Does Christianity Make Sense? Christian Preacher Vs Imam Uthman Ibn Farooq

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[Music] meaning fates in the world right right what I mean I mean Islam there's more Muslims today than ever in the past I mean as far as growth is still growing but what do they teach you about the belief itself right I just know from my own life it's a monotheistic religion there you go man good that's one similar I just like Judaism and Christianity and the Old Testament and similarities kind of so if you look at the Old Testament most of it was lost and then doing out of the fall of Babylon and all that kind of stuff so it's mostly stories that were kind of rewritten and remembered by people and that's why a lot of it's not taken literally because a lot of contradictions in them and then if you look at the New Testament we don't even know really the authors were because it was written around 70 years after the time of Jesus even though it's named like Mark Luke but we know that the actual apostles didn't write them right it's more about their accounts right and that's why even if you look at the resurrection of Jesus or what happened to Judas you see contradictions you know what I mean let me show you I got a Bible sir okay just one second can you hand me my Bible from the backpack my one so let me show you something right what's your name my name is usman which are in Trevor cool huh so let's go to the New Testament right if you look at Judas and the death of Judas right in the New Testament under Matthew chapter 27 verse 5 then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed and went and hanged himself right so what happened dude is here you know he killed himself right he had thirty pieces of silver that he had been given for betraying Jesus he got he was like I'm upset about it through in the temple killed himself right in the same Bible if you go to Acts chapter 1 verse 18 now this man purchased a field with those thirty pieces of silver wages and falling headlong burst open in the middle and his internals gushed out you see he didn't throw the shekels in this in this version he took that money and bought a field and then fell and died right do you see the contradiction there let me show you more you know for example the genealogy of Jesus right and Luke you have Jesus he was about 30 years old and he was a supposed son of Joseph the son of he lied all right you with me Jesus son of Joseph son of he lied he lied cool now in Matthew right Jacob begotten Joseph the husband of Mary who was two born with Jesus so Jesus son of Joseph son of who jacob jacob you see in the first other one in he lie here is Jacob who was who Joseph dad right you feel me yeah so you see that kind of stuff how did that happen that happened because people changed it over time the original writings were are made Greek so all these biblical scriptures you have today for the New Testament are in Koine Greek a language Jesus didn't even speak you feel me yeah so the difference between Islam Islam has the Quran the Quran has been preserved without any additions without any subtractions without any changes since the time and I'll tell you how I can prove it right so if you look at the Quran it is memorized the Muslims we memorize the Quran cover go ahead okay so so they memorize the Quran cover the cover surat al fatiha two little nuts so now we're gonna do a social experiment right now me and you alright McCarron by recite the first verse of surat al fatiha al hamdulillah rabbul aalameen you see that right right now this brother I don't even know him right this came off not even part of the group please recite first verse of al-fatiha recite first worse the fell 5 to have accident you see that so this is how the quran gets preserved little kids like this men like this people like this they memorize the entire quran right and what that does is nobody can come and change it now because like if somebody changes it all of us memorized it now not every muslim memorize the whole Quran but we have millions literally millions of Muslims that have memorized the entire Quran right so then what happens is that the Quran gets preserved today not even the Pope has memorized the Bible word by word letter by letter right if you go to a bishop and just say hey start Matthew chapter 10 verse 3 they can't begin right so what happens is Bible gets changed you know people you know King James King James you know about him right I mean you know he had some interesting relationships with his mother and animals and other men you know about it right I don't know but but Google who he was as a person all right there's a book about his biography it's called the Queen of England and there's a reason why they call him the Queen of England I said of the king right but he came and translated the but well who gave him that authority right even if you look at the Catholic Bible and the Protestant Bible the King James Version they have different numbers of chapters but which one is the original variable then right Book of Mormon that's a whole different ballgame Dead Sea Scrolls all of that Muslims one Quran you go to any stall over there Muslims you go to any other mosque you'll find the same Quran everywhere right you feel the difference yeah do you have a Quran as a gift for you man free of charge I have I have Bible and Quran both in my cell phone right the reason is that