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[Music] welcome everyone to another episode of the adeptus ridiculous podcast i'm dk diamantes blah blah you know the intro bricky's gonna teach us all about the most ridiculous things in warhammer 40k and today i imagine it is going to be very very ridiculous because this is a landmark episode but before we get into that if you enjoyed today's podcast consider supporting us over at adeptus ridiculous where you can get access to our discord bloopers if they happen some real fine art posters i will leave it up to your imagination but fine art is but uh the next poster is um i believe it's littara syrin abs so fantastic consider supporting the patreon adept it's ridiculous at bricky merch and uh tell us about today's episode and how fantastic it's gonna be well i'm glad you were a little bit more subtle about the the posters this time around if you want to get merch uh both the t-shirt and hoodie and doge van dyer stickers i think we're actually running low on those uh you should check it out over at or in the description that just ridiculous also free shipping if you spend over 75 bucks in the u.s sorry british but uh i was gonna give you the discount but only if you won your football game unfortunately damn you're gonna do them like that dude i could not give a [ __ ] about football when your favorite hockey team loses i'll make fun of you too oh everyone i believe in prejudice equality oh my favorite hockey team already lost in the stanley cup finals so that's why you have to be a raiders fan how can you ever be disappointed i i actually you say that but i i am a raiders fan uh are you constantly disappointed oh absolutely that's that's well then you never have to worry about it that's the raider way really that's that's how it goes so there's a lot there's a lot of warhammer has a very large contingent of british fans and so i like to make them angry about their their football kicking ah of course it's just it's just enjoyable to me okay because it's because i'm a a petulant man child just call me percharavo you're gonna get so much hate for that man ah whatever i'm it's not like they they can't bully conrad any more than they than they have i i would join in i would join in with you on the perch robbo stuff but i don't i don't know anything about him so sorry well let me tell you something else you don't know anything about the alpha legion oh does anybody know anything about the alpha legion i do now hey so all right the alpha legion this has been a long time coming um okay so the alpha legion uh okay so in order for preparation for this episode i researched the alpha legion and then i read alfarius head of the hydra the book right now i cannot imagine anyone had a grasp on [ __ ] anything alpha legion before this book came out because when i researched the alpha legion i had no idea what the [ __ ] was happening yup i had no clue what was what i had no idea what in in god's name if they were loyalists if they're not uh which one if it was offerious or if it was omegon if it was pepe or if it was sylvia i had no idea what the [ __ ] was going on the book has helped me out immensely in the realm of the primark okay it did not help me out a whole lot with the legion okay the only thing i know about the alpha legion is everybody keeps making the meme um i'm alfarious right that's that's the only thing i know and that they might be not chaos and they might be sleeper cell agents but that's a lot of rumor mill not really confirmed shenanigans so [Music] yeah so so there are a couple memes that warham because warhammer fans are are literally like s tier at beating dead horses there's a couple memes that they're they're v they won't let die uh kriegs with krieg with shovels um because like the new krieg models got announced and they don't have like they're not hitting anyone with shovels they don't they don't [ __ ] do that it's a it's a meme or or ad mech [ __ ] toasters is their meme or and one of them is i am alfarious and that is okay because that is kinda the point okay okay let's just get to this is this is the primark episode on alfareus okay let's talk about that let's talk about alfarius okay all right so i am alfarious atharius the guy the voice actor of the books at alfarias but regardless it works out okay this is the 20th legion double x double x um double x the first legion was actually the dark angels which are which are uh not chaos another dead meme that they won't let die um but but you perpetrated even more with your lack of understanding yeah i didn't know i i knew i knew that blood angels were vampires so i was like oh yeah if a blood angel goes to chaos it's a dark angel i don't know dark ages so originally okay i'm gonna tell you i'm just gonna do if you were listening to this don't comment before the the episode's over oh wow way to get everybody to comment before the episode is over please don't do it um i'll make fun of your your football team again um so with affarius horus was out doing shenanigans he was out and about killing things he was being eventually he was forced to deal with an enemy fleet that had entered from some planet or whatever right right big old enemy fleet he engaged said enemy fleet and then as he was engaging the enemy fleet he ended up actually having an insurgent onto his ship the vengeful spirit right okay this insurgent jumped into a ship killed a couple people started then started attacking his uh terminator bodyguard and made his way all the way into the same throne room as horus oh but as he was fighting off his bodyguard horus yelled to like cease and then he looked at the person fighting him and immediately because primark he's like brother like we have finally found and it was alfarious okay alfarius is the last primark to be discovered and so without fairies finally being found in reality alvarius had actually ended up kind of uh working his way out of his homeworld creating his own like fleet getting his own group and that fleet was actually going out like causing problems and that's why horace was sent to deal with them and as a fairies made his way to the flagship like wait a minute yo brother like [ __ ] let's stop no we're shooting let's stop but hold up you're the last guy so alfareus was kind of just dropped into the world you know he was just kind of there he was arrived and as alfarious has like once he was found he was everything that normal would happen he was given his own legion of course of course the 28th legion and the bigger and more interesting part about alfarius is that he's actually a dual primark there's two of them oh there's alfarius and then there's omegon oh i didn't realize that was the thing that you could do they they are they are twins oh uh and then a picture shy posted see there's there's a dude behind him