The Man With Crazy Beliefs Vs Imam Uthman Ibn Farooq

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[Music] Luciano Corral that's a good start yeah nice so Quran and Islam have the concept of toheeb that you might not find a lot of religions which is the oneness of Allah that there's only one creator he has no kids no fathers no no rivals he is our sole creator for the whole universe for a human for animals for all other creatures and it's a very direct relationship so you don't have to go and confess to a priest or have to go and give money to do a thing like this but rather you know you you want to confess you you turn straight to your creator you want to pray you pray straight to your Creator so those are those are some things that I find very unique about Islam and if you look at a lot of religions you find some things that that cache with scientific facts but in Islam if you look at a study of the Quran you will find that modern science is only catching up so the Quran already has stated there's a good book if you want to read it's called the Bible the Quran and science by dr. maurice Brooke hi yeah so any questions you may have no questions excellent yeah feel free we'll be believing what department we do hard to put it in words pain it's really hard to pick just a feeling no but everything everything fits together science science and religion the device at all fits there's no contradictions in there excellent I find them nice really like that is a creator somewhere somewhere out there so do you believe there is a creator sort of accident she develop disbelief oh we're just reading a lot of different rope sir well I've studied up with religion nice every religion every philosopher thought basically the same they all say the same thing different ways of saying the same thing okay is this about Mohammed yes it is it's a little awesome take this feel free you can you quote any spiritual quotes from your honor the whole Quran is a spiritual code but if you look at for example allah subhanaw taala sees a lady holla pal moto Al Hayat Aliya blue ah come on you come sanim Allah that Allah created that death and life and all of this to see which one of you would perfect your actions and yourselves right to put forward the best of actions so it tells you life is not just about chasing money and cars and houses and things but rather to work on yourself and to work on your actions to make them to perfection and according to Quran and write and make your actions the best and the best is that which Allah ordained and that's good all right and the Prophet Muhammad SAW some told us that you will never be a true believer until you love for your brother what you love for yourself okay no spiritual revelations though what do you mean by spiritual revelations meaning and as I said the whole Quran is a book of spirituality to me I find it not to do yeah yeah I read I thought was really difficult really waiting like a tedious or I don't know it's been a while since I try try try reading again maybe we'll see a better float well there's a lot of books out there accident yeah there's so much out there none better than the Quran though because the Quran not only is it a spiritual book but it has scientific facts in it it has legal systems in it it's got stories about the past prophecies about the future none of that without a single contradiction right you won't find that in a lot of other books it's not just a human trying to figure something out but rather from the creator of human she was a political split it's not a spiritual split and it developed into a religious split because other countries and other powers try to instigate that but if you look at the original Muslims there was one Muslim body and then the Shia she had the word she I mean sect right so they kind of separated from the majority of the Muslim even till today 80 90 percent of the Muslims are one body and then you have about five to ten fifteen percent Shia I have yes there's an author named Suzuki I read quite a few of his books Mahatma Buddha himself we don't have a lot of his own writings we have a lot of people's writings about him and its philosophy and the Buddhist philosophy kind of developed over time right buddha himself and his rules of enlightenment and things are not a book in enough and so that people came and then wrote about this and then you have Confucius and his his Brown and then you have different types of Buddhism in theory there are some great concepts but we don't really see a practical implementation anywhere in the world like like for example in Buddhism you're supposed to harm people right but if you look at minima or these countries that are Buddhist countries or Thailand you see a lot of torture and murder and things so it doesn't really seem to fit right in Buddhism as the author yep so Tareq and we don't really have that split in Islam and some only have one so she needs time you have it together I wouldn't say that I would just say that that Sufism is a very broad term for a lot of people that have kind of exited from mainstream islamic thought right so islam has the inner and outer together it doesn't have to separate right so you have the spirituality you have the meditation we call bicker though our prayer or all of that cleansing of the heart and then you also have the daily prayers and hydrogen laws and all of that together in one anybody that splits it then kind of like leaves a part of the actual religion so you believe that God is a well what do you mean by being like it's somewhere else there God is a God is a creator yes we believe that so what is he he is a creator he is what we call Halle and he's the one that created right but we don't put him in what is his assets but so the lot of Allah the the essence of Allah is as he describes himself in the Quran we don't put human thought out as he describes Allah besides him that he's the oil will acid he has no beginning he has no end he is not laced a committee ishe in the quran tells base it is pure the earth so he is the creator right and and we don't put human imagination on a creator right so for example a lot what you are no we're not you're saying God is a creator no no but that's not human imagine that that's what Allah told us about himself in the harmik no this is what allah told us no that's what allah saw this no mohammad couldn't write apparently you didn't know that people don't read or write so who wrote so so the revelation came to the Prophet Muhammad but it's the words of Allah and even in it some time of revelations else today like what like you get what he you actually get like gibreel the Prophet jail I mean like how does that work you mean like revelation what sends I mean