the more I read Bible and Quran and I compare them I see the difference Jesus it has changed the time meaning that Jesus brought the true message right but as we saw in the Bible things got changed right scripture got changed so that now you have insertion of concepts and idea that weren't in the original Bible you know let me give you an example right this is the New Testament right she's whoever marries a woman that is divorced has committed adultery hmm no no what does that mean I mean you can't marry divorced women right we don't believe as a true message I mean if you marry a woman who's been divorced what's wrong with that it's not her fault she was divorced right have you heard her husband I just didn't get along but we believe these kinds of things have been inserted into the Bible we don't believe this was the original message of the prophet Jesus peace be upon him right oh I know that aside from the four Gospels he had disciples like Paul another right people that wrote but pulling us to the Church of just how to live there lacks in it but did Paul ever meet Jesus I never he was about a hundred four seventy years after the time of Jesus st. Paul look him up when you go home yeah so so st. Paul never met Jesus how could it be a disciple good in that story I know that he's the murderer Christians exhaust to be a terrible person and persecute people that claim like the name Jesus true Jesus true and so it said that on his way to Damascus you had an encounter with Jesus like a vision but I mean this was after the crucifixion of Jesus this was around 70 years after that I don't know the exact look up st. Paul google him look him up look at his dates the fact of the matter was that he was way after right the most the most hurtful for me anything on 7-fiver point about Jesus Broadway is this one John 1 verse 18 no man had seen God at any time the only begotten Son what is begotten son means what is the garden I don't know that exact word no no it's okay that's what I'm telling you you know what this is this word has been thrown out by 52 denominations of Christianity but still it's in the current Bible they gotten some you know what is the meaning of the garden if you do sex intercourse intercourse and then you saw the seed so do you think God is that at that level that he sought his seed just to help us know Jesus birth was miraculous God think be it and it happened that's how God is we don't think God has to indulge in this animal act we don't think this is your Bible right well that's the thing I mean begotten the word has that connotation right we don't believe he did either right and we don't believe Christians believe that but that's the idea that you see the Bible has had these words inserted into it right and that's why we want to look at the original message of Jesus right if you look at the original message of Jesus you find the same message of Abraham and Moses and everybody else which is to believe in God now today a lot of Christians will say Jesus the Son of God right and they'll quote you John 3:16 right God to love with earth he sent His only begotten Son right and they say oh look Jesus called the Son of God but if you look at the Old Testament you'll find other people called sons of God for example if you look in Exodus you'll find then you shall say to Pharaoh to Pharaoh that says the Lord Israel is my son my firstborn right it doesn't say son of God right so who's talking Lord thus says the Lord is rose my son but I know from the at least for my study studying in that life son of God is not like you can that's like a political statement I'm with you exactly like right but then why is Jesus considered the physical son I mean from I mean right in the beginning I guess of the Gospels it talks about like like Mary having an immaculate conception true but like Adam for example had no father or mother right and in the Bible under the genealogy of Jesus Adam is also called the son of God right if you look at if you go all the way back to the beginning of the genealogy it says the son of Enosh the son of Seth the son of Adam the Son of God and Adam had no father or mother right but this does that mean Adam is physically the Son of God I don't think so right like you said it's more of a short term of endearment right and I mean again like I said you can find here I am a father to Israel and Ephraim is my firstborn you will find for Solomon for example right you will find he shall build a house for my name and I shall establish the throne for his kingdom forever I will be his father and he shall be my son right look at David I declared the the decree the Lord has said to me you are my son today I have begotten you right but all of this is really in terms of endearment right for example you go to a priest and he tells you come here son let me speak to you and tell them forgive me Father for I have sinned but you don't mean he's your physical product so we believe Jesus the same way that Jesus the prophet of God but he's not the physical son of God you know right like we're all children of God in a way because we want to follow the path of God and God loves us and God created us and all of that but not biologically okay that's the thing this is where the misunderstanding between linguistics has come and people have taken Jesus to be a physical son of God or God himself right and some of them have he is God and the son some of them is now it's