Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): A Mercy To All Mankind - Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq

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[Music] you know enough in la mujer another solo [Music] you know the entertainment that fox news is we get we get fed ideas and here in college or universities the point is for you to challenge those ideas for you to broaden those horizons or the so you have an opportunity today and this is going to be a safe space meaning there's no question that's off-limits here this is a place where you're not going to be judged for asking a question nobody's gonna get their head cut off I swear so if you have a question if you have something that maybe has been bothering you or maybe something that you know you just heard and you want to get that clarified this is going to be the time to do it I'm gonna present a presentation unless you have something that's really related to the slide itself I asked you hold the questions till the end but I'll stay here as long as you need me to to answer every question so if anybody has a question don't worry we'll make sure that you get addressed all right today's topic is about the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as Muslims we believe that when you mention the name of any prophet we ask Allah Speas and blessings to be upon them and that's why Muslims show respect to all the prophets you may have seen news reports or people making cartoons about the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him or you know in different parts of the country having competitions or newspapers but you will never ever see a Muslim disrespecting the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him or the prophet Moses peace be upon him because as Muslims who respect them all some of the misconceptions people have is that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was a prophet that was like a mercy or a guidance only for the Muslims but the reality is that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon it was a mercy to mankind this is what the Quran of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi assalam today our presentation here is not to force anything down anybody's throat that's not the way Muslims do Dao it's not the way we do outreach we don't force things down your throat rather our job is to build a bridge a bridge of understanding a bridge of knowledge a bridge of Dawa and then it's up to you whether you want to cross the bridge or not or you just want to stand and this is why in a time in our country where people are focused on building walls I think we should be focused on building bridges why learn about the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah why I mean maybe you're Muslim maybe you're not but what's the point so first thing I would say is that simply he was the greatest man to ever live now you may think that's my opinion because I'm Muslim but if you look at the quote I have from my cohort who's not Muslim and you can go to your library and get the book that he wrote which is the most influential people or persons in history and as a non-muslim he put the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu Allison peace be upon him as number one all right so now you have to think if somebody is Muslim and they consider Prophet Muhammad Allah sound to the most part important person that makes sense if somebody's Christian for them to say Jesus somebody's Jerusalem say Moses somebody's Buddhist to say but this okay you could say that's because their religious tradition but for somebody who's not Muslim to choose him as number one it's interesting to say the least right and he writes my choice of Muhammad peace be upon him to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful in both the religious and secular levels the book it's called the hundred a ranking of the most influential persons in history I've given the reference because I'm used to MLA and APA formatting and all that so if you need to look up the reference I've given it to you you can take a look at it a renowned historian here alpha most Lamartine and you can look in alpha mode elemér time we studied him ourselves when we take history classes and some of you may have studied him as well he says and again these quotes are all from non-muslims so don't think this is a bias because of somebody's religious leanings he says if greatness of purpose smallness of means and astounding results are the three criteria of human genius who could dare to compare any great man in modern history with muhammed sallalahu Allison as regards all the standards by which human greatness may be measured we may ask is there any man greater than he I've given the restaurants here as well so you can look this up so what does that tell you what is the point the point is even if you're not Muslim it doesn't behoove you to learn about who this man was now we hear a lot of misinformation untruths false notions that get put forth by oh let's say Fox News or oh you guys better get ready for some fun stuff if that's that's something for you Roger Hedgecock whatever that who's a druggie guy O'Reilly something yeah all right so a Bill O'Reilly I said right yeah so I hate I didn't check my podcast this morning so you get a lot of falsehood being put forth so what we want to do is we want to challenge those not in the light of Muslim understanding but historic verifiable facts nowadays everybody has their own facts but in reality there's only one true set of facts everybody can have an opinion right for example are we at sdsu or UCSD well ma'am were less DSU that's the fact you can hold any pin you like but this is the campus or app right you can call