Clear Contradictions in the New Testament: Exciting debate - Christian man Vs Imam Uthman Ibn Farooq

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[Music] yeah chapter 24 yeah verse 8 jehovah chin was 18 years old when he became King and he reigned in Jerusalem for three months his mother's name was our style the daughter of so on yeah its division how old was he so here in 2 chronicles 36 9 Jehovah chain was 8 years old when he became king 3 in 3 months but he was 8 here and he was 18 there yeah this is the or the math is easy yeah you know a lot of people sometimes sometimes you show it to people excellent so let me show you a couple of I will challenge sure excellent you're challenging that there are mistakes in the Bible yes yes ok verifiable excellent right ok I'm glad we agree ok thank you yes yes would not have I agree with you mistakes well contradictions I agree with you 100% you are preaching to the choir I am totally in agreement with you yeah I got like what you're saying about the Quran yes you have those original scriptures mhm yeah but here's the thing sure in regard to the writings of the Bible yes the Old Testament is kind of a different thing because it was it was over 1,500 years ago I guess that it was and the scribes were very particular about writing it so but in the New Testament a lot of mistakes sure so let's look at the New Testament then yeah sure so when you look at the genealogy of Jesus right Jesus Christ right the son of David the son of Abraham okay so Abraham got Isaiah Isaiah got jacob jacob begat judas judas his brother so very boring exactly but if you look at the same but already it also has importance all right I'm not I'm just being sure okay so here Jesus all began a ministry about thirty years being aged the son of joseph the son of matthat the son of levi if you go down the genealogy here and I can give you this you can look at our minutes you will find from Matt Matthew Matthew okay actually you look right okay you find no there's a difference here between these two writers excellent what's the difference this is the Mary I thought was Jesus Joseph right this is Joseph [Music] so if you look at it here Mary is not anywhere too different Luke was talking about the lineage of I believe it is yeah big Anna's really and so forth was the son of Joseph and so forth and it's trying to show the line that Joseph was I believe I don't know exactly but this is a different one altogether but this also do different lineages but this also goes through Joseph to Jesus right I don't you got a Jo sir so so so so they're so that they're two different people okay talking about but not the same person not the same Jesus Jesus to Joseph okay so lineage it's not it's not Jesus okay although it's showing Jesus like his mother for example so Mary is not ended this is Joseph both of them please go ahead okay contradiction for that yes I believe there are so let me explain so let me show you so so forth for example people say Jesus the Son of God because of John 3:16 right god full of authority Senegal Ugandan okay so when you look in Exodus then you shall say to Pharaoh thus says the Lord Israel is my son my first one okay this is about Israel but how many sons of God have does it say that let me take a look okay he only has one okay let me just take a look at John 3:16 see this is that that's a whole different context so what's the context in Scripture one verse out of context what you're doing then is you're okay isogenic in other words you're making it up the way it suits you well not I took the real thing to do he is too exigent okay want me to do that with yes I was I read a verse there I would like to read the verses before so so do i yes I do the same thing and but but the question is you were just giving me there in totally different kind how is that if one is called the son of God and in the other the other is called the son of God how's the context different well I did I did I look at my Bible you think I haven't studied it right the issue that one okay because this is not saying the same this is not talking about the son of God let's read it together let's read it then you shall say to Pharaoh this is the Lord Israel is my son my firstborn that is talking about the son of God I mean unless I'm not understanding the English there properly well Israel okay Jesus had been born back here agreed so that means God had an earlier son before Jesus what does it mean okay right Israel the person that the nation of it'll named after right okay let me give you let me give you another verse let me give you this case well because the names of God there's a hundred of them millions maybe okay how do you know okay where are those hundred names from there all throughout the Bible okay I did not find that a hundred names the counselor the Prince of Peace remember in Isaiah princess pieces for Jesus right yeah okay not God Rama the father right that's right okay that was a sort of a prophetic thing right in Isaiah Isaiah was and he said his name shall be called counselor okay mighty God is referring to Jesus okay son the Psalms of David yeah they were to David right she says I will declare the die decree the Lord has said to me you are my son today I have begotten you exactly so there's David is also the son of God here begotten son so that's interesting that every verse that shows anybody else being son of God you said is prophetic but when it shows Jesus how did you make that distinction between the two verses John why can't we say the same thing about John 3:16 because by that time Jesus was born explain let me explain something so what's your boy sure I was just an John 3:16 says for God so loved the world yes I mean you asked my opinion or I mean I believe I believe John is well and I don't know who John is he's not a parcel for sure if you look up the googoo belly when you go home the authorship of John Matthew Luke is not the actual apostles there are about 70 years after the time of Jesus look at are you doing feel free it's all free 90 80 okay so 90 years after these