not the son but he's he is God himself and I'm like if not God he's got to the lower G or I was kind of weird confusion stuff right but Muslim belief is very simple all right I'm gonna break it down to you right all right one God one creator right not a man not a woman not black not white no long hair no short hair none of that kind of stuff right just a greater being than anybody can imagine LASIK emit felishj a in the core honestly there's nothing like him right before when I heard there is nothing like a lot right that creator has always been there will always be there knows everything doesn't sleep doesn't rest doesn't need get tired listens to our prayers created us created other creations created aliens created things in the sky created planets created angels created another type of being called jinn whatever else in millions of creations in the world that Allah created it feeds them sustains them gives them everything they need gives us in son humans and jinn a choice between right and wrong guide this what's right lets us follow it if you choose what's right rewards us for it in this world and the night hereafter if you don't then he punishes us for it in this world and the Hereafter simple what do you think about it I mean I don't know all the semantics but what I mean just what I presented you what do you like I like just to share some of my own structure my parents took me to church miles everybody really grow up like Christian a Christian everyone church and I not my own my junior year of high school nice and how did it was a journey it wasn't like it was a immediate decision but it started with someone loving me and being intentional with me that I've never known in my like entire life of this joy that they had nine they were like I follow I follow Jesus like Jesus has changed my life and shared his own testimony of Brian being like he used to just sleep around and can turn to other stuff to like throw him and turning to God and like I won on this journey of learning who Jesus was not and it was kind of just like oh this is more of your character you're loving you're forgiving nice gracious and like I loved everything you said like but I mean stand above me like what you're saying is beautiful right like many Muslims have gone to the same thing they used to be gangster they used to be thugs they found religion and Islam and they became Muslim left all that and they're loving human beings many Jews are that way many Buddhists many atheists we're talking about religion in some sense I'm talking about like the personal journey yeah a personal so that's what I'm talking about right underneath like at least for me I didn't like I've gone to different denominations I brought my church have had Muslim friends growing up I had just different stuff where I was just like okay I understand it Brian but like when I encountered God for myself from God met me where I was right it was like a revelation of but don't you think you're still on that journey that's what there you go man there you go so God took you out of that environment and he started to bring you towards him right and now you're standing here by the permission of that same God right you didn't come here an accident oh definitely right I didn't talk to you an accident many people walk by they didn't stop by you did right got open your heart to this right so what I want you to do is stay on that journey till you get to read till you get to understanding the oneness of God right you no and I know that nobody can kill God nobody can put God on a cross and kill him right Oh actually well I personally believe Jesus died for but think about it just think about this right leg like me and you where were you raised San Diego right Orange County SoCal let's go that right let's say Adam ate from the tree okay think of it this way you walk into a store and I supposed to take that candy or that bag of chips you take it you put in your pocket you didn't pay for it you're not supposed to take it but you did right Adam wasn't supposed to take from that tree he did okay the owner of the store God in this analogy tells you to make up for it I want you and your children or your homies to come back kill my son and we're all it well even steven all right and you go and you put them on a cross and you beat them up and you put stuff on them and you blast them and he's like all right good job you guys are forgiven now no sense right that makes oh no I can unpack that story tell me like cuz I always wondered like Jesus just died like wanted to die for us why didn't he just like my suicide pop up and just die oh why did he have to die oh I can tell me go ahead so at least from the biblical understanding I know she came as a man to demonstrate it said through one man all sin entered the world through Adam through one man all sin was atone for let me understand this right so one man made a decision yeah right and because of that were born as sinners yeah that makes no sense first off right because let's say you're not born into sin we choose to sin meaning like but in from what I understand were actually born sinners and then you know when you go through your baptism whatever then that sin is done away otherwise you have sin on your head right baptism from I guess I mean different cultures have different ideas I guess but let's take direct let's say it's like go ahead hello wait where you okay calm call me when you're