Is the Alpha Legion actually Loyalist? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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i am alfarious g'day guys and gal the alpha legion are by far the most cooked and difficult legion to understand they have well two primarks and they're simultaneously the weakest and strongest legion at the same time and i don't even think they know which side they're actually on but i do and by the end of this video so will you now i did touch on this subject some time ago when we covered the alpha legion but that video focused more on understanding their general law and we didn't get to deep dive into the topic as much as we needed to to get a definitive answer on top of that the alfaria's book recently dropped which has cleared up a lot of the maybes that were occurring in the alpha legion however as it was an alpha legion book it also brought up a few more questions and it doesn't help that halfway through the book alpharest is like by the way i'm lying about everything or am i thanks for making my job harder alfarious yeah [ __ ] before we turn our brains into spaghett trying to unravel this mystery i have something exciting to share when i launched the magical minis you guys were like thanks major kill these are very cool very based but nobody plays elder or chaos major kill you [ __ ] and i was like yeah no [ __ ] i'm a dumbass and so right now the magic girl chaplain is live and ready for sale this is the best model i've had made to date and here's the perfect proxy for any loyalist army or chapter he's also only 30 australian dollars which puts him at half the price of the uh alternative if you guys have been wondering where timmy is he was recently decapitated and his skull has been used for the chaplain's battle acceptor on top of this i'm announcing competition whoever paints the best magic kill mini can be any of them will get either 200 credit to the major kill store or 100 on the gw website i have a bunch of new and very exciting models coming so that 200 credit could be some serious sex once these drop the competition will also have a special prize for the most interesting paint job as well as the spiciest kit bash for example the previous paint jobs this would win best paint job this would win the most interesting paint job and this would win the spiciest kit bash you know because he's riding a freaking dragon so yeah pick up your magical mini today or just whenever and get painting the competition will run for a while because you know delivery times and you know nurgles were kind of slowing down the planes a bit but yeah so yeah plenty of time don't feel rushed oh yeah and just for the hell of it i dropped the price of the magikill terminator lord and the space elf deathlord i've been scouring my brain books and the internet to find the times that the alpha legion did something that either directly or indirectly benefited the imperium in a way to show that overall they could indeed be loyalist obviously things are complicated by the fact that the alpha legion joined up with the traders during the horus heresy and there are some very uh not loyalist alpha legionnaires lurking about but by the end of this video you will see that the alpha legion or at least the core of it can be considered loyalist even if the alpha legion themselves don't know it there will be spoilers in this video for the new alpharius book but every lore video is full of [ __ ] spoilers so deal with it let's get into it so i'm going to assume that you know a bit about the alpha legion and you've seen my video if not then watch this one then go watch that one then come back and watch this one again preferably without adblock the biggest thing cleared up by the new nefarious book was he and his twin brother amigan's origin story previously they had like five origin stories and we couldn't tell which one was real and which one was false well it turns out they're all real because of course they are when the primarks were yeted into the warp alpharius remained behind with the emperor while so megan got flung away as such a pharise was raced directly by the emperor and malcador whilst amigon got sent off to be some hentai monster's play thing raf afaris would be taught the art of being a sneaky [ __ ] by malcador and he got extremely arrogant despite being super intelligent he even did an assassination attempt on the emperor for a laugh prompting valdor to create the blood games to help the custodians defend the emperor better alphyrus was given the alpha legion and basically told to be stealthy and weaken star systems for the other legions to easily clean up all the while alpharest would attend their meeting of each of the primocks in disguise as a normal space marine because he was short him being short not to mention bold is probably where his [ __ ] arrogant attitude comes from short man syndrome is a hell of a thing eventually alvarez discovers the monster hentai planet and he finds a migon and teams up with him and they go on a rampage and they destroy said hentai monsters hence fulfilling another one of alfarias's origin stories when they unite they believe that the existence of a megon is completely secret to everyone including the emperor as we know since the emperor had an amigan piece on his 4d future telling chess game he played with malcador he obviously knew a megan existed and it was just mega arrogant on alfaros's part believing that he was able to keep a secret from the big e now here is the super duper mind-bogglingly confusing part which turns everyone's brains into spaghetti so listen closely alfaris told amigon to go attack horus for the laughs as a way of introducing himself and properly meeting horus amigan did this but he did this with the name alpharius this was the official reveal of the alpha legion primax to the rest of the galaxy and it's where the alfaria's book kind of starts and ends now the confusing part of this is that it's not clearly stated if from then on omegan remained as alfarious and alfaros took on the name of megon if this is the case then a megan died to dawn during the horus heresy and not our farias hence to honor amigon who was posing as alfarius alfarius who was posing as a migon changed his name to our farias my brain hurt just [ __ ] saying that this also messes with the theory that a megon is the loyalist twin while salvaros is the traitor one if a megan was the one that died however if the original alpharius was actually the loyalist one all along and he kept the name of megon then it would be the original amigon who was the traitorous one and was killed by dorne this is supported by the fact that when dawn fought and killed who he thought was alfarious that alpharius was using the weapon and armor that was unique to amigon however this theory can be debunked by saying that alfaria simply borrowed a megan's gear for the fight as the gear was really [ __ ] good the reality is though it doesn't matter if alfaro sir amigan died on pluto against dorne the surviving brother withdrew his forces from the siege of terror and assumed the role of a subtle loyalist whether it be alfaris changing his mind or amigon continuing his plan before we get any further with that head [ __ ] let's look at why the alpha legion went trader in the first place after all both al-faris