it UC as if you like but don't put down yours you may so what was Arabian society before the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him it was paganism worship of idols and what did the Prophet how much peace be upon him bring from the message that Allah gave to him pure monotheism what does that mean pure monotheism Islam has the idea of one God if you look at the Ten Commandments anybody know the Ten Commandments what are they what's the first command say to Israel your Lord is one right I'm not a Christian scholar but you know some of you should know the first commandment right what is the second commandment don't worship idols or false gods right right or wrong nobody knows the Ten Commandments yeah come on man this is an Alabama but still you should know a couple of them right so so you see what was Arabian society was away from the message that Abraham and Moses and Jesus and all the prophets had brought they had brought idol and idol worship the Prophet Muhammad his message that was sent from Allah was to go back to pure monotheism what is pure monotheism in Islam there are many monotheistic religions in the world but Islam is a purely monotheistic or what does that mean God is one he's not three-in-one he's not one-and-a-half he's not one with sub godling x' he is just one creator that's the message of tawheed there was no central government or formal laws in Arabia if you look at and this is history I mean this is not opinion right if you look at Arabian society before the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him there were clans there were tribes there were what were called cabal you know and they each had their own kind of loose set of leadership laws some had a group of leaders Chiefs some had won some had none but there was no central government and there were no formal laws governing all of Arabian society each tribe had their own kind of way of doing things and from that there was no security if one tribe could overpower the other they would they would just do it if somebody didn't have tribal backing they would have no rights they would be violated no there was no law there was no judge to go to there was total lawlessness and tribal dominance if a tribe was strong enough if they had enough manpower and war abilities they would conquer another one there'd be no questions asked what did the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu aliens and them it's the Arabic for peace be upon him bring as a historic fact he United the nation spanning across Arabian Peninsula with peace and security not only for Muslims but for protection of rights for non-muslims what do we how can we prove that you can look up books like the book called come hello Tim Bible cream which talks about the security and rights given to non-muslims living under that the the Islamic set of governance in the time of the Prophet peace be upon him and the falafel and those leaders that came after him first time in Arabian society were were non Arabs given equal rights as Arabs a concept that wouldn't be known in Europe for hundreds of years later right so this is something that's a fact from senseless killings and never-ending tribal wars if you study history and if you study even Arabic grammar like when we studied narrow and soft and Barada we study about assertive jahiliya the time before the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and we study the tribal wars between Banu Assad and buckle a band and and Ho Dale and a pail and other tribes and they would have wars over something like as as simple as my camel drinking from your waters watering source and they would have hundreds of people that would die in these senseless wars and there would be no stopping it from that the Prophet Muhammad's Allah Allah Allah brought a holy sacred land of peace what we call the haramein harem a place of sanctity where there would be peace were fighting would not just be restricted but will be prohibited to make a land of such brutal warfare into a land of peace this is something that should be Dania admired by itself before the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him Arabian society and you can look up your history references well society with no rights for women to the extent that female children would be buried alive we talk about female rights and women rights and and gender equality and all those kinds of things you really have to accredit the Prophet Muhammad's Allah Allah Allah because imagine going into a society where women didn't even have the right to live you would bury a woman just because she was a girl a daughter just because she was a girl and it was it was not a hundred percent obviously otherwise society would end but it was a very common practice you can look it up in her history books who's the one that stopped it not any kind of human rights organization no Pope's none of that stuff it was the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu I seldom with the revelation that was sent from Allah that forbid this practice now you may say oh at that time that happened but don't think this is such a strange concept go to the internet google it till today in many countries like China and India female fetuses are aborted because they don't want to have daughters a concept that Islam and didn't finished a concept that was there and is still present today in society but alhamdulillah all praise is to Allah that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him with the Quran that was revealed to him stopped this practice in the Islamic Society at that time now don't just think about our time period think about more than 1400 years ago a society that was brought with official protected rights for women including