people the reason a good beginner book because these were people who actually were okay so let me ask you Matthew okay so let me just ask you something that okay you know either way otherwise we could say I like listen so Matthew was one of the cyclists correct John was one of the disciples asking me are you telling me no well I'm asking I do not I believe there wasn't Matthew that was a disciple well he's not the author of this when you go home so let's do this when you go home I can show you now if you'd like to show some research on this let's go to Wikipedia and look at authorship here how's that okay so John right okay so mrs. Ness because that the Gospel writers were people who lived with Jesus at the time he was on the face of the earth okay somewhere between Jesus age of 30 and 33 okay so Wikipedia Gospel of John or Wikipedia yeah Google Google did yeah so where would we go back to find out the authorship but the book doesn't mention I mean that that's just a name given right but here if you look at it you will find references that the authorship the identifies as an unnamed disciple right the source edition the author authorship is anonymous the work is okay not of that look at this is this is the actual book right written by the author Burkett and he doesn't know so let's go back to the Bible I just I'm saying that there's a printed book here that does showed that the authorship is anonymous can you bring me some research can you bring me some logical please where do I find that so that's what I'm saying can you make a claim like I make a claim I at least gave you a reference right can you show me a references okay so do you have any references that is it by an author that is willing to say it's anonymous yes so that's worse so let's go here and look at this chapter 20 in John now on the first day of the week yes Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early while it was still dark and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb okay okay let me ask you okay in Luke now on the first day of the week very early in the morning they they and a certain other woman of them came to the tomb bringing spices which they had prepared but they found the stone rolled away from the earth and then they went in and did not find the body of Lord Jesus and it happened as they were greatly prospective out this and that and behold two men stood by the shining garments okay yeah now in matthew now the sabbath as the first day of the week yes first day here first day here right yes okay of the week began to dawn Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb and behold there was a great earthquake as for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat on it all three have different narrations one mentioned that it was already strolled away but differently there's an angel mention here who rolled they're different so let's look at this one mentions that it had begun to dawn where is no longer dark and the other mentions that it was still dark okay one mentions that an angel of the Lord came from heaven and draw back the stone in front of Mary Magdalene the other mentioned that it had already been rolled away those are differences those are contradictions those cannot both be true either the stone wasn't rolled when she got there okay so no I agree good we came to agreement again and behold there was a great earthquake and so this is what happened okay and Joe came so the storm was still there when Mary got there then verse only says that they came to see the tomb keep going right keep going and then he was a great earthquake Brian for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat on it no where is Mary on that this is her or you tell me this was her account right the stone is still there because the angel comes after that right here on the first day of the week early in the morning what does it say there was a big earthquake for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat on it but can't you see that in the first verse is saying merely that they were coming to the tomb you were just telling me to look at context and look at the verse before now right so the context is she came with another woman and an angel came that's what it said an earthquake happened and an angel came and the angel roll back the rock and sat on it and that's telling us information right but when you look at when it does because here it says early in the morning to assert another way with them came to the tomb bringing spices but they found the stone rolled away already this is different from the first accounts no it says the angel came and rolled the stone okay right and when they got there they saw it I felt the earthquake they saw the angel well what does it say it says and behold when they got there behold there was a great earthquake I'm just reading I I'm honestly just reading that's all I'm doing is trying to read the verse they still free no no I'm reading exactly what the text says no you're not you are saying that that this business equates verse is information about the fact that women came to the right and and in controverse and behold and behold so I mean meaning this is a continuation and but but but I'm just trying to understand before you go on to a fruitless discussion where it has an and that means it's a continuation of the first verse right so who who's reporting this writing was Matthew there I believe if you ask me it was not there so long this information they told the women did the women excellent the women are the one speaking here Matthew wrote it down okay they're the one that brought this information so they saw the angel then because this is here angels on the roll back to stone so how did the women know that angel came and moved the rock where did they get that information from I'm asking a question that's a question service okay I'm gonna go ahead I'm listening I have done that the thing is this is a write-up of what happened in the case of the women who went to the to Jenny came there they didn't made a discovery okay they didn't say anywhere it