here I'm like two minutes away from where you drop that okay I'll be there in a few right so now let's think about that right let's say your father killed somebody right would it be okay for me to blame you for it or put any kind of blame on you because of that all right that first thing it doesn't make sense no I want to explain so like do that decision like I guess yes sin entered the world there is like but are we born as sinners or not I would say yes but that doesn't make sense to me right because because again why am I being blamed for somebody else's decision we were born into sin like I guess I should say that we're born I'm kind of confused here now right because are we born are we sinners at birth or not I would say yes all right so let's go back to that that is not fair because you are giving me a sin because somebody else's decision that's like your dad killing somebody and me saying you're gonna go to jail at birth you're gonna be born an inmate because your dad kill somebody I'm gonna keep going in the story so we believe like yeah through Adam sent into the world and like that's why there is like just different types of evil in some sense not like okay yeah and so we believe through that Jesus came as a man to demonstrate obedience to God to show us how to walk into a lot of detail if Lord you're taking me I don't know I don't know everything but think about this right like let's talk about getting forgiveness right if you do something wrong right until today we have sin right like people get tempted all that do you have to have somebody died or killed or beat okay but I mean I'm gonna explain we're gonna help you so we believe Jesus demonstrated us like how to obey God and walk with God and talk with God and it was hope his obedience which led him to be crucified it wasn't people just like saying oh we're just gonna kill you like you're dying for us or like doing countercultural stuff it was him following God and at least I know for like the Jewish aspect it was different like because they were they just knew how to obey the Koran I mean not the Quran that Torah the Torah and the laws of that time that like when Jesus they said that he didn't come to change change the law but to like fulfill it rectify it yeah but to fulfill it and show meaning and so that was just kind of weird for them and like him teaching people how to be gracious and not for the judge and teaching me so equal how to like love and show what that is and be kind and people was like countercultural okay I was talking to God and like which led him to be crucified and we believe that like through him dying and believing that he was risen from the dead which in the Bible talk about different accounts of people seeing him in like this I like the holy spirit falling in people just having a testimony of like God working in their lives and going out and sharing that look at theirs and people how does that get her to sin you said how is that related how did that relate it to the original sender we're talking about who in that in the one of there's this one verse that says through one man sin entered the world through one man all of is a verse but but I don't understand the concept right you were gonna help me let me exhaust the question again then so Adam eats from the tree and it's such a big sin that we're all born sinners which I don't think till now we haven't gotten to why that's fair but okay and then humans killed Jesus that's a worse sin than eating from a tree oh you've got here so how is that going to get rid of sin that should be a bigger sin on humanity those people that kill Jesus their generations should really be screwed if eating an apple is gonna make clothes and wasn't eating the Apple that was the act of disobedient they're being disobedient to God okay that's that that means that means more sin yeah came into the earth at the at the killing of Jesus oh definitely but I'm saying he it says in this one verse but he who knew no sin became sin so that we might become the righteousness of God like that maybe like atone for our sin being perfect and that be holy let's say we human and fully got that's what we believe like that again makes no sense right because human and got our to contradict exactly it's a contradiction it's a hard thing to like let me ask you something all of this that you're explaining to me you're basing sin the Bible right what I did I like I can only attest apply to the things I've seen and write but you you didn't I understand look people's lives changing due to faith or good works I see in every walk of life I see it in Christians I see it in Muslims I see it in Jews I see it in Buddhist I see an Indu so that doesn't Lee show me the truthfulness of the religious ideology in itself right I'm trying to understand the ideology right so what makes no sense to me is Adam takes from a tree and we're all born as sinners like that by itself still makes no sense to me right because that to me we already agree that children are born sinners according to Christian ideology right what's it into the world when again we're guy okay so as a child when the child is born are these sinners or not that's it yeah okay so so to me that's not fair because the child hasn't done anything how can you make him a sinner for something that is great great good good good good good good good good good good god father did right like if this man kills somebody or these police