Talos Valcoran - The Soul Hunter : A Night Lord Worth Talking About | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal it's no secret that I find chaos to be a bit one-dimensional and not super interesting like every single chaotic character was way more Dynamic compelling and enjoyable to read about before they decided to sell their soul to the forces of Hell Khan was a nuanced man of honor and integrity been horrified by sigismund's transformation into a cold ruthless killer now he's just like blood for the blood God I'm gonna kill you there is about a hundred more examples of characters just like this however by large the night Lords especially Talos remain just as interesting if not more so than their pre-heresy counterparts with their attitude towards the Imperium Justified their complicated relationship with chaos interesting and some of them even having moments of regret about how things have played out wishing they could take it all back and once again bask in the glory of the great Crusade basically this is how Trader Marines should be and if they were maybe I'd start giving a [ __ ] about them either way Telus is a legendary character and someone worth talking about so so much so that I actually had the thumbnail of this video commissioned just for this video showing off talos's most legendary moment as he faced down janzar before we get started the first of Feb is the official end date for the major minis painting competition I have been completely blown away by the response to this and received hundreds of submissions ranging from literal dog [ __ ] all the way to Gold demon winner tier which you know makes sense after all there is a ten thousand dollar prize pool we've also finally got our first paint jobs of RA the Golden Sun coming through fun fact did you know that Ra was actually inspired by and based on imperius from Diablo just look at his helmet and shoulder plate the range has gotten quite big and has a model for most factions now so definitely worth having a look and browse to see if anything tickles your pickle worldwide shipping for only ten dollars free shipping for orders over a hundred dollars and if you order and paint your model by the 1st of Feb you could win some serious Dosh I just really really want to see one of you guys give that space off Demon Hunter a go by far one of the most detailed models we've released to date and easily one of my favorites remember to submit your mini photos either email me at Major kill major minis.com or just submit it on the website today we'll go over the law of Talos valcourin to show what a well-written compelling traitor of studies looks like Talos remains a master class in creating a bad guy that I hope the other GW writers eventually learn from let's get into it the night Lords were the black sheep of the family their methods of War were distasteful Conrad curse was an [ __ ] and widely disliked these brothers and the legion had gone Rogue even before the start of the Horus heresy they also have easily one of the most justified reasons for betraying the Imperium out of all the legions Talus was born on Nostromo being chosen on that corrupted World due to his Supreme intelligence and the help of his physically powerful and skilled best friend zal whilst both kids were Little Rascals that like to stir up [ __ ] they weren't one of the hardcore criminals that Nostromo kept sending to the legion poisoning its overall culture as such Talus made a great night Lord and was personally favored by his Primark and given the title of soul Hunter something that sounds badass but turned out to be a bit of a secret joke that Conrad only told Telus about when the punchline was about to hit unlike the modern Talos a vicious Warrior and respected leader the old Talos was an apothecary the Healer for the night Lord's 10th company he willingly followed his Primark and joined the Traders cause at the outbreak of the Horus heresy a because he was a massive simp for his daddy and B he actually agreed with the reasonings for telling the emperor to get [ __ ] see the night Lords were distasteful and vicious however they were wildly effective what is the greater evil invading a world bombing its cities into Dustin and killing 75 of its population over six months or kidnapping the Royal Family's children then live streaming them getting tortured mutilated and flayed alive to the world's population causing the world to surrender objectively torturing children is the way better option no massive infrastructure getting destroyed no life wasting Wars so despite low amounts of death and suffering the nylons were shunned and insulted by the other Legions even though the emperor created them for this method of War even the emperor eventually turned his back on them when Conrad had a vision of the Horus heresy and tried to warn his brothers he was insulted and abused for suggesting the possibility of such things the nightlords also felt [ __ ] about the fact that after all the words they had brought into the imperium's fold they were being sidelined and looked down on so they were like [ __ ] you then and declare for horror us Taos was actually one of the few nightlords who were present at the siege of Terror this is interesting as by this point Conrad hated the trade Allegiance almost as much as he hated the Loyalists due to them all bending over and getting raw doctored by chaos he saw chaos as a weakness a new master that made pawns out of its servants so he took the majority of his Legion to sagwelsa to create a fortress there however Talus believed in his interpretation of the Trader's cause so he went to Terror with his 10th company and what do you know a shitload of them died with a few survivors limping back to segwellsa his straight talking attitude nobility and conviction made him a standout night Lord one of the very very few Conrad actually liked as by this point the majority of the Legion had been chosen from the strongest stock on Nostromo which meant it had been chosen from murderers rapists and other unsavory criminals this is why Conrad blew Nostromo up so that he could try stem the tide of [ __ ] aspirants but it was too little too late by then Conrad would continuously call Talos soul Hunter which his Legion buddies were jealous of because cool edgy nickname games given by primarks were a massive Vibe however as Conrad Loki performed suicide by allowing a caledus assassin to cut his head off he told Talus what the nickname actually meant Talos would hunt One Soul above all lovers he would defy his primark's final order to hunt this one's soul and he was right despite Conrad telling his Legion to leave the Assassin alone and allow her to peacefully leave after killing him Talos pursued cornered fought and then killed the Assassin a very impressive feat considering Imperial assassins are generally considered to be significantly more powerful than the studies