the right to inherit to own property to operate business to dispose of their earnings as they wished the practice of burying children was totally abolished these are accomplishments that came during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah Allah directly to the message that was revealed to him from a society with no rights for minorities non Arabs and the poor Arabian society was such that if you were not from a powerful clan of Arab descent you had no rights if you were what they call from the and in the ones that were not out up at that time you had no rights the Prophet Muhammad Allah Allah Allah he brought a message that changed that to a society where he said Arabs are not secured to non Arabs white is not superior to black nobody is superior to anybody except whoever has more piety if you're more pious then you're closer to Allah you could be black white Chinese woman man any of that now this is something that may seem easy today but this was unheard of at that time and that's a fact not only that if you look historically I'm not talking from a religious perspective from a historic perspective people like Bilal Habashi who were enslaved by the Arab before Islam not only were freed but he was made the Emir he was the ruler of the most you could say most beautiful the most fertile economically viable society which was shown at that time greater Syria he was made the ruler of it from being a slave to ruling over Arabs in less than a generation how this was the power of the message of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what did the prophets of allah some teaches now again I want to emphasize something everybody has an opinion but we need to go back to facts somebody could get on Fox News or on a talk show radio and say islam teaches this and moslems do this and moslems do that whatever but where are the references you are in academia you are students in a university okay it's not UCSD but still see University right so you should be come on no lapse on that Wow alright as a boring crowd here so you should be looking at references authentication if I say the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu them said this or that you should question me and say where's your reference what book what volume what page number what is the authenticity of that documentation so here I will bring you a report that is what we call Sahay authentic from the Muslim mohamad give you the hadeeth number 220 2391 so you can look it up yourself if you can't let me know I have books out look it up for you the Prophet Muhammad SAW some taught his people he said all people your Lord is one Lord and you all share the same father there is no preference of an Arab over a non-arab or a non Arab over an Arab neither is their preference of white people over black people nor black people over white people preference is only through righteousness now now this is not just what we say right because we say this in America right we say we're all the same we're United but try running from a cop and see who gets shot first right reality isn't what we say this is the problem the West we have hypocrisy we say one thing we do something else but in the time of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as I said if you took it that into implementation into implementation you see the examples of barrel Habashi you see the examples others like kebab and others who were slaves and they were in that same generation made rulers they were given preference over Arabs because of their knowledge because of their skills where the idea of skin color the idea of heritage was done away with in a single generation right so some of those ills are back enduring influence Allah but that's a separate story if we talk about the message of the Prophet Muhammad's Allah Allah Allah it's a message of pure monotheism as I explained already it is a message that founded a state on divine laws what does that mean you hear a lot of scary scenarios about Sharia law Sharia law is coming who be scared lock your doors right first thing the word Sharia law is ignorance in itself we can sing law law Sharia means law so if you say Sharia law it's like saying hey the chai latte which you guys may think it's okay but it just means tea tea why would you see tea too okay chime means T so if you say a chai tea then you're just saying a ChaCha in the same way Sharia means law every country has a Sharia every people have a Sharia every country has a set of laws right or wrong right or wrong you got them NRT here now right so we have laws in the United States we change those laws based on what anybody know corporations and money so we change those laws based on ballot measures that supposedly go to the vote but you know again it's all about that money so that's one way of governance in communism you have a different way of ruling in socialism you have a different way of ruling in kingships the King makes a lot whoever's the king that's what he wants right in capitalism money makes the husband anyway in Islam laws are made from divine revelation it's not up to us just be like you know what we should do this we shouldn't do that the laws are based on what is in the Quran what was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu a little-known the Prophet Mohammed Salim gathered a warring nomadic tribal society into what can no doubt because one of the greatest nations known to mankind you can argue about the Romans or the Greeks or the Chinese or other the Egyptians and the Mayans and the Aztecs you can make a case I'm not here to make that but you would have to as an honest objective person admit to one thing that all of these societies have left a great mark conscious on on humanity and no doubt