oh yeah there is a dude behind him oh that's creepy like she posted that picture earlier and i didn't see the dude behind him and now that i see it i'm like oh that's crazy it is often referred to the concept that the their souls are actually like halved and so they're twins and so when they're united they're actually more like one primark they're normally referred to as alfarious omegon instead of just alfarious or omega and they're alfarious omegon so if you managed to corner alfarius without uh omegon or whatever uh would it be significantly easier to fight him than like another primark um he's still pretty darn good but the two of them together make for a very potent fighting force right um i mean i don't know if alfarius would be able to 1v1 russ or like the lion but together oh abs i think absolutely because then it's basically two primarks sure yeah um alfarius is a bit shorter i think he's the smallest primark um he's a bit shorter than everyone else he's still a primark so what he's only eight feet tall instead of ten yeah he's a little small he's the smallest primark technically um but when given his legion and alfarius omegon uh together omegon was actually found by a world that had been taken over by a zenos race called the sloth or the sloth um which are which are [ __ ] disgusting i had never heard them before but they basically kind of like took him as like a hey what's this weird human thing poke book book and like [ __ ] with his head and stuff until he was eventually rescued by the emperor um because because you know he's like ah get the hands off of me for the zeno scum sure and blast them so the two of them are together they have their they have their group they have their legion the 20th the alpha legion and the alpha legion specializes massively in all the underground shenanigans we're talking we're talking assassinations sleeper cells sabotage uh like destruction or um deconstruction of infrastructure uh political plots coups espionage all the secret stuff in fact so much so that a lot of the alpha legion guys are actually a little bit taller i think they're the tallest marines i think salamanders are the biggest in general but the alpha legion guys are a bit taller okay and since halfarius and stuff are a bit shorter a lot of the times other alpha legion members will have their faces reconstructed to look like alfarius and act on his behalf which is why they're always saying i am alfarious that's the meme that's the meme okay they're like oh i'm going to destroy this base that the alpha legion are on i heard alfarius is there and it was just some dude saying he was alfarious i mean if you're a squad that's into like nefarious underground sort of espionage spy stuff i mean it kind of works i mean that's kind of probably what you want um i mean it's also pretty decent fear tactic because i was like oh my god elfarius destroyed you know two bases at the same time he's so amazing um yeah alfarious was over there and omegon was over there and then but we're getting reports of alfarius on the other side of the galaxy it's just it doesn't it doesn't work like often he'll go they'll send somebody to do dip diplomacy as like a primark but he's just a guy who looks like alfarius but no one knows because he's just still like marines so wait is the whole squadron like that or is it just some of them reconstruct some of them i was gonna say if you've got a whole legion and everybody looks like alfarius that's that's that's some mind [ __ ] um when you're fighting anybody do you see the book cover that shai posted up a few pictures you see how the dudes on his left and right are also bald and look like alfaria's oh my god they do don't they i only took a passing glance at the cover and i didn't notice that and oh god the spider-man meme works so good here it does you know you're all faris so with some time the alpha legion was pretty late into the great crusade they helped and did the best they could normally by destabilizing governments and stuff prior because of their like stupid little mischievous espionage and stuff which generally gave them a major discomfort with their other brothers like gilman did not like him because he's who would have guessed that rogueldorn really didn't like them because he can't read i was gonna say what can they read are they educated like are they literate mortarian mortarion also didn't like him they they also they all basically was like this is these are dishonorable ways of of warfare yeah you know like you're gonna if you're gonna do this you're gonna do standard military practices you're gonna do real battles you're not gonna destabilize the government and assassinate their high leaders and all this stuff even though it's the only vision it's not as honorable exactly one time giliman legitimately said uh that a operation was a waste of the emperor's bolt shells oh i draw a drawn-out waste of bold cells the only person who was really down with this was horus no because he was kidding he was so impressed he was like damn that's badass that's some cool [ __ ] this is neato good job of course he would be of course if anybody was going to be down with the efficient dishonorable of course it would be horus of course well horus was a pretty cool guy that's true this is before he was traders before he had like any of his crazy visions after he got stabbed right okay considering that horus was first to be found and alfarious last they kind of had a little bond especially since he was the one who found him okay so there it's it's the first and the last primary okay yeah i'm so soon skipping ahead the heresy begins right heresy starts heresy begins and then done and so it didn't take a ton to get the alpha legion onto horace's side because of their growing friendship and because of how much everyone else didn't really like them yeah um that being said something much more important happened during this period of time it was this weird visions are everywhere in the horus heresy uh but alfarius and omegom were contacted by members of a xenos-led organization called the cabal oh that's this was it's like it's hardest it's like multiple different xenos and a human this guy named john gramaticus who was basically like a perpetual like vulcan couldn't die yeah yeah and they all were like a council of psychers or something of that nature and provided a two visions to him during this period of time where they said the first and the last horus and alphareus would be the biggest and most important people in this heresy okay and they said that if the first vision the first vision was that the alpha legion remained loyal to the emperor and fought against horus the emperor would win but he would be gravely wounded and entombed into the golden throne and after ten thousand years the imperium of man would be slowly faded