doesn't say anywhere in scripture that I know of that the women saw the angel role was thrown away it doesn't say that anywhere you find it okay let me ask you that I listen to you right anything else you want to say a little quick I always Excel so here this information of the angel coming and the earthquake where did this him from if they didn't see it where did they get it from this when I read this just reading now now after the Sabbath as the first day of the week began to dawn Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb and behold she see it's connected it's you have to look at it first first if they came and I finished you see you see you're dropping me now you're interrupting me now when I correct you then it's interruption but if you correct me is not interruption okay can I finish what I'm saying then okay so here it's not because I'm trying to show you coloration now after Sabbath they came to the tomb and behold and behold connects it that this happened after the first there was a great earthquake for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat on it if you are correct this is the eyewitness accounts of Mary and the other woman that is being told to Matthew then this and this here where it says when they came to bring they found the stone already rolled away is a clear contradiction I rest my case that there is a clear contradiction I just said there's a clear contradiction to that exactly what you're saying no okay okay the events go like this okay go ahead I'm gonna in the context okay okay several women came to the tomb tell me the events they wanted to go see the Lord Jesus see if he has risen right no okay what do they want to do Falls what do they want to do they came for one purpose only and that is to put spices on the on the body and just preserve it more that was customary okay okay so they wanted to see Jesus body and that's why will the stone there or not when they got there but this says that when no no - what did the angel come and roll it away and sit on it and Matthew right but this says that when they came they found the stone rolled away from your tuna exactly that contradicts Matthew right and Matthew they see the angel comic I can understand why you can't really a contradiction okay let me let me let me again show you in Matthew it says and behold the women are telling Matthew there was a great earthquake yeah and for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and then rolled away the stone but here it's saying the stone was already rolled away no he'd see that angel came and rolled it away after they got there it was not already rolled away it's right there see what I'm saying yes you need you now in front of me okay here's how you did it okay you said see the ladies came to the tomb mm-hmm and behold and there was a great earthquake and there at the Joker all the way stone no it's an a nice angel for an angel the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat on it it's right there I know but you said in your own word right that the the women saw this because reporting it how would they be reporting if they didn't see it I'm asking the questions I'm appreciate that I amazing let me let me ask you something if I tell you that I got to the ballpark and ice or I got to the ballpark this brother he walked away went to his car does that not mean that that happened after I got to Balboa Park that when I got there he was so there he's still here yes he would be here but if I said I got to Balboa Park and he walked away to his car that means when I got here he was here then he walked away so when they said they came right and a great earthquake happened and an angel came down and rolled back the stone that means that they're reporting this after the first verse after getting there in the other verses they're saying they got there if I said I got to Balboa Park and Omar wasn't there that's a contradiction those are two different scenarios either the role stone was there and they saw the angel and they reported that or it was already gone I think that's pretty clear I appreciate your time no I don't and please do good I'm not pleased I'd like to see how we will do it okay it's possible so what am i doing and then you're into it know what I'm just reading it but don't tell me what I'm doing that I'm not doing it right I'm telling you understand the context okay yes and you're going to read into that text what you wanted to say because you've got your own bias on it and you just proved it to me because you said oh here was the women they came to the gym then you looked at verse number two yes which is simply more information it's not let me explain let me explain let me explain it a third time though okay let me explain again let me explain it again okay let me explain it again the women are the ones reporting this right well earlier you said earlier you said the women are the ones reporting it to Matthew and Matthew wrote it down what I would say whose account was he there at the grave did Matthew to the Angels okay so who reported the witness right who's the witness here in this verse who's the witness I'm sorry who's the witness reporting to Matthew in these verses excellent so now really I'm sorry I'm sorry can you just give me one second now one second I want to finish okay okay Peter ran to the tomb once the women told them that's not in this horse so now you've said it can i but that's not here right here and these verses not Peter speaking this is not Peter speaking in these verses this is the information okay so what I'm saying is you said the eyewitness here who's reporting are the women so the women are reporting the angel coming down that means they saw excellent thank you perfect so they witnessed the angel then that's what they're reporting you just said that you just said they're the ones reporting it right this is okay thank you very much for your time then Thanks I mean I'd like to help you you're not to be honestly because they're just no no it's not it's not at Ellison listen you saw right there that Mary with the