the angel Gabriel doesn't come to anybody today nowadays right I don't think so so you don't you don't you see you're thinking that as beings you're saying an angel is a being yeah so the angel the angel came to the Prophet Muhammed debris right so and people saw no no according to historic fact all those that were there present the document must every religion powder says that God came to them so again the Prophet Muhammad didn't didn't is not the founder of Islam right Islam is that same religion that Jesus followed that Moses followed that Abraham followed that Adam followed the same principles of in one God not worshipping idols or the same principles taught the misconception people have that Islam started with the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon it right the Prophet Muhammad never built big houses he never mmm well the same customers we believe in the old testament but we believe it has been corrupt every new revelation today we have the Quran that's like that's like what six hundred fourteen hundred some-odd years ago yeah that is the end of revelation don't you yes after that that's the end of the black the end of privilege you for fact it's a fact I mean somebody in the night of the light but that's but again I think I were getting it lost in translation here what do you mean by revelation by revelation I mean a message out of Revelation Mohammed yeah so as the Quran says that he is the last of prophets Hartman and Naveen right so there is no wrong aligned and Sam and saying I'm not gonna learn anymore no no we still learn no that's not the way it is but everything has a beginning and an end right in in the creation so there was a first prophet and it's gonna be a last prophet and anytime there's a last prophet somebody could be like why is he the last well that's what Allah chose it you've been Islam all your life no first thing Islam is a religion so I've been Muslim for a good part of my life but not all my life what were you before then I was born in a Muslim household but I was raised without religion my parents were secular but that's the only religion you know oh no no no I used to go to church I studied the Bible in and out I I went to synagogues I went to Buddhist temples I studied works of like as I said about Suzuki about Buddhism and Hinduism and Jainism and this festival this is the only truth I found yes if it works for you I guess that's good it's not about working for me it's after looking at different religions after studying there like for example the idea that God killed his son or killed himself for forgiveness of sins doesn't make any sense to me right okay so we're in agreement right that God could have a chosen people or race of people that are going to be holier than everybody else doesn't make sense to me right there you go that God would have his wife Sita kidnapped by our and taken to Sri Lanka and he wouldn't be able to take her back without an army of monkeys with Hanuman doesn't make sense to me but that's all but that's part of the Hindu religion today right that's worshiping around representing a virtual concept but their worship will in the work it's just like this he's doing you know concepts in human words that you can't really say concepts but the difference is that what the Quran teaches us is a practical true religion and we understand the concept that Allah is the creator of everything he is the knower of everything he sees everything hears everything he's all-powerful right but the idea that you worship a blue guy named Rama who couldn't even defend his wife to me doesn't make sense because you're watching because those are just visual aids but but you're actually worshipping them represents it represents God or a guru is really insane to think to someone through them but if you would you worship the saint they worship God in the same yeah so we don't believe in that we consider that right because your worship should only meet for your Creator right so when you worship is everything well but God does everything yeah we don't believe that we believe God created everything but God is not physically in everything I disagree with them everything I know everything comes from God has created by God but everything isn't God right you can't go to a bathroom endlessness living is conscience which we call spirit the original spirit is conscious sure what would you mean by consciousness existence so so Allah existed before us right and then Allah created us right and we are separate from Allah we worship Allah you're not separate how can you not be for example you have shortcomings right no no shortcomings at all you're perfect never lose your temper never forget things never get tired never never fall asleep really you stay awake all night I'm an every Russian of God I'm a physical expression of God you never see you never make a mistake ever in human terms I might make mister so you do make mr. hitch you get tired but but there's no errors everything that we're doing is God cleared you get tired or not I get tired okay so that's Annika that's a shortcoming right for mine Allah never gets tired of my body right got it spirit so that's what I'm saying that we are separate from Allah Allah is perfect he never gets tired you never into sleep he never makes mistakes by the his will when he said couldn't fair come if Allah would it be it was if you if you study science now times you begin to understand how God creates so I new study science well I work in scientific fields actually is it right how consciousness manifests into physical reality right but what you have to understand is that in physics or in any kind of scientific study we're only studying the creation right what has already been created we take it we put it to physical trials you come up with theories but you right but when you go further than that you can't put that in a clinical trial then it becomes theory right have you studied science okay so you know like when you have a hypothesis and then you put it to the test right in a controlled environment right but what you say about God being conscious you could never put that in a physical conscious trial right like your soul right right so so so physics and science has that boundary where they study only the creation we know about the Creator through his words the Quran right the Quran addresses the Prophet Muhammad's Allah Allah Allah ya un nabi addresses him as he can be addressing himself right it even centures him at certain times Abaza wata'ala right sir guy sure but the thing is other scriptures have been changed right I'll give you an example if you like or the Bible you know the Bible may change excellent the Quran has not that's why I encourage you to read it I