to decay and chaos would eventually kill them all the second outcome was that the alpha legion would join horus and fight with the emperor or fight against the emperor and the emperor would be killed this would have all the traitor legions uh oh and horus becoming a demon prince of chaos however with this horus would go on a 100 year bloody reign wiping out almost all of humanity but therefore starving chaos and then and then humanity would go extinct but so would chaos so according to those visions right if if i'm i'm i'm repeating a little bit so first vision is that alpha legion stays with the emperor but uh emperor becomes corpse emperor yada de blade body second one is they join chaos and horus wins goes on tyrannical rampage for 100 years starves chaos chaos dies right so on one hand the first one sounds like where we're currently at the legion the alpha legion uh helped the emperor yeah that's that's that's the one that i was like wait i it's about that that sounds like what actually happened and i was under the assumption that the alpha legion was uh was a traitor legion so if that is right then they didn't go traitor but they but they did go traitor so the visions are just wrong or that is what gives weight to the concept that they fake went traitor and are actually loyalists so they're okay okay that's that's kind of where i was yeah that's where the cogs were turning i was like that's i mean i guess i've heard that meme before where they're like um potentially like a splinter cell and they're not actually chaos and they're just faking it because [ __ ] you traitors we gotcha right and that's the question is like either the visions were wrong or they were actually pretending to be chaos and sabotaging from within how often are these sort of i don't want to say soccer how often are these visions wrong in 40k because usually when they bring up a vision if you fill out all the prereqs for a vision that [ __ ] happens in 40k anyway i haven't really heard too many instances of like psyche revisions being like oh nope those they were just wrong nothing to worry about it's more so the concept that the visions are there they are a future it is not every future okay like there are it is a future so they can't oh they can be wrong almost every time but often people attempting to make the future not happen cause the future to happen you know okay like i guess there's the option where like okay hey you had a uh you got a vision that in 20 years you will be a grand general and if that guy just puts a bullet pistol to his head and blows himself up that future isn't gonna happen that's true but perhaps you know something happens here and there and then who knows yeah or just him knowing like that there's a vision where he becomes a general maybe that like kicks kicks him into gear and if he had never heard the vision he never tries to become one but now that he knows it he actively anyway yeah yeah that's the problem of prophecy you know as it's always here and up and down um so because of this they had big thinking on what was going to happen and they decided that they would rather they think the more noble thing to do was to kill chaos in its entire i'm going to kill chaos oh god i'm sorry i'm here oh my god so they actually chose humanity extinction chaos death and joined up with horus and the heresy um now and if they were being loyalists man were they were they still being really bad they sabotaged the raven guard and their like gene primark dna to make new legionaries and gave it to the emperor's children um but they actually didn't give the emperor's children they tricked them because they're alpha legion they tried to blockade the white scars from figuring out what was going on with a giant fleet battle which didn't do particularly great they uh went to deal with lehman russ and almost wiped out the space wolves uh at the battle of the alexis nebula but then the dark angels came and saved them because the chaos can't get a win um of course it just so much [ __ ] happened there was tons of battles in the heresy but the big one is the battle of pluto and this entire thing was that a bunch of sleeper cells have been i've been kind of like planted in the soul system and pluto was a major base for communications during the horus heresy and so they really slowly and i mean like engines on minimal power went to the outskirts of the soul system and then drifted towards pluto over an entire year to quietly make their way to the planet without being detective oh and then started immediately dropping people and blast him of course and of course they're like okay destroy destroy the entire astropathic monitoring temple and therefore they go blind you know they won't be able to see all the people coming sure sound strategy sound strategy but unfortunately these dudes known as the imperial fists arrived in this in this [ __ ] uh in this [ __ ] spaceship called the phalanx oh which is a gigan giga temple and literally our links our good man illiterate rogueldorn showed up oh rogueldorn arrived someone who in particular did not like alphareus and the two of them actually went and uh started fighting they had their big primark duel on pluto um and after a decent amount of fights between the the terminators between the two of them and rogodorn's gigantic fuck-off chain sword called the storm's teeth oh [ __ ] and that is smashing holy [ __ ] that's a chain great sword it's it's a it's a chain car it might as well be that's a [ __ ] jesus it's a bladed conveyor belt yeah holy [ __ ] alfaria's head is also this weapon called the pale spear uh they were actually going at each other and he was about to stab dorm with it but dorne [ __ ] just shoulder decked the hell out of offerius and then shane sorted off both of his arms oh shanked him with his own spear and then crashed down on his head with the chain sword and our good man alfarius died a crushing death oh boy yeah he did looking at this picture of that fight and rogueldorn shoulder charging now i'm i'm i'm a little i'm a little upset that i made like the illiterate joke because he actually looks really dope he actually looks really gorgeous looks like rogueldorn looks cool he's just he's okay in in the in the book fairies is like i don't like rogal he never lies how can i trust somebody who never lies oh god yeah the the alpha legion would probably hate everything he stands for he's such there was i saw a meme recently about that episode of the office where it's like why are you the way that you are every time i try to do something fun or interesting you make it not that way and it was that was rogul speaking to curse and i was like the the most unbelievable thing in this statement is that rogueldorn want to do something fun oh it doesn't it doesn't involve building a freeway but yeah i'm just like man this