and amigon didn't want a bar of chaos basically when the horus heresy broke out a group of xenos called the cabal met with al faris and they told him he had two options option one join the emperor fight horus and score a pyrrhic victory for the emperor then watches over the course of ten thousand years the imperium decays and turns into a playground for chaos or option two join horus kill the emperor and allow chaos to win resulting in cows going nuts and genociding humanity this would drive humanity extinct but it would also starve chaos to death hence allowing the remaining xenos of the galaxy to live in a paradise free of chaos and humans alvarez and his arrogance believe that the emperor's number one goal is to defeat chaos at all costs hence he chose option 2. omegan wasn't keen on this but alpharest was the dominant brother as zafaris was the original leader of the alpha legion so amigon couldn't just straight up say no instead a megan opted for a secret third option play both sides hence invalidating the cabal's prophecy and carving a new yet unknown path for mankind as such while salvaris and the alpha legion joined horus and began causing big problems for the imperium a megon and a small amount of the alpha legion begun to subtly help the imperium and sabotage the traders both brothers considered themselves to be loyalist as they were both doing what they thought the emperor would have wanted and what was best for humanity now the poor alpha legionnaires didn't get the memo they were just told that they were now against the imperium and to follow alfarous's lead hence the majority of the alpha legion became genuinely traitorous with some even falling to chaos this is where a lot of the confusion comes from both primarks claim to be loyal one of them actually is and most of their sons are not as alpharius was raised by the emperor and malcador he may have arrogantly believed that he knew the emperor's deep desires i.e the destruction of chaos above all else better than anyone when in reality the emperor craved the survival of mankind above all else now let's look at some sneaky loyalist [ __ ] that a megan did during the horus heresy when the white scars were wondering what the [ __ ] was going on and who was bad or good the alpha legion fleet approached the white sky's fleet instead of trying to trick jager into joining horus or delaying him the alpha legion instead blockaded and antagonised the white scars making jager trust the messages from the loyalists over the traders and sparing him into action i think this was a deliberate move by amigon to push the khan into joining the emperor and making sure he was present for the siege of terror you've got to remember that a megan often pretended to be alpharius hence could order alpha legion marines around without fairies authority most alpha legionnaires were not even aware that they had two primarks when the perpetuals allenius and john traveled to earth during the siege of terror they were caught by some empress children but they were saved from being turned into cocaine by an alpha legionnaire claiming to be our farias now pretty much all of them claim to be alfarious but the point is that that marine was likely sent by amigon to ensure that these two characters would fulfill their role when al farias or maybe amigon attack the sol system prematurely and exploited the holes in its defenses they basically showed dorne where the weaknesses in his defenses were they probably didn't mean to die in the process but hey sometimes that's just how the cookie crumbles hence when they died and the alpha legion withdrew the surviving alpha legion primark you know could be our first could be amigon gave horus a map of the defenses that they exploited knowing that rogel would patch up the holes in those defenses hence the map that horus was given was really outdated and probably hurt the traitors more than having no map at all post siege of terror the alpha legion were the only legion that did not retreat to the eye of terror but instead went to some dark secret zones of the galaxy this was our pharisees you know or maybe on megon's way of keeping his marines away from the corruption of chaos despite this the alpha legion is mostly broken up and is now a bunch of roving warbands some are loyalists others are sucking from the chaos tit and there are a few that are just having a chill regardless of their attitude all are pawns for alfarius or maybe omegon to play with even to this day the alpha legion are doing weird [ __ ] that indirectly helps the imperium for example it was an alpha legion attack at vrax which triggered the huge military response and the legendary siege of rex to begin if the alpha legion didn't do a random very uncharacteristic attack of them the imperium wouldn't have known that rax was going to be such a big issue and it would have ended way worse for the imperium so to summarize because i'm starting to confuse myself both primarks had good intentions but due to the recent alpharius novel we don't know for sure who lived and who died it could have been a megon that was killed by dawn as a megan was trying to test and help dawn improve his defenses of the soul system or it could have been alfarious like the previous law suggested the legion as a whole are not aware that they had two primarks or that they were secretly loyalist hence majority of the alpha legion space marines are genuine traders despite this the alpha legion is still often manipulated by the surviving alpha legion primark into helping the imperium you know such as the raks example after a lot of thought my money is on the original alpharius being the one that remained loyalist and performed option three hence invalidated the cabal's prophecy i believed this as a megan was more brutal than alfarious and a megan was also not raised by the emperor and maucadore and may not have even met them hence why would it give such a big [ __ ] the final bit of evidence that points towards this is that the scaly armor and spicy spear we see our farias models and artwork use was actually unique to a megon and had zeno origins that was the spear and armor that the alpha legend primark who was killed by dawn was wearing at the time alfaros genuinely wore pretty plain power armor that the emperor gave him because it helped him blend in i could honestly talk about this subject for hours i find it so interesting yo adept is ridiculous hit me up and we can jerk off over some alpha legion law for an hour on your podcast to really do this topic justice there needs to be a genuine long discussion or even hot debate about it if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where only one dollar per month give you access to a boatload of warhammer hentai also once again be sure to pick up a major kill mini if you want to enter in the competition or just beef up your army hit the subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more confusing content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace you
Channel: Majorkill
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, Superanchors, mad, angry, why, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpha Legion, Alpharius, Twist, book
Id: ujpQ2Xt4G48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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