the Muslim nation under the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah Allah and after him under Abu Bakr and Umar Uthman and Ali anamarie and bossy and and the falafel and the leaders and the kingdoms that came after that not only did they conquer from the borders of China all the way into Europe all the way into Africa all the way up to Russia Austria if you go to Austria you'll see where the Ottomans came all the way so not only did they take a huge land more than Alexander degree the bigger area was controlled in Alexander the Great did but not just that but the development of the sciences came under that Muslim nation anybody take algebra no then unless you get some take you guys don't take algebra in school I gotta go here right so you took algebra right who developed algebra anyway huh clothes yes Musa who ESRI who wrote a book called algebra which came the name of algebra and he was a Muslim who's developed under that mindset of Islamic learning and he developed algebra right developments in chemistry the concept you know your numbering one two three four you know what this call it's called Arabic numerals you don't believe me you got phones google it right these numbers that we use the one two three four five six seven eight nine ten this came from Arabic these are called Arabic numerals google it look it up right this development the concept of zero which was by some accounts developed at a time in India before the Muslims but this was introduced to the west through Muslims the collection of Greek writings and philosophy put together was done during the time of the Basia kingdom right and that's why if you google and look up a research actually go to a library maybe you will find the Renaissance the Western Renaissance would not have been possible if it wasn't for the arabic writings the islamic development of the knowledge that was left by the Greeks and Romans and Hindus and others that happen during this time just because you don't see it on Fox just because President Trump doesn't talk about it doesn't mean that it's not a fact and that's why we want to build these bridges of understanding to know the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah Selim delivered a divine moral code that is till today a source of guidance and practiced by 1.6 billion Muslims around the world right so if nothing else you should at least I mean you have Muslim students that go here that are in your classes you will have Muslim coworkers that are going to work with you you might a Muslim you might have Muslims in your family so at least you should know the truth about a man who inspires 1.6 billion people today human history has never known such a complete transformation of a society and this is not my words as I have mentioned the non-muslim scholars have talked about this before many societies changed the Romans had their ramp up the Greek had their ramp up everybody had but never in history that a society changed this much in such do you know how long was the life of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu I said lamb after prophethood anybody not Muslims though you should know this already I assume 23 years that's it 23 years to change a society in 23 years you have to admit is an amazing task tell you I'll give a brief bio I'm not gonna go into detail this isn't a history class he was born into a Hashemi clan of Quraysh and he was an orphan the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah Allah didn't come from a wealthy household he was an orphan even though he had noble lineage his mother died when he's around six years of age what we know from historic evidence and this is not from a Muslim perspective but if you look at any historic documentation that can come out about the life of the Prophet sallallaahu ylim he was a man known to have good moral character and honesty and truthfulness and making sure that he fulfills the debts and keeps people's what we call a mana trusts in place even before his prophethood in the Encyclopedia Britannica and again not a Muslim source but from a non-muslim or secular source it says a mass of details in early sources show that he was an honest and upright man who had gained the respect and loyalty of others who were likewise honest and upright men meaning if you were somebody who valued those traits then even before prophethood he was somebody that was respected the well-known renowned author and again on purpose I'm not putting Muslim quotes here because then you might think that's biased so I'm bringing people who are of Christian or atheists or other backgrounds so you can see a unbiased view Reverend Smith he says he was Caesar and the Pope in one but he was a Pope without the Pope's pretensions he was Caesar without the legions of Caesar without a standing army without a bodyguard without a palace without a trump tower without a fixed revenue the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him he never did things for wealth if you look at his life till his death he could have a amassed great wealth if you look at most cults and religious people like right niche and people that come up what do you find they want to immense a lot of wealth and houses and mansions and things like this Rajneesh had this largest collection of Rolls Royces even though he was supposed to be a spiritual leader right but the Prophet Muhammad is unique in that sense he didn't have a craving for wealth he died in a state where he was in debt because he had left his armor and things in debt to help the poor he says about the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah Salaam if ever any man had the right to say that he ruled by the right divine it was Mohammed for he had all the power without