guy looks so cool and like everybody that knows anything about 40k is like oh yeah rogueldorn is so cool and then i'm over here like i bet he's illiterate like i'm such a jackass it's all right the ultramarine fans don't forgive you either oh okay well [ __ ] them like ultramarine fans like i care what those plebs think so the comments section oh no in this battle alfarius is in fact very dead no getting around this one yeah um and and this is this is how fairies are fairies so we're aware this is not someone pretending to be him that had their faces reconstructed yeah and so after that naturally the alpha legion kind of sunk back they didn't get that fight and then everything past that is the horus heresy it ends we know how that goes and it's all a complete [ __ ] lie wait what if wait wait what do you mean it's all a lie that explain explain hey hey what happened [Music] hey man [Music] [Laughter] and we end the episode here no that cannot be where it ends so this is all established canon prior to the book oh okay which is why i said for the people that hold their comments oh so what would you like to know would you like to know the real story out of alfareus and omegon yes yes i do yes all right so what you're telling me is everything that we just talked about was like oh yeah this is this is what we think we know about the alpha legion but really that was all just like a cover story for some other [ __ ] this this was all trickery and lies oh alpha legion so horus was not the first primark found oh really alfarious the first memory he has is of a mixture of colors that he could barely even perceive and this and the sound of talons scratching at a glass around him as he soared through the warp and demons were like trying to get to him and he landed at least what i believe the book told me properly um i i think this is correct but i'm i'm just making sure uh on earth he showed up on terra and the emperor swiftly found him very very quickly before the cert before the search for horus even began before the thunder warriors were even wiped out whoa that is extremely clear way before he was found the first ever primark was found far before horus and was kept a secret by everyone in fact the emperor barely even raised alpharius uh and it was actually raised mainly by malcador remember malcador the sigilite oh yeah yeah yeah he was was he like the the he's like a really good psycher was always by the emperor's side yeah that's correct old man got a robe kind of kind of very subtle compared to the emperor yeah um reading this book i have confirmed that the ecuador the sigilite is sketchy as [ __ ] [Laughter] no kidding the the advisor figure for a big leadership person is sketch he is he is terrifying um it is ridiculous how strong of a striker this man is but he was mainly taught by malcador and malcador was always there to help alfarius grow his gift quote unquote affairs gift was to block people out of his mind and to be perceived in a different way so often afarius would walk around and he would look like a normal person he would not look giant he would not exude this like primark aura he would just be a guy he was still there but he had this kind of way to all to have other people perceive him as different okay so some real psycho [ __ ] well he wasn't well i guess every product is kind of a psycho but more so just the concept that he was able to close off his mind from other people okay uh he and malcolador played a game i believe they call it regicide but i think it's basically just chess it's their version of chess chess is registered isn't it i suppose whatever the refer the term yeah but as they played back and forth like you know he would win they'd get close and then makodora would just annihilate him and then he'd be like oh malcador you're like you're reading my mind he's like i am oh so often they would constantly work with each other so he could shut people out from his mind okay and so malcador couldn't be able to read his mind anymore so that's like exactly uh and so eventually he learned how to be better registered and eventually afarious was the best kept secret of the imperium nobody knew a primark had been found this is pretty great crusade this is pre-everything and during this time his entire job was to hone his ability at being stealthy is to walk around being completely like a normal menial being unnoticed yeah completely being hidden from all everybody eventually one of the tasks he did was the idea of pointing out defensive problems in the actual like holy terror the um the palace right yeah so he went through this incredibly elaborate plan to do an assassination attempt on the emperor right right and so that involves him going with a gigantic convoy of like mercenaries that are uh that are basically like what's it called delivering stuff for the emperor and then him being one of the gunners him paying off some pilots to shoot at his convoy to he to blow he would shoot all three pilots out of the sky but they would blow up and he would fling himself out of the gunner's seat but then be on the on the truck still on the other side and then hide in the bottom of the truck until he they got in there all right until he got into the truck itself okay and then hide in one of the boxes in a suit and everyone else would assume he'd be dead oh and then he would appear out of the box he would leave he ended up killing a custodian in the palace okay no smoking he's no he is a primark that's true um so he took the custodian's armor and weapon he went to a gunnery platform performed inspection placed a like a little doodad on one of the guns left removed the custodian armor and then went to the landing pad where the emperor was going to land with the guardian spear aimed at where the emperor was going to be standing oh boy that was his elaborate [ __ ] plan that is a hell of a plan and he was he was gonna try to assassinate the emperor the the concept was to point out flaws in the security system you got you got you um so he wasn't actually gonna kill the emperor he was just like hey look where i got and this is how i did it and uh i mean yeah he would have shot at the emperor but it probably would have done jack that's crazy so it's more of just like a statement yeah and this is back when the emperor was like at full power anyway so yeah good luck so an interesting thing was that he was like on a rooftop like a battlement really really hidden with his uh spear pointed down at the drop ship and the emperor walked out and met up with like malcador who was there and then at a quick moment when he's staring down at them malko dora's head just snaps and stares him like right in the eyes oh like from super far away makador is like ticked looks like he just like snaps his head all the way around and just stares at alfarius that's malcolm