witness she's the one reporting it and they and behold and behold the great earthquake who's the witness there we're giving that information from where from where everybody knew it at that time everybody saw the angel come down and move the rock and sit on it whatever I'm not reading into it you know you're not making correct statements you are taking a verse clearly from the Mary and the woman that was with her and trying to take them out of the picture because you know I'm not you know I know English well excellent so if I say oh so I buy from grade school on you don't make mistakes ever in English so you could make a mistake how you doing yes thank you very much good day to you sir have a put-on read it if you have some if you can find something to discuss I'm more than willing to do it yeah sure I mean you can take any one of these I mean this is kind of a pretty basic one yeah I mean you want to get like a little okay because I talked to lots of other people who have no religion as well sure which is different than yours thank you okay if you have any questions all right have a good one thank you I talk to Mormons excellent it's all free if you guys want them to and they come up with different ideas than you okay okay okay thank you yes good - sure you can is there more I'll get you one more there you go these are these are really good beginning books - if you want it they're all free so I mean if you want to take one kind of get a little intro it's good all right but take the whole thing I mean we're pleased about women's rights I mean I want to get you know all right if you want to get it online just go to for uncom there's a website - all right have a good one if you have any questions feel free to come back thank you have a good day thank you and I do that is true I try never to make false statements right back when I say with actual text thank you I said I try never to make pasta so let me correct the record then the record is that the verse is clearly a report from Mary and it has a connecting if you knew English you know that when you have a and that comes after a sentence it connects the earlier the next right so okay then you need to go back to scammer school we can do some educating there so if there's a different witness then that name has to be brought forward right if I if I say that this guy came and he told me that there's there's a party going on and he told me that there's a car coming that means he gave me those two pieces of information you cannot say oh I don't know who boo said about the car no because I mention him as a witness and when I put and right so here it's the exact same way let me let me read it again because apparently all right but there's an an to connect them now after the Sabbath of the first day of the week began to dawn Mary Magdalene and the other women came to the tomb and behold and behold there was a great let me ask you okay she's a non-biased observer so don't say anything I want to let me ask you okay here it says on don't say anything I'm not saying we're just reading the verse okay I'm sure she speaks English right okay now after the Sabbath as the first day of the week began to dawn Mary Magdalene and the other women came to see the tomb and behold there was a great earthquake as an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sat on it who's giving this information right so who's the one giving that toast when they came who's the one that came is Mary Magdalene right another woman so they are giving this information and behold there was a earthquake right an angel came right Mary is giving that information right okay no just I just asked her joy didn't I did not I just asked her who's giving information now here now on the first day of the week and early in the morning they came to the with other women with them to the tomb to bring spices which said prepared but they found the stone rolled away from the tomb so in the first verse in the first verse earthquake captain angel came rolled the stone and sat on it and the second when they came was already gone right thank you she just no that was not the same right because one of them the angel came the other one there was no angel was already rolled back when they came right there was a difference there was a difference she's right you know let it go let it go bro shall not be punished for he is his property do you believe in that I don't you read my laws because I'm now in what we call the age of grace what are you doing feel free so you believe that God at one time ordained that you can beat your slave to death if he'll stays alive for two days you're not punished you do believe there was a time the same God the same God that you believe in in the Bible you believe in sent down this commandment right prophets he had people kill babies killed and all that and you believe in that guy I do I believe in it if you don't believe I believe that God did that so God ordered the killing of infants you believe in that when you say do I believe in do you believe that's a just God that orders the killing of innocent infants and nursing children yes you believe that's a just God I don't I don't believe God calling I believe the Quran shows I'm telling it can I finish and you ask the question I'm telling you I believe that I'm right because the Quran the final version with no contradictions no typos nor no errors tells us you cannot kill innocent children but I don't believe God ever called for killing and Finch infants I don't believe God ever called for killing infants as you find in the Old Testament I don't believe God because that's not a just God no it's not a record it's corrupted thank you you
Channel: One Message Foundation
Views: 208,897
Rating: 4.869391 out of 5
Keywords: Allah, Islam, Muhammad, Quran, Jesus, Bible, Is Bible word of God?, Is there God?, Bible studies, Clear Contradictions in the New Testament
Id: vBpooFgIUeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 42sec (2142 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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