its instruments and without its supports without having supports of a government or you know even his own tribe his own tribe were the first people that fought him because he stood up against the in justices that were there in his own people but even then Allah gave him that victory when we talk about the message of the prophets of Allah Salaam the message of the Prophet peace be upon him is first and foremost what is not from him but was revealed to him and that's the Quran now many of you may have never touched a Quran and that's unfortunate many people in America have never touched a Quran they've never read a chapter but they think the Quran says this in the Quran says that we encourage you here today to get a Quran it's free take one and read it for yourself if you have a question come and ask a Muslim the Quran has scientific miracles you can google them their little books you can go read about them it has linguistic miracles it is the single most authoritative source of Arabic grammar today when we study Arabic grammar even in non-muslim universities non-muslim professors other than the earlier poems are Algeria and things when you want to give a ruling the most authoritative force in the Quran right but it was revealed to a man who was unlettered illiterate meaning the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him he couldn't read or write so I get you know sometimes we go and we discuss with Christian they're like Oh Hamid wrote the Quran that's impossible and it's literally impossible why he couldn't write he couldn't read if somebody says oh somebody somebody told him all these things somebody brought him books he couldn't read them and if somebody else had these ideas why would they put him in front they would just be like hey it's me so the Quran was revealed to man who couldn't read or write and as he mentioned it has linguistic miracles is there authoritative text in Arabic grammar from a man who couldn't read or write a book that contains scientific facts that could not have been known to a man in a desert in that time it's impossible dr. maurice bucaille and he was a French physician and doctor and researcher and scientist you can google him he set out to study religion in the light of verify verifiable scientific facts let me give you a quick definition here first there are scientific theories and there is what we could consider to be a fact if it's repeatable if it's a controlled environment there are theories like the theory of evolution the theory of gravity the three or theory of this and that and then there are things that are facts right so in the light of scientific facts when he researched the Bible the Old Testament and the new he found what was stated in the Bible did not meet what is known as scientific facts today or in his time and he published his writings and he got standing ovations by the French Society for his great work and he was an atheist right so he said you know what I'm on a roll let me keep going he took on the Quran he took up Quran he learned Arabic language he spent time in Saudi Arabia he learned Islamic Sciences with a dedicated scientist and then he started to take the Quran apart in accordance to known scientific facts he says the above observation at the end of his book he says makes the hypothesis advanced by those who see Muhammad peace be upon him as the author of the Quran and untenable it is impossible how he said how could a man from being illiterate become the most important author in terms of literary merit in the whole of Arabian literature how could he then pronounce truths of a scientific nature that no other human being could have possibly developed at that time and all this without once making the slightest error in his pronouncement on the subject he found that every scientific theory that was put forward from the Quran was in accordance to what we found in scientific facts in controlled environments in clinical trials and so on and he published his work you can get his book it's called the Bible the Quran and science and he discusses the Bible and he discussed the Quran in the light of scientific facts and it took him from being an atheist to being a Muslim the message of the prophet sallallaahu Selim regarding it dr. Muir's bracket he writes a total objective examination of it of the quran in the light of modern knowledge leads us to recognize the agreement between the two between modern knowledge and the quran as has been already noted in repeated occasion it makes us deem it quite unthinkable for a man of Mohammed's time peace be upon him to have been the author of such statements on account of the state of knowledge in his day such considerations are a part of what gives the Quranic revolution revelation its unique place and the enforces the impartial scientists to admit its inability to prove an explanation which calls solely upon materialistic reasoning meaning the Quran talks about salt water and sea sea water and how they touch beador mix how could a man that had never been to a place were salt and seawater touch know that the Quran talks about the waves that are underneath the oceans layer underneath a man who couldn't swim who couldn't dive who couldn't go in who has never been to the ocean he was not somebody who's not a fisherman he was he was not somebody went there how could he have known this a man who had couldn't even read or write how could he tell you about the phases of child develop in the womb something that was not only impossible for somebody in that time period but especially in Iranian society to have known things that years and years later after ultrasound and things like this we have developed these things were found in the Quran at that time as miracles in and