scary he's so frightening it was psychic power because he was hidden the whole time but i guess he had this slight uh lapse in concentration and makador is like warning zip tan right though he noticed that it was less that but also the thundering sound above his head as a custodian guardian spear shanked through the ceiling right where his head had been to try to stab him in the face and so he ended up ducking getting away and dueling with the captain general of the custodians known as constantine valdor he was like the head honcho eventually malcolm got them to stop but yeah it was the concept where it's like hey you know i could have assassinated the emperor and valdos like no you [ __ ] couldn't have i i got you you didn't get the chance i mean yeah and and then and then alphareus was like hey look at this button click click click and then the giant turret went to go face the emperor's ship oh right because he put little doodad on it yeah he's like ha ha i got it and valdor is like fine i'm good we'll we'll discuss your findings later and so this is actually what the origin was to the custodians blood games oh the custodians trying to get in and assassinating the emperor and then like doing these tests oh right i forgot that they did that yeah this is the origin this is where it started from oh that makes sense because someone infiltrated them and almost got to the emperor and of course they would want to make sure that never that's okay that's that clicks i got you the particularly with all faerius being a fairies and doing all this stuff he actually found the custodian guardian spirit to be really handy and feel really good so that's why his main weapon is a spear okay because he's like hey i like this weapon this is nice i'll take it i thought you're just gonna say yeah so he just took the custodian spear and now he uses the custodian spirit and it's like oh sick no constantine valder was not pleased that he killed one of his custodians oh that's right he did kill a custodian didn't he yeah he was not pleased it's like you could have shown us the faults without killing one of my because there's not a lot of custodians right well ten thousand and the grand scheme of 40k that's not a ton but you know well this is this is like pre lots of stuff so yeah but still yeah uh alfarious was there when the thunder warriors were all killed he didn't take part of it but he was there um he was like oh you know thunder warriors they're all dead well [ __ ] for a long time alfarius was really there to hone his deception skills and for the longest time he was still a secret he was never announced even when they found horus and when they found the lion they found all these people he was still constantly in the shadows never being revealed and he was off doing his own things one time he spoke to the lion uh the lion is the primarch of the dark angels didn't make that clear okay um he spoke to the lion as one of his soldiers as a dark angels soldier and and the yeah he was just kind of talking to him about like a mission and the lion was like yes yes whatever or whatever and he was a little suspicious but that was it um and alfarius was like huh i'm doing being pretty good at this yeah you fool the primark that's pretty good that's pretty good he's good especially the lion he's not easily fooled yeah old lion perceptive yeah lionel johnson perceptive [ __ ] so though with all the espionage and shenanigans alfarius had it was kind of nice to talk a little bit more about his personality um he's very nice he understands the concept of morale and he understands the concept of unquestionable like obedience especially when it comes to secrets of course got a million secrets um so he's actually very kind to the to humans he's kind to his other astartes often his astartes might be like are you sure about this lord and other you know primarks would be like how are you [ __ ] questioning me where for him he's like it's okay to express doubt because you know if i'm wrong i should know that i'm wrong you know he's he's a very reasonable guy he's very nice to people um there's a particularly great moment in the middle of the book where he's helping out a refugee camp or something from that people ran from an alien race but they said they found this is when he was looking for his twin brother omegon and he this was the lead he was following up and they he was speaking to this couple um this uh these couple two ladies and a daughter and they were like hey we saw this like great warrior fighting off the aliens when we were when we evacuated and he's like oh that's my lead you know so he eventually revealed himself as himself like the primark version of him and the two would blaze like like freaked out and died in the daughter and like oh my god oh my god holy [ __ ] you look exactly like him yeah and and all that stuff and eventually the refugee camp got assaulted and they the rest of them had to flee and so he went to find them because originally he was going to have one of their librarians wipe the memory so that he they would remember his face right because yeah but he wants to go find them and rectify the problem himself okay and well he's not a psycher it's true he's not i don't know why this whole time like once you said oh yeah he's searching for his brother uh omegon like yeah as soon as you said that i was like man he's pr that's probably the last primark that gets found isn't it like okay cause like uh alfarion would be the first one and you've got the alex afarius whatever you got the alpha and the omega the first and the last the beginning and the end right uh-huh you put you're putting some pieces together yeah yeah did you know that this flagship is called the alpha is it really yeah i'm gonna name my flagship the sigma and you can have your flagship the ligma oh i was about to say you should have oh you [ __ ] i was about to do that i was about to ah your ship can be the sugma [Laughter] like fire the earth to claws he imagines it's just just hitting uh hitting a giant red button in the middle of the ship this just says ligma balls that's the ligma clause like he had to go rectify the problem with the the three of them who saw his face natural and i was like oh [ __ ] this is interesting he's gonna murder the [ __ ] out of them yeah and just erase their minds and turn them in he can erase their minds oh his librarian was wounded he wasn't around oh okay that was that was the plan he had to go fix it was him alone to go fix the problem oh oh yeah oh yeah and i thought i thought they were going to kill them which i thought was surprising because uh technically i guess in this book that was like a lesbian couple with their daughter and i was like holy [ __ ] they just really they just showed off like a like a lesbian relationship and a warhammer book and then our