officers are gonna arrest his children and his children his children no they're going to say that's his choice he has to pay account for it but those children didn't do anything they're not held accountable no court of law in the world in the world would accept such idea right secondly killing Jesus would be a bigger sin in my mind than eating an apple so that should curse humanity more not take away sin if you kill an innocent man that's murder right that's what we agreed to so you know that concept doesn't make sense I totally like it's hard to study I also believe he was risen from the dead so right I mean everybody's gonna be written from that sooner or later icon the day of judgment you believe everybody's gonna be raised right oh not ever yeah not everybody who's not gonna be raised no we just believe like like no judgments anybody else just like that only Christians of Ewings what followers of Christ like what about everybody out no judgement for them will die under cool okay we get in deeper theology okay uh uh uh we're due to begin with we believe in this idea that like that's not gonna choose anyone like not God's not gonna force anyone to choose him meaning like I agree with you okay like he's not gonna force anyone but but I'm saying nothing is used to watch anyway is that one's their day of judgment yeah the day of judgment everybody has to be raised to go give a towel right okay get to it so we believe that like no one God's not gonna force anyone to choose him so like we believe that on the day of judgment in some sense God's gonna raise those who like it's hard for me to like think theological e on the spot but like raise people like he's gonna raise those and bring those like heaven on earth with those who choose him and want what about about their sins what depends by what you mean by bad because you didn't choose God killed people rape and you're gonna force I believe that we believe that like you are saved are they gonna be raised or no we believe that you are saved through faith like when you say like by grace through faith you are safe like meaning the grace of God Democrats person raising from the dead for our sins when we put our faith in them we believe that there's a black shun no matter oh definitely it says faith without works is dead okay so that's a no work your way into heaven but okay but we're doing a good deeds and you are saved it transforms you to do good works so meaning like okay there's a lot of hypocritical Christians I'm not like it's so like it's hard I've gotta go Muslims to I'm not worried about that alright so let's go back to the idea you still didn't get to or you told me you were coming here to rights all I'm saying is I'm saying is how is humanity killing Jesus and atonement no they okay God it's a big theological I can't answer like from a it's pretty simple answer but they killed God but like it kills dead God will be the Son of God Jesus but like is he god or is his son will we believe in the Trinity meaning it says in John 1 or first Tom Donnelly but it says that in the word was the beginning and the word became flesh in the world the word was among us like we totally believe all right I got you I got you guys but like we believe that Jesus was the word and flesh meaning showing us like what it is so let's go back to the killing of God part so what you were explaining that they killed God yep so they killed God but like he demonstrated but the obedient let's go back let's go back to killing God thing why didn't that bring more condemnation on humanity than eating an apple what do mean by condemnation we mean everybody had said any meaning because Adam ate from the Apple all of mankind was sin was brought you're born sinners right then when you killed God that means we're gonna be super sinful now right because that's the murder simple that earlier you told me I'm asking you but but you're saying you're saying you're saying one man brought sin in and then the murder of God took sin out that doesn't make sense that's the murder okay I'm not talking about that the death of Jesus I'm talking about the resurrection if you believe in the resurrection so that so the death of Jesus did not take Simpson away like he died for us but it was his resurrection when he died for us people we believe that like it says he gave his life as a ransom for many painting wedding he he committed suicide know what I mean then so he let them kill him he could have stopped it I mean in some sense yeah but if he could have stopped said what would you like God you father you're forsaken me will be believed it says in Scripture that God had teach himself out like in human form meaning might be emptied himself out yeah like me in the in the sense of geez we can either deep theological that's not an answer okay let me ask you so Jesus could he have stopped the people from killing him or not oh definitely should that means is suicide really good fite fite if I'm like hey kill me bro that's a suicide I didn't say kill him okay people had it was people so when they were killing him in unjustly he should have been like yo this is wrong stop but because he loved us he let he let people in John 3:16 so loved the world that He gave His only Son through thirteen is one three see God sent His only begotten Son Nhut gave the translation okay bring up the translation because the different meaning here's a new King James Version says does King