of themselves I also like to discuss fact versus fiction so we see a lot of fiction out there right what is a fiction that's being fed to us the Quran calls to kill innocent people you can listen to many a right-wing talk-show hosts and they will tell you this but we have a Quran take one and let's discuss it what's the fact the fact is that the Quran says and prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of the sea steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy now you may think I just made a mistake and gave you reference something that's against my point but I don't because I believe in being honest and open this is a version of Quran there is no doubt to it but what is the chapter and verse number I've given it there who can read I want to make sure people don't sleep in this class all right what's the chapter chapter number 8 verse number 60 the problem with those who quote this is they forget the fiction that they have developed because they forget about verse number 61 everything has to be taken in context what is verse number 61 and again take up Quran read it yourself google it and if they incline towards peace then incline to it also towards peace and rely upon Allah indeed it is he who is the hearing and knowing what does that mean if somebody attacks you defend yourself but if somebody inclines towards peace and you should incline towards peace that it's a message of Islam we believe in that but if you take a verse out of context then the message comes out very different now just to give you an example how you could take things out of context right because we should always be fair I've given you two references to two verses from the Bible from the New Testament I'm not gonna get Old Testament on you here right from the New Testament Matthew chapter 10 verse number 34 do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth but I have come I have not come to bring peace but a sword now these are supposedly the words of Jesus in the Bible you can go look it up I'm giving you the reference do I believe that's the message of Jesus no but could I take that out of context and take that verse and say Jesus didn't come to bring peace he came to with a sword right see this is the same thing the same thing Trump and right-wingers and Fox News do they take a verse out of context all we ask is take things in context so when a verse is about people being attacked when they are told that if people are attacking you then prepare for war defend yourself we believe in that right wouldn't you yes no maybe good right now at the same time what does the Quran tell you if they want peace then you should want peace live in peace but don't let anybody violate you right Luke from the New Testament 1927 chapter 19 verse 27 but as for these enemies of mine who did not want me to reign over them bring them here and slaughter them before me go look it up in the Bible and one of the examples given supposedly from Jesus right no this is not the message of the Bible I don't believe that this is not the message of Jesus I don't believe that but could people take that out of context and show the Bible to be justifying killing prisoners of war and others yes has it been done yes Google Hitler's use of the Bible and his speeches Hitler quoted the Bible in his speeches right do we believe Hitler was on the message of Jesus we don't believe that but are there people like the KKK southern bro or South bro whatever ministries and others who use the the biblical verses to justify racism and terrorism and white nationalism and all this kind of stuff yes it happens but this is why we say if Isis or fide or whatever other group takes the Quran and misuses it then you as an intelligent audience should be able to say you know what they may do that for political cause but that's not the message of the Bible that's not the message the Quran that's not the message the old or the New Testament all of these faiths they teach peace fact versus fiction how much spread Islam with the sword sounds like a bagel and gonna spread some cream cheese on it or something right again it's fictional and again if I give you a Muslim quote you may say oh that's a Muslim so anybody recognize this gentleman all right you guys San Diego State's got it going on right so Gandhi what does Gandhi write in his book called young India you can check it out at your library he wrote after reading about muhammad sallallaahu ylim I became more than convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam it was the rigid simplicity the utter humbleness of the Prophet the the meticulous regard for honoring pledges his dollar in the face of oppression his fearlessness in speaking against injustice his absolute trust in God and his own mission that spread Islam let me explain why Islam cannot be spread by the sword it is literally impossible let me explain why what's the Muslim anybody somebody who dresses cool go ahead excellent a Muslim is somebody who submits themselves to their creator that begins in the heart where does this lamb begin in the heart right in your belief in what you hold in the privacy of your own mind right then it comes out in your profession when you when you profess the faith and then in your actions right but where does it begin in the heart right if you put a sword to somebody's neck or a gun on somebody's head until them become Muslim they could say they're Muslim but they're not because Islam begins in the heart and that's why if you look at Spain when it was called under loose under the Moors you had Christians you had Jews and you had Muslims living peacefully under Islamic Spain historically go look it up alright what happened when the French and others took Spain and what was called