fairies just like shank yeah and then and then kills their like six-year-old daughter oh um i thought that's what the way they were going and i was like that is incredibly dark super dark but i guess fitting in terms of warhammer um because you know lamao civilians lol said karn the betrayer uh but no he actually recruited them onto his ship oh it was like hey i need your loyalty either like die or join my ship and be part of the alpha legion like work in comms for my flagship or something and and they were like yeah it sure beats death yeah working on a startes vessel are you kidding me under a primark like yes of course why wouldn't we why would it's an easy choice it was actually it was actually kind of kind of nice it was kind of sweet because um they give you a good like hour into the more into the book without knowing anything about them until he mentions them that they were now as calm officers like oh he didn't kill them hooray hooray hey it feel it's a feel-good story in warhammer let's go for once that being said alfari is being so nice i'll be als also honest i don't like him real he's cut he's kind of a huge prick he's i have not i don't think anyone besides rogueldorm has a um like a superiority complex more than he does oh really this he is so smug about himself all the time he constantly does the uh i could have easily bested him in battle this isn't bragging this is simply fact oh he does that a lot and he's cause he's constantly hidden among other people's ranks and like fooling other primarks he feels so [ __ ] ahead of himself oh that's he's there he's inc he's got a gigantic ego and superiority complex while shaming other other primarks for their egos it's quite hypocritical yep um and it's a little it's a little aggravating yeah i don't know why but i just didn't think that al alfarian would be like ralph there he is i don't know why i keep fighting i am nefarious nefarious right right whatever um i don't know why i didn't think he would he would be like that i didn't think he would be so smug you know because he's always staying hidden uh he he didn't murder those those two people and he let them becomes it's he seemed like he'd be kind of a little more ch and he's all about morale and and taking the advice of his troops i just didn't think he'd be a smug [ __ ] that's why he is smug because he deems himself better than all the other prime marks because they don't do that that's true that's true i i mean i he's he's probably one of the nicest primarks besides vulcan in terms of how he treats civilians and other people he does care but he's still kind of a prick i was gonna say it's not exactly a high bar we're setting either not entirely it's like oh he's not as good as vulcan but it beats the other people that just murder them without care so interestingly enough they actually get a bead on omegon his twin brother on the planet that the two of them three of them were evacuated from and what they do is they go to that planet and they are immediately ambushed by the sloth let me i don't think shy has any any pictures of the sloth i i hope it's what i think and they're just like bipedal actual sloths they're not claws and they're just really slow but they're really tanky they're actually [ __ ] horrifying oh god they're they're also known as maggot men oh no i hate it i i i hate i oh it's not that's the carrion masters or the dream eaters uh um they are they are a an alien race they have been mentioned before and they're actually still around but they're not talked about or shown much um these things are actually incredibly vile yeah um they are just giant they're bipedal things full of maggots for hands and worms covering the face and they've got these other ones called like constructs and and warrior constructs and they are giant floating contorting balls of flesh and they and they float around in the air in the in the air and then when they see you they jut out giant spiked limbs and spike like like giant metal spears from their body and open up huge like full teeth gaping moths and they skitter at you like the speed of a lion whoa and they and they pull out like giant necro like a necrotic laser beams from their their mass to fire and it like it like burns through power armor it's like necron lasers whoa and they've got so they got sorcerers those those dudes with the maggots they've got sorcerers and giant spears they they have no pain receptors the way the guy um uh they actually one of them 1v1 nalfarius was like grabbed both of his arms and started seeping acid into his like gauntlets and he was like he was like holding alfarius down and the voice actually did a really good job with this you because the thing spoke to him and he had this very like flesh flesh thing i will feast on you kind of [ __ ] like that it was really nasty those like three warrior constructs and one of those guys killed like five [ __ ] astartes and like two terminators okay that's that's that's a big deal that's these dudes are no they're they're fleet they had a fleet like they're they're space faring oh these maggot people are space faring like what is they what but they consume and like eat flesh and stuff there they eat the dead there and but they had a fleet and when alfarius's flagship arrived they were taking a beating they had to retreat because the fleet like was battering their ship holy jesus these things are honestly like so incredibly disgusting the way they were described yeah and so incredibly disgusting to look at i hope we see more of them i was going to say they sound like they'd make really dope minis disgusting sloth army also that picture you posted there's like uh there's something on the dude's belt that goes up to his face it's like a pipe that goes all the way up to his face is that a is that a like is that a is that how they survive is there something in there or is it never really described it might be one of his scepters um there's a couple different uh images of of swaths and all uh some of them have like ah here we go i got some i got i got some images for you my friends i gotta shoot don't you worry and it's also for shy too because i don't think she knows about this oh god put the master back on oh jesus there's that thing as well um there's there is a lot of these things and they are just they are just awful um here's actually a good picture of the construct you might need to click on that one oh no oh god that's awful oh no i oh oh boy that's one of those [ __ ] things uh bit the head off of a space marine with that maw yeah i don't doubt that that's uh not not fan very gross nope that is oh oh boy they really should make minis out of those um totally yeah they should that oh man you could do the robed guy with his mask on and just have like his limbs be icky crawlers and stuff too like that oh that'd be so cool