just look at the [ __ ] ever saw with Conrad dead the legion begun to fracture and then shattered when the ultramarines attacked segwessa and the night Lords ran for their lives Talos decided to remain with the 10th company under the leadership of Android an honorable Warrior who was a god-tier shitmaster however van dude had made a deal with the devil allowing himself to be possessed by a demon in order to increase his power however the demon was able to dominate his will and take control becoming the exalted Telus was still a loyal guy and he had sworn Oaths to vandroid so whilst he loathed what his Lord had become he still followed his orders at a similar time one of his Squad mates uzas had begun falling to corn and would start frothing and chanting cornight battle Christ before a combat operation this would result in Talus punching him in the face and telling him to shut the [ __ ] up Talos hated chaos he saw it as a weakness not a strength a tool to be used sure but not something to sell your soul for other than the exalted the 10th company was quite free of corruption with their ship the Covenant of blood being one of the least corrupted Trader ships around Talos wasn't just special because he was a cool dude with a strong moral code his Jean seed had evolved and mutated giving him Vision similar to that of his Primark now unfortunately these Visions were complete Agony for Talos and he had accidentally killed fellow nightlords during them he would seize you really hard for days on end seeing Futures that would help the 10th company at the cost of his own health as such he was revered as a prophet and even as the heir to the night Haunter due to their shared ability However unfortunately for Talos his body actually wasn't compatible with the gene seed each Vision seizure brought him closer to death if his Jean seed was placed in a more suitable host then they could have endless Visions with no downside but for Talos he would pop a hemorrhoid and [ __ ] blood for each snippet of the future Talus was the opposite of a kiss ass when he met abadon he thought the war master was a little [ __ ] and he rejected his request for Talus to join the black Legion so avadon shot him and literally threw his soul to the cows Gods to try corrupt him [ __ ] like this is why I don't like Abaddon however despite being faced off with a sliver of each chaos God Talus rejected each and all of them nogal and corn weren't really that interested but slanesh and titsnich gave you solo red hot crack Talus would simply brush them off and return to the 10th company he was also a surprisingly wholesome dude he treated his mortal servants with respect killing a fellow nightlord because that night Lord once killed one of his servants I wouldn't say he was nice to them though harsh but fair for example he told his servant Septimus not to [ __ ] his other servant a female Navigator called Octavia however Septimus did end up [ __ ] Octavia and he impregnated her so tell us beat the ever living [ __ ] out of Septimus breaking multiple of his bones as punishment and you know fair enough before talus's death which I'll get to because it was wildly badass he actually freed his servants from their Oaths to him meaning they were one of the very few mortal members of the 10th company to survive the other 50 000 or so died eventually vandrid was able to retake control of his body from the demon and he sacrificed his life to save Talos leading to Talos taking command of the remains of 10th company he returned to Sag wellsa to find a human population there which he used to remind us that despite him having a strong sense of justice nobility and honesty he is still a very evil man the world's population were viciously hunted tortured and genocided in order to send the Imperium a message that they wouldn't forget however something unexpected happened the Elder Crawford ufway sent gen Zar and a small force of elite Elder to wipe out the 10th company see they had had a vision that a legendary nightlord Prophet would bring pain and doom upon their craft world so they decided to kill him before that could happen the 10th company made their last stand and was slaughtered one by one by janzar eventually the entire warband was either dead or incapacitated all except for Talos and maokarion but you know he doesn't count Talos was outclassed outmatched and doomed yet he did not waver or back down taking on the Phoenix Lord and putting up a decent fight before losing however even when janzar got chased off by a gunship flown by talos's servants who would come back to save their ex-master on their own volition Talos refused to be saved telling them that he had to kill janza no matter what and kill her he did he saw was broken his armor compromised and he had literally no chance about classing air on the next encounter a few minutes later she easily fatally stabbed him before he was like lamou you've activated my trap card and G hudded her tits off with an explosive device he was holding ending the life of the legendary soul Hunter but also beating a phoenix Lord his ginsen would survive however eventually being planted in a new night Lord who had none of the compatibility issues of Talos meaning there is now a god-tier farsier nightlord who is currently in the process of uniting the night Lords back into a legion their first Target Crawford uthway talk about a self-fulfilled prophecy now Talos is on a legend because he slew Imperial heroes or was the imperium's arch nemesis on the scale of things he didn't actually achieve much and his death was unremarked by all other than a few night Lords however it was his character that made him so compelling post heresy Talos is the same if not better than pre-heresy a man driven to do what he thinks is Justin right a harsh leader but a fair one if more traitorous studies were like Talos and his 10th company they would be an insanely compelling faction not just a bunch of Hypocrites who drank the chaos Kool-Aid I highly recommend you guys read the nightlords trilogy it's all about Talos and is the first bit of 40K law that made me actually start liking the trade Allegiance I've more or less skimmed over three books worth of lore in this video so if you enjoyed this then you know where to go for further reading if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up a major mini this is the last chance to be able to Auto receive paint and submit a photo of your mini so don't delay there is even a lot of the night model if this video inspired something within you hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more compelling content join the Discord for memes and I'll see you on the next one peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 288,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: s0JU6vP9gJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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