nsync read it but it's so tedious yeah you'll have to get a little spiritual it was like but I think I think then you read it with a heart that was an open to spirituality if you open up your heart a little bit more I think you'll find that bond did your creator are just funny man things that are more inspiring more joy well then this is like old old-timey religion it's like 1,400 years old right but you're saying and you think this is the last work that the last termination law yes that guides people he inspires us no doubt but as far as the profit being a profit and getting revelation to the Archangel Gabriel will not happen anymore the profit mom was the last prophet because that's what Allah said so what's the point of that like I told you with everything there is everything in eternal let me explain something God is active God is eternal for now when this world is not just a little speck in this whole unit that is true that's what the quran teller would he stop why would he stop reviewing for this speck the revelation is finished right and this speck will finish this world will finish right this world in itself is not eternal yeah well okay look at and it really just takes any scientist will tell you that that's pure that's it exactly but this world is not a pure solvent it's called roux right so your rule your rule will leave this body yeah but this body and this world will finish and your rule when you die it goes to a place called butter which is what we see in the graves today right this is a different level of existence and from there a day will come that everybody will be raised and there'll be a day of judgment a day of accountability and then from there why not you give them choice of right and wrong why would you not be judged it doesn't make sense that you wouldn't be judged because if you're molesting kids and killing raping and things like that you think you shouldn't be held for judgment that's all part of your body thing all because no no no you have the ability to make decisions Yeah right you will be punished or rewarded for those decisions that's what we believe there's no punishment there is punishment there's no there is punishment a world without punishment would be unjust if you go and came and killed my son now and there was no punishment for you yeah but but this is what your witch you have kids all right you have mother sister brother no more all right anybody you have a very close relationship with wife yeah all right if somebody came and raped your wife and murdered seriously I'm serious question to your wife to everybody I'm talking about your wife what happened in World War two right so now if you feel that that person doesn't deserve to be judged that means you're not being serious in your response you know that you would want judgment for that person for here but see again like earlier you said what's the point of judgment and now you're saying you do believe in judgment so who would judge who's the best what if that person dies and never gets judged for once that person gets on the other side so that that that's murder and that choice he made you would never be judged can't kill a soul you can't kill but if you kill a person should you not be held accountable for them here so if you don't get held accountable here then where did you get that but God gave that person a choice he shouldn't have murdered my wife but if your wife came here to experience that that was her experience in this but his she decisions his decision is what he has to be held accountable for in this world and the next that's our belief it's up to you to believe what you like is that why in Islam everybody's killing everybody no one Islam people are not killing everybody politically there are people that kill everybody like American soldiers that kill people Israeli soldiers that kill people African Christians that kill each other and Muslims that creature that's all based on politics in Islam you're never allowed to kill anybody an innocent life has to be protected and if you kill somebody you have to be taken into account for that thank you thank you guys you guys have your work cut out for you I appreciate your support it's there's so much out there that yeah after that study I chose Islam and more people are choosing it every day it's the fastest growing religion in the world Google no conversion rates not just babies look it up you can I mean if you look at here this brother he wasn't born Muslim his family father became Muslim right these people weren't from Muslim household they chose it in a free country after having all the choices they have again I suggest you open up your heart I hope that appreciate it again now you need it everything has to be inbound some people even if you don't give them a punishment they will do the right thing but in the world we have laws and punishments why because some people need that stick if you don't need it don't worry about that part read the rest but some people need it that's what keeps them straight you're reading it in this world so let's talk about that right but what happens in next world is not for me and you to decide each other it's not it's for the creator of the next world right but but like did you choose when to be Mars did you did you choose when to be born did you chose it did you write application I came for the 60s you came from the 60s or the 60s the night you came for the 60s 60s are over I know okay so you're not still around did you enjoy the 16 lot of the drugs and rock and roll or everything right free sex all that all right well I might come with me sometime do you think that's a nice planet it is a nice planet yeah I hope you hit it again I hope you win zoran and planet eggs have you got a thing on some planets are evolved to a point where they don't need to eat they're not they're not a physical like we are they're they're physical but a less solid they don't do they still have sex just just out of curiosity some all right that would suck if you kind of lie as part of the physical right that's not part of the spiritual you didn't enjoy it in the 60s that's why it would suck sometimes pretty spiritual depending on your win we're here to know who our Creator is and to worship Him and to get to that perfection in our deeds to him thank you good all right have a good day thank you to bring something from it like right let's go promote there are yes you
Channel: One Message Foundation
Views: 103,849
Rating: 4.9335022 out of 5
Keywords: Allah, Islam, Muhammad, Quran, Jesus, Bible, Is there God?, Scientific Miracles in the Quran, Bible studies, True Islam
Id: ux5Sj1TtfHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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