these are actually pretty dope i wish they would do more yeah um anyway uh this planet was being attacked by all these aliens but omegon was still supposed to be on this planet um in fact the main dudes there with the scepters they have like sorcery magic like like necro magic um and so they eventually pretty much all of alfarius's guys die and besides him uh and eventually they him alone finds omegon and omegon is there in scaled-up armor holding us giant spear oh kind of just like alfarius was right um the difference is that he actually has this very fancy spear known as the sarah sonata it's also known as the pale spear but it was known to possibly be a relic from the sloth so that whole story about him being taken by the sloth and being mind [ __ ] and stuff never happened oh never occurred he just happened to land on a planet that had already been overran or killed by the sloth and he had one of their weapons there and eventually he hitchhiked off with a pirate vessel that came around and he hitchhiked his way off of it into a different area okay so he just kind of landed on like like a dead world hunting and stuff um but that pale spear kind of seemed like it would phase in and out to the material realm and whatever it would slice it would turn straight into like an oily black fog oh which was actually something that the sloth were able to do in combat so it's like a relic sloth weapon perhaps or something of that nature um but eventually they meet up oh my god we're fighting together oh my god my my soul feels like whole and they they talked for a while and they came to the conclusion that the emperor probably didn't know about omegom probably not yeah and the concept that actually in the warp they were split in two oh so when they were when they were pulled that's why their soul always felt halved because they were actually duplicated into two separate primarks oh which is well probably why he's a little bit smaller yeah you know probably like pro stuff so it's not necessarily that they're twins it's literally like a duplication of him that they were like duplicated in the warp and they're just that's their theory ah okay that's the theory that they that they said we don't fully know but that's their theory okay um so eventually that he tells him everything about what happened and all that and they eventually had to fight their way through the sloth which was a lot easier not they were together because together they're just like a really good fighting force oh sure yeah uh because of course double primark um they eventually escaped through a shuttlecraft and made their way back to their ship uh and so then came the question of what the hell to do and so they said hey why why ever reveal omegon oh or in a sense oh in a sense why doesn't omegon take the name apharius so horus horus never met the real alfarius or maybe he did at some other point we don't know the person who jumped onto the ship was actually omegon oh wow who who took the name offarius oh oh that's that's some tricky [ __ ] while all the other time afarius pretended to be omegon oh but and so rogueldorn did not kill alfarius rogaldorn killed omegon oh and it said that gilliman later on actually killed alfarius but i don't believe that for a second because it barely has any any like story to it and he says he killed all farias like yeah witch well yeah which one like are you sure that you killed him also that that totally [ __ ] with that prophecy right because uh well actually does it well that's the that that's that's the question because because then it would have been omegon that was or whatever uh joining horus and that wasn't the first primark that was like the oh boy that's a that's a that's a lot of that's a that's an m night shyamalan right there dude that's a there's a lot a lot of twists someone some people think that alfaerius was like maybe posing as omegon was supposed to be more chaos related while uh omega on posing as alfarius was supposed to do more loyalist stuff or they had disagreements or or neither of that or maybe because of uh alfarius who was actually omegon was helping horus and while omega who was actually offerious you see why i was hesitant yep yep i definitely see uh the the sort of problems uh that would that would arise here yup uh okay i saw one of my favorite comments about the book i'm gonna read you this comment okay i still can't believe that canonically omegon took the name offerius while a various name omegom and then when alfarius who was omegon was killed by dorm omegom who was actually alfarious renamed himself alfarius in honor of alfarius who was actually omegon oh that's that so when alfarius who was omegon died to dorne omegon who was alfarious the whole time renamed himself to alfarius in memory of alfarius who was actually omegon uh-huh yeah and you wonder why i wanted to wait on this oh my god so so so the alf so omega is dead okay cool i was like wait so does that make although omegon because he was no well we think we think omegon's dead yeah that's if if was still was still alfarious and stayed as alfarious the whole time and they never swapped which i'm goddamn certain they did so all i know is that one of them one of the twin primarks is dead one of them is gone it doesn't doesn't really matter which one is surely not they're they're twins it's fine the book literally opens with i am alfarious this is a lie you told me about that and i was like oh my god that's perfect the book ends with i am alfarious this is a lie when he was speaking to horus oh boy that is literally literally in the book they were talking about like imperial records uh-huh and he was talking about how uh records records always tell the story of someone and you know a lot of times imperial records lie to make things work sure and he was talking about the whole thing because the because the book is told from a first person perspective yeah yeah and he at the at the end of this whole monologue he's like but then again this is my record and all records lie ah damn it and so they even have a back out if they want to retcon everything oh jeez i i gotta be honest with you i feel more confused after learning everything than i did before we started the alpha legion is so weird and wonky and and the prime well i guess just the primarks are just like holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is going on um hide your dominatus my dude yeah hi hide your dominoes yeah you you cut off one head and another one grows back right mm-hmm that's why you could never kill all various because we're all all followers yeah they all look like him or at least a lot of them do is it is it was it everybody did you say or is it just a bunch of them that a bunch okay and some that are better at performing as if they were all farious than all farias because don't forget