whatever that's a different issue but here if you look at luke 9 56 it says for the son of man did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them and they went to another village so you see the verse right luke 9 56 same christian bible but this is the jo witness new world translation we go to the same luke 9 56. so they went to a different village you see the whole son of man came to this the whole thing is gone right let me give you one more just for fun this is in matthew 18 11 matthew 18 11 for the son of man was to come to save that which was lost right let's just look up matthew 18 11. it's not there it's just an asterisk you see so so what did i tell you even between those that researched the original text they found differences right now even go ahead please uh i've become interested in what i believe so in islam we have one core source of guidance right we have the quran and from the quran we see the authority of what we call the sunnah meaning the way of the prophet muhammad peace be upon him right so i'm going to take a little bit deep don't stay with me i'm getting there right um so like i went back to the phone right let's say let's say i create a very expensive medical equipment right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to send what's called an instruction for use and i'm going to send a trainer because my trainer gets trained how to do it and then he goes to you and tells you hey if you're going to use this you're going to use it like this okay so we believe the quran and the guidances that came before it were the instructions and the trainer or the one who explained it are the prophets right so the quran teaches us how to do how to cleanse ourselves how to take out bad habits and the prophet peace be upon him showed us through his sunnah what we call dhikr like how to remember allah how to remember our creator how to take out like jealousy and you know things that share like those things from our heart this science is called teschia okay so tuskia is based on quran and sunnah we all believe in how to be a better person how to uh get closer to our creator through through contemplation and thicker as long as it's done in the way that the quran and the prophet showed us this is excellent under the umbrella of sufism you have all kinds of things right like i mean there's a wide array right some that would be given that title even if they didn't really take it for themselves like very early scholars they still stuck to the the essence of what was revealed some they went way far you know they would be like drunk doing dances and stuff so obviously that would go against the quranic injunctions so whatever is in accordance to the quran and the way of the prophet peace be upon him we accept if anybody innovates a new way then we say you know we don't want to make innovations because allah knows better how we should cleanse ourselves cool yes it's all free or you want to start out with that it's up to you excellent thank you very much have a good one if your friend has any questions too come on back we're here every sunday uh more than welcome anytime have a great day [Music] are
Channel: One Message Foundation
Views: 185,506
Rating: 4.9432673 out of 5
Keywords: Allah, Islam, Quran, Islamic lectures, Islamic reminder, Bible, Dawah, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad
Id: eIOMcO3GFkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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