Johnson but another version that says only son so that whoever may believe in him will not perish but have everlasting life so we brother what is the again my question is how does the murder of Jesus on the cross for us of sin I'm saying it's not okay so that's what I'm saying there's a register that means Jesus when he came and they grabbed him the Jews pray and with the Romans could he have stopped them yeah so since he hadn't done anything wrong why don't he stop them that's more than what does he knew how is that let's say I love you right let's say I love you right and then some dude comes up and grabs me you're about to beat me up and I'm like I love you dude I'm gonna beat me up hold on love look like I'm gonna give it like in a modern-day example okay good so if you trying to think of like an example okay like if you had a sunroof kids yeah I got my son that's my son if you had a son then he was taken or whatever like it was just like I beat the cop of them right like that's what you want to do that's what I would do and touch my son us on man I said let me get let me give a better example I have two daughters and two sons but you had two sons two daughters on this side I do yeah and you had to decide who went to hell and who did it based on their actions huh that'd be a hard decision to make right not really I mean but I mean whoever is more pious whoever does good things goes to heaven I'm saying that it's not my decisions gods I'm saying if you were in God's position in that that'd have been a little hard to say decision to make this I'm not gonna kill either one of them come back to the example we were talking about but I'm saying in this example yeah what did that do it gives me it killed you if you didn't want your kids to to spend like I guess one or the other eight and you turn it like in some sense that okay what Jesus demonstrated us through through God is that he died for us and took our place so we didn't have to experience the wrath let's go back to the example right yeah look at the example didn't match the scenario right I got two kids here two kids there all right I don't want either one to go to hell right so I tell them hey both of you guys both you guys do good deeds believe in God you're good right but I'm not gonna tell hey one of you kill yourself and because of that death the other three are okay that doesn't make sense I'm not talking about suicide well by me if you come and you let somebody kill you that's a suicide let's say for example right now you jump in front of a car and the car hits you that's suicide even though the cars when they killed you but you're gonna jump in front of it you could have not jumped in front of it you go in front of a train and the train's coming and you jump in front of it trains like bang all the way and you still stand there you committed suicide even though you're like the train killed me but you committed if Jesus could have taken himself off the cross and saved himself and he didn't that's a suicide right and that suicide or a direction afterwards how does that how does that clean though of us of sins makes absolutely no success he was like you know in the Old Testament how they used to kill lamps like should atone for this right right well Jesus was perfect in everybody but I got like when he died again he was fully God and fully human he covered I don't believe you need to kill a lamb for atonement either I'm saying you don't have to you don't do that right so what I'm saying is if you believe that God can forgive ya why then ask God for forgiveness and not kill his son well because in the Old Testament it talked about that way but I don't believe in you had again I don't believe in I'm saying from like a Christian like oh yeah like so you believe that that blood has to be spilled for forgiveness like it stunk it talked about like that what you believe yeah really seriously you believe in a God that can't forgive you without blood being spilled well Jesus demonstrated that like that's his blood covers I said I don't believe that he said I don't think you believe that to you in your heart I think I think you believe there's a god that's so loving that he could forgive without blood being spilled I mean I think you believe I know what you experienced but you know that if there is a creator that created these skies and this earth and humans that he is so great that he doesn't need somebody's blood to be spilt to forgive that you can turn to God and say you know what I sinned I messed up I'm sorry I asked for forgiveness I gotta go could kill a cat or a lamb or your son or my son or anybody else and God can forgive us you know that's right right that sounds right well I mean from a deeper theological perspective it sounds good no I'm no I'm good yeah I mean just this is me but it was great talking to you but I gotta appreciate it what's your name again Guzman Guzman nice keep on that journey bro don't think your journey is over right you're on your way read the Koran man thank you all right have a good one you
Channel: One Message Foundation
Views: 93,451
Rating: 4.9226561 out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Muhammad, Quran, Jesus, Bible, Scientific Miracles in the Quran, what is the purpose of life?, Bible studies, Is there God?, Christian Vs Muslim
Id: lETWBQZpo2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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