alfaria so megan can both do that thing where they can like kind of hide themselves oh it's true so even so oh my god like literally i i have a bit of a headache trying to wrap my head around like alfarius and omegon and like all the swapping and all the deception it's it's that's wild that's it's kind of cool though like how deceptive it is and how confusing it is and how just it is kind of it is kind of a neat like sort of mystery of like is it really alfarious did he really is the book accurate how much did they funnel it and it's kind of cool actually so it's it gives them it it's in the beginning it was needlessly complicated it is better now i'm a bit i'm a bit better with understanding it now so long as everything that was said was correct yeah the problem comes with everything after because the book ends with the the meeting of ted omegon who was pretending to be alfarious with horus which in a sense does make them the first and the last because you are right omegon was the last to be found yeah both in terms by all farias and by horus so in reality that fleet that horus was fighting was a fake fleet entirely meant to fabricate the lie that omegon made a fleet or actually perpetuate the lie that al farias made a fleet because remember why you said that omegom or al farias [ __ ] remember how uh we said that al farias had a fleet that horace was sent to go deal with yeah so that entire fleet was all a lie made up to make the original discovery of al-farius its own deal even though it was actually omegon not alfarious who was found on the planet below oh boy that's a lot oh plans within plans within plans oh my god oh yeah i forgot to mention one time he disabled the um destabilized the planet's uh political hierarchy and plunged them into civil war and and the the group that rose up were chanting blood for the blood god oh so he accidentally caused the coronate cold whoops all according to plan i meant to do that it's fine right you meant to do that that's awful it's all various yeah yeah yeah so in terms of game alpha legion are a chaos space marine faction okay you play them as chaos space marines they do not have rules for loyalists they are chaos space marines okay um that being said they have done a lot of [ __ ] that would peg them as chaos however they have had groups of the alpha legion do stuff that was actually good and loyalist some would say that because they had such a surprisingly bad time holding off the white scars and weren't able to kill the space wolves that was a sign of them holding back to pretend like they're chaos oh right others would say that chaos just simply can't catch a break both are correct um both are also right no matter what their color scheme is really cool their armor is very cool too with the armor their armor is badass they're uh the hydra symbol is cool hydra dominatus is a pretty cool uh war cry yeah it's nowhere near as cool as ave dominus knox [ __ ] you but is it possible that the um the alpha legion is doing is literally doing chaos and loyalist stuff just to confuse everybody and they're not really specifically on one side they're just trying to be as deceptive as possible to fool chaos and that was that was one concept where maybe one primark is doing chaos stuff one primark is doing loyalist stuff and perhaps the alfarius who actually was omegon dying to door and perhaps was the the loyalist stuff or they're both doing both because nothing can be simple yeah that's that's kind of what i was thinking like they they do both because they're like well we want to be deceptive to everybody and we don't want chaos getting a beat on us but we don't want the imperium to get a beat on us so let's just confuse everybody and do chaos and loyalist [ __ ] i honestly don't have an answer and i don't even think alpha legion players have one yeah probably not it's a it's a i don't think it's a question you could answer right it seems like the answer is just they're doing stuff and honestly if we did have an answer it would really like ruin the fun that's true yeah shy said like if we had an answer the alpha legion would be lame and that's true because then there'd be no deception there'd be no question about it you would just know that they're just being shitlords for the sake of confusing both sides so yeah i guess the mystery is all is what makes the alpha legion so fun it is the color scheme and the mystery and the fact that the primark is two of them yeah and and of course the i am spartacus kind of yeah spartacus and i mean hydra heads look [ __ ] cool oh yeah and like we already said the armor super dope super dope so so i i had to scramble through the first 25 minutes of lying in order to properly properly make the reveal decent enough because if i don't do a little bit of that then it's not a it's not an alpha legion episode um man i tried my best today that was fun like when when you were like oh yeah by the way that's all a lie and then you went silent for like a minute i was i mean i was i was foaming at the mouth to know what the [ __ ] happened and what you were talking about so i uh i was thoroughly engrossed in the alpha legion's deception and the prime minister obviously i'm i'm glad that you were the uh the alpha legion was the tricky one honestly this is the episode if if if i didn't do a great job at it i'm sure i'll hear about it if i did good now we can move on to important things yeah like latino syrian ab pictures that you've done in your work by thunder warriors ugh oh alpha legion oh i'll fully jimmy all right legion should i take us home country road country roads no no that wasn't an inside this thing that was on twitter oh all right i got it oh boy uh thank you very much for watching listening whatever the [ __ ] i don't know uh tk where can they find you uh i'm alfarius and you can find me at dkdmonty's everywhere youtube i can't believe you didn't what is wrong god damn it all right i'm all fairies you can find me at alfareus dk work or alfarious where can they find you no leave it shall i leave it i was the top tier purveyor in 40k memory this time for the end of this episode and that's all you need to know or is it or is it you can find quiet shy who's actually dk who's actually nefarious who's actually omegon over at quite shallow or also known as quite alfarious uh posing as omega and killed by doran actually omega dorn was never doored dorne was actually omegom who was alfarious killing offerius who was omegum they had a brilliant rivalry we're done learn to read [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 550,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore, alpha legion, alpharius
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 9sec (4089 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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