the Spanish Inquisition anybody know all my history majors here no no history majors are you becoming doctors I like it all right the Spanish Inquisition Google it when the Christians took Spain back from the Moors they helped an inquisition if you didn't convert to their form of Christianity not even if you were a different sect if you were Jewish if you were Muslim you were killed tortured or killed this happened in history look it up under Islamic rule under salahuddin Saladin as you mispronounce it here under salahuddin in the Holy Lands of Palestine of our codes you had Christian you had Muslims you had Jews that lived in peace when the Crusaders took those lands not only did they Massacre and slaughter Muslims and Christians they even killed other Christians the rape and plum is that happened with Crusaders it's a fact go look it up in your history books right so Islam is not what was spread by the sword it cannot be another fictional notion that we hear his Muhammad's Allah Allah Allah promoted violence against women and this is really a strange notion because when we look at the actual historic documentation this is a reference from the book Sahih Muslim I've given the Arabic English book reference with the hadith number you can google it or you can go look it up in a library or you can ask me I'll bring you the book the wife of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Lawson is actually reported she's The Messenger of Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him never hit anything with his hand neither someone at his service nor a woman he never took vengeance upon anyone for the wrong that was done to him historically the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him never ever ever raised his hand against a wife or daughter a woman a child a servant none of them this is history so how can you bring forth fiction when there's no authority documentation John Esposito hope I pronounced it right anyway who is a professor of international affairs and Islamic Studies at Georgetown University and a Catholic he's not a Muslim again to show that this is not a Muslim bias he says note Muhammad's respect for and protection of women he said Mohammed said Sal Allah Allah the best of you is the one who is best towards his wife like the best Muslim is the one that treats his wife the best he said Muhammad's wife Aisha narrator Muhammad never had anyone serving him or any woman never physically struck anyone with his own hand neither Quran nor the hadith record Muhammad as ever mistreating or losing temper with the spouse even when he was unhappy or dissatisfied you can look up the reference as well I've given it here and that's what we say the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah Allah was a mercy towards mankind if we talk about animal rights a concept that would have been unheard of back then but the Prophet Muhammad SAW some told us about it in the authentic narration he told us indeed there is a divine reward your Lord Allah will reward you for kindness towards every act done towards a living thing whether it's an animal whether it's a human whether it's Muslim or not Muslim or a child or adult whenever you show kindness to any living thing you will be rewarded for it that's what the prophet mohammed salah son taught us if he saw any animal overloaded he would pull up the owner and say fear Allah in your treatment of animals and the famous hadith when he saw a camel that was overloaded he told the owner he told him he can't overburden your camel when he saw a person riding a cow or a bull he told him don't ride on it that's not what it's made for you're abusing that animal and these are things that imagine fourteen and a half centuries ago were brought he informed us that a wicked woman would be forgiven her sins and entered into paradise just because she gave water to a thirsty dog and the famous hadith about a woman who lived a wicked lifestyle but she will be forgiven why because she showed kindness to a dog and a woman would be doomed to hell for starving a cat and he for the punishment that she gave by locking up a cat not letting it go out and hunt and not feeding it and starving it to death she would be punished for it and these animal rights were brought by the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah Allah way way before PETA a glimpse into the life of the prophet mohammed salah salem he lived a normal life never wanting fame or wealth he lived very humble dwellings his house many times wouldn't have food to eat because he gave away that food to the needy all of this you can look up in the hadith literature that is there around the life of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah alone didn't even want to be a prophet mohammed salah salam when he was chosen for a prophethood he himself didn't want to be a prophet it was something that he was chosen for he was offered leadership wealth women to give up his call towards the truth when he came and started to call towards to heed towards one creator the pagan society of Arabia they offered him in the authentic narration they told him if you want women will marry you to the most beautiful women if you want wealth we will collect wealth from all the different tribes if you want leadership will point you the leader of all of creation all of the Arab just give up what you're calling towards he continued his call giving up all of the worldly treasures that everybody with the false message would have taken refused instead lived a life of humbleness and it never saw the luxuries of life after the Muslims had been granted victory now when we look at the victory of Mecca Mecca was the city of the prophets Allah Allah Allah he was he had to leave it and the people of Mecca the Quraysh his own people they were very harsh against him but when he was victorious he didn't take revenge he assured them nothing but forgiveness and that's in any history book you look at what Mecca in any history book and you will find there were no revenge killings after the grand after the Prophet became a leader towards the end of his life the authentic narration on what he says when I came to the house of the Prophet I saw him without even a bed laying on harsh palm tree leaves that left a print on his body the Prophet was living such a simple life Omar one of his companions he started to cry he said the kings of Rome and Persia are living in luxury and you are the Messenger of Allah you're living like this what did the Prophet SAW law some tell him he said won't you be satisfied that they enjoyed this world and we have the Hereafter so you see somebody who wasn't after wealth who wasn't after worldly he had this belief in a greater cause in a Hereafter a message of love of peace of reconciliation after being kicked out of their homes in Makkah and physically attacked and pelted with rocks and all of that when victory of Mattia came there was forgiveness what did the process alam say no one should be hurt and be careful to fulfill the rights of women make sure you take care of their substance and clothing and to live a life involved in kindness treat women well and be kind to them for they are partners in life and committed helpers these messages were unheard of at that time but this is a message of the prophet muhammed sallalahu lamb broth basic tenants of Islam and this is the last slide so don't worry we're almost done what do Muslims believe in five basic pillars there's a big belief system but this is basics the Shahada tane we believe there is only one God we believe the Prophet Muhammad is His Messenger we believe he's a slave of Allah he's a slave of his creator like the rest of us we don't worship the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him we respect him as a prophet and we believe in him just as much as we believe in every other prophet meaning we cannot say I believe in Muhammad peace be upon him but I don't believe in Jesus if you don't believe in Jesus the prophet of Allah you're not a Muslim I believe in Moses and Abraham all of them equally we believe in five time prayers' five silhouettes five prayers every day in the morning you wake up early morning you have fudger the as a mother I betcha five times each prayer by itself takes between five to six minutes or three minutes depending how fast or slow you pray and you have a gap of about two to three hours to pray it's very practical but what is the benefit in your daily life you get a reminder you may be stressed out about your grades I hope you are not kidding and if you're worried about your grades but then you know you pray and you realize you know what there's a greater cause I'm just gonna do my best and leave it to Allah you may be stressed out about finance or anything else you may be tempted to cheat or steal or do something wrong and then you go and pray and it kind of catches you write five daily prayers we believe in paying zakat unlike other religious traditions the cactus does not go to the church does not go to the mosque does not go to the Imam does not go to a prayer leader this goes directly to the poor and those that are in need those that are misaki ninya Tom those that are that are orphans and and those who can't meet their needs so 2.5% two and a half percent of a Muslims yearly wealth meaning that which you had saved for a year 2.5% of that goes to the needy to the poor so you don't just hoard well you share and those that are in need as a part of the daily Islamic practice we have the fasting which is done in the month of Ramadan which is one of the twelve Islamic lunar months it rotates in comparison to the solar calendar the gate goes by the lunar calendar and this is a month of fasting meaning from Sun break to sunset you don't eat drink or deal or engage in spousal relations you control your temper your tongue your backbiting all those other things that you shouldn't be doing anyway and it kind of reminds you of those that are needy around the world and that's why it's a month where a lot of people give charity and try to do food drives for the hungry because you feel that hunger that you may not regularly living in the first world that we do Hajj a pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime for those that are physically and financially able and it's a beautiful trip those of you that have been on it you know that you go with 3 to 4 million people from different backgrounds different ethnicities different languages dress the same simple garb which we call the Haram and you realize that those racial and titles and Gucci and Versace and all that stuff is all done away with because you're weighing a simple from eating the same places moving the same locations and it brings humanity together you go to where Abraham stood and you go to where Ishmael was and Hajj it hurts mother and others so you realize the connectivity between the earlier prophets and what we practice as Muslims today you
Channel: One Message Foundation
Views: 24,857
Rating: 4.9563761 out of 5
Keywords: Allah, Islam, Muhammad, Quran, Jesus, Bible, dawah, Is Bible word of God?, Islamic lectures, Islamic classes, Is there God?, Scientific Miracles in the Quran, what is the purpose of life?, San Diego, Balboa Park San Diego, Muslims, Bible studies, True Islam
Id: w5VC8IuxKUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 55sec (3055 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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